Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Mason leaves the hospital and calls his friend. “Hey. I’m on my way there now. Great. Do you have Melanie’s case file with you? Wonderful. Yep. This will all be settled today.” He calls a cab and waits for them to arrive.

Nicholas grins, looking over at Kevin. “I feel fine. Cold, but fine. You? How are you?” She reaches up, rubbing his cheek. “I love you so much. I apologized to Jareth. I told him I wouldn’t keep Mason from his child. Everything else….we will talk about later. I’ll talk to Mason later too. He was just here. He said he had something to take care of and would be back later. Did you two talk?”
He sits back and looks at her "That's great... And you two should talk..." He glances at Kevin, wondering where Jareth was, then back at her "Yeah... Me and Mason talked... Some what... There is still more we need to talk about... But we'll get to that later..." He smiles at her "Did he say when he'd be back...?" He isn't want to tell her the news with out Mason here, he'd taken enough from him.

Jareth was on his way back to the room, he had grabbed something for Kevin as well.
“No. He didn’t say when he would be back. He said if they let me go home to call him.” She squeezes his hand. “I’m glad you two talked. Sounds like we both talked about things we needed to tonight. That’s good. It’s the start of something wonderful.” She looks over to Kevin and Nicholas and smiles. “So Doc? When can I go home?” He shakes his head. “let’s just wait and let you get some strength. Alright? Besides Kaden won’t let you go until I say you’re ready. So get comfortable.” She looks back to Kaden. “Is that true?”

The cab picks him up. After he’s dropped off, Mason enters the bar and spots his friend. Shaking his hand he sits down and glances over at her file. “That it?”
“Yeah. So what’s this all about Mason?”
“I know where she went. I know everything that went on. You ready to hear this?”
“Yeah. What happened to Melanie?”
“She ran away from me. Met some other guy, had sex with him, and now she’s pregnant.”
“She ran away? That doesn’t sound like her. Mason. I’m going to ask you this one time. Did she run away, or did the guy kidnap her?”
Kaden looks to Nicholas then back to Melanie "We almost lost you... All of you..." He cups her cheek "So I'm sorry if you don't like it, but you're staying here until you have to all clear... And I'm sure Mason will back me up..." He kisses her hand "It's not just you to worry about anymore Sweety..." He looks at her and hopes she'd understand, he didn't want to go through that again.

Jareth enters the room a few minutes later and hands leaving a bag of food "Thought you'd be hungry..." He kisses his cheek and looks to Mel and Kaden "What I miss?" He holds Kevin from behind and watches everyone else.
She rolls her eyes but grins. “Alright. If I have to stay in bed and be taken care of, then I guess I can force myself to do it.” Kevin laughs. He turns when Jareth opens the door. His face lights up. “ Alittle bit actually. Thanks love.” Nicholas clears his throat. “You didn’t miss much. Melanie is agreeing to stay as long as she needs to. A few tests, and we should know exactly how long that will be. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll get what I need to run those tests.” He excuses himself, leaving them all together.

Mason knows the importance of his answer. “It was because of a man. You see,” he looks at his friend. “ heart.”
“He,” is friend asks shocked. “Another man stole YOUR heart?” Mason nods. “Yeah. Melanie found out about it, and she ran away. She was so broken hearted, so distressed, and she met another man. I’m happy for her. She found love with him. Now she and I are looking at getting divorced. She’s going to marry him, and I’m going to be with my new love.”
“Another man?”
“Yeah. So you see, her case can be closed now. There’s no need to keep searching for her. I know exactly where she’s at and who’s she with.” His friends tilts his head and sighs. “I’m sorry man. I hate this happened for you, but as long as both of you are happy, then all is well.” Mason looks down at the table knowing all is not well. He could have had Kaden taken away from her, punished him, but when the moment came, he couldn’t do it. “So we good?”
“Yeah. Consider her case closed. You know I can’t let you drink and drive. Right?”
“I took a cab here. Waitress! A beer please. You know what? Never mind. Make it a Coke please. I promised my lover I wouldn’t drink anymore.”
Jareth watches them and smiles "So... Would you like to have some fun together before... Or after the babies get here?" He smirks at Mel as her cheeks heat up and chuckles softly, holding Kevin closer "I told you we'd talk later... It's later!" He wanted to lighten the mood in the room and make then smile. Kaden chuckles and holds her hand, kissing her cheek.
Her eyes widen as she looks at Kaden. She can feel her cheeks burning. “Jareth! No! We can’t talk about that right now! I mean….not here! Besides, Mason isn’t here. Don’t you want him here?”

The two continue talking. He eyes the folder on the table. Melanie’s name clearly on it. “So. Since her case is done, can I have that?” His friend looks over at it. “Why?”
“I want to destroy it. I want this case behind me.” His friend nods before sliding it across to him. “Go wild. I’ll close it out on the computer.”
“Thanks. Look. I hate to cut this short, but Melanie is actually in the hospital. I’m gonna run by and pick up something for her before heading back.” He stands and shakes his friend’s hand. “I thought you said you were off work.”
“I am. I have to go in though,” he smirked. He was sitting there is his officer’s uniform. After Mason leaves, he pays and decides he wants to go pay Melanie a visit.
Jareth hides his face in Kevin's back and just laughs, he had gotten the reaction he was looking for and took a deep breath as he tried to calm down. "Oh god... Your face... I'm sorry..." He chuckles slightly "Of course I want him here... But he already knows... It won't be news to him..." He moves to sit next to her on the other side and takes her hand "I'm sorry I embarrassed you... But we all needed a good laugh... So has Kaden told you the good news yet..." Kaden looks at him with a slight glare "Well... Guess not..." Kaden sighs "I was waiting or Mason... I'm still waiting... She doesn't hear anything until we are all here..." He looks to Mel and squeezes her hand "But it IS good news... So don't worry yourself..."
“Jareth,” she yells, laughing. “Good news? Other than the fact that my babies are okay? Other than the fact that the people I love are alright? What more could I want?” Kevin grins but says nothing. “Patience. We’re waiting for Mason.” She gives him a warm smile. “So Jareth. It’s you, Mason, and Kevin now? That’s really great. Are you sure there will be room for me in your bed too?”

The man climbs into his patrol car and heads towards the hospital. When he arrives, he asks them about Melanie. The nurse is more than happy to tell the police officer where to find her. He passes Nicholas, who turns with a worried look on his face. “Uh oh.” He begins to follow him. He opens the door and smiles at Melanie. “Hunter,” she yells. “What are you doing here?” He enters, closing the door quietly behind. “I met with Mason. We talked. He told me you were here.”
“You….met with Mason?”
“Yeah. We talked about your missing persons case.” Melanie looks up to Kaden, a worried look on her face. Nicholas is listening in the hall. “Hunter looks to Kaden. So you must be him then?"
Jareth was about to answer when someone new entered the room, he heard Mel say his name, but was a little worried when he said he'd talked with Mason. Kaden swallows and glances at the officer, "Him?" Had Mason ratted him out? He wouldn't blame him if he had, he had just hoped to see his child first. "Him who?" He blinks up at him and tried to play dumb. 'Baby what did you do...?' Jareth thinks silently to himself.
“Well. Since you’re holding her hand, and from what Mason told me, you’re the guy that Melanie is with now. You’re the guy she’s in love with.” He looks at Jareth and Kevin. “You two I’m not sure about. He mentioned another man, but I don’t know which one of you that is. Mason wasn’t big on descriptions. He just told me exactly what had happened with your disappearnce Melanie. Your case is now closed. Then he told me you were here.” Again he looks over to her and back to Kaden. “He said he had something to pick up, and then he would come to see you again. Actually surprised me when he wanted to talk to me. I haven’t heard from him a while. I was glad he finally told me what was going on though. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through what you did, but it looks like you came out of it for the better. Him too.”
"He told you exactly what happened? Everything?" Hunter nodded stepping closer to her. "Everything."
Jareth steps before Kevin and smiles slightly "Hi... I'm Jareth... I'm with Mason..." He squeezes Kevin's hand, letting him know he wasn't leaving him out on purpose, he then steps closer to Mel and smiles a bit more "So your the one he was having the beer with... He didn't over do it did he... He's such a lightweight..." He was trying to find out what happened, Kaden looked ready to pass out and was finding it hard to look at the officer "So what did he tell you about us..." Kaden holds Mel's hand and looks at her, he didn't want it to end yet.
“He is such a lightweight,” he laughs. “The man never could drink much, but today he only had a Coke. Said something about promising his lover he wouldn’t drink anymore.” Hunter shrugs. “He told me….everything. Said that Melanie was in love with someone else, and so is he.” He looks Jareth up and down. “That has to be you. You said you were with him.” His glance shifts over to Kaden. “And I’m guessing you’re the man Melanie is in love with. Like I said Mel, I’m sorry you had to go through what you did. If I had known Mason wanted to be with another man, I would have told you. He kept it a secret from all of us. I didn’t even ask him how you found out he was having an affair with another man. I figure it’s none of my business. I’m just glad when you left him, you found somebody good to take care of you. I’m glad you’re happy now too. He asked that your case be closed now. He even took the file with him. So everything is done now. Nobody is gonna be looking for you anymore. The search will be called off. You take care, and don’t be a stranger when you get out of here. Mason told me about the baby you’re expecting with your new man. Congrads.” He looks at his watch. “Well my shift is about to start. I gotta get going. I just wanted to see you,” he says rushing up beside her. He kisses her on the forehead. “Take care Mel.” She grins, on the verge of tears. “I will.” Hunter waves to everyone else before leaving quickly. Melanie looks to Kaden. “He lied, but why?”

Mason sits on a bench outside the flower shop. He bought Melanie some flowers, but right now, he was looking the file. ‘Maybe I should burn it. I could give it to them both. I don’t know what to do with it. I had my chance. I could have hurt him, I could have put him away. Why didn’t I? Why don’t I feel any better? I did something good for him. I should feel better. Instead I’m just angry. Get it under control. I won’t go back to see her until I’m not angry anymore. She doesn’t need my anger around her.’
Jareth smiles "Yeah... But he's a cute drunk..." Forgoing the car accident, he chuckles "Yeah... He hid it well... But... It all worked out..." He just went with Mason's tale, it was easier then the truth, he shakes his hand before he leaves. Kaden looks at her and shakes his head "I... I don't know... He should have told the truth..." He looks down "All the things I did..." He whispers, Jareth glances at him and frowns slightly.
Melanie catches Jareth’s frown. “I don’t understand. He could have done it. Is it because he feels for you that he didn’t do it? He lied. He outright lied about what happened with us. He put all the blame on himself. Now….my case is closed. You’re safe M’lord. Nobody will ever come for you.” She reaches up and caress his cheek while leaning her forehead to his.
Kaden looks to Nicholas then back at Mel "Baby... Mason still has the file... What I did... Wasn't right... I wouldn't blame him... If he wanted me out of the picture still..." He sighs and pulls her hand up, kissing her palm "Would you like someone like me... Around children..." Jareth steps closer "Kaden stop... You made up for all that..." He turns to Jareth "Did I? What I did almost got her killed tonight!" Kaden stood.
“No! The drugs at the club almost got me….k-killed tonight.” She shivers. “You are p-perfect. I want you around….our children. Do you hear me? Now you s-stop talking like t-this. I won’t….hear it. You understand me Kaden? I love you. I want you, and our child needs you.” Her body begins to tremble in the ice bath. “Mason has the file, but he..won’t use it. If he would..he would have already done it. He had the chance to.” Nicholas opens the closet in the room. “Come on Melanie. I think you’ve had enough of the ice bath.” He hands Kaden a blanket. “Pick her up and start to dry her off. I’ll get her some dry clothes to put on.”
He stares at Melanie before being handed the blanket, Jareth steps hi to help her stand from the water "Careful..." He uses a claw to cut away her wet clothes as Kaden wraps her up and lifts her from the water, holding her bridal style. "I'm sorry baby..." He kisses her cheek softly and holds her closer "You know I want to be there... And that I love you..." He rests his forehead against hers and rubs her back, he could feel her shivering slightly. Jareth watches them and glances at Kevin, 'Do you think he would have done it?...' He looks down, what would he have done if he had.
"You do be here, will. M'lord, please tell won' going anywhere. Say you'll..stay..with me." She snuggles against him, feeling his warmth. 'No. He wouldn't have. Mason is a good guy, but what is he going to do with the file?'
Kaden kisses her softly and smiles "They'd have to drag me away M'lady..." He whispers softly to her, "Mason's upset... And has every right to be... But I'll make it up to him somehow... I'll do anything to keep my family together..." He holds her close until Nicholas has clothes for her and leads them to another room.

Jareth sighs softly and moves to hug Kevin, watching Kaden and Melanie 'I don't know... But I'm going to trust him...' He moves to follow the others, holding Kevin's hand gently.
She smiles looking into his eyes as he carries her from the room. Nicholas leads them into a standard room. “Alright Melanie. You can get dressed in here. Then I’m going to take some blood. After a few tests, you’ll probably be released.” He stands waiting, ready to draw her blood. As soon as Kaden puts her down, she takes the clothes and starts to get ready. “Blood? I hate having my blood taken. You want to do it for me M’lord,” she teases.

‘You can trust him love,’ he comforts him, hugging him tightly. ‘If he was going to do something, he would have already done it.’

Mason couldn’t resist. He looks through the file. There’s all sorts of pictures. When he comes across the picture he gave of them of her the day she went missing, he starts to cry. ‘You are so beautiful. If I had been more open minded, if I had looked harder, maybe we’d still be together, welcoming our baby.’ “It won’t ever get any easier.” He looks up quickly to the voice. “Marissa. What are you doing here?”
“Are you kidding me? I can sense your pain a mile away. I can help you Mason. I can help you forget all about him and her. I can help you put all of them behind you. Then you can come and be happy with me.” She sits down next to him, and he moves away. “Don’t worry. I won’t work too hard. All I ask is that you feed me. I give you a happy life, and you feed me. It’s a simple arrangement.”
“How can you do that?” She smiles. “You think Jareth is the only one with that kind of trick up his sleeve? I have my ways.”
Kaden smiles at her but shakes his head "You'll do at the Doc says... For those little ones in there at least..." He kisses her cheek "I can hold you while he takes it if you'd like..."

Jareth hugs Kevin back and kisses him softly "I know... Have I said how much I love you lately..." He smiles and pulls him closer, nuzzling his face "I wish he'd hurry up..." He moves them to one of the chair on the wall opposite her bed and sits, he pulls Kevin to sit across his lap and just holds him close, softly kissing along his neck.
"Alright," she sighs, taking his arm as she offered her other one to Nicholas. He smiled at the two of them. "You know I need to take the blood from your ass."
"What," she says, her eyes wide as she looks at Kaden. "Oh yes. It's a simple procedure. It's a bit like giving a shot in the ass. You won't feel anything." As he speaks, he slips the needle in her arm and begins to draw the blood. "No. M'lord, please. Don't let him take the blood from my ass," she pleads. "Alright. If you insist. No blood from your ass," Nicholas tells her as he puts a bandaid on her arm. She finally turns, feeling him do so. "What did you do?"
"I took your blood. You were an excellent patient. I think you deserve a reward. I'd give you a lollipop, but I think you would prefer Kaden here. I'm going to run the tests I need to. You two behave," he says as he leaves them alone.

Kevin smiles, enjoying the treatment from his love. "I do too. While I know he's a good man, I do worry about him out there alone."

"You..could do that?"
"Oh yes. It's a simple thing really. I don't work the same way Jareth does though. He enters the mind, does some song and dance with doors and shit to work with memories. I don't do that. I can go in and mask them. They're still there, but ain't nothing getting through to them. They might as well be gone. So," she says, slinking an arm around him. "Want all your pain gone Mason. Just watch my lips, listen to my voice, and relax. Think of a time long ago. When you were in highschool, a time before you met Melanie. Breathe deeply. Your eyes are so heavy. All you can see are my lips. Do you remember the spring dance?" He slowly nods his head. "Your date for the spring dance was....Marissa. Me. Do you understand?" Again, he nods his head. "Good. Picture my dress. White with summer flowers. My hair was hanging down around my face. We danced all night. You kissed me and told me you loved me. There was nobody else there that night for you. We were lost in each other. Do you remember?" He smiles softly as he nods once more. "Good boy. You're such a good boy. Now you can't wait to kiss my lips. Lean forward and kiss my lips." Mason leans in and kisses her. When he pulls back, he smiles. "Hey baby. What are you doing here?"
"We met for lunch."
"Oh. I guess I forgot," he grins. Looking down, he sees the file. "What's this?"
"It's nothing," she tells him. Taking it from him, she tosses it into a nearby trash can. "Come on baby. Let's go home. We've been talking about trying for a baby. I'm in the mood." Mason takes her hand and stands. "You don't have to tell me again baby." As he leads her away, she looks in the direction of the hospital smiling. 'You took something from me Jareth. Now it's my turn.'
Kaden keeps a straight face until Nicholas finishes then laughs "Oh baby girl... Your face..." He kisses her softly "Now I'm not sure about a lollipop... But you can suck on something else later... If you behave..." He whispers softly to her and kisses her again.

"Yeah... He doesn't make the best decisions when he's upset... I just hope for onc..." He stops and stills, there was a small pain in his chest, then an empty feeling crept over him "Dammit... Something's... Wrong..." He whispers softly, not wanting to scare Mel, he stands with Kevin and smiles "We're gonna go for a bit... Let me know if you hear from Mason..." He takes Kevin and leaves the room, down the hall and into the stairwell, his hands were shaking.
Melanie’s face warms as he whispers to her. “Then I promise I’ll behave M’lord,” she whispers. “We just have to wait on Nicholas to come back.”

Kevin look at him puzzled when he speaks. He's silent until they reach the stairwell. "What do you mean something is wrong my love? You're scaring me." Kevin makes him stop. He reaches up grabbing Jareth's face, forcing him to look at him. "What's wrong? You're shaking."

Marissa climbs into the car beside him. “You do remember the way to our house, don’t you?” He looks lost and confused. She smiles and rubs his shoulder. “It’s alright baby. You’ve had a long day.” She tells him how to get there, and he begins to drive away.
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