Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Yes,” she says, taking in a slow, deep breath. “You were….dead. Don’t you ever, ever do that to me again. I can’t lose you M’Lord. I love you.” She leans her forehead to his. “Do you hear me? I love you M’Lord, and I want you around to help me with our baby. Promise me.”

Nicholas and Mason both look up. “I’ve got it.” Nicholas moves to open the door. “Come inside. Coffee is ready, and there’s still a few pancakes if you’re interested.” Kevin waits for Jareth to enter before he does. “What’s going on Doc?” Nicholas gestures to the table, and Kevin sits down. “I think all of you need to talk, and as soon as Kaden and Melanie come in here, we can get this show started.” He looks towards the bedroom. “Melanie! Kaden! We’re waiting on you two! Everybody else is here!”
He nods "Yeah... I promise..." He looks to the door "Everyone..." He takes a step back "Who's here..." He looks back at Mel, "Did... You tell Mason where you were going..." He was getting nervous about seeing Mason so soon.

Jareth looks at them and move to hugs Mason "Hey... You ok?" He cups his cheek and rubs it softly, then gives him a soft kiss.
She shakes her head. “No. I didn’t tell him. He was still sleeping when I left. If he’s here, then he must have guessed where I went when he woke up.” She grips his hand tighter. “Come on M’Lord. It won’t get any easier. I’m right here with you. Promise.” She opened the door and lead him down the hall.

Mason smiles weakly at Jareth. He was still thinking about what he did to Marissa. “I’m okay. At least I will be.” He shifts his gaze to Melanie as she comes into view holding Kaden’s hand. “Good. Everybody is here. Now sit.” Melanie keeps her eyes on Mason as she takes a seat next to him hoping Kaden will sit next to her. “All of you have the same problem. You love two people. Kevin. You love Jareth and Mason. Jareth. You love Kevin and Mason. Mason. You love Jareth and Melanie. Sorry Kevin. He likes you, but I don’t think I’d say he loves you. Yet. Melanie. You love Mason and Kaden. Kaden. You love Melanie. Okay. Well almost all of you love two people,” he smiles. “You’ve got to make it work. It’s okay to love more than one person. Melanie? Do you love Kaden any less because you love Mason?” She shakes her head. “No. Of course not. I love them both.”
“Okay. See? That’s my point. You can love more than one person. So why not live together? All of you in the same house, loving each other, and free to do as you please with whomever you please? You’ll need a bigger house. This one is nice and big, but it’s got too many memories attached to it. You need a new place to start over fresh with.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key and tosses it to the table. “I don’t understand,” Melanie says. “That’s the key to my place. It has ten bedrooms and eight bathrooms. A pool, a fitness room, and a garage big enough for a car for each of you. It’s plenty of space, and it’s secluded. No nosey people trying to get into your business. It’s yours’. All of you.”
“What’s the catch,” Mason asks. “There has to be a catch.”
“There is. You have to be happy. You may have to do some yardwork. I never got out there much, and I haven’t paid anybody to do it in a while. The pool house needs some work too. All you’ve got to do is move in. That’s it.”
“That’s it,” Kevin asks. “You’re just….giving us your house?” Nicholas nods. “I’m giving it to you. Now if you’ll excuse me, you can talk this over, but I’ve got to make a phone call.” He steps out of the room and dials. “Hey. I’m coming to the apartment in the city. Yeah. I’m gonna fly my chopper in tonight. Thanks. No. You don’t need to meet me there Benjamin. I’ve got my key. Thanks.” He hangs up and sits down, wanting to let them discuss this.

“Are we seriously going to think about this?” Mason was the first to speak up. “Can we really….do this?”
Jareth looks up first "We cants just take your house... What about you... I haven't lost my sense of smell Doc..." He looks around the room "I'm will to do anything to keep my boys happy..." He grips Mason's shoulder lightly "I'm part dog demon... And those instincts are much stronger then my feline ones..." He glances at Mason a moment "We've been through too much together... You're my pack... My family... And I'll do what it takes to protect my family..." There was more he wanted to say on that an about Mari, but that was for later, he moves to sit by Kevin and looks at Kaden.

Kaden looks to Nicholas and watches him as he goes to make his phone call, then turns back to everyone, he'd talk to him soon. "I... Don't feel like I deserve a second chance... But if you're willing to give me one... I'll try..." He looks down "I have a child on the way... And I want to do right by them..." He looks to Jareth, then Mel and tries hard to his his soft blush, if they were talking out their feeling here, what better place. "I can't honestly say it's love yet... At least not from my side... But I know his side..." He walks over to Nicholas and crouches by him "If you think for one minute... I'm just forgetting the last 12 hours... And moving into your house... Without you... You're crazy..." He leans up and kisses him.
Melanie giggles, and Mason gives her a look. “Oh come on. You can’t tell me you don’t think that’s cute.” Mason grins. “Alright. I think it’s sweet that Nicholas here has feelings for your Kaden.” Kevin laughs. “It is sweet. Aren’t we a bunch? Look at all of us. We’re all so in love with each other it’s crazy.” Nicholas didn’t know what to say to Kaden. He actually wants him to move in with all of them. He had put his heart out there last night, and now he was nervous, afraid of being hurt. Kaden’s words were how he felt, and there was nothing wrong with that, but he was still afraid. The limb he was standing on suddenly felt shaky. “So what did happen between you two in the last 12 hours,” Masons asks. “Oh come on baby. The same thing happened between the two of them that happened with you and I and Kevin and Jareth. We all made love last night.” She blushes looking around the table. “Well. You can say you two made love. Jareth nearly tore the room apart.” They all burst into laughter. Nicholas shakes his head. “It was a great night for all of us then,” Melanie says.
Jareth blushes but laughs "Yeah... I've got a few items to pay for..." He smiles and rubs the back of his neck, he moves over and kisses Kevin's cheek "Don't go selling me out lover... I remember you were pretty loud yourself..." He looks to Nicholas "So... It was never me... Was it Doc..."

Kaden looks up at Nicholas and smiles "What's wrong..." He glances at everyone else and smiles "Excuse us a few minutes..." He stands and pulls Nicholas to his feet "Come here..." He holds his hand and pulls him into the hall "Alright... What's up... You don't normally tense when I kiss you..." He cups his cheek and looks a him.
They all watch as Kaden takes Nicholas away. “What do you suppose is up,” Melanie asks. Mason shakes his head. “I can’t imagine.” Kevin squeezes Jareth’s hand. “Do you have any idea?”

Nicholas takes a deep breath. “It’s a tense situation in there.” He didn’t want Kaden to worry. “Please. I’m fine. We should get back in there and get all of this resolved. If you guys are moving in, we need to make plans. I’m sure you’ll have to move certain things as well. Plus you guys need to decide if Mason is going to stay married to Melanie, or will she divorce him and marry you. She hasn’t even been told there’s a third baby yet,” he widens his eyes. “All of you still have things to talk about. Me? I’ll be fine. You can talk to me later. I actually need to…..” He pauses. All the color drains from his face. “Oh no.” He pushes moves past Kaden quickly, pulling his keys out of his pocket as he heads out the front door. “What in the world, “ Melanie asks. “Kaden? What’s wrong?”
"There are plans to be made... And you're part of them..." He watches as he remembers something "Nich... What's wrong... Hey!" He look to Mel "I don't know! I'm going with him, I'll be back..." He moves to run after Nicholas "Mason tell her the news!" He shouts before running out the door after Nicholas "Nicholas... Doc! What's wrong?" He manages to jump in the car before he can pull away.

Jareth looks at them "I think... The good doctor was scared... That Kaden was just going to push him aside..." He looks up at the commotion in the hall "What the..."
Nicholas is down the street before he even realizes Kaden is in the car. “How could I be so stupid? How could I be so thoughtless? I’m a terrible person. I’m a horrible friend.” He speeds the entire way there, running red lights as well. “Aliya. I left her there last night. I know she was still recovering, but I left her. What kind of friend leaves another friend like that?” He wasn’t talking about what Kaden said on purpose. He would deal with later.

They watched as they all left a little stunned. “Scared? If he spent the night with him why would he be scared,” Kevin finally asked. “What news Mason?” Mason looks from Kevin to Melanie. “Let’s wait on that. Alright. I think….Kaden should be here. Don’t worry baby. It’s good news, but I am curious Jareth. Why would Nicholas be scared?”
"Aliya... You're talking about Aliya..." He looks down "How could we... You're not a bad friend... A lot of stuff was happening..." He looks at him "I'll be there with you... I'll help explain..."

Jareth sighs and looks at Mason "You should know exactly why he's scared baby... You did the same thing..." He moves to stand behind Kevin and puts his hands on his shoulders, while looking at Mason.
“You’re right. I did. I ran, and I had been in a relationship with someone before. Nicholas was a virgin until we came into his life. This has to be so new and scary for him.”
“Yeah,” Melanie sighs. “Poor guy. He got us all together so we could talk and plan out our lives.”
“Kaden will be able to talk some sense into him though. He managed to get in the car with him.”

Nicholas doesn’t respond. When they get there, he jumps from the car, leaving the door open and runs inside. He heads into her room only to find it empty. “Where’s Aliya,” he asks a nurse. “She checked herself out last night Dr. Hayden. She said she was fine, but she was angry. Real angry.”
“Thanks.” He looks over at Kaden. “I’m going to her house. I have to know that she’s okay.”
Jareth nods and leans down to kiss Kevin, then goes to hug Mason "Yeah... Kaden my not be ready to say it out loud, but he cares a great deal for Nicholas..." He turns to look at Mel "What happened when you got here... What are we missing..."

Kaden looks at him "I'm coming with you... I was the reason you left..." He takes his hand and they head back to te car, he had closed it up before following him.
“Well,” she starts. “When I got here, Nicholas came from the bedroom first. We talked. I told him….what exactly….Kaden did to me. I thought he should know. Then if he still wanted to be with Kaden, that was his choice.” She smiles. “Turns out he doesn’t care. He said that wasn’t who Kaden was now. He really loves him for who he is. We tried to go get Kaden to talk to him, but Kaden the..bathroom. He had filled the tub with water and was trying to end his life. Nicholas pulled him from the water and saved him. Kaden and I talked, and I thought we were over. He really wants to explore what he feels for the doctor. For the first time in his life, somebody actually wants him for just being who is he. Kaden didn’t have to do anything to make Nicholas love him. He already does. Kaden deserves that. As to what’s going on now, I’m just as clueless as the rest of you. Sorry.”

“Fine.” He heads back out and jumps in his car. Nicholas races to her house. When he gets there, he doesn’t even knock. He opens the door and enters. “Aliya!” She steps from the kitchen. “Yeah? No need to yell.” She looks over to Kaden and nods. “What’s wrong Nicholas?”
“I’m sorry I left last night. Something came up. I knew Kaden needed someone, and so I..went to take care of him.” She nodded. “It’s okay Nicholas. You don’t have to explain, and you’re not my babysitter. I’m a grown woman.” He looks at her strange. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine. Is it just you two? No Melanie, Mason, or….Jareth?” Nicholas looks to Kaden. “No. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious.”
Jareth looks at her "He tried to... What! If he knew how Nicholas felt... Why would he..." He shakes his head and takes a seat "No wonder he's clinging to him... And Nicholas thinks he'll just forget..." He sighs and smirks a bit "Young lovers... So much to learn..." Jareth looks at Mason "We... Need to have a little talk... Since we are bringing everything up... It's about Mari... Do you know what all she did..." He glances at Mari, she'd need to hear this too.

Kaden follows him in and stays behind him "I'm sorry we left you alone Aliya... But if Nicholas hadn't shown up when he did..." He held up his hands "I might not be standing here now..." He looks at her, he didn't like the way she said Jareth's name "No... Everyone's back at home... Would you like to come back with us... You should be part of this too..."
"Yeah. That does explain why he was clinging to him," Kevin speaks up. Mason is still angry with Kaden. So he decides to not say anything. "Mari," Mel asks. "What about Mari? Did something happen?" Mason looks over at her. "Yeah baby. Mari isn't who you think she is. She's....some kind of demon that feeds off the sexual energy of a man when he climaxes. She....wanted to help me. So she took my memories. I didn't remember you, the babies, Jareth, any of it. I thought she was my wife. Jareth managed to get through her spell she had on me. He did something with her, but I don't know." Turning his attention to him he asks, "so what did finally end up happening with her?"

"No," she says taking a step back from them. "Thanks anyway. I think I'll stay here today. Try to get some rest. Be careful Nicholas," she says looking over at Kaden for a moment. "Give Mason and Melanie my love."
"Alright. Are you sure you won't come with us? There are a lot of really big important things being discussed."
"Oh I'm sure there is. Things are always happening around....all....of you." She forces a laugh.
Jareth sighs and looks to the ground "Mari wasn't just going to leave you alone... She wants those babies dead..." He looks to Mel "She possessed Nicholas... Had him giving you the wrong meds... Trying to kill them through him... But I stopped her... I thought that was the end of it..." He looks down again "Then she took Mason... I really thought I'd lose him... And even said I'd give him up... If she'd just allow him to remember his baby..." He sighs "I don't quite remember what caused it... But my demon snapped... Took over... I just know it wanted her dead..." He continues to look at the floor, "After a bit, I was able to watch... But he was to mad to fight... He took her to a deserted island... He was going to kill her... So I fought back... He deemed to leaving her there... And left... You know the rest..." He looks to Mel "You know what it's like to watch someone you love... Who doesn't even remember you..." He glances to Mason "Some of the things you said to me..." He looks away.

Kaden looks at her "Are you ok Aliya..." He watches her, she seemed stiff and guarded, he tries something and takes a few steps closer to her "I'm sorry we left you at the hospital... I didn't know everyone else would leave after me... There... Was so much happening..." He smiles softly and again steps closer "I'm sure Mel would love to see you... We haven't told her the big news yet... Come with us..."
Jareth was right. She did know what it felt like to look at someone you love and they didn’t remember you. “Thank you Jareth. You at least gave him a way to remember me, a backdoor, and I used it to bring him back. Thank you.” Mason looked away from her. He knew she still loved him, but he wasn’t ready to forgive Kaden as easily as she had. Plus Jareth’s words were effecting him. “You….took her to a deserted island….and left her there. You do realize that makes your demon as bad as she was. She wanted to kill. Your demon pretty much killed her. What’s the difference? Because she was killing innocent babies? Death is death. Yes it’s worse that she went after unborn children, but in the end death is death Jareth. Please,” he shakes his head, “Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad you want to protect us, your pack. I really am. It shows how much you love us, but this? When is it too far? When is it too much? I’m sorry.” He rubs his forehead. “Mari didn’t really give anybody a choice. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be treating you this way. I’m sorry baby.” He moves so he can put his arms around Jareth. “I’m sorry baby. This is all just a lot to be taking in right now.”

When he steps closer to her the first time, Aliya doesn’t respond to it. She nods her head at his words, but when he moves a second time, she takes a step away from him. “It’s okay. Really. I understand, and I’m not mad. Things happen. I’m sure things happen all the time around all of you,” she smiles. It’s clearly forced. “I think..I need to rest a bit more. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Nicholas tells her. “Aliya could I trouble you for a glass of water? I’m really thirsty. I’ve barely had any coffee today.” She smiles at him. “Sure. I’ll be right back.” As soon as she steps out of the room, he turns to Kaden. “Something is off. At the club that night she wanted to be able to call you ‘M’Lord’. She wanted to belong to you, and now she’s backing away from you. Something is wrong, but I don’t know what or what to do.” She returns and hands him the water. “Thank you so much.” He begins to drink it. “Are you sure you don’t feel up to coming to see everybody?”
“No,” she shakes her head. “Thanks anyway for asking.”
Jareth pulls him closer, pullin him into his lap and hugging him "I'm sorry baby... So sorry... But... But she would have killed you.. You forget how long I've lived... How much I've seen... The charge of a succubus..." He shivers "She lied to you... She may have kept you for a few years, happy and unaware... Then she would have really fed on you... Slowly draining your life with each climax..." He takes a deep breath "I've seen it... I was young... She had a villager... About your age... She had already started... He was dying, but still under her spell and begging for more... Then she dropped the spell and made him beg for his life as she killed him... He looked old and mummified when she left him..." He was shaking, he had been young and never wanted to see that again, the thought of it happening to a loved one, he held him tighter "I'm sorry... But to think... You... Or Kevin... Any of you... Becoming that..."

Kaden looks to Nich "Yeah... Something's off..." When she comes back he smiles "Well I'm sure Mel would love to come by..." He steps closer before she can protest or move away and pulls her into a hug "Thank you... For helping to save her... Them... You ever need anything... Ask..." He kisses her cheek softly.
“It’s okay baby,” he says holding him tighter. “It’s okay. Shhhh. You don’t have to worry about that anymore.” Mason scans the faces of everyone. “ I think Nicholas is right. We do love each other, and I think we would be good for each other. We could take care of each other and be there for one another. None of us would ever be alone. Most people are lucky if they ever find one person that loves them and that they can love. Look at how lucky we are?” Kevin smiles. “Yeah. We’re really lucky to have each other.” Mason caresses Jareth’s cheek. “You were willing to do that to protect us all. Not just me, but Melanie and our babies. That’s love.” He leans down kissing his lips.”
“Yeah Jareth. That was pretty cool what you did,” Melanie tells him. “It’s going to take some getting use to watching Mason kiss you, but I’m willing to do it. You make him happy, and honestly I want Mason around me too. Kaden and I have already thought about all of us living together. With Nicholas wanting us to move into his house, I think it would be great.”

She was about to tell him Melanie could come by when he stepped closer and took her in his arms. Aliya grew stiff as a board. ‘Jareth is a killer. He might be one too.’ She wiggles and pushes him back. “I….I want to take a shower. I need to.” She was sweating and clearly nervous.
Jareth starts to relax at his words, he finally understood "Youre my family now... Living together or not... I'll protect you..." He smiles slightly "Though being close by would help..." He pulls Mason into another kiss and even growls softly "Mmm... I'm sure you'll get used to it Mel..." He smirks at her "Becasue I know you like watching..." He chuckles and moves to nips at Mason's neck, just enough to make him moan softly.

Kaden looks at her and grabs her arm "Now I'm sure something is wrong... You were all over me at the club... And don't you dare say it was the drugs... They only heightened what was already there..." He steps closer "I'm your friend Aliya... So is everyone else... What's wrong..." He was worried about her.
She opens her mouth to say something, but Melanie can’t find any words. He was right. She looks away from them blushing as she feels her sex growing wet, not just at the thought, but from actually watching them. Watching Jareth kiss Mason’s lips made her breathing increase just slightly. Most people wouldn’t have even noticed the subtle changes in her. Mason moans as his fangs nip at his skin. “Oh baby,” he whispers. “We can’t. Not here. Not now.” His mouth was saying one thing, but his body began to say another. He put his hand in his lap trying to hide his growing excitement.

“Let go of me! It was the drugs. Okay? I….I’m sorry. I’m not interested in you anymore. I don’t want you, or Melanie, and I certainly don’t want Jareth.” She nearly hisses Jareth’s name, the disgust clear in her tone. Nicholas narrows his eyes before looking back at Kaden. He had never, ever seen Aliya act this way. She was afraid, nervous, and clearly feeling anger towards someone.
Jareth smirks against his throat and nips again, he looks to the others "And whys that lover... This is just a preview for how it'll be in our new home..." He grins "And little Melanie doesn't now everything I can do yet..." He growls again and mentally runs his fangs over Kevin's neck as well, he also remembered that Mel still wanted him, why not work her up first. He looks back at Mason and runs his claw over his sides, then up under his shirt, Kevin getting the same treatment "Look at me and tell me to stop... If you really want me to..." He allows his eyes to glow softly, he was hitting him with everything he enjoyed. "Just one word... Stop..." He takes a glance at Mel.

He looks at her hard "It was not the drugs... And what has Jareth ever done... What is going on Aliya!"
Mason and Kevin were both squirming, enjoying the touch from their lover. Melanie slowly brought her gaze back to meet Jareth’s. Stop. The word was so clear in her mind, but her lips couldn’t say it. She knew Jareth was talking Mason anyway, but even she couldn’t say it, and he hadn’t touched her. She couldn’t imagine how difficult it would be for Mason or Kevin to say it. “Don’t….stop….baby,”Mason groans. “No,” she whispers. “Don’t stop.” Melanie makes no effort to hide how she shifts in her seat. Her sex was growing wetter still. Kevin was watching her. Between what Jareth was doing and the sight of the woman clearly aroused, he was being pushed even further. “Can I touch her love? Can I touch you,” he asked Melanie. She slowly nodded. “Oh please love. Tell me I can touch her.” Mason takes Jareth’s hand and places it on his cock. He no longer wanted to hide it. It was clear something was going to happen right now, and he wasn’t about to fight it any longer.

“Nicholas,” she cries out. “Don’t let him take me there! I don’t want to be around him! He’s a killer!”
“What?! What are you talking about Aliya? I think you need to go back to the hospital.”
“No! He’s a killer! Jareth is a killer! I saw her body!” Nicholas gives Kaden a questioning look. “What is she talking about? Do you know anything about this?”
Jareth smirks and grips his cock lightly through his pants, he looks at Mason "I don't mind my Angel... But she's not mine..." He works his pants open and strokes him slowly, Kevin feeling everything "What do you say baby boy... Will you leave your lady hanging..." He smirks, he already knew what was going to happen, he starts to slowly rub his thumb over his tip and growl softly.

"What... What are you talking about... Jareth isn't a killer... You know that! You watched him save Mason! You helped him!" He holds her "Who told you these lies?"
Mason leans his head back, his eyes closed. Jareth’s touch felt warm and inviting. Melanie had been extraordinary the night before, but Jareth’s touch was so different. Both were pleasure beyond compare in their own way. “No. I won’t leave her….hanging,” he stiffens under his caresses. “Touch her Kevin, but….be gentle.” It was what he had been waiting for. Kevin moved with speed and silence. His hand reaching for her face as he kissed her. Melanie met his kiss with equal lust. Their tongues dancing together. “Take me,” she whispered between their kisses. “I will,” he tells her, pulling her shirt open so he could cup her breasts and tease her erect nipples. He pushes her chair back, never stopping, before straddling her. His free hand lacing in her hair and pulling her head back so he could kiss her neck.

“They are not lies! I saw the body! Her body! He took her there and left her! She died! Jareth did it!”
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