Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Nicholas holds him firmly. “You like me like this huh. I’ll have to remember that.” He helps him take a few steps. “I don’t know how. We’ll figure it out as we go.”

“Alright. I’ll get you some warm tea Kevin. You just sit right there.” He smiles as her. “Thanks Mel.” Aliya takes Jareth and leads him into Nicholas’ study. “Here,” she says pressing play on the video. Mrs. Weathers gives her speech, and the camera pans over to Mason who has his arm around the woman. The both look at each other, their lips move slightly, and he leans down giving her a nice kiss on the lips. “I’m sorry Jareth. I know you love him. This has to be hard to watch.”
He takes a few steps with his help, then his legs start to wake up and he's able to stand.

Jareth watches, sees him talking to her before he kisses her, he backs it up and turns up the volume slightly and listens closely, playing that section a few times. "Let's... Put on a show?" He stops the video and stares at him on the screen "It was an act..." He looks at Mel "But an act for who... His mother, us... Or himself..." He sighs and rests back in the chair "One month... I gave him one month before I go looking for him... That I wasn't giving him up without a fight... I didn't save him twice to watch him walk away... And if not for me... Those kids..."
Nicholas heads into the kitchen where Mel is making Kevin’s tea. She smiles at the two of them. “I’m making some tea for Kevin. He got a little too cold getting into a mountain stream. I could have told him it would be too cold. Would you guys like some?” Nicholas nods. “Yeah. That would be great. Where is everybody else?”
“Aliya is helping Jareth find some warm clothes for him.” Nicholas looks at Kaden. He knew exactly what Aliya was doing. “I see. Well then, do you mind if Kaden and I keep you company in here?”
“Of course not. Have a seat.”

“What do you mean an act? How can you tell that from this video? I don’t get it.”

Kevin curled up on the couch glad to be inside. “I could go back to sleep,” he laughed.
Kaden walks with him to the kitchen and inhales "Mmm... This smells so good... Shall we dish it out Sweety..." He kisses her cheek softly "Nich helped with everything beside the rolls... I say he did a good job..." He glances at Nicholas and smiles "I think there will be many more... Lessons to come..." He gets his gloves and pulls the meat and veg out of the oven "Mmm..." He sets it down and looks back at Kevin "No you won't... There is good food ready to eat... That will warm you up... Or do I have to sick my doctor on you..." He chuckles and starts to get things ready with Mel.

Jareth looks at her "I heard him... He said he wanted to put on a show for everyone... The question is... For who.." He closes the computer and stands, pulling a larger sweet suit from a drawer "We better get back in there... Sounds like the others are out... Thanks for showing me..." He kisses her cheek softly.
"No," Kevin laughs. "You don't have to sick your doctor on me." Nicholas grins looking over at Kaden. He liked seeing him like this. He was handsome, but he knew the pain he felt inside. "I would love to have some more lessons in the kitchen with you," he says. Melanie looks between the two of them. "Well I could use some help in the kitchen too. Do you mind if I take part in your lessons M'lord?" Nicholas blushes deeply and looks away letting Kaden handle that question.

Aliya nods. "No problem. Let's join the others for dinner then, and perhaps we will tell Melanie at dinner."
Kaden blushes as well, not as darkly and turns to Mel with a smile "You'd like some cooking lessons?" He hugs her to him slowly and kisses her softly "Main courses... Or desserts..." He smirks and leans closer to lick at her neck before kissing it and stepping back, he starts to takes the food to the table as she collects herself.

Jareth and Aliya soon return and he goes to give Kevin the clothes "Here... This should keep you warm until we go for our dip later... How are you feeling now? Besides hungry with that smell in the air..." He smiles and helps him up.
“Oh,” she gasps, as his lips touch her neck. “Lessons. Right. I think I..understand now.” He releases her, but Melanie’s body wants more. She knows she’ll have to wait. She straightens her clothes, and makes sure her hair looks fine, before she follows into the dining room. Nicholas was beside Kaden in there. “You know she would have let you take her right there?” Kevin stands and quickly puts the clothes on, feeling warm right away. “Thanks.” He takes a deep breath, smelling the food. “Yeah. That does smell good Kaden,” he says heading into the dining room with Jareth and Aliya. They’re all in the same room again, and Kevin looks around. He can’t stop the thought from going through his mind. ‘This would be perfect if Mason were here.’

“Here’s to a new life.” He clinks his glass of champagne to Gabby’s. She drinks before asking him, “Who are you trying to forget Mason? I mean come on. You married her and left this place. I’m not blaming youl I do know your mother,” she smiles. “So why come back? I know that things didn’t work out with Mel, but Mason you’re strong. You wouldn’t come back just because your marriage failed. What’s really going on?” He cleared his throat and looked down at the table. Thoughts of Jareth came to mind. “Do you really want to know?” She nodded. “Yes. I do. If I’m going to help you put on a show, I need to know who it’s for.” He looks back to her eyes. “Jareth.” As he speaks his name, he feels something deep within himself. He’s not sure if it’s his connection with him trying to reestablish or what, but he feels it. It takes his breath for a moment. “I feel love….with a….a,” he shakes his head. “A what Mason?”
“Demon. His name is Jareth.” She covers her mouth. “You fell in love with another man?” He nods. “Your mother won’t have it Mason. You know that.” Again he nods. “Alright. So our show if for him?”
“Please. Don’t ask me anymore. I can’t..tell you..about all of this.”
“Alright. I won’t, but sooner or later you have to tell more, or someone, about this. Mason you’re running away from it, and you can’t run forever. Stop and let someone help you with whatever this is.”
“A picture for the paper Mr. Weathers?” They both turn to the voice. “Sure,” he says smiling and leaning closer to Gabby. They kiss across the table, and he takes the picture. “It will be online tonight and in the papers tomorrow. Thank you!”
Kaden walks up to Nicholas and hugs him slightly after putting the food down "Oh I know... And I plan on 'rewarding' her later... Have we thought of an idea about leaving yet..." He kisses him softly as Mel walks into the room, sitting next to him and patting the seat beside him for her.

Jareth was smiling and looking at everyone ready to eat and about to sit down when Kevin's thought came to him, he looks at him and takes his hand, squeezing it 'It would be... And that day will come... We will all be together soon...' They sit down and start to eat, Jareth pauses a moment as he thought he felt something, but shook it off and continued to eat.
“Well M’lord this….looks so good.” Melanie pauses wondering would it still be alright to call him that once Mason was back. “Yeah Kaden. You and Nicholas did a good job on this. Hope it tastes as good it smells.”
“I know that feeling,” Nicholas adds, blushing. “So far it has every time I’ve had it.” He eyes Kaden, clearly not talking about the food. “Alright you two. Put a lid on it long enough to eat, “Aliya laughs. “Kaden this does look really good.” He phone buzzes in her pocket. “Sorry guys. Updates. I’m hopelessly addicted to various things. Twitter is the biggest one, but this,” she says fishing her phone and looking at it, “isn’t Twitter.” She sees the new picture of Mason kissing the same woman. “Wow. Seems like someone,” she looks up to Jareth, “Is busy putting on a show. I don’t think they’ll get a standing ovation though. You know. Bad actor.” She hopes he understands, but just in case she adds, ‘But the kiss across the table sure looks good.’ Aliya puts her phone away and starts to fill her plate.

“You don’t know that Gabby. Look, as soon as my mother gives her the divorce papers, and they’re processed, I want to settle down again, give being married another try.” Gabby rests on her elbows. “Great. So ask Jareth.” He smiles a little. “I did, but it’s not going to work out.”
“Oh? Why is that?”
“He’s with someone else.”
“Oh. I’m sorry Mason.”
“Don’t be. It’s my fault. Literally. So I was thinking we could spend some time together again Gabby. Get to know one another better. I don’t want to be alone, and I need a good woman by my side as I take this new job. What do you think?”
“What do I think? I think not only are you running like hell, you’re also trying to convince yourself as well as this Jareth guy that you’re over him. So whatever you’re running from, you’re willing to do a lot to put distance between you and it, or….him.”
Kaden was blushing and trying to dish out his food "I'm sure the Food... Will be great... Oh... I forget drinks..." He stands "You got any sparkling juice doc?" He kisses Mel, knowing she's can't have any alcohol and not wanting her to feel left out, he heads into the kitchen again. Jareth glances up "Hnn... The papers will do anything for a story..." He saw the photo in her mind, but put it aside for another look later, he continued to eat and talk with everyone.
Kevin looks over at Jareth. He thinks he’s pushing it aside, running like Mason is. “Can I see the picture,” he says to Aliya who looks at him shocked. “Well….yeah. Sure.” She pulls the phone back out and brings it up handing it to him. “Yeah. I know this guy. He’s a terrible actor. I just hope he doesn’t get his broken when the show fails.” Aliya smiles as he hands her the phone back. “Yeah. Me too.” Melanie gets up and heads into the kitchen with Kaden. “Need a hand with the drinks. I’ll grab some glasses. Let me see I’ll need….7. Right. You, me, Nicholas, Aliya, Jareth, Kevin, and.....” She stops realizing what she’s done. “Oh. 6. I only need 6.” She carefully puts the one glass back in the cabinet and looks at it. “You have to come back to me. That glass can’t sit alone.” Aliya whacks Kevin on the arm. “Be careful. What if she had wanted to see the picture?” She looks over to Nicholas. “It’s Mason kissing that girl again. They’re eating dinner right now.”
“Well Jareth is running from this. Don’t run like he is. You should have taken a look at the picture.”
“He knows to wait until she’s not around Kevin. Now relax.”

“If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be right back. I need to go the restroom,” he tells her standing and leaving. She looks around the restaurant for a moment before she sees his phone on the table. Gabby reaches over and grabs it and begins to look through it. “Facebook? Great. Let’s take a look at….Well now. Who are you? Jareth. My..demon.” It was a picture showing them together, happy, with their arms around each other. “You do love him. Oh Mason.” She continues to look through the pictures. She sees Kevin and Aliya and smiles at them. “Mel. You look so happy, but wait a minute. Who are you? Kaden? Kaden? I don’t remember him from school. Kaden? Hmmm.” She makes a mental note to check him out before looking through his phone numbers. Her eyes widen as she sees Jareth. The waiter passes by and she stands. “He’s in the restroom. Look. Here’s the money for the bill. Tell him I had to run.” She quickly heads out with his phone in hand and hails a cab. Once inside she stares at the phone number. “Do I call you or not?”
Kaden takes the glasses from her and pulls her into a hug, rubbing her back "We'll get him back baby... We'll get him back..." He looks at her and kisses her softly and rubs her cheek "I love you... And ine not leaving you... None of will..."

Jareth leans closer to Kevin and hugs him "I'm not running love... And I'm not letting him run for long... One month remember..." He kisses his cheek softy then thinks, he looks at Aliya "When was that photo taken... The time..."
"Thank you M'lord. I couldn't stand it if I lost you too." She wraps her arms around and hugs him tight. "I just don't understand. If there was some reason that I knew, something I could try to understand, maybe this wouldn't be so hard, but there's nothing. He didn't like you, but that shouldn't be enough to make him do this."

Kevin nods. "One month. That's it. then we go get him." Aliya jumps at the question. "Oh. Well let me see." She takes the phone out again and looks at the picture. "Son of a bitch. It was taken not even an hour ago. Bastard is probably still sitting at that same damn table. Why do you ask Jareth?"
Kaden kisses her again "I don't know my love... And I'm sorry for the part I played... But I'll help get him back... You have my word..." He kisses her again "Now let's go eat... Feed those little ones..." He smiles at her and hands her the cups again.

Jareth freezes a moments "He... He was thinking about me.. I felt it... There was a light tap... But it was so light... I didn't..." He looks down "He still cares... I know it..." He looks to Nicholas "What are we telling her about leaving?"
She follows Kaden into the dining room where they're all sitting. Nicholas gives Jareth a nod. "You know I hate to move us all, but I totally forgot that I rented out my house to this family that I met at the hospital. For one month they're going to be staying here. I've already taken the money from them and used it for the hospital. Sure I could give it back to them, but you know, I think this would be a good time to go into the city. I've got a place there too. What do you guys says?" Aliya is the first to answer. "I'm game. I love the city, and I've seen his place. It's great." Kevin shrugs. "Why not? At least the water there won't be freezing." Melanie laughs. "Oh why not? We'll all....still be....together. It'll be fun."

She shakes her head before pressing the button and waits.
Kaden smiles "Sounds fun... Let's celebrate..." He pops open the bottle and starts to fill glasses, handing them out. Jareth was about to take his "Hold on... I hear my cell..." He stands and moves to the other room, Mason's face flashing on his screen, his eyes widen and he grabs it, quickly stepping outside, he answers it "Mason... Baby is that you?" He tried hard not to let his voice crack, he took a deep breath.
Melanie’s face lights up as the bottle opens. Taking her glass of juice she watches everyone. Kevin’s eyes are on Jareth as he leaves.

“Sorry Jareth. I took his phone. My name is Gabby Hunters. You must be his demon. From your picture and the sound of your voice, you’re a gorgeous. No wonder he loves you so much. I’m sorry for getting your hopes up that it was him. I swiped his phone so I can try and figure out what the hell he’s running from because the Mason I know doesn’t run from anything. So maybe you can tell me what’s been going on. Where are you at anyway?” She steps out on the balcony of her home watching the waves crash.
Kaden smiles and and watches Nicholas and Mel, sipping his own drink and eating dinner.

At hearing the woman's voice he starts to growl softly, then he listens and his growl stops, but starts again softly "You're the one... From the TV... The photo..." They weren't questions, he paces the deck and runs his hand thought his hair "Yes... He's running... From what... I don't know... As for what's going on..." He bites his lip, "Answer me this first... Do you believe he's done with Mel... With me... Does he feel and act like a man who is without a love..."
"Slow down demon boy. No need to growl at me. Okay? I'm on your side. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be calling you right now. Mason acts like a man running from something. He's in a hurry to try and settle down as soon as his divorce goes through. So the longer Mel doesn't sign the papers, the better. Once she signs," she pauses, "he's already said something about us getting to know each other again. He's trying to push me in her your place too. He's not a man without love. He's a man hiding from it, and he came to the right place. His mother won't ever allow it. He knows if he's here, close to her, that he can never, ever, be with a man. She's his safeguard against being with you. He knows what she'll do. It's why he came here. Jareth there is no way I could ever get him to come to where you are. So tell me. Do you like the islands?"
"Melanie will never see those papers if I have anything to do about it..." He sighs softly "Alright... I'll catch you... But... It's a long story... Can I meet you somewhere... We are moving Mel and our group... I can't tell you where... I'm sorry..." He listens to the water "So he's on an island... What better place to hide..."
"You can't tell me where you're going, and I can't tell you exactly where he is. We have a problem. The only logical solution is where you are now." She sighs. "I'm going out on a limb here with you Jareth. How fast can you get to St. Thomas?" It wasn't the island they were on, but it was close enough she could get there fast. "I'll meet you there. It'll take me a few hours to get there. I'll see you in two hours if you say yes. So. What's it gonna be?"
"Two hours... I can do that... I will find you there... And... Thank you..." He finishes the call and hangs up, he takes a few deep breaths to calm himself, then goes back inside "Sorry about that... An old friend is in town... Wanted to know if we could meet and catch up..." He takes his seat and his drink "I said after I was finished dinner with my family..." He smiles at them all and takes a drink "So let's eat..." He gets his food and starts to eat with everyone, having small talk.
Dinner went by, and they all had a great time. Kevin was in the kitchen putting his plate away when Aliya came up to. "What's going on Kevin? I know you know." He looks around to make sure Melanie isn't close by. "The girl from the picture is the old friend. Jareth went to meet with her."
"Is he insane? She could be some nut case."
"He can take care of himself. Just keep it quiet. OKay?"
"Fine. I won't say a word."

Gabby had arrived a little early. She stood on the beach waiting for Jareth to show up. People passed by talking and holding hands. She saw some people playing in the edge of the water. "Come on demon boy. Where are you?"
Jareth had been there for quite some time too, he watched her for a little while before making himself known, sort of. He waits until there isn't too many people around before slowly walking up to the bench and taking a seat, on the ground. He looks at her and takes a sniff, he could smell Mason, if only faintly and whines softly, wagging his tail he barks softly get her attention, he was in his dog form, only smaller, like a normal dog. He reaches up with his hind leg and scratches at his neck, he really hated collars, but to play the part of a pet, it was needed.
She looks down at the dog and narrows her eyes. "A dog? Where's your owner boy?" She looks around. "Excuse me! Has anyone lost a dog?!" The people passing by shake their heads. "Well. Looks like I'm taking you to the pound then boy. I can't take you in." She stands. "Come on boy. We can walk to the pound. Come on."
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