Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Nicholas returns the kiss. “It’s alright. I understand, and I promise you here before everyone that I will always give you a reason to keep fighting, to live.” He rests his face against Kaden’s. “You know, this is almost like a wedding,” Melanie whispers. “Yeah,” Mason agrees. “That’s it,” Kevins tells them with a smile on his face. “Why don’t we all have our own ceremony? We marry each other. It won’t be legal, but it will be binding to us.”

Mari doesn’t speak. She lets him lead her out of the room. When she sees Aliya and Karen, she stops pulling him to a stop. “Karen.” The little girl looks up to her. “No. I can’t. I’m sorry. I just….I don’t know do.” She tries to pull free from Jareth’s hand.
Kaden holds him a moment longer before pulling back and kissing him once more, then looks at him "I like that idea... But.." He glances back at Mason and Mel "You really are married... And you should stay that way..." He looks back at Nicholas "But I'm not..." He bites his lip and looks down, staring at his chest.

"Oh no... Come on..." He pulls her over and stands her before the little girl "Start with Hello... Then maybe... I'm sorry..." He says softly to her and rubs her arms slowly, staying behind her.
Mason grips Melanie's shoulders as Kaden tells them they should stay married. Nicholas glances at them and back to Kaden. "Kaden," he asks. "Are you trying to....are you saying you would....could you ever want to me?" He reaches down and tips Kaden's chin up to look at him.

"Uh....hello," Mari says, sounding more like a question. "I don't know what to say," she says turning towards Jareth. " me."
Kaden looks st him a moment and looks down slightly again "I... Well... I know we haven't... Known each other long... But... The thought... Of you not being around..." He shakes his head slightly "I don't want that to be a thought..." He could feel his cheeks burning, why was this so hard, he'd never felt this way.

Jareth holds her a moment, then turns her around to face Karen "You'll be fine..." He stays behind her 'Try saying sorry... You were afraid...' He whispers gently in her head.
"I don't not be around Kaden. I don't want a single go by..without seeing you. I know it's crazy," he smiles. "It fast, but the moment I saw you..I just knew I had to get close to you. Just knowing your name wouldn't be enough,'s not. I want to know all of you, and if it whole do it..then that's fine with me. I've got my whole like to give, Kaden, if you want it."

"I'm..I'm..sorry. I was..afraid. I was just a teen myself. I was afraid and hurt. He didn't want me. He wanted her, and it hurt. I didn't know what to do." Once she started talking it all came pouring out. "Please. Say something." Karen simply looked at her. She had never seen her mother like this before.
Kaden smiles and blushes darker, he leans up again and cups his cheek, then kisses him deeply, slowly and full of love. His actions would be proof enough, he nips his lip and twists their tongues together when he gasps, he moans softly before pulling away slowly, nipping his lip again and smirking at him.

Jareth smiles softly and just stays with her, being a silent support, he glances at Aliya and nods for her to go, then look at Karen.
The kiss spoke volumes to Nicholas. As Kaden pulls away, he whispers against his lips the only thing he needed to say. "Yes."

Aliya opens the door quietly and slips inside. Looking at Mason, she points towards the hall and mouths, "Karen and Mari are talking." His eyes widen, and he smiles pulling Mel close. "My daughter is outside." He kisses her cheek before letting her go and heading towards the door. "Give them a few," Aliya tells him. "Jareth is with them. It'll be fine."

"I understand," Karen finally says to her. "You were young, hurt, and afraid. Trust me. I understand all of that, but....."
"But what Karen," Mari asks. "But you' You were suppose to take care of me. You left me."
"I'm I didn't know..what else to do."
"Not leave me. That's what you should have done. Not leave me."
"I'm sorry." Mari tenses in Jareth's hold. "I can't do this Jareth," she whispers. "I can't do this."
Kaden chuckles and kisses him against, hugging him tight "Mmm... I wanna go home... Because I want you... So bad..." He whispers softly to him against his ear "And his hospital gown... Is a bit drafty..." He smirks at him, he didn't care about the others in the room, they were all family now and understood each other. He wanted Nicholas naked on a bed as soon as possible, the he and Mason would have some naughty but safe fun with their woman.

"Karen... Why not tell your mother how she made you feel... And what you want..." He rubs her arms softly 'Listen to her... Then let her know you want a change to fix things...' He kisses the back of her head 'Running isn't the answer... Look what it made Mason do...'
Nicholas wanted him right then and there. His comment about the gown being drafty had thoughts of reaching inside and touching him, but he knew he would want more than to just touch him. “I want you so bad,” he whispered to him. Quickly he began to put his cock back in his pants before he had another raging hard on. Nicholas didn’t care if the others knew really. It was taking all his strength not to reach out and touch Kaden.

“She made me feel nothing or at least that’s what I was. You should have been here, but you were gone. Just gone mom, and I never knew who dad was. Then I started getting all these vision and knowing things, and I didn’t know how I knew them. I didn’t know what I was seeing. It came to me all the time. I was miserable. I couldn’t..shut it off. I couldn’t sleep, eat, or do anything. Then I started to learn how to control. I started to understand what I was seeing. That’s when I saw dad. I knew someday I had to meet him. When the chance came along, I couldn’t say no.” Mari leaned back against him. ‘Running might not be the answer, but it certainly sounds good right about now.’
“I’m sorry Karen. I’m really sorry.”
“I don’t want you to be sorry. What’s done is done, and we can only move forward. I came see my father..again.”
“You didn’t want to see me?”
“I knew you were here.”
“But you didn’t..want to..see me?” Karen simply starred at her. “He’s..he’s in this room. I can get him for you if you like.” Mari tried to pull free from Jareth. ‘Let me get her dad for her. I’ll stay in the room to give them some time alone. You’ll be right out here in the hall. You won’t let me leave the room.’
Kaden sits back on the bed and smiles at him "I know baby... Soon.."

Jareth continues to hold her 'I can get Mason just fine thank you... The three of you need to talk...' He rubs her back again 'Mason... Baby, you're needed out here...' He looks at Karen "Would you give your mother a chance Sweety..."
Mason looks towards the door, and Kevin meets his gaze. "I gotta go for a minute baby," he tells Mel as he kisses her cheek. "I'll be in the hall outside." Kevin moves away from the door, and as Mason starts to open it he asks him, "Your daughter?"
"Yeah. Jareth said I was needed out there." Kevin gives him a nod before Mason opens the door. 'What's going on he,' he asks Jareth.

"I did give her a chance. Now I'm giving my dad one." After she said that, the door opened and Mason came out.

"Not soon enough," Nicholas teases.
Jareth looks at Mari "When did she give you a chance..." He looks back o Karen "Was this while the evil had a hold of her...?" He turns to look at Mason "Hey... Some one wants to meet you..." He smiles at him and just holds Mari, she needed the support more then Mason did at the moment.
"Hi," Mason tells her kneeling down so that she's taller than him. "Dad," she whispers. Her eyes are there normal color. She looks so much like him. "I'm glad I get to talk to you. I've been worried about you. Please don't run off again. I want to get to know you and take care of you."
"I don't need anyone to take care of me. I'm alright." He smiles at her and reaches up to caress her cheek. "You're my daughter. I want to take care of you. Let me. Please." Karen shifts on her feet before hugging him tight. "Daddy." He holds her tight and stands up with her still in his arms. "I'm here baby." Mari looks at Jareth. 'Let me go. Please let me go. I gotta get away from this. Just please let me go. I wanna go inside the room for a minute. I'll be right in there.'
Jareth watches them and smiles, then glances at Mari and sighs softly 'Ok... But you're not leaving...' He turns and lets her in the room, calling Mel over to be with her, then turns back to Mason and Karen, he looked so happy. 'Maybe you can talk to her about Mari... I know it hurts to be left alone...' He says softly to Mason and moves to sit in the chairs by the door.
Mel moves over and puts her arms around Mari as Kevin closes the door. As soon as it shuts, she pushes her away. “I need some air,” she says heading over to the window. “Okay. You can open it, but that’s it. I don’t think Jareth…..”
“Don’t think about Mel. Look. I love you, and I’m sorry about what I did to you. I really am, but please don’t try to stop me.” Mel looks to Kevin with a questioning look. Mari opens the window and begins to climb out. ‘Love? Is Mari suppose to stay in here with us,’ Kevin asks.

Mason kisses her cheek. “Baby I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to, but would you talk to me about your mother? What do you know about her,” he asks sitting her down. “I know she’s evil. I know she did a lot of bad things. She left me dad. I know she missed you and was hurt, but she left me. Her own baby. She just left me and walked away.”
“Who took care of you? Somebody had to.”
“Some old lady that found me. She took care of me until she died. Then I was alone again.”
“Baby I’m sorry. You should never have had to be alone like that. Not again. You won’t ever have to be.”
Jareth sighs 'Yes... Where's she going...' He stands and moves over to the two "I don't want to interrupt... But... Mari is trying to leave..." He looks at Karen "She's scared Sweety... But she can't get better on her own... Just like your dad can't... So... What do you want me to do..." He rests a hand on Mason's shoulder "So what do you want to do..."
"Sweety we have to give her another chance. Mari is scared right now. I've never seen her scared before. Ever. Remember how you felt when she left you? You were scared and alone. Do you really want to make her feel that way?" Karen shook her head no. "That's my girl," he says caressing her face. "Stop her Jareth. Don't hurt her," he smiles. "Just stop her."

Mari has one leg out of the window and her foot on the ground outside. "I'm sorry guys. I just can't do this. Tell Jareth and Mason I'll be in touch. Mason can handle this." She pulls her other leg through the window and closes it. 'Love she's outside. I don't know how fast she moves for a demon.' Mari starts to run, everything turning into a blur. The wind rushing on her face feels wonderful. Finally she can breathe again. She knows she's running from her problems. Just like Mason did.
'Ok...' He smiles at her "Welcome to te family..." He kisses her forhead "Just let me go grab your mother..." He kisses Mason's cheek "Introduce her to everyone..." Jareth heads for the front door and starts at a dead run, catching her scent quickly. 'I warned you... Please stop... I promised your daughter I wouldn't hurt you...'

Kaden blinks at everything "Well... At least our life won't be boreing..." He smiles and laughs.
Mason grins. "Yeah. Come on baby. I'll introduce you to the family." He turns and opens the door, holding her hand still. Leading her inside, Kevin looks down at her. "Sweetie this is Kevin. Kevin is in love with Jareth and me. Kevin, this is Karen. My daughter." Kevin smiles at her. "Hi there kid." Mason takes her over towards Mel. "Karen this is Melanie. She's my wife, and she's pregnant with my child. She's also pregnant with Kaden's baby as well. One of us is having two kids. We don't know which one." Karen smiles. "I do." He puts his arm around her. "This man here is Nicholas. He owns the hospital. He's in love with Kaden here, and he's got a thing for Aliya there. She works here too. She's got a thing for Nicholas and Kaden. We're all connected here, and we all love each other. We're a family, and we take care of each other. I want you....we want be a part of this. You'll never be alone again Karen. I promise. We'll keep you safe and take care of you."

'Leave me alone Jareth. I can't do this. I just can't. The kid is better off without me. She's got her dad. Just let me go. I won't cause any trouble.'
Kaden smiles at her "Well aren't you a cutie... Welcome to our rag tag family..."

'Sorry Hun... I promised that little girl... You're not going to leave her again...' He sped up and started to follow her 'I'm bringing you back!'
She grins at Kaden. "Karen," Mel asks. "You said you know what I'm having, and who the father's are. Guys, do you want to know? I do Karen. Would you tell me if they don't want to know?" She's still smiling as she nods.

'Leave me alone Jareth! I can't do this! What part of that do you not understand?'
Kaden looks up "I... I gues it would be fun to know... What do you think Mason..."

'You CAN do this... We'll help you... Don't make me stop you... Stop running...' He can see her just a head of him.
Mason grins. "Yeah. I think it would be fun to know. Alright Karen. Do your thing." She takes a step back from Kaden and puts her hand on Mel's belly. "Don't freak out. OKay?" Mel doesn't understand why she said that. "Okay sweetie, but why would I freak out?" Karen's eyes return to all white, and Mel understands. "Your heart rate jumped. You're scared. Don't be. You're having a Kaden, you're having a....daughter. Your third baby is a....boy Melanie, and he belongs to....Kaden."
"A son," Mason says, on the verge of tears. "I have a daughter and a son." He hugs Kevin tightly.

'Don't make me do something stupid Jareth! Back off!'
"T-Twins... Two..." He stares at Mel, then looks to Nicholas "A boy and a girl... I'm getting both... Mel... Baby come here..." He sits up and holds his arms open for both of them, a large smile on his face.

Jareth growls and jumps to get closer 'I won't let you... I'm sorry...' He enters her mind and blocks off her ability to control her legs.
Melanie sits on the bed with him and rests against him. Nicholas is happy for him and embraces him. "Congratualations baby," he tells him. "M'lord you have two children coming." Mason leans back and looks at Kevin. "I'm happy for you Mason."
"I have the perfect family. A beautiful daughter and now a son on the way. Not to mention, I have a smoking hot wife and two wonderful men on the side. Life is good."
"Just two men," Kevin asks looking back at Kaden. " complicated," he tells him softly. "I'm still trying to figure that one out."

Mari falls to the ground. "No! Jareth! You stop this! Let me go!"
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