Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden slept soundly, arms still around Nicholas.

Jareth chuckles softly and rolls them to the side, pulling Kevin close "Mmm... But you enjoyed it... There is no denying that..." He smiles and kisses him softly "Goodnight love..." He relaxes and holds him closer.
Nicholas sleeps sounds next to Kaden, a smile on his face.

Kevin is afraid to close his eyes. ‘What if all this time with him has been a dream? I don’t want it to end.’ Finally he loses his battle and sleep finds him.

Mason wakes to find Melanie snuggling closer to him. He smiles and embraces her tighter. ‘I’ve got you baby. He won’t ever hurt you again. I promise.’ He drifts back to sleep with her snug in his arms.

“Jareth wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t leave someone to die. He just wouldn’t.”
“He already killed someone he claims to love. You know this Aliya. Why do you insist on being so stubborn?” He straightens, looking at her. “You’ve fallen in love with one of them. Haven’t you?” She looks away not answering. “Which one is it? Hm? The doctor? The rich man? The poor man? The Demon? The fallen angel? Which one of those men has your heart Aliya? It doesn’t matter. In the end, you will be hurt. You do not belong in their world. You are not like them Aliya.”
“Just go.”
“Would you like to see her body Aliya?” She turns looking up at him. “Body? Is she…..”
“I can take you to her.” He holds out his hand for her. “You won’t be missed. These humans you love so much have all deserted you. None of them remained behind to make sure you were okay. They were all far too concerned with their own desires. Come Aliya. Let me show you what he did to one of his own kind.”
Thanks to the stressful day before and the enjoyable night after, Kaden was still sleeping soundly come morning.

Jareth woke up early and just watched Kevin sleep, he could tell he was still tired and smiles, last night had been wonderful. He carefully gets up and dresses, leaving the room to go get breakfast.
Mason is still sleeping soundly when Melanie wakes. She slips from bed wanting to get dressed when she realizes her purse was still back at Kaden’s. “Damnit,” she whispers. Looking back at Mason, she didn’t want to wake him and worry him by telling him where she was going. Once she’s dressed, she’s in her car that had been in the driveway this entire time. Looking into the rearview mirror, she begins to remember the day she disappeared. She had gone shopping in this car. ‘That must have been when he took me,’ she thinks looking at her reflection. ‘Why did you have to be such a monster? I love you Kaden.’ She wipes the few stray tears away and begins to pull out to the street. Maybe it was because she was afraid of how seeing him would make her feel, but the drive there took no time at all. She slips inside the house, and once there, so much comes flooding back. The door to the room is still open, and she realizes she doesn’t remember seeing it. ‘No. Don’t do this. You don’t want to know what is in that room. You and Kaden should talk.’ Not wanting to just sit down to a table as if this were some kind of meeting, she begins to make pancakes. It was familiar.

Nicholas hears the slight movement coming from the kitchen and slides out of bed. He puts on Kaden’s robe and makes his way down the hall. Melanie smiles with her back turned, thinking it was Kaden. “Well good morning sleepy…..” She freezes turning around seeing Nicholas. “You? What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“Did you….sleep here, and why are you wearing his….are you naked under there?” He nods. “Melanie, we need to talk.”
“Damn right we do. I leave him, and he fucks you?”
“Who were you with last night? The point is you both went to someone else last night. Now please. Can we sit down and talk about Kaden?”
Kaden was sleeping, he didn't notice Nicholas leaving, just rolled over and curled up, it wasn't until the scent of the pancakes drifted into the room that he started to slowly wake up.
“Melanie, I did spend the night with Kaden.” She leans back in her chair glaring at him. “He was hurt.”
“Is that the only reason? Come on Nicholas. We’ve all seen how you look at him.”
“Then you already know the answer to that.” She shakes her head. “Did he tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“What he did to me?”
“No. He said he would, but I don’t care.”
“You don’t care?!”
“No. I don’t. Because that’s in the past Melanie. He’s changed, and if you loved him half as much as you say you do, then you would know that. It shouldn’t matter.” She leans forward. “He fucking drugged me and made me think I was losing my mind. He made me think my husband was some dream I made up when I was in a coma I was never in! Now tell me. Do you still think he’s so wonderful?”
“Do you?”
“Why else would you have made pancakes and be so angry with me for staying.”
“You’re fucking wrong. He’s a monster.”
“He’s human.”
“I still love him.” Nicholas freezes. That was the last thing he thought she would say. He didn’t want to be in the way. “Then if he wants me to, I’d leave, but only if he wants me to.”
“Do you love him?”
“Yes. I told him so.” She turns her head, still able to see the open door to the room. “That’s where he kept me. Isn’t it?” Nicholas looks down at the table. “He kept me in there while he tried to make me think I was crazy. Why do we love him so much? He’s the crazy one, and yet we love him. We should both just get up and leave him alone in that bed. It would serve him right! Look at what he did to me,” she said grabbing his hand and pulling him up and towards the room. She pushes him inside it. “Look at it! This is where he kept me!” She looks around slowly. “What the…..”

Mason stirs to find Melanie gone. He smiles. ‘Maybe she went to….get breakfast.’ He already knew the truth. “Damnit.” He couldn’t be angry with her. He was thinking about Jareth. He reaches for his phone, opens it, pulls up Jareth’s number, and his finger hovers over the button. After a moment he presses it. When he hears another voice on the other end, he hesitates before saying, “hi. It’s me.”
Kaden slowly sat up and stretched, he was still a little stiff but he felt great, he looks at the empty bed and was about to get upset, then he smelt it. "He's cooking?" He gets up and pulls on a pair of boxers from his dresser and moves to head out to the kitchen, when he hears it and freezes 'No...' He creeps down the hall slowly and tries to listen in.

--".. Think my husband was some dream I made up when I was in a coma I was never in! Now tell me. Do you still think he’s so wonderful?”--

His eyes widen and he blinks back a few tears 'I don't want to know...!' He turns and runs back to his room silently, he closes the door and locks it, he looks around the room, memories of him with Mel and now Nicholas flash before his eyes. He shuts them and steps away from the bed, his tears falling slowly "I brought this on myself..." He steps into the bathroom and turns in the tub, watching it fill with water, he picks up Nicholas's shirt and holds it to his nose, breathing him in "I won't hurt anyone... Anymore..." He sets the shirt down and turns off the water, he gets in and lays back, then slips under the water.

Jareth was walking back down the hall when his pocket buzzed, he stops to set the tray down and pulls out his phone, he smiles at the ID and answers it. "Hey baby... Are you ok? Kevin told me what he said... How's... Mel?" He leans against the wall slightly and listens to his phone.
“This is how I found him in this room last night. His hands were cut up. I took care of him, but it….became so much more than that.”
“You fucked my husband?!”
“No! Kaden and I made love. You were with your husband. Remember? Melanie you can’t call both of them your husband and walk out on one of them. It doesn’t work that way.” She looks around the room. “We all need to sit down. You, me, Kaden, Mason, Jareth, and Kevin. This needs to be something we all discuss. Otherwise there is going to be jealousy and moments like this, and I don’t want that. Alright? Now let’s go get Kaden and at least the three of us can talk.” He leaves the room with her following behind him. “I didn’t shut this door.” He tried to open it, but it’s locked. “What the…..”
“Kaden never locked the bedroom door.”
“Is there a key?”
“Somewhere, but I…..”
“Kaden! Open the door!” He tried it again while she looked on. Without a word he begins to slam his shoulder into the door. He doesn’t stop until it flies open. “Kaden!”
“The bathroom light is on.” Nicholas races towards the door, his heart pounding in his chest. When he opens the door and sees him there, he screams. “Kaden!” Quickly he grabs him, picking him up and placing him on the floor. “Don’t you dare do this to me. Not today.” He begins CPR. “No,” she whispers, slowly backing towards the door.

He smiled hearing his voice. Mason loved hearing him call him baby. “Melanie is fine. She’s out right now. How are you?”
He stayed under the water for a little while, holding his breath, looking up through the water, then closes his eyes and takes a deep 'breath'. He fought against going for air until he starts to feel tired, his lungs taking in more water as his body starts to relax 'I'm sorry...' Everything goes black, just as he thought he say Nicholas above him.

Jareth smiles and relaxes against the wall "Good... And I'm good too... When you weren't there after I woke up... I thought you left... But Kevin told me what he told you..." He sighs softly "I'm sorry baby... It wasn't my place to tell you... And I know Kaden was at the point he was going to tell you both..." He pauses a minute "I knew you'd want some time with Mel... So I took Kevin to the inn... We're gonna stay a few days... You're welcome to join us when you're ready... And just... So you know... I didn't let him kill her... Out right... He left her on a deserted island..."
He looks over at her. “Don’t you dare leave! Not again! I may need you to call for help! Come on Kaden! Take a breath!” He leans down breathing into him before starting compressions again. “Come on damnit! You are not leaving! You’ve got a baby to think about!” Another breath.

“Yeah. He told me everything, and I did spend some time with her. I slept with her Jareth, and I won’t let Kaden hurt anymore. I know he’s your friend, and yeah we had a really nice time together, but he will not hurt her again.” He listens to him as he talks about the inn. “Alright. When things settle down, I might just come up there, but I’m warning you ahead of time. I’m bringing Melanie with me.” He knew they all needed to talk. This was not a conversation for over the phone. Then he mentions Marissa. “He did what? Tell me you’re joking. Please. Tell me he didn’t leave her for dead. If he did that, then he’s no better than her. Jareth please tell me he didn't do that."
He could faintly hear Nicholas yelling and a pain in his chest every few seconds, then a rush of air, he starts to choke and cough up the water, his eyes snapping open and he gasps before coughing again, he was shaking and taking deep gasps of air. He looks at Nicholas, then over at Mel, "No..!" His voice was low and he started to struggle weakly to get out of his hold, but he was still too weak himself, so he just lay there and silently cried.

Jareth actually whined softly "It... It was the best I could do... It was that or have her blood actually on my claws... The things she said... Did... He wanted her blood Mason... He was protecting... His pack... My pack..." He waits for a response.
“Shhh! It’s okay. Relax Kaden. It’s okay,” he soothes him. Looking up to Melanie he tells her, “Blanket.” She’s frozen. “Melanie! Get me a blanket.” She jumps before nodding and pulling a blanket from the closet. He takes it from her and wraps Kaden up and pulls him close. “It’s okay. You’re okay. Everything is going to be fine. Isn’t it Melanie.” She nods. “Yeah….Kaden. Everything this….is going to be fine.” Nicholas is rubbing Kaden’s head. “See? Just relax.”

“Pack? Is that what we are? Your pack? Jareth, I’m not a demon. I’m human. Pack? His pack? We’re better than she is. At least we use to be.” He hangs up.
He refuses to look at them and just lets Nicholas do what he needs to, he felt numb, Nicholas knew the truth now, why did he save him. "You should... Have left me..." He closes his eyes and just lays there "I'd rather... be dead... Then alone..." His voice was soft, his lungs still hurt and he was cold.

"Mason wai..." He was met with a dial tone and he almost crushed his phone in his hand "Dammit!"
He picks up the tray and continues on back to his room, he sets it down and closes the door again, a little louder then he thought he had.
“Don’t you dare say that! Do you hear me?! What makes you think you’re going to be alone anyway? Because she told me what you did? I’m still here! I’m not going anywhere! I don’t care what you did in your past! It’s in the past! You’re not that man now! You’re Kaden! You are….the man that I spent the night with, and the man….that I love.” He begins to caress his face, “I’m not going anywhere Kaden.” With his other hand, he pulls the blanket up around him. Melanie just listens. She didn’t know what to say. She loved him still, and she loved Mason. Either way she went, she knew she would hurt someone.

“MMMMM. I was wondering when……” He jumps as the door closes. “You would get back. Jareth? What’s wrong love?” He approaches him slowly, reaching for him, trying to comfort him.
Kaden opens his eyes and looks at Nicholas, then Mel "Why... Are you here... I left... I said I'd leave you alone..." He turns more into Nicholas "I lost any right to be with you the moment I took you... But with you being... With my..." He closes his eyes "I could t be that person anymore... Not if I wanted to be..." The word caught in his throat, knowing he'd never be one now, he took a shuddering breath "You deserved the truth... So even knowing I'd lose you both... I told it to you..." He glances back at her "If Mason tried to turn me in again..." He held Nicholas a bit tighter without realizing it "I'd go..." He held her gaze for a few moments before turning back to Nicholas' chest and sighing softly.

Jareth sets the tray of food down and pulls Kevin closer, he was silent for a few minutes, "Mason called..." He said softly, rubbing his back "It was going well... 'Happy chat'... Then I told him about Mari..." He holds Kevin a little tighter "He got upset... I told him it was the best I could do... It was that or actually kill her... That my demon was protecting his pack... My pack..." He looks down at him "He wouldn't let me explain that... Said he was human and pack didn't mean anything to him... Said I was no better then Mari... And hung up..." He looks at him again "You remember... What I told you a pack was for me..."
“I….I…..” She began but didn’t really know what to say. Nicholas looked over at her. He mouthed, “talk to him.” She took a soft, small step forward. “Kaden….I wouldn’t….keep you from your child. I couldn’t. That would be too cruel. I know how much you already love him or her. It’s just that….well….I was hurt, but I still….I just don’t know….what to do. No matter what I decide….somebody gets hurt. I just….don’t want to hurt you….or Mason….but I don’t know what to do.” It takes all her effort not to cry. “Do you love him,” Nicholas asks her. “Yes,” she replies, shaking. “Then come here,” he says moving and reaching for her arm. “Sit with him. Hold him. Talk to him. Comfort him. Be with him Melanie.” She sinks down next to him. “But I….”
He leans down to her ear and whispers for only her to hear. “Don’t worry about anything right now. Everybody involved needs to sit down and talk. This can be worked out. All of you need to come to an agreement. Alright?” He pats her shoulder and leaves the bathroom quietly. She looks at Kaden. "He won't....turn you in. He had the chance to. Remember? You have nothing to worry about M'Lord." It felt so natural to call him that, so perfect. She pulls him closer and holds him tight. Nicholas heard her just outside the bathroom. He smiles and starts to get dressed.

“I do my love. Mason doesn’t understand any of that. You did the best you could. He just needs more time. He’s had a lot to process. Starting with his wife disappearing up until this. Everything he has ever known has been taken from him or questioned. Talk about being on shaky ground. Mason is living that. So just give him more time. When he’s ready, you can explain everything to him. Alright?” He kisses his forehead and holds him close.
Kaden didn't know what to think, a few minutes ago he thought his life was over, in fact it was for a minute or two, then Nicholas brought him back. He stays close to him as Melanie starts to talk, he was surprised when she said he'd still be a father, but he had doubts, Mason wouldn't forgive him so easily. He was a little scared when Nicholas let him go and Mel took his place, he was stiff in her arms, not sure what to do, he stares at the door where he left until he heard her. He blinks and turns his head to look at her "I... I forced you to call me that... You don't... Have to..." Hey glances back at the door and slowly relaxes in her arms "Don't... Don't let him leave..." He looks back to her and frees his hand from the blanket, he takes her hand "I'm sorry... For what I did... And I'd love... To be a part of their life... But..." He looks away "Mason won't forgive me... And putting a child through that fight... Isn't fair..." He moves his hand to her belly and rubs it softly "They come first... So... If things don't change... Before they arrive..." He looks up at her "I'll step back..." He smiles at her softly "You... Work with Mason... Put me on the side burner for now..." He reaches up and cups her cheek "I love you... But... You're not the only one anymore..." He glances at the door again, a soft smile on his lips, he wasn't sure what he felt for Nicholas just yet, but he knew he didn't want him gone.

Jareth nods and leans down to kiss him softly "Always so smart..." He rubs his cheek "I'll give him time... It'll give me more time to find a solution to our little love triangle..." He smiles "I did say he could join us when he was ready... Maybe he'll change his mind..." He kisses him again "So until then... You have me all to yourself..." He turns and picks up the tray again "I brought breakfast..."
“Kaden, I don’t need to just work with Mason. We all need to work together. It’s clear that most of us, if not all of us, love more than one person. We need to figure this out. If we love each other as much as we say we do, then we can make it work.” She leans down, her lips inches from his. “I want to make it work.” She gently kisses his lips before leaning up again. “I wouldn’t be so sure about Mason. He’s angry. Give him time. He already knew you were the one who took me, and he forgave you for that. He was angry about that too. Just give it time.” She looks over towards the door and back down to him. “Why is it so important that I don’t let him leave? Kaden, what happened last night between you two?”

Nicholas finishes dressing and heads into the kitchen. The smell of pancakes was still heavy in the air. He started the coffee just as the front door opened. “Mason? What are you doing here?”
“I know she’s here. I saw her car out front. He is not going to hurt her again. I’ll kill him first.” He starts towards the bedroom, and Nicholas stops him. “Wait. Give them some time. I agree everybody should sit down and talk, but it’s been a hard morning for him.”
“You think I give a damn about him?”
“Actually I do. I remember what happened at the hospital between you two.” Mason looks away from him. “So just give him and Melanie some time. If he starts to do anything that might hurt her, I’ll help you get him away from her, but he won’t. I’m sure of it. So just sit down, have a cup of coffee, and….call Jareth and Kevin.” Mason looks at him, his eyes widen. “What for?”
“All of you need to talk. This stress can not be good for Melanie and the babies. It’s not good for anyone. All of you need to sit down and talk this through. Okay?” Mason sighs before taking out his phone and dialing Jareth.

Kevin smiles as he watches him with the tray. “Yes I do have you all to myself still, and I’m sure I can come up with something for us to do.” He hears his phone ring again. “Who could that be?” He already had a feeling it was Mason. “Changed his mind already,” he smirks.
He was a little too shocked to return the kiss, he looks at her "Taking you was one thing... The other stuff I did..." He shakes his head slightly and sighs then looks to her again when she asks about him and Nicholas, he smiles softly "In the simplest of terms... He saved me last night..." He looks down "And today..." He slowly moves to sit up, pulling the blanket around him more "I've seen how he looks at me... Though at the time I thought it was you he was watching..." He blushes slightly "I've always had to take my 'love'... No one every wanting me for me... And don't say you do... You still have a bunch of 'programming' in your head..." He looks to the door "I realized what I had done last night... And I was crushed... I had fucked up my chance at a family... Becasue you started to change me..." He pulls his knees up to rest his head "But Nich didn't care... He came looking becasue he was worried... About me..." He glances at her "You know what it's like to be loved... And I took you from that... I've... I've never felt that... I pretended you were mine... When I knew you weren't..." His eyes water a bit "But he... I'm all he sees... All he wants... I love you Mel, I do... But I have feeling for Nich too... I'm not sure what they are yet... But I want him around... I care enough that I don't want him walking away for MY happiness... He thinks you'll make me happy... I know he does... I saw what Mason did for Jareth... I won't let Nich do that..." He looks at her again "Do you understand..."

Jareth was just about to start feeding Kevin when his phone rang, he looks to Kevin before picking it up, "It's him..." He answers "Hello?"
She listens to him. The more he talks, the more she begins to feel a dull ache in her chest. “So that’s it? We’re done because you think I’m still ‘programmed’ to want you, to love you? We’re done because you think you….because you love Nicholas? “ She looks around, not making any attempt to hide her emotions. “I don’t know what to say Kaden. I still love you. I just..don’t know..what to do. No matter what choice I make, someone gets hurt. If I stay with Mason….If I come back to you….it doesn’t work for someone. I never always take love. I’m sorry.” She slowly stands and moves to the door. Looking back at him she tells him, “I guess we both just need some time. I’ll give that to you, and I hope you find what you’re looking for M….Kaden.” It broke her heart to not call him M’lord. She gives him a nod before heading into the bedroom. She stops and looks around. A thousand memories flood her mind about their time together in there. ‘Who do I pick? What do I do? I love them both so much. I don’t want to hurt them. I want them both happy.’

“Hi Jareth. You need to bring Kevin to Kaden’s house. We talk. All of us. Melanie is here with Kaden and Nicholas apparently. I don’t know all the details, but all of us do need to talk. Will you come?”
Kaden listens to her and watches her go, it takes him a minute to stand and he moves after her "No Mel... We aren't done..." He gently hugs her from behind and places his hands on her belly "We'll never be done... I love you... You changed me... Made me a better person... But you also have Mason... And Mason has Jareth... And Jareth has Kevin... Do you see where this is going M'lady..." He turns her to face him and smiles softly "Look what happened today... Becasue of us trying to make the other happy... I died... I died in that tub... Becasue I thought it would make someone else happy..." He cups her cheek and dries her eyes "The lot of us... We aren't just one person people.... We aren't A loves B so forget about C..." He rests their foreheads together gently "You once talked about us all living in on big house... No restrictions... Just love..." He tips her chin up and kisses her slowly.

Jareth blinks and looks at Kevin "Nicholas? Is everyone alright? Of course... We'll be there shortly..." He takes a bite of his breakfast "Everyone is at Kaden's house... We all need to talk..."
“Kaden,” she whispers as his lips are still so close to hers’. “Call me that again. Please. I have to hear it. I love hearing it. M’Lady. I am that to you, and you are M’Lord. Always. Yes I remember talking about all of us living together. Do you think….that is what Nicholas wants us to talk about? Do you think he could suggesting the same thing? Let’s go into the kitchen and find out.” She tugs on his hand but stops. “First, M’lord, please put on some dry clothes,” she smiles.

Kevin takes a bite of his breakfast. “Then let’s go. Would you teleport us there? It’s faster, and it’s just you and I.”
He smiles at her and kisses her softly again "Yes M'lady..." He steps away from her slowly "You go, I'll get dressed... You can leave the door open if you want..." He starts pulling clothes from his dresser "I promise I'll be there in a minute... I swear on our baby..." He smiles at her and sits to get dressed.

Jareth nods "Yeah... And it's not that far... Would you like to finish eating first?" He takes a bite of food.
Melanie takes the doorknob in hand and closes it. Leaning against it, facing him, she slowly shakes her head. “Nope. I want to watch you get dressed. I want to see your body M’Lord. You can punish me later if you want, but nothing is going to make me leave this room right now. So get dressed, and let me enjoy the show.”

“No. I’m anxious. I want to know what this is all about, and I’m ready to see Mason again.” He walks up to Jareth. “I’m ready when you are.”
He looks at her and blushes slightly "But I must look horrible... I just drowned in a bathtub..." He shivered lightly and rubs his chest, he could still feel where Nich had given him compressions, he hadn't really let it sink in yet. "I... I was dead..." He takes a slow deep breath, then stands to remove his wet boxers, he was feeling shy all of a sudden and turned to face the bed, he quickly put his clothes on "S-Sorry... I just..." He walked up to her and didn't know what to say, it was starting to hit him what he just did, he was twisting his hands together slowly.

"Alright... Get your stuff..." He waits for him to get ready before pulling him close and giving him a kiss "It's paid through the week... Hopefully we can come back, all three of us..." He rubs his cheek, then they were gone, reappearing a few minutes later in Kaden's backyard, they go to the side door and knock.
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