Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

He looks at her and tilts his head, then puts his front paws up on the bench, pawing at it, he then jumps up on it and rolls on his back, tail wagging and smiling. He couldn't resist playing with her a little, you could tell a lot about people from how they treated animals, he whines softly again and barks lightly.
She looks at him an grins. "You've got to be kidding me. You don't even know me boy, and you wanna play, or do you want your belly rubbed? " She approaches him and begins to rub his belly. "I had a dog when I was growing up. Grover. He was my best friend. Poor boy died from old age. He was happy dog. I haven't been around one since, but you're so cute. You remind me of him. Yes you do." She moved from his belly to his head. "I don't live around here, and I can't take you on the plane. Well. I could." She sighs. "I don't want to get attached to another dog though. I hurts when they're gone. I'm sorry boy. I'll help find you a good home though. One with lots of room and plenty of people who love you."
Jareth sighs and enjoys the good scratch, he glances around then puts a paw on her lap and looks at her 'I have a home... With a big family... But it's missing someone...' He tilts his head and whines softly again, his paw gently, but firmly hold on her in place. 'I'm sorry to come like this... But I can't risk being seen... I even changed colour...' He sits on the bench beside her, his paw still keeping her there.
"Oh shit. Demon boy? Is that....I mean Jareth," she whispers. "Okay. Yeah. It's probably a good idea you're in this form. In case his mother had me followed. Okay. I'm sorry about Mason, but I don't get it. He's running fast from something, and when I mentioned you, he didn't want to talk about it. So what can you tell me?"
He sighs softly and lays on the bench, now resting his head on her lap lightly, he flicks his tail and lays his ears back. 'It's a long story... I hope you're ready for this...' He glances up at her and begins to tell their tale, never leaving her lap and keeping an eye out around them. It took a little over an hour to tell her everything that he knew, he had started to whine softly towards the end, remembering the pain of him walking away. 'There... Now you know...' He looks out over the water, waiting for her reaction.
"Oh Jareth. I'm so sorry. You're heartbroken, and so is he. He's had everything ripped away from him, and even now he feels like he has to share everyone to be loved. No wonder he wants to star over with me. He won't have to share me. I'm sorry. Please don't think I'm thinking about it. Mason is a nice guy, he's sexy, but he can never be mine. He already loves someone. A few someones in fact. So what are we gonna do? He won't come back, and even though you're giving him a month, when that time is up, he still won't come back. He's taken the job here. He's hiding behind his mother."
At the mention of his mother Jareth growls and bares his fangs 'I detest that... Woman... And I've never even met her...' He calms down after a minute and sighs again, then thinks 'Maybe... Maybe you can help me... Us...' He looks at her 'It can't involve Mel, not in her state, but if he is as 'ready' to move on as he says... He'll ask you to marry him... Won't he...' He stands 'Only... Only you won't be the one to say yes...' He wags his tail 'It... It could work... He'll want to make it a public thing... Rub it in our faces so to speak...' He looks at her with pleading green eyes.
"You want me to do a bait and switch on him?" She grins. "His mother will be furious. He might not be too happy with either of us for that matter, but alright. I'm willing to help you. I agree. Mel shouldn't be a part of this. We were friends way back then. Mason's mother even liked me. Then I told her I actually liked Mel when she mad because he wanted to marry her. The woman stopped talking to me. She ended all contracts with my father and his company too. Hurt our business really bad. She is a bitch. She's use to always getting what she wants Jareth. You might be in for a fight, and I think she might be more demon than you are," she teases.
Jareth smiles at her and jumps from the bench and pads over to the trees nearby 'Follow me... I want to show you something...' He waits for her to follow his to where he'd have enough room, then tells her to close her eyes, he waits 'I don't think his mother will be a problem... You can look now...' He had shifted to his full size and grey colour, standing more then twice her height 'That woman... Won't hurt my love anymore...' He growls low and bares his fangs as a show, then calms and lays down before her 'So... Did you and Mel ever...' He smirks as best he can.
She follows him curious about what he wants to show her. As he towers before, showing her, she is in awe. Her lips part as she stares at him. When he rests on the ground and asks his question, she blushes. "Now you are a dirty dog. No. She and I never did anything like that at all. I prefer men, not that I've had much practice," she rolls her eyes. "I'm glad you're not worried about his mother." Her mind adds, 'because I am.'
Still bein in her head, he heard her fear 'You help us... And we'll help you... That woman will not touch you... You'll be safe with us... I'm sure even Manson would agree...' Sure no one was around, he shifts to human form "Thank you... For giving us... Me.. This chance..." He looks at her "He was talking about me tonight... Wasn't he... I felt him... But it was so light I missed it..." He takes her hands "Ask him about us... Try and get him to talk... Maybe he'll tell you..." He couldn't believe he was going to say this "Try... Getting him drunk... But be careful... He does some stupid things... As I told you..." He smiles and squeezes her hands softly.
She looks at her hands in his. "You felt him..thinking about you tonight? It must have been when he did talk about you, but only for a moment. You were inside my head. If he was close to me, and we were talking could you hear it?" She couldn't help but stare at him. "I'm sorry for staring, but you are handsome. No wonder he fell for you."
He smiles softly "Askng as you don't touch... You can look all you want... As for hearing... I'm not sure... I've never tried... And I'm not as... Close to you... As I am him... It's hard to get a good hold..." He reaches up and cups her cheek softly "You're quite beautiful yourself... And I hope you find that special someone yourself..." He steps back from her "I should be going... And you'll need to give his phone back... But keep my number..." He smiles at her again.
Gabby nodded. "Yeah. I should get back too. He might be looking for me by now. "I'll try to hold his arm or something. Maybe you can get a read off him then. It's worth a try. What's the worst that can happen? You won't hear anything? Then you're right where you are now. No worse off." Of course there were things she wasn't saying. Gabby knew not to reveal all her cards. "I'll keep your number and keep you informed. Now go. We can't be seen together." She wouldn't have far to go to get home once he was gone. She had lied. Mason was on the very island they were on. The two hour wait was to throw him off. She headed back home and opened the door. When she turned on the light, there was Mason in the dark. "Geez Mason! You scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here in the dark?"
"Where's my phone Gabby?"
"Look, I picked it up by mistake."
"Don't lie to me! Why?"
"Mason I just wanted to see if there was anything on there about anyone new in your life, and there is. Jareth," she said taking his arm. "Tell me about Jareth Mason. I want to hear you talk about him. Do it. Now. You need to." His heart broke, and he felt a pain in his chest. "No! I told you I didn't want to talk about that."
"You said not at the restaurant. Well we're in my home. So do it. Tell me about him. Do you love him?" He didn't answer. "Do you love him?" Still no answer. "Do you love him?!"
"Yes! I love him with every fiber of my being. It hurts to breathe without him here! Are you happy?" He snatches his phone from her and storms out.
He had walked off, far enough away form people to teleport home, when her thoughts hit him like a ton of bricks, he fell to his knees in the woods and let the tears fall 'I... I knew it... I still love you too baby...' He spoke in her mind, not wanting to show himself yet 'Thank you... Gabby... I really needed that... I'll be in touch...' He calms himself enough to teleport home 'Meet me in the hot tub...' He spoke to Kevin only as he seen 'landed' on the deck, already removing his clothes, a few tears still falling.
Kevin looks up. “Gotta go.” Aliya smiles. “Jareth on the way back?”
“Yep, and I advise everyone to stay away from the hot tub unless you want sex.” He opened the door to the deck and began peeling his clothes off as he made his way towards him. The closer he got, he saw his face. “Baby? What’s wrong? What happened? Talk to me,” he said cupping his face.

Nicholas looks over to Kaden and then to Melanie. “So. Mel? You fancy a dip in the hot tub?” She looks up grinning. “Oh you are terrible.” He raises his eyebrows. “I’m sure Kaden would love to go.” She tilts her head. “Wait. You don’t want to go with us?” He makes his way across the room. “Yeah. I’ll be there, but I want her,” he says pulling Aliya close to him.

“Mason,” Gabby yells running out to him. He’s standing on her porch. “Gabby I can’t. I just can’t. Please don’t ask me why, but I can not go back there. Alright? Ever. If that means giving up Jareth, then I’ll do it.”
“Wait. You’re not staying away because of Jareth?”
“No,” he shakes his head. “Then what? You’re not making any sense Mason. He loves you. He wants you back. You love him. What’s the problem? Even Melanie is fine with what happened and sharing you. I don’t get you Mason Weathers! You’ve got people who fucking love you and want you, and you’re turning your damn back on all of them without an explanation! Do you know how stupid and selfish that is? Huh?! I’d give anything to have one damn person love me. You’ve got how many?!” He rushes over to her. “Ssshhh. It’s alright. Calm down.” He pulls her into a hug. “I’m here. Gabby, I’ll love you. Just give me the chance. Alright.” He kisses her softly.
Jareth pulls him closer and smiles "It's ok love... We made a plan... If everything goes well... We'll have him back in a month..." He kisses him "But I'll need to get your rings ready..." He glances behind him and smiles "We're gonna have some company..." He leads Kevin into the water and pulls him into his lap, having him straddle him, his hands rub over his back and he starts to kiss him softly.

Kaden smiles and pulls Mel closer, kissing her softly "I own you some..." He smiles and takes her hand, leading her onto the deck and starting to slowly undress her, glancing at Jareth and Kevin, it looked like he got some good news. He looks back to Mel and softly cups her breasts, rubbing her nipples lightly "You like that baby..."
“A month! That’s incredible! I can’t wait!” The water finally gives him the last bit of warmth he wanted. His lips meet Jareth’s, and he cups his face feeling his touch.

“Yes you do,” she whispers just before he kisses her. She steps on to the deck. Jareth and Kevin look already engaged in each other. Her gaze returns to Kaden as she feels his touch. “Yes….M’Lord. I do.” Her breathing catches, and she gently takes his wrists.
Jareth keeps his touch and kisses light, just like at the lake, just loving him, he kisses to his neck and licks and kisses softly. He reaches between them and slowly strokes them both, moaning lightly against his skin.

Kaden smiles and slowly leads her to the water, having her on his lap like Kevin and he kisses her roughly, he holds her hips and rocks her against him. "Nnn..." He kisses along her throat and nips lightly, then moves on to her breasts, licking and sucking her hard nipples.
Kevin groans, forgetting anyone else is with them. It didn’t matter. “You are..certainly..making love.” It never crossed his mind to try and take him like Mason had. He didn’t want to. He was happy feeling his touch and letting him take him.

Melanie sighs as she sinks into the warm water. She grins feeling the bubbles at her back. “M’Lord. This is..wonderful. We should get one of these,” she giggles. Her fingers lace in his hair as she moves under his mouth, grinding against him. “Where is..Nicholas..and Aliya?”

Aliya is watching through the window when Nicholas comes up behind her. “We should go out there.”
“No,” he says shaking his head. He turns her to face him. “I want you naked, on the table, now.” It was clear it wasn’t a request. He kisses her deeply, pulling her shirt open. “Move it,” he whispers against her lips. “Yes Sir,” she tells him before stealing a kiss.
After a few minutes he lifts Kevin and slowly enters him, holding him close and starting a slow pace, he kisses across his chest. "Did I not say I would..." He smirks and licks at his nipples, then lightly nips each one, his hands slide up his back and lightly claw down it, still slowly rolling his hips up.

Kaden nips her nipples lightly "I'm sure... They are having their own fun..." He lifts her lightly and starts to slide into her slowly "Now stop thinking about them... And more about you..." He smirks at her and trusts in fully the last few inches, he moans and starts her riding him, he holds her hips and helps her move "Ride me baby... You can't be in here too long..." He smiles at her and rubs her belly softly "It's not good..."
Kevin is weightless in the water, and Jareth lifts him with ease. He sighs deeply , feeling him, all of him. “Yes. You did my love. 80 years. I think we’re down to….75 more to go,” he teases as he feels him tease his nipples. “You Don’t you, or is it just my react-reactions you like?”

“Yes M’lord,” she responds to everything he said. She moves for him, with him, lifting her body in the water, seeing the waves she causes as she rides him. The sensations were so different now. He felt as if he were going deeper. “Fuck M’lord. You feel so….good. It won’t take me long.” She gritted her teeth as her breasts began to bounce with her frenzied pace. “I want you to cum too M’lord. Promise me. Tell me you’ll fill me up.”
Jareth smirks and pulls back to look at him, he lightly grips his cock and teases his tip softly "I told you at the lake my love... I love watching you fall apart at my touch... Watching you lose yourself to the pleasures I give you..." He uses his claws along his shaft and barely teases his tip, knowing it doesn't take much, he keeps up the slow thrusting of his hips, watching him "That's it my angel..." He smirks at him.

Kaden moans and reaches up, taking her breasts her pushes them together and licks at her nipples, suckling them as she rides him. "Nnn... I promise... Mmm, you're so tight baby..." He continues to lick and tease at her breasts.
"I can'' feels..I want to.." Kevin's entire body jerks as Jareth teases him. He tightens around him. "You me..cum. I can't..fuck." Each time he exhales, his body grows rigid as he crouches forward, curling towards Jareth.

Melanie slams her body into him harder. She grabs his hair, holding his head at her breasts. She explodes, grinding into him, squeezing him with her thighs. Her face flushes as she moans to him. "M'Lord. So..good." Her efforts don't stop though. "Scream for me, M'lord, when you cum."
Jareth keeps it up, panting softly as Kevin's reactions help pushing him close as well, "Yes... You'll come for me little angel..." He watches him and rests their foreheads together as he curls close enough, he moans softly for him. "Nnn... So tight my angel... Mmm..."

"Nnn... Fuck..." He moans against her breasts and holds her close as she continues to ride him with her tight pussy "Yessss!" He tosses his head back and cries out as he cums, filling her.
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