Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

It was a side of Kaden that gripped Nicholas by the throat, and he liked it. He didn’t respond. At least not with words. Slowly he sank to his knees right where he stood. He crossed his hands behind his back, and opened his mouth wide. Nicholas had left his clothes on, and he would keep them on until he knew the time was right. Kaden was more than capable of letting him know when that would be. His cock was hard and straining against his pants. He would deal with being uncomfortable. The reward would be the sweet relief he would feel from Kaden. Every word, every action from his body, drew his attention. His eyes mesmerizing and powerful were a magnet. Even when the muscles in high chest flexed slightly, Nicholas held his breath for a second. He waited for Kaden. He would always wait for him. He was worth it.
Kaden steps closer and smirks, he reaches out and grips his hair, tilting his head back "Such a good boy I have..." He uses his other hand to slowly tease his tongue with a finger, "You'll put this to good use for me... Won't you baby..." He smiles "Another thing..." He closes his mouth for now "You called me Sir before... I don't like that... Not from you..." He rubs his cheek "You... Love... Will use my name..." He didn't need to hear him agree, he knew his boy would listen "Good... Now open up again... Very good..." He steps closer and slowly slides his cock into his mouth "Mmm... Now suck it boy..." He lets his hair go and gently rests his hand on his head.
Nicholas suckles his finger as if it’s food and he is a starving man. He’s surprised when Kaden closes his mouth, but his words soon end the confusion. He opens his mouth once more, hoping that this time he will get to taste Kaden’s cock. Much to his delight, he slides inside his mouth, giving him exactly what he wants. In the same manner, with the same hunger, that he suckled his finger, Nicholas begins to move his head along his shaft. His hands remain behind his back, and his cock feels as though he’s going to rip his pants. He groans along him, moving his head a bit faster. Even if Kaden didn’t fuck him, this would be enough. All he wanted was to be close to him, to feel him, touch him, and to please him. To have his cock passing through his lips and into his throat was more than he could ever hope for. His tongue swirled as gurgling, gagging sound began to come from him. Still he kept working him.
Kaden looks down at him and groans "Nnn... You're getting quite good at that Doc..." He shift himself so he's standing a bit better and runs his fingers through his hair slowly, he moans softly "Mmm... Suck harder boy... Nnn... Yeah..." He closes his eyes and tilts his head down, moaning a bit louder, he looks at him again, he was panting, but he could still feel it. He smirks lightly, he could feel Nicholas trembling "You're hard... Aren't you Doc..." He grins and moans again "Open your pants, take it out... Then put your hands back..." He watches and reaches out to the counter beside him, helping to support him, "Good..." When his hands were back in place, he reaches out with his bare foot and rubs it along his cock slowly "Mmm... You are hard... Let's see who pops first..." He continues to tease his cock with his foot.
Nicholas quickly obeyed He rested back on his heels and opened his pants. He was glad for the relief that came over him the instant his cock was released. Not forgetting the rest of his orders, he put his hands behind his back and Kaden’s cock back inside his mouth. A deep groan vibrated Kaden’s cock as he felt his foot touching him. Even that touch made him shiver. He began to suck him harder, faster, pushing him deeper. It, along with his moans, was the only way he could show Kaden how he effected him. Nicholas knew it wouldn’t take much for him to the one to go first. He just wanted to that Kaden’s cum coated his mouth and throat.
"Nnn... You like that Doc... Or are you jus that hungry..." He grins down at him, lightly squeezing his head with his toes "I can feel you shaking Doc... Can feel my foot getting wet..." He moas as Nicholas sucks harder and speeds up, he looks at him, his eyes half closed in his pleasure "Cum for me Doc... And I'll cum for you..." He runs his fringers through his hair and massages his cock between his toes the best he can, squeezing the tip slightly "Nnn... A-Almost... There..." He was tipping his head back, his panting was turning into gasping.
Kaden’s reactions were the sweetest thing to him. His toes gripped him, and the feeling began to well up inside him. His nostrils flared as his groans became whimpers. His sac tightened, and he felt it at the base of his spine. His cock released, and he closed his eyes. His efforts on Kaden increased. It was his mission now to taste him. He wanted him to fill his mouth so he could swallow him down.
"F-Fuck!" He reaches up and holds his head in place and quickly thrusts into his throat a few times, then groans loudly and fills his mouth, he was shuddering as he finished and pulls out. He grabs a chair from the table and sits, facing Nicholas, he looks down at his foot and smirks "Mmm... Come here baby..." He wiggles finger and point to the spot between his open legs, when he gets there Kaden tips his chin up and kisses him, twisting their tongues together and tasting himself. "Mmm..." He pulls back when they need air and smiles at him "That was... I've never..." He was blushing just slightly and grins "But I liked it... Did you Doc?"
His cum was warm, a little bitter, and it quenched his lust. Nicholas suckled gently, making sure there was nothing left on him before Kaden pulled free from him. When he gestured for him to come, he crawled over to him, giving himself over to him in their kiss. “Yes Kaden. I liked it, but there is one more thing I want to do. Please. Indulge me.” He leans and begins to suck his own cum from his foot, cleaning him. Each toe, the top of his foot, he licks until he is clean. “I can’t leave you messy now can I?” He moves back up towards him, rest his head on his thigh.
Kaden shivered again and smirks at him "Mmm... Way to good for me..." He runs his fingers through his hair slowly and smiles "If we get in the shower together... Think we can just shower..." He smirks and picks his hand up, lacing their fingers "Or should we go separate..." He lifts his hand and kisses it softly.
Nicholas smiles. "I think....we can just shower. I can bathe you, and then when we're dressed, if you want, I can prepare us something to eat. In fact, I can cook something for all of us. We could call them all back and discuss what we've already talked about."
Kaden smiles, then bites his lip lightly "Mmm... How about just for us... I wanna keep you just a little longer to myself..." He leans down and kisses him again, then helps them stand "Let's get cleaned up first..." He starts to lead him to the bathroom, once inside, he stops and looks at the full tub, they hadn't emptied it yet. He stops Nicholas as he goes to do it "Don't... I have to do this..." He turns to him and kisses him "I'm fine... Ok..." He walks over to the tub and kneels, he pulls the plug and watches the water slowly drain, he then stands and hugs Nicholas close, resting their foreheads together. "I promised Mel... Now I'll promise you..." He glances back at the tub "Never again... Ok... Never again..." He hugs him tighter and rests his head on his shoulder.
Kaden was like a dream to him. He follows him into the bathroom, a huge smile on his face. 'He wants me to himself a little longer. I can deal with that. I'll still treat him like he deserves to be treated.' When he stops him from pulling the plug, he's curious. As he promises him, he knows exactly what he's talking about. Nicholas holds him close. "Kaden it's alright. I understand, and you're right. Never again will you feel that way. That's my promise to you. I promise to take care of you and make sure you never feel that way again." He kisses his lips quacking before embracing him tighter still.
Kaden smiles and holds him until the tub is empty, then moves to turn the shower on and rinse the tub "You wanna get the towels ready for after..." He steps in and closes the curtain, he gets the water ready and then just stands under it, letting the hot water relax him. "Mmm..."
Nicholas nods and moves to get the towels. When Kaden pulls the curtain closed, he stops. Looking at the towels in his hands, listening to the shower, he let's a stray tear roll down his face. He's shocked. Hes never loved anyone before. 'How can I love him so much? What if I mess things up, and he leaves?' He wipes his tear away and puts the towels down before pulling the curtain back. He's decided he wasnt going to say anything. ”Ready for me?"
Kaden looks over as the curtain is opened and smiles "Always..." He steps back from te water and holds out a hand to help him in "Let's get cleaned up and start dinner... Aliya may even be awake by the time it's ready..." He kisses him softly before grabbing the soap and cloth and starting to clean himself up.
Nicholas smiles. He can't stop doing that when Kaden is around. He begins to wash as well, putting his head under the water. It felt so good. "I'm gonna wash my hair too. I've gotten really....dirty as of late," he smirks. "What would you like for dinner he asks," making sure not to look at Kaden. He knew if he did, he would never get out of the shower without his cock in his mouth or somewhere else."
He watches him as he cleans up and thinks on his question "Hmm... I think pasta sounds good... I haven't had any in a long time..." He looks at him and gently moves him to start rinsing off. "Want any help with your hair?" He smirks and keeps taking glances at him, he noticed that Nicholas was tryin hard not to look a him.
"Pasta. That actually does sound nice. I can think of a few things I can do with that. Aliya loves pasta too. That's perfect." When he offers to help with his hair, Nicholas takes a step away. No! I'm good. Thanks for offering. Why don't you....go ahead and get out and do what you need to do? Maybe go see if Aliya is awake and would like a shower?"
He smiles and finishes up, he looks at him again and chuckles "I'm not blind Doc..." He steps closer and kisses him softly "Take your time... I'll check on Aliya and get things ready..." He runs his fingers down his chest and over him "Have fun love..." He steps from the shower and goes to get his towel, he dries off slowly then wraps it around himself and going to dress. He puts on some comfortable clothes and goes to check on Aliya, he enters the room and moves to check on her.
Nicholas holds his breath after the kiss as Kaden touches him. Once he’s gone, he takes a deep breath. He doesn’t have to look down to know he’s aroused. “Damnit Kaden. What do you do to me,” he laughs. He finishes with his shower and gets out grabbing a towel. He looks through Kaden’s closet and decides to take some of his clothes. After dressing he heads into the kitchen to take a look around and see what he can prepare.

Aliya whimpers in her sleep. She’s dreaming. A man is before her. “No,” she whispers. “It’s not true. I don’t….believe you. No. Please don’t. Stop it. Don’t say that.” She squirms around clearly becoming more agitated.
"Aliya... Shhh..." He picks her up and holds her close to him "Aliya... Baby girl wake up..." He softly rubs her cheek and runs his fingers through her hair slowly "Aliya... Who's with you... What are they saying..." He looks at her, watching, maybe she'd tell him more of what the Angel did to her or what they did to Mari.
She doesn’t seem effected when he picks her up, but when he touches her cheek, her hands go up. “No. Please. Don’t. I don’t want to see it. No.” She covers her face. “Please Raphael. I don’t want to see. Take me away….from her. Please. She’s….dead.” She begins to cry softly. “I don’t want to see..someone..dead. Jareth..didn’t..leave her. No. No.”
"Ali... Sweety open your eyes... It's me... It's Kaden... M'lord... You're safe..." He holds her closer and tips her chin up and leans down, kissing her softly and he rubs her back.
Even though she's asleep she returns his kiss. His lips were familiar. She opens her eyes and jerks her head around. "Wh-What? Where did he go? How....M'Lord? Oh M'Lord," she cries as she snuggles against him. "I'm so sorry. I would never..take..the file to anyone. I'm so sorry.
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