Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Nicholas grins at him before looking at the nurses. “Sorry ladies. He’s my guy, and I belong to him.” He blows them a kiss and Kaden leads him back into the room.

“No. She wasn’t always like this, but Jareth people change, and I just want to make sure my daughter is safe. I love her. I just met her, and I know it may sound crazy, but I love my daughter. Karen is the best of me and Mari, just like Mel is going to give birth to a child that is the best of me and her. I want her safe. Can you promise me Karen will be safe with Mari around?” Karen reaches over and touches her mother’s forehead. She knew she was sleeping, and she knew it would be safe to touch her. “I’m ready,” she tells Jareth. “I can forgive her. I want my mom around. Come on dad. We have to try.” Mason looks past to Jareth to her. “That’s another thing. You want to bring Mari into our family? Are you sure?” He’s speaking softly so Karen can’t hear. “What you said about being complete, doesn’t sound cheesy. I think it’s wonderful. Trust me. I know the feeling. After I saw Kaden with Mel, her riding him, I was shattered. I was ready to kill them both, but you were there. You made me feel things I never know existed. I thought I knew love. I had no idea. I do love Mel, but what I feel for you goes so far beyond that. So I understand. Mari though. The demon who hurt us all, and you want me to let my daughter be around her and bring around everybody that I love? Helping her is one thing. Bringing her into our family is another. Are you sure Jareth? Can she be trusted? Will she behave? Are we in danger?”

The door opens and Nicholas comes in with Kaden. “He’s clear to leave. We can all..are we interrupting something?”
Jareth keeps his attention on Mason, listening to him intently "Can we be positive you won't hurt someone again... I know the risks... She doesn't have to live with us if she doesn't want to... I won't force that..." He cups his cheek "She doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore... In fact... She made me promise her... If she ever did... If there was no chance of being her back from it... That I would end her..." He glances at Karen "I agreed..." Back to Mason "But I believe having her close... With a positive attitude is better then letting her brood somewhere only to attack when we least expect..." He kisses him softly "And I understand completely that you love her... And Mel... And your new children... And I also want them to be safe... We will watch her..." He smiles softly.
"Alright," he finally reluctantly agrees. "We can take her home with us. She can wake up there. Are you up for carrying her? Wait," she stops, putting his hands up. "Is this alright with everyone? It's not just Jareth and I doing this for Karen. This involves everybody. Is everybody okay with this?" Kevin nods. "Yeah baby. I'm on board."
"Me too," Melanie adds quietly. "You sure Mel?"
"Yeah baby. I'll be fine. Just keep your eyes on her Jareth." She smiles at Karen. Mel doesn't want to scare her about her mother, and she doesn't want to mean when talking about her in front of her. "Yeah. I'm with Mel. Just keep an eye on her," Nicholas tells him.
Jareth moves to pick her up gently, again holding her close "Of course I will... But like I said... She doesn't have to live with us... She has a say too, once she knows what we have said..." He looks to Karen "She won't wake until I allow it... So we have time..." He moves to stand next to Mason "I know this is hard for you..."

Kaden moves to stand beside Nicholas, one arm around his waist "Then let's head home... I have some some... Apologies... To make..." He snakes his hand down and gives his ass a light squeeze.
"Hard for me? You have no idea." Mason isn't angry with Jareth. After all, he did ask him to help. Karen moves to him and holds his hand. He smiles at her.

They all head outside and begin to head home. Once there, Nicholas opens the door. "Is anybody hungry? I'm starving," Mel says heading towards the kitchen. Kevin shakes his head. "I'm not surprised. I'll give you some help in there." Aliya knows Nicholas wants to be alone with Kaden. So she tells Jareth, "Com on. We can get her set up in a room. Maybe Karen would like some alone time with her mom before you wake her up." Nicholas throws the keys on the table by the door and locks the front door before looking over to Kaden. "I'm glad to have you home, where you belong, with me."
Jarerh smiles and follows after Aliya "Sure... It's up to you Sweety..." He smiles down at Karen and enters a back room with her.

Kaden looks at Nicholas and smiles "Hmm... I've have several homes since I was on my own..." He walks over to him and takes his hand, leading him down another hall to his room, leading him inside. "But I've never truly felt at home..." He turns around and pins him against the door "Mmm... Until now that is..." He smiles at him and starts to remove Nich's clothes, kissing any exposed skin as he went.
"I think I wanna talk to you about her. If you don't mind," she tells him following them both.

"You're with me. Kaden, I love you." He rests back against the door, his heart pounding in his chest. "I....can't get....enough of you. My own home doesn't feel complete without you here. Twice now I could have lost you. I can't bear that thought again. I can't go through it again. If you give up again, then so do I."
Jareth looks at her "Sure... What's up Sweety..." He lays her on the bed and moves to sit in a chair close by.

Kaden opens his shirt and licks at his chest, nipping lightly at his nipples "Mmm... Then I can never give up... Because that isn't what I want for you..." He stands straight again to slowly slip his shirt from his yyshoulders. "But for right now... I don't want to hear anymore talking..." He starts on his pants, unzipping them then opening them as he kisses him softly, slowly, teasing him. He looks at him as he wraps his hand around him and strokes very slowly "Mmm... Moan for me... Husband..."
“You’ve known my mom for a while now, and you’ve known my dad for a while now. Do you love my dad?”

Nicholas twitches in the confines of his pants as his chest is exposed. “No more….talking.” His entire body shudders as Kaden’s fingers take hold of him. He’s glad for the door behind him. Nicholas moans for him, leaning his head back against the door. “Husband. Not..yet..but soon. I could..make you wait..until we touch me.”
Jareth looks at her and cocks his head to the side slightly "Of course I do..." What was this child getting at.

Kaden smiles and lets his finger tips slowly ghost over his cock "Really love..." He smiles at him "I do believe I could do that... But the real question would be... Could you wait..." He rubs his tip with his palm and grips him again to pump slowly again. "Could you baby... Can you tell me right now to stop... And not touch you..." His other hand sliding up his chest again to lightly scratch at his chest and roll his nipple between his fingers. "If you can say it... Truly want that... I'll stop..." He leans close and licks at his neck then nibbles softly "I'll leave you be..." Both hands down now, one pumpin him very slowly, the other gently massaging his sac, he pulls from his neck to look at him "What'll it be baby..." He smirks slightly.
"Are you going to marry my dad?"

Nicholas looks at him. His eyes were wet, and his breathing ragged. "Marry me. Tonight. Say yes," he tells him before he takes his face in his hands and kisses him deeply, sweetly.
Jareth looks at her, his eyes slightly wide but he recovers quickly "I have intended to marry both him and Kevin..." He tilts his head again "What are you getting at Sweety..."

Kaden was stunned silent, not expecting that answer, then moans softly into his kiss, slowly pulling away. "Tonight?" He cups his face an looks at him, he smiles "If that's what you truely want... Then yes... As long as we can have something a bit more... Public, later on..." He kisses him softly "Can we leave without them knowing..."
"If you marry my dad, then....won't that make family too?"

"The roof. My helicopter is there. Let me fly you away baby. Tonight it will be just you and me. I want to marry you, and then I want to make love. I know the perfect place. It's beautiful there, and with you by my side, in my bed, it will be perfect. Just say it one more time baby," he whispers before kissing him. "Say yes."
He smiles at her and nods "It would... And I'd be happy to call you my daughter... If that's what you'd like..." He glances at Mari "So... What shall we do about your mother... She can't stay like this..." Looking back to Karen.

Kaden smiles brightly "Yes... Yes, yes yes..." He laughs softly and kisses him, slowly pulling back "Yes..." He hugs him close "Mmm... Well we can't just leave without word... You get dressed... I'll write the note..." He kisses him again and moves away to write a small note to the others, he leaves it on the the bed and moves back to him "Mmm... What else..."
"I know," she says looking at her mom. "You would call me yours' even though I'm not? Why?"

"There's roof access at the end of the hall. It's a secret exit out of here. We can use that. Climb the stairs, get inside the helicopter, and then I'll fly us to the place." He offers him his hand. "We're not taking any bags. We can buy anything we need there. Come on Kaden. Let me make you mine."
Jareth smiles and moves to pick he up, sitting on the bed with her in his lap. "You're my mate's child... Therefore my child as well... Even if we weren't mates yet, you're very important to him, so you'll be important to me..." He tips her chin up to look at her face "The one who raised you... You weren't hers... But she took you in anyway..." He kisses her forehead "Blood... Does not a family make..." He hugs her closer.

Kaden takes his hand and pulls him closer a moment "I was yours the night you saved me... Now we're just making it official..." He kisses him softly "Let's go..."
"Blood does not make a family. So tell me something. Why, when I am her blood, did she leave me?"

Nicholas leads him by the hand to the stairs that will take them to the roof. Once they're up there, he climbs into the helicopter and takes out his cell. "I'm on my way," he tells the person at the other end. "Yeah. Everything is fine. I'm getting married tonight, and I'm coming to you to help me with it." He smiles. "Great. I'll see you soon. Alright baby. Hang on," He tells him before he starts the helicopter and takes off.
"Just becasue you have the same blood... Doesn't automatically make you family... And even demons get scared Sweety... Did she make the right choice, no... But not everyone does... And she's still scared... She doesn't want to hurt anyone... And me and your dad are very proud of you, for letting her have another chance... But know this... Even if she doesn't take it... If she wants to leave... You still have all of us... You'll never be alone again..." He smiles at her.

Kaden follows him, getting into the chopper and getting ready, he glances at him on the phone "So... Is this going to be a surprise... Or are you going to tell me where we're going..." He chuckles lightly and looks down to the building as they fly away, he was starting to get butterflies, but couldn't keep the smile off his face.
"I can be alone again....if I have to. I'm use to it. It's ok. You don't have to want me."

Nicholas smiles as he asks him if he was going to tell him. "Doesn't everything look so small up here?" That was Kaden's answer. He zips through the city with speed watching the lights below almost come to a blur. Soon the city fades behind them, and they're flying over water. A tiny island comes into view, and Nicholas sits the chopper down. A man comes rushing out as Nicholas opens his door. "Nicholas! It's so good to see you! You should come more often! So who's the," he says looking over at Kaden. "Oh. I see," he grins. "I'm happy for you both. I everything set up for the two of you. Your chopper will be delievered back to your building as per your request when you set this up. You see," he says looking over at Kaden, "Nicholas always knew how he wanted to get married. Ever since he was a child, he always knew this. You were the one part he didn't know. He would say, 'I'll know who when I find them.'" The man laughs. "Yeah. I found him friend. I certainly found him. Do you have the papers as well?"
"Indeed I do. Everything Nicholas my boy. You always made it clear how you wanted this to happen." Nicholas smiles. "Kaden this is Thomas. He's an old family friend."
"Pleasure to meet you Kaden. Nicholas your father would be proud of you." Nicholas nods. "Thank you. You're the closest thing I have to father now. You and your wife are like my parents now. Thank you." The man smiles and pats Nicholas on the back. "I have a car ready to take you and your future husband to the villa."
"Wonderful. Are you ready baby?"
Jareth smiles softly, she had been alone so long, she didn't know to belong anymore "Oh sweetheart... Come here..." He hugs her close, wrapping his arms around her and growling softly, wondering if she was anything like her father. "Your father will be around for a very long time... He has my lifespan now, as does Kevin..." He rubs her back "You'll never be alone... I promise..."

Kaden smirks at his answer and continues to watch as the city flies by, then the water, he looks up "An island?" He glances at Nich as they starts to set down, then watches as a man comes running up to them, he blushes slightly as he waves hello. He takes Nicholas' hand as the talk, glancing at him as he's told this was set up years in advance. He smiles at Thomas and shakes his hand "Hi..." He listens again then turns to him "Villa..." His eyes wide.
"You promise," she asks looking up to him, her eyes wet.

The car takes them through the narrow streets lined with the forest the road had been carved through. The entire time Nicholas is smiling holding Kaden's hand. The dense forest opens up to the villa when they arrive. He climbs from the car and takes Kaden with him. Still he doesn't speak a word as he leads towards a path. The path is lined with candles that lead them to an open garden. More candles are lit throughout the open space. It, along with the moon and stars, is the only light. He squeezes his hand before he spots Thomas and his wife. "The waves of the ocean nearby are our music. The soft light is all we need. This island is something my parents bought. People tend to look at your differently when they know you own an island. It's a secret place. Now it's yours' as well. We could bring the whole family here, but tonight it belongs to you and I." He kisses his hand. "Come on baby," he tells him as he leads him over to where they're waiting for them. Thomas nods to him. After the get to Thomas, he begins. “Tonight we celebrate the love of Nicholas and Kaden. These two have found each other, and they have decided to share their lives together joined in marriage. “On this night, I Nicholas, take you Kaden, to be my husband. I pledge to be there for you in challening times and to celebrate with you in times of joy. I will support, honor, and cherish you through all the circumstances we may face, and I will never stop celebrating our love.” He turns to Thomas who hands him a ring. “This ring belonged to my father. Tonight I give it to you as symbol of my love for you.” His hands tremble and he takes Kaden’s hand and slips the ring on. Thomas held up another ring that had belonged to Nicholas’ father. “I grabbed them on the way out of the apartment. You can change it later if you want. It’s just that the rings mean something to me, and I wanted to give you one tonight.” He kisses Kaden’s finger with the ring on it as he looks into his eyes.
Jareth smiles at her and nods "I swear......"

Kaden was lead from the car to the lightly lit path and into the garden, he looks at Nicholas and smiles, a few tears falling down his face. "You're... Something else..." They continue over to meet with Thomas again and the butterflies return, he can't seem to stop crying or smiling. He listens to his vows and closes his eyes, never did he think he'd find someone like Nicholas, someone willing to love him, for him. "W-Wow..." He looks at him, his eyes wet "And I'm supposed to follow that..." He smirks slightly, then takes a deep breath to try and calm himself, it wasn't working. He takes the ring and looks at it, glancing at the one now on his hand. "If they mean something to you... They mean something to me..." He takes his hands and looks at him, smiling and crying. "When we met... I had no idea of the impact you'd have on my life... I had been so sure I'd never find anyone... That I didn't have to trick into loving me..." He squeezes his hands gently "But the night you came for me... Saved me..." He closes his eyes again for a moment then looks at him again, "But I'm promising again now, like I did before our family... I will never give up... I will be there for you... I will love you always and try to keep you happy..." He takes the ring in one hand "I, Kaden... Take you Nicholas, to be my husband now and for ever..." He slips the ring on his finger and lifts his hand to kiss "Not even death... Will part us..." He whispered softly for only Nich to hear.
It was the thought of no more lonely nights falling asleep wherever she could, hoping she would be safe until the morning came that hit her hard. Karen had been alone for so long. “I..I don’t have to scared anymore?”

Nicholas smiled as he asked if he was suppose to follow that. Kaden’s words brought back memories that flashed in his mind as he spoke. He remembered climbing the hill with Mason on the stretcher and seeing him and Mel standing there. Then he remembered seeing him in the hospital. The next memory was going to him that night when he was in the white room with his hands bleeding. Nicholas began to cry as the emotions began to overwhelm him. “Now that you too have exchanged vows and rings before your witnesses, then by the powers granted to me by the courts, I know pronounce you husband and husband. Nicholas, kiss your man,” Thomas grinned. Nicholas takes Kaden’s face in his hands and kisses him deeply. Thomas’ wife throws flower petals over the two of them. Breaking the kiss Nicholas whispers in his ear, “You’re mine tonight. I want to shower every inch of your body with my love.” He kisses his ear before nipping slightly as he wraps his arms around him.
Jareth smiles again and continues to growl for her "I swear... I will love and protect you like my own..." He rubs her back again in slow circles.

Kaden moans softly as he kisses his new husband and shivers at his words, he nips at his neck softly "Only after I'm done with you husband... Remember... I have some apologizes to make... And I'm not letting you push them aside..." He pulls back and kisses him again "So... Where to now..." He looks at him, his eyes burning with his desire to slowly strip him down again and love him.
She leans into him softly whimpering, releasing all her fears. "Thank you," was all she said.

"Well," he tells him leaning his nose against his. "We could stay here in the villa tonight, or there is a yacht down by the dock that will take us back to the city. That's why I had the chopper taken home. We can spend the night here or on the yacht slowly making our way back. The choice is yours' husband. I will do as you desire."
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