Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Aliya smiles at him. “You look handsome M’lord. Don’t you agree Nicholas?” He turns around and looks up at him. “Yeah. I do. So Aliya, we’re heading out. Give me a call when you’re ready to go to the hospital today. Alright?” She nods. “Yes Sir.” He stands in front of Kaden. “Yes Sir. I could get use to hearing that.” He holds up the keys. “You wanna drive?”

“Are you demon enough to make me,” he teases. He loved the feel of Jareth’s hard member in his hands. “I don’t think you are.” He knew the risk he was taking, and he loved it.

Melanie stood in the bathroom. She had just gotten out of the shower and was looking at her body in the mirror. The babies were already causing subtle changes. Her belly had grown just slightly, and her breasts had filled out a little as well. That’s when she noticed it. Tiny, small marks on her arm. She ran her fingertips over them. “Needle scars,” she whispered. The memories began to come back her, memories she had blocked of the white room. She gasped backing into the wall behind her. Her hands went to her breasts and pushed them together. The memories were so real, so vivid. Her pussy was wet as she began to pant. Closing her eyes she mumbled, “yes M’Lord. Fuck me.” She reached between her legs and began to rub her clit. As her eyes opened, there was a haze over them. Even without the drugs, Melanie was in the same state and needing the release.
Kaden grabs the keys and chuckles "Mmm... So that what you want the new girl to call you..." He smiles and starts for the door "So... Wonder what we'll be walking into..." He opens the car and slides in, once Nicholas was in and shut the door, he starts it up and heads out.

Jareth looks at him and growls, his eyes flash and he bares his fangs "Careful boy..." He was panting slightly and watching him. He reaches up and grips Mason's hair, puing slightly "Open your mouth..."
"Who knows," Nicholas laughs. "With this group, there is no telling, but I'll bet people are having fun."

Mason opens his mouth as he stares into Jareth's eyes. "Beautiful eyes," he tells him, before opening his mouth wide once more.

She groans, rubbing her clit hard. "Pleeeeeassse. Cum. Let me cum." Sliding down the wall, she opens her legs wide.
Kaden smirks and continues to drive.

Jareth stares at him, then moves them so he can push Mason down onto his cock "Relax your throat... Good boy..." He holds him still and starts to buck his hips up, fucking his mouth "Nnn... Swallow boy! Mmm yeah... Just like that..." He continues to rock his hips up into his mouth, he was slowly picking up speed. "Fuck..." He was moaning, Mason's head still held in place by Jareth's hand.
He wants to talk to him about what happened to him, but thinks better of it. Instead he reaches his hand over and rests it on his thigh. He'll just let him know he's here for him.

Mason swallows, his eyes rolling back in his head. The feel, the taste of Jareth's cock is magical. He doesn't want to bob his head along his length. Mason wants Jareth to fuck his mouth until he cums. 'Come on. Show me what you got demon,' he thinks.

Melanie is writhing on the floor, unable to cum. She rubs her clit for a while before fingering her pussy. From one to the other, she keeps going, hoping and trying to make herself cum.
Kaden glances at him and squeezes his hand, he then brings it up and kisses it "Relax... It was a long time ago... And I'm much better now..." They stop at a red light and he looks at him "And I have you, Mel and the others..." He kisses his hand again and continues to drive "I shared my biggest secret with you... That's how much I trust and care about you..." He smiles "So stop the worrying you think I don't know you're doing..." He squeezes his hand "I'm not going anywhere..."

Jareth growls louder and gripped his hair tighter, he starts to thrust into his mouth harder, his demon almost purring at his soft gagging sounds 'Don't let me... Hurt you...' He was still ify where his demon was concerned and the way Mason pushed him sometimes, he closes his eyes and moans softly, he was getting close.
He smiles. “You do know me.” Nicholas waited until they came to another red light. A rain had started to fall, and it was as if they were isolated from the world. “I wish I could tell you some dark secret from my past, but you already know my biggest secret. I was a virgin. I can’t tell you much about my college years. My first year there is a blur. I don’t remember much about it. I’ll stop worrying though. Well. I’ll try to anyway.”

Mason gripped his body, feeling his cock twitch. He knew the signs of his lover’s oncoming climax. Mason wanted it. He wanted to taste him and to know Jareth was feeling the sweet, beautiful release of cumming. ‘Cum for me demon. Fucking fill my mouth if you dare.’
Kaden chuckles softly and turns into the driveway, turning the car off "I'm going to love living here... It's so out of the way and quiet..." He thinks a moment "Well... When we all aren't having some fun..." He grins and opens his door "I'm not sure what's going on in there... You ready?" He gets out and starts for the house.

Jareth growls louder and grips his hair harder, he start to thrust his hips up faster and almost purrs his pleasure, he was close. 'Nnn... Be careful...' He was still ify where his demon was concerned and the way Mason would push him sometimes, worried him. He soon starts to buck deeper for a few moments, then finally came with a slight howl, his legs shook slightly.
Nicholas grabs Kaden's arm as they near the house. "Did you hear that? A howl? Do you think everything is alright in there?"

Mason swallows, loving the feel of his cum filling his mouth. His body warms, and he waits for Jareth to let him go. He planned on embracing him and telling him how much he loved him.

Melanie was near the point of tears. She simply couldn't find pleasure, and the more she tried, the more aroused she became.
Kaden smirks and takes Nicholas' hand "Relax... I've heard that before... And it's anything but trouble..." He blushed slight "Jareth is half dog... Remember..." He leads them into the house "Hello? Mel? Jareth?" He walks in, not seeing anyone "Mason? Kevin? ... You wanna check the bedrooms... I'll check the kitchen and bathrooms?" He glances at Nicholas, then moves to kiss him softly "Don't worry... He won't bite... Unless you want him to..." He walks off.

Jareth slowly pulls from him and sinks to his knees "Nnn... You tried to push him again love... Your lucky he likes you..." He looks towards the door and smirks "They are here..."
"He won't bite. Unless I want him to," he whispers as Kaden walks away. He can't help the blush that spreads across his face along with a smile. "Maybe." Nicholas pushes open a few doors, calling softly for them. "Mmmm. So I do push him then? Good. I want to," he whispers to him as the doorknob turns. "If you're naked, that's okay," he teases just before he pushes open the door, and he sees them both. "Well, I..I..did say it was okay," he stumbles over his words. Mason Laughs. "Do you like what you see?"

Please," she pleads, wanting to find her release. "I just want to cum. Please." She's nearly crying as she begs. Her knees fall open, and she sees the doorknob turn. "Help me. Please. I need help."
Jareth glares at him slightly "You know how I feel about that... What if you push him too far..." He looks up at the door as Nicholas walks in "Judging by his scent... I'd say so..." He sits back and glances at Mason, he was a little upset, he didn't want to hurt him.

Kaden opens the door and looks down at her "Mel!? Baby what's wrong?" He falls to his kneels before her and looks her over, he notices the glossy far off look in her eyes. "Melanie..." He glances around and doesn't see a needle anywhere or a pill bottle, he tips her chin up and moves her hand from herself. "Baby? Did you take something?" He moves to start teasing her slowly, then thrusting a few fingers into her, it was clear she had been trying on her own without any luck. "Baby look at me..."
“I hope I didn’t interuppt anything. I really, really hope I didn’t, but uh..well..we’re here,” he says throwing his hands up, his face bright red. He can’t even look at them. “Kaden is..checking..the rest of the house.” Mason grins. “Doc you look nervous. You okay? Do we make you uncomfortable.”
“No. Of course not. I just..I just..wanted to give you some privacy. So shutting the door might be a good thing. Right? Yeah. I’m sure it would be. So I’m gonna close the door, and I’ll..I’ll see you the living room later. Yeah.” He starts to close the door, still not looking at them.

“M’lord,” she gasps. “Help me. Please. I…..”Once more she gasps as his fingers slide inside her. “Yes. Please. Help me. I wanna cum. Please.” Her hands, now free, reach for his shirt, pulling him closer. “Please M’lord. I’ve beena good girl. I’ll be good. I promise. Help me. Help me cum.”
Jareth smiles slightly "Come here Doc... We won't bite..." He chuckles a bit and turns to Mason "Unless you like that kind of thing..." He leans over and nips at Mason's neck slightly, running his fangs over his pulse before pulling back "Like this one does..."

"Good girl... Melanie... Cum for me baby... Snap out of it..." He pumps his fingers faster and rubs her clit with his thumb, he looks at her "Watch me baby girl..." He wasn't sure how but she had slipped into one of her trances, he'd have to guide her out. "That's it Melanie... Good girl... Look at me..." He adds another finger and curls them "Feel it growing stronger... You're so close... It right there..." FSter still "Count to 3 for me baby... You'll cum on 3..." He rubs his fingers over her sweet spot.
“ Oh no,” Nicholas laughs. “I don’t think I’ll be coming….GOING….in there. You two seem to have it,” he looks up right as Jareth’s fangs graze Mason’s neck. “Covered.” He had to admit he liked what he saw. “Does that….hurt….Mason?”
“No,” he groans. “It feels so fucking good. My lover, my man, is so good to me.” He pulls Jareth up into a deep kiss. Nicholas sighs, thinking of Kaden.

She pants, watching him. Her entire body rocking with his fingers. She spreads her legs wider and lifts her hips from the floor. “Yes M’lord. Don’t..stop. Please. So close. One,” she tries to dig her fingernails into the tile floor. “Two,” she arches her back. “Three.” Melaine screams out as her entire body tightens. Her feet lift from the floor as she cums hard. Her orgasm seems to last forever before she falls limp to the floor, her body showing the signs of her rapid breathing. “’lord.” The haze slowly fades from her eyes.
Jareth kisses him back then pulls him close "Only when he's been a good boy... I should punish you for pushing me before..." He looks to Nicholas and nips at Mason's again 'Come here Doc... Help me punish him...' He whispers softly in his head 'Lets give your lover a show to walk in on...' He'd feel Jareth tongue slowly running over his neck.

Kaden continues and watches as she all but comes undone, he pulls from her slowly and wraps a towel around her. "Mel baby... Can you hear me?" He pulls her into his lap and holds her, he was waiting for her to wake up and look at him.
Nicholas reaches for his neck, feeling Jareth’s teasing. “I..I can’t. I mean..I want to..but I’m sorry.”

“M’lord,” she whispers, her eyes still closed. “” She snuggles against him, shivering. “I love you.”
Jareth looks up at him "Don't worry about it... I understand that..." He smiles at him, he pulls Mason into his lap to cover the both of them "Maybe next time..." He chuckles "We'll get dressed and meet you in the living room?" He hugs Mason lightly.

"I love you too baby girl... What happened..." He runs his fingers through her hair slowly, "It's like you were... Like when I... Did you take something?" He picks her up and was headed to the bedroom, holding her close.
Nicholas nods and heads back down the hall. "He loves Kaden so much he feels like he would be betraying him to have sex with us. That's actually sweet. Not true, but sweet. I'm sure Kaden will talk to him about it later, but for now," he gets to his feet, "Time to get dressed. Come on lover," he says holding out his hand.

"No. I didn't..take..anything. I saw the..mirror..and I saw..the marks..where you gave shots..before. I don't know what..happened. I was so aroused, but I couldn't..cum. It just kept getting stronger and stronger, but I couldn't..cum. Then you were here. It was incredible M'Lord."
Jareth takes his hand and stands "He's still very shy... It's cute... And I'm sure he'll talk to him... Living together, it's bound to happen..." He looks at the clock "Kevin should be back by now... Wonder what's taking him..." Jareth starts to dress when Kaden walks into the room with Mel "What happened?" He pulls on his boxers and moves closer.

Kaden walked into the closest bedroom and saw Mason and Jareth "She had a... Flashback... In the bathroom... I think she just needs to lay down..." He looks at her "You're sure you're ok..." He cups her cheek and moves to lay her on the bed, he glances at them again "Did Nich find you?"
Mason's smile fades as he sees Melanie being carried in. He rushes to her beside. "Baby? Are you okay?" She grins. "I'm fine Mason. Please, both of you, relax. I'm fine. Okay? It was....wonderful Kaden. Oh Mason. It's incredible. You should try it." He looks up at Kaden. "No thanks. I don't want Kaden drugging me."
"Then let Jareth do it. It makes everything so much stronger."
"You're pregnant."
"I wasn't drugged. It was..brought seeing my scars."
"Scars?" She shows him her arm. "You did this to her? You? With your drugs? You did this to her body with your drugs?" He was yelling as he stood up. "You left her with scars!" Melanie looks at Jareth, her eyes pleading with him. 'Stop this. Please. Help,' she thinks to him.

Kevin is staring there alone. He wipes away a tear. This is the place. He loses it and begins to sob, dropping the bag of food to the floor. He was in his old house. It had been boarded up after his death. This is the place Jareth killed him. "I'm not dead anymore though," he says looking around the room. The blood stains were still everywhere, and the memories come flooding back to him, too strong for him to handle. He stumbles backwards and slides down the wall.
Kaden looks down, then at her scars "I'm sorry..." He was listening to Mason and starting to take deeper breaths, he could feel his eyes on him, he looks to Mel and she wasn't even looking at him, he took it the wrong way. "I'm sorry..." He turns and runs from the room, then out the back door and down into the valley 'I... I can't do this...' He lets the tears fall slowly 'He'll never let it go...' He looks down at the stream 'And I don't even blame him...'

Jareth had glances to Melanie at her request and was about to say something when Kaden ran "Kaden wait!..." He pulls Mason closer "Love... He's trying... You know he'd change things if he could..." He spoke softly and held him in place, despite any protests he'd make "Look what he already tried to do..."
"I can't just forgive that easily," he yells trying to get free. "I'm sorry! What if I had done that to Kevin? Would you forgive me so easily?" Melanie sits up. "Kevin. Where is he Jareth? Do you want me to go look for him?"
"No," Nicholas says from the door. He's standing there looking at Mason, anger clear on his face. "You must have been perfect when you were younger. I mean you had to be. Why else could stand there and judge someone for making mistakes in their past when you clearly didn't make any. He messed up. He knows that, but he's changed and is trying to move on. He had a family on the way, just like you. He made mistakes in his past, just like you, but you can't see past those mistakes to forgive him. Where would you be if Melanie couldn't see past your past mistakes, like taking her for granted? Think about that Mason." That was all he said before he headed out, running, trying to find Kaden.
Jareth glances at Mel then slowly lets Mason go "Kevin... Don't you think I did far worse to him... And you forgave me... Didn't you..." He steps back and finishes dressing "I think I should go see what's takin him so long... I'll... Be back later..." He walks past Mason and out the door, if he couldn't look past the minor things Kaden had done, what did he really think about what he had done.

Kaden had walked a few feet down stream and was sitting on a large boulder, he had a small pile of rocks and was tossing them into the water. "6 months... I have 6 months before I stop trying... I refuse to but those kids through that..." He glances back when he hears Nicholas calling him, he had stopped crying but he knew Nich would know it still happened. "At least I won't be alone..." He stayed there as Nicholas finally spotted him, he went back to looking at the water.
"Hey,"he says as he comes up close to him. "You'll scare all the fish away," he teases. "Stupid creatures really. Salmon. They swim upstream, and most of them don't make it, but still they do it anyway. Instinct. Our instincts make us do some really crazy things. We can't always help it, and when we're really strong, we change things. Like the mini sharks," he say sitting down. "There's a kid at the hospital. A sick child who I tell stories with. We make up different parts. One day we tell this story about a father who takes his little girl fishing for rainbow fish and mini sharks. They find them, but they can't get them. The little girl tells her daddy the rainbow fish spit rainbow colors, the most beautiful in all the land, and the mini sharks are there to protect them. The mini sharks know about their brilliant colors, and they bite the ankles of the people fishing. Kaden, I'll be your mini shark, and you can bet I'll bite more than ankles for you because you've got the most beautiful colors I've ever seen." He reaches his hand to his leg and rubs.

He's still sobbing, embracing himself as the memories of being ripped apart are so fresh. They had tried to clean the blood from the walls, but it was still there. He sat there facing a huge blood stain, his vision blurred by his tears.

"Jareth is right you know."
"I know."
"Mason, you have to look past it. If Kaden hadn't done what he did, where would we be now?"
"I know."
"Then why can't you forgive him?"
"Because he's more of a man than I'll ever be." She looks at him strangely. "He kept you happy. He let you live the life you wanted, and I couldn't give you. He's more of a man than I am." He shakes his head and leaves the room.
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