Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kevin begins to breathe normally again. “Can we just sit here..for a moment? I don’t think I can walk yet.” He was glad for the close contact. Mason hadn’t crossed his mind yet. “I’ve missed having you like this as well. You always know exactly how to push me that far.”

“Alright,” he replies, helping him down the hall. They enter the bathroom, and he helps to sit down. “I’ll get the water going, and then I’ll just be outside the door. I’m sure you can undress and take care of your shower, but if you need me, just call.” He reaches for the doorknob and smiles. “I did say I wouldn’t look.”
Jareth smiles and relaxes, rubbing his back "That makes two of us love..." He kisses his gently then chuckles softly "You know... My little angel... You made quite a mess... However will we get cleaned up..." He reaches up and cups his cheek softy.

Kaden sits and watches him start the water, he smirks slightly, he lets him get to the door before standing, his legs a bit stronger "And what if... I want you to look... What if I didn't want to shower alone... I may slip..." He reaches up up and starts to slowly remove his own shirt "Would you really leave me alone... Doctor..."
“I’m sure you can come up with something love,” he smirks. “Please. Lead me. Tell me. I am your willing lover. Always Jareth.” Jareth. He called him Jareth. Not love. “I spent my life loving you, and even in my death I watched over you and everyone you care about. I still want to spend my life with you Jareth. I love you that much.”

“Nicholas listens to him. His hand slowly releases the doorknob. “No,” he says. “I wouldn’t to slip. Of course not. I’ll..stay..if that’s..what you truly..want. Is it Kaden? Do you truly want stay? I’ll help you with..your shower. Would you to help you..undress?”
Jareth looks at him and smiles "Kevin..." He cups his cheek and rubs it softly "I never want another day without you again... I wanted so much to join you that day... To just end it all... Even if I didn't follow you..." He leans up and kisses him softly "But something kept stopping me... Or should I now say someone..." He looks down a moment "I know I'm making you share me... But with him around, my demon finally accepts you... Both of you..." He looks up into his eyes "There has to be a way to mate you both... I... I can't lose you again... You won't be able to stop me from joining you next time..." He kisses him again "If there was a way... Would... You try again, to be my mate... Even if you have to share the title..."

Kaden smiles softly as he looks at him and steps closer "I'd like that... If I can return the favour... But first..." He cups his cheeks and leans closer, he kisses him softly, licking his lips and moving his hands to his chest, working his shirt open.
He listens to him, his eyes filling with tears with every word. “It’s just a title love. All I want is you, and I don’t care if I have to share you. I know that you love me. Plus there will be moments like this one, where I have you all to myself. That’s all I need, and you’re all I want. So yes, Jareth, my love, I would be willing to try again. If you want me, I am here for you. I want you body, mind, soul, demon, all of you.” He kisses him as if he couldn’t wait any longer to do so.

He steps closer, and Nicholas feels everything slow down as Kaden steps closer. “Alright,” he whispers just before Kaden’s lips touch his. Nicholas kisses him back. When his hands moves to begin working his shirt open Nicholas whispers, “You won’t be alone tonight. I promise. Let me soothe you and take care of you.” His fingers work his pants open. As much as he wants to look down and take in the sight of him, he keeps his eyes on Kadens’.
Seeing Kevin cry, he tears up a little as well, he leans up an kisses his tears away then returns his almost desperate kiss, hold on him closer. "Mmm... I'll start looking... There has to be a way... I refuse to believe there isn't..." He holds him close and starts to relax, rubbing his back and growling softly, he kisses his cheek "Rest... Then I'll take us out of here..."

Kaden smiles "Always looking to be the care giver doc..." He kisses him again and back steps out of his jeans after they fall, gently pulling Nicholas with him, then works his pants open and pushes them down. "Who takes care of you..." He pulls him closer and lets their skin touch, he cups his cheek "Mmm... You feel nice... Are you ready to step in..." He keeps them close a little longer before slowly leading him into the shower and pulling him into another kiss.
“You’ll carry us out of here though. Right? Promise me no more teleporting. Love it’s far too draining on you. Please. Promise me. Then I’ll relax.”

Nicholas can feel his heart pounding in his chest. He had been with Kaden once, and the memory of that hadn’t been far from his mind since then. When he pulls him close and their skin touches, Nicholas can feel arousal grow. He’s glad Kaden moves to pull him into the shower, but there is no hiding his current state. The kiss surrounds him, and he wraps his arms around him.
He smiles at him "I promise... But I will be training myself soon, so it's not so draining anymore... I just haven't done it in so long..." He kisses him "But nothing like today for a long time..."

Kaden slowly breaks the kiss and enters the shower, he pulls him close again and reaches down between them, he wraps his fingers around him gently and strokes slowly "Well... Someone's excited... Would that be for me..." He rubs his head slowly and watches him "You want me again... Don't you Doc... Tell the truth..." He lets him go and moves his hands over his sides and back, moving to kiss and lick at his neck softly.
“Good,” he smiles. “Now. Do you want to go somewhere else? I don’t think spending the night in an alley is a good idea.”

At his touch, he can feel his cock throb. He groans as Kaden’s hand strokes his cock. “Yes,” he tells him, closing his eyes as his lip kiss his neck. “I want you Kaden. I know you’re hurting right now. Let me take that pain away. Please. Let me be here for you. She may not want you, but I do. Touch me,” he says reaching for his hand and placing it on his cheek. “Feel me. Kiss me.” He leans down gently kissing him. “Take me. I’ll stay the night, and in the morning, if you want me to go, I’ll go, but tonight I’ll stay.”
He smiles, "That little inn that Mason and I stayed at... I didn't really get to enjoy it before..." He kisses him "I'd like to change that... And it would give us a nice place to clean up... Relax... And have some more private time..." He rubs his back again "Mason is having his time... So I'll have my time... Getting to know my little angel all over again..." He leans closer and suckles a spot on his while his finger brushes over his nipple.

Kaden smiles and nips his neck slightly "I'm not the wham bam kind of guy..." He frowns a little "And I am hurting... Becasue of my own actions... And I can't blame her for hers..." He looks at him and smiles "Then you showed up... You didn't have to... But you did..." He picks up the soap and starts to slowly soap Nicholas up, ignoring the slight sting to the cuts on his hands.
“Oh yes love. Let’s go. I want to spend more time with you. Just you and I love. Think of it. We have all night to get to know one another again. All night for me to your little angel and you to be my love.” Jareth was right. Mason was somewhere having his own time doing whatever it was he was doing. For all he knew, he could be beating Kaden up or trying to talk Melanie into leaving him. The three of them could be having fun. The thought made him smile as he groaned at the feel of Jareth’s mouth.

“No. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply that you were that kind of man. I just….I just want you to know that I’m here for as long as you want me to be. I’m staying for the same reason I came here tonight. I want to. I wanted to see you. I wanted to know that you were alright, and if being with you is what you want, then I’m here for you because….I want to be. I want to be with you Kaden. Since we were together at the club, I can’t stop thinking about you. I just….can’t, and I don’t want to. So please,” he says reaching for his hand with the soap. “Let me.” His hands move to his body, slowly washing the soap over him. “You are so handsome. Breathtaking.” His fingers work the soap into his skin as they also massage him. His breathing catches as he looks at him. Finally he brings his eyes to meet Kaden’s. “I want you so much Kaden.”
Jareth smiles "Deal... Now let's get cleaned up and dressed..." He snaps his fingers and a few damp clothes appear in his hand "Nnn..." He slowly lifts Kevin and pulls from him "We'll stay there until Mason calls me... Or a week... Which ever comes first..." He kisses him and then starts to clean them up, he smirks "This was almost like when we met... You tried so hard to deny you felt anything for me... But I could smell different..." He looks at him "You hadn't 'come out'... Times as they were..." He smiles "Then I cornered you one night... In that ally... And kissed you..." He cups his cheek and rubs his thumb over his lips.

Kaden smiles at him and groans softly, enjoying his semi massage "Mmm... This will be a nice change from alone..." He stares into his eyes "I'm glad I could leave such a lasting impression..." He reaches up and cups his cheeks "You take care of me... And I'll take care of you... Ok Doc..." He leans closer and kisses him again as his hand finds his cock again, stroking it slowly.
He’s captivated by his words. “I remember. I tried so hard to keep my feeling a secret. I kept denying them, telling myself how wrong it was, and that I didn’t feel anything for you. You knew though. When your lips touched mine, something inside me was released, and I’ve never looked back. Never wanted to. You helped me love. You opened the door to this wonderful world, and I can never thank you enough. Even if I tried my whole life, I couldn’t, but I intend to try anyway.”

Nicholas pulls from the kiss, as Kaden touches him. He groans into his lips before kissing his cheek. He trails kisses along his jaw and to his neck. The shower had washed the soap from his body. Though he loves the feelings running through his body, Nicholas moves, freeing himself from Kaden. Slowly he kneels before him, watching the water cascade down his body. He begins to wash his legs from his ankles to his thighs. Stopping he looks up to him. “I’ll take care of. I promise.” He leans forward, allowing his lips to rest on his cock. There was a look in his eyes, and his expression screamed one question. ‘Can I?’ He wanted so much for some sign from Kaden that it was alright, and he could.
Jareth smiles "There's nothing to thank me for... Just being with me was thanks enough... Then when I told you what I was... The acceptance you showed... The love you continued to show..." He tosses the cloths once they were clean and moves to start dressing "I think we are even... Now we just get to enjoy each other..." He pulls him closer again "Be warned my angel... I intend to please you into a daze... I have a lot of years to catch up on..."

He looks at him, then reaches down and runs his fringers through his hair and gives a slight nod, Nicholas was still as so cute. "Thaere's no need to ask Sweety... Mmm..." He braces against the wall if the shower and watches him.
Kevin dresses, smiling, listening, to his love. “Well then. Let’s get this inn so you can go ahead and get started love.”

The only response he gives is to part his lips and take Kaden’s cock in his mouth. He’s so inexperienced, but Nicholas has a hunger, a geninue need for Kaden. That shows in his efforts. He softly, gently suckles him. His tongue flush against the underside of his shaft as he moves at a slow pace. The burning intensitiy of his gaze never leaves Kaden’s face. The soap slips from his fingers, and he runs his hands up his thighs. There’s a growin fevor, a need to his actions. He can’t get enough of the man filling his mouth and throat. Nicholas wants all of Kaden.
Jareth grins and finishes dressing, he moves closer to Kevin and pulls him close again "Hold on..." He picks him up, then jump up. He runs across the rooftops, jumping the gaps and holding Kevin close as he heads towards the forest inn.

Kaden tries to keep his gaze, but the care he took with him, it was too much and he closes his eyes and moans, the hand in his hair tightens just slightly "Nnn..." He pants for a few minutes then looks down at him again "Nice... Nnn... Nice and slow..." He smirks at him, he could see the hunger in his eyes and shudders, it seems Nicholas was finding out what he liked, "Mmm... Just like that Doc..." He gently shows him how to bob on him.
He loves the feeling of Jareth running with him. Weightless and safe, secure in his arms. “I love you,” he whispers, not even sure if he can hear him. “Never le me go. Promise.”

His own arousal grows each time his soft lips speak to him. Nicholas moves, guided by the hand and words of the man he wants. His heart races, and a strange, giddy, tingling feeling begins to take over. It’s new to him, and he’s excited. Nicholas moves his mouth completely down Kaden’s shaft and holds him there in his throat. As he slowly withdraws, his tongue traces the skin of his cock and licks across the tip. “You taste wonderful Kaden. I can’t get enough.” He moves to lick his sac, suckling him as his hand strokes Kaden. Every inch of his body was going to be shown attention from him tonight. Kaden would know exactly how much he was wanted.
Jareth holds him tighter and smiles 'I love you too... And I'll never let you go... Never again...' He glances down at him before looking back at their path, they were coming up to the trees, he jumps down and runs across the last street. "Mmm... Love that smell..." The scent of trees and nature soon surrounded them as he jumped from tree to tree, heading up the mountain, soon running across the ground when the trees thinned slightly. "There..." He stops them several yards away and sets him down "Shall we..." He takes his hand and then walk up to the entrance.

Kaden shudders again and grips his hair a bit tighter again "Nnn... Fuck..." He tips his head back and moans, he shifts his feet to help keep himself up "Damn D-Doc..." He looks down at him "I'm... Fuck I'm close..." He was panting and moaning, his legs were shaking, he closes his eyes again "Nnn... Here... I come!" He leans against the wall slightly as his body shakes.
They were there quickly. Kevin had to smile. That always seemed to be their way. They moved quickly. After that first kiss, it wasn’t long before Kevin was in his bed. Even sooner after that, Jareth was in his heart. As they neared the door, he squeezed his hand tightly and stopped him. “Yes Jareth. Please. Find a way. I want to be your mate.”

Nicholas wasn’t sure if he wanted to keep going until Kaden reached his climax. He wanted to feel him, all of him, that night. In his mind, if Kaden came, he wouldn’t be able to have what he wanted, but as the man stood there in front of him, and as he tasted him, feeling his reactions, hearing the sounds coming from him, Nicholas knew it wasn’t all about what he wanted. This was about Kaden, and the desire to please him was stronger than his own needs. He milked his cock and gently made sure he was clean. His lips trailed along his thigh as he looked up at him.
Jareth turns to look at him as they stop "You have my word... I'll find a way... We will be together always..." He cups his cheek and kisses him, then heads inside, he walks up to the desk and smiles, asking for private spring room for at least a week, even agreeing to pay in advance.

Kaden gasps softly and moans quietly, he then slowly sinks to his knees, cupping his face, he looks at him a moment, then kisses him "Mmm..." He slides his hands up and into his hair, pulling him closer to kiss deeper. Nicholas wanted him, just for being him, no tricks or lying, didn't want to know about his past because that wasn't who he was anymore. It was a powerful feeling, being wanted, a tear slips down his face and he hopes its mistaken for water from the shower. He slowly pulls back from the kiss, lifting his hands "They clean enough Doc... Cause I wanna take you to bed..."
He smiles. “Okay.” As Jareth talks to the lady behind the desk about the room, he looks around. ‘Jareth said he didn’t get to enjoy this place with Mason. Is that why he’s bringing me here? He wants to replace his bad memory with a good one with me, or is he trying to relive his night with Mason? Am I some substitute for Mason tonight here?’ He shakes his head. ‘No. I’m not a substitue for Mason. He loves me for being me.’

His eyes sweep to his hands. Nicholas’ heart skips a beat as he mentions taking him to bed. His arousal was clearly obvious. The cuts looked clean. He holds his hands, running his thumb across the exposed cuts. “Yeah. They’re clean enough. I want to dry your skin. Please. I want to..see every inch of your body. I want to touch it.”
He walks up behind him and hugs him, kissing his neck "Are you ready my little Angel..." He dangles the key out before his face. "Mmm... Cause I'm more then ready..." He pulls him back against him and lets him feel just how ready he was, he then takes his hand and leads him to their room, he had requested one that was the furthest from anyone else, he knew how loud his angel could be.

Kaden smiles and turns the water off, then stands and helps him up "Towels are in the cupboard over there..." He opens the door and points as he moves over to the sink, looking over his hands under the light. He looks up at himself in the mirror and smiles slightly, then looks at Nicholas behind him in the mirror, it was quite looking forward to tonight, the good doctor was quite passionate.
Nicholas doesn’t speak as Kaden moves around behind him. He opens the cupboard and takes out two towels. The first he drapes over the towel rod. The second he opens up and turns to face to Kaden. He’s looking into the mirror. His back is turned to him. So Nicholas approaches, rubbing the opened towel across his back. He takes in every detail, every curve of his muscles, as he wipes the towel across his skin. The water disappears, and all that’s left is the chiseled body of the man who has his cock raging hard. He parts his lips, wanting to kiss him, but instead he continues. His hands cover his tight, toned ass, and Nicholas closes his eyes, shuddering. Kneeling down once more, he dries the back of his legs. “Turn around,” he tells him, looking up, waiting to see his body.
"Mmm..." He smiles at him through the mirror as he starts to dry him off, he could feel Nicholas feeling over his body and exploring him. "Kay..." He slowly turns and looks down at him "I can see you want to do something... Tell me..." He smiles and watches him, shifting as he needs him to, he was concentrating on his task.
“I..I do want to do something Kaden, but it’s not something I can tell you. You have to tell me what you want. What I want is to be here for you, to please you. Anything we do will please me. All I want, all I truly want, is to feel you. Your kisses,” he smiles, “send electricity through me. I’m more alive then than I have ever been. When your fingers touch my skin, I can’t breathe. The thought of you..ta-taking me….it….I..can’t describe it. There aren’t words for it. It’s like..I’ve..found something I’ve been looking for..something I’ve been..missing. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s the truth. I never knew anything could feel like this. The only thing I know to do is try to get close to you and feel whatever I can when I can. So tonight,” he slowly stands, his legs shaking as he begins to dry Kaden’s chest, his eyes shifting up to his eyes, “I just want you.”
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