Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth smiles and finishes up his coffee "We would love some... But Kevin and me are going out today... We have some places to revisit... And some shopping to do..." He glances at Kevin and smiles softly "A trip down memory lane if you will..." He moves over to Kevin and hugs him closer, smiling at him "Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah love. I'm ready." He kisses his cheek and smiles the two of them. "You two have any plans for today?"
"Yeah. We're visiting a home improvement store. Seems I've got some repairs to make." Aliya burst out laughing. "Oh you laugh now. Let's see if you're still laughing when you help me fix all this up." She gives him and angry look, and he sticks his tongue out at her. "Go on you two. Have a good day."
Jareth smirks and looks at Nicholas "So.... How will that be fitting in the chopper... Seeing as you didn't drive back the other night..." He takes Kevin's hand and heads for the door "Have fun... And don't let that bitch see you..." They head out and got the empty drive way "Sometimes... I do so love magic..." He glances at Kevin before snapping his fingers, a candy apple red jaguar appears in te driveway "Mmm... Haven't taken her for a spin in a long while..." He moves to the passenger door and opens it, smiling at Kevin.
"You do like showing off your....magic, don't you love," he teased as he climbed inside.

Melanie heard the car door and opened her eyes. Not wanting to wake Kaden she slipped from bed and went into the bathroom. Seemed she was in there more and more.
Jareth smiles "It has its up and downs..." He starts her up and backs out, soon driving off to town.

Kaden notices her warmth gone and slowly rolls over, then stretches as he sits up "Nnn..." He glances at the bathroom where he can hear her and smiles slightly. He gets up starts to look for clothes, maybe he could talk Mel into a shower with him before breakfast. He gathers what he needs and heads for the bathroom "Hey baby... You up for a shower?"
"Oh baby I would love to, but I'm about," she covers her mouth. "Well. Maybe food....isn't going to happen after all. I wonder," she swallows her face almost green. "I wonder if Nich has anything..for this. I feel like I'm gonna be sick." It was all part of being pregnant. Mel knew this. She sat down on the toilet and looked up at him. "M'lord, would you ask him? Please. Tell him I feel like I'm gonna be sick. What can I eat to settle my stomach? You three need to settle down this morning. Mommy isn't feeling well."

Mason rose and looked down at her sleeping form. He smiled at Gabby. 'You were good baby, but you're no Jareth or Melanie.' He walks out on the balcony dressed in only a pair of shorts and watches the waves. 'I wonder what you're doing right now. Are you and Kevin having fun? Can you feel the babies move yet? No sense in dwelling on the past.' His cell rings and he answers it. "Hi mom. Yeah. I'm doing well. Gabby spent the night." He knows she'll like hearing that. "What? You still haven't....why? You met Nicholas!" He takes a seat. "Well of course Mel is at his house. I knew that. I could have told you that. Of course I know where he lives. He wouldn't tell you?" He can't help but laugh. "No mom. I'm not laughing at you. That just sounds like Nicholas. He's....yes ma'am. Alright. I'll text you the address. Alright. I love you too. Bye." Gabby had woke up and heard what he said. 'Shit! He's going to tell her where to find Mel. No! Jareth! I know we're not close, but I can't get to his phone. Please hear me! I'm sorry, but Mason is telling his mother where Nicholas lives! Please! Shit! I've got to get to that phone of his to call him.'
He sets his stuff down and kneels before her "Aww Sweety... Ok... You stay here..." He cups her cheek then stands and gets her a glass of water "Sip that slowly... I'll go talk to Nicholas..." He kisses her forehead and leaves the room, tossing on a pair of boxers. "Nich... Baby I need some help..." He heads to the kitchen "Mel's got some morning sickness... Is there anything you can give her?" He starts to look through the cupboards for crackers and grabs a pack "Aliya... Would you mind starting some oatmeal... That should stay down... Add a few berries if we have any..."

First stop was a little breakfast place they used to visit when Jareth didn't feel like cooking, it was now run by the children of the first owners. "Wow... I haven't been here in... Years..." The layout had changed but it still smelt the same and felt like a home not restaurant, he leads him to a table and takes a seat.
Aww. Sure Kaden. I'll make her some oatmeal. Do you have bluerries around Sir?" Nicholas opens his fridge. "Yeah. Always. Make the oatmeal. I got this. The crackers are a step in the right direction. See if she thinks she can handle some juice. The vitamins will do her good."

"Yeah. Smells great inside too. I'm so hungry. Then again, I did work up an appetite last night," he teases.

Gabby watches him sit and start to text his mother. 'Shit. I can't stop him. Nicholas. He's the local hospital there. Maybe I can get them to patch me through to him.' She grabs her phone and sneaks out the front door. After a quick call to the hospital, she explains it's an emergency and Nicholas is the only doctor she's willing to speak to. Betty calls him up. "Nicholas I've got a patient on the line here, says you're the only doctor she'll talk to. Gabby Hunters?" He looks up towards the bedroom Mel had slept in the night before. "Yeah. Put her through. Hello Mrs......what can I do for you?"
"Mason is talking to his mother right now. He's texting her your address. You've got to get out of there right now. She's in town. When she gets that address....."
"Shit. Thanks. Thanks a lot." He hangs up and rushes over to Aliya. "We gotta take all this on the road. The big bad wolf is finding out where we live. Contact Jareth." He looks over at Kaden. "We gotta move. I'm sorry she's sick, but we gotta move."
Kaden was about to take her the items when Nich got the phone call, he stayed to listen and was a little worried. "But... She can barely stand... And all we have is the chopper... Plus... What do I tell her..." He runs his hand through his hair, thinking, he thought they'd have more time, he looks up. "You have to call in someone to clean the place for the family that's renting it... We have to leave for the city early..." He takes the crackers and heads back to the bathroom. "Baby... Are you ok..." He enters and hands her the crackers "I talked to Nicholas... He has something to give you and Aliya is making some oatmeal... But you're gonna have to eat it on the way... He called in a cleaning team for they mess they made..." He chuckles softly "They will be here soon and that's too much for you... So we're gonna head into the city early... Can you get dressed, or just put a robe on..." He kisses her forehead and rubs her cheek.

Jareth smiles and picks up his menu, looking it over "A few items are still the same... Ooh... They still have the banana berry pancakes... Well I'm sold..." He sets the menu down and smirks "I hope it's still the same recipie..."
"What about....Jareth....and Kevin? What if they....come back, and we're....gone?" She stands and what she had been fighting to keep down came up anyway. "M'Lord....I don't think I I'm sorry. Just leave me....and close the door. That room....isn't messed up. Please."

"Bananaberry pancakes. You know what? I think I'll have the same."

Aliya cooks quickly and gets the bowl ready. "We gotta move. You need to call the hospital too. Tell them we're working in the city. I'll call Jareth when I'm finished with this Sir."
"Good girl, "was all he said as he moved to get the meds for Mel.
Kaden helps her sit back down and holds the garbage for her, rubbing her back "Nich has some meds for you... I'm not leaving you hear baby... Not like this... I promise you'll feel better... Just let it out now..." He holds her hair back and waits for Nicholas, he hoped what he had was fast acting.

Jareth smiles and orders for them, "So.. Where would you like to go first after breakfast... I'll let you know if it's still around..." He sips his water and looks at him "And I remember how you are about money... I have catching up to do, so no price is to high... You know I have it..."
Nicholas comes in with the meds in hand. "It'll work to keep you from tossing your cookies, but you're still gonna feel a little weak. That's ok. You can rest on the way into the city. When we get there, you eat a little more, feel a little better, and we go from there. Welcome to being pregnant," he announces before sticking the needle in her arm. She winces. "I never get use to that." Nicholas chuckles. "And we all know you've had plenty of time to." She grins. "Yeah. I have."
"Alright. Wait about five minutes, then try to get dressed. Aliya will have you some oatmeal and berries. You eat, we'll get some clothes out for you and on you, and then we fly." She nods taking another sip of the water. "Don't leave her Kaden. Aliya and I can take care of everything."

"Oh I know money is no object for you. It's like magic. Right," he teases. His phone is the one to ring. "Hmmm. It's Aliya. She knows we're having a day together. Hello?"
"Kevin? I must have dialed you by mistake, but no matter. Listen tonight do not come back to Nicholas'. Mason ratted out the address to his mother. We're on the move now. We're all heading into the city. Now I know you and Jareth have a day planned, but we have to get out of this house right now. We have to get Mel out. She's sick this morning. So we're giving her some meds and food, and then we're flying out. So do not come back to this house. I'll call you later with the new address." He nods. "Thanks Aliya." Hanging up he looks across at Jareth. "Times up. Mason sold out where Nicholas' house was. They're flying out as soon as possible to the city. Nicholas is flying them. We can't go back to the house."
Kaden smiles slightly and stays close, rubbing her back "I'm not going anywhere..." He smiles at her and moves to get a cloth wet, he helps to clean her face and sets it on the back of her neck "How's that..." He kisses her cheek softly "Once we get to the new place you can rest all you want... I'll even run a warm bath for you if you'd like... With company of course..." He smiles and moves his hand to gently rub her belly "Be nice to your mother... She does a lot for you..." He smiles.

Jareth looks up as his phone rings, already hearing what Aliya was saying, when Kevin tells him he sighs and shakes his head. "I don't understand him wanting to hurt her like this..." He looks at Kevin "Guess our time in the woods is up for now..." He looks up as their food is brought over "Mmm... Smells just as good as it did all those years ago... Nnn... And tastes even better..." He had cut into them and was eating already, smiling.
"Yeah," she smiles at him. "That would be great." She blinked feeling sleepy. Her head lulled. Nicholas returned. "Ah yes. Worked like a charm. I added a little something to help her sleep. It'll make the flight easier for her. I trust you can carry her. Aliya packed the food. So if she wakes and is hungry, she can eat. Don't worry love. I'll take care of both you."
"Come on Sir," Aliya calls from the next room. "Well, ready or not, we fly."

"yeah. Sounds like it is. Still we have today. So lets make the best of it." Kevin couldn't figure out why Mason would want to hurt Melanie either. "You know they say the way to a man's heart is his stomach," he laughs. His face freezes as he realizes something. "It's not her. Jareth it's not her he wants to hurt. He could hit Kaden and hurt, true, but the worst pain is the one he can't do anything about. Melanie. If she's hurt, Kaden can only watch. He can't make it all better and make her pain stop. That hurts him worse than if Mason punched him. It's not Melanie he wants to hurt. It's Kaden."
Kaden looks up as Nicholas returns and then carefully lifts Mel, he hadn't had time to dress her so she was just in a light housecoat. "I know you will... Thank you..." He holds her close and moves to follow, he grabs a light blanket and heads out to the chopper, getting her in and settled, he sits next to her and lets her sleep on him, covering her with the blanket.

Jareth had continued to eat as he listened, then looked at him "I assumed it was Kaden... But I also know he cares for Kaden as well... There is a piece to this that we aren't seeing... This anger... It almost feels... Like he's mad at himself..." He shakes his head "I'll try and contact Gabby later... Or ask Mel about his parents... She would know Mason's side..." He looks at him "But today is about us... Now... Where to after breakfast..." He takes another bite of pancake, adding more butter.
Nicholas and Aliya climb in and buckle up. "Okay. Flight plan is cleared, and we're ready to go. It'll take about half an hour, forty five minutes to get to the city. She should be good until then. If she wakes up, Aliya has a care package with food, crackers, water, juice, and a uh," she grins, "puke bag. Sorry man. That's on you if she gets sick." The chopper comes to life, and Nicholas lifts off.

"Yeah. It was, and I know you're right. There's something we're just not getting here." He cuts a bite of pancake and lifts it high. "To us. To today. I say after this, we hit the shops. I need new clothes."
Kaden nods "Thanks... And I'm well aware... And prepared to take that on..." He gently rubs her back as she sleeps "All part of being a father right..." He watches over her and glances out the window from time to time.

Jareth 'toasts' their pancakes and smiles "Yeah... Maybe something a bit more... Form fitting..." Glancing at the sweats he still wore "I'd like to show a bit more of you off..." He smirks and continues to eat.
Nicholas takes them straight through to the city where they land on the roof of the building he lives in. "Alright boys and girls, welcome home. Again. Kaden, you take the sleeping mommy, Aliya the supplies, and I'll unlock the door." He unbuckles and stops Aliya from getting out. "On second thought, here," he says handing her the keys. "2468 is the code. I'll be down in minute. You and Kaden go ahead."
"Are you sure." He nods. "Alright then."

"Form fitting? You just want a better look at my ass, and I'm okay with that. I like knowing you're looking," he grins.
Kaden gently picks Mel up and holds her close "Relax baby... I'll have you in bed soon... Go back to sleep..." He kisses her and heads to the rooftop door, he glances back as Aliya comes over alone "He coming?"

Jareth smiles at him "Oh you know I do a lot more then look angel boy... I just wanna show off what no one else can have..." He finishes eating and sips his drink, "I'm ready when you are love..."
She looks at him before she unlocks the door. "Yeah. He said just give him a minute. I don't know why," she shrugged pulling the door opened.

"Oh I hope I can still fit in the same size after eating all this," he laughed. "I'm ready too love. We could go walk around at the old park. Give me a chance to work off some of this food," he teased.

She had the front door broken in and stepped inside. "What the hell happened to this place? I expected more from you doctor." She looked around as if she were disgusted. "To think that little whore was here. Just here no doubt, and now she's gone. I just missed them. Damn it. How did they know. Mason wouldn't have told them. No. The only other person that could know is the little tart in his bed. That bitch." She smirks. "I'll have her taken care of."
Kaden nods and heads inside, Mel needed to lay down and he had to get some food into her, he glances back at Nicholas once more before the door closed.

Jareth smirks "You are not fat... And even if you did put on a few pounds, I wouldn't care..." He stood up and pulls him up from his seat, not caring about anyone else. "As long as you stay you in here... And here... I don't care what you look like..." He had pointed to his head and his heart, then cupped his cheek and kissed him softly, he leaves the money on the table and leads him back outside. He looks back to him "Do you really wanna go for a walk?" He smirks at him, he had a little fantasy he wanted to play out.
Nicholas waits for the door to close before breaking down. He leans his head forward and cries. "I can't let anything happen to them. I love him. I need them." He continues to lean forward until his head is resting on the controls and sobs. Aliya leads Kaden into one the of the bedrooms. "I hope this is okay for you and Mel. Nobody at the hospital knows he has this place. So there's no worry of her finding us here. The elevator at the main door will take you down to the lobby and the garage. Nicholas has a car here. I'll show you the door and the car." She pulls the covers so he can put her in the bed. "Melanie we'll bring you some hot food in here. You just relax. Is the oatmeal okay to eat?" Melanie nods. "And juice please." Aliya smiles. "No problem. I'll be in the kitchen if you two need anything."

"No. Not really," he tells him climbing into the car. "The park was just a place to be with you. Do you have something else in mind?"

"Mason, listen to me son. That little tart, that little bitch, that spent the night in your bed is a traitor. I got here at the address you told me, and they are all gone. Gone! She let them know somehow, and they fled that bitch of a wife of yours' with them. Now you find out where the hell they are. I don't care what you have to do to do it. Make that man think he has a chance with you again, but don't you dare sleep with him. Do you understand me?! Make him think he has a chance of having you back, find out where they are, and then leave him. Do this so I can get these damn papers to her. NOW!" Mason cringed as she hung up and looked inside as Gabby was coming back inside. She came outside on the deck with him. "You okay?"
"No. Why did you do it?"
"Why did I....."
"Don't play stupid. You clued them in she was coming. Now she wants me to trick Jareth into telling me where they are. I can't do that Gabby. I can't, and I won't. I'll be damn if I'm gonna hurt him again. He's happy with Kevin. It's over, but she's not gonna stop. Find out where they are. You caused this mess. Now clean it up!" He stormed back inside.
"Aliya... Wait a second..." He leans down and kisses her softly "Can you stay with her a minute..." He smiles at Mel "I'll be right back..." He thanks Aliya and heads back up to the roof, he looks out the door window and sees Nicholas bent over the controls and shaking slightly. "Baby..." He opens te door as silently as he can and makes his way back to the chopper, moving around to his door, he opens it. "I can cry around you... But you can't around me..." He reaches up and cups his cheek, wiping his tears with his thumb "That's not how this works baby..." He steps up and pulls him into a tight hug, rubbing his back "Talk to me..."

Jareth smirks at him "Well... Sort of... If you're up to it..." He gets in and heads to the park "We've been together in the woods 100's of times... But never where anyone could... Catch us..." He glances at him "It's completely up to you... But I'd like that 'naughty' feeling... Have since the night at the club... Only around people who don't know what we're doing..." He bit his lip lightly as he continued to drive, the park not far away, soon pulling into the parking lot, he looks over at him. "What... Do you think..."
Aliya nods, “Sure. I can stay with her. We’ll be fine.” Melanie nods. “Yeah M’lord. Go.”

Nicholas doesn’t hear anything until the door opens He looks at Kaden as she speaks. His eyes are red, and his face soaked. Nicholas wraps his arms around Kaden tight and holds him as he starts to cry once more. “I can’t….lose you….or them. I care….about them….and I….love you….too much….to lose you.” His embrace tightens. “I love you Kaden, and I’m gonna..keep I promise.”

Kevin smiles, feeling a warmth in his face. “What do I think? We’ve never done anything like that, and I’d love to do this with you love. It is exciting, and I want to feel it. So yes, of course yes. I say let’s do it.”

She follows him inside. "Damn it Gabby you put me in a bad place! My mom wants that address, and the only way I can get it is to hurt Jareth. So I hurt my mom and risk her wrath, or I hurt Jareth. Damn it! I can't do that! I won't! Don't you get it? I fucking love that man! I already hurt him! I won't do it again!"
"Mason calm down. Just give me your phone and let me call him. Okay? I can try to get it from him without you getting involved. Okay?" He shakes his head before throwing her his phone. "Don't fuck this up. My mom may already want your head on a platter for this."
Kaden holds him closer and lets him cry, he kisses his head and rubs his back "You saw me at my worst... And literally brought me back... You've bin there for me..." He lets a few of his own tears fall, moving back slightly to cup his cheeks, rubbing the tears away "I know our group is complicated... But we love each other... I love you... I love Melanie... And what you're doing for us..." He leans down and kisses him "I can only repay you... By staying with you in return... Loving you... Raising a family with you..." He smiles at him "You won't lose us... Even if that bitch manages to find us... We aren't going anywhere... I've waited a long time for a family of my own... And I'm going to fight tooth and nail to keep it... Protect it..." He looks at him with determination and love in his eyes "As long as we stay together... She can't win..."

Jareth smirks and gets out of the car, locking it up as they start into the park "There is a small wooded area... Near the main fountain... Beside the playground..." He takes his hand as they walk and slowly rubs his thumb over te back of it, walking along the edge of the trees before slipping into them. He was growling softly as they walked through the thick brush, soon coming to a small clearing, the fountain and play park only a few yards away. The sounds of children playing and bubbling wake could easily be heard. "This looks good..." He glances around and then starts to lower Kevin to the ground,, pushing his shirt up to run his claws over his skin slowly.
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