Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"I was, but I've got something to tell you....Melanie." She lifts her head smiling at him. "Alright Mason. What is it?" He glances over to Jareth before shaking his head. "I lied to you. All this time....I've lied to you."
"About what," she smiles. "You weren't my first." Melanie laughs. "Okay. It's not that big of a deal Mason. I wasn't your first, but you did marry me. So it's alright."
"That's not all of it. The girl I slept with a couple of times, I got her pregnant. I didn't know about it until now."
"What do you mean, you got her pregnant? You have a child? With who? Where is this child? How did you find out?"
"She was here tonight. She's the one who helped us get the babies back to you."
"The demon," she says sitting up. "You slept with a demon Mason? Aside from Jareth, you slept with a demon?"
"I didn't know she was a demon."
"Well who the hell was she?" He drops his gaze. "Mason? Who was it?" Melanie moves from the bed and stands in front of him. "Tell me. Now. Who did you....You slept with Mari. Didn't you? Didn't you?! You slept with my friend, and then let her be our friend knowing you fucked her! Why didn't you tell me? When she went away that summer, it was because she was pregnant. She had the baby. Your daughter, and you just let her walk out of here tonight."
"I didn't know." Melanie slaps him hard. "You fucked my friend, and after you met me, you dumped her."
"For you."
"You should have told me about you two." He shakes his head and leaves quickly. 'I can't deal with this!' Melanie turns and head back to Kaden climbing in bed with him again, holding him tight.
Jareth stayed on the bed listening "Mel just wait... He didn't know... Mel!?" He looks at Mel "Mel..." Then goes after Mason "Baby wait!" He runs after him and pulls him close when he catches him "Mason wait... Baby wait please..." He pulls him to the ground and holds him close, rubbing his back.

Kaden looks at Mel "Baby... That wasn't fare... Think about this... Do you know how hard that must have been for him..." He rubs her back and kisses her head "He just found out he has a daughter... And lost her on the same day... Please..."
Mason grabs Jareth and holds him tight. He wants to talk but doesn't know what to say. All he can think about is her and Melanie. He closes his eyes tight and nuzzles into Jareth.

"I know, but it just..hurt to hear that he did that. I don't care that he lied, but it wasn't with some girl that I never met. She became my best friend. No wonder she was always so jealous of me for being with him. She had him before me. I'll....apologize when I see him. I was just in shock and angry. M'Lord, he has a daughter. A seer. If she's a seer, doesn't she know this is going on right now? Why can't we ask her right now to come back to him? He needs her. He needs to get to know her. Mason will want to take care of her. I know he will. We could welcome her into our family."
Jareth holds him and just growls softly for him "Shh... It's ok... She was just shocked..." He holds him closer "Don't forget... She's got all the crazy hormones back... Just let her calm down... Ok..." He kisses his head and glances at the nurses watching them, they had seen so much with there group. "We'll give it a few minutes, then go back inside... Trust me..."

Kaden holds her "I know Mel... But none of us are perfect... And I'd welcome her no problem... But maybe she's waiting... Waiting for us to sort out our own problems... Before we ask her in..." He rubs her cheek "And baby we have problems..." He smiles softly at her and kisses her forhead.
"I know we do M'Lord. Kevin, you seem to be the only sane one among us. You and Aliya." They both smile. "Something about being dead before can do that to you," he teases. "Everything will work out Mel. Trust me. We've all been put together for a reason, and it'll work out." She caresses Kaden's face. "Yeah. We were put together for a reason."

"I know," he whispers. "Just sit with me." The urge to run was so strong, but he held on to Jareth.
Kaden smiles at her and looks up "Where's Nich? He's not still with Mari is he?" He glances at Kevin and Aliya before looking towards the door.

Jareth smiles "Always..." He leans closer and softly nips at his neck "I can't wait to finally have the two of you... To give you what you've been begging me for..." He rests his fangs on his neck lightly and growls low, slipping his hand under his shirt to lightly scratch at his back. "Let that be what drives you... If nothing else..."
Mason looks at him, his eyes tired but full of need. "I want that," he whispers. "I want you and Kevin to take me. I've missed you baby."

"No," Aliya says before opening the door and heading back to the room. When she opens the door, she sees Nicholas sitting on the bed with Mari holding her. She awake and in tears. He looks at Aliya. "I told her about the girl. Oh Aliya. She's her daughter."
"I....we know. Mari?"
"Get out!"
"Okay. I'll leave you two....Kaden was asking about you."
"Get out!," Mari yells.
"Okay." Aliya quickly closes the door and heads back. She pauses outside the door and looks at Jareth. "She's awake," she tells him.
Jareth looks up at Aliya and nods, he looks down at Mason "I've missed you too love..." He rubs his cheek "Alright... You go and talk with Mel... Kevin will be with you... I'm going to talk to Mari..." He helps him stand and looks at him "I'm not giving up... Ok... On you... Or her..." He kisses him softly and walks him to Kaden's door, waiting with him until he walks in.
Aliya walks in. "Nicholas is fine. He's with....Mari." Mason comes in just as she finishes. "Mason," Mel says sitting up and getting off the bed. "Please don't slap me again," he tells her. "I'm not. I'm sorry baby. I was shocked and hurt."
"I know the feeling. I mean, I felt the same way when I found out about her. I didn't know, and I ended things with her when I met you because I fell in love with you Mel, and I've never stopped loving you. I won't."
"Oh baby," she tells him kissing his lips. "Things are not going to be easy for all us. We've got our problems, but we love each other. One person doesn't satisfy us. We each need someone else to make us feel complete. You and Kaden complete me. Kaden needs me and Nicholas. You need me and Jareth. Jareth has you and Kevin. Kevin, one of the sane ones among us, has you and Jareth, and Aliya has....Aliya. Sweet Aliya. You love him. Don't you? Does he know?"
"It's okay. I'm fine really. I'm just happy being a part of this group," she smiles. "But it's not just him you want. Is it? I mean all of us want more than one person in this group. So who is the other person you want?" Aliya looks down before glancing to the side. "I'm okay Mel. Don't worry about me. I should go check on....everything else out here." She starts to back towards the door.

"It's okay. You made a mistake. We all do."
"But she was my baby, and I left her. I just left her," Mari cries holding on to Nicholas.
Kaden looks at Aliya and smirks "Baby... What do you remember from the club... Who did you spend your time with..."

Jareth walks in and closes the door behind him, slowly walking up to the bed "You were hurt... You were scared..." He looks at her "That's why you went to him... Took him..." He sits on the bed a few feet away fro them "It's also why you saved me... You couldn't see him hurt like that..."
"The club is actually a blur to me. It's fine though. Really. It's fine." She tried to not to blush, but Aliya couldn't help it. She had been with Nicholas, Melanie, and Kaden. Right now the wetness between her legs was only being caused by one person in the room.

Mari doesn't want to look at him, but he's right. Nicholas just holds her and listens. "Yeah," she finally admits. "I didn't want....him I was. So I saved you and kept the babies safe. I couldn't take care of our baby. So I took care of his other baby."
"Mel... Maybe it's not another guy she really wants..." He almost rolls his eyes at her, she was as bad as Nicholas.

Jareth smiles softly "And we all thank you for that... I thank you for that..." He reaches out and rubs her back softly "But you know... It's not too late to change things... You know what your daughter can do... Call to her... Let her know you want a chance..." He waits for her to look at him "The evil inside you... Is quite strong... It was trying to use your body... It tried to kill Aliya... And the only way to fight it... Is love... I'm helping Mason... Let us help you too..."
"Help me," she asks softly. "She wouldn't want to see me. I left her. I left her. Who would want to be with someone who did that?"

"No," Aliya protests, throwing her hands up. "Melanie was sweet and all, but come on. I need a little more than....that." She whispers the last word, realizing what she was saying. "Oh," Kevin nearly laughs. "is that a fact? Well then. What, and who, exactly do you need?"
Jareth looks at her "It's never too late to change... At least try... The worst she can say is no..." He looks down a moment "Becasue... If your evil takes over... As much as I don't want to... I will send you back... If given no choice..." He looks at her "And I don't want it to come to that... Becasue I won't let Mason come to that... Now take te first step!"

Kaden finally clicks in "How could I..." He whispers to himself, then grins a her "Kevin... Watch the door..." He sits up "Aliya... Here... Now..." He pats his pat, his voice hard and strong, he stares at her.
"How dare you," Mari growls, moving quickly from Nicholas' hold. "Mari no," he says catching her and wrapping his arms around her. "Don't do this. Don't let it take you." He looks at Jareth. "Think of her Mari." She grits her teeth looking at Jareth. Her eyes were hard. "How dare you threaten to send me back!"

Kevin moves behind Aliya quickly and locks the door. She looks over her shoulder at him. "No way," he whispers. She looks back towards Kaden, but doesn't make eye contact. "It's okay Kaden. I'm fine. Really. I can't even hold Nicholas' attention," she laughs. "I don't expect to hold anyone else's. It's fine. Really. Unlock the door Kevin," she says looking over her shoulder again. Melanie moves from the bed grinning, knowing how Kaden can be. She remembers the night he fully took control of her and the bruises she had. She shakes her head as she joins Kevin.
Jareth just stares at her, glaring just slightly "You'd want to stay... Wen you could possibly kill us all... Including Mason and your daughter..." He reaches out and grabs her chin "I didn't want to kill you the first time... But you push my demon... And unless it's last possible option... I don't want to kill you this time! But that means you have to fight it! You have to want to get better! Now ask her

Kaden glares at we slightly "Don't make me come get you... I said here... Now!" He uses a sterner voice and points to the spot before him. "I have to ask once more... You'll get my hand on your little ass..."
Mari shakes she's so mad at him. "She won't....come. Why should she? Nobody....cares for somebody like me. I'm a demon, Jareth. Not all of us find what you have. There's nobody out there that can handle me."

Aliya finally meets his gaze. "But I....You don't have to....."
"I'd go honey," Mel tells her. "His hand on your ass won't feel good." Slowly she takes one step forward and stops. "I..can't. You don't..have to do this Kaden."
"M'lord girl. His name is M'lord."
He crosses his arms, the pain in his body down to a dull ache, "Last chance... Here... Now..." She was testing his patience, he sits up a bit higher, making himself look bigger he waits.

Jareth growls loudly and moves closer, he pulls her from Nicholas and kisses her roughly and holding her.
She takes a few more steps closer to him and stops. "If she doesn't go to him, just don't say a word," Melanie whispers to Kevin. "No matter what."
"I understand. He's gonna spank her ass if she doesn't come to him. Isn't he?" Melanie nods. "That's the thing though. Aliya wants him to touch her. She's just nervous. Gotta get over that though."
"Kaden your voice. Take it easy. You'll make your throat worse. Do you need me to get you some meds? Here. Let me check your throat," she says crossing the distance and reaching for his throat.

Nicholas looks around. Mari fights him. Breaking the kiss, she growls at him. "You think you can handle me? Demon?" She pushes him back against the door hard. There's a glint in her eyes.
Kaden watches her and doesn't move, waiting for her to come closer, once close enough he grabs her wrist and pulls her into the bed, across his lap. "My throat... Is fine... Your ass on the other hand..." He uses his one hand to hold her wrists and the other rubs over her ass slowly and looks down at her. "You disobeyed me..." Smack, rub "Didn't come when I called..." Smack, smack, rubs "What do you have to say for yourself..."

Jareth looks at her and growls louder and flips them around, pinning her "I know I can... Can you handle me..." He kisses her roughly again and nips her lip.
Aliya yelps as he pulls her across her lap. “Kaden, what are you,” another yelp. “What are you,” yelp. She squirms across his lap, feeling her arousal. “I’m….I’m sorry. Please let me up.” There was a hint of a laugh in her voice. Aliya felt his power behind his smacks, but it was as if part of her didn’t believe he was serious.

Mari returns the growl as she feels him nip her lip after their kiss. “I can handle you DEMON.” She pushes against his hold of her and manages to move him back just one step. Mari is strong, and she’s showing him that.
Kaden looks at her "Still don't believe me... Fine..." He moves her so she's on all fours over his lap, he pulls her pants and panties down and rubs her ass again, he pulls his hand back and snacks her again three times, then rubs. "Who am I Pet..." He reaches down and teases at her clit, then smacks her three more times and rubs, repeating the pattern until she answers him correctly.

He bares his fangs at her and pushes her back to the wall, he grips her hair and tilts her head back so he can rest his fangs on her neck. His other hand pinning her wrists above her head as he nips lightly at her pulse point, one good bite and it'd be deadly.
"Kaden," she cries out as he begins to bare her bottom. "What are you....Oww! Kaden! You have to.....OW! Come on! You have to....." She takes a deep breath as he teases her clit. "You're....Kaden! OW! I mean you're....." Aliya tries to focus. She knows the answer she wants to give, but the combination of pain and pleasure are driving her wild. "Say it girl," Melanie whispers. "You''re....M'lord! Yes! You're....M'lord!"

"Do it demon," she snarls. "Do what you have to do. Do what you want to do. You can handle me? Fine! Show me!" Mari struggles hard, lifting his hand that pins her to the wall, but he always overpowers her and slams her back against the wall. "Such a strong demon." She inhaled deeply. "You smell intoxicating."
Kaden kept up the pattern until Aliya finally said the right answer "That's better... Now... Tell me what you want..." He starts to just rub her clit, but slowly, teasing her, making her bow her head and raise her ass up.

Jareth grazes his fangs over her pulse and pulls back to glares at her "Do you want me... Bitch..." He growls "You've wanted me since the the night I first took you..." He gives her a teasing rough kiss, then pulls back to look at her.
Aliya's face was flushes, and she chewed on her bottom lip. "Answer him girl," Melanie whispered again. "I want....I want....." She lowered her head and lifted her ass up for him. "I want not..stop. I cum..for you. Please," she pleaded, lowering her head even more. "Don't stop M'lord. Her breathing increased, and her legs began to tremble.

"I want you," she growled, pushing him back harder than before. She moved him back several steps until he hit the bed. "I. Want. You. Demon." She hissed every word. Nicholas swallowed and reached for the doorknob. These two looked like they had this under control. He was sweating, and his cock was rock hard. He turned the doorknob, and slowly opened the door.
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