Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth was panting softly as well, he watches Kevin, then rolls over to lightly pin him to the ground under him, he cups his cheek softly and smiles down at him. "And hopfully soon... I can call you mine, for as long as I draw breath..." He leans down and kisses him, moaning softly and licking his lips "I love you... I never thought I'd get to say that to you again... And as much of an idiot as he is... I love Mason too..." He nuzzles him and smirks slightly "But I'm giving him his time... And in turn, catching up with you..." He licks at his neck and smiles "Think we can fit 80 years into a month..." He nips his neck lightly and pulls back to look at him.

Kaden was sitting on the couch as the rolls were cooking, he was watching some tv while he relaxed, the food should be ready by the time everyone was back, at least he hoped they'd be back on time. He sighs and thinks about Melanie, what was he going to tell her, he couldn't show her the video, she'd be crushed, but he couldn't totally lie to her either. He lifts his hands and runs them through his hair "Mason you're an ass..."
“Oh I don’t know. We can sure try. 80 years 80000 years. Doesn’t matter. I’ll never get tired of hearing you say you love me.” He leaned up kissing him with as much passion as he had kissed him. Kevin knew he owed all of this to Mason. Without him helping him come back, he would never have this time with Jareth. So he would have to make all of this up to him as well. He wanted to show him how grateful he was for all that he had done.

“Ouch! Be careful!” The pilot backed away. “I’m sorry ma’am.” The door opened and Nicholas entered. “Good evening. I’m Dr. Nicholas Hayden. What happened here?” The woman looks up at him. “I was getting off my jet when I had a tumble down the stairs. My foot hurts when I put my weight on it. I don’t know what I did to it.” She offers him a smile despite her pain. “Well now I’m sorry you had a tumble. We’ll get some x-rays to make sure nothing is broken, and I’ll put in an order for some pain meds. You just sit tight and I’ll get a portable x-ray in here so you don’t have to move a muscle.” Her smile widens. “Thank you Dr. Hayden.”
“Please. Call me Nicholas.” He nods to the pilot as he leaves. “Aliya, get the patient in room 204 some ibuprofen for her pain. Also put in an order to radiology for some x-rays. I want to make sure her foot isn’t broken.” Aliya nods. It was good to be back at work. She takes her chart and opens it stopping as she stares at the name. “Weathers,” she mumbles. “Nich…..” He was gone already. “Weathers. It’s Mason’s mom.”
"Mmm... Good..." He kisses him again and rolls them to the side, he starts to push their clothes off and looks at Kevin "Becasue I never want a time that I can't say it again..." He reaches down and runs his fingers over his thigh, then lightly over his cock, letting his claws tease him softly "I love you..." He starts to stroke him slowly, teasing over his tip lightly "Mmm... After all this time... You still blush..." He kisses his cheek lightly "You're adorable..." He keeps it up and just watches him, gently stopping him from touching him back "Ah... I wanna watch you my love... You'll get your turn..." He spoke softly and continues to stroke him slowly, watching it build in his eyes "Your so beautiful..." He smiles.

Kaden took the rolls from the over and wrapped them on a clean towel to keep warm, he sets the meat back in the oven to do the same and goes to check on Mel. "She should be awake soon..." He goes and sits on te bed by her, running his fingers through her hair and then softly holding her hand.
Kevin can already feel the cool from the water as his clothing is shed, but nothing compares to the touch from Jareth. He squirms slightly, feeling him touch his thigh, and then his claws touch his cock. He reaches for him, but Jareth stops him. It becomes clear he only wants him to enjoy this. Kevin has a hard time keeping his hands off of Jareth. His hips rotate, making small circles as he moans. “Love you are..that is…..” He stops trying to talk. Jareth drives him crazy that way, making it impossible for him to make any sense.

She can feel his touch on her hand, and slowly she opens her eyes. “What..happened? I don’t….remember.” She looks around the room as the memories come back to her. Quickly her eyes looks up to Kaden as they grow wet. “Mason. He..he….is gone. Isn’t he?”

Nicholas comes back in and shows her the x-rays. “As you can see, nothing is broken.” She looks at the x-rays and shakes her head. “Then why all the pain?”
“Well you could have some tendon damage. We’re going to wrap your foot. It will give you some extra support. Of course we’ve got pain meds on the way. My capable nurse should be here any moment with those.” Aliya opens the door holding a cup of water and a cup with two pills. “Right on cue,” Nicholas laughs. “This is Aliya. Aliya this is….I never even looked at your name. I apologize.”
“Mrs. Weathers. This is Mrs. Weathers Nicholas.” He looks to Aliya and back at her, his expression one of shock. “Oh. The Mrs. Weathers? Weather’s Industry?” She smiles. “One in the same. I’m here on some personal business. I have to find my son’s soon to be ex-wife. I had my little spill getting of my jet. Now to just find the little harlot, and my son can be free of her. “Why you little, uptight, arrogant, bit…..”
“Aliya! That’s enough! Go out in the hall,” he says rushing in front of her as she makes her way towards the woman angry. “Hall. Now.” She doesn’t look at him. Instead she turns and throws the door open as she leaves. “I’m sorry Mrs. Weathers. My nurse can get….emotional….at time. You see, we know Mason. We know him quite well. We also know Melanie, and she is anything but a harlot. You see I’ve found in my practice as a doctor to never look at a situation, a patient, and think I know what’s going on without examining everything. Your x-ray showed me no broken bones when I would have thought there was. You see a harlot when there isn’t one there. You don’t have all the facts, but something that I feel comfortable in saying since I do have the facts now is this. I understand why Mason never mentioned you. Personally if I had a bitch like you for a mother, I wouldn’t talk about her either.” He stands and opens the door. “Someone will be in to wrap your foot. No charge either. Just so you know, Melanie is at my house, but if I see you on my property, I’ll shoot to kill. I don’t want you anywhere around me. Good day Mrs. Weathers.” He leaves her shocked.
Jareth chuckles softly "I just love how you lose your tongue... Watching you fall apart under my fingers... Feel you giving in to my touch..." He growls softly and licks his lips as he continues to watch him, keeping his touch slow as light, he leans closer and lightly kisses him. "No fight at all... As I touch you... Please you... My little angel..." He enjoyed watching his slow build as much as he could tell Kevin did, he glances down his body and lightly teases his tip again, he can feel his starting to shake.

Kaden looks at her and cups her cheek, frowning as she starts to cry "I'm sorry my love... But he did leave..." He quickly pulls her up into his lap and holds her close "But please... Don't worry yourself... I... I will find a way to bring him back... We all will..." He kisses her forehead "Or family will be complete again..."
Kevin grunts as he body trembles. “I love it..when you..angel..I.” Again he stops and closes his eyes. He hoped Jareth understood. “Not..long,” he tells him. Those two words were all he needed to say. Even those two words were not needed. His body showed all the signs that he was on the verge. His open quickly as he lifts his head from the ground closer to Jareth’s. “Cumming,” was he said as he feels his explosion before he presses his lips to Jareths’. He relaxes down the ground, panting and grinning. “Wow. 80 years huh? This is certainly a good start.”

She hugs Kaden tight as she lets go. “I want him back. I love him. I love you. We’re be together..damnit. All of us. Why? Why did he do this?”

Mrs. Weathers stops at the desk as the nurse behind it tells her, “no charge.” She looks up at Nicholas who nods to her with no expression his face. “Where is she,” she asks. “Safe. That’s all you’re getting from me. Please Mrs. Weathers, have a good day, but stay away from my property.” The nurses all looked at him, shocked to hear him say such a thing. They knew he was normally so easy going. This woman must have done something wrong. “I’ll find the little bitch, and when I do, she’s getting those papers.”
“I’m sure you will find Melanie, but not with my help.” She smirks at him. “Are you fucking the little whore too?” He grins. “As a matter of a fact…..” He lets his words hang. “Should have known.”
“At least she has good taste. Mason, Me, and the other man she’s sleeping with. What do you think of Aliya here? She enjoys her too.” Aliya smiles and waves at her. “We’re all just one big, happy, fucking family, and nobody messes with my family. Good day Mrs. Weathers.”
Jareth smiles and kisses him back, feeling his release coat his hand he growls softly and shivers "Mmm... Very good start indeed... Now..." He lifts his hand and starts to lick it clean, letting him watch "Would you like your turn... Or a dip in the lake..." Still licking his hand clean.

Kaden shakes his head "I know you love him baby... And we will be together again... I'm sure of it... And Jareth loves him too... I can't see him just letting him go..." He cups her cheek softly "As for why... I don't knew... He's hiding something... Holding something back..."
Kevin smiles at him. “I want you in the water.” He had an idea of what he wanted to do, and it did not involve dry land.

“He’s..a,” she whispers, leaning against Kaden. “Just stay with me. Please. Don’t leave me. I couldn’t handle it if you left me too.”

Nicholas watches her leave. “She’s going to be a problem. A big, pain the ass, problem. I’m going to talk to Kaden tonight. See if he would be willing to take Melanie into the city. I’d like to see the bitch find her there.” Aliya nodded. “Good idea.” She had to admit she liked seeing this side of him. “Why don’t you call Kaden and go ahead and warn him?”
“No. He is with Melanie right now. Let the two of them have some time before they find out they have more to worry about.”
Jareth looks at him and smirks "Well then... Lead the way my love..." He watches him and waits to follow him.

Kaden nods and kisses her "No baby... I'm not going anywhere..." He rubs her cheek "I know I said I would... If I couldn't fix things... But... But not anymore, I don't want to hurt you anymore..." He looks at her again "What... Can you tell me about Mason... I don't know much about him... Does he have family?" He was going to learn what he could about him.
Kevin gasps as he slowly gets into the water. “It’s….cold….my love.” His lips instantly begin to tremble.

“Yeah,” she says, moving so she can look at him face. “His parents are still alive. His father is the quiet type. Doesn’t talk much. Runs some kind of business. Mason never talked about them much. His mother,” she sighs. “His mother hates me. She never wanted him to marry me, but Mason told her he loved me. We got married just us together. We eloped. It was the only way we could get married with his mother. She vowed she wouldn’t let us get married. Mason never wanted me to go to their house or talk to them too much. Maybe he was keeping them private so he would have a place to run to when things didn’t work out. Maybe he knew our marriage would fail all along,” she said as she started to cry. “Maybe his mother was right. I’m not good enough for him. I’m not the right girl.”

“You ready Aliya,” Nicholas asked. “Yeah. Let’s go. Aren’t you afraid the old bat might follow us to your place?” He smirked. “I hope she can fly on her own then.” Aliya grinned. “You devil.” He leads her into the elevator and takes it all the way up to the roof. When the doors open, he looks over at Aliya. “You ready to fly?”
Jareth is quickly up and moving to get him "Then get out..." He moves to wrap his arms around him "I can keep you quite warm on land..." He hugs him and moves to pick him up, being demon, the water temperature never bothered him any.

Kaden moves to her and makes her look at him, even giving her a slight shake "Now you listen to me... There is nothing wrong with you... You haven't done anything... And despite his running... I know he loves you... And them..." He placed his hand on her belly softly "And I know he loves Jareth..." He shakes his head slightly "He's afraid of something... I could see it when I was with him... There wa a fear in his eyes, something he didn't want to admit..." He kisses her softly "But when we get him home... Yes I said when... We will show him there is nothing to fear here... We are one Big family..." He looks at her and smiles "Now can I see that bright smile of yours... Have faith in us... In him..."
Kevin doesn’t notice his lips turning blue against the cold water. Jareth snatches him from the icy water and holds him tight. His skin feels slightly numb. “That was..c-colder than I th-thought it’d be. I’m sorry.”

“I had faith in him. Just like he had faith in me. I let him down M’lord. I don’t blame him if he never comes back. I can’t imagine what he would be scared of. I just can’t.” She leans against him and buries her face against him.

Nicholas flies the helicopter. He waves at the parking lot, not sure if she’s there or not, as they pass. “You’re terrible,” Aliya laughs. “Yeah. Well she deserves it.” He makes it home in no time. The landing pad isn’t far from the house. He knows they probably heard it land inside. “Come on now. Not a word about this to Melanie. I want to see how she’s doing first.” Aliya nods.
"God you're freezing... I should have checked it first..." He smiles though "Looks like you get to see the 'sexy' me some more..." Once on shore he sits him down and shifts again, curling around him, using his thick fur and body heat to warm him, he nuzzles him softly. 'Mmm... How's that..." He licks him slightly and curls closer, not wanting him to catch a chill. He starts to growl softly and relaxes against him.

Kaden looks away "You did nothing Mel... I'm the one who hurt him... And I think... It might be... Me... I think... Possibly... He's scared... About how he feels... About me..." He can't look at her, afraid of her reaction.
Kevin shivers wildly at first against him. As he feels his body heat more and more, he stop shivering so much. “Th-Thanks love. You’re so..warm..and s-soft.” He nuzzles closer to him relaxing.

“You,” she asks surprised. “Kaden I don’t…..”Melanie looks away as she hears the helicopter. “Nicholas? Why is he flying home?” Nicholas strides across the distance with Aliya close behind to the door. Once inside he calls to them, “Hello? I do hope everybody is awake.” He opens the door and smiles at them both. “It smells great in this house Kaden. I can hardly wait. What about you Melanie? Are you hungry?” She nods forcing a smile. “Great. How about you go wash up in the bathroom while Aliya sets the table. Okay?” Food actually did sound good to her. She kisses Kaden and slides from the bed. When the bathroom door closes, Nicholas moves closer to Nicholas. “Mason’s mother is in town with divorce papers. We’ve got to get her out of here. She knows Mel and you are with me. She wanted to know where I lived at. I told her no. Kaden my place in the city is big enough for all of us. I’ll mention it at dinner if Jareth and Kevin make it back by then. We all need to talk about it. What do you think?”

“I don’t care how rich he is! I want to know where Nicholas Hayden lives at! Don’t you tell me his address is unattainable! You’re the best private detective in this miserable mountain town! You find that doctor, and you do it now!” She ended the call glaring from her car. “You think you’re so smart doctor. I’ll find you, and that bitch too.”
'Mmm... Just relax... I'm...' He lifts his head and looks back towards the house 'Why... Would he be using the chopper...' He looks back at Kevin 'As soon as you're warm enough... We have to go back... Something doesn't feel right...'

He kisses her back softly and watches her go, he was about to pull him closer when he starts to talk "His mother?! I was just asking about his family... She hates Mel... And was always looking for a way to get rid of her..." He sighs and pulls him close "Thank you... How... Did you meet her?" He looks at him.
Kevin groans lightly loving the warmth and feel of Jareth.

“We had the misfortune of meeting Mrs. Weathers today,” he says looking back at Aliya. “She’s about to get her wish of getting rid of Mel too. She has come with divorce papers. Those are papers I don’t want Mel to ever get. So, as I was saying, I think we should all get to my place in the city. It’s big enough for all of us.”
“That’s an understatement. You have the entire top two floors of the building Nicholas.” He grins. “I like my space. It’s plenty of room for us to go until we can get Mason back to her. That girl in the video, she doesn’t mean anything to him. You know that. I’ll go back to the hospital and close up my office there. My staff will know not to say a word to anyone about where I am. Aliya, you stay here with Kaden. If Mel gets too upset, take care of her. Alright?”
“Yes Sir.” He grins. “We don’t have time for that, but we do have for two things. Number two, that delicious smelling meal.” Aliya looks at him questioningly. “What’s number one?” Nicholas smiles. “This.” He pulls Kaden close and kisses him deeply, passionately.
Jareth just holds him close and waits for him to stop shivering.

Kaden nods "Yeah... Wait... 2 floors!?" He looks at Nicholas and chuckles "Yes... I don't want her seeing those either..." He looks at Aliya and smirks "Maybe you can cheer her up like that after dinner... She might like that..." He looks at Nicholas as he talks again "Then what's nuMmmm!" He was shocked at his force, but soon melted into his kiss and returned it, gripping his shirt lightly and moaning softly, something had gotten his doctor worked up today.
“Aliya,” he says after the kiss breaks, still holding Kaden close. “Yeah.”
“Dinner. Go set the table. Jareth, if you can hear me, come home. Bring Kevin. We have something to discuss. Something has happened. Now, you, my love,” he shakes his head, “are just so damn sexy.” Again he kisses him. Melanie opens the door and smiles. She slips past them quietly and heads into the kitchen. Walking up behind Aliya, she touches her shoulder. “Those two are so cute together.”
He was panting softly when Nicholas finally pulls away and looks at him, something got him really worked up "Mmm... What haMmmm..." He smiles and pulls him back to lay over him on the bed, kissing him back, he pulls away with some effort "Nnn... What happened today..." He arches his back slightly as he starts on his neck "I thou-thought we didn't h-have time... For this.." He chuckles softly but doesn't try to stop him, he was on fire and he wanted to see what he'd do, he moans softly and lets Nicholas take the lead.

Jareth heard him, if only as a whisper, he looks down at Kevin, he had fallen asleep, curled up in his side with his tail. He didn't want to wake him just yet, he curls around him tighter and softly says the spell, hoping the trip wouldn't wake him. Several minutes later they appeared in a soft patch of grass before the house, he nuzzles him softly with his nose 'Kev... Baby...'
Nicholas can’t get enough of him. He nips his neck softly at first, but quickly begins to heat up his efforts. “We don’t..have time..for this..but damnit..we are do this..anyway. They can wait. Right’s you and me.” He begins to kiss and lick his way down his body. There is no slow pace. His lust is strong and can be felt. Finally stops as he reaches his pants. As much as he wants to say something, he can’t fight it any longer. He snakes his hand inside his pants, his hands working with purpose. As soon as Kaden is free, he deep throats him right away, wasting no time.

Kevin groans before slowly opening his eyes. “Did I..fall asleep? I’m sorry. I’m..okay. Still a little cold.”
Kaden was panting and moaning softly, one hand gripping the bed and the other in his hair, he gasps softly at the soft licks and kisses to his chest and looks down at him "W-Wha... Nnn!" He tosses his head back as he's pulled free and immediately surrounded by Nich's throat, he moans loudly and grips his hair. "F-Fuck.. I-I don't... Nnn I don't care what happened... Ooh... Just don't stop..." He gasps and groans, involuntarily bucking his hips up against him, Nicholas was pushin him closer and closer to his peak, he wines softly "Nich... I'm... I'm..." He gasps loudly and bites his lip to hold back his moan, he'd never been brought to orgasm so fast and so hard, he bucked up a few times then fell back against the bed. "Nnn... God..." He was panting and gasping for air, still twitching lightly as Nicholas finished on him "Where... Where did that come from..."

Jareth smiles at him softly and licks his cheek 'Not for long my love... But Nicholas called... Said something happened...' He holds his pants up in his teeth 'Here... You might want these...' He nuzzles him a bit 'I'll get you in the hot tub... Help warm you up...' Once he was able to stand, he shifts back and helps him into the house.
Nicholas doesn’t stop or slow down his frenzied pace until he feels Kaden fill his mouth. Swallowing every drop, he makes sure he’s clean before kissing his way back up to his neck. “That came from the moment I saw you when I got home. That came from wanting to protect you and keep you safe. Now. Since I’ve had desert, how about some dinner love?” He moves from him and holds out his as he stands. “Lead the way.”

Kevin moves unwillingly and slips on his pants. “Something happened? Well then. Let’s go inside and find out what.”
Kaden was still panting and looks at him, smirking "You... You think I can STAND..." He slowly sits up and shivers as his pants brush against him, he moans softly, still sensitive, he looks at him again "Mmm... Did that have anything to do... With Mason's mother..." He fixes his pants and tries to stand up, only to fall back on the bed, he laughs softly, "God... I'm gonna need a minute..." He smiles up at him, his legs felt like jello.

"Careful love... Wow... It smells great in here... Hello? Where is everyone?" He leads Kevin to the den and sits him on a couch, wrapping a blanket around him "That lake must be fed by mountain run off... No wonder it smelt so clean... And was so cold..." He sits next to him and pulls him close, wanting him to stay nice and warm, everyone could come to them.
Nicholas smiles watching him try to stand. He finally kneels at Kaden’s knees. “She came in there like she owned the place. It was as she felt entitled to know where Melanie was. How fucking dare she come into my hospital demanding to know where my family was. I will protect Melanie just as fiercly as I will protect you love. That’s what this was about. You are more than my lover. You are my family, and I’ll be damn if anybody, especially that bitch, will ever hurt your or my family.”

Aliya looks at Melanie. “I’ll got let them know we’re in here.” She heads into the living room. “Hi you two.” She sits down quickly and makes sure Melanie can’t hear them. “Okay. To make a long story short, there’s a video online of Mrs. Weathers naming the new CEO of operations for a new office. It’s her son. Mason. He’s at this press conference, but,” she looks back again making sure Melanie isn’t coming. “He’s not alone. He kisses some woman. Now Mrs. Weathers is here with divorce papers for Mel. Nicholas wants to take us all to his place in the city to keep her away from Mel. Mel doesn’t know anything. I wanted you guys to know befoe she does.” She knows this must hard for Jareth to hear. “I’m sorry Jareth. I know you love him, but he kissed this girl on the lips in front of camera. Her name was….Hunters. Gabrielle Hunters.”
Kaden cups his face after he finishes and leans down, kissing him softly "I love you so much... Thank you..." He rubs his cheek "I like you fired up like this... Very sexy..." He kisses him again "I think I heard Jareth... Let's go eat... How will we tell Mel we're moving again?" He again tries to stand and holds Nicholas for support.

Jareth listens and holds Kevin a bit closer, then looks at her "He kissed her... On camera... With people watching..." He thinks a moment "That... Doesn't sound like him... I... I need to see the video..." He kisses Kevin softly 'I need to...' He whispers softly into his mind, he stands "Mel Sweety... Can you make Kevin some tea... He got a bit cold at te lake... Aliya is gonna help me find some warm clothes..." He smiles at her before leading Aliya from the room.
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