Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden had gotten up as the shouting got louder, hearing what Nicholas was saying, he quickly shuts the door and locks it, then finds something to make sure it won't open. "Sorry Doc... You aren't getting near her again..." He mutters to himself and moves back over to Mel, he checks her temperature with the monitor, she was ok for now, he sat with her an held her hand, staring at the door.

Everything happened so fast, he stares at Nicholas a few moments before glaring at 'him' "I know you're in there Doc! You gonna let her ruin your good name... You want those children's blood on your hands!" He slips the ring off his finger and slips it to Mason, he was Mel's husband, he had a say. "You're a good man Nicholas! Don't let her take that away!" He shouts, knowing Nicholas was in there somewhere, locked up, he glances at Mason 'Trust me...' he mentally says to him. He quickly turns to the nurse, doctor and Mason and pushes them out the door, then slams it shut. He uses his strength to twist the knob so it couldn't be opened. "I won't let you hurt my friends... Or those children..." He glares and bares his fangs "Now fight back Doc!"
“You unbelievable bastard. You really are demon scum. You should be killed. Now who’s going to care for her? Hmmm? With me in here and her other doctor fired, who is going to give her medical treament now? Do you really think my staff will go against me? The value their jobs too much for that. They just saw one of their own fired, pushed out the door, and you think they’ll stand up against me?” He smirks. “Get the bone saw! Cut this door open!” He walks over towards the wall, a sly smirk still on his face. “Nicholas is here. Oh yes he’s here, but I do so like to play with my food first. Time is ticking demon. Sooner or later her IV bag will run out. Then what? Who’s going to care for her? It’s not my hands that are dirty. It’s still yours’.”

“You heard him,” the muffled voice said on the other side of the door. They still knocked anyway. “Sir? You’ve got to open the door. If you don’t, we’ll escort you from the building in handcuffs. Please Sir. Make this easier on yourself. Open the door.” Mason looked down at the ring on his finger. “I’m her husband! I don’t want Dr. Hayden near my wife.” They all stop and look at him. “What? Do I have food in my teeth? I said I don’t want him near my wife. Get her another doctor. How about her,” he aske grabbing the recently fired doctor. “She doesn’t work here anymore Sir. She can’t practice medicine here. “She’s right. I have no authority here.”
“Then suggest somebody. Quick.”
“Halley. Dr. Halley Brown. She’s good Sir. Real good.”
“Alright! I want Dr. Halley Brown. Could you get her please? Now?"
Jareth steps closer to Nicholas and watches him, she had control of his body, saw what he saw, 'I wonder...' He glances at Kevin 'Don't look into my eyes...' Once Kevin was looking away, he lets his eyes glow red "Alright Mari..." He didn't return the memory of his powers to her "I want you to count to ten... Then release Nicholas... And go to sleep... Slowly forgetting about all of us..." He slowly steps closer, waiting to catch Nicholas when he falls.

Kaden gets up and looks through the window at Mason "What about Nicholas..." He glances around "Where's Jareth?" He knew once he opened the door he'd be removed from the hospital and charged, he glances back at Mel before opening the door. He looks at Mason as they start to take him "Don't leave her..." He doesn't fight them, knowing Jareth would take care of it, Nicholas wasn't himself and would come around once he was free.
“What are you,” he begins, watching those eyes. Nicholas can’t look away as he’s drawn in like a moth to a flame. Mari stands in the hotel room wavering, stumbling forward. “What are you…..” Her eyes slowly close, and together she and Nicholas begin to fall. Within his own mind, Nicholas watches as his bond fall free, and he rises. Looking over to Jareth, he whispers, “Thanks.” Nicholas offers him a smile before looking over to Kevin. “The door. They can’t open the door.” He rubs his forehead. “Dr. Brown and Dr. Maning will be fine. She’s not fired. Do you hear me,” he yells. “I want both of them working on….Melanie.” He sinks into Jareth’s embrace. “I’m tired. So tired.”

Mason nods to Kaden as security takes him from the room quickly putting handcuffs on him. “He’s not dangerous,” Mason snarls at them before heading beside Melanie. Her temperature was still down. “Good. At least you’re doing fine.” He can hear Nicholas yelling and smiles. “Please. Dr. Maning I presume, would you look at her?” The doctor was smiling as she came in. “I’d be happy to.” After her quick assesement, she gives Mason a smile. “She’s doing well. Her body still thinks she’s in labor, but I have the meds ready to give her to stop it. She’s going to be fine. I’m going to try to listen to the heartbeats to see how the babies are as well.” She turns leaving the room to gather up the meds she had gotten ready.
Jareth catches him and holds him as he moves to sit on the floor "I'll open the door in a moment... Kev won't be able to..." He looks down at him "Had us worried there doc... Welcome back..." He stands and helps him to sit in a chair "You have to tell them about Kaden too... They arrested him..." He moves to fix the door, pulling it open slowly and puttin his hands up as security comes at him, having expected it. "He was sick... I was only helping..." Like Kaden he doesn't fight them, just waits for everything to be settled.

Kaden shakes his head "It's ok Mason... It'll get sorted out... Just take care of them..." He nods and goes with the men, glancing back again as Jareth opens the other door and security rushed him as well.
“He’s….fine,” Nicholas shouts to the security team. “Kaden….the other man….bring him….back. He’s okay too. I’m dropping the charges.” Nicholas takes a few deep breaths before standing slowly. “Let’s go see how Melanie is doing. Alright?” The security team slowly release Jareth and backs off. “You can go back to your posts. Everything is fine. I assure you,” he tells them, waving them down the hall as he heads to Melanie’s room.

Dr. Maning returns with a new IV bag. “Okay Melanie,” she whispers. “This one is to stop your labor.” Looking to Mason she offers him a smile. “This one will stop her labor, and the babies will be fine. Now. Are you ready to hear their heartbeats?” Mason smiles. “No. Not yet,” Nicholas says coming in. “Wait on Kaden. He should get to hear his baby’s heartbeat. Security is releasing him now.”
Jareth smiles slightly and moves to help Nicholas until he is able to stand on his own "Careful Doc... Possession can take a lot out of you..." He whispers to Nicholas so the others can't hear him and follows him to Mel's room, he sees her in the cold bath "Did she get that hot?..." He moves to stand behind Mason and takes his hand. Kaden was down the hall when he was let go, he turns and jogs back to the room, he walks up to them all "What about Mel... Shouldn't she hear them too..." He looks at them.
“Well,” Dr. Maning starts. “What if, and I stress if, something is….wrong? Do you want Melanie to hear that? I think it’s best to take a listen first, and then wake her. That’ s just my suggestion.” Mason looks to Kaden. “Well? What do you think?”
Kaden nods "Go ahead... We'll make it up to her later..." He watches Mel and reaches out and takes Mason's hand without realizing it, Jareth noticed but kept quiet, he understood he was scared, but he could hear the heart beats, and everything sounded fine to him. He puts his hand on Mason's shoulder and smiles at him, he wanted to see his face when he heard his child for the first time.
Dr. Maning pulls Melanie’s wet gown up slightly and places the machine against her belly. “Normally I put gel on the patient’s belly, but she’s already wet.” After a moment a sound becomes clear and loud. She smiles. “That would be baby number one. A strong heartbeat.” Mason grins, feeling a lump in his throat. She moves her hand and the sound fades. Slowly it returns, and she beams. “And that would be baby number two. Again, a strong heartbeat.” Mason lets a few tears fall as he looks back at Jareth. “That’s my baby. I know that one is mine.” He squeezes Kaden’s hand. She moves her hand a bit more, and just as she’s about to move away, she hears the sound once more. Her expression changes. “Oh.”
“What oh? What’s wrong,” Mason asks. “Well. Nothing really. That would be….baby number three.”
Jareth smiles and hugs Mason from behind "Congratulations baby..." He was about to kiss his cheek when the doctor said 'Oh' and he looked up, Kaden had been caught speechless when he heart the first heartbeat and was just staring at Mel's belly. He had taken her hand and was rubbing it softly when the doctor spoke, he had glanced at Mason, worries again. Then she said it.. A third heartbeat "W-Wha-t... Three..." He stumbles back and then falls on his ass, staring up at the doctor and his friends, there were three babies.
Kaden’s fall takes Mason from his shock. “Three,” he asks. “Are you sure?” Dr. Maning nods. “I’m certain. I heard three very distinct heartbeats. The third one is slightly slower but still in good health.”
“Great,” he whispers, clearly stunned. “So one of us has two children.” He turns to face Jareth. “One of us has two children baby. I don’t know what to say.” Nicholas speaks up. “Say ,’I’m happy,’” he teases. "Kaden! You alright down there?"
Jareth just hugs Mason and kisses him softly "That's wonderful..." He chuckles slightly at Kaden and moves to help him up "Come on Daddy... We'll get through this... There are plenty of hands to help out..." He turns and looks at Mason and Kevin, he smiles and helps him to a chair, Kaden is still a little shocked but has a large smile on his face "A... Family..." He looks at the Doctors "When will she wake up... She needs to hear this... We have so much to plan..." He glances at the other then back to Mel, holding her hand.
“She should wake up soon,” Dr. Maning answers. “Yeah. She was exposed to something pretty strong at the club tonight. Both she and Aliya were….Aliya!” He rushes to her side and takes her hand. “Hi,” Nicholas whispers to her. She grins. “Hi. Good to see you again.” He kisses her forehead. “Good to be seen. How do you feel?”
“Fine.” Kissing her hand, he then lets go and makes his way over to Melanie. “Melanie. Time to wake up,” he calls rubbing her cheek. She groans slightly. “Jareth,” she whispers.
Kaden was watching her as Nicholas gently woke her up, he glances at Mason when she calls for Jareth then looks back at her, he couldn't look at Jareth right now. Jareth was hugging Mason from behind and just enjoying his happy mood when he heard Mel call for him, he freezes and looks over at her. "Did and just call for... Me?" He continues to hold Mason and looks down to Kaden.
“Yeah,” Mason tells him. “She did. Wait doc. Please,” he tells Nicholas. Nicholas was curious, but he looks to Mason and nods. “Baby,….she uh….she has a thing for you.” Nicholas grins knowing exactly what he’s talking about. “When they got here to the hospital, she wanted you, and I do mean you, to make her….cum. She,” he grins, blushing, “needed to, and uh….Kaden helped her out. The thing is, she thought it was you. She wanted it to be you. Do you understand what I’m saying?” Nicholas can’t hold in his laugh. “I’m sorry. Kaden, she made you promise not to tell.”
Kaden was looking at Mel and nods slowly "Yeah... Made me promise not to tell Jareth... And I didn't..." He turns and glance at Jareth, Jareth was still holding Mason from behind and looking down at him "Why hasn't she said anything... Then what she said at the club..." He looks at Kaden "What did she say.?. What do you say?" The last question was posed to Kevin, Mason and Kaden. Kaden shrugged and looked down "She was... Terrified... That I'd hate her or leave her if I knew how she felt... Wanting another man... I told her I didn't care... That wanting someone and loving someone was different, and I know she loves me and Mason..." He looks at Jareth "I told her she needed to talk to you..." Jareth listens and nods "Yeah..." He looks at Mason and Kevin "All of us should talk... No more secrets..." He smiles slightly "We'll all be helping to raise children soon... We need this worked out..."
“I couldn’t agree more,” Mason tells him. “No more secrets. One of us going to have two children. We’ll need all the help we can get,” he smirks. “Our two children family just grew to three. Technically that’s one child for each of us to watch,” he laughs. Kevin let’s a small laugh escape his lips. “If she has one more in there hiding, you three are outnumbered.” Mason lowers his head laughing. “No we won’t. We’ve got you and Jareth helping us, but,” he begins moving, taking her hand and placing it in Jareths’, “we do need to all talk. Why not start right now? She asked for you. I didn’t give her what she asked for when we were married. I won’t make that mistake now. I’m okay with her having you. She might see why I love you so much if she does, but I have to wonder. Do you even know how to please a woman still? I know how you are with men, but how long has it been since you’ve had a woman?” He was teasing him, true, but the memory of Kaden’s kiss was still on his mind. “Besides, while you two talk, I think….no….I know I need to do some talking myself with someone. Is it okay if I borrow Kaden for a moment in the next room?”
Jareth moves with him and holds Mel's hand, he gives Mason a look "I don't forget things easily... And I've been with my fair share of women over the years as well..." He glances at Kevin "What about you baby... Mason's right... You're just as much a part of this too..." Then he looks at Mason and Kaden and smiles "No, I don't mind... Take your time..." He pulls up the chair and sits by Mel, he looks at the doctors in the room "How long will she be in here..." Kaden nods and stands, moving closer to Mason "Tell her we'll be back soon..." He goes with Mason.
“I’m okay with all of this. Really. As long as I have Jareth, I’m okay. It’s just more love. That’s how I look at it. I went so long without him. That’s really as bad as things can get for me, and I’ve already been there. This? This is nothing. So if she wants him, I say let her have him.”
“It’s hard to say how long she’ll be in here. Either way, when she goes home, she needs to take it easy. No stress. Her body has been through a lot, and the less stress, the better. I’ll….leave you two alone to talk. Call if you need anything.” She leaves the room before anymore conversation can take place. Mason pats Jareth’s shoulder and heads to the next room. Once he and Kaden are inside, he slowly, softly closes the door. “Alright. We need to talk,” he tells him turning to face him. “That kiss before was….nice.” He blushes. “I do still….want you, and before I tried to take you, to claim you, and that was wrong of me. You’re a dominate. Melanie seems to enjoy that side of you. That’s fine. I’ve had a little fun with her and that side of myself as well. I just don’t know how things will work out with us. We both seem to have a dominate side. So where do we go from here with that? We can’t both be dominate. Now clearly I can be submissive. Jareth has seen that, but I’ve also been dominate with him. My thoughts on this are,” he pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath, “why the hell does anybody have to be dominate? I fucking want you. I don’t care who leads, who’s in charge, none of that. I just want Your body against mine, your kisses, your cock, all of you. I want to feel you. I want you, and if that means you’re in control, so be it. I want you Kaden. That’s all that matters.”
Kaden had turned to him as he spoke and was smiling towards the end of his little speech, he steps closer to him and reaches up to cup his face "Like I said before... A lot has changed... With Mel I'm clearly a dominant... I was some what submissive with Jareth, tho that took a bit..." He rubs tha cheek "But... I don't feel the need to control you... I hurt you, I know I did... And it was Mel that showed me that..." He slowly backs him up against the door and presses against him lightly "I'm not with men often... But when you said you wanted me..." He chuckles a bit "It felt nice... So... Why don't we just... Go with it..." He leans closer and kisses him softly, just letting it happen.
His lips were warm and soft. Mason melted into the kiss. He could feel his heart beating faster in his chest. There was a stirring. It wasn’t just the one between his legs. This was deeper. “Yeah,” he whispers as the kiss ends. “Just go with it. I can do that. I want to.” He presses his lips to Kaden’s, drinking him in once more. Slowly he reaches up, his hands gripping his arms gently.
"Mmm..." He kisses back and moves one hand up into his hair, pulling him closer lightly, he licks and nips at his lips, twisting their tongues together when he opens up to him, his other hand slowly glides down his side to his hip. He pulls back slowly and looks at him, panting softly, he smiles and moves his hand to over his crotch, rubbing softly "Tell me what you want..." He felt different with Mason, if they were alone he didn't feel the need to be in control, not completely in control anyway, he just wanted to be with him. He leans in as he's waiting for an answer and kisses along is neck, licking softly and feeling his pulse quicken under his tongue.
"You," he pants. "You asked me what I want. The answer is you. Any way I can have you." He moves his hips forward slightly, pressing his body against his hand. "Can't you feel how much I want you? Just your touch, your kiss, it's all driving me wild. I wanna see what she sees. I wanna feel what she feels. I wanna know why she is so addicted to you. Show me. Aren't you curious about the man who had her before you? Fuck," he whispers, closing his eyes. "I want you so damn bad. I thought....I could wait until we were at home, but no. I want you now Kaden." Mason's hands are roaming his body, touching him wherever he can. "You feel so good. You smell so good." He groans feeling his lips on his skin.
Kaden grins and nips his neck slightly, "I can see why Jareth likes you..." He starts to open his pants and reaches in, stroking him softly as he pulls him out "And I can feel..." He rubs over his head slowly "How's that..." He smiles and pulls away, and slowly removes his shirt "Better..." He moves close again and kisses him, his hand stroking him slowly again, he moves Mason's hand to his own pants, rubbing his tip again in slow circles.
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