Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"Shhh... Shh... It's going to be ok..." He pulls him into his lap and holds him as close as he can "Being mad at him... Is totally normal..." Jareth opens their bond back up and lets his love through "Wanting him to suffer... Is understandable..." He holds him a bit tighter "Do... You remember anything from te hospital... The fight you and him had..." He doesn't let him pull away, just rubbing his back softly and growling lightly.
"N-Not much. Everything..went black. I remember That's it. I was so angry, but I felt good. It felt good to be so mad. I don't understand. I don't want to feel that good over being so angry or bad. Jareth, help me. I'm scared. I'm so scared of all this. I don't know what to do," he sobs, never letting go of him.
Jareth nods "Ok... First off love... This isn't your fault... When she stabbed you... She planted the darkness in you... Your anger and confusion just made it grow..." He lifts his shirt slightly and runs his claws over his skin lightly, helping him calm down and relax "Second... You... You attacked Kaden... Almost killed him too... He was still unconscious and hooked up to oxygen when I left for the bar... But doing well..." He held him as he started to react "Mason relax! Come on baby... It's not your fault... You have to believe that... Or the darkness will try again... Look at me..." He pulls him back as looks at him, cupping his cheek "This is Not your fault... Say it baby... This is not your fault..."
His breathing starts to return to normal as he feels his claws. "What," he cries out as he hears what he did to Kaden. "No! I didn't mean it! I'd never....." He takes deep breaths as he feels Jareth's touch. "I didn't..I didn't mean it. I wouldn never..hurt him..that bad. I'd never hurt..anyone..that bad, mother..I..I." He holds up his hands behind Jareth's back and they start to shake. "I killed her. That woman. I know she said..but I still..think of my mother. I killed her Jareth. I choked her to death. I could have killed..Kaden. No. I didn't mean it. I didn''s It's fault. It's fault," he says over and over as he holds Jareth tight again. "It's not my fault."
He holds him again and start to run his claws over his back again "Yes you did... But it wasn't your fault... That's it... Just relax..." He kisses the top of his head "I love you... Mel loves you... Even Kaden didn't blame you... We all just wanted you home..." He starts to growl softly again "I'll help you get it out... You won't have to fear it for long..." It felt so good to have him back in his arms again "God I missed you... So did Kevin..." He kisses his head "I won't lie... I enjoyed our alone time... But it would be the same with you... It would always be the three of us together love... I know sharing me is still hard... Just know that when I'm alone with you... I'm with you fully... Same when I'm alone with Kevin..." He tips his chin up "We are connected now... My mate..." He rubs his cheek and smiles at him.
"Mate," he says softly. "I'm your..mate now. We're connected. Finally. It's all..I've wanted from you Jareth. To be your mate. Please. Don't leave me like Melanie did." His sobs start anew. His emotions are not only flooding him, but things he had buried deep inside him were coming to light now. He was confused and afraid with his feelings for Kaden, and he had feared Jareth would leave him like Melanie did. "I can't..stand the thought..of you leaving she did. She fell..for Kaden. What if Kevin more? You might..not want me..anymore. I couldn't take that. Maybe I should..leave first. Maybe it won't..hurt if I do. I don't know do."
He pulls him back and holds his face gently but firmly "Baby... Stop..." He rubs his cheek "Your fear... Is unneeded... You belong to me... I belong to you..." He smiles at him softly "You could run all you want... But I promise you... I will always be one step behind you... There is nowhere you can go.. That I wouldn't follow... I love you... That's not going to change... Yes... I love Kevin... Have I loved him longer then you... Yes... Do I love him more then you... Never..." He wipes his eyes softly "You're not the only one with that fear love... Kevin's just too kind to say anything... But I know it's there... And for a while I had it too... Thinking you'd go back to Mel..." He leans closer and kisses him softly "She loves you so much..." He glances over at Mari's body "She wants to see you as a daddy... As much as I do..." He shifts lightly "We should move her... Then go get Mel..." He looks at him "Are you ready to see everyone..."
"I..I..I..I don't know," he says. "What if they hate for me what I did to Kaden?" He glances over at Mari and turns away. "She knew the whole time. She knew she'd end up giving her life. She said she wouldn't be going with us. She knew she'd die here. That's why she wanted me to call you to me. So you could take me home because she wouldn't be able to. Mari just got her life back, and she gave it up for you Jareth. Was she changing?" He looks at her again. "If she can change, if she can fight the darkness, then so can I. Yeah," he nods. "I'm ready to go back."
Jarerh smiles at him "There's my baby boy..." He kisses him softly and pulls him closer "Mmm... I promise you we'll continue that later..." He smirks "You've missed a bit... Our little angel got adventurous..." He cups his cheek again and lets some of the memory play through his mind, then slowly starts to get up. He looks down at Mari and gently picks her up "She was changing... And I hope she's able to find peace now..." He leans down and kisses her forehead before heading to the trees, he stops to wait for Mason "Come on love..."
Mason catches up to him and rubs Mari's forehead. "There's nothing we can do for her? A living demon's blood will bring her back. We can't help her? You, Kevin, and I all have demon blood. Together we're not strong enough to bring her back? I mean, if she was changing, should we give her that chance. With everything that's happened, we're all giving each other second chances. Kevin gave you a second chance. Melanie is giving me one. I'm giving Kaden one. You and I are even giving each other a second chance. Why shouldn't she have one?"
He looks at Mason and smiles "Fighting the darkness... Very good..." He looks down at Mari "You and Kevin have a small amount... That won't last forever... It was tying your life span to mine... And I'm too weak... Was dead and freshly risen... But... If you could find someone... I would gladly give her that chance... She didn't have to save me... But she did... And I'll repay her if I can..." He turns to him and smiles, then leans over to kiss him.
"Okay then," he smiles at him. "When we get back and settled, but I can't wait too long. She is dead after all. Her body will decay. Let's go home baby. We have to find a demon who can give the babies to Mel. Maybe the club is a good place to start. Place is always crawling with demons."
He smiles again "Not so much here... But we should hurry... The little ones are almost... I guess frozen is the best term..." He lays her next to a tree and waves his hand over her slowly, speaking softly "There... She should be safe until we come back..." He stands and pulls him close "You have to watch yourself... That dark will try to tempt you... Talk to us... We are family..." He pulls him closer as he teleports them out, they arrive back at the club.

"Mmm..." Kaden groans very softly and shifts his hand, he was waking very slowly, everything hurt, he whimpers softly.
Mason grabs him and closes his eyes. He's still not use to teleporting. When he opens them, they're back at the club. "Melanie," he says. "Where is she? Is she here or somewhere else?" He honestly couldn't remember.

"Baby," Nicholas says jumping to his feet and rushing by his bed. "Baby? Can you hear me?"
He holds him close, "She's at the hospital... I got her out before..." They were in the back rooms, he wasn't sure if he wanted to enter the front, would he still be there... He wasn't sure how it worked, would his mother still be there "We'll also need to find your father..." He takes a deep breath and heads to the front of the bar.

He tries to say something and cringes, reaching for his throat and crying softly, he reaches out and grabs on to Nicholas and tries to bring him closer, he was scared and in pain.
"My father," he says. Mason hadn't thought about him. He cheated on his wife with his mother. Mason would have to talk to him about that. "Good. I'm glad she's out of here. This is no place for her." Mason follows behind closely, and it doesn't take long for them to start attracting looks. "They're looking Jareth. Keep your eyes opened. I can feel it. Don't you? Something is gonna happen."

"It's okay baby," he says, leaning down as Kaden pulls him in. "Your throat is gonna be sore. You took a lot of trauma there. Your windpipe wasn't crushed. Still there's gonna be a lot of pain. I can get you some more meds for it if you want. Just try to relax. Alright? Blink once for yes or twice for no if you want more pain meds."
Jareth holds his hand and pulls him closer as they continue to the main room of the bar 'I can... Just stay calm... If there's trouble... I'll port us... Don't let go of me...' He says softly in his head, he carefully eyed the demons around them, there were too many scents around for him to tell what was going on.

As he hadn't opened his eyes yet, he just nods slightly, but is reluctant to let Nicholas go, holding him tightly. He felt bad for letting this happen, he had promised Nicholas that her wouldn't hurt himself again, letting Mason do it was just another form of self harm. He shifts a hand to rest over Nich's heart, patting it softly, hoping he knew wha he was trying to say.
Mason squeezed his hand tighter. 'I'm not letting go. You don't have to worry about that, but wait,' he tells him pulling him to a stop. 'We have to find someone who might can make the transfer. We need a demon. Someone powerful. Maybe they're here. We gotta see if anybody here knows how to do it.'

Nicholas looks down at his chest when Kaden pats him. "No. I'm not Melanie. I'm not the one with the breasts," he teases before taking his hand and kissing it. "I love you too Kaden. Always." He holds his hand with hand and runs the other one through his hair. "You get some more rest. That's the best thing for you right now. Melanie is safe. Jareth is taking care of everything. You sleep, and when you wake up, I'm sure I'll more good news for you." He leans down and kisses his forehead. "You really do love him," Aliya says. "Yeah. I do."
He stops and glances at Mason, then back out at the group "Alright... Who here knows what Giles did... And how to reverse it..." He growls low and glares at anyone trying to move closer, he was much older then most of the ones in there. "I'll beat it out of you if I have to..." He flexes his claws and lets his power flare.

Kaden looked at him a moment, then smiles softly at his joke, and finally relaxes at his words, he squeezes his hand back before slowly letting his eyes close again. He was still in a lot of pain, but knowing Nicholas was there and still loved him was enough to help him relax and rest.
Mason swallows hard watching Jareth. It was an awkward time, but he couldn't help it. He was becoming aroused watching him. "We need....three babies taken out of a demon's body and put back in their mother. Please. One of them is my child. Please." Nobody seems to move coming forward. "None of them want to help us. I don't get it. Mrs. Weathers and Giles are dead! You don't have to worry about them coming after you! It's safe! Please! Help me!" Again there is nothing but silence. "These demons amaze me. They're either that heartless, or they don't know how to do it."
"I know how to do it." Her voice was fraile and barely heard. Mason looked at the girl. She couldn't be no older than 15 by human standards. "But you're just is that possible Jareth? Why hasn't she aged?"
"I can take the babies out of Mari's body and put them back in Melanie."
"How do you know their names?"
"I know a lot Mason. Lets go," she says walking from behind the bar. It amazed him easily she got around. She wore dark glasses, as if she were blind. He waved his hand in front of her face, and she reached up to grab his wrist. "Don't do that. It's actually rude. Jareth, you need to teach your mate some manners." She reached up and pulled her glasses down. Her eyes were solid white. "Are you blind?"
"No. I am a seer. It's how I know all about you Mason. Your pain you run from will consume you. Stay with your mate. Let him help you through this. Now. Let's go to Melanie at the hospital. I can fix this. Jareth, when we get there, go get Mari." She pushed past both of them, putting her glasses back on and leading the way.

"He loves Melanie you know."
"I do, but he can love more than one person." Aliya nods. "Yeah. He can. I'm going to go make sure everything out there is going alright. I'll be back." Nicholas nods to her as she leaves. "Is everything going alright out here Betty?"
"Yeah. Pretty quiet day now. Are you alright Aliya?"
"Yeah." Betty smiles at her. "I see how you look at him. Breaks your heart he loves that man and not you. Doesn't it?"
"It does, but it's how things are supposed to be. I'll be fine. I'm going to check on a few other things. Page me if you need me."
At first Jareth was growling while Mason asked, not trusting any of them, then the 'young' on stepped out. "She's... Special..." Was all he'd say before she spoke and rolled his eyes at Mason's actions, he pulls him close and smiles "Behave... And relax..." He kisses his cheek "See... Told you I could help you..." He takes his hand and leads him from the bar to follow the small demon 'I refuse to give up on you... Remember that...' He looks up at her "But if I bring her here... They'll die..."

Kaden was resting, he wasn't asleep, he slowly opens his eyes as he hears Aliya leave, then looks back at Nicholas and smiles softly. He then reaches up to tap his heart again, but then points to the door, he loved him, but he wasn't blind. He points to Nicholas and to the door again, smiling again, his eyes drooping, he was tired.
"No. They won't. Mari is a demon. What little bit of life that remains in her body is keeping them alive. Had Mari been human, then yes, they would die. Trust me Jareth. Don’t let my appearance deceive you.” Mason glances over at Jareth. ‘You’re not going to give up on me? Why do you say that?’

“Yeah. Aliya. I love her. Sure. She’s a good worker. I’ve known her a long time.” Nicholas isn’t getting what Kaden is trying to tell him. “Get some sleep. You look tired. Doctor’s orders.”
'There is still that bit of darkness in you... It will try to control you again until I get it out of you...' He holds him close and kisses his cheek 'After the babies... That's my first priority..' He looks back at their guide "So... What is your name..."

Kaden glares at him slightly but is tired, he'd have to wait for Jareth to get back, he rolls his eyes at him before actually falling asleep.
Mason feels a bit of fear at Jareth's words. He doesn't know how he'll get the darkness out of him. His old instincts flare. He thinks about running. 'Yeah,' was all he thought. "You put so much emphasis on names Jareth. My name is not important. Only what I can do for you, and we all know what that is. Just show me the room Melanie is in when we get there."

Nicholas grins at him as he falls asleep. "Don't roll your eyes at me." He picks up his hand and kisses it before gently laying it back down.
He glances a him "Stop that thought right now... I can smell your fear..." He moves to stand before him and cups his cheek "Do you love me... Then trust me... I will remove it... And you will be fine..." He tips his chin up and kisses him softly then pulls back and stands beside him again, he blushes lightly. "Sorry... He needed a reminder..." He nods "I'll show you... Then I'll get Mari..." He glances at Mason then asks her "Is... There a way to save Mari... Bring her back?"

Kaden was sleeping soundly now.
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