Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden finally pulls from the kiss and looks at him, panting "Say it... I want to hear you say it..." He steps back again to remove his own pants. "Mmm... God I want you..." He finishes stripping him and lifting his leg "Nnn... I hope you're ready for this baby..." He rocks against him, then gently thrusts Ito him, as worked up and horny as he was, he didn't forget Nicholas was still new to this. "Nnn... God you're so tight..." He starts to thrust into him and pulls him closer to kiss him, roughly.
The kiss was over, and Nicholas was breathless. Kaden had a way of making him feel that way. He didn’t have to kiss him, or even touch him. He could take the breath from his lungs simply by looking at him. “I love you Kaden. I love you, all of you, and I want you.” He watches as his body comes into view, and he can feel his cock grow even harder. Kaden lifts his leg, and Nicholas leans into him. His lips are inches from Kaden’s, and he gasps as he begins to take him. “” He can feel Kaden’s muscles as his pace picks up. “Yes,” he groans feeling all of Kaden now. The kiss was perfect. Nicholas melted into Kaden’s mouth, wanting him to claim him. He moved his body with his. Nicholas dug his fingernails into Kaden’s arms as he was pinned to the wall. Everything around him began to fade. Everything but Kaden.
Kaden moans into their kiss and nips his lip, pulling back "You were wrong today... Nnn..." He kisses him again "That I only love Melanie..." He holds his hip and thrusts harder "I'll a-admit it..." He was panting and groaning, he was getting close already, he looks at him, smiling "I love you... As much as I love Mel... I love you..." He cups his cheek "How... Nnn how could I not..." He chuckles softly but it ends in a moan and he tosses his head back "God dammit! I'm sorry..." That was the only warning he got before Kaden grabbed his hips and starts to really fuck him, hard and fast, grunts, groans and flesh hiting flesh was all you could hear.
Nicholas stares into his eyes. It was the words he wanted to hear from the man he wanted to speak them. Before he could respond, Kaden grabbed him an took him, really took him. He slammed his head back against the wall with his eyes shut tight. “Fuck! Don’t stop….fucking me!” He was thrown closer to his own orgasm. He squeezed Kaden as it neared. There was no need to announce it. He knew Kaden would know. Opening his eyes, his voice shaky, he looks at Kaden. His face was even more gorgeous than before, and Nicholas knew why. Just before his orgasm finally exploded, he told him the truth, the reason why he thought Kaden was the most handsome he had ever seen him before. “” His mouth opened pouring out moans as his cock gave in. Kaden had pushed him to his climax, and even after it subsided, the pleasure Kaden was giving him was unmatched by anything he had felt so far with him.
His eyes widened slightly before clamping shut as Nicholas hit his climax, he was squeezing him so tight, he thrust in hard a few more times before filling him. "Nnn..." He rests his head on his shoulder and his arms and legs shake slightly, he was panting and he slips his arms up to hold him around the waist. He kisses along his shoulder and holds him tighter "I love you..." He pulls back to look at him and cups his cheek, a few tears fell, but they were far from sad, he smiles "You see me... Kaden... Not M'lord... Or master... Or sir... Just.. Kaden..." He kisses him softly and slowly lets him stand, pulling form him and holding him closer.
Once he was on his own two feet, Nicholas reaches for his face. His skin is soft, so warm, against his hand. “I see you. I see all of you. Kaden, M’Lord, Master, and Sir. They all make up who you are. Just like your past, and I love every aspect of you. You don’t have to be one of them to win my love. You just have to be you. That’s enough. That’s all I want. I love Kaden. The man who’s eyes light up and dance when he smiles. The man who makes cute noises when he sleeps. Yeah. When you slept at my place, I watched you sleeping while I was at work.” He grins resting his forehead against his. “Take a few more minutes before you go back to her. Let me get you something to drink and something to eat. You need your strength. Let me take care of you. I want to.”
He kisses him again "You're too good for me..." He smiles and slowly backs way to sit down and catch his breath, he watches him "I didn't hurt you... Did I... I know I got a little forceful... You're still new to this... And we went dry..." He picks up his shirt "Wow... I don't even remember doing this..."
Nicholas smiles at him as hr watchers him sit. "No. You didn't hurt me. At least not in a bad way." He moves to out on his clothes, leaving his shirt open. There wasn't much choice in the matter. The buttons were scattered all over the room. "I'll make a couple of sandwhichrs and bring you a bottle of water. You just rest." He pats him on the shoulder as he heads past him towards the kitchen.
He blushes softly and kisses his hand as he passes him "Thanks baby..." He smiles and leans back in the couch, relaxing and thinking, he fingers the shirt in his hands and grins slightly "I love him... Enough that I lost myself..." He blushes again and looks at the buttons on the floor, he slips his shirt back on and allows it to hang open at his sides, he puts his feet up and spreads his arms across the back of the couch. He smirks, he was clearly showing himself off to his new lover, but he'd admit it, he loved to see that little blush cross his cheeks and the falter in his step, knowing that was his reaction to him simply being himself, he just grins.
Nicholas returns with a plate and a bottle of water. “I put some ch-chips on here….as well.” He stutters and pauses seeing Kaden sitting there like that. “Here you go,” he says sitting the plate on the table. He looked away, only for a moment to gather himself, before looking back at him. A blush painted across his cheeks as he smiled. “You look handsome.” He sits on the table, the plate on one side of him and Kaden’s feet on the other. Reaching over he starts to rub his feet.
He smiles at his reactions "And you look adorable... Mmm..." He sits up and takes half his sandwich "See... You're too good to me..." He leans back to relax again and watches him, groaning and sighing softly at the foot rub, he takes a few bites and looks at him "I'm... Not sure how long it will take to work her over... She's having flashes... She hears the music at the club, feels the table she was on when I took her... Then the drug fades and I'm a monster again..." He sighs softly "She's having a solo "session" right now, she remembers on her highs... So..." He shrugs and continues to eat "Just... Don't be surprised... If we have another round later..." He blushes slightly "Having that power over someone again..." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe.
Nicholas listens to him and watches him. “You like having that power over someone. Don’t you? I don’t judge you for it. Not at all. In fact, I find it attractive. I love seeing you like this.” His face begins to warm, and it’s not just from the blush. “Forgive me for saying this. I know it sounds terrible, but I don’t want to see it end with her. I want to keep seeing you this way. You’re….different, but in such a good way, an intense way. I’m more drawn to you seeing you this way.” His fingers continue to massage his feet as he talks. “You are amazing Kaden.” He has a thought running through his mind, but it’s so devious, and it scares him so much that he’s even thinking it, that he keeps it to himself.
He looks at him "I do enjoy having that power... I won't lie... Knowing everything they feel and experience is because of me... Knowing I'm the only thing on their mind..." He chuckles softly and smiles "It's like having you..." He looks up at his words "You don't want me to stop... But how would I keep going without a 'subject'..." He looks at him, he was dwelling on something "What are you thinking about..."
“You would have to have a subject to keep going. Correct? So let’s get you one. We could use someone around the house to help take care of things. Cooking, cleaning, sex. It would be nice to have a ,” he pauses, narrowing his eyes at him in thought, “slave around the house. Someone we could use for whatever our needs were. Don’t you think? You could take all the time you wanted to break her. We could find someone who was alone. Someone who would not be missed, and all of us would be giving her a better life. I'd love to see you taking your time, making her what we need her to be, making her what we need her to be, and drinking in all that power.”
Kaden coughs and swallows his lay bite, he stares at Nicholas "You didn't just... Did I hear you right..." He pulls his foot away and sits forward, "You WANT me... To make us a house... Slave?" His eyes were wide "You mean it... Don't you... You enjoy me like this..." He looks down then back at him "Mel and Mason have to agree... Everyone does..." He reaches out as pulls him to straddle his lap and cups his cheek "Your... Sure about this... Really?"
He looks at his face as he straddles him. "Yes Kaden. I'm serious about this, but there will be rules. We're not taking a wife from her husband this time. No. She'll be lonely woman. Attractive, on her own, and no one will miss her. We will give her a better life with us. I don't expect her to come willingly. In fact," he smiles, "I want her to fight. That way I can see you like this more. She will take care of every possible need any of us have, and I do mean every..single..need." He leans close to him, his lips touching his for a moment. "I love you Kaden. I want to see you happy. You love this power over people, and I want you to bathe in it."
Kaden shivers as he listens to him and holds him close, he pulls him into a kiss and moans softly, he pulls back "Mmm... I do believe I've created my own monster..." He runs his hands up his back and scratches lightly "Nnn... You're making it very Hard... To go back to Aliya..." He smirks, the pun was intended "But I must... I can't leave her like that too long..." He snakes his arms around him and leans up, finally kissing him, he moans softly before pulling away "I'll be seeing you later... That's a promise..." He has them stand and holds him close, really not wanting to leave him "Thanks for the snack..." He takes his water and walks away before he changed his mind, he shivered slightly and takes a deep breathe, then opens door.
He watches him go. It was difficult to do so, but he knew Kaden had to get back to Aliya. “I love you,” he whispered as he saw him at the door. He knew Kaden wouldn’t be able to hear him. That was fine. It wasn’t meant for him to hear it. It was something that he knew Kaden already knew anyway, and he needed his mind cleared for what he was doing.

She squirmed, her sex so wet, but she hadn’t been able to cum. Not yet. Seeing him, she begins to groan. “Please. M’lord. Help me. Help me cum. I need it. I want it. I’ll be a good girl. I promise.” Her face was soaked. Her entire was. She was moving her hips, riding the toy that wouldn’t come out of her anyway. She needed to feel like she was making love to it. She sighs, "M'Lord."
Kaden smiles at her and closes the door behind him, he moves to kneel before her "Hello Aliya... Are you ready to cum Sweety..." He stares at her and reaches down, holdin the toy and starts to slowly pump it in and out, even twisting it slightly, he still needed her to talk. "I'll let you cum baby... If you tell me where you his the file... Be a good girl and tell me... Then you can cum..." He uses his other hand to keep her head up and looking a him. "You want to be a good girl... Don't you... You want cum... Then tell me... Where is the police file..."
"I....I....hid the loose bricks..of my! The living room! Behind the painting!" She shook her head from side to side. "Please M'Lord! Help me cum! I was a good girl! Right?"
He smiles again at her "Yes Aliya... You've been a very good girl..." He starts to pump the toy faster and flicks it to max, he watches her "Look at me baby girl... Very good... Cum for me..." He keeps it up and watches her, he kisses her for a moment then watches her again "Call my name Sweety... Nice and loud..."
Faster and faster. Her body is driven wild. She opens up her mouth and screams, "M'Lord," as her orgasm finally brings the relief she's been wanting. She falls limp next to him, breathing hard. Her tired eyes look up to him. "M'Lord," she whispers before passing out.
He smiles and slowly removed the toy from her, he takes her restraints off and gently lays her on the floor, using a small blanket he brought in to cover her. "Sleep Sweety... You earne it..." He runs his fingers through her hair and watches her settle down, he then gets up and packs up all the drugs. He takes the drugs and removes them from the room, leaving the toys behind for when she wakes up, he'd check on her later. He leaves the room and moves to find Nicholas "Hey baby..." He finds him in the kitchen and hugs him from behind, kissing his neck "It worked... I believe she remembers now... She's sleeping now..." He runs his hand up his chest and pulls him close "You ready for round two..." He nips his neck.
He drops the glass he was holding into the sink and turns around grabbing Kaden's face, kissing him. "Yes lover. I'm ready. I want you. I need you. I crave you. You're like air to my fire, feeding me, letting me burn out of control." He slips his hands inside Kaden's shirt and lifts it, pushing it back, wanting it to fall to the floor. "Right here? In this room, or would you rather go to another room?"
Kaden grins at him after the kiss and watches, letting his shirt fall to the floor, "Here will work just fine... But I you want anything from me baby... You're gonna earn it..." He steps back and opens his pants, let's them fall and steps out of them "On your knees love... Hands behind your back... And mouth open..." He has a fire in his eyes, his cock was hard and ready, he watches him.
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