Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

He watches him give her the drugs. “No. I’ll close the door behind me.” Nicholas turned and left making sure the door was closed.

She could sense things in the room. The light was a little bright as she struggled to open her eyes. Pulling her wrists, she could tell she was bound. “Wh-What is..this? Kaden,” she asked, focusing on his face. “What are you..doing? Wh-what’s going on?” Aliya felt relaxed and strange. Her eyes closed slowly as she squirmed.
Kaden watches him go before focusing on Aliya again, he takes a deep breath and puts on his 'mask', a smirks and a smug look. He grins as she tries to focus on him, the drugs slowly fogging her brain "It's time for your wake up call Aliya... You once asked to be mine..." He reaches out and cups her breast through her clothes "Do you remember that... Remember what you wanted to call me..." He picks up the scissors and starts to cut away her top and bra, he cups her bare breast again and rubs her nipple, the pleasure would shoot straight to her head. "Who am I Aliya... Tell me and I'll stop teasing..." He leans closer and pushes her breasts together, slowly lapping at both nipples, then suckling them.
“No,” she groans, pulling on her restraints. “You’re Kaden. A monster. Let me go.” Though she was protesting with her mouth and by pulling on the restraints, Aliya’s body was reacting to him. The nipples he paid attention began to harden, and her breathing increased. The word was there, but she wouldn’t allow it to pass from her lips. “ Just” She inhaled sharply, her body writhing.
"Sorry Sweety... Not while you still want to hurt my family..." He pulls back and slowly cuts away her pants "Until you remember who I am to you... Who I really am... You're stuck here..." He shifts closer and starts to slowly rub her clit, looking at her "How does that feel Sweety..." He keeps it up until she moves her hips, then pulls away "Ah ah... Who am I Aliya..." He moves back to her breasts, licking and nipping her nipples, he could hear her panting and feel her shiver at his touch, he forgot how good this felt, him in total control.
“No please Kaden,” she begged as he began to remove her pants. She felt the cold air touch her bare skin. As he touched her clit, she closed her eyes. ‘No. No. No,’ she chanted over and over in her mind, but eventually her body went after she truly wanted. She lifted her hips only to have him stop. Her eyes snapped open. “You’re Kaden,” she whimpered. “A monster. Now let me go.” She was breathing a little fast now. Her lips parted. “Please Kaden..let me..go.”
"Can't do it..." He reaches down and teases her clit again slowly "You know that's not what you want to call me..." He again teases until her hips move against his hand, then pulls away "Be a good girl... And I'll reward you..." He starts to massage and squeeze her breasts softly "I know you want more Aliya... Just one little word..." He leans up and kisses her softly, licking her lips, but pulls back if she tries to return it.
“Why are you doing this to me,” she cries. “No. Please.” He pleas fade as he rubs her clit. “Yes. I want….more.” She lifts her hips and he stops. Her body shudders as the ache she feels grows worse. “I am..a good..girl. Please..Kaden..stop. I can’t..stop.”
He smirks at her "No... A good girl would call me by name... Now who am I..." He lets her calm slightly before teasing her clit again, this time letting her buck against him a few times before stopping "Come on Aliya... Who am I..." He leans closer again and licks at her neck, even nipping it softly "Who am I... Tell me and I'll let you cum..." He massages her breasts again "That's what you want isn't it..." When she calms slightly he starts to tease again.
“Please. Don’t make you..that,” she cries softly. Gasping as he touches her clit, she tries to fight the feeling taking over. When it becomes too much, she lifts her hips expecting him to pull away. When he doesn’t, she groans and continues to do so, hoping for relief. Sadly he pulls away, and she cries even more. “Yes. I wanna cum. Oh please Kaden. Let me….M’Lord.” The word passed from her lips like smoke.
He smiles "That's my girl... Say it again..." He looks at her and starts to rub her clit again, keeping it slow to let her enjoy her reward "That's it... Such a good girl..." He moves with her and leans up to kiss her softly. "Who am I Aliya... Nice and loud..." He wa trying hard to keep his own voice steady, he was getting quite worked up himself.
Aliya felt such a haze, a fog clouding her mind. It was difficult to even think straight. Faintly she heard the sounds of music in her mind. She saw a light. Red. None of it made any sense to her. The images, his touch, how she felt, her mind was blurred. Her eyes remained on him after he kissed her. “M’Lord,” she said a bit louder, tears rolled down her face. She couldn’t remain still. Her hips were working with him, and as she grew close, she opened her mouth, still looking at him. One word flashed in her mind. Bound. She had no idea why she saw such a word, and just as she uttered the word, she came, screaming out loudly.
He smiles and keeps her going until she's panting, then slowly pulls his hand away "Yes... Do you remember the club..." He leans up and kisses her again, a bit harder, then kisses down her neck and to her breasts, teasing her nipples. He pulls back and watches her as the fog starts to lift, round one was over, he readies another needle as she slowly comes to. "Who am I Aliya..." He looks at her, keeping the needle hidden for now.
All the feelings slowly began to feel softer. The heightened sense she was experiencing before faded. The fog lifted gradually, and she Aliya looked around at her surroundings. When she heard Kaden’s voice, she pulled on her restraints. “What are you doing? You’ve got to let me go! Oh my….You’re doing the same thing to me! You’re drugging me too! You’re a monster Kaden! Let me go! Let me go!” She pulled violently on her bindings. “Help! Somebody let me out!”
Kaden sighs and moves closer "Time for round two..." He holds her leg still and empties the needle "Relax... It's for the best... Shh... That's it..." He watches her eyes slowly cloud and her body relax, he then taps her cheek to get her to look at him "Hey Sweety... Remember me..." He reaches down and slowly teases her clit again, his other hand slowly injecting her with more of the stimulant. "Be a good girl... Who am I..." He smiles at her and pulls his hand away as she again tries to ride his fingers. "Ah ah... Name first..."
"You stay away from me," she shouts, trying to move away from him as best she could. "I'm not Melanie monster! Owwwww! Owwwww! Owwwww," she whimpers as he injects her. "You monster. Why? What did you..give me?" Aliya relaxes against her bindings. Looking at him, she hears his words and understands what he's asking of her. "No," she groans, wanting to push him away. "Stop. Please." She could feel how wet she was from having reached one orgasm already. The needle prick barely registers, but Aliya knows he's just given her something. " Aaahhh," she sighs moving with him once more. "Monster," she cries softly.

Nicholas paces in the kitchen wondering how long Kaden will work at this.
He looks at her and shakes his head "Not quite..." He reaches over and picks up a few toys, he tapes the bullets to her nipples and sets them to low, then shows her the other, a Gspot vibrator. "Time to wake up again Aliya..." He turns it to low as well and slips it inside of her, he teases it over her clit and Gspot a few times before removing it, looking at her "Did you like that..." He repeats, again pulling away before she can get too close, the more he teased, the higher her sensitivity would grow.
As he tapes her bullets down, she watches, squirming. Then they begin to vibrate. "Kaden," she whispers. "No," her eyes widen at the sight of the toy. "Don't. Don't use that..on me. Please." As he teases her with it, pushing her further, she begins to hear the music again. The red lights flash over her glazed eyes. She can feel the table she was on when Kaden took her. "Yes," she answer. "I like it." Each time he stops, the visions of the club begin to fade. "No," she cries out. Her body is aching and trembling. "Turn it down." She was talking about the music, but Kaden couldn't hear it. Her mind was mingling the club with where she was now. "Turn it down M'Lord."
He smiles at her again "Good girl..." He continues his teasing, wanting to bring her up slowly this time "Turn what down Sweety..." He lifts her head with his other hand and makes her look at him "That feel good Sweety..." He smiles "Gonna cum for me again good girl..." He was moving the toy slowly against her clit and Gspot, keeping it light until she was on the edge, then he holds it to her Gspot and puts it to medium. He was slowly making her 'rewards' bigger and stronger, her memories seemed to push through more, the better she felt. "That's it Sweety... Say my name..."
She looked at him hearing the music, feeling what he was doing, panting, whimpering. " M'lord. Turn it down." The red lights flashed around his face. Her visions were going from what was currently going on to the club that night. "The hard, but good. Don't..stop." She's starting to sweat, and her body trembles even more. "Cum. Gonna. Cum."
"That's right Sweety... You're gonna cum for me right... Say my name..." He holds the toy to her Gspot and watches as her anger and fear try to hold her back "That's it... Cum for me Aliya... Just let go..." He tips her chin up and makes her look at him, still rubbing the toy against her, he grins at her, his own body shivering slightly in his growing arousal.
‘Just let go.’ The words drifted into her ears. Aliya’s vision blurred as she looked up at him through her half opened eyes. “Just..let..go.” She quirmed. “Mons..ter. M’Lord. Mon..ster. M’Lord.” She went back and forth as she looked at him. Slowly she began to move her head closer to him, her head shaking slightly. Aliya’s legs trembled as she pulled on her restraints. She groaned, growing louder, before she finally called out loudly, “M’Lord!” Her orgasm hit hard, and she arched her back, feeling her own juices flow from her. When it came to a halt, she slumped back down compeltly exhausted. Her fog began to lift, and as she looked at him, her lips softly mumbled, “Monster.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
He watched her bounce back and fourth between her memories and her anger, when she calle his title at her climax, he thought he had done it. "Finally..." He pulled away after she finished and frowns at her words "Or not..." He rolls his eyes and shifts, he wouldn't be able to sit like this for much longer, "Fine... Round three is solo..." He gets the needle ready and shoots her up with the stimulant, he picks up a vibrator and shows it to her "You seem to remember me in the fog... So let's give you an extended trip..." He looks at her and slowly works the toy into her, it rested against her Gspot and had a clit tickler, once in he turns it to medium. "I'm sorry Sweety... But you'll thank me later..." He gives her a half dose of the fogging drug, he wanted her min to clash, then hopfully the pleasure would win out. He kisses her softly and stands, hiding his own groan, he leaves the room.
“No.” She can barely whisper her protest just before she feels the prick of the needle. Aliya softly cries knowing that soon her mind would cloud. The music came once more louder, and she felt the vibrator enter her. She gasped and moved her hips, allowing her body to take the full length. Her clit instantly ached once the toy was in place and turned on. “Don’ Please.” She forced her eyes open, wanting to see him and wanting him to see the look in her eyes. “” As he moved to the door, her head lulled, and she followed him. Everything was blurred, but she could make out his figure. “,” she said again, fighting against the conflicting images and feelings running through her. As the door closed, she weakly called out, “M’Lord.”
Kaden was panting slightly as he left the room, the rush of being in control like that again, coupled with her reactions, he was as hard as a rock. "Dammit..." He leans back against the door to catch his breath, he glances to the side, hearing Nicholas pacing in the living room, he was moving before he realized it. He enters the living room and stares at him a moment, when he noticed him and looked him in the eye, his control broke. "I want you... Now..." It wasn't a question or a request, he moves to him quickly and pulls him into a deep and heated kiss, he rips his shirt open and steps back only a second to do the same to himself, then kisses him again. "Nnn..." He starts to work his pants open as he moves them against a wall, he forces his tongue into his mouth and fights for control.
Nicholas didn’t hear the door close. He kept moving back and forth across the living room floor waiting. When he looked up and saw Kaden, at first he didn’t know what to think. “What?” It was all he had time to ask before Kaden was there with him, kissing him. Nicholas could feel his desires. As his shirt is ripped open, he groans. He heard the buttons fly across the room. His head was spinning when Kaden stepped back to tear his own shirt open. Kaden was hungry. He moved with him, letting Kaden lead him, wanting him to. Nicholas hit the wall hard, but he didn’t care. His cock was already hard from the lust Kaden was feeding inside him. He submits to him, wanting him to have control. Nicholas wraps his arms around Kaden, wanting him more than he has ever before. There was no mistake about it. This would not be making love. This would be fucking.
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