Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden grins at her "That's much better... Now you beg me proper..." He gives her a another smack, a bit lighter and continues to rub her clit a bit faster "You like a little pain... Don't you pet..." He smacks again after a few minutes, he lets her hands go and reaches under to squeeze her breast through her clothes, pinching her nipple slightly.

Jareth keeps his focus on her, he again flips them over, pinning her to the bed 'Tell Mason and Kev... What's happening... And I'm ok... And to stay out...' He won't look at him, wanting Mari to stay trained on him "Good... Cause you're gonna get me..." He growls and rips her top open, an attacks her breasts, nipping and sucking.
"Please..M'lord..can I....." She couldn't finish. Her body was already so close to the edge. "Yes..M'lord," she groans at his slaps. Aliya loved the combination he was giving her. "I like..a little..pain." Aliya moves her hips, pressing her clit firmly to his fingers, working with him. "Please M'lord," she pleaded. "Can I cum? I want to cum..for you."

Nicholas nods, and heads outside. He finds Mason still in the hall. "Come on," he tells him. Mason gives him a strange look. "You okay doc?"
"I'm fine. Lets..go inside." He helps him stand before pushing on the door. Of course it doesn't open. "What the....." Kevin gently pulls Melanie away from the door and opens it. "Sshhhh," he tells them letting them inside. Mason stands shocked. Nicholas shakes his head. "What the hell is going on in this place," he whispers. "First Mari and Jareth, and now these two?" He runs his hand through his hair.

She gasps as he rips her shirt open before baring her own teeth to him. "I'll eat you alive demon!" Mari doesn't stop struggling, trying to overpower him.
Kaden looks over at Mel and nods her over, he continues to slowly rub her clit, he looks at Mel "You saw what I was doing... Not too hard and rub after..." He smirks at her and goes back to rubbing her "Now you hold back Pet... Till you can't anymore... Then you can cum..." He rubs and fingers her while Mel starts to smack her.

Jareth growls and snaps at her "Be still!" He pinches her nipple and pulls it lightly, then shifts to remove her pants.
Melanie nods. “Yes M’lord.” She brings her hand back and smacks Aliya’s ass. Mel loves the reaction from her, the feel of her skin under her hand, and how red and warm her skin becomes. Her hand rubs gently before she raises her hand to repeat. Aliya groans at the combined touch of the two of them. “Yes M’lord,” she whimpers. Her clit aches from waiting, from holding out, but it’s a delicious pain to her. “I wanna..wait..M’lord. It wait.” Nicholas runs his hand through his hair again as he looks away. Mason grins at him. “You’re not getting turned on are you doc?” Kevin nudges Mason. “Yeah he is. Look at his cock.” Nicholas wa rock hard, and there was no way for him to hide it. “ fine. He said to stay away. He’d be fine.” Both men nod and tell him okay.

Mari yelps as the pain rips through her nipple. “You demon!” She lifts from the bed enough to bring her face to his after he had her pants off. There are no words. Simply a burning look in her eyes.
He grins at her "That's it Pet... Enjoy it..." He smiles "Will you lie again Pet..." He speeds up, adding another finger, then looks up "Don't worry baby... I see you over there..." He looks back to Aliya "Start with Nich... What do you want to say to him Ali... No lying now..." That commanding voice again, only a bit softer.

"Nnn... I know what you want..." He grins "I can smell it..." He works his pants open and growls low, lifting her leg, he doesn't wait and thrusts into her fully. "Nnn! Fuck!" He holds her and starts a rough pace.
“No,” she replies, trying her best to hold on. Nicholas has to keep his back turned even when he hears Kaden speaking to him. Mason is glued to Melanie. Every time she smacks Aliya’s ass, he cringes, aroused. Kevin is just as enchanted as he is. “No, “Aliya pleads. “Don’t make me tell him. I can’t. Please.”

Mari leans forward, kissing his lips before catching his bottom lip between her teeth. She lets go and cries out from his rough pace before finally slamming down to the bed taking his rough thrusts. “Yes demon! Take me!”
Kaden smirks and pulls his hand away, "Then I guess you don't want to cum..." He stops Mel as well, he looks up at Nicholas "Come here baby... Please..." He smiles at him and holds Aliya down gently, keeping her from moving.

He kisses her back and growls as he speeds up "Nnn... Fuck how are you so tight..." He helps her hips and starts to thrust harder.
"No," Aliya begins to protest. Immediately she wants to move, to get away so she could go and relieve herself. Nicholas turns as he is asked to come to him. Without hesitation, he heads over to Kaden. "Yeah baby?"

Mari grabs the bed and begins to rip it to shreds. "You're too much!" It wasn't that she was tight. Jareth's girth was more than she had ever had.
Kaden smiles at him and reaches up to run his fingers over his more then obvious hard on "I bet that hurts in there... Why not take it out..." He makes Aliya lift her head as he does so "You still wanna cum Pet... Then you show him how you feel... Or I tie you up and you don't cum tonight... You asked for M'lord... You're getting him..." He gives her a slightly harder slap with a short rub.

"Nnn..." He moans and slows up a bit, she was quite tight "Mmm... You wanna cum bitch..." He leans down and attacks her breasts again, licking and nipping.
"Please M'lord," she pleads. "I can' that. I can't." Nicholas doesn't care what she's hiding at this point. He's close to Kaden with a raging erection. Reaching down opens his pants, and does exactly as Kaden asked. His cock is soon free, inches from Aliya's face. She wants him. She can literally taste him he's so close. Opening her mouth she takes him in and begins a quick pace immediately. Nicholas groans reaching for her head. "Shit. Aliya. I..shit..Don't stop baby. That's right. Just like that. Take it all," he says as she pushes him deep and he guides her head down on him.

"Yes! I wanna cum demon! I want to feel you cum..with me! Cum with me demon! Cum..or die demon!" Mari rotated her hips and cried out as she came hard. As tight as she was before, it was even tighter now for Jareth.
Kaden grins and reaches back, starting to slowly finger her again and rubber clit, he nods for Mel to start again and slowly picks up speed. "That's it Ali... Show him how you feel..." He adds another finger and starts thrusting them faster, watching Nich and panting softly himself. He reaches up with his free hand as holds Nich's hand, looking up and him "Tell her..."

"Fuck! A-Ahhh!" He holds her hips and thrusts a few more times into her, she was almost too tight, before exploding himself, filling her and pulling out. "Nnn..." He falls half on her and half off, panting hard and shivering slightly.
It wasn't a matter of showing him how she felt. For Aliya, she couldn't let him stand that close to her with his cock out and rock hard and not suck him. She couldn't stop herself. As Kaden spoke though, she knew he was right. She was showing Nicholas how she felt with her actions. She took him deep and held him there. "Shit Aliya," he groaned before looking at Kaden. He gave a slight nod before lacing his fingers in her hair and pulling her free from his cock. Leaning down to her face he told her, "I love you Aliya. I love you because you bring out something primal in me and," he smiles, "you take care of it. Whether I want something soft and heated, or I simply want to fuck, you seem to understand, and you give it to me. Fuck my cock hurts just standing here so close to you. Take care of me baby," he tells her before kissing her roughly and then shoving his cock back in her mouth. She groans moving her hips with Kaden, fully giving herself over to all three of them. "That's right baby. You're gonna cum with me, and then I'm gonna suck Kaden's fingers to taste you."

"Jareth," Mari calls to him softly. "Are you alright?" Her hand rests on him, rubbing as she pants.
Kaden smirks at Nicholas and starts to pump his fingers into her harder and rubbing her clit faster "You heard him Pet... You don't cum till he does..." He glances at Mel and grins at her, she was enjoying this as well.

Jareth groans slightly and nods "Yeah... Are you feeling better now..." He rolls to his back and turns his head to look at her, he smirks slightly.
Aliya tried to focus her attention to his cock. If she thought about her clit and her pussy, she feared she would cum all over him. "Yeah," Nicholas added. "If you cum before I'll spend all night tied up with a butt plug up your ass." Melanie groaned, liking the sound of that herself. He kept his fingers laced in her hair, guiding her head, never letting her stop. If she seemed to be close to stopping, he shoved her down on his cock. Melanie was aroused watching him and slapping Aliya's ass. Nicholas seemed to be taking to the role of her dominate nicely. He reminded her of Kaden. Of course Aliya had seen M'lord. She asked for him. Melanie missed that side of him. Aliya's need was growing dangerously close. She needed Nicholas to cum badly, and he knew it. He could feel the urgency with how she took him. He grinned. "Does my little slave need to cum," he asked. She moaned her answer. "Not. Yet. You hold it."

"Yeah," she replied breathless. "I haven't..done years." She had sex with him, but she didn't feed at all. It was purely for the enjoyment of it. Eating and gaining power had become so important to Mari, she forgot what sex was about. Love and pleasure. She grinned. "You..were..great..Jareth. No wonder..they love"
Kaden grins and slows his fingers "You tell me when baby... And I'll let her cum..." He glances at Mel and smirks "Is M'lady getting excited... Does she want some fun tonight..." He'd have to find what they could do while she was pregnant, he didn't want her left out. He looks to Mason "What do you say... Has she earned a little fun time..." He smirks, he wasn't about to leave Mason out of anything choices anymore.

Jareth smiles and relaxes and continues to catch his breath "You needed it... Needed to be controlled..." He looks at her "You have to find it in you to forgive yourself... You were hurt and scared..." He pulls her close "Or that evil in you will kill everyone... And I'm sure you don't want that..."
"She can cum..when I cum," Nicholas tells him. "You'll know when." Aliya continues to take him. "Yeah," Mason answers him moving closer behind her. He rubs her ass, watching her reactions. "We can have some fun with her later. We just can't be rough with her. Would you like that baby," he says softly next to her ear. She groans leaning back against him. "Yeah baby. You and M'lord. I've missed you both."

"Yeah," she tells him. "I did need that. It felt nice to be held. It had been too long. "No. I don't want to kill anyone Jareth. I want to be....normal again. I wasn't always like this. I don't know if I can forgive myself. She's better off without me."
Kaden looks at Mason and smiles "I'm sure there's lots we can still do that she'll enjoy... Isn't that right baby girl..." He smirks then looks back to Nicholas "Mmm... You getting close Doc... I can see it baby..." He speeds up on Aliya slightly, knowing Nicholas was getting close.

Jareth runs his fingers through her hair slowly and holds her close "Don't you think you should let her have a say in that... You know she helped us... And all she wanted was to hug her father... She may want something from her mother too... If given the chance..." He smiles at her "What you've done... Isn't your fault... That evil takes a strong hold..."
“Yeah,” was all Nicholas could say. He was close. His fingers tugged on Aliya’s head, forcing her down faster and deeper. She gagged on his length, and he gritted his teeth. With one last shoved her down far, burying her face into his body as he came. “Now,” he groaned to Kaden. Aliya felt him fill her mouth, and she swallowed every drop. Mason gripped Melanie’s ass hard as Nicholas came, and she relaxed back against him. “That’s it baby. You like. Don’t you? Say you want us tonight.” She looked at Kaden as she leaned against him. “I want you baby and M’lord tonight.”

“It does. The darkness can strong..Jareth. I haven’t felt this a long time. It’s because I am happy. I took care a that can be filled it’s flooding my body right now. The darkness is being..pushed away right now, but I’ll come back. It’ll come back Jareth, and I’ll be a bad person again. A demon. I should get away from you and everybody else before it does. I should leave you all,” she said starting to sit up.
Kaden grins and starts to thrusts his fingers faster, curling them slightly to hit her sweet spot.

Jareth stops her, sitting up too "No... Running is the worst thing you can do... You need the love to keep the evil away... Long enough for me to find a way to remove it... And I will find a way... I won't let Mason live with that fear forever..."
Aliya pulls free from Nicholas. Panting, she looks to Kaden as she cums. "That's it baby," Nicholas tells her, pulling her hair slightly. "Such a beautiful sight,"Melanie whispers. "Yeah. You are," Mason tells her.

"Jareth, I have looked for a way to remove it. There isn't one. It grows until it consumes, and I can't be here when it does. I won't put you through that."
Kaden smirks at her and slows his hand to a stop after a few minutes, then lifts his hand so Aliya can see it "I believe you wanted a taste Doc... Let her watch..."

Jareth shakes his head "I refuse to believe that... There has to be a way... If that bitch found a way to but it IN him... There has to be a way to remove it... You haven't been around as long as I have... I'll find a way... I beat mine, so I never needed a way... But Mason does... You do... Let me help..."
Nicholas takes Kaden’s wrist and guides his fingers to his mouth. His gaze wa fixed on Aliya, and she wa now looking at him. He glanced over to Kaden a he tasted her. It was her cum that she had released only becaue he said he could and because of what Kaden was doing to her on his fingers. “This would have to be on your cock to taste any better,” he tells him.

“You beat yours’ Jareth because you’re strong. Mason is still new to this, and he’s not a full blooded demon. I’d be afraid of him if he was. If just a small taste of the darkness took him this badly, I can’t imagine how he would be if he were a full blooded demon. As for me, I know I’m not strong. I put up a good show that I am, but you know I’m not.” This was the most normal Mari had been in years. “Jareth, I love feeling this way, but I know it’s lurking, and I know it’s going to slowly seep back into who I am. You have to promise me if it takes me again, you’ll kill me. I don’t want to live and be that evil, that way, anymore. Promise me.”
Kaden smirks at him and slowly moves his fingers, playing with his tongue lightly "Mmm... Or maybe on yours... Mmm... The fun we'll all have at home..." He looks to Nicholas again "Speaking of which... Do I have an all clear Doc... Can We go home..."

Jareth pulls her closer and rubs her back "If... If there is no other way... I promise... I won't let you suffer like that... But... You have to do something for me first..." He pulls back to look at her and rubs her cheek. "You have to talk to your daughter..."
Nicholas pulls his fingers from his mouth and places Kaden’s hand on his cheek. “Yeah. You do. Aliya will get your paper. Go now baby,” he tells her. She moves from across his lap, her legs shaking, and adjusts her clothing before opening the door and heading out. Once in the hall she gasps and stops. “You?” Karen looks up at her, her eyes normal. “So my dad is okay now?”
“Yeah sweetie. He’s fine. Why don’t you go say hello to him?”
“My mom. She’s..okay for now too. Tell my dad to talk to her.”
“Why don’t you talk to your mom? Why is she okay for now?” Karen shakes her head. “Just tell everybody to talk to my mom. They’ll see..her, what she’s really like. Okay?”
“I will, but child talk to them yourself. Your dad would love to talk to you. He didn’t know.”
“I know,” she says starting to back up. “You look so much like him. You have his eyes you know.”
“I know.” Aliya slowly advances as she backs up.

“Talk to my daughter? I can’t. She hates me. Jareth, why do you want me to talk to her?”
"Good... Then I can do this..." He gets up on his knees and pulls Nicholas closer and kisses him, twisting their tongues together and wrapping his arms around his neck. He had to apologize for just giving up and letting Mason try to kill him, his eyes got a bit damp as he pulls back. "I'm sorry... I promised you... I should have fought back..." He puts a finger to his lip as he tries to say something "I broke that promise... And I'll make it up to you anyway I can..." He kisses him softly "But first... I'm making this promise... Before everyone... That I won't give up anymore... That I'll keep fighting to live..." He smiles softly "Becasue I have so many people to life for..." He kisses him again "Ok..." He rubs his cheek softly and holds him close.

Jareth nods and starts to fix his clothes, then uses a little magic to fix her top "Because it's the right thing to do... She may not be a helpless child anymore... But that doesn't mean she doesn't want you... The worst she can say is no... And then nothing changes.... But you should try..." He takes her hand and starts to lead her from the room.
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