Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden looks at her "Reason... What reason... What are you talking about..." Even with the elpnof Jareth's blood he was still weak and tired, he reluctantly lays back again, giving the girl an odd look.

Jareth continues to hold her down "I don't know... Mason stay back! It may awaken yours..." He growls louder and gives he a bit of a shake.
"Mari had..a be good. She walked away from it. She made the choice to be what she is. Relax Kaden. They'll be back soon."

Melanie grips Mason. "Stay with me. Do as he says."
"I will baby," he says wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close. He rests his other hand on her belly. Mari groans feeling him before growling at him with her eyes closed. She tries to grab Jareth. "Get away demon," a voice from deep insider her speaks.
Jareth looks down at her and growls "Wake up Mari! Wake up of so help me... I will send you back there!" He didn't want to be the one to kill her again, but he would if he had to "I'm sorry Mason... But if we can't get through to her... I don't want to... But... I will.." He glances at him "Tht wasn't her voice..."
"The darkness can be powerful Kaden. If you don't have something worth fighting for, it can easily take you. Mari had something. She just didn't see it. She thinks love has always been just out of reach, but she had it once. At one time she made love to a man. It was love. It wasn't to feed from him. She loved him. Truly. A child was born from that love. Mari turned her back on her own child, vowing that love did not exist. Had it, the man who fathered that child would have remained with her. Instead he went to another. Would you turn your back on Melanie now that she is carrying your child?"

"No! You can't kill her Jareth. Not again. You keep trying. You get through to her damnit!"
Kaden looks at his hands "At one point... Yes... But only to give the kids a better life... Without the fighting..." Then he looks at her "But I saw... How much it was hurting her..." He gently touches his neck "But not anymore... I don't... I can't put her through that... Never again..."

Jareth growls at Mason, then looks back down at Mari "Doc!... Get something to stop her... A paralytic... Something!" 'I'm sorry... I'll keep trying...'
"Good. Don't ever do that again Kaden. A child never gets over their parent walking out on them."

"Yeah," Nicholas shakes him head before searching though the cabinets. "Come on doc," Mason yells. "He can't hold her forever."
"I'm trying! Relax Mason!" He rushes over to her and slams a needle into her leg. As he empties it, Mari begins to still. "Aliya," Nicholas says going over to her. "I'm fine," she whispers. "I'm okay."
"Jareth, what was that," Nicholas asks.
Kaden looks at her "Someone left you... Didn't they..." He had his suspicions, but he'd wait on them.

He waits until she goes completely limp before slowly letting go and sitting back "I don't know... That wasn't her voice... Her darkness is strong... Has a tight hold..." He gets off her and starts to strap her to the bed, the chants and drips his blood on the straps. "That should hold her... I hope..."
"A lifetime ago. Yes. It's not important now. You, my friend, are not resting."

"Good. Mari has to wake up and fight this. We can help her. I know I will. Jareth if it wasn't her, I wouldn't have you. I'll help her fight this every step of the way if I have to."
Kaden looks at her "How can I rest... A friend was just attacked... My lovers and my child are done the hall... I'll rest when they get back..."

Jareth moves to Mason and hugs him, pulling him close "I promise... I'll do all I can to help her..." 'Kevin... Baby I'm back... Where are you...' He kisses Mason's check "An I also promise... You will never be that way..." He whispers for him to hear, there had to be something to draw it out.
"You are a stubborn one. They're coming back soon. Maybe I should go check on them." She had no intention of checking on them. She planned on leaving. Turning for the door she tells him, "just stay in bed."

Mason knows Jareth will keep him safe. He believes him. "I know baby. I know you won't let that happen to me. Come on Mel," he says reaching for her. "let's all get back to Kaden. Aliya, you okay?" She nods and smiles. Nicholas heads over to her and puts his arm around her. She melts, but doesn't let him know. Kevin has come from Nich's office. 'I'm in the hall love. Where are you?'
Kaden sighs and lays back "Fine..."

Jareth kisses him softly bafore leading him into the hall to find Kevin "Kevin..." He walks up to him and pulls him into a tight hugs "I thought I'd never see you again..." He pulls back and pulls Mason close too, one big hug, he kisses Kevin softy and looks at him "I'm sorry love... I... I almost broke my promise to you... I almost didn't come back..."
"Don't ever do that," Kevin tells him. "Don't ever tell me you almost didn't come back either. If I know that, I might not let you leave," he says relieved. "Yeah. We'll tell you all about it," Mason says. "Good to see you Kevin." Kevin smiles. "Good to have you back lover." Mason's cheeks blush just as the door to Kaden's room opens. "Where do you think you're going," Mason asks her. "Time for me to go. You're all together again, and you will all recover. You don't need me any longer. Time to head back. Take care of each other.
Jareth steps away from them and closer to her "The darkness... How do I remove it... Is there anyway..." He knew how to push it away, but he wanted it go from Mason, he didn't deserve it. He steps back to them and holds them close "Just give me something to work with... Please..."
She looks down. "The darkness is strong, but you can't get rid of it. Only he can. He has to have something worth fighting for. It will rear its ugly head. The darkness can make us choke those we love or rip our loved ones apart. You have to find something worth keeping it at bay, serving worth defeating it for. You have that Mason. Use it. Your love for Jareth. Trust it. Without doing that, the darkness can and will consume you. Love is the key. Now. I must be going. The only payment I want is one thing." She slowly walked up to Mason and wrapped her arms around him. He was shocked, but he returned the hug. "Thank you," he tells her. "But we don't even know your name." She pulls away from him. "Karen." She turns and heads out of the hospital quickly. " let's go check on Kaden."
Jareth smiles at her "Thank you again..." He pulls Mason and Kevin close "The three of us... Have some business together... So once Kaden and Mel are alright, we are going somewhere... Alone..." He leans down and kisses each of them deeply pulling them as close as he can.

Kaden was laying on the bed on his side, trying to relax and go to sleep when he heard everyone enter the room, he smiles at Nicholas.
"Well, the gang is all here once again," Mason says as they enter the room. Melanie rushes back over to him kissing his lips. "M'Lord. I'm fine. The babies are fine. Wait. She said she knew what we were having, and now she's gone." Melanie smiles shaking her head. "I hope that kid has a family to go home to."
"I'm sure she does baby," Mason tells her. "She was nice to us. She helped us."
"I'm sorry I missed getting to know her, but she knew about me. I don't get it. When she mentioned how the darkness could make you rip your loved ones up, she was talking about us Jareth. How did she know me?" Mason laughs. "She was a demon. A seer."
"A seer," Kevin asks, making a face. "Seers are rare. They have the gift of sight for both mortals and demons. She's what some demons call a half breed then."
"Half breed," Melanie asks. "What do you mean?"
"One parent is a demon. One parent is mortal. It's how she got the gift. Some seers are born from two demon parents, but they can't see the future or pasts of mortals. She saw my past when I was human. She's a half breed."
"So you're saying one of her parents is mortal," Mason asks. "Yeah," Kevin tells him. "I didn't know that mortals and demons could have kids together like that."
"Oh yes. You should know by now a demon's body works just like a human's." He flashes Jareth a grin. "Yeah," Mason blushes. "It certainly does. She said her name was Karen. Ring any bells Kevin? Aliya?" They both shake their heads. Melanie giggles. "You remember not too long after we started dating you told me a girl you use to know wanted to name her kid Karen? If it was a boy she wanted to name him....."
"Raven," Mason interrupted. "Yeah! You do remember." The color drains from his face as he looks at Jareth.
Jareth took Mason's hand and pulled him towards the door "We'll be right back... Kev you too..." He leads them down the hall to a private room and closes the door, he sits on the couch and leans forward, hands on his head. "You asked why she wasn't grown... It's because she hasn't grown yet..." He sighs and looks up at him "Did you know about her... At all?"

Kaden watches them go with a small frown "Well... That was a bit of a surprise..." He gently pulls Mel to sit on the bed with him "How are you feeling..." He rubs her belly gently, wanting to change the subject.
"I am fine M'Lord," she says leaning forward and kissing his neck. "How are you? Can I get you anything?" She runs her fingers through his hair smiling at him.

"NO! I didn't know! She never....I never told Mel." Kevin looks confused. "What's going on Mason? Love? What are you two talking about?"
"And now I don't have a clue where she went. Jareth she's walking around out there alone. Mari is out, and even if she wasn't, she walked away from her. What am I gonna do? I can't just ignore her now that I know. I wouldn't be any better than Mari if I did, but Mel doesn't know."
"Doesn't know what," Kevin asks.
Kaden smiles at her "I'm getting better... And the only thing I want right now... Is to cuddle with you... You must be tired..." He rubs his hand over her belly and relaxes "Just let me hold you..." He smiles at her softly.

Jareth glances at Kevin then looks at Mason "Karen... Is Mason's half demon daughter... With Mari..."
"My pleasure," she whispers to him, climbing up beside him. "I've missed you M'Lord. I'm glad you're alright." She takes his hand and places it on her belly. "We've missed you little ones."

"I didn't know," Mason says defensivly. "I didn't know Mari got pregnant. We only had sex a couple of times. I thought I was in love. Then I met Mel. I lied to her. I told her she was my first. I just did. She may have thought I was a man whore or something if I told her I'd already slept with somebody. Mari stayed close. She was our friend. Then she went away for a while. Oh man," he yells running his fingers through his hair. "That's when she gave birth! I didn't know Jareth. Kevin, you've gotta believe me."
"I do, but you know now. What are you gonna do?"
"I don't know. Jareth, can you track her scent?"
"Relax baby... I believe you... You need to calm down..." He pulls him into his lap and holds him close "And I'm sorry... But she hides her scent... Now we know why..." He holds Kevin to his side and just tries to relax, growling softly for Mason. "We'll think of something... Right now... Let's focus on the here and now... Ok..." He kisses them both softly "Mason... You need to tell Melanie... We'll be right there with you if you want us..." He was holding Kevin's hand "Right love?" He smiles softly at him.
"Of course we'll be right here with you Mason. We wouldn't let you do this alone, but Jareth is right. You do need to tell her." Mason takes a deep breath. "I can't believe this. Now I know....why she was willing to help me. She wanted to help Melanie is never going to forgive me for this. How could she?"
"Mason... Don't think like that... We've all had problems in our past... No one is perfect..." He runs his claws through his hair slowly "Ok... I'm sure she'll understand... You were young..." He kisses him again "When do you wanna go in... It didn't have to be right away..." He growls a bit louder and nuzzles his neck softly.
He knows Jareth is trying to calm him down. "Baby if I don't do it now, I may never do it. The more I think about it, the more I'm gonna lose my nerve. Let's just....get this over with." Kevin reaches to him and takes his hand pulling him close. "It's alright. You're not alone. Just remember that." Mason nods. "Thanks. Lets just get in that room, and let me tell her."
Jareth smiles and nods "Good... Alright, let's go..." He helps him stand and gets up himself, the leads them back to Kaden's room and enters, he smiles at them and moves to sit on the end of the bed. "Hey... Feeling any better?" Kaden smiles and nods "Yeah... Thanks..." He looks at Mason "What about you... Are you feeling better friend?"
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