Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

He looks down at Kevin when he makes him stop "Remember... How I almost mated Mason... Well we still have a faint connection... Or we did..." He holds Kevin's arms to keep himself grounded, he closes his eyes a moment "It's not gone... But it suddenly... I don't know how to discribe it... It feels cold..." He looks at him "It's like I can sense him... But he... The love he had... It's just... Just gone..." He's still shivering slightly and a tear falls "Something's wrong..."
"Whoa," he says holding him firmly. "Relax my love. There is now way Mason's love for you is just gone. He wouldn't stop loving you. There has to be an explanation. We'll figure it out. Alright. Why don't you call him?"

Mason pulls the car into the driveway. "I love you," she whispers to him. "I love you too baby." She runs her fingers through his hair. "Why don't we take a vacation? You're off from your job right now. You love working for my father. He'll extend your time off. We could just take the next flight out. Doesn't matter where it's going. We'll just pack and take the next flight. What do you say?" He laughs. "What if it's for some crowded city?" She giggles. "Alright. We'll take the next flight out to a nice place." He smiles. "You're serious." Leaning in, she kisses his lips. "I'm serious my love." He reaches up, caressing her face. "Alright then baby. Let's go inside and pack."
Jareth takes a few deep breaths and holds him back, even pulling him close to sniff at his neck a few moments. He calms down slowly, the sudden sensation of their connection going 'cold' had thrown him for a loop and shocked him. He pulls back and looks at Kevin, leaning close and kissing him softly "Thank you... You always could calm me down..." He rests twit foreheads together a moment before pulling away and pulling out his phone, he hits Mason's number and waits, holding Kevin's hand.
Kevin breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Jareth calm down. He hated seeing him that way. "That's it love," he whispers when Jareth takes out his phone. "Call him."

Mason hears his phone ring and pulls away from Marissa. Looking at the number, he doesn't recognize it. "Who is it baby?" He shakes his head. "I don't know. Probably somebody trying to sell me something," he teases. Hitting the button, he answers. "Hello? Whoever this is, I'm not interested in buying anything. So don't waste your time with some sales pitch. It won't work. I don't need anything. In fact, I'm about to take a vacation with my beautiful wife. So I'm sorry you took the time to call me. Go to the next number on your list. Alright?"
Jareth was about to answer when he started talking first, "W-Wife?! And what do you mean whoever this is... It's Jareth... Where are you?" He was getting worried, he didn't sound right and what did he mean by vacation "Baby... Are you ok... Tell me where you are and I'll come get you... Please... Melanie's waiting for you too..." He glances at Kevin.
"Jareth," he questioned, his eyes widening. Marissa looked over at him quickly, worried. "Baby? Melanie? I think you have the wrong number." Mason hangs up, shakes his head, and looks over at Marissa. "Strange. It was some guy, Jareth, and he was calling me baby. He wanted to know where I was. Said Melanie was waiting for me." He laughs. "Melanie. I haven't heard that name since highschool. I thought she was gonna be the one, but nope. It was you baby," he tells her leaning closer to kiss her lips. She relaxes. When the kiss breaks, she tells him, "come on baby. Let's go pack."
"You go ahead. I'm gonna check the car and make sure everything is good with it before we leave."
"Alright baby," she tells him before climbing out. He watches her go inside the house before climbing out as well. "Now let's see how much oil is in here."
"No... Wait Mason don't... Dammit..." He pulls his phone down and redials "Pick up, pick up... Mason... Please don't hang up... I need you to listen to me..." He waits for a dial tone, we. He doesn't get one he continues "Listen... I don't know what's happened... But something isn't right with you... Who is your wife... Are you talking about Melanie?" He needed something to go on, he was hoping for any clues. "Where are you right now..."
He's under the hood when he hears his phone again. Reaching for it, he laughs at the number. The man on the other end asks him not to hang up. He takes a deep breath and listens. "You're a persistent one. I'll give you that, but don't did you know my name? Look. If you've got my name and number on some list, cross me off it. I don't appreciate this. Who my wife is, is none of your damn business. You're records must be old, or you've got me and somebody else confused. I didn't marry Melanie. I married Marissa. So don't call here again. You got me," he asks, his anger flaring. "Oh, and one more thing. Something isn't right with me? Something isn't right with you and whoever you work for. Getting my personal information and calling me? To make it worse, you got the wrong info! Have a nice life loser!" He hangs up and stares at his phone. "Weirdo."
"Marissa!?" He shouts when he hears the name and his eyes get dark, he puts the phone away when he hangs up and was starting to growl softly, that bitch was still fucking with him. "I'll kill her... No more outs... She's dead!" His growl was getting louder and his claws and fangs were getting longer, his demon wanted blood. His eyes were a deep green with a tint of red around the edges, they glance around the 'room' and focus on the stairs, he moves to step closer to them.
"Jareth," Kevin calls to him. "Please baby calm down. You're....scaring me a little. He'll be alright. We'll find them, get him away from her, and he'll be fine. Just please calm down." He moves closer to him, and his hand slowly reaches for his shoulder.

The front door open, and Marissa is standing there smiling. "Come on baby. We'll have to hurry to the airport to catch the next flight out. How does a warm, sandy, clear, blue ocean beach sound?" His smile grows as he looks at her. "Wonderful baby. You know what? Leave the bags. You can buy new clothes. Me too. Just grab your purse. Let's get out of this city." She grins and grabs her bag before rushing out to him. "Have I told you how much I love you today?" He sweeps her off her feet, holding her. "More than I deserve. More than I deserve. You ready baby?"
"Baby. I like the sound of that word from your lips. Maybe by the time we get back home, I'll be carrying your baby."
He could hear Kevin speaking to him, but it sounded muffled and far away, he feels someone touch his shoulder and looks to back at him. He growls louder and stares at Kevin, his eyes flash their normal green a moment and he pulls away, slamming his back against the wall. "Stay back!" His voice was deep with a growl, he fists his hands and holds his head, he stares at Kevin, growling, his eyes flashing to normal, then slowly the red fades away. Slowly he slides down the wall to sit on the floor, panting and limp, his head hanging low.
"Baby," Kevin whispers as he slowly approaches him. "What happened?"

Marissa jumps in the car holding her purse up. "I've got it baby." He smiles starting the car up. "Then we're off!" Mason backs the car out of the driveway and heads towards the airport. Marissa looks out the window. 'You should have left me alone Jareth. At least you still have Kevin.'
He was panting softly and tips his head back, resting it against the wall, he looks at Kevin "He... Was angry..." He smirks slight "Fed off my own anger and hurt... Tried to take over..." He lifts his hand to see his claws back to normal "But I heard your voice... And couldn't risk hurting you... Again..." He smiles and reaches up slowly, pulling him into his lap and holding him tight. "Mari has him... She's done something and he doesn't know me... She's taking him... We have to find them..."
“Taking him? Her again,” he asks, shaking his head. “Alright love. We’ll find them. We’ll stop her and get him back.” Kevin said these things as he tried to comfort him even though his fear still lingered, and he had not idea where to start looking. “We’ll just sit here untl you’re ready to move.” He snuggles close to him. His heart was racing. Kevin tried to push his fears completely aside. Even though it was so long ago, the memories of when Jareth killed him are still very clear.

They’re sitting at a traffic light when Marissa looks back over to him. “Why don’t we leave your cell phone in the car? There’s really no need for you to take it with you. I’ll leave mine too.” He looks at her with a questioning expression. “What if we need to make a call while we’re on the road on our vacation?” She leans close to him. “Who says we’re even leaving the hotel room? We are working on a baby."
Jareth held him closer and kisses along his neck "I'm sorry baby... I didn't mean to scare you..." He could smell his fear, it was faint but there, he tips his chin up an looks at him "You could have run... I would have understood... I never want... What I did... To happen again..." He leans in and kisses him softly, licking his lips softly and growling lightly. "I'll give you the option... Come with me... Or stay here... But if you come... You have to know..." He looks down "I may end up killing her... My demon is calling for blood..."
Jareth's words were powerful. Kevin knows he's telling the truth. "I want to go with you. I'll do anything to make sure you're alright."

They pull into the airport parking lot. As they get out of the car, Mason holds up his phone for her to see before tossing it back inside the car. "No need for it." She laughs. As they head inside, he slips his arm around her. "I love you Marissa." Grinning she tells him, "I love you too baby."
He smiles at him and kisses him again "I love you... So much..." He rubs his cheek as he pulls away "Just promise me... If he does come out... You stay away... I don't... I don't think he wants to hurt you anymore... But just to be safe..." He holds him a few minutes longer before helping them stand "There is no time to waist... I'm sure they are going to fly..." He pulls Kevin close and kisses him deeply as they vanish from the stairwell, only to reappear in the parking garage at the airport. "Nnn..." He stumbles back a few steps, breaking the kiss "I'm gonna... Have to practice that again" he leans against a pillar to catch his breath.
Kevin has to fight to catch his own breath. Teleporting takes his breath away. “It’s okay. Take as you need.” He pats his shoulder as he bends slightly at the waist. “Mason! What are you doing?” The voice is familiar and loud ringing out. Kevin grabs Jareth’s shoulder. Mason had paused at the door and picked Marissa up. “I’m carrying my lovely wife inside. We’re on way to our vacation, and we’re gonna make a baby,” he shouts. “Mason! You don’t have to tell everyone.”
“I want everybody to know! I love my wife, and we’re gonna have a baby!” With those words, he slips through the door of the airport.
“Love. Did you hear that?” He looks over to Jareth watching for his reaction.
Jareth looks up at the sound and growls, he makes a fist to control his demon "Not only is she taking from me... But from Mel..." He turns to Kevin and kisses his cheek "Catch up when you can..." Jareth runs in the direction on the voices and then follows his nose, he makes through the doors a few minutes after them and sees them halfway down the hall, he growls again swing Mari. "You already have a baby on the way! Only that skank has made you forget! Mason!" He hollers, if she's made him love her as much as it sounds, he'd be willing to defend her, which would allow them to get close. He glares at Mari "You almost made it... You twisted bitch!" He can feel his claws growing and makes a fist to hide it.
Mason turns around, still holding her. He recognizes the voice from the phone. “Not this guy again,” he whispers. As Jareth berates Marissa, he grows angry. Sitting her down, he takes a step towards him. “No baby,” Marissa tells him, grabbing his shoulders. “He’s just some sick man. Let him be. I don’t want you to get hurt. I don’t want any trouble. Please. Let’s just our turn backs on him and get on the plane.”
“But you heard what he called you. You heard the things he said,” he says taking her hands and kissing them. “I won’t let anyone talk that way about you.”
“Baby that is so sweet, but all I want to do is get on the plane and leave this man here. Please. I’m begging you.” He kisses her hands again before letting them go. “I have to defend my love. I’m sorry.” He turns and heads towards Jareth. “Mason! Come back! Please! Don’t do this!”
“Don’t talk like that about my wife you sick freak. I don’t know who you are, but you’ve crossed the line. Now just turn around and head out of here. You see her,” he points to Marissa. “That’s my wife. I don’t have a baby with anybody else. Alright? You’ve got me confused with somebody else.” By this time Kevin has caught up. Mason smiles at him. “Why don’t you are gay buddy here go fuck each other up the ass. Leave me alone.” He turns around smiling, looking at Marissa.
"Your tramp is nothing but an energy sucking whore... And when she failed kill your child and your wife... She made you forget them! And me... Your boyfriend!" He pulls Kevin closer to stand just behind him "Melanie was fighting for her life and the lives of her children because of that piece of trash..." He moves to step closer to Mason and growls low the way he likes and lets his eyes glow softly "She's done something to you... To make your mind forget... But the body is something completely different..." He glances at Mari, the quickly grabs Mason and turns him to face him, stares at him then grips his hair and tilts his head back "You belong to me..." He kisses him roughly, growling softly.
The more he talks, the more his anger begins to boil. Holding up his fist in front of his body, so Jareth can’t see, he gives Marissa a knowing look. She shakes her head no. Before he can turn around and hit him, Jareth spins him around and kisses him. Mason’s eyes open wide, and he shoves Jareth back. He wipes his lips with the back of his hand. “You freak! Don’t you EVER do that again! I’m not into guys! See that woman? The one you keep running your damn mouth about? She’s what I’m into! So back off!” His gaze shifts to Kevin. “Take your boyfriend and beat it. Find another freak to join your little party. I’ve got a wife to go fuck.” Marissa slowly begins to walk towards him. “Baby let’s just get on the plane. Please.” Mason turns to face her, smiling softly. “Yeah baby. Let’s get on the plane.”
“Love,” Kevin whispers. “He seems….happy.”
He glances at Kevin, Mason did seem happy "Mari... If not me..." He makes a fist, that hurt to just say "If not me... Let him at least have his child... The one he's having with Mel..." He stares at Mason "He wanted that child more then anything... Please..." He ignored that his fist was bleeding, it just showed how his heart felt, he was giving up half of his heart, and that bitch knew it. He glares at Mari, he wanted nothing more then to tear her apart, but he could do nothing until Mason gave some sign that he remembered.
Marissa was about to speak, but Mason spoke first. “You’re bleeding. Listen, man, I’m sorry you’ve got me mixed up with somebody else, but you don’t have to hurt yourself. I mean come on. This other guy, I’m sure he loves you a lot. You seem like a strong guy, and this guy here,” he points to Kevin, “seems to love you a lot. You seem passionate, and you’ve got beautiful eyes.” Mason tilts his head slightly and narrows his eyes. “Really beautiful eyes.” There’s a flash in his mind of a man’s eyes glowing. He can feel the cold gun in his hand. He looks down at his hand, narrowing his eyes more. Marissa can see that he’s remembering something. “Baby?” He looks over at her. “Don’t. Let’s just get on the plane and go.” She reaches for him. Slowly he nods before looking at Jareth. “I’m sure you’ll find him. I’m sorry Sir.” Again he pauses. “Sir,” he whispers. “Baby?” Marissa rushes to his side. “Yes baby.”
“No. Not baby, as in you, but….baby….boy?” She brings her hand up to caress his face. “Yeah. We want a baby boy. Come on Mason. Let’s get on the plane.” He looks confused and dazed. “Yeah. Good luck Sir,” he says looking over his shoulder at Jareth before starting to slowly walk away with Marissa. She puts her arm around his waist, and he has his arm around her shoulder.
His eyes widen slightly as he shows signs that he does still have his memories, that his Mason is still in there. "Boy!" He says in his commanding voice, he was glad no one was around, he steps away from Kevin "I know you're in there now... And there is no way I'm leaving here without you!" He run a few steps then leaps over them, landing in front of them as a large wolf, twice the size of a normal animal, he looks to Mari and growls darkly while baring his fangs. His eyes were flashing between red and green and his back fur was standing, as angry as a wolf could look.
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