Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

He holds her and rubs her back "I know Sweety... Shhh... Relax..." He slowly pulls her back and rubs her cheek "Can you... Tell me what happened... Do you remember anything..." He glances around the room "And don't worry... You're at my house... I'll explain more later, but please tell me what you remember..." He kisses her forehead and smiles softly, he had left the door open and could hear Nicholas in the kitchen.
“I..I..he..took see. Mari. She’s..dead..on the beach. He said..he left her..there. I asked to leave, but he..said he to see her. He told Kevin died.” Her tears flow even more. “I didn’t hear it. I just..kept seeing her. Then he..showed me..Jareth..killing..Kevin.” She closes her eyes tight. “I didn’t want to see it!” Aliya buries her face into him once more and sobs.
Kaden held her closer and rubs her back "So Mari is dead..." He looks down at her and tips her chin up "Jareth told us... Why he left her there... Did your angel friend tell you that? And what about Kevin... He tell you any of the whys?" He rubs her cheek "Becasue I'll tell you right now... If Jareth had left her anywhere I could have gotten to her... I would have killed her myself..." He looks down, then tells her what Mari had done "As for Kevin's death... You'll have to talk to them later... It alway hurt Jareth too much to talk about him..." He slowly stands and picks her up "But for now... Let's get you cleaned up... How does a hot bath sound..." He smiles softly "Then dinner... Nicholas is cooking it now..." He carries her from the room and down the hall to his, then the bathroom.
She listens. “No. Raphael just told me that..Jareth was a demon, and he’ Two people. He told you were his friend. I panicked. All I saw..was death..around you..both, and I didn’t..want Mel..or Mason..or die.” She regained her composure, still snuggling into him. “A bath sounds wonderful.” As he carried, she felt safe in his arms. “Can you that? M’Lord?”
He sits her on the toilet seat as he moves to start her bath "Of course you can... It's how I brought you back..." He moves to kneel before her "I don't know what you know of me as Mel... If he showed you that... But... I'm trying hard not to be that person anymore... Yes, I used the same treatment in you as Mel... But only to wake you up from the nightmare that angel wrapped you in..." He rubs her legs softly "I might as well tell you first... But I will be doing that to another girl soon... At Nicholas' request... You see... We are all moving in together, my friends and you two... Nich wants to have a... A house slave..." He blushes slightly "Trust me... It shocked me too... But he wants us to take someone who... Would be better off with us... Give her a happy life as our little toy..." He smiles again "Also... I've come to realize... After his confession to me... That I love Nicholas... As much as I do Melanie..." He then goes on to explain why they are all moving in together as he turns off the water and gets her bathing things ready, he starts to help her into the tub.
She’s silent until she sits in the warm water. “He..showed me..everything. I know what you did to her. to do this..again? I have to admit it..that I find that..strange, but you would her..a better life. That makes a difference. You’re not going to be..taking someone..from their husband. He showed me..what you Melanie.” She shakes her head. “She’s forgiven you. Nicholas knows, and he still loves you. There must be something there. He wouldn’t love a bad person. He’s not capable of that.” She sniffs the air and smiles. Pasta. I love pasta. He’s a great cook. He hosts dinner parties for the nurses at his house sometimes. He’s such a sweet man. You say you love him. Don’t hurt him. Please. I don’t care if you break my heart, but please….don’t hurt him.”
He leans closer and cups her cheeks, rubbing them softly "That is a promise I'll keep... I owe him too much... I will do anything... To keep him happy, as he's done for me..." He sits beside the tub "You... Missed a lot..." He looks down "I told Mel what I did to her... Everything... Even knowing I'd most likely lose her and my baby..." He rubs his legs "And I did lose them... I came back here and flipped... Took a knife to the room I held her in... Ended up cutting my hands open... But I didn't care... I didn't have anything left..." He smiles a bit "I must have passed out... Becasue then I remember Nicholas trying to clean my hands... I told him no and that I made my bed, it was my punishment... But he wouldn't listen... He helped me here to wash up... I told him I didn't want him to leave..." He blushes more and tells her and edited version of what happened next. "But I was still emotionally weak the next morning... And when I saw Mel talking to him, telling him what I had done... I thought he'd leave me too... So I came in here... Locked the door..." He stares at the floor "Filled the tub... And went to sleep...." He's quiet a moment "My chest still hurts from where he did compressions... But he brought me back..." He continues to tell her what she missed as she bathes, never really looking at her after talking about his death.
Washing was just a distraction really. She listened to him, her heart going out to him. When she was finished she reached over and made him look at her. “Hey. It’s alright. Everything worked out. Nicholas isn’t going to leave anyone he knows needs help, but with you it was more than that. He loves you. I knew it after we met you guys,” she smiles. “He kept talking about all of you, but it was you he mentioned most. I didn’t put it all together. I should have, but hey, what do I know about love? Melanie forgave you too. That should tell you something M’Lord. You are worth it. You are so very much worth it.” Her fingers caress his cheek, and finally her thumb traces his bottom lip. “Now, M’Lord, if you don’t mind, I’m hungry.”
He smiles at her "I know... And I'm glad they did..." He looks at her, then leans up and kisses her softly "Then let's get you dried and dressed..." He stands and helps her from te tub, then helps her dry off, "There are still several outfits in the closet... Find something you like... Meet us in the kitchen..." He kisses her cheek and leaves her to dress.

"Mmm... It smells wonderful in here..." He hugs him softly from behind and watches over his shoulder "Might even be better then Jareth's cooking..." He smiles and just moves with him "Aliya is washed and up to speed... She's getting dressed right now... Should be out soon..."
He grins. “We won’t tell Jareth you said that. I wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings, but I am a pretty good cook.” He turns to face him, making sure his arms stay around him. “So she’s fine then. That’s great. I want to know, but I won’t ask her too many questions. I’m sure she’s been through enough. Instead I will shower her with food.” He turns as he hears the footsteps enter the kitchen. “You look wonderful and a little like Melanie in her clothes. Hope you’re hungry.” There’s a sly smile on her face as she looks at both of them. “Oh I am.”
Kaden looks at him and smirks "You're pretty good at other things too..." He smiles and holds him a bit closer "She's fine... I got some things out of her, and corrected others..." He glances over as Ali enters the kitchen and smirks, he looks back to Nicholas and pulls him into a nice deep kiss, he pulls back licking his lips "Mmm... The sauce tastes great..." He grins and whispers "And I don't think it's just food she's hungry for Doc..." He gives him another soft kiss before walking away to set the table before he comes to and pulls him back, he chuckles softly at his dazed look.
Nicholas moves to bring the food over to the table after the kiss. He glances up to Aliya several times. Each time she was looking at either him or Kaden. Kaden surprises him with the second kiss. “I think you’re right,” he replies. “So, Aliya, I fixed your favorite. I figured you would….be hungry. I hope you like it.” She moves slowly towards the table. Though her words had been bold, and she had been watching them both, there was a shyness to her now. “Yeah. Thanks. I think….I think I’m going to eat and then maybe try to get some rest. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll go outside and sit for a while and get some fresh air.” Nicholas narrows his eyes for a moment before looking to Kaden. “Oh. Okay. I thought that maybe you would..want..something else. That’s fine though. You do what you need to.” She’s only looking at the plate before her now. “Thanks.”
Kaden watches with a smirk and starts to eat, he'd let her get some food into her first before he made and move on her, he leans over to Nicholas and whispers. "I don't need Jareth nose to tell that she's lying... Let her eat first though..." He leans back and continues to eat, he looks up after a few more mouthfuls. "This... Is wonderful... Don't you think so Ali?" He starts to fill his fork again "And we have the house to ourselves... Jareth and the others are already at Nich's... We'll see them tomorrow..." He eats slowly again, watching her.
“Oh? Really? We..we have the to ourselves?” She takes a bite, her cheeks blushing slightly. “Well of course you two can sleep in your bedroom M’Lord. If it’s alright, I’ll sleep in the white room or even on the couch.” Nicholas smirks. “Your food is great, but then again I’ve already it. Your food,” she quickly adds. “I’ve had your food before..that you the kitchen.” She reaches over grabbing the glass of water and taking a hearty gulp. Nicholas looks up to Kaden, shaking his head slightly.
Kaden holds back his chuckle and continues to eat, at least waiting until she finishes her plate "Are you feeling ok Aliya... I know what I did can linger for a few hours..." He finishes his and gets up to clean his plate, he then comes back to stand behind her "I bet I know what's wrong..." He looks to Nicholas and smirks, he crouched behind her and reaches around to cup her breasts through her clothes, pinching her nipples softly. "You're still sensitive... Aren't you baby girl..." He speaks softly and watches her, the lingering affects of the drugs were still in her system, he looks at Nicholas as he continues. "Spread you're legs for me Sweety..." He almost whispers, just loud enough for the two to hear, he wanted to see if she'd slip back into a training state, it'd be a nice preview for Nicholas.
Aliya finishes, and pushes her plate forward. She sighs, not thinking about Kaden moving to collect her plate as well. It wasn’t until his hands touched her after he had crouched down behind her that she gave him a second thought. She inhaled deeply, her hands reaching for his. There was no attempt to make him stop. “Yes M’Lord,” she whispered. Her body was indeed still sensitive. Her eyes began to glaze over slightly as he spoke to her. “Yes M’Lord,” she replied again, softly, as she spread her legs. Her gaze was to Nicholas, who was watching with growing fascination.
Kaden grins and moves one hand down between her legs, he lifts her skirt slightly and starts to tease her slowly. "Such a good girl..." He licks her neck and squeezes her breast again "Tell me what you want baby girl... What you really want..." He starts to rub her clit slowly and looks to Nicholas, and smirks.
Aliya leans her head back against him as he begins to tease her. “I’Lord..and..him.” She moans softly as Nicholas loosens the top button of his shirt and then the second. “Ask tell you more.”
Kaden grins and nips her neck softly "Tell us what you want... Describe it..." He slips his hand up under her top to massage and squeeze her bare breast, he rubs her nipple and lightly pinches her clit. "Tell us what you want us to do..."
She cries out. “I love..this feeling. Don’t let it..stop. It’ll stop..when I..cum. I don’t to go..away. One hand grips his wrist, and the other rests over his hand that is under her shirt. “M’Lord..I want take me..and I take me..too. While you’re..making love to me..I want to taste him. Then I want one hole..and him in the other.”Nicholas looks away for a moment before running his fingers through his hair. “Kaden. Is this the effects of the drugs? Does it make women like this?”
He continues to tease Aliya and looks at Nicholas "This is just the left over drugs... And she's still susceptible to suggestion... This should wear off by tomorrow... Becasue she wasn't 'treated' for long..." He pinched her nipple a bit harder "Ah... Nice and slow baby girl..." He looks to Nicholas as if to say watch "You're a good girl... Aren't you Aliya..." Her mind was easily hooked on a pleasure high right now, he smirks slightly, he could see this effecting Nicholas too.
She gasps and squirms even more as he pinches her nipple. “Yes M’Lord. I’m a good girl. Please don’t stop M’Lord. Tell me what you want. Let me cum. Please.” Nicholas forces himself to look away. “I’ve never known..she could this. It’’s..fucking hot. It’s like something inside of her..has been awakened. It’ see. Keep going. I..I want her..Kaden. I want her..and the things..she talked about.”
Kaden grins and starts to rub her clit faster "Then cum for me baby girl... And we'll go have some fun together..." He smirks at Nicholas "Tell her... Tell her what you'll do to her..." He moves to kiss her neck softy and nip it lightly.
“Me? Tell her what..I’ll do to her?” Nicholas moves in his seat. “I’ll..I’ll..”
“Make me cum,” she tells him. “You” He stands and takes a step towards her. “Yes Aliya, but as Kaden says.” She nods, squirming even more, until she cries out she cums, holding Kaden’s wrist tight.
Kaden smiles at Nicholas as Aliya finally cums and then helps her stand "Let's go have some fun..." He picks her up once he noticed se couldn't stand on her own, he nod his head to Nicholas and heads the bedroom. "Roll back the covers love..." He helps her stand again and starts to slowly remove her clothes, then his "You still wanna taste him as I take you Sweety..." He smirks at her and kisses her softly a moment.
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