Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

She laughs. "Of course he did. He's been badly burned with love. Mason is afraid. Very afraid. He needs more than reminders. He needs security. Sure you're his mate now Jareth, but how did that come about? Was there a ceremony? Did you bite him? No. It was a matter of saving his life. Admirable, but the mating process was almost a matter of convenience. Like marrying someone to keep them from being deported. As for Mari, why would you want to bring her back?"
He looks at Mason and smirks "Oh I know our mating was not what I planned... But that will be fixed soon... He's wanted me to bite him for a long time... And I plan on giving him what he wants..." He takes a sniff and grins "Well.. That's a much better scent..." He looks to her "As my mate pointed out to me... Mari was changing... She saved me... She should be given the choice..." He holds Mason's hand again.
They arrive at the hospital and the girl turns around. "The chance for what? To be good? One act of kindness, and you think she might be good Is that what you're basing this off of?"
He gives her a look "There was more then one... And no... I didn't think she could change... I'm the one... I'm the one that put her there in the first place... Feeding a bit of my own darkness..." He pulls Mason closer, he didn't like what he had done, but there hasn't bin another choice. "Mason asked me... I said u didn't know if it was possible... I knew I wasn't strong enough..."
"No. You're not strong enough. You'll die if you try, an we don't want that," she tells him opening the door. "Your friend Kaden is going to be alright. Can't say the same for Aliya. Poor girl."
"What about Aliya," Masons asks, squeezing Jareth's hand. "She's got a bad problem. She's in love with someone who doesn't really see her. Shame. As for Kevin, his problem is solved," she smiles. "Boy couldn't wait for you to get back Jareth. So he took care of himself. Now. Go get Mari and meet me in the room where Mel is. Mason, I'll lead you to her. I know the way." He shakes his head and kisses Jareth. "Go. Get her and bring her back. I'll be fine. I think she knows more about all of this than I do."
Jareth blinks "Kevin did what... Well..." He glances at Mason then back at him "I'm sure things will work out Aliya..." He kisses Mason back "I'll be right back..." He smiles and watches him go, then disappears, returning to the island. "Nnn... I hope I never see this place again..." He makes his way to Mari's body and looks down at her "Alright... Let's go... Let's get you home to mommy..." He gently picks her up, more for the kids then her and closes his eyes he pictures Mason as he ports and they appear a few feet away from him.
"Not a word," the girl says to Mason as Jareth appears. "You promised."
"But you."
"Not. A. Word. Put her over there. Melanie. Time to wake....Never mind. Let her stay asleep for this." The girl waves her hand, much like Giles did, and when she lowers it, she smiles. "It's done. Everything that was taken has now been returned. When Melanie wakes up, tell her she's a mommy again. Of course her now swollen belly should tell her that. The babies are fine. Do whatever you want with her."
"You can give her another chance," Mason says. "Why should I? She had her chance."
"Come on," Mason smiles. "I know how you feel. Remember the woman who....."
"Not. A . Word."
"Please," he pleads with her. She looks over at Mari's body. "Alright, but you do not tell her about me. Do you understand?" He nods. "Alright." She walks over to Mari, places her hand over her heart, and whispers a few words. "Let her sleep," she says leaving. "Doesn't she need your blood?"
"No. Not mine. Not from me. I can do it without blood." She turns and heads for the door.
Jareth was laying Mari down as they were talking, he looks to them, then steps back as she does her thing. "Mason... What's going on?" He moves to check Mel once it's done and sighs happily at the strong heartbeats he hears, he looks back. "What are you... You saved her... Why..." He looks between the two "What is going on..."
Mason opens his mouth to tell Jareth. "Not a word Mason," she says before he answers. "You did a good thing. She's good." She opens the door. "Yeah. If you say so."
"Stay. You could talk to her."
"I don't have anything to say to her. Take care of your child Mason. By the way, before I go, would you like to know what you're having?" His eyes widen. "You can tell me that?" She nods. "Oh I can tell you that. Would you like to go into Kaden's room and see if he wants to know what he's having?"
"Sure. Jareth? You wanna come?"
Jareth looks up, then between the two "You think they'll be ok alone..." He slowly moves to follow them, then holds Mason's hand again "Remember... This wasn't your fault... He looks bad... But he'll be ok... I even think you can help him a bit..." He glances back at Mari and Mel once more before following them to Kaden's room, Jareth held Mason close and looks at Nicholas "Hey Doc... How's he doing?" He smiles softly at him.
Nicholas looks up as they enter, eying the girl. "Well, his throat hurts, and his sign language stinks. Other than that he's fine. Mason," he nods to him, trying to keep his anger in check. "Hi doc. I'm....."
"Don't. It's not me you need to say that to you." He leans down and kisses Kaden's forehead gently. "Baby. You've got some visitors. Wake up."

Melanie stirs and looks over to see Mari. She looks like she's sleeping. "Mari," she whispers. "Mari are you....." She reaches down and touches her belly. "My babies. They're..back. You..meant it. Oh Mari thank you for keeping them safe and giving them back."
Kaden groans softly and winces, then opens his eyes slowly to look at Nicholas, he smiles softly then looks around the room. He sees a young girl he doesn't know, Jareth and Mason, he stares at Mason for a few minutes, then points at him and waves him closer.

Jareth watches and gives Mason a gentle nudge, then moves off to the side of the room to get a needle, he starts to draw some blood.
Mason takes a deep breath and heads closer to Kaden. "I'm sorry," he says right away. "It didn't mean it. Please believe me. I never meant for this to happen. I couldn't stop it.myself. I'm sorry Kaden, but the babies are fine. Melanie is fine, and she has them again." The girl smiles looking in the direction of Nicholas. He narrows his eyes at her.
Kaden looks up at him and smiles slightly, he reaches out and takes his hand, giving it a squeeze and shakes his head slightly.

Jareth walks over to Nicholas and holds up a needle "Would you like me to help him... It's the least I can do..."
"Yeah. Help him. My blood won't do anything, but yours' will." He takes a step back still eyeing the girl. "You're a smart man, and you truly love Kaden. You have zero fear he's trying to mate with him."
"Of course I know Jareth isn't trying to mate with him. He loves Kevin and Mason. How did you know that?"
"Strange your eyes are wide open to that, but you don't see her feelings for you." He looks to Jareth. "What is she talking about, and who is this?"

Melanie slowly moves to Mari. "Mari? Are you alright?" She leans her head down to her chest. "Good. She's just resting. You rest. I'm going to find the others."
Kaden looks at Jareth 'I love him... But he's got blinders on...' He smirks slightly and watches him.

Jareth chuckles softly and gently starts to inject a bit of his blood into his neck, then into his I.V to help with the rest of his injuries. He glances at Nicholas and smirks "Kaden's right... You've got some big blinders on..." He finishes with Kaden and moves to stand with Mason, hugging him from behind "See... He understands..." He glances at Kaden "He blames himself as well... Because he didn't try and stop you... He's dealing with his own guilt..." He reaches out and gives his hand a squeeze, "It's ok my friend..."

Kaden looks away slightly as Jareth spoke, but gives him a small smile as he says it's ok.
"Blinders? What are you talking about," Nicholas laughs.

Mason tenses as Jareth talks about what had happened. Glancing over at Kaden, his feelings stir. He hates to admit what he's feeling, and the urge to run rears it's ugly head. "I need some air. I can't," he closes his eyes.
Jareth feels Mason tense up and holds him a bit tighter, glancing at Nicholas "Just a minute..." He moves to sit by Kaden's bed and pulls Mason into his lap, he rubs his back softly "Relax..." He holds him close 'No more running love... Talk to me...' He had him facing away from Kaden and was starting to growls gently.

Kaden watches them, then looks to Nicholas "Baby..." His voice was still horse but it didn't hurt "You don't even notice do you..." He smiles and reaches for him, sitting up slightly to hug him softly "Aliya... She loves you so much..." He kisses his cheek softly before laying back down.
'I can't....look at him. I don't get it. Why do I....want him even after what he did? That bastard stole everything I had, and I want..I can't..Jareth I have to get away from him. I can't be..this close. I hate hime, but..I want him. What's wrong with me? I don't understand. I hate him, but I..want him?'

"Aliya," he whispers as Kaden rests back down on the bed. "She Are you sure? Why do you say that," he laughs. "We've worked together forever."

The door opens and Melanie steps in. "M'Lord! Mason! My guys! She rushes to the side of the bed where Mason was leans down to hug Kaden. "You better be alright, and you," she embraces Mason. "Don't ever leave me again."
"Well. Now that everybody is here I have two questions. Are you ready to know what you're having Melanie, and Nicholas, do you feel anything for Aliya?"

Aliya opens the door and jumps back shocked to see a woman on a bed. "Geez! You're not a patient. Are you? There's no chart in here. What are you doing in here," she asks stepping up beside her. A hand quickly reaches up and grabs Aliya by the throat.
'Shhh... Baby relax... You can't help who you like... It's a normal thing...' He runs his fingers through his hair slowly 'And most of your hate... Is from that darkness right now...' He looks down at him 'Kaden doesn't care what you want... As long as you're happy and able to be around him, for the children... He knows you're mad... And doesn't blame you, another reason he didn't try to stop you... You're both holding a lot of gilt over what happened between you three... The only one able to move on it Mel...' He looks up as Mel comes in the room and smiles at her "Hey Sweety... Never thought I'd see a woman so happy to be 'fat' again..." He chuckles softly.

Kaden hugs her and kisses her cheek "I'm getting better..." He looks at the strange child "So... Who is she?"
"She's a demon," Mason says. "A seer. She gave the children back to Mel from Mari, and she saved Mari's life." The girl looks down. "So do you want to know or not? Boy? Girl? Who the lucky one to have two children of these three is?"

"Mari," she gasps, trying to pull her hand from her throat.
Jareth holds Mason lightly and continues to growl softly, it seemed to calm him down, he listens to them talking.

Kaden looks up and thinks "I don't care... As long as they are all healthy..." He looks to Nicholas "Aliya should be here for this too... She's been there for everything else..."
"Yeah," he says. "I'll go see where she is." He steps out and asks Betty if she's seen her. She points to a room and said Aliya went in there to check on a patient. Nodding he then heads towards the room. When he opens the door, he sees Mari strangling Aliya. Her face is blood red, and her eyes are half closed. "Aliya! Mari!" He rushes over to her, trying to pry Mari's hand from her neck. Mari's eyes are still closed. He can't get her fingers to let go of her. "Shit! Jareth! Help me! Let go of her!"

Mason looks up. He can hear Nicholas scream. "What the....," he says moving from Jareth's lap.
Jareth is up and out of the room quickly, he enters the room they're in "Fuck..." He runs up and quickly pries her hands open, he thought he even herd a few bones snap. "Mari! Wake up!" He then pushes her to the bed and pins her down, growling at her "I ask to save you... And this is the thanks I get!"

Kaden sat up, wincing "What's going on!? Nich!" He calls out, voice getting a bit louder.
"Mari tried to kill her. I tried to warn them, but they thought she was changing. I know her. She'll never change. She can't. She had the best reason in the world to change, but she didn't. She'll never change. Rest Kaden. Don't get up." The girl stood at the foot of his bed.

Nicholas grabs Aliya who nearly falls to the floor. Her neck is red and bruised. "What the hell? Why did she....Is she even awake? What's wrong with her? Jareth. Kill this bitch."
"No," Aliya squeaks. "She's not....awake. Why..would she do this..Jareth?"
"The darkness," Mason says. "it's gotta be the darkness. Mari wasn't bad when she was awake before. Could that be it Jareth? Mari! Wake up! Time to get up."
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