Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Mason’s eyes widen as hears him. “Boy,” he softly mumbles. “Baby,” Marissa begins. “Baby boy,” he says looking at her. “Baby boy.” She shakes her head, on the verge of tears. “No. Please. Baby let’s just keep going.” The wolf appears in front of them, and they both freeze. “No,” he yells pushing Marissa behind him. “Take me. Leave her alone. I….,” he pauses looking into his eyes. “I….beautiful eyes.”
“No,” Marissa says stepping beside him once more. “Get back Marissa,” he tells her, his voice commanding. “I don’t want you hurt. Take me instead you beast. Leave her alone.”
“No Mason! I love you!”
“I love you too Melanie. Now get back!” Marissa just stares. Mason doesn't even seem to have noticed what he called her. She looks to Jareth, her anger clearly growing in her expression.
Jareth continues to growl and snarl until he pushes Mari back, he looks at Mari as she tries to step closer to Mason again, he snaps his jaw at her. He looks back to Mason and stares, his eyes glowing a soft red and his fun starts to settle down, still growling he takes a step closer to Mason. 'Remember me... Us...' The voice is soft and light in his mind, he only growls loud when Mari tries to pull him away again, he's now almost face to with Mason. 'My baby boy... Your Sir wants you back...' With one last warning glare back to Mari, he licks him, then leans in to nuzzle him with his head, willing to take any pain he might cause.
He touches him, and as soon as he does, flashes of the day the wolf showed up at his home flood his mind. The words, ‘baby boy,’ and ‘Sir,’ repeat in his mind. Mason can’t quit grasp it. The name that’s on the tip of his tongue. Marissa can see it. She can feel it. He’s almost there. “Mason,” she shouts. “If you forgot, ask yourself why. Why would you allow anyone to help you forget? Was it that bad? If it was good, you wouldn’t have wanted to forget it. Remember that. Now push this demon aside, and let’s get on the damn plane.” She looks at Jareth, her anger seething. She speaks to him mentally as she doesn’t want Mason to hear. ‘You lost. Now move aside. Go back to your boy toy. Leave him alone. He wanted to forget. If he didn’t, I couldn’t have done it. It doesn’t work the same for me as it does you. I can only work with the willing. He wanted to forget all of you. It was too painful for him. He’s not in pain anymore. Do you want him to suffer? If you love him half as much as you say you do, then let him go so he can be happy.’ Mason is standing there confused and still struggling. 'I can make him forget all of this. I can make it seem like a bad dream. Just go Jareth. Everybody wins this way. You get your boy toy, the slut gets her kidnapper, they get a family, Mason is happy, and I have a meal whenever I want. Now go.'
He licks Mason once more before he hears Mari and turns to her, growling darkly again, he gently pushes Mason aside and advances on her. 'he may have wanted to forget some of it... I could accept that... But never that baby! And not me... Not after finally staking his claim...' He moves closer to her and bares his fangs again, tail swishing behind him, he speaks to Mason 'You were hurt and confused... And overwhelmed with the news from the doctor... You had almost lost Mel and the babies... You spent time with Kaden...' He continues to walk to Mari, not letting her through.
“Staking his claim,” she says aloud. “He is not a demon. He is a human. One you accidentally began to mate with. You told him it was a mistake. You broke his heart. He met you the night he was going to kill his wife for cheating on him with the man who kidnapped her. Then, after he fell in love with you, you accidentally start the mating process with him, and to make matters worse, you took back a former lover that you killed. If what you feel for him is love, then he’s better off not remembering it. You think it was an accident to mate with him, but you’re perfectly alright making him share you with a lover you killed when you tried to mate with him. I have loved him since the day I met him. Years ago, back in school, I loved him the day he said hi to me. With me, he won’t have to share anyone with anyone. You want him to remember his child? Fine. Those memories can be uncovered, but it’s only going to confuse him unless….unless he thinks the child is our’s. Don’t you see? He can be happy. I thought you loved him.” Mason is listening, growing more confused by the minute. When she talks about him killing his former lover, he looks at Kevin. “Killed,” he whispers, the fear clear. “No,” Kevin whispers coming closer. “It was an accident.” Mason backs away from him. “He..killed you? He’s a..killer. No,” he shakes his head. He looks over to see the wolf advancing on her. One last look to Kevin, and Mason turns heading away from all of them. 'What was Marissa talking about? It makes no sense. These memories, these feelings, none of it makes any sense.'
Jareth growls louder as he starts to twist their past to suite her own needs, he lifts his paw and smacks we across the hall before changing back. "We weren't ready for the mate bond yet... And it wasn't a mistake, it was an accident... It was done too soon... He knows this! I was scared... I didn't want it to go wrong again..." He makes a fist and starts towards her again "We've been through the too much for him to just walk away without any of it!" He pulls her up by her shirt and slams her against the wall, his eyes blessing red, his demon screaming for her death. "Yes... He shares me with Kevin... I'm a selfish bastard... But as much as I love them both... I didn't bring Kevin back... In fact I told Mason he was enough for me!" He growls again and presses her more to the wall, hearing it start to crack, he glances in Mason's direction to see him leaving "You gave him to me! You brought Kevin back to see me happy... At the cost of your own happiness... But I told you I loved you! I can never repay you for the gift you gave me... I won't let everything you fought for be tossed aside!" He wraps a hand around her throat to prevent her from speaking again.
Marissa yelps as she’s slammed across the hall by his massive paw. When she hits the wall, she’s nearly knocked unconscious. “That’s what I said. You accidentally did it.” Jareth kept talking. She doesn’t make a sound as he grabs her and presses her into the wall. There is no emotion on her face until he mentions being a selfish bastard. She grins. “Then don’t be a selfish bastard. Let him go.” Her eyes shift to Mason to see him leaving. His hand wraps around her throat, and Marissa instantly grabs him, trying to pry him off. Mason turns around to see the scene. The color drains from his face. “Killer. You’re….killing her.” He rushes over to them, reaching for his hand. “Please,” he pleads. “Don’t kill my wife.” He looks into Jareth's eyes. His confusion still growing. He doesn't understand what he's feeling. "Beautiful eyes."
Jareth squeezes tighter and looks at her, just allowing her to breathe "She's not your wife! And if she allowed you your memories... You'd know how much she's hurting you..." He looks at Mason and stares, his hands tremble "Baby think... Please..." his growling stops and his eyes grow sad, he was losing him and his chest was getting tight. "You fought my demon for me... You took me on that rooftop... Remember..."
“Demon,” he questions, his voice shaking. “I….took you….on a rooftop?” He looks at Marissa, his confusion showing. “I don’t like men. I’m sorry. I love her. She’s my wife. I’ve never,” he hesitates as he looks back at him, “felt anything..for before. I’m sorry. Melanie, please let him know somehow,” he stops when he shifts his gaze back to her. “Marissa….not….Melanie. Why..why did you her? You’re my wife. Not her. I one might be her, but then I met you. I asked you to marry me. She married..some other..guy. Kaden. Yeah. She married Kaden. They’re happy too. Just like us.” Marissa actually began to feel sorry for him, but she had come too far to go back. ‘He’s happy Jareth! Let us go! You kissed him and talked to him. His mind is making the choice to forget you. Let him go. If you love him, let him go.’ Mason reaches for his arm, and gently he rests his hand on Jareth’s forearm. “Please. Let my wife go.” Kevin steps closer, touching Jareth's other arm "Love please. Maybe you should let her go, but please Sir," he looks at Mason. "If he lets her go, if we let you both go, will you do one thing for him? Kiss him. Just once, and maybe he'll see you're not who he thinks. Then he'll feel better about letting you both go." Kevin was hoping that one real kiss from him would be enough to wake Mason back up.
He wants so badly to squeeze tighter, to feel her blood on his claws, but at Kevin's suggestion, he drops her, let's her go and steps away. "I'll do it... I'll let..." He bites his lip "I'll let you go... Both..." There was a slight growl to his voice "Both of you... Just one kiss... Let me say goodbye..." He was holding back a snarl, his demon was screaming, he'd most likely have to be alone after this, he wouldn't risk hurting Kevin again. "Please..." He'd thank Kevin later for giving him one last chance, and to at least say good bye.
Mason reaches for her. “Are you alright baby,” he asks. She can only nod as her throat hurts. Marissa wants to stop him from doing it, but Mason gently helps her up and leads her a few steps away. “I’ll be right back,” he tells her. “I’m true to my word. You know that baby.” He kisses her forehead, even though she’s shaking her head. He heads back over to Jareth. “I have to say thank you. You gave me back my wife. I’m not into guys, but I am true to my word. Anybody that really knows me knows that.” He smiles at him. “So let’s do this, and get it over with.” He leans forward, pressing his lips to Jareth’s. What was intended to be a quick peck on the lips slowly becomes more. His hands rest on Jareth’s arms, and Mason’s lips part as his tongue searches for Jareth’s. There’s a stirring in his body. He feels his cock begin to react, and he pulls back. Looking away, he can’t believe he was aroused. “See. I’m..not him. I’m sorry,” he says quickly turning away and heading towards Marissa. He grabs her and kisses her, trying to make himself forget how Jareth’s kiss made him feel. Much to his shock, he doesn’t feel the same with her. “Come on baby. We’ve got a plane to catch,” he says putting his arm around her and starting to walk away. She turns looking over her shoulder at Jareth. Marissa is shocked. ‘He should have remembered Jareth. He really doesn’t want to remember. I’ll take good care of him.’ She gives him a smirk before looking forward once more and snuggling into Mason's body.
He watches him closely as he takes Mari away before turning back to him and stepping closer, he breathes him in deeply and leans into the kiss. "Nnn..." He was abou to deepen it like he knew he wanted him to but he pulls away, he could smell his arousal, he was pushing it away but it was there. He watches as Mason walks away, and kisses Mari, he could smell it wasn't the same, but still he refused to believe, he watches him walk further away and his knees buckle. "D-Dammit!" He was uttered softly as he slowly falls to his knees, his claws digging into the floor and a tear rolls down his cheek. "..." He didn't know what to say, there was nothing to say, he promised to let them go, 'I... I love you... Baby boy...' He whispers softly and brokenly into mason's mind.
He pulls Marissa closer as she snuggles into him. The gate is in sight. As the words come into his mind, he smiles. ‘I love you too Sir,’ he thinks. It came so easily, so naturally. Memories begin to flood his mind. Their first night, the baths, the inn, the hospital, Melanie, his baby, Kaden, Kevin, it all comes flooding back to him. He even remembers the hotel and what Marissa did to him. Then the memories of the rooftop hit him. He hears Jareth’s words again. ‘You took me on the rooftop.’ He stops. “Baby are you okay,” Marissa asks. “I took him on the rooftop.”
“What are you talking…..” She stops as he looks at her. “You….took those memories from me. Why?” She looks at him knowing he knows. “Because you were hurting.”
“Yes. I was hurting, but every pain I feel,” he smiles, “Jareth makes me feel a thousand times more love, more pleasure, and it’s worth it. I’ll take any kind of pain to feel his love. I’ll share him with Kevin. Kevin makes him happy, and his happiness makes me happy. I have a baby, two wonderful lovers, Melanie, and even Kaden in my life now.”
“You’ll be a freak Mason. Society won’t accept you.”
“I don’t care about society. I care about them.”
“Look into my eyes Mason. Please baby.” He shakes his head. “No Marissa.” She grabs his face and forces him to look. “You will look at me, or I’ll go after Melanie and those babies again. Now fucking look at me,” she tells him softly. His eyes met hers’. “You want this. Don’t you?” He nods. “Good. Now relax.” She begins her process of making him forget. ‘I….love you….Sir. I won’t….remember you….soon, but know….I….love you….Sir, and I….remember.” A tear rolls down his face. “You’re my….wife,” he whispers, fighting to hold on to his memory of Jareth and Kevin.
He was about to break down when he gasps, eyes wide hearing him answer him "Baby..." He was still connected to him, he could feel Mari weaving her fingers back into his mind. The growl that left his throat was dark and sinister, he could feel Mason fighting her with everything he had, he snaps. "No you don't!" He had transformed and was halfway down the hall before Kevin could blink, his eyes red as blood, his demon was in control, and it wanted blood. He races to them and lunged at Mari, knocking Mason away and pinning Mari to the floor, he growls darkly at her and bares his fangs, inching closer to her neck.
Mason didn’t really feel Jareth knock him away from Marissa. His mind was that focused on what she was saying while still trying to hold on to Jareth. He shook his head as he sat on the floor. “Mason!” Her voice was like a slap in the face. “Help me!” She had not managed to fully cover his memories, and they warmed him. “You threatened my child. You nearly killed Melanie. No Marissa. I won’t help you. I still remember.” She breaks out into a smile as she looks at Jareth. “You won. You have him still. You have everything you want, but I’ll always be here demon. That thing that goes bump in the night? That’s me in the shadows. I always lurk, waiting for the right man to come along and feed. This city is full of men for feed from. I don’t need Mason. Our paths may cross again someday. Who knows? If Melanie has a son, perhaps someday I may feed from him.”
"Not if you're not breathing..." The demon projected his voice, his fangs now resting on the throat "Jareth may have be able to hold me back at Mason's kiss... But watching you control him like that..." A loud growl rips free again "He never had to use my powers on him to make him love him... Can you say the same Marissa..." His eyes flash green, Jareth trying to push through "Even now he wants me to spare you... But he's not the one in charge here... You tried to a mate from me... Your life should be forfeit!"
Mason watched. Part of him wanted to call out and stop Jareth, but she had just threatened his child. “Kill me? Is that what you’re gonna do? Right here in an airport? You’ve been lucky not to have been noticed so far. A dead body will draw attention. Even if you drag me away, the blood alone will be noticed. I’ve got a job demon. They’ll notice if I don’t show up, and a missing person’s report will be filed. What happens when they see me walking in here happy with Mason only to be dragged by a wolf that was never seen on camera entering? They’ll think he’s the wolf, a demon, and they’ll go after him. Do you want that demon? Hmmmm? So get off me so I can get back to the city. I. Am Hungry,” she hisses at him.
The wolf pulls back from her throat and gives a wide dog grin "You confuse me with Jareth..." He transforms back to human form, his eyes still blood red and his fangs and claws long "People go missing everyday... There one minute, gone the next..." He lifts her off the floor by her neck, he glances back at his men "Don't wait up..." With that they were gone in a small puff of smoke.

Several minutes later they could be found on a small island in the middle of the ocean, he tosses her to the sand and glares at her. "I should kill you... Let you blood flow over my claws as I tear you to pieces..." He looks around the island "But maybe this is more fitting..." He looks back at her "But I won't hesitate if I ever smell you again..."
As they disappear, Mason looks to Kevin. “Where did they go? What is he going to do?” Kevin shakes his head. “I have no idea, but I think we should get out of here. He’ll know where to find us. He always does.” He reaches for Mason’s hand, and Mason takes it. They quickly leave the airport and enter into the parking garage. Mason stops, pulling Kevin to a stop as well, when he sees Marissa’s car. "Her car. They'll find it, and they'll start looking for her. She has the keys."

Marissa looks around the island. It’s clear it’s deserted. “You can’t be serious? You said you should kill me. If you leave me here, you will be killing me! I’ll starve here Jareth! What will you lover think knowing you killed me? If you’re going to kill me, then just do it now.”
He growls at her again and smirks "And I'm supposed to care? After the way you treated my men and their family... My pack..." He steps closer to her again "Those pups are innocent... And you tried to kill them before they even lived... So enjoy your new home... And rot in it!" He steps back and vanishes again, not wanting to hear her voice again. He floats in limo for a short time "I should have killed her... You know that..." The demon spoke to the air -She will die... Alone in that island... And I can face my new family with clean hands...- Jareth speaks softly from within "You grew soft... Spending your life with humans..." -Don't knock them too hard... They can be quite loyal... And I know you approve of at least two...- the demon was silent for a few minutes "We'll be there soon... When I take my power back... You'll be weak... Do trust them enough..." -With my life... You should know that...-

Several minutes later, Jareth appears near Mason and Kevin, demon still in full control, eyes blood red and claws and fangs long. He looks at them "Let's see if he's right..." He says softly to them, then his eyes fade to green and his claws and fangs return to normal, he blinks a few times, looking at them. "..." He was about to say something, but his eyes rolled back and he fell to the floor, the power drain too strong to fight, he was out cold.
When he appears, Mason and Kevin both rush to him. It was a good thing too. They catch him, making sure he doesn’t hurt himself. “What the…..”
“It drains him. His demon,” Kevin tells him. Mason looks around quickly. “Where is she?” Kevin shrugs. “I don’t know, and I don’t care. She’s gone. That’s all that matters.”
“No it isn’t! Her car is still here. He killed you. Do you want that for someone else? What if his demon ripped her apart somewhere? You know what that’s like!” Mason gently rests Jareth’s body on the ground before he stands up. Running his fingers through his hair he begins to pace. “Calm down Mason. It’s gonna be alright.”
“How can you say that? We don’t know if he….killed her. She told me he was a killer. I already knew that. He’s still killing! What happens if I make him made Kevin? Hmmmmm? What happens if you make him mad? Will he kill us too?”
“Mason please. Try to relax. We have to move him somewhere.”
“Well we can’t use the car I came in. Marissa has the keys. Do you wanna break a window to open the doors? Yeah. That won’t draw attention when her car is found. You two didn’t come in a car. So where do you suggest we take him?”
“I don’t know. What about Nicholas and Kaden. Can’t we call one of them.” Suddenly Mason remembers his time with Kaden, and his cheeks blush. “No. I can’t..I don’t call Kaden right now, and Nicholas is a doctor. I’m sure he’s busy.”
“Well we have to do something.”
“You two should have thought about this before you came! I love him, but I didn’t have all this stress, this worry! Love….Damnit!” He turns punching a concrete pillar in the parking garage. “Are you..upset..that we made you remember?”
“No! I’m upset because I don’t know what to do. My lover is here, unconscious, and I can’t do a damn thing to help him. I’m helpless. Again. Just like when she….Come on. I’m gonna carry him out of here and somewhere else. We can take him to an alley and let him sleep this off.” He leans down and picks Jareth up and carries him outside behind the parking garage. After he sets him down, he slides down the wall and looks over at his sleeping lover.
Everything hurt, he couldn't move, he could hear echoes of voices but not make anything out, he felt weightless for a few minutes, someone must be carrying him. He couldn't even manage a smile, he felt completely drained, not even able to speak mentally, he could smell Mason, so close to him, he must be the one carrying him. He was trying his hardest to wake up, but he was just so tired, he felt the ground beneath him again and could also smell Kevin now too, he forced out a small smile, they were both ok, with that, he finally fell into a deep sleep.
“You mentioned feeling helpless again. Like with her. You had to know Melanie wasn’t your fault.” Mason shakes his head. “Yeah.”
“Kaden never hurt her. He used drugs, sure, but he never physically hurt her.”
“Drugs, but he never…..wait. How do you know that? Were you there?!” Mason’s anger flared, and he was about to stand and head for Kevin when Kevin spoke. He threw his hands up defensively. “No! I was an angel then. Remember? I saw what was going on, but I couldn’t intervene. I’m sorry.”
“So you stood by and watched this man drug my wife and keep her away from me? I brought you back! I stepped aside to give you the chance at happiness with Jareth you wanted! Even now I share him with you, and you watched my wife go through whatever he put her through?!” He turned and punched the wall he had been resting against. “Mason, please don’t be angry with me. I had no choice.”
“What did he do to her? What exactly did he do to her? Tell me. NOW!” Kevin jumps at his scream. “He..drugged her. It was a drug to arouse her. It clouded her mind. She could only think straight after she climaxed. He brainwashed her into thinking she had been in a coma after a house fire. He convinced her she was his wife, and you were part of a dream world her mind created while she was in her coma.”
“What,” Mason asks turning around. “Then when you found her at the mall, she remembered everything and was going to leave with you. Kaden knocked you out and took her. It all started again. He convinced her of that. The next day she thought it was the day of the mall trip. When she got there, she found out it was a day later than she thought. She panicked. She thought she lost a day by having another episode. She freaked out in the mall.” Mason’s face grew angry. “He let her think that? He let her think she was going crazy?” Kevin just stood there. “Stay with him,” was all he said as he took off. “Mason! Where are you going?”
They had been alone in the room for a few minutes when Kaden stands and starts to pace at the end of the bed, looking at his feet and twisting his hands behind his back. "Melanie... What... What can you remember from our time alone... Before you remembered Mason..." He moves to the window and looks out it, he couldn't look at her at the moment, too scared about what he was about to do.
Melanie watched him. She was curious as to why he was acting the way he was. “That’s an odd question M’lord,” she smiled. “I don’t….I never really tried to remember. I remember one night with a waiter at a restaurant,” she blushes. “We had fun in the park that night. I remember walking with you at a park and feeding the ducks. From the time I went missing, I only have a few memories here and there. I guess I’m blocking them, but I….I’m not sure why. I’m afraid to find out why I would block memories with you. M’lord? Are you alright?”
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