Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Get your fucking hands off me. I didn’t do this. Believe what you want. I came as soon as I found out. How could I have had a hand in this? Huh? I was chained to those walls in the same room as your boy toy over there, or did you forget that? I’ll pay a price for being here now, but I’m here. I didn’t come for you. I came for her. I still…..” He stops himself from saying that he still loves her. “Now get your hands of me,” he snarls trying to pry Jareth’s hands off his shirt.
“Jareth. Not here. You boys wanna fight it out, that’s fine by me, but not here. It’s not the place, and Mel doesn’t need to know this is going on.

They all turn and look when Kaden comes out. Mason is shocked as he pushed them apart and takes a hold of him. When he’s finished and holding his pant leg crying, he looks up and to each one of them. Kevin looked like he didn’t even know who Mason was anymore. Aliya looked concerned for Kaden. She wouldn’t look at him. Jareth was stunned. He looked down at Kaden and shook his head. “No. I can’t do this.” He pulls free of Kaden and heads for the door leaving.
Jareth is too shocked to move and just looks to where he left 'Even after that...' He takes a seat, not knowing what to do anymore.

Kaden noticed him leave, through his tears he go up and ran after him "Mason!" He runs out after him and gets in front of him "Stop it! Stop running away!" He grabs him again "You can't leave her like that! Or is this still about me!?" He steps back and holds his arms open "Hit me! Punch me! Kick me! Do what ever the fuck you want to me.... But don't you dare leave her like this... Those were your children too dammit!" He screams and continues to cry "You can't keep running from your problems... It doesn't work... They follow you!" He takes a step back "You wanna know why I did what I did with Melanie... The real reason..." He takes a deep breath "Becasue that's how I was treated... When I was younger... By my own mother..." He closes his eyes "I tried for so long... To look past it, she was my mom... She loved me..." He shook his head "But I was wrong... Blood does not a parent make... Nich taught me that..." He looks at him again "I got tired of running... It will eat you up... You're too nice of a person for that... We can all see that... Why can't you..." He steps closer again "Our children are gone... And your wife is heartbroken... Your enemy is broken!" He tosses his arms up "So stop running and be the man we know you are..." He still holds his arms out, waiting for any kind of blow.
Mason looks around, feeling his rage growing. “Stop running. Huh? Fine,” he yells as he grabs Kaden and slams him back against the wall. Aliya holds up her hands, stopping the nurses from trying to break them apart. “It’s okay. They need this.” Mason slams him into the wall a second time. “You lost your child. NO! That’s not enough pain for you to feel. It will NEVER be enough pain for you to feel. I’ve lost my children, my wife, and my lover.” Kevin narrows his eyes and looks at Jareth. “I lost them all, and it’s my fault. Do you hear me? My fault! I sucked being a husband. So my wife wasn’t happy. Another man took her, and she fell in love with him. So I lost her because he was watching and saw how unhappy she was. He wanted what I had!” Again he slams into the wall. “He couldn’t leave her alone. He couldn’t let us try to work things out. No. He was more important than either one of us. He didn’t stop, he didn’t start to resemble a human being until she was in love with him. My kids are gone because my mother…..My lover is with his former lover that I got to come back! I’m either really in love with him or stupid. I’m not sure which one. I had him all to myself, and I fucked that up too. So what in the hell makes you think I could have been a decent parent or a good man. I fuck up everything I touch Kaden. I’m sorry your mother fucked you up. You wanna swap sad stories about mothers? You know what mine is like. Who do you think will win?” He let go of his shoulders only to squeeze his throat. “Then there’s you. You, whom I can’t figure out for the life of me why. Why in the hell do I look at you, hate you for all you’ve cost me, for everything I’ll never have again, and yet I…..I..still..want you. I can’t figure it out. I’ve tried. I hate you. I wish you were dead. I wish Melanie had never met you. We could still be married in our home right now if it hadn’t been for you.” Aliya is watching Kaden’s face, but Mason doesn’t seem to be letting go. “Mason. You’re gonna kill him.”
“I know,” he says, a smile breaking across his face. “I have to. I need to.”
“No Mason. You can’t kill him,” she says before looking back to Jareth.
“Why not? He killed everything in my life. I want him dead, but I want him to fuck me too. It makes no sense Aliya. I can’t figure it out. I tried, but I can’t. Even if he’s dead, she’ll never love me the same. I can’t ever have what I lost, but I can’t go forward. Do you know what that’s like? Hmm?” Aliya starts to try and pull him off from Kaden, but he’s too strong.
"Nnn!" Kaden takes every hit, finally accepting his role in all this, he listens to him and cries more but doesn't protest, he gasps when he starts to choke him. "Mmm! F-Fine..." He reaches up to hold his wrists, but doesn't try to stop him, he looks to Jareth slightly 'Tell... Tell Nicholas I'm sorry... Mel too... T-This was my... My choice...'

Jareth runs up and holds his arms "Mason! Mason please... I can stop you... And I will... But that won't mean anything..." He looks at him, keeping an eye on Kaden's heartbeat "Baby look at me... This... This is that darkness... Don't let it take you... Please..." Kaden's hands slowly fall from his arms and his eyes are starting to close "Mason... You haven't lost me... Yes, Kevin is back... But I don't love you any less... Or him any more..." He glances at Kaden, his heartbeat was getting slow "Let him go... If you love me and Mel like you say you do... Like I know you do... Let him go..." He turns his head and makes him look at him "Don't let this be who you are..."
He lets go of Kaden’s throat with one hand and punches him before letting go with his other hand. “Don’t ever come around me again, or next time I will kill you. Whatever this is between us, it’s not natural. It’s not normal. I’m not supposed to want the man who made my life hell to fuck me! So stay away from me!” Forcefully he kicks him as he rests on the floor. “And you,” he says looking at Jareth, “stay away from me too. Don’t talk to me about darkness. This is the best I’ve felt in a long time. The pain of losing Mel, the pain of thinking you loved Kevin more and having to share him is gone. I feel alive,” he tells him, his eyes glowing just softly. “This darkness is taking away all the pain I’ve had to live with. Thank you for that, but now I’m going to take away her pain.” Aliya’s eyes widen. “What are you talking about Mason?” He looks at her. “The babies aren’t dead. They’ve been implanted in the womb of another. Giles did it. If I know my mother, and believe me I do, she intends on using them to make sure I stay with her. She can’t carry them. So it’s just a matter of finding out who has them. So I’m going back home later. I’ll find them.”
“Mason thank you. This is the good guy we all know you are. This darkness, it’s filling your heart, just like it did her. Please don’t let it.” He grins at her. “You’re cute. You know that. You’d make a fine demon yourself. I’m gonna find my kid, and it’s not for him,” he points to Kaden. “It’s for her and me. Nobody else.” He turns and starts for the door again. “The darkness is consuming love,” Kevin tells Jareth. “He doesn’t want to fight it.”
Kaden falls to the floor, barely breathing and weak, not even reacting to blows Mason gave him

Jareth jumps back slightly and stares, slightly hurt "That isn't you talking... This isn't you!..." He glares slightly "Let me help you!" He was panting slightly, his chest was being squeezed "Damn you..." Once Mason left he was able to put a block up on their bond, sealing him out for now "I... I can't reach him..." He shakes his head, then moves close to Kaden "Get a stretcher quick! He's still alive!" He looks him over, afraid to touch him, "I'm sorry my friend..." He starts to cry silently as the fact that Mason almost killed him starts to sink in.
Kevin moves Aliya out of the way as they bring a stretcher over to help Kaden. “He almost killed him,” she whispers to. “Yeah. Once a demon does such a violent, dark act, the darkness pretty much has them. If Mason crosses that line, he won’t be able to come back. I’m more worried about Kaden and Jareth right now. Kaden just heard that no amount of suffering will ever feel like what he’s put Mason through, and Jareth…..Well. You heard.”
“Yeah. I’ve never seen Mason like this, but he did say one good thing. The babies aren’t dead. They’re alive out there inside another woman. Jareth! Did you hear what Mason said? The babies are alive. She needs a strong, female to put them in. It’s gotta be Gabby. She wants them to be together.”
“No,” Kevin shakes his head. “She doesn’t trust her because she couldn’t get Nicholas’ address. It’s got to be somebody else.”
“But who,” Aliya asks.

Mari wipes her lips standing, leaving Nicholas on the floor exhausted. “You were every bit as good as you looked like you would be.” He looks up and watches her rub her hand over her belly. “They thank you as well. When I’m a little bit stronger, we’ll talk about giving them back. I can’t do it yet. Still too weak from coming back, but that meal certainly helps.” She puts her foot over Nicholas’ throat. “You tell anyone, and it’s lights out. Got it?” He grunts. “Yeah.”
“Good. Now get dressed and never come back here again.”
Kaden was unconscious, the bruises already showing around his neck as they took him away.

Jareth slowly stands as they take him, watching him go, the doctors and nurses working on him as they take him down the hall. Mason was slipping further away and if he didn't do something, he'd never get him back, he'd be lost the darkness within himself. He turns and head towards Mel's room, walking past Kevin and Aliya silently, he enters her room and closes the door behind him. "Hey Sweety... I have some good news... And some bad news..." He sits on the bed beside her and takes her hand "Bad news first... Kaden's been hurt... He's alive!" He quickly says when she reacts "But barely..." He looks down "Mason... Mason almost killed him... I'm so sorry Sweety... He's... He's changed... And I don't know how to bring him back..." He looks at her and reaches up, wiping her eyes "But he did say something before he left... Your children... Aren't dead... His mother's demon... Somehow removed them... And put them in someone else..." He rubs her hand lightly with his thumb "I'll do whatever I can to get you your children back... And stop... Stop Mason... Try and save him..." He looks down and closes his eyes, a tear falling and hitting her hand.
“I asked him….not to leave me. He promised….he wouldn’t. Now? Now he’s barely alive.” She pulls her hand away from Jareths’. Throwing the covers back, she climbs from the bed and grabs her clothes. Melanie doesn’t say a word as she begins to change clothes. Looking up, she locks eyes with him. “I’m not staying here. No. I have to do something. I’m losing everybody Jareth. My children were taken from me, Mason is of the deep end, and now Kaden is barely alive. No,” she shakes her head. “I’m not staying here. I’m going out there to try and find something out. I’ll go see this woman, this Gabby, and don’t tell me you don’t know who I’m talking about. I hear you guys talking. There was a picture of him kissing her? I have to find her. Maybe she has my children. I have to try and reach Mason. I can’t just lie here in this damn bed while everybody I know is under attack by this bitch who hates me! So don’t even think about telling me to!” She headed for the door, opened it, and slammed it shut again. “Damn her Jareth. You find her, and you kill that bitch. Promise me.”

Nicholas heads down the hall towards Kevin and Aliya. "Alright. Sorry it took me....what's wrong?"
"You don't want to know," Kevin tells him. "Mason was here. He nearly killed Kaden. Choked him."
"What?! Where did they take him? Where's Jareth?"
"They took him in there, and Jareth is in with Mel." He opened the door to see Melanie standing there. "Mel. Sweetheart," he said taking her into his arms.
Jareth stands and looks at her "Mel you can't go out there... You can't look for her... Kaden didn't do what he did, standing up to Mason... For you to put yourself in danger..." He looks at her "Gabby doesn't have your children... I don't know who does... But you have to stay safe... I promise you I'll find her... And then.." He looks up as Nicholas walks in "Doc... I'm really sor..ry..." He looks at him and raises an eyebrow "About Kaden... I did what I could..." He looks past him to Aliya and Kevin "You two... Watch her... We'll be right back..." He takes Nich's arm and drags him into the bathroom. "That scent on you isn't possible... Explain..."
Nicholas lets him take him into the bathroom. “Jareth, I’m not even going to try to lie to you. Yeah. It’s possible. It’s very possible. In fact, it is who you think it is. I know that sense of smell you have. Let me guess. You’re thinking her name is Mari. Right?”

Melanie walks out into the hall. “Mel. No. I don’t think you should leave.”
“Out of my way Aliya. I have to do something.”
“Then go back in there and wait to be release. Go sit with Kaden. Just don’t leave.”
“No. I’m not going in there to sit by a bed and watch him….I can’t do that Aliya. I’ve already lost too much. I have to go.”
Jareth growls softly "It's not possible.. She's dead... I saw her myself in..." His eyes widen "No..." He grabs his collar "She has them... That bitch brought her back... Why were you with her!" He growls again, but keeps it low so they aren't heard.
"This is where it gets interesting. She doesn't want them. She wants to get stronger so she can give them back to Mel. She's weak. She needed to fed. So," he lowers his head. "She fed. From me." Nicholas didn't realize the effect it would have on her feeding from someone with Jareth's blood in their veins. "She said let her get stronger, and we could talk about it. Jareth she wants away from Weathers. She doesn't want the kids. The sooner she can get stronger and give them back, the better in her eyes. So I'm gonna rest and let her fed again. I can rest while Kaden does. Mel will have her babies back. They're fine Jareth. They're just inside Mari right now."

Melanie has pushed past them in the hall and stepped outside. A car pulls up and as the window lowers Mari calls out, "get in. Now." Mel just stares at her. "Get in if you want your kids back."
His eyes widen again "Tell me you didn't sleep with her already... With my blood in your veins!" He steps back and runs his hands through his hair "She said she's weak... Dammit!" He looks at him "My blood was what she was after... She just got a major power boost... Where is she? We have get to her quick..." He exits the bathroom to find Mel gone "Where is she! Please tell me you didn't let her leave!?"
Before Nicholas could answer, Jareth had stepped to the halls asking where Mel was. "Yeah. She left. I'm sorry Jareth. I tried to stop her. Really we did, but she insisted." Nicholas looks past them to the door and sees Mel standing next to car. "Who the hell is that," he asks as Mel opens the car door looking inside.

She rubs her hand over her belly. "Get your ass in the car. We gotta talk. It's now or never mommy."
"How dare you! I don't have....."
"I know you don't sweetheart. Where do you think I got this from," she asked, still rubbing her belly.
"You gonna get in the car now? Better make it fast. I smell Jareth. That means he can smell me, and we don't exactly get along. You get me?" She throws the car into drive ready to take off. "Get in or I'm gone." She inches the car forward as she raises her eyebrows. "I mean it." Mel looks back at all of them inside. "Okay." She climbs inside and closes the door. Mari smiles before taking off.
Jareth whips his head to the side in time to see Mari in the car "Fuck! Mel!?" He runs out the door as they drive off "MELANIE!" He growls "Dammit!" He stocks back inside "Mari took her..." He walks past them and enters Kaden's room, he slowly walks up to his bed and looks him over, they had him on an oxygen max and all kinds of i.v's. He takes his hand and sighs, he just hopped they could make things right before he woke up. He looks over as Nicholas comes in "I'm sorry for this... I didn't know he was... Was capable of this..." He looks back at Kaden, then turns to Nicholas "But he is changing... In ways I never wanted for him..." His eyes get hard "This is my fight now... He's my mate... I'll be the one to stop him..." He made a fist and bit his lip "I'll get Mel and the kids back... But I need you to stay out of it..." He looks at him hard "I mean it Doc... Your place is here... With him... Promise me... On his life..." He points to Kaden.
"Fuck," was all he said as he said as he walked in and saw Kaden. "Mason....did this? This? He....." He listened to Jareth, and when he was finished, he nodded to him. "Alright. On his life, I will not leave this room. I can't..believe..this is happening. You find him Jareth. You get those kids and Mel back. I'll stay here and take care of him. If I do leave this room, it will only be to treat him. He's my only concern."
"I'll help you doctor," Aliya says steeping in, putting her hand on his shoulder. "We can treat Kaden Jareth. You do what you need to do."

"How did this....."
"Happen?" Mari laughs. "Weathers hates you. You hurt her little boy. That's how. Then that smartass doctor had to stand up to her. Weathers doesn't like that. So she came after all of you for blood. Her boy, he's gone off the deep end, and it's not even all his fault."
"What do you mean?"
"That darkness that's consuming him, he had help. When she was torturing all of them, they each had their own blade that she shoved in them. That's wasn't because she was feeling hygienic. Mason's was different. It was already tainted. Evil demons have evil blood sweetheart. The blood on the blade was black as night. Evil in it's finiest form. She dosed him. Now it's coursing through his veins taking away all his pain."
"Where did she get it from?" Mari turned and smiled.
"You? You're not evil."
"You don't know me that well sweetheart. No. It didn't come from me though. Giles. Her favorite fuck toy henchmen. You got a lot to learn about the family you're still married into. That alone is a threat to her." Mari parked the car at the demon bar. "Come on. You'll be safe in here. She won't come in here."
Jareth looks at the two of them "Thank you... And... He's not going to like it... But I'm going to try and get Kevin to stay here too... If he stays... Watch him for me..." He nods to them and steps out of the room, then goes to sit next to Kevin, he sighs softly and tries to relax.
"Don't do this," Kevin says. "'Don't say what I know you're going to say. Damn it Jareth. You can't ask me to stay here while you go do this, but I know you're going to. Aren't you?"

Mari leads her inside and into the same room she had sex with Nicholas in. "I can do it, but I'm gonna need to find out how. I don't know how. You'll have to give me some time. "
Jarerh looks over at him and smiles softly "Always so smart..." He frowns then "I was hoping you'd stay behind... Stay safe... But I can't make you stay..." He looks at him and takes his hand "That's your right as my mate..." He lifts his hand and kisses it softly "If you truly wish to join me... I won't stop you..." He smiles softly again and leans closer to him.
"I'll stay here. That will one less thing for you to worry about."

"So how long will you need? Do you expect me to stay here?" Mari smiles at her. "Yeah. I expect you to stay here for a little while, but I expect something else from you too."
"Food. I'm still a little hungry. These things of yours' suck up so much food from me. You're gonna feed me."
"I'm not male."
"No, but you can climax. Strip Melanie. Let me see your body," she tells her licking her lips. "Then I'll look into seeing if any of the demons out there know anything that can help me. Us. That can help us."
"You know how much I love you..." He stands and pulls him up "I don't have to leave yet... No idea where to where to go yet..." He leads him down the hall and around the corner, glancing at the nurses before entering Nicholas' office. "I just wanna be with you for a little while..." They head into his private room and closes the door, he sits on the bed and looks at him, then pulls him down to lay with him. "I will do everything I can to come back... You know that right..." He holds him close and cups his cheek softly, looking at him.
"No. Don't say that. It means things could go bad if you have to promise me that, and I don't want to think about it. Just," he kisses him. "Be with me. "Another kiss. "Make love to me." Another kiss. "Before you go." Another kiss. "Let me think about you maybe," he kisses his neck. "not coming back." his teeth graze his throat. "After you're gone."

Melanie was panting, nearly crying out. "You are delicious. I knew I should licked your pussy in school. Sorry I had to use a broomhandle, but your pussy is so needy. No wonder you're fucking Kaden and Mason. No one cock will satisfy you huh," she laughs. "Don't worry sweetheart. I won't tell them how I made you quiver and call my name as you came. By the way, that was fucking awesome. You rest. I'm off to see if I can find a demon with any knowledge about transferring these things back to you." She left Melanie on the floor as she headed back into the club.
"Mmm..." He tips his head back as Kevin goes for his throat "Nnn..." He moans softly and pushes back, giving him the same treatment "As you wish..." He nibbles at his neck, then pushes his shirt up, running his claws lightly over his chest, he moves to kiss and nip over his chest. He sits up slightly and pulls his own shirt off, then works Kevin's off him before laying down again, kissing him. "Mmm... I love you... My mate..." He cups his cheek and smiles at him, rubbing his cheek "I've waited so long to call you that..." He kept a tight lock on the link to Mason, not letting anything through this time, he leans in and kisses him again, deeply. "Mmm..." He starts to work his pants open and reaches inside, starting to stroke him slowly, pulling from the kiss to watch him. "So beautiful... Watching you fall apart for me... Listen to you moan... Feel your body tense..." He kisses him again, rubbing his tip in slow circles, pulling back as he moans again.
Kevin does fall apart for him. Every time. When Jareth’s lips touch his skin, when he strokes his cock, he can’t help but fall apart. His breathing quickens as he feels him touching him. He’s already hard and wanting him. “” Kevin closes his eyes loving the feelings but hating that he can’t seem to pull it together long enough to speak to him. He grabs Jareth’s shoulders and pulls closer to him. “Please love. Make love to me.” Those two sentences drained him. He rests back against the bed not able to even think of simple words much less speak. Kevin begins to work his pants off, kicking them aside. His hands reach for Jareth as his eyes beg him.

Mari steps out into the club an sits down on a bar stool. “She’s weak. Feeding me really took it out of her.”
“Excellent. Mrs. Weathers will be here soon.” She turns to face Giles quickly. “What? That wasn’t the deal we made. She brings me back, and I carry the rat brood for her. Nobody said shit about her getting Melanie. She’s already punished her enough.”’
“Are you growing a conscious Mari? If you are, lose it. It doesn’t suit you.” He leaves towards the door waiting on her, and Mari looks back at the room Melanie is in.
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