Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

He looks down, he had done too good a job "Not really..." He glances at her for a few seconds "Mason has every right to hate me... And he should have told that cop about me..." He sighs "I'm tired of lying... And if I really intend to be... A father..." He looks at her faint reflection in the window glass "There are somethings you need to know... And I will leave it up to you... What my fate is to be... Hear me out completely before you say anything... I... I need to get this out..." He silent for a few minutes before he starts to pace the room slowly and starts to tell her of their first few months together, leaving nothing out.
She listens to him. Her horror grows as more and more is revealed to her. “You….kept me….drugged?” She remembered the mall incident vividly. Her fists gripped the mattress of the bed she rested on. “I thought I was….you let me think….I had been in a coma. You let me think my husband..was a..dream. You hit him. He came for me. He..I left..with him, and you hit him. He still wanted you, and you made him feel bad the night of his car crash. How could you do those things M….Kaden? You even taught me to call you M’lord. No,” she began to stand up, shaking her head. “I want out of here. Right now. I don’t care what Nicholas wants me to do. I have to leave. I have to go right now.” The door opens, and she lifts her eyes to see Mason. “Mason,” she breathes. His anger begins to fade as he sees the look on her face, but when he looks over at Kaden, his face burns red. “No baby,” she says. “Take me out of here. Please. I don’t wanna be here right now.” Stepping closer to him, she leans against him. He gives Kaden a look before taking her, picking her up, and carrying her from the room.
He knew the moment he started to tell the story he had lost her, his child and his family, but he had to come clean, when she started to stand he wa about to protest. "Mason..." He flinched at the look he gave him and looks away, he hears Mel's request and moves to follow "Mason wait! ... You keep her here... I'll go... She needs the help here... Please... I'm leaving..." He puts his hands up and backs away before turning and walking down the hall, looking away from Nicholas as he passes him and walks out the nearest exit.

"Nnn..." It was the softest of sounds, he still couldn't move but he was starting to gain some consciousness.
Mason keeps her firmly in his hands until he’s out of the room. As much as he wanted to chase after him and beat him to pulp, he wanted to stay with her more. He gently laid her back on the bed. As he pulled away from her, he paused when she looked at him. “You came back for me that day. At the mall.” He smiles. “Yeah. I did, but baby you gotta remember I did bad things too. I tied you to the bed at our home when you said you were going back to him.”
“You did that because he had kidnapped me. You didn’t want me to go back to him.” There’s a moment of silence between them. “I love you,” she tells him. “I never stopped loving you,” he replies. “Baby, what are we gonna do,” he asks. “We’re gonna leave here and raise these children. That’s what we’re gonna do.” He leans down and kisses her.

Kevin watches him stir slightly. He wants him to wake up because he’s afraid and lonely, but he knows he needs the rest. ‘Sleep love.’
'Mmm... Feels like... I was hit... By a truck...' He says softly in his mind 'What... Happened..' His eyes open slightly, he had to see him, them, he blinks 'Where's... Mason...' He looks at Kevin, he was so tired, but he didn't want to sleep, he had smelt Mason, now he couldn't see him.

Kaden steps out of the hospital and slowly walks to the garden out front ad just stares at the small fish pond, the colourful koi swimming just under the surface. He watches visions of the future he would have had dance over the water, only to be washed away by the swimming fish. "It just wasn't... Meant to be..." He sighs softly before walking off, he'd need to head home and pack a few things, he was sure he wouldn't be wanted around here for much longer.
Kevin looks at him, wanting to tell the truth, but instead he lies. ‘He went for a walk. He wanted to make sure the area was safe for you to rest. So rest love. Please.’

Mason climbs up in bed beside her and wraps his arm around her. She grins snuggling up to him. “I’m sorry. I should have been more open with you.”
“You were fine Mason. I should have…..”

“What? Kept what you wanted a secret? No I should have listened to you. I should given you everything you wanted. I promise I will from now on.”
“I promise to do the same.” She kisses his lips softly. “When Nicholas gives me the okay, we’ll leave and go home Mason. Our home. There’s nothing at….that house….that I want.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” She looks up into his eyes. “I remember..the room. He had me in this room. It was..white and padded. He kept my wrists bound. He said I would hurt myself when I had my episodes. Episodes. Like I was crazy.”
“Shhhhh. Don’t talk about it anymore. It’s over, and you’re safe.” She wanted to ask him about Jareth, but right now, she wanted him. Jareth would have to wait.
Jareth looks at him, then closes his eyes 'You're a... Horrible... Liar...' He says softly, his body was winning the sleep fight 'I love you...' Then he finally falls asleep again.

He steps out of the cab and hands the driver his pay "Thanks..." He turns and looks at his house, a place he had long before he ever met Mel, but now felt cold without her, he walks closer and pulls out his keys. "I'll have to send for my car..." He mumbles to himself as he enters the house, he closes the door and looks around, he walks down the hall and stops at the bookshelf "Why..." He opens the room and glares, "This is where it started..." He walks back and returns with a kitchen knife, then starts to go at the walls, cutting ripping and tearing it apart.
Nicholas comes in with her chart. “Well Melanie you are….in bed with Mason. Wow. You people change around so fast,” he smirks. “You’re all clear. You can leave as soon as you’re ready.” He looks around the room. “Where’s Kaden, Jareth, and Kevin?” They look at each other and smile. “They’re gone,” Mason says. “Yep. It’s just you and me now,” she adds. “Oooooookay,” Nicholas says handing her the file. “I just need your signature, and you two can leave.” Melanie signs the paper, and soon after, the two leave hand in hand.

‘Maybe, but you need to rest.’ He’s relieved as Jareth starts to fall asleep again. ‘Good. You need this.’
About an hour later you'd find him still in his little training room, but it didn't look the same, the softly padded white walls we not in tatters, several holes covered each wall and the padding hung down in several places. Kaden looked around the room slowly, the last few holes were tinted red, the knife had slipped and cut his hand, but he didn't care, he could still hear her voice as he had 'trained her'. "Dammit! Ahhh!" He screams and tosses the knife across the room, it embeds itself in the wall, he looks down at his hands, they were cut and bleeding, padding and wallboard stuck in the wounds "Why her... After all this time... All the women I've had... Why did I..." Tears slowly run down his face "Why do I love her so much!" He leans back against the wall and cries softly, he had lost so much today, and was certain he'd never get it back.

Jareth's eyes slowly flutter open and he looks around, his body felt heavy, but he could move now, Mason still wasn't back from his 'walk' and he frowns. He looks to Kevin to find him sleeping against the ally wall, he sits up slowly and feels a wave of dizziness, he stills to let it pass. He then leans over and kisses Kevin softly, licking his lips and slowly coaxing him awake "Mmm..." He softly cups his cheek as he starts to stir.
They had gotten a cab and gone back to the place they shared. Everything seemed new again, and yet it was as if the house had been frozen in time. A thin layer of dust covered surfaces. The comforter on the bed was slightly wrinkled still from where Mason has Melanie there tied to the headboard that night. The ropes still hung from the wood. The closet door was open, and their clothes hung undisturbed. Slowly the doorknob turned, and they entered hand in hand. She released his hand to cover her mouth with both hands as tears rolled down her face. “I’m home,” she whispers. “Yeah baby. You’re home.” She turns to him embracing him. He closes the door before holding her tight. Her lips find his in a soft kiss. She releases him from her embraces slowly as she kisses him. Her fingertips begin to work his shirt open. They both know where this is going to lead. His mouth trails down her neck as she gasps and moans. Tenderly he picks her up and carries her to the bedroom.

“Love,” he whispers softly, clenching his eyes shut tight before slowly opening them. “Love! You’re awake! How do you feel?”
He smiles at him and rubs his cheek "Sore... But getting better..." He frowns slightly "So Mason left... What happened... Tell me what happened after I got back... I remember seeing you two, then black... I heard muffled voices..."

Kaden ended up crying himself to sleep, curled up on the floor on the destroyed room.
Kevin knows it’s time to come clean. “He left. I..I told him that I had watched over Melanie..while Kaden had her. I told him..everything that Kaden..did to her. He got angry.” He looks away. “He left, and I haven’t heard back from him.”

His kisses cover her body as he slowly undresses her. Her fingers peel away his clothing until they are both naked. “Make love to me Mason. I want my husband to make love to me.” He kisses her once more, passionately, deeply.
He gently turns his face back to him "He was bound to find out sooner or later... Kaden has been wanting to get it off his chest... It's not your fault..." He brushes a finger over his lips and leans in, kissing him softly "I'm sure he'll be back... Or contact us soon... That was a lot to hear..." He sits and pulls Kevin to straddle his lap, kissing him again "Thank you... For giving me that chance at a goodbye back there... I really thought I'd lost him..." He cups his cheek "I hope things went well for him... But while he's not here... Why not have some fun of our own..." He tips his chin up and leans closer, licking his neck and nipping it softly.

Kaden continued to lie on the floor, he didn't know what do to, there was nothing he could do, he had distroyed his chance at a family, pretty sure he lost one of his oldest friends, he wouldn't make Jareth choose between love and a friend. "At least one of us should be happy..." He looks at his hands, they were numb and swollen now, he should really go and clean them, but he didn't have the strength to get up. He just lay there and stared at the wall until he passes out again.
Their evening had been soft and romantic. As husband and wife, they re-connected. Now they lay tangled in each other’s arms underneath the covers sleeping. A smile was on Melanie’s face. Masons lips rested on her head.

“What about..Marissa? What did We should..Shouldn’t we?” He began to pant as he closed his eyes. “Yes love. I want you. I want to be with you.”

Nicholas stared at his phone. 'Should ' He rises and heads past the nurse’s desk. “If Aliya wakes up, tell her I’ll be back in the morning. I’ve got someplace I have to be.” He quickly looks up some information on the computer. “Dr. can I help you with something,” one of the nurses asks. “Nope. I got what I was looking for. This is the home address for the patient I just released. I just need to make sure he’s….she’s okay.” He quickly leaves with Kaden’s address in hand.
"Mmm... I should have let him kill her..." He sucks at his neck softly and runs his hands up under his shirt slowly "But I thought... About how Mason looked at me... When he called me a killer..." His claws slowly run over his sides and back "So I left her... On an island..." He kisses up to his jaw and kisses him again, nipping his lip and twisting their tongues around slowly. "Mmm... But it's the last out I'll give her..." He rocks his hips up "She's gone if I so much as smell her again..." He looks at him "Now enough about that..." He smirks "Tell me what you want baby..." He could smell his arousal thick in the air and see his glossy love filled eyes "Just tell me baby..." He smiles at him, he loved how easily he could work him up, he was beautiful, and all his.

In the state he was in, Kaden hadn't completely closed the front door, and the wind had slowly pushed it open slightly. He was passed out on the floor in the holding room, one hand still slightly bleeding, bits and pieces of the walls all around him.
He wasn’t happy about hearing about her being left on the island. To him, it still sounded like he was killing her. This was slower means of doing so, but Kevin didn’t care. All he wanted, all he cared about, was the man next to him. “I love. I want fill me..with your..body. Take me. Love me. Make me yours’..again. Please.” Kevin was needy. He was addicted to Jareth in every possible way. His cock pushed painfully against the fabric of his jeans. He was aroused, and his body was crying out for relief. “Make me cum love. Please. I want you to cum..inside me. I want to feel you.” Each time Jareth’s claws moved along his skin, he gasped. His eyes were open wide and starring right into the eyes of his love.

“Kaden,” Nicholas called as he slowly stepped through the opened door. “Kaden! Are you alright? Where are you? Answer me! Ka…..” The opened door caught his attention. He crept closer. His steps were soft and quiet. There he found Kaden on the floor with his hands bleeding. “Kaden,” he calls as he sits next to him. “Let me see. What have you done? I need to get you cleaned up.” Looking up, he takes stock of the room. It was clear Kaden had done a number on it. He leaves the room, heading to the bathroom in search of supplies to clean him up. When he returns, he sits down and begins to clean his hands with a wet cloth. “I’ve got some medicine I can put on these cuts.” Never does he ask what happened. All Nicholas wants is to make sure he’s alright. With one hand he holds Kaden’s hand, and with the other hand he gently cleans him.”It’s alright. Just relax. I’ll get you cleaned up.”
Jareth smiles at him, showing off a fang and pulls him closer "As you wish my love..." He slowly works their shirts open, pushing his hands away if he tries to help or move faster, he was enjoying his little sounds of pleasure and need. "Easy baby... You'll get your release..." He leans in and licks at his chest, lightly scraping his fangs over his nipples and suckling then softly, he does this as he shifts them to work their jeans off, keeping Kevin as close to him as he can. "Nnn... You smell so good... I could eat you up..." He adds a soft growl to his voice and nips at his neck again, he could feel how hard and excited he was as he worked them free of their clothes, he sucks his fingers and reaches down to tease him and make sure he was relaxed enough, he didn't have the lube with him this time. "Relax for me baby... Yeah, that's it..." He stares at him and smirks, he had missed this when Kevin was gone, he was almost desperate in his need and Jareth loved it, it made the release that much better for the both of them. Once he was ready for him, he slowly starts to push inside, never looking away from him "Nnn... I missed you like this..." His claws run up his back "All hot and bothered... With only one thing on your mind..." He was panting softly, his one hand slowly trailing his claws over his cock, teasing him more "Nnn... Relax baby..." Once able to, he pushes in fully and stills, staring at him.

Kaden didn't hear him come in, but he lightly felt him checking him over, then winced as he starte to clean his cut, his eyes snapping open. "What are you... No!" He pulls his hands away and scoots back "What are you doing here..." He glances around the room "You... You shouldn't be here! Where... Where's Melanie... No... I don't care... She... She's not my concern anymore..." He curls his hands into his chest and brings his knees up, trying to almost hide against the wall. "Just leave me alone... I don't deserve any help..." He stares at the wall with a broken look.
Jareth’s fingers felt like velvet, and his claws were a striking contrast. He looks down, watching Jareth as he suckles and tastes his chest. The man was a whimpering, panting, being squirming on his lap. The need was so strong he knew it would not take much for him to release. He laces his fingers into Jareth’s hair. Kevin wasn’t guiding him or forcing him to do anything. He simply wanted to feel the connection. “,” he pants. Wincing as his fangs and claws graze his skin, he quickly smiles and rocks his hips harder against Jareth. It was as if he were trying to make love to him even with his clothes on. His clothes seemed to melt away from his body, and Jareth’s warmth was suddenly there. He felt him enter him through his soothing words. “I’ I’m relaxing.” Kevin groans, feeling his cock stiffen even more, as Jareth pushes deeper. He holds his breath for a moment before exhaling deeply. “Thank all..that you give me.”

Nicholas is stunned by his reaction. He watches him move away. Kaden seemed to be trying to make him invisible. “Kaden I’m helping you not because you deserve it but because you need it. Okay? I don’t know what you did, and frankly I don’t care. What I saw at the hospital was a man who loved her and his unborn child. That is a man deserving of my help. Please. Let me help you,” he asks holding out his hand with the cloth. “Can I come over to you?”
"Mmm... You give me just as much baby... Nnn... God you feel good..." He gives him a few teasing kisses and starts to move within him "Nnn... I know you're ready to pop..." He smirks slightly "I love being able to make you feel this way... But know that I don't intend to stop... Until I've had my release..." He kisses him again and holds his hips, starting to move him "Nnn... Don't you hold back on my baby... I didn't work you up this much just for you..." He grins, he enjoyed watching him cum as much as making him, he leans back against the wall, moaning softly and enjoying the show.

Kaden shakes his head and looks at his hands "I brought this on myself... I... I hurt her... And him..." He shakes his head again "This is my punishment... You can't help me... I'm not worth helping..." He closes his eyes and the tears start again. He wanted her back, he wanted to hold her close to him again, but that would never happen, he wanted see his child, hold them at least once, but that swarm was gone, they were better off without him.
Kevin writhes. Jareth’s words pushing him closer to his edge. “Yes love. I’m gonna..cum..but I I..yes..can’t..hold it!” Kevin tries to hold back as long as he can. His hands grip Jareth’s shoulders now as he uses his legs to ride him. He can feel the tip of his cock wet as his arousal takes over his body. With a long howl, he cums hard. Every muscle tightens, making it more difficult for Jareth to continue. He feels him pushing inside him still causing his orgasm to last longer. “I can’” He trembled, riding out his pleasure, unable to speak any longer. Only moans filled the air as he continued to ride his love.

“Not worth helping? You hurt her? I told you I don’t care what you did in the past. It’s not about being worthy of help. It’s about needing it, and you need it.” He began to move closer to him. “You did something bad in the past, and from the sounds of it, you’re paying for it. You don’t have to punish yourself even more Kaden. It’s okay to cry and tear apart a room, but leave the punishing up to her. She’s already done a good job of that. Now let the healing begin my friend,” he whispers reaching over to gently hold his hand. “Both inside and out.”
"Nnn... So tight..." He moans and growls softly "Mmm... What a sight you are... So beautiful..." He grips Kevin lightly and slowly strokes his now slick cock, still hard and twitching "Such a naughty boy a can make you..." He grins "My very own naughty angel..." He rocks his hips up against his movements in a steady rhythm "Beg me... Beg this demon to fill you little angel..." He was close, but unlike his worked up little partner, he could hold back longer, he watches him and waits.

Kaden was shaking his head and crying more until Nicholas touched him and called him a friend, he slowed his movements an slowly opened his watery eyes to look at him. "You'd... Still call me friend..." He shakes his head slightly "I lost my friends... My family... Why would you... You don't know what I've done... To someone I... Loved..." More tears fall "I did leave it up to her... That's why I'm here... Alone..."
The sounds coming from Kevin almost sound painful as Jareth strokes his sensitive cock. His breathing is fast and jagged. He shudders hard each time Jareth touches the tip. “ demon. Fill me..Fill..your little..angel. He needs it. He..wants it. Please. Give me your cum. Fill my body. Please.” The pleas continued as his opening tightened and relaxed against his lover. He wasn’t in control of it. His body belonged to his lover in every way.

“Well then, like I said, she’s punishing you enough. There’s no need for you to keep punishing yourself.” He moves closer still, looking into Kaden’s eyes. “Yes. I still call you friend. You made a mistake, but you tried to make it up to her. You changed. You are not that same man that did those things to her. That’s why you….deserve another chance my friend. Now. Please. Let me help you,” he says softly gripping his hand. “Let’s get you cleaned up. Alright?”
Jareth shivers in pleasure, hearing his lover speak that way, he leans closer quickly and captures his lips, kissing him deeply as his hips speed up just slightly. "Nnn..." He moans and growls into the kiss and holds his hips, thrusting his hips up and bringing him down hard "Ahhh..." He growls loudly and holds him close as he finally cums, filling his waiting lover and shaking with the force of it, it's a good thing they were already on the ground, he didn't think he could have stood through that one. "Mmm... Such... A naughty little angle..." He pulls back to look at him and smiles "And he's all mine..." He kisses him again.

Kaden looks at him for a few minutes without talking, then looks at his hand on his, he smiles only slightly "Thanks doc..." He holds his hand back lightly, wincing at the slight sting.
Kevin throws his head back crying out as he feels his lover’s warm seed fill him. “Yes!” His body jerks so much he nearly comes off Jareth’s lap. As he settles to him, his knees squeeze him tightly. “I’m all..yours’ Your naughty..little..angel. I love you,” he tells him. Kevin holds his face as he takes control and kisses Jareth with such force he pushes his head back into the wall behind him.

“No need to thank me. Just let me clean you up.” He begins to wipe slowly, pulling pieces of the wall from his hand. “Now I want you to go take a shower and clean your hand with soap. I don’t want these cuts getting infected.” He finally looks up into Kaden’s eyes, and his heart goes out to him. “Come on. Let me help you to your shower. I promise I won’t look,” he smiles.
"Nnn.." He holds him tight as he controls their kiss, returning it fully, he rubs his hands up his back and nips his lip, they hadn't had a session like that since before he died and it was long over due. He finally pulls him away as they need air and rests their foreheads together, he smiles "Mmm... That... Was awesome..." He chuckles softly and continues to hold him close.

Kaden looks at his hands, he hadn't realized how cut up they were, he looks to Nicholas and smiles again, letting him help him up, his legs were a little shaky from everything. "Last door at the end of the hall..." He says softly and leans on him slightly.
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