Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"I love you too, but remember one thing..for me. Remember..who said it first," he teases.

"No she didn't," he yells at him. "All she wanted was to give Melanie our divorce papers! Shat hates her, and she doesn't want me married to her! You guys had to run though." His comment about his mother working on him enraged him. "Damn it Jareth! She's my mother. She doesn't have to work on me. I love her. I come from her. Do you see what I could....." He shakes his head. Yet another secret he hasn't told him. Something else he's been keeping buried since he met him is threatening to surface. "Just go see guys can go home yet."
Jareth grabs him and pulls him from the room, then pins him to the wall "That woman you call your mother almost killed you! And you're still defending her... You've lived under her CONTROL for so long you don't even notice it anymore..." He cups his cheeks and makes him look at him "Did you even notice what I had to do to save you two..." He closes his eyes and rests against his forehead softy "I figured it out... I mated the two of you..." He opens his eyes "Becasue the moment they took you home... The moment you left here... You would've been gone... With no hope of me saving you this time..." He looks at him "Please... No more secrets... Let me help you... Have I not already proven I'd do anything for you..."
He shoves him back. "You mated me? Now? Before it was an accident when you bite me. Now you do it to save my life. So I have to be near death for you want to do it. Not because you love me huh? This is bullshit Jareth. Just take Kevin and go home. Home Jareth! Where you belong. Get away from me! Haven't I proven....Haven't I proven I don't want you," he forced himself to ask. He turns and looks up at the massive painting of his mother with Giles. They were younger when it was done, but it's clearly them. He is her demon helper, but he's more than that. The way he has his arm around her in the painting, it's clear too. Mason closes his eyes and hangs his head. He's afraid he's going to become her. She fell for a demon and then allowed the blackness, the darkness that can surround some demons to fill her heart. He's afraid the same thing will happen to him. He's afraid he's as weak as she is. "Just go Jareth. Take your lover and go. I'll wait here for my mother."
"Yes now... I've wanted to all along... But I didn't know how to do it SAFELY! You... You had to be near death to accept my blood... Only I was too late with Kevin the first time..." He growls softly again "What's bullshit is the way you defend a woman that wants you dead..." He looks up at the picture as he does "A woman that joins with evil demons to do her... Bidding..." He looks from the picture, then to Mason and his reaction to it, he steps back several feet "You think... You think I'll be like them... Don't you... You think I'd be evil and cruel for no reason..." He ignores his comment about leaving.
He turns around quickly, his face angry. "You're a fucking idiot! Can't you look at that painting and see it?! Look at how his arm is around her Jareth! Look how she leans against him! The look on her face isn't just from the paint of a talented artist! She loves him Jareth. My mother....fell in love with a demon, and she was seduced by the darker side of him. That's why she is how she is. Because she couldn't say no to it. Because she is weak. In that darkness, she found her strength. Giles stays with her because he loves her. Not because he agrees with her. We do weird, strange things when we're in love. Some stand by people hoping they'll change, and some of us push others away for their own good. Now go get Kevin and go home. Now Jareth. Before she gets back."
He quickly moves back to pin him to the wall again and growls low "If you think we are anything like them... That you're anything like that bitch..." He reaches up and slowly runs his claws along his neck and down his arm "If she was ever good... I can't see it... But you are... If you weren't... I wouldn't have bin able to stop you that day... You would have killed Kaden and Mel..." He rests against him again and watches him "You would have embraced my inner beast... Not tried to control him... You would have killed Kaden... Not slept with him..." He kisses him so lightly and bites his own lip as he pulls back "Baby you are such a good person... But your letting her pull you into the darkness... A darkness of your own making..." He cups his cheek again "But you're so much stronger then that... Then her..." He smiles softly "You don't need my power to fight her... But you have my help if you want it... Please mate... Let me help you... Love you..."
"I am her. Don't you see that? I am....her. I'll pull you down, just like she did with Giles. I don't want that. I don't want that for Kevin, and I sure as hell don't want my kid around it." Jareth's kiss was still fresh on his lips. He could feel his demon blood and was fighting mating with him. "I'm trying to protect you, to do what's right for everybody. Why are you fighting me so hard on this?" In his mind, it was the right thing. Get them away so he doesn't hurt them, but there was more to it. So much more, and seeing Kaden in pain in the other room only fueled it. He was enjoying seeing him in pain, and that scared him. Combine that with what he wasn't telling Jareth, and Mason felt like he was coming apart. "Please! Get all of them out of here! You have to!"
Jareth watches him and cups his cheeks "I'm fighting you... Becasue I know it's what you want... I can feel it right here..." He places a hand over his heart "And if you'd stop fighting it... You'll feel what I feel... We'd be connected... I could help you past it... I've had centuries to fight my dark side and control it... You can't pull me down baby boy... But I can help pull you up... If you'll let me..." He looks at him, then closes the gap and kisses him, roughly, deeply and with all the passion he has. He'd prove to him that there was nothing to fear, that he'd help him through anything.
Mason closes his eyes tightly, cringing, as Jareth talks. He was right. He was fighting him with everything he had. Then he felt his lips against his own, and he couldn't fight it. Mason wrapped his arms around him, and pulled him close, returning the kiss fully. His heart pounded, and he could feel his member harden. He wanted him. Moving his hands, he ripped Jareth's shirt open and pushed him back into a table that sat in the room. Mason didn't speak as his hands roamed his chest and his lips followed before returning to Jareth's. He didn't have to. His fingers worked at Jareth's pants, trying to free him. When he had them opened enough, he reached inside and felt him. His entire body shuddered at the first touch.
Jareth moans softly and allows Mason to lead, felt it's what he needed, he moves with him, and lays back on the table as Mason touches him. "Nnn..." He closes his eyes and moans softly, he could smell his arousal, it was thick and heavy in the air, he begins to pant and lightly pushes into his hand. He leans up slightly and watches him "Please..." He kisses him again and puts one arm around his neck as he starts to slowly rock into his hand, moaning and whining into their kiss. If being in control was what he needed, he'd give it to him, if he wanted to be controlled he'd give him that too. He belonged to Kevin and Mason now, just as much as they belonged to him, they were connected, feeling and emotions would easily flow through the three of them if they allowed it. He pulls from the kiss to take a breath, his eyes dark with his own arousal, he was trying to hold the passion between them back from Kevin so it wouldn't affect him while he was with the others. He kisses him again and licks his lips, asking for entrance.
Mason pulls back from the kiss. Starring into Jareth's eyes, he waits a moment before reaching down and pulling Jareth's pants further down. He frees him completely, his cock in full view of him. In an swift motion, and act of lust, he leans down and takes him, his mouth covering him. Mason wanted to taste him. He needed it. One hand firm on his thigh, the other reached his chest, above his heart. His fingertips pressed into his skin as he took him deeply. Mason didn't want Jareth to cum. He knew when to stop, but he had to do this. The longing, the desire he had been denying himself had gone on for too long. It was undeniable and unstoppable. Pulling from him, he returned his lips to his. His own hands reaching for his pants, fumbling with them as they shook. "Make love to me," he panted as he pulled from the kiss. "Let me rest on this desk and make love to me Jareth."
He shifts as he's undressed and watches Mason, panting slightly, then almost cries out as he takes him into his mouth, but bit it back as a moan. He looks at him as he pulls off him and almost whines, until ask him to make love to him, he reaches up and stills his shaking hands. He smiles and nods, then helps him to undress before slowly switching their postions, he kisses him once more before laying him back. He stands between his thighs and lifts on of his legs and wets his fingers, he starts to get him ready, slowly pumping them into him and stretching him softly, never looking away. After a few minutes of that he stops and shifts to start entering him, reaching up to hold his hand, linking their fingers. "Tell me you love me... I need to hear it from your lips..." He presses in slowly and bites his lip, eyes closing in pleasure at the feeling.
Mason moves, almost gliding into position as he sits on the table. Jareth's kiss was warm, soft, and inviting. He had missed it. Mason rested back against the table. Groans come from his parted lips as Jareth prepares him. He has to focus on his breathing. Slowly, deeply, in and out he breathes in and exhales, feeling every movment from Jareth. Jareth shifts. Mason's leg was still up. He feels him pressing inside him, and a deep sigh mixed with a moan fills the room. "I..I love you," he tells him, not just because Jareth asked him to, but because it was the truth. Mason wanted to say it. He needed to. He squeezes Jareth's fingers before pulling him down to him so he can kiss him. "Come on baby. Make love to me. I want to feel you, all of you."
He holds his hip and pushes in slowly as Mason pulls him down "Mmm..." He kisses him back and licks his lips again, and soon pushes in fully and stills, allowing the feeling of being hugged by him to sink in. "I love you..." He starts to move, and moans softly as he stares at him "Mmm you feel so good..." He speeds up only slightly, wanting this to be slow and passionate, true love making, he closes his eyes and lets a few tears fall "I'm sorry... For the pain you've had..." He looked that him "But I'll be there... From now on... Helping you... Loving you..." He thrusts a bit deeper and groans, watching him.
"Sshhhh," Mason tells him. "Don't talk about that. Just keep....making love to me." He kept Jareth close to him because together both their bodies caressed his own cock as Jareth moved. Mason wasn't sure exactly what he was going to do after this was over. His mind couldn't think that far ahead. He held Jareths face with both his hands before reaching around to his back, pulling him closer. He could feel his pace quicken and groaned loving the feel of him. "You feel so good baby. So good. Don't stop. I've missed you. I love you. Always." His fingernails dig into Jareth's back as his orgasm grows close. "I....I can't....stop I'm gonna....cum. I'm gonna," his words fell short as he arched his back, pushing Jareth from him slightly as he climaxed. It was strong and powerful, consuming all of his body. "," his words jerked as his cock released his seed.

Aliya finally slipped from Mel's room and took out her cell phone. She knew they wouldn't be at home. If they were, they would have called her to find out where they were. The answering machine picked up and she left a message. "Guys when you get home you need to come to the hospital. Get here when you can. Bye." She didn't want to tell them what was going on. Not over the phone.
Jareth kiss him then speeds up, they were both so worked up already, he groans as he scratches at his back, his hips jerking slightly. "Mmm... I'll never stop... I love you..." He looks at him "Then don't hold back... Never hold back... Nnn.. So tight..." He groans, then growls loudly as he cums as well, filling him and feeling his body still twitching around him. He lays against him slightly, panting softly, not wanting to move.
"Aw shit," he breathes as Jareth rests against him. Mason knows if his mother comes back and find them like this, it will have horrible results. "Jareth. You gotta move. You gotta go. Get out of here. Now. Move," he says nudging him. "Just take Kevin and go. Please. Before she comes back. Go!" He moves him harder as he raises his voice. "Now Jareth!" Mason thinks Jareth won't leave now that he's admitted his feelings, but he has to get him to go without him. He hates what he's about to do. "It was a good farewell fuck, but you've gotta go now. So move. Go take Kevin and the others and leave. NOW!" He shoves him one last time pushing him from his body. "Go! Or I'll kill you myself!"
He didn't want to do, that was true, he let Mason push him slowly, then when he wasn't going fast enough, Mason got mad and shoved him off. He stood up and growls at him, also angry "Stop lying to me! Stop saying what you don't mean!" He reaches out and pulls him up by his shirt and holds him close "I'm tired of this dance of yours... You have problems... Who doesn't!" He growls a bit louder "Now if you want me to entertain the thought of leaving my mate behind in this fucking hellhole... He better tell me the truth..."

Kaden had calmed down much after he ignored everything else and just focused on Nicholas and that fact that he was alive. He kisses him softly and smiles, then holds him close and relaxes back against the wall, he glances around. "Where did Jareth and Mason go?" He glances at Kevin and blinks "You... Look flushed... Are you ok?"
Kevin grins. "I am....wonderful. They're in....the next room. I think we should give them a minute. Maybe two."

"You will leave me behind! You will go in there, get them, and take them back! I'm not asking, and I'm not explaining anything! You lost that right to know everything when I walked away from you! Oh Jareth," he begins, reaching out and holding his face. "You are an amazing fuck," he kisses his lips, "but that's all you are. A good fuck. Now get out of here," he says letting him go. "I've got things to take care of."
Jareth growls again and glares at him "You'll soon see... You can't hide how you feel anymore... Mate!" He moves to get his clothes and starts to pull them on "I'm not the one that needs protecting... Boy!" He walks up to him again "Be careful what you wish for..." He turns and heads out of the room "This isn't over..."

Kaden smiles softly "Think Mason has finally come around?"

"Stubborn, annoying, two faced..." He was muttering as he stormed into the room, growling softly and started to pace slightly "Is he ready to leave..." He doesn't stop moving.
"I don't think he has," Kevin says to Kaden. Standing he heads over to Jareth. "Love. What's wrong? What happened? I know it wasn't all bad. I'm sorry, but you two still projected," he blushes. "What happened?"

Mason watches him leave. It's the hardest thing he's ever had to do. "Yes it is," he yells to him. "It's over!"
Jareth looks back at the other room and snarls, then punches the wall, he turns back to Kevin, his eyes angry, but still hurt. "Don't be sorry... That's what the bond is for..." He takes a deep breath "We're leaving him here... He's still lying... Hiding something..." He give a dry laugh "Now he's trying to tell me that was just a good bye... And that we're over..." He looks at Kevin again and smirks "But he was with me, it was happening to him... So he doesn't know the extent of the bond when alone..." He quickly pulls Kevin close and kisses him hard, then slowly lessens it to kiss him deeply and with a hunger.

Kaden watches them and glances at Nicholas, running his fingers through his hair slowly "You ok to go now?"
Kevin listens, not sure what to say, but as Jareth pulls him close and kisses him, he gives him, wrapping his arms around him.

"Yeah. I can move, but not yet. I'm rather enjoying this. This is better than any porn I can watch. Still not as good as watching you fuck Mel though. That was just hot," he laughs.

Kevin breaks the kiss, his lips tasting Jareth's neck. "Oh my love. What do you mean? The extent of the bond? When alone?" He couldn't get enough of him. Knowing about, and feeling, the time he spent with Mason had gotten him aroused. Jareth was only pushing that further.
Jareth smirks and moves his hands over his chest and back, letting his claws trace patterns on his skin "You should know my love... You were the one alone... But I was blocking most of it..." He tips his chin up and stares at him "Or you would have felt every touch... Kiss... Thrust..." He picks him up, wrapping his legs around his waist and holding him there, grinding him against him slightly as he says the last word. "Everything... Which my little hotheaded mate should be feeling now... Because I'm not blocking anything..." He smirks and kisses him again, grinding him against him again, then attacks his neck with nips and kisses.

Kaden blushes, but still grins slightly "He is rather... Passionate... With his men... Isn't he..." He takes his hand and holds it "I think I know what we'll be doing in that tub... And it won't be getting.. Clean.." He smirks as he watches Jareth.
Kevin can only groan. Already he is starting to fall apart, and even trying to speak would be a waste. He tightens his grip around Jareth's waist with his legs.

Mason leans against the table before doubling over it. His mouth is hung open, and he can barely breath. His cock stiffens in his pants, and he drags his fingernails down the surface of the table.

"Oh you got that right. These two are fucking hot. We will not be getting clean in that tub. You came for me, and I will reward you for that. That's a promise, but....shouldn't we be leaving, or are we gonna sit here and watch them fuck right in front of us," he teases.
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