Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden reaches up and cups his cheeks, rubbing softly "Relax Doc... I'm not going anywhere... And I'm not sending you away anytime soon..." He steps closer as he finishes drying him and takes the towel to start drying him, he smiles "You're quite a special man doctor..." He dries him slowly "I knew it when we met... You were special... And shy..." He kisses him softly "One of your best qualities..." He traces his fingers over his soft blush "You have so much control in your daily life... So that's not what you want right now... It's it doctor..." He drops the towel and takes his hand, leading him back into his bedroom, he stands by the bed with him, runnin his fingers over his chest "Just breathe... Relax doc... Just do what comes natural..." He continues to watch him and run his fingers over his skin.
“Do..what comes..naturally. Relax. I can’t do that..around you. That’s the last thing I want to do when I’m around you. I want,” he looks down struggling to breathe. “Please. I want your lips on mine. Kaden, I know I can’t have you. Your heart belongs to another, but tonight could you..could we just..pretend? For tonight, can I be yours and you mine?”
Kaden stops, he stills and looks at him "My... Heart..." He looks down at his chest "I... I forfeit that love..." He slowly runs his fingers over him again, tracing the lines on his chest "She doesn't want me... And for good reason... But that was in the past..." He runs his hands up to his face "But you..." He rubs his cheek "You want me... You really do..." He bites his lip and looks at him and steps closer "Maybe... It doesn't have to... Just be tonight..." He was nervous, he was actually nervous, he had alway been in complete control or his love lives, but now, he was putting his broken heart out there.
“Maybe,” he tells him softly, bringing his own hand up to caress Kaden’s cheek. “Maybe it doesn’t have to be….just for tonight, but if tonight is all I will ever have, I’ll take it. I can live my whole life without you, or even a feeling that comes close to this one,….if I can have you tonight.” He slowly gathers Kaden’s hands and brings them to his lips. Tenderly he kisses his finger while looking into his eyes. “You don’t have to say anything. Just be with me. No more thoughts of..a love in the past..or what we’ll do tomorrow. Tonight it’s just you and I. Tonight you are mine, and I am yours’. That’s perfect to me. Even if for one night, I’ll have something everyone dreams about and only few actually get. That’s perfect. My perfect man. My perfect Kaden.” Slowly he kisses his fingers once more. “You were righ though. Being in control tonight is not what I want.”
A tear slowly falls down his face and he smiles, "Ok... Tonight... You're all I see... All I want... Nothing else matters..." He steps back and smirks at him "Then tonight you won't be in control... Lay on the bed... It's time for your check up Doc..." He stands there and slowly looks him over, he bites his lip slightly and moves to follow him, kneeling on the bed by his feet "Now I can't have you blacking out on me... So... A test..." He holds his hands up to show him, then brings them down onto his legs, softly running them over his legs and up, avoiding his cock for now. "Breathe for me Doc... I'm in control remember..." He spreads his legs and moves up between them, continuing the path of his fingers over his skin, watching him "In and out... That's it Doc..." Once he was breathing normally, he stops and pulls his hands back.
Nicholas noticed the tear, and mentally he made it his mission to make sure Kaden didn’t shed another one for the rest of the night. He offers him a smile. “Yes doctor.” Nicholas climbs on the bed and moves to postion himself. Kaden’s hands touch him, and instantly breathing becomes more difficult. He can hear every breath drawing into his body and out of his parted lips. Every pore is alive, begging for his touch. Kaden’s words guide him, and Nicholas begins to focus. In and out. His breaths become regular. When Kaden’s hands stop, he looks on with wonder. The question nearly leaves his mouth, but he holds back. He was curious about what he was about to do, but Kaden was the one in control. He trusted him. “Please doctor. Tell me. What’s your opinion? Am I alright? What do I need?”
Kaden looks up at him and smiles "Mmm... You're more then alright Doc... And what you need... Is to just lay there... And let me give you a more thorough examination..." He smirks "I'll need to look you over..." He shifts slightly and lifts his leg, running his fingers over it and kissing at his ankle "From bottom to top..." He starts to kiss up his leg, laying it back down and doing the same to the other one, then slowly runs his fingers over his cock, just feeling him. "Mmm... Such a big boy..." He chuckles then moves on, he leans down and kisses at his stomach and over it, then up to to his chest "Remember to breathe Doc..." He returns to his attentions, softly running his fingers over his skin and kissing at his chest, even licking at his nipples softly.
Each time Kaden touched him, it was like it was the first time. Nicholas was sure he would lift from the bed as his entire body felt weightless. “Please. Don’t stop..touching me. I’ve never..felt this way before.” His hands rested on Kaden’s head as he watched him. Nicholas wasn’t sure how long he would be able to keep from reaching his orgasm, whether Kaden was taking him or not. His touch alone was almost enough to bring him to that point. The words were in his mind, but Nicholas wasn’t brave enough to say them. He didn’t even understand how he could feel that way about this man. He had just met him recently, and Nicholas wasn’t a believer in love in the first place. His past hadn’t given him much belief it existed. The girls making fun of him. The guys teasing him as well. It all caused him to put up walls, walls that Kaden was bringing down with each kiss of his lips and touch of his hands. “Coming..down,” he panted, his mind hazed with thoughts of his past and present. “The wall..are coming down. I..I,” he pressed his head into the pillow, his eyes closed, as he fought with himself to keep those words to himself.
He glances up at him as he mumbles to himself, never stopping his exploration, softly tuning his fingers over his skin and missing over the trail. He could feel his shifting and twitching against him, he was so wound up and sensitive that he might just pop and moment. He could see he was struggling with something, fighting to keep something in "No holding back Doc..." He says it softly as he moves up more, licking and nipping at his neck, feeling his pulse flutter quickly against his lips and hear his soft moans, pants and words in his ears. "Mmm... Do you know how perfect you are right now..." He licks up his ear, nipping the lobe gently, "Laid out and bare before me..." He slowly rocks their cocks together "Itching and begging for my touch..." He shifts to look him in the eyes "It's on the tips of your tongue... I can feel you struggling with it..." He rocks slightly faster "Say it... Whatever it is, just say it..." He was panting himself.
Kaden wanted to hear it. No hold back, but Nicholas’s walls weren’t completely down. He swallowed hard just before Kaden reached his neck. Softly he whimpered, on the verge of breaking and spilling his feelings. “Me? Perfect? No Kaden. You. You’re the perfect one.” He gasps at the touch of his cock against his. Kaden’s body, his breath, his words were all so powerful to him. He took every word, every touch, and wrapped himself up with them. His mesmerizing eyes met his, and Nicholas could feel the last brick crumble. When Kaden finishes, he grabs his face and kisses him deeply. Breathless, he looks into his eyes as his fingertips trail down his cheek. “ you Kaden. I know it’s impossible, but..I love you.”
He was watching him as he fought with himself a moment and shakes his head "I'm far from perfect Doc..." He smiles and was about to speed up some more when his next words made him freeze, he stares down at him, he wasn't expecting that. He shakes his head slightly and looks at him, he moves a hand to his cheek and runs his fingers over it, his thumb over his lips "I didn't... I couldn't... Have..." He couldn't have heard right, they only just met, he doesn't know a thing about him "Say it again..." It was almost desperate, he stares at him, not even an hour ago he was ready to give up and run away, his friends and possible family gone. He felt lost and broken for the first time since he was a child, then he showed up, for no other reason then to see him. He felt his eyes water slightly but fought it back, "Say it..." He held his breath, for the longest time he had forced love, now it was being handed to him, he didn't know what to do.
The sight of his eyes tearing up and the need in his voice broke Nicholas’ heart. He holds Kaden’s face in his hands. “I love you Kaden. I love you for being you. I love how you look, how you speak, how you smell even makes me crazy. As soon as I see you, my heart leaps, and I’m sad the moment you start to walk away. I could still be able to see you, and I already miss you. I was watching you that night at my place. Not her. It was you Kaden. You and your body. I watched you take her, and I wished like hell it was me. I stroked my cock until I came wanting it to be me. All I want is for you to keep seeing, to keep talking, to keep touching me. I don’t want your money. I could care less if you had a penny to your name. As long as you touched my lips,” he tells him trailing his thumb over his bottom lip, “I’d be happy. As long as those eyes were happy to see me, I’d be happy. As long as it was your bed I was in, I’d be happy. Kaden you make me happy because I love you.” Nicholas couldn’t hold back another kiss as he leaned up and took his mouth once more.
He shook his head slightly as he listened, the tears falling from his eyes slowly, this was so new to him, he hadn't done anything. "But that's... I... I didn't..." He's shocked a moment when he kisses him, not moving, then it hits him, Nicholas loved him. Nicholas. Loved. Him. For him, for nothing that he'd done, not even knowing much about him, he loved him, he returns the kiss and presses harder against his lips. He pulls back slightly and looks at him "You mean... Don't you... You love me... ME..." He laughs softly and leans in for another kiss, he wasn't acting like himself, but he supposed he didn't really know who he was anymore, so much had changed, he pulls back to look at him again "No tricks... No lies... Just... Just mine... I can truly call you mine..." His hand was shaking as he cups his cheek, he didn't care if sounded like wuss, becasue Nicholas wouldn't care, he loved him.
Nicholas was a bit taken by the sincerity of Kaden. The tone in his voice, the look on his face, it all told him he was serious. “Yes,” he tells him. “You can call me yours’. No lies. No tricks. No strings. I don’t want anything from you but for you to be with me. You don’t even have to say it back. I understand. You’ve been hurt so badly,” his voice cracks. It pains him to think of what Kaden has been through. “You’ve probably struggled your whole life to find love, a love that is truly yours’. So of course it would be hard for you to believe that someone could love you for you. You don’t have to do anything except…..”He smiles at him. “Tell me I can stay tonight. You don’t have to touch me, kiss me, or do anything other than be here. I’ll still love you.” Nicholas slowly wraps his arms around him and squeezes him gently.
Kaden looks at him and smiles, rubbing his cheek "I want to... I do want to say it..." He kisses him softly "But you're also right... I have been through a lot... And I'm not ready yet..." He kisses him again then wipes his eyes "But yes... You can stay the night... You can stay as long as you want..." He smiles at him and runs his fingers through his hair "Now... Where was I... Oh yes... Your examination Doc..." He rocks against him again and leans down to kiss along his neck slowly, his hand running over his side.
He wasn’t upset. In fact, Nicholas had expected what Kaden said. “Yes. My examination. You’re my doctor now, taking care of me. I’m anxious to know my….condition is and if I’ll require any….treatments.” The smile on his face wasn’t forced. Nicholas didn’t have to hear the words back from Kaden. His love for him wasn’t dependent on that. His love for Kaden was simple and true. It simply existed because he met Kaden. It wasn’t something he said, did, or could do for him. All it took was spending what little they had together. From the first time he laid eyes on him that night when they were taking Mason from the car after his crash. until he walked into the room after Melanie had left, Nicholas had been slowly falling in love with Kaden. It worried him a little though. He knew Kaden would never truly be his. She would always have his heart but not tonight. Tonight his broken heart was in his hands, and Nicholas was going to do his best to care for his wounded love. “Touch me. Please. Tell me what you think I need doctor. I have to know.”
He nips his neck a little harder and pulls back "Well... I think you need an internal exam... Just to make sure..." He reaches between them and gently grips them both, stroking slowly a moment, he pants and smirks "I'll need your c-consent..." He licks at his lips and lets them go, kissing him softly, "Do I have your permission Doc..." He reaches for the lube under his pillow as he waits for an answer.
Though he felt like he was coming out of his skin when Kaden touched him, Nicholas never looked away from his eyes. “Yes Doc. You….you have my consent.” He could barely speak to him. “You have….anything you want..or..need.”
He grins, then pulls away from him to get them ready, he opens the tube, applying some to himself, then gently working at his entrance "I know you're wound tight babe... I can feel it..." He pumps his fingers slowly, adding lube as he does "Just hold back a little longer..." He sits back on his knees, between his legs, and slowly pulls Nicholas closer, "Then no holding back..." He starts to press in and shudders slightly, never looking away, he uses his lubed hand to slowly stroke him as he enters, biting his lip "Nnn... Damn your tight..." He smirks "We'll have to work on that..." He rubs his tip slowly with his thumb, pressing in further "Tell me when you're there Doc... When you can't hold it back any more..." He was stroking him slowly, watching, this would only be his first this night.
That first contact, when Kaden began to apply the lube to him, was electric. Nicholas jumped. He gasped, groaning as he exhaled. His fingers work him, loosening him, pushing her further, closer to his climax. Nicholas doesn’t know how much longer he can hold on. When Kaden begins to push in, he grabs the sheets on the bed and pulls. His hands slowly rise from the bed bringing the sheets with him. Nicholas cries out, his pleasure consuming the air. “Don’t stop! Oh please Kaden! You feel….I can’t…..find..a..word!” Nicholas arches his back as he feels Kaden stroking him, his thumb gentle on his tip. “I….don’t want….to….yet. I on.” He looks into Kaden’s eyes. A thin layer of sweat already covers his forehead. “Perfect Kaden. This You good. Don’t..stop.”
Kaden was panting softly as he continues, stroking him again "It won't be your last babe... I can promise that..." He finally pushes in fully and stays there, watching him, he moans softly and strokes him a bit faster, feeling him flutter around him. "Nnn... I can feel you... Y-You're right there...." He looks down at him and strokes faster, rubbing his tip in time "Cum for me Doc... Let me feel you... Before we start... Cum for me like this..."
Kaden was filling him. He felt his body flush with his when he was fully inside him. His muscles tightened, hugging him, as Kaden continued to stroke him. Kaden was right. He was right there and holding back, fighting it, trying not to cum, but his words were the final straw. Nicholas lifted his head from the pillow slightly, his eyes focused on Kaden. He wanted him to see the look on his face, the fire in his eyes, as he released. His fingers gripped the sheets once more as he let go. Nicholas cried out, but there were no words. There wasn’t any need for them. He came hard for him. His aching sac finding relief as they released his pent up load. Nicholas could feel his own cock pulsing in Kaden’s hand. It was the strongest orgasm he had ever felt in his life. His head hit the pillow again, and his chest heaved as he panted. His eyes were still on Kaden. “That was..intense,” he whispered, breathless.
Kaden smiles as he watches him, then moans as he feels Nicholas squeezing and massaging him with his orgasm, he had cupled his hand over him to prevent it from getting everywhere. "Nnn... And that was only the start Doc..." He slowly strokes him back to life and and leans over him, starting to move his hips "Mmm... I plan on thoroughly pleasing you tonight... You'll be lucky to stand tomorrow..." He cleans his hand on the sheet and moves to lay over him, wrapping his legs around his waist and picking up speed as he looks at him "Just let go Doc... Let me take you... Own you... Nnn..." He drops his hea and kisses him, a hungry, needy kiss, he nips his lip and twists their tongues, moaning softy.
Kaden was relentless, and Nicholas liked it. He brought his cock back to life with such ease. Of course Nicholas wanted him. That helped. Plus Kaden’s cock was buried inside him as well. Nicholas was more aroused that he ever thought possible. When he moved his hips, he groaned, feeling his cock slide in and out of his body. “You already..please me..Kaden. More than you know..just by..being here.” With Kaden’s prompting, he wraps his legs tighter around him. As he picks up his pace, Nicholas moans louder. His sac was already heavy once more. When Kaden kissed him, Nicholas wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer. He was torn. He wanted him to make love to him. Soft, sweet, and tender. Exactly what he was doing, but Nicholas also wanted him to outright fuck him as well. Kaden had said he was going thoroughly please him and that his orgasm was only the first. So he knew he would have his chance to let him know what he wanted. He breaks the kiss with Kaden’s words on his mind. “I’ll let go Kaden. I want take own me. Please. Let me please you. Let’.”
"Nnn..." He smirks at him and keeps his pace, enjoying the slow build and simple pleasure of pleasing a loved one, it felt so different from him with Mel, and not becasue Nicholas was male. "Promise me... Say you won't just disappear when I'm asleep... That you won't just leave without talking to me..." After everything Nicholas had confessed, he didn't think he could take him just not being there after, he kisses him softly again "Ok..." He reaches down and holds his hips as he thrusts a bit harder.
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