Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Marissa whines as he slaps her, but then her body falls limps. The rest happens quickly for Kevin, and Mason still hasn’t fully come to. Kevin dresses him, trying to wake him. “We have to go Mason! Melanie and the babies are in trouble!” Mason opens his wider. “Melanie? My….baby?” He stumbles to his feet with his arm around Kevin. As Jareth comes closer, he puts his other arm around him. “Get me to her baby. Please.”

Nicholas watches him approach. Not once did he think he would hit him. He had felt the pull to Marissa, but suddenly it was gone. Nicholas was left a little dazed. When Kaden punches him, he stumbles back, hitting the wall, and slides down unconious. “Nicholas,” Aliya yells, getting up from her bed and rushing over to him. “What did you do that for?” The other doctor actually can’t help but smile. “Glad you could do that. He’s was acting so strange. Hayden has always wanted to take care of the patients first. This was so unlike him. Aliya. Leave him there. He should wake up on his own.”
“No,” she glares back at her. “He’s out cold. Are you insane,” she asks Kaden standing up. “I’ve gotta call her. She’ll want to know. Other than me, she’s his best friend,” she tells them heading over to the phone. “I have to call Mari. Maybe she can come get him or something.”
When they next opened their eyes, they were on the roof of the hospital, Jareth let them go and fell to his knees, gasping. "I'm ok..." He managed to get out when he saw their concern "Just... Took a lot... For three..." He gasps for a few more minutes before starting to calm down "Haven't... Teleported... In over... 300... Years..." He chuckles lightly, he stands, a bit shaky and moves to the door "Come on..." They head downstairs.

Kaden looks to Aliya "Don't! Jareth called... Said he was being controlled... The only other one with them... Was Mari... She picked up... Mason..." He walks over to Mel "Baby... Baby can you hear me... How long have you known Mari... When did you meet her?" He looks down at her arm "Get this shit off her..."
Mason and Kevin both hold him tightly. “It’s okay baby. Let’s go.” Mason gives Kevin a nod. Kevin knows to take it slow. They move, both of helping Jareth along. The nurses in the hall look at them. Some even ask if they need help. Mason and Kevin wave them off. “No thanks. We’re fine. He’s just tired.” Finally Kevin asks what room they are in, and a nurse is happy to point the way. They head towards the door, and the closer they get, they hear Kaden’s voice. “That way,” Mason says.

“What,” Aliya questions. “But Nicholas has known Mari for a while.” The doctor rushes over slowly, carefully pulling the IV from Melanie. Once it’s out, she tosses it to the floor, allowing the medicine to run out. “I didn’t want to hurt her taking it out,” she explains to Kaden. “Melanie,” she calls rubbing her arm. “She’s still burning up. I can start to give her meds now to counter the effects though. If the temperature doesn’t come down, it’s going to start doing harm to her body as well as the babies.” She moves quickly to the cabinet, taking out what she needs, and getting it ready. “High….school,” Melanie whispers. “ Best..friends. She was..jealous..of me..when I married..Mason.”
As they got closer to the room Jareth was able to walk on his own "Thanks... I'm ok now... You two help with Mel... I need to break Mari's control..." He leans closer to Mason and kisses him softly "You know I didn't mean the things I said back there... Right?" He rubs his cheek softly and looks at him.

Kaden looks up at the new doctor "What about an ice bath? Would that help?" He looks back down at her and rubs her cheek, she was so hot.
Mason looks back at him and smiles. He doesn’t answer. He simply heads inside and over to Mel. “Melanie,” he calls out before stopping and looking at Nicholas. “Damn. I hate I didn’t get to see that.” He moves beside her and Kaden. “How is she?”

“An ice bath,” the doctor says looking up at Mason before looking at Kaden, “would be an excellent idea. Pick her up,” she tells him grabbing the rest of the connectors to the montior and ripping them away from her. The montior beeps loudly. Aliya moves to shut it off. She looks down at Nicholas. “Do we just leave him here?” The doctor has stepped over to the door and is holding it open. “Come on. I’ll show you where to take her.” She yells down the hall. “Get some ice ready! Now!”
Jareth smiles back and enters the room, he moves right to Nicholas, he looks at Aliya "I've got him... You take care of her... I don't like the sound of her heart rate..." He move Nicholas so he's sitting up and kneels over his legs, in case he tries to move "Kevin... Make sure no one touches us..." He smiles at him before putting his fingers to Nicholas' head and closing his own eyes to concentrate.

Kaden looks up as they walk through the door "How... I'm not gonna ask..." He looks back to Mel and the Doctor "Not good right now... But hopefully..." He picks her up as the doctor tells him and moves to follow, he didn't want to finish his thought. He follows the doctor and glances at Mason "You look like shit... should I ask why?"
"Thanks. You look hot," Mason tells Kaden. "Then again, she looks hot," he says looking at Mel. The doctor directs them into a room where other nurses have been filling a tub with ice and water. "Put her in there. Gently"

Kevin watches as Jareth begins. "Be careful my love," he whispers.
"I meant you don't look well..." He enters the room and does as told, gently lowering her into the water, he looks at the doctor "Can you give us the truth... What are their chances..." He holds Mel's hand gently.

He heard Kevin but was already too far to respond, he concentrates and slowly enters Nicholas' mind "Nicholas? Nicholas? Hey Doc... Where are you?" His mind looked foggy, and it was hard to see too far ahead, this was a demon's work.
She looks over at him. “Right now? Not good. Certain medications have adverse effects on pregnant women. It can cause muscles to contract. Their hormone levels are different, higher, and that can set off other reactions with the mother. More than one of those medications was in that IV cocktail. Her body is telling her it’s time to give birth. Her body is also attacking itself. Hayden knew the cocktail might send her into labor. It was a gamble. One he said he was taking to save her life. I’m hoping he didn’t know it would affect her this way. If he did, then that means he did it on purpose knowing what it would do.” She looks down at Melanie, taking her pulse. “It’s slowing down a little. That’s a good sign. I have to check her now. I’m assuming you’re the proud father,” she grinned. “Just try to relax. She can sense that you know, and I’m a firm believer they can as well. Send them your love.”

Nicholas winces, and Kevin takes a step back. “Now. Now. Such a bad, bad demon. Don’t you know it’s not polite to hit a woman?” The voice was all too familiar. “His mind is such a brilliant place to be. Don’t you think? Come and find me demon. I’m hiding deep.” She laughed, teasing, taunting him.
Kaden looks at her then at Mason "We're both the fathers... Ones his and one is mine... It's... Complicated... But thank you... As for Nicholas... I don't think it was his fault... He was acting strange..." He didn't want to get too into it, demons weren't too well known.

Jareth growls and looks around "What did he do to deserve this..." He closes his eyes and lets his mind guide him, slowly moving toward a power, almost a pull. He slowly gets closer, the pull becoming stronger the closer he is "Nicholas! If you can hear me... Call out!"
The doctor has a serious look on her face. “Her body isn’t responding. She still thinks it’s time. I can give her something to stop it, but it has risks. I have to get the consent from the husband, that is, if one of you is her legal husband.” Mason clears his throat. “I am, and you have it. Do whatever you have to save them all Doc.” She nods. “I’ll do everything I can.” She leaves the room for a moment, and Mason moves closer to Mel, holding her other hand, kissing it. “Come on baby. You left me once already. Don’t you think that’s enough, and I’ll be damn if you’re taking my baby with you. What about Kaden over there? He’s got a right to his kid too you know. You’re a stubborn woman, but enough is enough. Now you tell your body this isn’t right and to back off. I know you can. Hell you make me listen,” he smirks. “Kaden, I didn’t know. I wouldn’t have left her if…..”

“Nicky can’t answer you right now. I’m afraid he’s a little tied up at the moment. You see he only does my bidding. When I found out he knew her, well I just had to use him. How perfect that he’s able to ruin her life, if not end it, and two others as well. Mason was an idiot for ever marrying her, and this Kaden is a delicious man if I do say so myself. You, on the other hand, are most interesting. A demon who stuck….me. How brave. What do you want here demon?”
Kaden listens as the doctor talks and nods when needed, when they are left alone he looks up at Mason "How were you to know... We didn't even know..." He looks back at Mel "I should have known... She wasn't acting right... What she said to Jareth..." He looks back up at Mason again "I told her what she said when she was doing better... She was disgusted... I told her you'd understand... That she didn't mean it..." He thinks a moment "I'm assuming Jareth didn't listen to what Mel said... He was with you..."

Jareth growls and opens his eyes, the normal halls and doors he saw in a mind were giving way to a large open space. He could almost make them out towards the middle so he kept moving forward.
“Jareth and I are a long and complicated story, but suffice it to say we were together. So it’s a good thing she didn’t mean it.” He rubs her face. “She feels a little cooler now. That’s a good thing. Right?”

“Such a bad boy. You’re in here uninvited. I don’t recall asking you, and I know Nicholas didn’t. He’s a little busy right now. How about you….find me, and we’ll talk? Make me an offer I can’t refuse demon, and maybe I’ll let him go.”
"I'm not sure... But I think so... But how cold is too cold..." He glances at Mason "Did... You really do what he said... Brought Kevin back..." He looks at him "Are the three of you now... Together?" He glances at the door "Are you happy... That's what Mel wants for you... And me as well..." He looks down, he couldn't tell Jareth about what Mel said, but maybe Mason would understand. He looks at Mel to make sure she's asleep "The drug made her excited... More so then I've ever seen her... And to calm her down I... Well you know..." He chuckles "But then she thought I was Jareth... She begged 'him' to makes her cum... Begged 'him' not to tell 'me'... She made me promise not to tell Jareth..." He smiles slightly "I can honestly say I kept my promise..."

He looks around "I'm pretty sure he'd rather have ME in here than the likes of you..." Soon a stairscase appears and he starts to head down it, heading to his deep subconscious to find them there, he had a feeling this was where they were.
“I don’t think she’s too cold. She’s breathing, and she seems comfortable.” He looks over to Kaden as he asks about Kevin. “Yeah. I got Kevin back. Long story there, but I’m more interested in what you just said. Are you serious? She thought you were Jareth….my Jareth….and she wanted him to make her cum? Are you telling me she’s got a thing for my Jareth? That’s insane,” he grins, “but perfectly brilliant. If we can get her to come clean with him then she can….cum with him,” he laughed. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist. That’s wonderful though. We can solve all our issues. She can be you, him, and me. I can be with Jareth and Kevin, and you can be with….her.” His excited tone disappeared slightly. “It’ll be perfect.” He was reminded of the night he tried to take him and how horrible that went. He never got him, and it didn’t look like it was going to happen. No matter. At least Mel was happy. “Now if we can keep these babies safe, everything will be perfect.

“So you found me.” She steps out in front of him, her arms folded. “Come close demon. We have much to discuss I’m sure. What are you offering me in exchange for this human?”
Kaden looked down, he just knew Mason was thinking about that night, a lot has changed since then, he reaches out and gently takes Mason's hand. "A lot has changed since that day..." He softly rubs his hand and holds tighter if he tries to pull away "I don't need Jareth's nose to tell you still want me too..." He looks up at him "I let Mel get like this on my watch... I should have tried to call you sooner... I put our children in danger... Let me make it up to you... As soon as she's stable..." He reaches up and cups his cheek, rubbing it softly "Please..."

Jareth growls at her "How about I let you live..." He glares "You caused this... Mel may lose the babies... What did those children do to you..." He stalks closer.
He tries to pull away slightly as Kaden takes him hand. “It’s okay. I don’t want you to think you dropped the ball, or something, with this. How could you have known? What ar the odds? I mean Mari was is….was….her friend. Nobody could have figured this out. As for us,” he swallows, “let’s just wait and see what happens. Alright? That’s the best answer I can give you right now.”

“Those children did nothing to me. They’re expendable. Sad but true. Something that is sacrificed in order to exact my revenge on her. That stupid girl didn’t know what she had. She threw him aside as if he were nothing. So I’m throwing her children aside as if they were nothing. They are nothing,” she smirks. “Let me live? Now. Now. Don’t too anything you’ll regret. Surly you know I’m attached to his mind. One false move from you, demon, and he’ll forget medical school. Take a seat.”
Kaden smiles slightly at him and leans close "Alright..." He kisses him softly "I can work with that..." He moves to sit back with Mel but stops "Do you wanna sit with her?" He smiles at him, feeling better that they worked it out.

Jareth growls darkly at her but takes a seat, he had no way to safeguard Nicholas' memories.
“No,” he tells him. “Thanks for the offer, but I couldn’t sit down right now. I’m too worried.” He looks down at her sleeping. “She’s beautiful. I should have been the husband she wanted.”

“Good boy. I’d pet your head, but we both know you would bite me,” she smirked. “I need to feed often. You’re a demon. Now do you think you could really give me something better than a virgin?”
He looks at Mel and smiles softly "Even after everything... I would do it all again..." He glances up at Mason "Would you want a life without Jareth..." He smiles softly again "I never seen him this happy... And no, not just because Kevin is back... You woke him up... And I thank you for that..." He reaches out and touches her forehead.

Jareth hides his grin, she still thought Nicholas was a virgin, "Well... What does a virgin give you..."
“Yeah. I would do it all again. I never thought I would be happy with another man. It just wasn’t something I ever pictured. I thought my happiness was with Melaine. Before I started dating her,” he begins to laugh, “I thought it was Mari, but boy did I call that one wrong. She’s some kind of demon or something. I don’t know. She was….feeding off my energy when I climaxed.” He shook his head. “I’ve never seen anything like that before. Jareth saved me the night I met him. I was going to kill you and Melanie. He saved me the night I wrecked. He saved me tonight with Mari. He’s always saving me. Giving him Kevin back was my way of saving him for a change. I didn’t wake him up. He saved me when he woke me up.” Mason kisses Melanie hand softly.

“A virgin is a tasty meal. If he never has sex, why the meals keep going, never losing strength. He’s my meal. I wanted Mason, but no. He only had eyes…..for her, and she threw him away. So she had to be punished. I didn’t know how, but I new someday I would find a way. Then when I realized she knew Nicholas, well, it was all too good. As for you, demon, you smell..familiar. Do I..know you?”
Kaden smiles "I have to admit... You two were quite cute together... He quite enjoys showing you off too..." He smirks slightly, remembering the club "I'm glad you have him..." He looks at him "What about Kevin... Do you two get along?"

Jareth grins "Maybe I should show you... Who I am..." He looks at her, his eyes glow slightly and he snaps his fingers, giving her back the night he took.
“Kevin? Yeah. He’s….great.” His tone changes. “Oh don’t get me wrong. I like him enough, but my heart belongs to Jareth. I welcome him into my life because of Jareth. If it were just us, I don’t know that I’d be attracted to him,” he laughs. “I just want Jareth to be happy. That’s the same thing I want for her. That’s it.”

Marissa grows angry. “How dare you take a memory from me?” She takes a moment, inhaling deeply. “Come on Nicholas. Time to wake up.” Raising her hands she begins to scream. “Nurse! Help me! There’s a crazy man on me! Somebody help me!” Nicholas had opened his eyes and was looking at the door screaming.
Kaden nods "Yeah..." He looks to the hall, the door was open slightly "Isn't that Nicholas?... Wasn't Jareth with him?" He looks at Mason "I've got her... Go... And send that doctor back in..." He could hear Nicholas yelling and calling out for help, that didn't seem right.

Jareth growls at her and tries to move, but Nicholas' shifting to yell was causing him to lose his focus and grip. His image starts to flicker before leaving his mind completely. He looks at her before he was completely gone "I will get you for this..." He wakes up and lets him go "Nicholas... Nicholas it's me!" He tries to hold him.
“Yeah. That’s him.” He turns back to Kaden. “Alright. I’ll see what’s going on.” He squeezes her hand before letting go and heading out the door.

“Let me go,” he tells Jareth, pushing him back. A nurse enters quickly followed by Mason. “I’m fine now. I want this man and that man escorted from the building. There’s a man in with my patient. I want him escorted as well. They’re interfering with the care of my patient.” The other doctor entered, having heard him speaking as she walked past. “I want charges filed against the man in the other room. Assualt charges.” He wipes his face where he was struck. “As for you,” he points to other doctor, “she is off the case. She should have never been put on it. That’s my patient in the other room, and you’ve interferred with her care. You’re fired. I want her escorted from the building. The two women in that room are my patients. I brought them in tonight. I admitted them both. They are under my care. Follow my orders. The three men and the doctor are to be lead away from the building and not allowed to return.” He stands, snatching up the IV bag from the floor. “Start her on the rest of this. We need to make sure the drugs are cleared from her system.”
“Good-bye doctor. You’re dismissed. You’re fired. Your services are no longer required.”
“You’re making a mistake, and you know it!”
“I’m saving her life. Since she has been under, ‘your care,’” He mocks, “she has gone downhill.” He turns to Jareth and smiles slightly. Taking a step closer, whispering so only he can hear, “I always get my way demon. She’ll pay for throwing him away. You had your chance. You could have saved them all. Live with that.” Stepping back, he looks to his nurse. “Make sure security does their job. I’ve got to go do mine now.” He moves past Jareth and heads for the door.
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