Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden hugs them both, kissing Nicholas softly "I hope you're ready to... You'll be daddy too..." He smiles at him, then looks to Mel and kisses her "Three little ones... Think we can handle them..." He smiles at her slightly.

Jareth makes it to her and kneels "She wants her mom... Are you really going to leave her again!" He pounds the ground by her head and glares at her.
“Daddy? Me? A daddy too? “ Nicholas beams. “Yeah. I’m ready. As long as you’re with me, I can do anything.” Melanie reaches across Kaden to put a hand on Nicholas’ shoulder. “M’Lord, we’re not handling this alone. Not ever.”

“I can’t be here for her! I’m not what she needs! She doesn’t just want her mother! She wants the mother I can’t be! I screwed up Jareth, really bad, and now I can’t make that right! I’m sorry! She’s better off with Mason.”
Kaden smiles "Nope... Never alone... Never again..."

Jareth growls at her "Let her be the judge of that..." He holds her down and lets his eyes glow, staring at her, he puts her under his control and makes her go to sleep. Once out, he picks her up and starts to head back to the hospital.
"I think Kevin's idea is a good one. We can make a day of it. Our celebration of love and joining each other together," Nicholas tells him. "Yeah. I agree. You realize you and I will be sharing this man here," Mel teases. "Yeah. I know. I know he loves you, and I'm okay with that. As long as I get to fall asleep next to him, I'm okay with anything."

"No Jareth!" She starts to panic as she sees his eyes glow. "Don't you dare!'t....." Her body falls limp.
Kaden smiles "That sounds wonderful..." He snuggles closer to the both of them.

Jareth slowly makes it back back to the hospital, he keeps the roofs and jumps along them, holding her close.
"I need to go get your paperwork so you can get out of here. Aliya, will you help me get everything together?" She nods and heads outside. "I'll be back love. Mel, take care of him."
"You don't have to ask me to do that." Mason rests his hand on Karen's shoulder "Baby do you need anything? Are you hungry?"
"Yeah. I could go for some blood." Mason is shocked. "You could go for what?" She grins. "I'm just kidding daddy. Pizza?"
"Kid you're gonna make me....I'm taking her to get something to eat," he tells them before heading out. "I'll come with you," Kevin adds following them out. "Well M'Lord. Looks like it's just you and me."
Kaden chuckles and pulls her to lay down with him again "Yes it is..." He smiles holds her closer, kissing her softly and rubbing her back and side "Mmm... So... Two little ones... We'll have to start thinking of names..."

Jareth glances down at her and sighs softly "You can do this Mari... I'm sure of it..." He says softly, then smiles slightly "You just need to hold your baby girl once... Then you'll see..." He continues on his way, he hoped. That would be all it took to convince her it was worth fighting for.
Kaden thinks a moment, slowly running his fingers over her side "Hmm... I like Rose... For a girl... I'm not sure for a boy..." He looks at her "What about you... What would you like..."
"Rose. I like Rose. Too bad I can't think of a flower that sounds like a boy's name. How about a boy's name that starts with letter R then? Not Ralph. No," she laughs.
He laughs softly and hugs her close "No... Their names should be there own... How would they claim something with the same initials... Hmm..." He relaxes back into the pillow and thinks ok a few names "Damon... Maybe..." He sighs "I'm not very good..."
"Jacob," she says looking over to at him. "What do you think? I don't know why. The name just kind of came to me."
He looks st her and smiles "Jacob... I like it... Rose and Jacob..." He kisses her softly, his hand resting on her belly "I can't wait to meet them..." He smiles a bit wider "I can't wait to see Nich holding them..." He blushes slightly and looks down, smile never leaving "I've... I've never been this happy... This nervous!" He chuckles slightly and looks at her "I asked him to marry me... That actually happened..." He looks at her again, cups her cheek "I know I said me and Mason would be playing with you tonight... But once we get home... I'm... Locking Nich in his room with me for a while... I owe him..." He kisses her softly "Then you... I hope you understand..." He looks down again "When Mason... Attacked me... I gave up... I was ready to die... Even after I promised him... I hurt him... No matter how much he'll deny it..."
“I understand,” she tells him. “I think Mason may need some attention tonight. So you spend your time with Nicholas. I’ll take care of him, and then maybe we can all spend some time together later.”

Aliya hands him Kaden’s paperwork. Nicholas begins to look at it, and he sees about Kaden’s injury. He swallows the lump in his throat. Another nurse asks Aliya to take a look at something. She nods. He tells her, “I’m going into my office for a few minutes. I’ll take these to Kaden right after.” She nods again to him. He heads towards his office and closes the door behind. Nicholas goes into his private room to the side and closes the door. After he sits down on the bed, he lays the papers down on the bed and holds his head as he starts to cry. Leaning down, he wraps his around his body as he sobs. “I could have….lost you.”

Aliya returns back to the desk but doesn't see Nicholas. Thinking he's back in with Kaden, she opens the door quietly. "Oh," she says closing the door behind herself. "I thought Nicholas would be in here. He's got your paperwork for you. I gave it to him. I guess he's checking on something else. Everything alright in here," she asks smiling at them both.
Kaden smiles and kisses her softly "Yeah... I can just feel how bad he needs me right now... What we did with Aliya didn't even scratch the surface..." He looks at her "He thinks he hides it so well... But he was scared more then anything... And still is..." He looks up as Aliya comes, he looks back to Mel and he rubs her cheek "Think you can find me some clothes..." He moves to get up and head to the bathroom.
Aliya shows her where Kaden's clothes are while he's in the bathroom. "What's he up to," she asks her. "He's going to find Nicholas."
"Nicholas is fine I'm sure. He's just trying to get caught up on a few things probably."
"Well. Either way, he and Nicholas could use some time alone. He can sign his papers when he finds him, and we can all leave."
A few minutes later he comes out and picks up his clothes "Thanks..." He starts to dress, not caring if they saw him, once finished he smiles at them and heads for the door. "See ya in a bit..." He walks out and heads to Nich's office, he silently walks in and closes the door, he can hear him in the other room. He moves over to the door and enters, he frowns as he moves closer "Thought I'd find you here... When Aliya said you had my papers..." He moves to crawl onto the bed and pulls him closer "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." He holds him tight and "To put you through that... Again..." He cries with him.
As he leaves, Mel look at Aliya and smiles. “Yeah. He’s gone to find Nicholas.”

Nicholas hears him as he speaks. He never heard him enter the room. Just the sound of his voice. It struck a nerve deep within him. He couldn’t stop sobbing. The bed gives when Kaden climbs up. When Kaden wraps his arms around him, Nicholas moves and holds him tight, crying into his body. “Don’t do that again. I can’t lose you. I love you Kaden. I love you so much. I could have lost you." He looks into his eyes. "I can't lose you. I can't imagine not seeing your face, feeling your skin, kissing your lips, smelling you, or being this close to you. No. Please don't leave me Kaden. Don't give up. I'll always be here. I'll help you no matter what happens."
He holds him and cries with him "Never again... I'll never give up... I'm sorry I did... Look how it's hurt you..." He wipes at his eyes softly "I refuse to hurt you again..." He takes a deep breath and ties to calm down "Let's go home... So I can take your hurt away... Let me make it up to you..." He smiles softly "I told Mel I'd be locking us in your room... Just the two of us... For as long as it takes..." He kisses him softly, but deeply, licking his lips "I have a lot of apologizing to do..." Another soft kiss "Please baby... Take me home..." He slowly kisses away his tears.
Nicholas slowly stands and pulls Kaden with him. He nods. "Alright baby. I'll take you home." He kisses him softly, gently on the lips. "You're cleared to....go home. I looked at your papers, and I saw....just how badly you were hurt. I thought I knew, but I didn't. You were I could have....I love you Kaden, and I don't want to wait too long. I want to marry you. Soon."
Kaden cups his cheek and rests his forehead on his "You did... Almost lose me... I saw the bridge..." He kisses him a bit harder "But I couldn't go... Didn't even get close to it..." A few more tears fall "I wanted to see you again... Hold you..." He kisses him once more "Taste you..." He smiles softly "And once we are home... In our room... My soon to be husband... I will show you how sorry I am for hurting you..." He kisses him softly before stepping back "Let's go tell the others... We can go home..."

Jareth finally returns to the hospital and walks inside, carrying her gently in his arms, he waves off the nurses help and moves to enter Kaden's room. "Oh... Where is everyone..." He moves to lay her down in Kaden's bed. "She's just sleeping... I have to knock her out to bring her back... She's so scared..." He looks at the Aliya and Mel.
"Okay baby," he tells him. Nicholas is still in shock from how close he came to losing him. "Don't ever go to that bridge. Should you ever see it again. I promise I won't either." He smiles at him as he wipes away a few more tears. "Soon to be husband. I like the sound of that. You're giving me so much Kaden. A husband and a family. You're giving me everything I ever wanted. Thank you." He kisses him once more, a bit deeper than before. Without a word, he takes his hand and leads him back towards his room. In the hall, he doesn't let go of his hand. The nurses stare and smile. He nods to them. Nicholas doesn't care if they see. In fact, he wants them to. He pulls Kaden to a stop. "Yeah. I'm holding his hand. In fact," He turns and kisses him passionately in front of them all. He hears one of them say, "It's about time. You're too sexy to be alone Doc."

"Fine by me if you had to knock her out. Mason and Kevin took her to get something to eat, and Kaden has been released. He went to go get his paperwork from Nicholas. Sit down on the edge of the bed with her, "Melanie tells him. "You look a little tired." She turns towards the door when she hears cheering outside. "What in the world?" Mason opens the door laughing. "Nicholas is kissing Kaden in the hall in front of everybody. The nurses are cheering for them." He stops when he sees Mari on the bed and puts his arm around Karen. She holds his hand. "You didn't. Did you?"
Kaden was smiling as they walked down the hall, holding his hand a bit tighter and was shocked for only a second when he pulls him into a kiss,soon wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing him back. "Mmm... I love it when you show off..." He glances at the nurses and smiles "Don't worry ladies... I plan on keeping his very... Very happy..." He leans closer and bites lightly at his neck just to watch him shiver.

Jareth looks up and smiles at the news "That's wonderful..." He looks at Mason and Karen then back at Mari "No... Just used my powers to put her to sleep..." He looks back and waves the girl closer, he gently picks her up and sets her on his knee, facing her mom. "She didn't want to come back here... And not because she doesn't love you... But because she does... She didn't want to hurt you again, or fail you... Or not be what you wanted..." He smiles at her and taps her nose "But I believe you already know... Just how scared she is... Because I think you're just as scared..." He gives her a gentle hug "I told her what was best for you was up to you... Now..." He looks at Mari "If you want her to stay... I think she should wake up in your arms... Are you ready for that sweetheart... To start over with her and your new family..." He glances at Mason.
Nicholas doesn’t hide his reaction as Kaden bites him. “Kaden,” he whispers to him, his hands gripping his back. “Don’t make me beg you to fuck me right here in this hall. I will. I want to. How’s that for showing off?”

“Jareth,” Mason calls to him. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? Having Mari around as part of our family? I mean I want Karen to know her mother. I really do, but we already know her. Are you sure that’s the best, safest thing for her?”
“You didn’t see her dad. I have. He has. She wasn’t always this way, and for a little while, she’s not bad when the darkness is gone.”
“Gone? When the darkness is gone? How do you do that? How do you make it go away?” Karen grins as she looks at Jareth. “You wanna tell him how you did it?”
Kaden shivers slightly at his added reactions and grins "Mmm... Just means you'll get something extra at home..." He nips his neck again a bit harder and pulls away "Now as much as I'd like to show you off to you're nurses... I don't think the patients would agree as much..." He takes his hand and continues towards his room.

Jareth looks at Mason and smiles slightly "If I gave up on her... If I could do nothing for her... How would I help you love..." He hugs Karen again "I've seen her past... He wasn't always like this... You know she wasn't..." He sits Karen on the bed and moves to hug Mason "How can you ask me to trust you... But not her..." He sighs and glances at Karen "When I was young... I did a lot of things with my powers of the mind, that I'm not proud of now... I didn't even know of the evil I was slowly feeding... Until someone found me... Someone I came to call my master... My teacher... It took a long time to break my habits... Forcing back the dark in my soul..." He kisses him "It wasn't until I found my first loves... That I didn't feel it clawing at me anymore... And when we separated... It was hard, I felt it come back..." He looks to Kevin "I fought it back for just over a hundred years... Until I found Kevin... But I wasn't complete... I tried to mate him too soon... And lost him..." He pulls Mason closer "Then you... I felt more complete then I had in a long time... I know now that's because Kevin never left me... And I had you..." He kisses him "Then you brought him back..." He chuckles softly "It sounds so fake... But... Love will set you free..." He rubs his cheek "It's still there... But locked away... But I intend to find a way to remove it completely..."
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