Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Nicholas smiles at him widely. There’s a softness to his expression. “Me. A father. I never thought about it. It’s a bit overwhelming, but with you by my side, I know I can handle it. I want to. I want to share this with you.” He reaches to his cheek and gently caresses him. “I’ve got another idea. Two words. Hot. Tub.” He takes his hand and leads out the back door onto a large wooden deck. It overlooked the mountains. Nicholas turned on the jets of the hot tub, and began to remove his clothes. Grinning at Kaden he asks, “you coming?”

Kevin knew he was telling the truth. If Mason didn’t care about him, he would let him go. It would break his heart, but Jareth wasn’t the kind of man to keep someone agains their will. “I know love. You would let him go, and you would hope he was happy. It would break your heart, but you would do it. I know you would. You love him that much.” He grins and snuggles Jareth back. “I’m glad I didn’t listen too. Never tell me to stay at home. You know I’m not going to listen anyway, and I’m going to find you. I found my way back to you this time. I’ll always find my way to you.”

Mason arrived at the office building of his parents. He pushed through the crowd of reporters and past the security at the desk. “Mason. Darling. I’m so glad you’re on time. Good boy. Mason this Gabrielle Hunters. Ms. Hunter’s father is a valued associate of our family. “Gabby,” he smiles. “You know her?”
“Yeah. We met a few times. Good to see you.” She hugs Mason tight. “Good to see you again. How is your wife?” He lowers his gaze. “We’re….we’re getting a divorce.” She frowns. “I’m so sorry Mason. I know how much you love her.”
“Loved,” he quickly corrects. “But that’s not why we’re here today. Would you please stand with me while my mother makes her announcement? Then afterwards, would you like to grab something to eat?” She smiles. “Yes. Of course. It will show that my family supports your decision. I hope you like living here on the island as much as I do.”
“So do I.” His mother grabs Mason by the arm. “Alright it’s time.”
Kaden blinks and follows him, then he steps out onto the deck slowly, looking around "Wow.." He said softly, it was quite beautiful, he was brought back by Nicholas calling him, he turns and smiles "I don't know... Will I be..." He smirks softly and starts to undress as well, he soon follows him into the tub, sitting close to him "Nnn... This feels wonderful... I bet Mel would love this... Turned down a bit of course..." He sighs and sinks up to his chin.

Jareth purrs louder "Mmm... I'll use this month to find a way to bind us all... Prove to him how much he's loved and wanted..." He kisses his head "I should be able to move soon... And my head doesn't hurt as much any more..."
Nicholas sits close to him, close enough to run his hand up his thigh. He felt like a nervous teenager. His hand doesn’t stop until he feels him. He teases him just a little allowing his fingertips to lightly caress his tip. “Yeah. I know for a fact Mel would love this.”

“That’s good. Take your time.” He doesn’t mention Mason because he wants Jareth to calm down. He knows how much this is hurting him. “We can head back whenever you’re ready.”

“Ladies and gentlemen of the press, I would like to thank all of you for coming out today. My name is Mrs. Weathers. That’s all you need to know,” she smirks. “I am currently the vice president of all of our eastern district offices. My husband is the president and CEO of Weather’s Industry. It is my esteemed pleasure to announce that our new offices will be opening soon. The buildings are completed, and the staff is prepared. I present to you the vice president of operations for our newest location, my son, Mason Weathers.” There’s applause as they take their pictures and point their cameras to him. He slips his arm around her waist and pulls Gabby close. “Smile big for the cameras,” he whispers. “Let’s put on a show for them.” He turns looking in her eyes, and she can’t help get lost in his. “Alright. Let’s do that.” He leans down and presses his lips to hers’ softly. “Well now. As you can see Ms. Hunters is certainly on board with our progress,” his mother teases.

Aliya leans forward on the couch. “What the….Mason? Who is she? What’s going on?” She grabs the phone and dials Nicholas. “Come on! Pick up!”
Kaden smiles and moans softly for him, closing his eyes and tilting his head back, he'd let Nicholas take it at his own pace. He could feel the slight tremble in his hand, his shyness was adorable and only added to their times together, it made everything seem new to him again. "Mmm... A-After she w-wakes up..." He studdered around soft moan and smiles "We'll tell her..."

Jareth holds Kevin and stares out over the valley "It's quite beautiful up here... It hasn't changed much in 80 years..." He smirks slightly "I remember what we'd do up here... On a hot day..." His hand slips under his shirt and he leans down to nibble along his neck, sucking his pulse softly "Remember the time it started raining..." He growls softly and pinches a nipple lightly.
“Ssssh Kaden. Not now. Don’t talk about her or them right now. Just relax. Let me….make you feel good.” He leans over kissing his neck, feeling a bit more bolder, driven by his desire to please him. He can’t taste him while he’s in the water, but Nicholas has other ideas. He continues to touch him, getting braver and moving futher down his shaft. His hand grips his shaft and begins to slow work him. “That’s it. Relax. Let me make you feel good. You deserve it.” He couldn’t hear his phone ringing in his discarded pants.

“Yeah. I remember,” he smiles. “I also remember the lightening was the only electrifying thing up here then.” He gasps as he pinches his nipple. “Do you want me lover? Do you want recreate that day?”

“Danr it,” she says hanging up. “I’ve got to get to you guys.”
The smile slowly melts away as his face relaxes and he starts to pant softly, soft moans and groans fall from his lips and he bites his lip softly "K-K... Nnn..." He gasps softly as his fingers brush over his tip again, the warm water and bubbles making everything feel light.

"Do I want you... Stupid question... Mmm... As for recreating that day... All that's missing is the ran... But I don't care..." He reaches up and starts to undo his shirt, kissing and nipping at his neck as he does so, he pulls back only to remove his own shirt and puts them both to the side. "Mmm... You are so beautiful..." He rubs his hand over his chest slowly and looks at him with a hungry smile, "I love you..."
Nicholas reads his body language. He swallows hard, nervous about what he's about to do. Carefully, quietly, he moves in the water until he's straddling Kaden. He knows with the water they don't need lube. Reaching down he positions Kaden just right before slowly sinking down on him. His own breathing increases, and he parts his lips.

"I want you love. I want take me." Kevin trembles, struggling to breathe. Being so close to Jareth is driving him wild. He knows it's wrong, but in a sense, he's glad to have him all to himself right now.
Kaden was moaning a bit louder, but opens his eyes when he realizes Nicholas is moving "Wh... Nnn..." His hand come up to slide up his sides and hold him lightly "Nnn... Good you feel good..." He tips his head back again and groans loudly, still allowing him to set the pace, he was panting and watching him through almost closed eyes.

Jareth grins and they work the rest of their clothes off, the grass was cool on his skin and he pulls Kevin back to straddle him. "Beg me my angel..." He reaches between them and grips them both, stroking them slowly and starts to lick and nip at his throat, growling softly. He smirks and teases his head each time he tries to talk, loving the sounds he makes as he tries to talk around his desire. "Nnn... I can't hear you baby..." He moans softly and now starts to lick and nip at his nipples.
Nicholas was slow at first, but his pace, his desire, quickly grew. He began to lower himself to Kaden faster, grinding into him as his body met his. His lips, that had been pressed together firmly, parted as he panted, groaning, reaching for Kaden’s shoulders, and holding on as he rode him. The water in the hot tub began to move around creating waves as he impaled his body on him. “Fuck,” he finally hissed. “You’re’’” He could barely make sentences as his mind melted from the pleasure. He moved one hand to tease one of his nipples. He tweaked it lightly before returning to his shoulder. He picked up his pace even more, riding him hard now, slamming into his body. “Cum for,” he pleaded.

“ have to..I want..can you..lick..suck..your tongue..oh” Kevin wasn’t making any sense. As soon as he began to speak, Jareth would assualt his body scrambling his brains. “You’re..mine,” he finally managed to say. “Please..take..m-me.” Kevin had to pull himself from Jareth if he ever wanted to speak a full sentence. He shifted on all fours next to him and looked over his shoulder. “Take me lover. Fuck me.” He knew Jareth might have some pent up feelings, and he certainly had a need. This way they could take care of each other. “Come on. What are you waiting for? I’m begging you. I’m on my hands and knees. Please. Fuck me.”
"Nnn... Fuck... So tight..." He reaches up and holds one of his arms as he starts to buck up against him "God... So close..." He tosses his head back and groans loudly, he looks back at him and grins "Do you know... How fucking sexy you like right now..." His other hand grips his hip as he rides him "Kiss me... Now..." He was panting and as soon as their lips met, he came, his whole body shaking as he held onto him and moans into the kiss.

Jareth was panting and quite hard by the time Kevin managed to get away from him, he watches him move to his knees and growls low, his beast was pleased. "I hope you're ready my angel..." His voice was rough with a growl, his eyes flashing red a moment, he quickly moves up behind him, he teases him with his wet fingers a moment. "Nnn... Such a tight little bitch... After all these years..." He moves into position and rocks against him slowly "I can smell your need... Desire... Lust..." He starts to push in, entering him slowly in one smooth motion, he growls and holds his hips "Head down angel baby..." Once he was ready he starts to move, slow, then speeds up.
He didn’t need to ask him again to kiss him. Nicholas’ hungry lips met his as Kaden exploded inside him. Pulling away, he tells him, “Damn baby. You’re..filling me.” Nicholas could feel the fatigue in his legs. Settlingdown, he moves besides Kaden. “Now..we both..feel..a lot..better,” he laughs. “We both..needed..that.” He doesn’t hear the car door shut around front as Aliya runs inside the house. She finds Melanie sleeping and keeps looking. As she comes out the backdoor she calls to them. “Nicholas! Kaden! You’ve gotta see this.” Nicholas jumps and turns around. “You’re terrible.” She blushes. “Okay you two. You can do that later.”
“We’re done now,” he laughs. “Good. Meet me in your study.” She disappears inside. “Why can’t someone just show up to visit? I got afeeling this isn’t..good news.” He kisses his cheek and climbs out only wrapping a towel around his waist. “You coming? Inside that house that is?”

Kevin’s moan is low and soft as Jareth teases him. He hadn’t missed the flash of red in his eyes. Kevin knew only Mason was able to call to his demon side and handle him. This was something he felt like he needed though. Plus Kevin wanted to prove to himself that he could handle it. As he pushed inside him, his mouth hung open. “Yes….lover. I’m still….so tight.” He lowered his head among his command, and he picked up his pace, Kevin cried out with each thrust from his lover. “Please lover. More. “With one free hand, he reached behind and made sure Jareth was holding his hips. “Come on lover. More.” Kevin was pushing Jareth, but truthfully he wanted things this way just as much.
Kaden was panting, but laughs as Aliya comes onto the deck, "Could it really be any worse?" He kisses his cheek and moves to follow him, also grabbing a towel "Yes..." He chuckles and follows him.

Jareth growls and holds him a bit tighter and starts to thrust harder "Nnn... Does my angel want it rough... From his demon lover..." He leans down and licks and nips at his back up to his neck "Mmm... Promise me... You won't hurt him boy..." It was a much deeper voice that spoke now.
She’s sitting at the computer when Nicholas enters. “Look,” she says before hitting play on a video posted on a news website. The video plays of Mason’s mom making her big announcement before the camera pans over to Mason and Gabby and their kiss. “What is that,” she asks. “Who is that, and why is Mason there and not here? What’s going on Nicholas?” He’s in shock. “He really did it. He left, and he’s not coming back.” He pauses for a moment. “Melanie. Those babies.” He looks at Kaden. “Jareth.”

Kevin cringes at hearing the deper voice. “I..I..promise. I won’t hurt him. I love him. I love him with all I have. Please. Believe me. Trust me. I love him.I love you.”
Kaden enters the room and looks at the screen, his eyes widen and his face pales "Mel... Melanie can't see this... Jareth... Jareth can handle it... But this... This would kill her..." He looks at the two of them "She can't know about this... Promise me you won't show her... Tell her..." He had started to have a panic attack, but held Nicholas' hand and took a deep breath, counted and relaxed "Her... And those children... Need us more then ever now..." He looks down and glares slightly "Mason is a fool... And I hope he falls on his face!" He lets his hand go and marches out of the room, he quietly enters Mel's room and goes to sit by her, gently holding her hand "I never meant for this... I'm sorry..." He kisses her hand "But I'll make it right if I can..." He just watched her sleep.

There was a louder growl and a few harder thrusts "Good... And in one months time... I'll teach that other boy a lesson..." He slows a bit as Jareth is in control again, too lost to notice the laps in time "Fuck... Say you're close baby.... Nnn... C-Cum with me..." He tosses his head back and thrusts faster, thrusting hard into him before stiffening against him and groaning out his release as his body shook with the force.
Aliya watches him leave and looks to Nicholas with a sympathetic expression. “Shouldn’t you go after him? Don’t you want to?”
“Of course I want to, but he needs to be with her right now.”
“Nicholas you love him. You have every right to be with him now too.”
“I want him happy, and he needs to be with her.”
“What about what you need?” He sighs. “I need to get dressed and go to the hospital. I can’t do much more around here. I need to go where I can help others.” She nods. “Alright. I’ll go with you.” He turns and heads towards his bedroom and gets dressed. Aliya moves to the front door to wait for him. He stops by the room and slowly opens the door. "I'm..heading to the hospital with Aliya. We need to check in. I know you'll take care of Melanie. I'll be home later." He gives him a smile before moving to close the door.

The tone in his voice, his words, it was all exhilarating and strange to Kevin how it made him rock hard and ready to burst. “Yes,” he hissed as Jareth wanted him to cum with him. Before the first drop of Jareth’s seed touched him, Kevin released, nearly falling to the ground. Jareth’s demon side had an intense effect on him, and he liked it.
He sat with her until he heard Nicholas and looks up, he quickly gets up and pulls him into a deep hard kiss, and several smaller ones as he pulls away "I'm sorry... This isn't how I wanted today to end..." He cups his cheek and rubs softly "I can take care of her... You go... And hurry back... Ok..." He leans closer and whispers "I'm not done with you yet.." He kisses him again and pulls away slowly before walking back to Melanie and takes a seat.

Jareth almost falls on him, but manages to roll to the side and take him with him, holding him close and relaxing "Nnn... Much better..." He was panting and running his hands over him slowly.
He opens the door as Aliya looks at him and raises her eyebrows. “What,” he asks her when they’re outside. “Why do you do this Nicholas? He loves her. He’ll never be just yours’.”
“That’s fine with me,” he smiles. “I love him anyway.” The climb into the car, and he drives them to the hospital.

Kevin sighs as he rests next to him. “Yeah. I’ll say. That was..incredible.” He was elated that Jareth’s demon side actually spoke to him, but he wasn't sure if Jareth even remembered. "Do you feel alright my love?"
Kaden smiles softly and continues to watch over Mel, he then frowns slightly, he didn't know what Mason was thinking, if he wanted o hurt someone, it should be him, not Melanie. He stands and looks around the room for something to wear, he pulls out a pair of boxers and Pajama pants and slips them on, then moves to crawl in bed with her, pulling her close.

"Mmm... More then alright... All we need now is the rain..." He pulls him closer and kisses him "Nnn... And you calmed him down... He's relaxed again, still a bit edgy, but relaxed..." He cups his cheek "What did he say?"
Melanie stirs a little as he gets into bed. She's still groggy from the sedative. "M'Lord? Mason?" She opens her eyes slowly and smiles. "M'Lord." Moving to snuggle close him she giggles. "All I need Mason....on my other side."

"He said..not to hurt you, but you know I won't. I love you too much to do that. I'm just glad he's calming down. I love him too you know. He's part of you." Kevin looks up at the sky. "Not a cloud in sight. Too bad. Maybe we could find a pond and go swimming instead."
He hugs her and smiles softly "Yes... And hopfully he'll be home soon... Now sleep Sweety..." He rubs her back and sides slowly, kissing her forehead.

He smiles "I love you too baby... Thank you..." He kisses him "Hmm... We could go to the lake... Or I believe Nicholas has a hot tub..."
She settled back down and was soon fast asleep again.

"Hmmm. They both sound so good. Why not both? We could cool down in the lake and warm up in the hot tub," he laughed.
Kaden held her and let her sleep, soon joining her in a light nap.

Jareth smiles "Sounds like a plan..." He waits a few minutes, the rolls to get up, tossing him his pants "Put those on... The lake is a bit of a run..." He puts his own pants on and hands him their shirts before shifting. 'Hold on tight to me...' He lays down so Kevin can get on him easier and flicks his tail.
"ooooh," he smiles. "You're sexy like this you know," he teases before climbing on.

"Mason darling you both look beautiful. Now I have to take care of some business. There's that dreadful business of your divorce. I will call you when I'm ready for you to sign, and be prompt. Understand?" He nods. "Yes mother." She smiles at Gabby. "Do take care of him. I'm sure you'll do a better job than that whore of a wife he has."
'Mmm... Thank you love... How hold on...' Once he could feel him gripping his fur, he stood and started to race across the mountain, jumping logs and boulders as he went, making sure to give Kevin a nice ride. He darted in and around the trees, jumped a small gorge and soon started to slow down, after a few more minutes he broke through the tree line to a small lake. 'Mmm... It smells so clean here...' He moves to the waters edge and has a drink while Kevin gets down, then shifts back and lays on his back "That was wonderful... I haven't run like that in years..." He glances over at him and smiles.

Kaden was awoken by the alarm on the stove and carefully got up so as not to wake Mel, he heads out to the kitchen and takes a deep breath, it smelt amazing. "It least I can still do this..." He gets the gloves and pulls it from the oven, checking everything "Nnn... Perfect... Now for the gravy..." He goes about draining the liquid from the pan and starts to make gravy on the stove top, once done he felt like doing something more. He pulls out flour and other items to make fresh rolls, he mixed them up and was rolling them out on to a baking sheet.
Kevin is panting as he collapses down next to Jareth. “That was….amazing! I loved every second of it! You’re wonderful love!” He beamed as he looked at him. “I’m so lucky to have you. Nobody else could give me such a wonderful experience. Nobody! Ever! You’re one of a kind Jareth, and I’m so glad you’re mine.” He was glad to see him happy as well. It seemed like, if for just a little while, thoughts of Mason were in the back of his mind. So for now, he was going to make sure his love was having a good time.

Melanie doesn’t stir as he leaves the bed. She’s sleeping soundly.

The woman enters the plane with papers firmly in hand. “I want to get there as fast as I can. These papers are most important.”
“Yes Mrs. Weathers. We’re cleared for take off, and the airport already has our flight plan. We’ll make it there quicker than any other airline could have you there.” She smiled and nodded to the pilot of her private jet as she took her seat. “Melanie, I’m coming for you bitch, and you better be ready to sign.”
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