Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"Isn't that so sweet," she says looking over at Nich and Aliya. "He's has to go tell his little ass prince goodbye. Touching really. Touching. If I had a heart."
"You're evil. You know that," Aliya asks. "I've been called worse sweetheart by worse than you, hard as they may be to believe."
"No. It's not hard to believe. You are worse than what I called you."
"No I meant by worse than you. There truly are people out there worse than you. Shocks me too. You ready," she says, seeing Jareth emerge. "Let's go. You two get in there and take care of the king of kidnapping. Give him a shot. He loves that sort of thing. Mel would know all about that." She smirks turning around as Nich takes a step towards her, ready to punch. "No Nicholas. Let her go. She's not worth it."
"Honey you couldn't afford what I'm worth. Come on captain dick. Let's go get her before the big bad bitch shows up again. Who knows. Maybe she'll have her son with her. Since he's not into you anymore, maybe I could fuck him in the back room. Just a thought," she smirks at Jareth before heading out.

"Come on boy. We're going to be leaving soon. We have to go get her."
"No. Melanie."
"Melanie? What the hell for mom? I thought you were done with her."
"I'll be done with her when she's dead. She'll never sign the papers boy! You will be free of her one way or another."
Jareth just growls and tries hard to ignore her, if she wasn't holding te babies he have punched her something good. "Just shut up... And drive... Think you can manage that..." He moves to follow her out, then gets in her car, he looks out the window at the hospital 'Love you...' He then steels his looks and glares at her "What are you getting out of all this..."
'I love you too love. Be safe.'

"You mean aside from your sparkling company? These things out of my belly. Little leeches suck up every bit of food I eat, and I can NOT fit into my old clothes. It's crazy. Have you seen any good slutty, maternity clothes? I haven't." She drove quickly weaving through traffic to get to club. "Giles is in there. I know you would like to get some revenge on some of Weather's demons for treating your lover boys like pin cushions. Kill him Jareth," she said as she climbed out of the car. "Don't care how you do it, but kill him. Melanie is in the back room. You get her, pick her up, we leave and find a safe place until I can find a demon that can get these things out of me. Sad thing is," she began as she opened the door, "Giles can do it, but there's no way he will. Not unless Weathers tells him to, and we both know that won't happen. Life's a bitch when you've got to kill the one person you know can help you. Kind of like looking at somebody you'd love to kill knowing they're carrying the babies of another woman."

The door closes as they enter, and Weathers appears with her son. "Alright boy. You behave. Nothing stupid from you." He doesn't answer. "Let's head inside. Giles is waiting."
Jareth follows after Mari, masking his scent with magic as she leads him to the back rooms, when he sees Giles, he drops his spell and growls. "Where is she... You twisted bastard..." He doesn't wait and jumps at him, bringing him to the ground and fighting tooth and claw.
Mari watches the door, looking over her shoulder at the boys fighting. "That's it. Keep fighting boys. Jareth sweetie, not to rush you, but could you hurry and kill him already. There a television show coming on later tonight, and I don't want to miss. Be careful though. Don't get any of his blood on me. That stuff is a bitch to get out clothes." She rolls her eyes as she keeps watching the door.

"Mom. I don't agree to this. You got Mel already."
"Yes I did, and what do you think her little friends are going to do when they find out what I did? Hmmm? They'll come after me. As long as I have the little bitch, they'll leave me alone."
"You're gonna use her to bargain with? Mom she's a person! She's somebody I love."
"We all make mistakes son. She was yours. As was that..that..demon." His face reddens. "You angry with me. Good. Use that anger baby. Focus it where it needs to go. To the woman who broke your heart."

Mari walks away from the door and begins to check other rooms. They had moved Mel, but she knew she would still be in the club. Opening a door, she finds her. "Well you still look pathetic and slutty. Some things never change."
"You still look bitchy and bitter. I guess you're right."
"Prince gay boy is here. He's killing Giles. The we're getting you out of here. That should make you happy. You can spend all night all their cocks." Melanie smiles at her. "I plan on. Are you jealous?"
"PLease. I have my standards."
"Sure you do. They just have to smell good and not put up a fight. Right?"
Jareth growls and tries to ignore Mari, he reaches up and manages to get him in a head lock "Cause this is sooo easy!" He growls out and quickly twists his arms, the loud pop was music to his ears as Giles fell limp, his neck broken. "Fucking bastard..." He stands and gives him a good kick before running over to Mel and pulling her into a hug, "You're an idiot... You know that... Do you get it from your husband..." He turns halfway and grabs Mari's wrist "Time to go!" They quickly vanish, soon reappearing at the hospital entrance "Come on... The 'peace' won't last for long... That was her lover..." He leads them inside.
"What," Mel asks. "You just killed her lover? Are you insane? She already hates me and wants me dead. You just offed her lover because Mari brought you there?"
"Yeah. Ain't it grand," Mari smirks. "Oh relax slutty one. He's only helping me so I can find the right demon and get your brats out of me. That's all. After this is over, you can give him a doggie treat and a belly rub."

She enters the club and heads to the back room. When she sees him on the floor, she pauses. "Giles? Giles? Get up. Gil....."
"Shit," Mason whispers. "It was them. One of them....You call that gay demon of yours' right now!"
"Mom....." She smacks him hard across the face. "You call him and tell him to meet me here right now. Tell him if he doesn't," she grabs his throat, "I'll kill you."
Jareth growls and snaps at her "Shut it bitch..." He leads them to Nichols "Check her over... And keep an eye on her..." He walks off to find Kevin, he quickly pulls him into a hug and holds him close "I didn't have a choice... He was going to kill me..." He rests his head on his shoulder and sighs "I killed her lover... Broke his neck... She's gonna be pissed..."
Kevin freezes. "Pissed doesn't begin to cover it love. She's gonna want blood. Your blood, and I don't know how far she'll go to get it. That worries me."

Mason takes out his phone. He presses the button and waits for Jareth to answer.
"I know... An I don't know how lon... Dammit..." He pulls his phone out and sees Mason on the screen, he looks at Kevin and answer it, holding his hand "Hey..."
"She wants you here at the club now. If you don't....she's....she's gonna kill me." His mother grabs the phone from him. "A life for a life you demon scum. You've got a hour to get here. One minute late, and he'll be dead." She hangs up.
"Fuck!" He hangs up and shoves his phone in his pocket, he looks at Kevin and holds him tighter "She'll kill him... If I'm not there in an hour..." He cups his cheeks and kisses him deeply "I have to go... I'm sorry... But I have to..." He speaks against his lips and keeps him close, almost afraid to let him go.
"Jareth, please be careful. I'm scared for you." Kevin doesn't want to let him go.

His mother looks at him. "You did good boy."
"You'd really kill me too. Wouldn't you? I'm your own flesh and blood, and you would kill me."
"Don't flatter yourself boy. You're not my flesh and blood." He's shocked looking at her. "You're mother was a good woman. Sweeter than apple pie. Made me sick. Your father fell for her, and then before I knew it, along came you. I couldn't have it getting out that my husband cheated on me. So she was found dead. You were a baby I didn't know I was pregnant with. That's what we told people. Then you're father," she shakes her head.
"Dad fell in love with another man. It must kill you that he cheated on you not once, but twice."
"He won't do it again. He's going to be a good little boy, and if you want to keep that brain you have instead of only having half of one like your dad, you'll shut your mouth and go back into that back room."
"I'll be careful... I have something to come back... Remember..." He kisses him again, almost desperately before pulling away and heading for the door, he could look at him as he left, too afraid of the look on his face. He runs out the door and takes to the rooftops, jumping and running at top speed to get there, the bar wasn't that far away. Once there he drops by the door and steps inside for all to see, he looks around at everyone "Where is she..."
"No need to be rude demon," she says standing and turning to face him. "A life for a life," she says as she approaches him. "You killed my love. So now," she grins. "I'm going to kill yours'." Mason looks around as he walks up behind her. "Kevin isn't here mom. What are you talking about." She turns and gives him a kind smile. "Hold him," was all she said before two demons took Mason. "Like I said, I'm going to kill your love," she told Jareth as she pulled her gun from her bag and pointed it at Mason. "What?! Mom are you crazy?!"
"I told you! I am not your mother! I killed that bitch after your father went between her legs! I should have killed you then, but no! Your father wanted you! Stupid man! I'm glad I kept you now though." She glances at Jareth. "A life for a life!" She raises the gun and prepares to fire.
Jareth looks up at her voice "I simply asked where you were... And he was killed in self defence... Not that you'd care..." He watches as Mason walks up and his eyes widen "No! I arrived on time... Let him go!" Jareth runs over and jumps in front of him in time to hear the gun fire "Nnn!" He takes a slow breath and looks down at himself. "W-Well..." He stumbles slightly and glares at her slightly. "Life... For a l-life..." He falls to his knees, his hand over the shot to his chest, he starts to wease with every breath.
She looks up to every demon. "Let him die. Let him bleed to death."
"What did you do," Mason yells at her. "A life for a life. He'll have to do. Stupid demon. Taking a bullet for you." She kicks Jareth. Mason begin to pant hard. She looks up at him. "What the hell are you doing?" From somewhere deep inside him, he growls at her. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're not....demon. You don't have on drop of demon blood."
"Oh, but I do." He rushes her slamming her back into the table. "A life for a life? Is that you are? Well then. A life for a life!" He grabs her throat not letting go. Her demons try to pull him off, but Mason is stronger than ever. They can't budge him. He leans closer to her. " Oh wait. You're. Not. My. Mother." Her squeezes harder watching her face redden as she tries to pull him off. Finally her hands fall limp, and she doesn't fight him. He back off from her just in time to hear, "Geez Mason. First Kaden now this bitch. Although I can't disagree with you for doing this one. Son of a bitch," she yells seeing Jareth on the floor. "Shit Mason! What the hell did you do?!"
"She shot him! I didn't! Where's Kevin?"
"At the hospital. He told Jareth he'd wait for him there."
"We need to....we need to...." He sinks to his knees next to Jareth. "I can..I can." Mari touches his shoulder. "He's gone Mason."
"You don't think I know that!"
"Come on," she says taking his hand. "One of you demons is gonna take us to the island, and you're gonna do it right now. If you don't, I'll suck every bit of life out of every fucking one of you! So who's it gonna be? We need to get to that island. NOW!" Mason looks at her curiosly. "It's where dead demons go. Remember? He's there."
"Even if we find him, we can't do anything." She seemed to ignore him. "Do you love him? Be honest Mason. No lies. No running. Do you love Jareth?" He looks over at his lifeless body. "Yeah. I love him with all my heart." A tear rolls down his face. "Will you stop running and talk to him?"
"It won't do any....."
"If you had the chance, would you stop running and talk to him if he were alive?!" He nods slowly. "Yeah. I'd do anything to have him back." More tears fall. "Alright then. Well? Who's taking us? I either get an answer, or more bodies are gonna fall."
His vision was fading and breathing was almost impossible, he could faintly head Mason yelling as he hit the floor 'I'm... Sorry...' Was his last thought before he went limp on the floor, never feeling the kick he was given.

Next thing he knew, he was walking through a dark forest, his chest still hurt, but there was no wound, he looks around. "Where..." He sees a light and starts to run for it, the trees start to thin and he breaks through them, coming to a large desert area "No... Dammit! No!" He turns and jump to the tree tops to confirm to himself "No!" He roars out as he sees the castle in the distance, he was dead, "Mason.... K-Kevin... Dammit!" He closes his eyes, but try as he might, he couldn't cry here, then he notices it, the threads, tied to his wrist. He closes his eyes and focuses on their connections but sighs, he was dead so he was blocked "Shit... Hmm..." He looks at the strings and decides to follow them, they'd lead him to the bridge, he starts running.
It took some encouraging, but with Mason's hands around his neck, one demon finally agreed to take them there. "Good boy. Such a shame you have to get violent with some demons to get them to do anything," she says. The demon takes them to the island and quickly leaves. "Coward," she calls out to him. "Where is he? This place is huge!"
"I know, but here your connection to him should work."
"I'm not dead. He is."
"Keep that attitude and you will be Mason," she snarls. "Call to him. Tell him to meet you here, by the ocean."
"It's an island Mari. Ocean is all around it."
"You've never seen this whole island. It plays with your mind. This is the only part where water is visible. Tell him to meet you by the damn ocean Mason!" He closes his eyes. "J-Jareth. Baby can you hear me? I'm here, on the island, by the ocean. Come to me baby. Don't leave me. I can't....I don't want you to go. Come to me baby."
Jareth almost falls when he hears Mason's voice, he manages to skid to a halt and fall back on his ass. 'M-Maaon...' It was whispered, as if he didn't believe he was hearing him 'No... To be here you'd... She didn't... How did you get here...' He looks down at his wrist, one string had changed directions, did he follow it, or continue to the bridge, he made a fist. "Dammit..." 'I'm coming!' He jumps up and races in the direction of the other string, towards Mason.
"He says he's coming," he tells her. "Good. Smart demon."
"What are you gonna do when he gets here? Let me tell him good-bye?"
"Don't worry about that. You'll see."
He closes his eyes. 'That's right baby. It's me. I'm here. I'm not dead, but I'm here. Please hurry to me. I'm so sorry baby. I love you,' he admits to him. 'That's right. I'm admitting it. I love you.'
He ran quickly, darting through te forest again, he stops at the tree line and looks out, he can see them 'I know you do love... I know you never stopped...' He slowly walks out to them, stopping a few feet away "That's why I took your place... I... I couldn't watch you die like that... You deserved more..." He glances at Mari, then back at him "You're with her... Where's you mot... That woman..." He remembered what she had said, he takes another step closer.
Mason doesn't try to hide his tears. "Shes dead."
"This is all so touching,but I've got something to do." She pulls a dagger from her boot and heads to Jareth. Without warning, she plunges it into his chest. "What the hell," Mason screams. "Shut it." She guides Jareth down to the ground and brings the blade back to wrist. Smiling at him, she slices herself open and let's her blood drip to him. "A living demon's blood can bring him back. Let....let him take you back."
"What about you?"
"I won' going back. I was weak to start with."
"The babies!"
"They'll be safe. They won't die. They're not demon. Get Mel and bring her back to get them. Promise me," she says before passing out.
Jareth was about to step closer and pull him into a hug, but Mari got to him first, he gasps and grabs at the knife before going limp. A few moments after Mari passed out, he sat up gasping and taking deep breaths "You bitch! What were..." He had turned to look at her, finding her still "What... Mari... Marissa...?" He looks to Mason "What did she..." He checks his chest, no wound, his heart was beating, he was alive, he stares at Mari in shock, then quickly moves to her and listens closely. "They're alive..." He finally looks to Mason, really looks st him "Baby boy..." He quickly moves to him and hugs him tight "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." He rubs his back and sniffs at his neck "I never want you to... I'm sorry I wasn't there..." He just held him tight and rocked with him, crying softly.
"She's dead," he says before reaching around Jareth and holding him tight. "Baby," he finally whispers before holding him tighter. "I' I was running. I don't..understand..why..I feel..for him..after what..he did. I'm so mad at him. I want him to suffer," he says through gritted teeth, "but I want..him..too. I don't understand. I don't know..which go. I'm so..confused. So..I ran. I told her..I'd you..if I had the chance. Oh Jareth I'm so sorry. I just don't know what to do." Mason finally lets go of everything he's been feeling. His own emotions flood him, and he doesn't even try to keep them from Jareth.
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