Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth grins "Good boy... Now open your shirt..." As soon as he does he leans forward and kisses at his chest, nicking at his nipples and nipping one softly, still sending it to Kevin, pleasing boy his boys at the same time. "Nnn... You want her to watch... Don't you baby..." He grips his hair and makes him look at him "Have her watch me take you... Show her how good I am to you..." He kisses him roughly then pulls away, nipping his lip "Have her watch you cum by my hand... And body..." He could feel him tense and shudder with each statement, feel his cock twitch in his hand, as much as he'd deny it, Mason loved to show off, he noticed it at the club.

"Whose body?! What are you talking about! Jareth isn't a killer! At least not without reason... He's not like that!" Kaden had known Jareth a long time and never had he killed someone, beat them up pretty bad, but never killed anyone.
Mason’s hands work his shirt open quickly for Jareth. The warmth of his mouth and the shaprpness of his fangs was pushing him further along. “Make her….watch? But….I can’t….what if she…..” He squirms, but the truth was Jareth was right. He wanted Melanie to watch. He glanced over at Kevin having his fun with her. “The table. Bend me over the table. Kevin, bend her over the table. Fuck us both while each other. I want her to feel pleasure while she watches. Please.” Kevin pulls back from his kiss. “Would you like that? Do you want my cock inside you while you watch him? Come on lady. Admit it.” Melanie groans, her own protest to his lips not being on her skin. “Yes,” she tells him. “Yes.”

“He is a killer! Call him! Ask him about Marissa! He killed her!” She looks over to Nicholas. “He’s going to defend his friend. What about you? Who’s side do you stand on? Your friend, or your one night stand? If you think for one second this man is capable of loving you, then you’re wrong. He doesn’t know how to love. He showed me everything. Everything! You monster! You drugged her and held her against her will! I will never trust you! Never! M’lord,” she mocks the name. “The file will find it’s way to the authorites. Make no mistake. I have it hidden, and I will never tell you where it is. You leave Nicholas alone, or I’ll take it there today.” Nicholas’ eyes widen. “Aliya no. Please. You have to calm down.”
“I am calm. I don’t want my friend with murderers and kidnappers. You used those drugs to alter her mind long enough to get to her to fall in love with you. Oh I’ll agree she had to already have feelings for you that she must have developed the moment she saw you. It made it easier for her to fall in love with you, but you still drugged her. Monster. Not M’lord.”
Jareth smirks and pushes him off his lap, helping him stand "Such a naughty idea baby..." He kisses him and pushes his pants down "Go lean on the table..." He watches him and starts to slowly undress, before moving up behind him "Watch him Mel..." He pulls the lube from his pants and gets them ready, he reaches under and quickly strokes him for a few moments, getting him nice and worked up. "Mmm... Such a big boy..." He lets his cock go and gets into place, glances at Mel as Kevin moves hem into position "Know this... When I'm done with him... You're next..." He gently but quickly thrusts into Mason, groaning loudly.

"That's not me anymore! W-What I did to her... I thought it was for the best at the time... I didn't know..." He takes a step back "Monster..." He started to have doubts again and took another step back, she had the file, she could destroy him again... The cold blackness he felt this morning in the tub, would he have to feel that again. "I'm trying to change! Nich... Nich is helping me... Who... Who gave you that file..." What was he going to do.
Mason looks up at her, feeling Jareth’s hands on his cock. Melanie couldn’t look away. Kevin didn’t have to hold her hair to make her watch. Her eyes were glued to them. He pulls down her clothing and gently guides her over the table. He didn’t want to hurt her belly. “Mason,” she whispered just before Jareth shoved his cock inside. She watched as his eyes widen and his mouth hangs open. He groans, a redness creeping into his cheeks. Before she can speak again, Kevin easily guides his cock into her wet sex. They both groan in appreciation to the feeling. Mason and Melanie’s eyes meet as they both are stuffed. “You’re next,” he whispers to her.

“Take Jareth and leave. Leave Kevin, Mason, and Melanie behind. They’re good people. I won’t let them get caught up in your lives. So what if both of you are handsome. So what if you showed the best night of my life. You should go. Both of you, and suffer the rest of your lives for what you’ve done. She trusted you. I trusted you! I wanted….to be with you Kaden! I wanted to call you M’Lord! Now I know everything. Raphael. He’s another angel. He was with me last night. After all of you left me, he came to me and told me the truth. He showed me everything. Even showed me where the file was. I took it. Marissa had thrown It in a trash can, but I got it out. Now. Call him. Tell him to meet you somewhere alone, and both of you get out of town.” Nicholas looked from her to him. “Please Aliya. Don’t do this. I love him.” She looks at him. “You can’t love him because he can’t love you back. He doesn’t know how. A demon and a monster can’t love. As much as I wanted you to love me, to want you, you’re not capable! So get out! Leave town! Don’t come back!”
Jareth groans and runs his claws up his back "Nnn..." He starts to move, holding him in place and fucking him slowly "Tell her how it feels boy..." He sends little nips and kisses to Kevin's neck, he reaches under and grips Mason's cock again, he kept things slow and in time with Kevin's movements. He leans down and kisses over his back, licking up his spine slowly.

Her feelings were there, but there was something blocking them, hearing Nicholas say again that he loved him snapped him from his fears, he knew what to do, but would Nich go along with it. He looks at Nicholas "She's a nurse... Does she have a home kit..." He whispers, he looks back to Aliya "Kevin and Mason... Would never allow that... You know it..." Back to Nicholas "Agree with her... Say you want to knock me out..." He turns and moves closer to Aliya again "You said... This Angel showed you everything... So what did Mari do... Why did Jareth leave her there..." He needed Nicholas to suddenly 'turn' on him, to throw Aliya off their plan.
“It feels wonderful baby. You can’t imagine how good he feels, but you’ll find out soon enough. He’s filling me so full. I don’t know his cum will fit inside me, but it always does. It leaks from my body, and I love the feel of it. So warm and sticky but good.” He groans, wanting to look back at him, but he keeps his eyes on Melanie. She’s so close to cumming from Kevin taking her. “Harder,” she tells him. “Fuck me harder Kevin. Please. I’m begging you.” He looks at Mason. “Can I? Do I have your permission lover?” Mason nods slowly. “Fuck her hard.” He can feel his own orgasm on the verge of releasing. “I’m gonna cum baby. He’s pumping his cock in my ass, and I’m gonna cum for him.” She breaths deep, crying out as Kevin speeds up. “Call his name when you cum!” Her fingernails dig into the table. “Closer Kevin! I’m almost there!”

He nods, letting Kaden know that she does have a home kit. Aliya had a lot of the same supplies there. As a student, she took her studies seriously. She had kept all her supplies. “It doesn’t matter what she did. She didn’t deserve to die Kaden. You know that.” She takes a step back as he gets closer. Nicholas makes his move closer to her and whispers in hear ear, “Let’s knock him out Aliya. Then we can go get the others. You’re right. She didn’t deserve to die. Come on baby,” he says holding out a hand to her. When she takes his hand, he pulls her close and whispers to her, “Let’s knock him out and finish this. We can get them and get far away from here. Go get something we can knock him out with. Put it in your pocket. You come to me, and I’ll agree with you openly. He will think we’re ganging up on him. Then we can both turn to him. I’ll hold him down, and you give him the shot. Alright?” She nodded and went into her bedroom without another word. “She’s gonna have it in her pocket. When she turns to me, take it from her, and I’ll hold her. Make it quick.” Aliya was fast, giving Nicholas a nod as she came to stand in front of him. “Are you ready Aliya,” he asked. “Yeah.”
“Okay. Kaden we can’t let you hurt those people. I’ sorry for what I’m about to do. Please, forgive me,” he says looking into Aliya’s eyes. He wasn’t talking to Kaden, but she didn’t know that.
Jareth holds his hips and thrusts harder "Nnn... You want me to fill you boy..." He growls louder "Then beg for it... Show her what a good boy you are..." He smacks his ass and rubs it, then runs his claws up his back slowly. He looks to Kevin and runs his tongue over his ear, nipping it lightly "Having fun little angel..."

As Nicholas moves talk with her, he pretends to be shocked "What are you... You lied to me!" At this point he could pull off the hurt look pretty well, just remembering the past few hours, he looks at Aliya. As she turns her back to him he quickly grabs the needle and pushes her to Nicholas "I'm sorry Sweety..." As Nicholas holds her, he quickly, but gently empties the needle into her neck, he drops it and helps Nicholas hold her "Shh... Don't fight it... I'm sorry..." He holds her hand until she finally passed out and he steps back. "Now what..." He looks at her "The feeling and memories are there... But blocked somehow... Or tainted..."
“I….I…..” Mason was giving it his best try and Jareth took him. Melanie could see every emotion running through his body. He tensed, and she knew the rigid appearance his body was taking on. He came. His back arched as his cock spewed. “Please Sir,” he finally began. “I’m begging you to cum in my ass. Fill me. I want it. I need it.” His attention turned to Melanie. “I really need it baby. I need him to cum inside me. I love him so much.” His shaky hand reaches for her face. “Cum baby. Let me hear cum for Kevin.” She closes here eyes and her sex releases. Her own juices cover the table. “I’m cumming Kevin! Fuck I’m cumming!” Kevin begins to pound her harder still, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her into him. “Now it’s my turn.” He looks up at Jareth. “Oh yes my love. Keep licking and nipping at me, and I’ll fill her up. I’m so close.” His cock twitched deep inside her. “I’m gonna cum love. I’m gonna fill her up. I’m gonna…..” He tensed, holding her still and against him as he came. His face was red and contorted.

When he pushes her into Nicholas, she screams. “Nicholas! What are you….Ouch! Nicholas, what did you….do?” She turns looking at Kaden, her eyes already becoming glassy.” She falls limp in their arms. “Yeah. The memories are still there. So now you make her remember. Let’s take her to your place. You’ve already got everything you need there.”
Jareth moans and nips at Kevin's neck a bit harder, leaning down to nip at Mason's as he came "Nnn..." He groans and thrust deep into to him and cums, filling him, he holds him close and makes him stand, the last of his hitting the table. "Fuck... That was good..." He lets him rest against the table again, slowly pulling from him and panting "You ok boy..." He rubs his back.

Kaden watches her, then looks at Nichols "Me?! What do you want..." His eyes widen "You want me to... The very thing she's afraid of! What I did to Mel... You can't be serious..."
“Yeah. I’m fine,” he pants watching Melanie take deep breaths, her body still writing on the table. Kevin had moved from behind her. She looked up at him, exhaustion clear in her eyes. “You’ve seen me in the midst of pleasure. I want to see you as Kaden takes you. I’m sure you will have that same fire in your eyes you saw in mine.” Melanie nods. “I want you to take me when that happens Jareth. Both of us in the height of our own pleasures.”

“You said it yourself. The memories are there. They’re blocked or tainted. She said that Melanie must have had feelings for you the moment she saw you. Because even after she found out, she was still with you. Kaden once those memories are unlocked, she’ll remember. She felt something for you the first time she saw you. She is Melanie. You have to. If you don’t, she’ll see all of us apart. She’s got that file. You have to try or give up Melanie and your family.”
Jareth had moved to give Kevin a hug and smiles at Mason and Mel "Mmm... That does sound wonderful... If that is what you want..." He gives Kevin a kiss "Did my little angel have fun..." He smiles.

Kaden looks at him "But..." He looks at Aliya "I can't leave her like this..." He takes a few breaths "Fine... But I talk to Mason as Mel first... I won't keep secrets again... You understand..." He looks to Nicholas.
“Oh yes my love. I had a lot of fun. She’s great. Just wait. You will see, and she will squirm on your cock for you as well. She’s so….tight and warm.” Melanie buried her face in Mason’s shoulder, her face red. “Aww baby. Don’t be embarrassed. I agree with them. Your sex is tight.”
“Mason,” she laughs. He squeezes her tight. “Yes Jareth. It’s what we want. Isn’t it Melanie?”
“Yeah.” She looks over her shoulder at Jareth. “It’s what we want.”

“Fine. That’s great, but whatever we do, we’ve got to move. That sedative won’t last forever.” He helps him carry her to the car and begins to drive home. “Call them. Tell them we’re coming in with something we have to talk about right now.”
Jareth smiles "Ok... We'll talk to..." He stops as he hears his phone vibrate, he moves over to his pants "Speak of the devil... Hey Kaden... We were..." He stops and gets a serious look.

"Yeah..." He pulls out his cell, lucky her grabbed it, and calls Jareth "Hey, listen... We are bringing Aliya back with us... Something is wrong with her... And I... We need to talk to you all... Can you get things cleaned up... We'll be there soon..."

Jareth looks to everyone "Yeah... We'll be waiting for you... Bye..." He hangs up "Something is wrong with Aliya... They are bringing her here... We need to get things cleaned up..." He passes Mason his clothes and starts to dress himself.
Melanie grabs her own clothes and turns for the paper towels. “I’ll get your mess baby,” she tells Mason. He blushes. “Thanks baby. Still taking care of me huh?”
“Always” she tells him leaning over to kiss him. “I’ll get your mess Melanie,” Kevin says, a lustful look on his face. “Thank you,” she smiles. “Yeah. I think this will all work out, but I am worried about Aliya. Something is wrong with her?”

They arrive and Nicholas is out of the car quickly. He picks her up and heads for the door. “You get the door. I’ve got her.” He would wait for Kaden to open it and rush inside with her. “What happened to her,” Mason asks. “Is she alright?” Melanie rushed over to her rubbing her forehead. “She’s….fine, but we need to talk. Mason, she has the file. She knows what Kaden did too, and Jareth? She knows what you did to Mari. She’s threatening to take the file to the cops if Kaden doesn’t take Jareth and leave us all alone. I’ve asked Kaden to do something, but you guys might not like it. Kaden?” He moves back so he can tell them and sits down while still holding Aliya.
Jareth stands by Mason and watches, keeping his hands on his shoulders, he didn't know Mari's fate and wasn't sure he wanted to know. He looks to Kaden as he takes a seat, he looked nervous and was wringing his hand slightly. Kaden looks up at them all then back to the table and his hands "Her memories have been... Altered... Or blocked..." He looks to Jareth "She says you killed Mari... That he saw her body... What... Is that about..." Jareth looks away and gives a quick run down, Kaden's eyes go wide "She... That was her..." Jareth nods "I didn't know she was gone already... But... How did she know..." He looks at Aliya "An angel..." Jareth looks to Kevin "Would they do that to her mind... Change things..." Kaden coughs to get attention again "Nicholas asked me to... Help her... Remember..." He glances at Mel slightly and looks away "Like only I can..."
Melanie looks away, and Kevin notices. “They wouldn’t change her memories, but….they would show her something that could be tramatic. Aliya always was one to help people. It’s why she fell. She saw a man that was starting to give up on love. So she fell. They were to be married, but he died before it happened. So she remained on earth helping people. It’s how she came to work with you Nicholas. For her to see someone she couldn’t help, and find out someone she cared about did it, that could have caused something to break in her mind. All they did was show her the truth. Her mind did the rest.” Mason leans forward. “So can her mind be healed? Helped?” Kevin nods. “Oh yeah. What breaks in the mind can be healed.” He looks over at Melanie, and Mason’s gaze follows. “You’re asking me to say it’s okay? What if she….thinks she’s going crazy? Like I did?” “That could happen,” Nicholas tells her. “But you loved Kaden anyway because somewhere inside you, you loved him the first moment you laid eyes on him. Admit it Melanie.” She looks away. “It’s okay. Even though you knew he had kidnapped you, there was something there. Your body couldn’t deny it. Your heart couldn’t deny it. So through it all, you still loved him. Right?” Slowly she nods. “Okay. Aliya felt something for Kaden too. Remember at the club? She asked him could she call him, ‘M’Lord’. She wanted to belong to him.” “I remember.” “So if it’s there, and we know it is, then he can bring it back. She might be angry, like you were, but she’ll come around. Like you did.” Melanie looks at Kaden before moving next to him. Her hand caresses his cheek, and she turns his face to hers’. “Can you do it? If you can, then do it….M’Lord.” Mason looks over his shoulder at Jareth. “What the hell happened to Mari? How could she die so fast? Would the angel have killed her Kevin?” “No. Not a chance. Something else must have killed her.”
Jareth looks at him "I don't know what happened... She shouldn't have died yet..." Kaden looks at Mason then Mel "You'd be ok... With me doing this... I'd need... Somewhere to keep her..." He looks at them "I'd understand... If you didn't want to be here... You can go to Nich's place..." Jareth looks at them "It's up to you... Go or stay..."
"Kaden, can you get someone in here to repair the room? If you can, then I can give her another sedative to help her sleep while they do their work. We can keep her there."
“I think….I want to go to Nicholas’ place. I don’t think I can watch someone else go through….what I did.” Mason wraps his arms around her. “It’s alright baby. I’ll take you there. Jareth and I can talk while you rest.” Nicholas grins. “Yeah. You should, and Melaine, now might be the only time you get these two,” he points to Mason and Kaden, “in the same room for a while. So why don’t you two tell her the news.”
“That’s right. There’s some news you two wanted to tell me. What’s going on?”
Jareth moves to hold Kevin, smirking slightly into his neck 'This should be good...' He said softly in Kevin's head, watching them. Kaden looks up "You didn't tell her... I said you could..." He looks to Mel "Let him tell you... I've taken enough..." He smiles though and moves to stand a little closer, he looks at Mason "Tell her what they found..." He glances at Nicholas and smiles.
Mason smiles. “Okay. Melanie when you were in the hospital, they found a baby.”
“I know. I’m having two of them.” He laughs. “They found another one.” She gives him a strange look. “Another one?” He nods. “You’re having three babies. One of us,” he points to Kaden,” is having two babies.”
“What,” she says sinking down into a chair. “I’m having….three babies?” He kneels down in front of her. “Yeah baby. So you do need to make sure you’re resting and eating enough.” She nods. “Yeah. I really do, and they’re all fine,” she ask Nicholas. “Yeah. You and the babies are doing just fine.” She covers her mouth in shock. “I can’t believe it. This is wonderful. M’Lord, you might have two babies. Baby you might have two babies.”
“I’ll settle for one.” She hugs him tight.
Jareth chuckles and smiles "Congratulations sweety... An we'll all be there to help... Our family is growing..." Kaden kneels by the chair and hugs her, kissing her cheek "You just don't want more diapers to change..." He chuckles and rubs her belly softly "They will never want for love... No matter who their father is..." He stands "Alright... I have some work to do... I'm assuming you're staying Nich... The rest of you, we'll see you in a few days hopfully..." He takes Mason aside "I'm sorry... I'll never be able to say that enough to you... And I know if will be a while, if ever... For you to forgive me... And I understand that... But above all, Mel and those kids come first... Ok..." He smiles softly, Jareth watching from his spot, smiling softly, he knew it would take time and that was understandable.
“You’re right. Melanie and those kids do come first. As for you,” he shakes his head. “I could care less about you, but I’ll at least be civil for her and our children. Just stay away from me.” He moves past him towards Jareth, literally swallowing down his anger. He knew his lover would know. “Alright baby,” he says reaching for her hand. “You heard him. We’ve got to get out of here. You know the way to Nicholas’ house. So you drive.” He tosses her the keys. “Alright then. I think I will while I can still fit my belly under the steering wheel.” Mason smiles pulling her out of the front door. “Well love. We know it’s going to take time, but at least they can still speak to each other.” Kevin heads out after them. Nicholas would wait until the house was empty. Show me where your meds are. I’ll give her something while you get the room fixed. I’m putting her on your bed to rest. Let’s get to work.”
Jareth glanced at Kaden before following them outside, he'd talk with Mason later, he gets in the car.

Kaden just nods to Mason, not saying anything more until he was gone "And we're supposed to live together..." He shakes his head and moves to follow Nicholas into his room "There is a small fridge in my closet, the pass is 7358... Needles in a drawer above..." He looks at Aliya "Get the green and purple ones... Half a needle each..." He moves to look her over, carefully checking her, judging what bindings to use and thinking about toys "What all do you want me to do... Teach her... What pleasures I can give her?" He turns to look at him.
“Do what you did with Mel. It worked. Kaden she loved how you made her feel at the club that night. Remember how she rode you and how lost she was in that passion. I’ve known Aliya for a long time, and I have never seen her so free or as beautiful as she looked that night. She let down all her inhibitions, and she was happy. Make her feel that again. Aliya walks around with so many walls up because she’s afraid of being hurt again. She takes care of everybody else so she doesn’t have time to focus on her own life. It’s time she does, and you can help her with that. Make her feel what she felt that night Kaden, and her feelings, her memories of you will come back to her.” Nicholas kisses her forehead. “I trust you with her Kaden. She’s my friend.” He moves to open the safe and take out what Kaden had told him to. Carefully he injects the liquid into her arm. “What’s this gonna do to her Kaden?”

Mason looks over his shoulder in the car at Jareth. ‘I know you know. I’m okay. Don’t worry. Sure I’m angry, but I’m okay. Relax. Don’t worry about me.’
Jareth sighs mentally 'Well talk later baby... I know you're still hurt...' He relaxes and holds Kevin closer as they head out, he was feeling a little tired.

Kaden looks to him "The green will relax her body, keeping her asleep, the purple will start on her mind... Relaxing it, she'll be calmer when she wakes up... She'll be out for a few hours..." He stands "I have replacement walls in the basement... If you'd like to help me switch them out..."

Over the next few hours they worked together to clean and repair most of the room, enough that she could be put in it safely. "Come on... Before she wakes up.." They slowly take her to the room and he locks her up, just like Melanie when he brought her here, he brought several toys and a few more drugs with him and set them on a low table he borough into the room. "Are you going to stay..." He glances at Nicholas as she starts to stir slightly, before she woke up, he gives her a full dose of the blue drug, the one the messed with her thinking and half dose of the pink, the 'love' drug, that made her body extra sensitive to touch.
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