Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

He smiles softly and pulls him closer "I'll give him a bit, he said he had to talk with Mari... Then I'll go check on him..." He nuzzles his neck and kisses softy over it.

Kaden smiles and nods, he holds Mel's hand and relaxes again "Of course I'd call..." He tries to get some sleep.
Kevin is happy, lost in love with Jareth. "Yeah. Let him spend some time with Mari," he giggled.

"Mari....please....stop." She grinned at him. "Oh but I can't. I'm still hungry. Cum for me Mason."

Melanie begins to stir. She opens her eyes. Her mouth is dry. She had been asleep for a short while. “K-Ka….wa….water.” She’s covered in sweat, and she moves the blanket from her body. Looking over at Aliya, she sees her sleeping, and then she notices Kaden sleeping as well. “Ka….den. Water,” she whispers.
"What's so funny... Am I tickling you..." He smiles and runs his claws up his sides softly, loving the sound of him so happy "I missed that sound..." He licks up to his ear and nibbles at it lightly.

Kaden felt her shift and pull her hand away, he blinks and wakes up, "Mel?" He turns and looks at her "Mel!? Hold on..." He moves to get her some ice water and helps her drink it "Baby you're burning up..." Once done he lays her back down "Hold on..." He runs to the door "Nurse!"
“I missed laughing for you.” He smiles at him, finding his composure. “There was this demon that most of the angels knew about. They had to take turns watching her. She was a handful. She fed on the sexual energy of a man when he reached his climax. I laughed because her name was Marissa, and the girl Mason is with has the same name.” His smile widens. Humans didn’t know anything was different about her until they were exhausted after having sex with her. She drains them completely. Demons didn’t notice her either. She blends in so well.” He rests his head against his body, snuggling into him.

“Mari..I can’t..cum..anymore. Please. Stop.” She slaps his face hard. “Don’t you dare! I’m. Still. Hungry. You give it to me,” she tells him riding him harder.

Amy looks up at the sound of his voice. “Oh no,” she whispers. “Call Dr Hayden. Now.” She rushes into the room and feels Melanie’s face. “Dr. Hayden is on his way. Get her to drink some more water.” She paces back over to the door. Nicholas rushes in, patting her shoulder as he passes. “Hi there Melanie. You just want to make me work harder tonight. Amy? Pack her down in ice packs. Get that temperature down.”
“But Dr. Hayden…..”
“Do as I ask. Alright?” He gives her a look. She nods and opens the cabinets pulling out the ice packs. “She’s gonna get these on Melanie to bring down to her temperature. If this doesn’t work, we’ll put her in the shower. Relax Melanie. You’re doing fine.” Aliya sits up, looking at her own IV bag. “Nicholas! Did you give this to her?” He heads over to her, leaning in to whisper so only she can hear. “Yes I did. I know it could harm the babies, but it was either give it to her or let her die. I didn’t have a choice.”
“But the babies? She’s reacting to it. It could mean they’re in danger too.”
“I know this Aliya. Just keep calm. Do you want to upset her or Kaden.” She shook her head. “Good. Now try to get some more rest yourself, and relax. I’m watching her. It’s just a small fever. No need to be alarmed yet. It could be anything causing that. Just relax.” He smiles at her before turning back to them. “Amy, if you need me call me. I’ll check back in 15 minutes.”
"A succubus... I haven't seen one of those in... Almost 150 years... She drained all the men in this one village I was staying in... Had everyone looking at me..." He shakes his head a bit "It wasn't until I used my powers on one of the men... That I got her name and cleared mine... She was tricky..." He thinks a moment "Did you ever meet this Marissa?" He looks at him.

Too busy getting Mel to drink and helping Amy ice her, he didn't hear Aliya and Nicholas talking. Once done he moves to pick up his phone.
“No. I never got the job of watching Marissa. Because she was so slippery and because of her nature, they never asked me to. Marissa blends in so well. She’s got a normal personality. She’s not dark or threatening in any way. A beautiful blonde with crystal blue eyes. She is happy, friendly, an as normal as any human you would meet. You know, I forget just how old you are. That long ago huh? I wish I could have lived then. It would have given me more time with you.”

“No water,” she protests. “Tastes yucky.” Aliya looks over starting to get up. “No Aliya. Stay in bed.” She moves beside Melanie , giving Amy a look. “Keep putting the ice packs on her. Melanie? The water tastes yucky?” She nods. “Okay. How about some ice chips? Go get them Amy. I’ll do this.” Amy turns and leaves quickly. Aliya reaches for her wrist checking her pulse. ‘Even faster than before.’ “I’m gonna listen to your heart Melanie. Just take deep breaths for me.” She grabs a stetscope from the cabinet and listens. ‘It’s beating so fast.’ “Do you feel alright Melanie? Does anything hurt?”
“Hot. So hot. Dry mouth. Head hurts.” Aliya nods. “Okay. All side effects from the cocktail. You’re gonna be fine,” she lies patting her arm. Her expression is one of concern and worry as she keeps putting the ice packs on her. She glances up at Kaden hoping he doesn't ask any questions.
He frowns slightly "That... Kind of discribes Mari..." He thinks a moment "But I was with her... I didn't notice..." His eyes widen "Because I had her under my control first... Mason..." He quickly gets up "Where's his room key... She won't just open the door..." He growls softly as he pulls his clothes back on, glad they hadn't sent them off yet.

Too bad for Aliya, Kaden was quite observant, once she was done checking Mel over he walks up to her and corners her. "Talk... What aren't you telling me... And don't you lie to me again, not when she's like this!" He point at Mel and grabs the nurses wrist.
Kevin sits up as he starts to get dressed. “You’ve met this Mari person? She was under your control? Jareth what did you do to her while she was under your control? Tell me you didn’t….cum for her while she was under your control. You let her feed from you? Did she know you were a demon? You gave her an energy boost. She could still be riding that. If she is, she’s stronger, more powerful, and probably starving. Tell me you didn’t cum for her.” He moves from the bed and grabs the room key from his pocket handing it to him. “Do you want me to come with you,” he asks starting to get dressed. It was a stupid question as he intended on going no matter what Jareth said.

“Kaden. Relax. I….,” she looks at him not wanting to worry him. “We’ve just got to get this temperature down. If we don’t, it could be really bad for her.” It wasn’t a lie. “A brain can’t take this high of a temperature for too long. The ice packs will help cool her down. She’s gonna be freezing, but it’s for her own good. Okay? Relax.”
"I was keeping her busy, and away from Kaden... Mel was trying to get him back... How was I to know! Unless they show themselves... They are human..." He growls and takes the card "Since you won't listen anyway... Just be careful... I don't want you becoming her next meal..." He leads the way to Mari's room and growls a bit louder a few rooms away "I can smell it from here..." He gets to the door and tries knocking first, he also lets his power rise, almost trying to tease her with it.

He glares at her "That's all anyone has been saying HER own good... Well she's not just her anymore... Her children are in there! What about them!?" He glances at her I.V and something clicks "The drugs... The ones you're giving her..." He looks back at Aliya and glares "Are they safe for pregnant woman..!"
Marissa is pushing him closer when she picks up on the scent. “Ooooooh,” she groans. “Demon. A demon is nearby.” Mason moans out loudly in pain. He was so close to cumming. She laughs at him before yelling out, “Cum for me! Give it to me!”

Aliya swallows hard. He’s got her cornered. Her eyes glance over to the bag and back to Kaden. “No. They’re not safe for a pregnant woman. They could cause her to lose the babies. A rapid heartbeat and a spiked fever are both warning signs. She’s got both, but Nicholas didn’t have a choice. Without the drugs, she had been exposed to too much of the other drugs. She could have died. He didn’t have a choice. He’s watching this carefully Kaden. He….he knew the risks, but losing her was one he wasn’t going to take. I’m sorry. We’re trying to help her and the babies now.”
Jareth growls louder and uses the card key, he pushes the door open and walks inside, he glances to Kevin "You get Mason out..." He growls again seeing how bad Mason looks "So this is who you really are... Mari..." He walks closer to the bed, keeping his power level up to try and draw her away, he smirks "That's a pretty pathetic meal you have there... He's not giving you want you want... Why not have a real man..." He hoped Mason would understand what he was doing and that he didn't mean what he said, he needed her off him. "You don't remember me... But you've had me before... Are you looking for that again..." She may not remember him, but the power boost she might.

Kaden glares at her "After all we did for you... He lied to me... To my face he fucking lied!" He walks over to Mel and takes her hand, another hand over her belly "And what if she does loose them... What is he going to say..." He kisses her hand and watches her, if she lost them, it would kill her, he closes his eyes and lets a few tears fall. Why now, when he was this close to getting his family, he needed to call Jareth and soon, but he couldn't leave her just yet.
“You,” she hisses. He didn’t look familiar to her, but there was something about him that she couldn’t put her finger on. There was an energy radiating from him that drew her in. She continued to slam her body to Mason’s though, drawing moans from him. “Jareth,” he whispered. “Help….me.” She ground her hips into him. “He won’t cum for me. Pathetic indeed. You know my name, but the question is, who the hell are you? Are you his boy toy lover? Then show me what you have on the menu boy toy? Jareth? Is that what he called you? Show me what you can offer me, and I might consider letting my meal ticket go. Pathetic or not, he is delicious, and I’m not giving him up. He’s mine Jareth! So unless you’ve got something better, I’m keeping you as my personal dinner to go.”

“Kaden,” she tells him moving closer to him. “Relax. You have to remain calm. She has to remain calm. Yes he lied, but he didn’t have a choice. It was do this to save her, or do nothing and they would all be lost. Here,” she tells him handing him and ice pack. “There’s more in the cabinet over there. Help me pack her down. Move,” she tells him.
He looks to Mason but doesn't look at Kevin, not wanting her to realize there is a third male in the room "Fine..." He starts to remove his clothes, soon dropping his pants and stepping out of them "There... Is that what you wanted to see... Now come get some real power..." He slowly steps away from the bed.

Kaden glares at her and takes the bag "Anything happens to those babies... You can kiss this hospital good bye..." He helps but was Nicholas in for a surprise when he came back to check on her.
She slinks from Mason's boy leaving him groaning on the floor. Kevin grabs him under his arms and begins to pull him from the room. Marissa crawls between Jareth's legs. "You'll cum for me. You'll give it to me. It's not a question! I'm so hungry!" She starts t suck his cock, taking him deep right away.

Aliya nods just before the door opens. Nicholas comes in and tells Aliya, "You get back in bed. You shouldn't be up." She opens her mouth, trying to tell him that she's told Kaden about the IV, but he grabs her and starts to lead her to her bed. "No protesting. Get back in bed."
"But Nicholas....."
"I said no protesting. Back in bed." He helps her to get back in her bed, pulling the covers over her before checking her IV bag. "Almost done. Melanie should be almost done too. What's this I hear about a fever," he asks her coming to her side. Thanks for your help with the ice packs Kaden," he tells him, not looking at him. "How are you feeling Melanie," he asks checking her pulse.
"Nnn..." He looks down at her then glances at Kevin as he drags Mason away, he puts his hand on her head to keep her distracted, she'd find he could hold out pretty long. Once his boys were safe he pushes her off him and pins her to the floor on her back "And what if I don't... What if I was to use your body..." He pins her hands above her head and straddles her hips, he reaches down with his other hand and teases her clit "How long have you been stalking Mason... And Kaden..." He stares down at her.

He looks to the doorway and glares, he doesn't say anything while he's looking Mel over, knowing she needed it, but when he stood and turned, Kaden was right there. "How dare you... Out right lie to my face..." If he could he'd be growling right now.
She grins looking up at him. “It wasn’t them I was stalking. It wasn’t even you, demon, that I was after. So sweet. So precious. So….repressed. I had to taste that climax, and I will.”

Nicholas glances over to Aliya, who gives him a look as she shrugs her shoulders. “I see. Well, Kaden, it’s really quite simple how I could do that. It was either risk the babies or lose all three. Are you ready to lose all of them? Would you rather I just allow her to lie there and die? I could have, but I know you love her. If, and I do stress if, something happens to the babies, you can try again. If something happens to Melanie, it’s over. Done. You can’t have another Melanie. Get it? It wasn’t any easy choice to make.”
“Kaden,” Melanie whispers. “I don’t like the fact that I had to make it,” Nicholas keeps going. “Kaden,” she calls again. “I did what I did with the hopes that all of this will go alright.”
“Kaden,” she calls again, pulling herself up. “Her heart rate is up, and she’s running a fever. Side effects of the drugs with a pregnant woman.”
“Kaden,” she calls louder. Nicholas turns to face her just as she throws up all over herself. Nicholas rushes over to her. “That’s not normal. That’s not good. Aliya, call an OB here.” She climbs from her bed heading towards the phone. “Throwing up happens sometimes when….a woman….goes into labor.” He looks up and across the bed Melanie is in at Kaden.
He growls at her "Who was it... Who were you after..." He stares down at her and bares his fangs.

Kaden continues to glare "You don't think I know that's a hard choice to make... But don't you think letting us believe that they would be fine is worse!" He turns to Mel as she calls him then pukes, he looks to Nicholas then to Mel "We needed to know Nicholas..." He takes Mel's hand and tries to get her to calm down and drink some water as Nicholas cleans her off "You had no right to lie... I could have gotten Mason here... One of those children is his... Or did you forget that... He had a right to know..." He steps back as the other doctor comes in and pulls out his phone "Pick up..." He had called Jareth's cell.
“Such a pushy demon. Why should I tell you? What do you care? I will have what I desire. I’ve followed my prey for a long time, and I will enjoy my meal.”

The doctor puts her hand under the blanket, and Melanie moans as she checks her. “I know. Almost done.” She quickly looks at Nicholas and nods. “Labor? Really? Can we stop it?” She notices the IV bag and looks at him. “Not with that going into her system. What the hell are you doing Nicholas? “
“I didn’t have a choice.”
“She’s in labor because of that. She could lose her child.”
“Children. Twins.” She glares at him. “Get it out of her now. Take the IV out.”
“She has to take the whole bag to make sure the drugs are out of her system.”
“Hayden! I can’t do anything until you do that.”
“Then you wait. She has to have all the medicine.” She steps closer to him. “You’re killing those babies.”
“Let’s hope not. Now get everything ready you’ll need.” She gives him another glare before turning away from him. “Kaden, she’s going to take care of Melanie and the kids as soon as the medicine is done.”
Jareth had left his cell in the room and it was buzzing softly as Kaden tried to call him. Jareth leans down over her and lets his eyes glow, trapping her in his trance "Now tell me who you're really after..." He holds back his growl and starts to finger her faster.

Kaden sighs and tries again, all he could do was sit back and watch, he was beyond pissed at Nicholas and this new doctor seemed to be alright. But his heart broke a little at hearing her confirm they might lose the babies, Mel would be heart broken, and Mason... He wasn't even sure he could take it. But he also knew, that they would try again, the both of them, Mason deserved a child with his wife, he owed him that at the very least. "Dammit Jareth... Answer the phone!" He yelled softly.
She grins up at him, fully in his power. “He will do anything I tell him to. We’ve been friends a long time. All I have to do is call for him, and he will do exactly what I tell him to.”

She walks over to stand in front of Kaden. “I will do whatever you ask for your wife. If you want her off that IV, I can…..”
“He’s not her husband,” Nicholas interupts. “Her husband isn’t here. So I’m making decisions for her care.”
“The IV stays until it’s empty. Melanie needs it.”
“But those babies…..”
“Will be fine. Now stop.”
“Whatever happens is on your head Hayden!” Nicholas looks over at Kaden from across the bed, but he doesn’t speak.
"Who dammit... Give me a name!" He shifts lower and thrusts into her, as long as he didn't cum in her it'd be fine, and he had no intentions of filling her again. He wondered if Kevin had managed to get Mason to their room, he noticed the blanket was gone. "Now tell me his name..." He thrusts a few more times, then stops, her grins at her.

Kaden was about to tell her himself when Nicholas spoke up, he outright glares at him "You haven't even tried to contact him!" He turns from them and tries Jareth yet again.
She groans with a growing smile. “Such an….angry demon. So….pushy. You give me….what I want, and I….will give you….what you want.” Kevin has Mason in the hall. He’s slapping his face, trying to bring him around. “Did she tell you anything? Do you know who her target is? Come on Mason. Talk.”

“I don’t know how to contact Mason, and he hasn’t tried to contact him either! You’re only trying now because she’s in danger of losing the babies! Why didn’t you contact him when she was stable? No! You sat there and went to sleep! So don’t you dare take that tone with me! I’m saving her life, the woman both of you love. So get over yourself Kaden.” He runs his fingers through his hair in anger. “Nicholas, she’s strong. She doesn’t need all the medicine.”
“Do you want to risk her life on that?” The lady just stares at him. “I didn’t think so.”
He growls at her, she was fighting his control, had he given her that much power, he glares at her and thrusts faster, he could push her over the edge before he even got close "Tell me his name... Or I'll stop..." His eyes glow brighter, sinking deeper into her mind.

"Fuck you Doc! I didn't call because I thought she, they were fine! BECASUE YOU TOLD ME THEY WERE! Why call when everything was ok... You lying bastard!" He looks at Mel and lets his tears fall, "You said she was fine... That the babies were safe... Why..." Why was he being blamed for this, how could he face Mason if she lost his child while under his watch.
She cries out, not just at his pace, but she could feel him penetrating her mind further and her own control fleeting. “His..climax..will be so sweet. He is..a virgin. It’s a bonus..that he can help me..make her life..rough. The little bitch! She has had..everything..and she all away. Why? For cock. For him. So she..shall pay. He can..take it all..away from her. He has..the power. Nicholas..Hayden.” She hums softly, connecting with him mentally. “Nicholas,” she whispers. “All of it. Give it her.”

“Fuck me?” He grins. “You already did that. Remember? While both of them were breathing in those drugs. You weren’t too concerned about her then. You left her eating another woman’s pussy. Remember? In a club you had never been in. Remember? So don’t you dare play the concerned homewrecker card with me. That’s right Kaden. You’re a homewrecker. She was with her husband when you….did what you did. Would you like the good doctor here, who is on your side, to know exactly what you did? Do you want…..” He pauses, as if he’s looking off into the distance for a moment as he hears Marissa. “She has to take all the medicine.”
He listens then goes white "N-Nicholas..." He could feel her control over him, and could vaguely see Mel through him. "You little bitch!" He slaps her hard to break her focus, then punches her hard enough to knock her out with out breaking anything. He quickly pulls away from her and stares at her "Mel... Something's happening with Mel... Shit!" He grabs his clothes and gets dressed, grabbing Mason's as well he runs into the hall "I-It was Nicholas! She was controlling Nicholas... Something is happening with Mel... We have to get back now!" He lifts Mason and runs them up to their room "Get him dressed... I have to remember how to do this..." He heard his phone as he was trying to concentrate, he picks it up "Kaden... Don't trust Nicholas! He was being controlled by someone... Keep him away from Mel until I... What!... Shit... Get him away from her! We'll be there soon!" He hangs up and looks at Kevin "Mel and the babies are in trouble... Now I haven't don't this in a very long time... Stay as calm as you can..." He walks over and holds them close, says a few strange words and they disappear.

"Finally... Jar..." He listens then cuts in "He's already done something... By who... Alright... Please hurry..." Kaden sets his phone down and walks over to Nicholas, he was far enough away from the beds, he glances at Aliya before turning to face the Doc. "I won't let you hurt them!" He pulls his arm back and punches him hard in the face, hoping it would only take the one. "Fuck that hurt!" He shakes his hand.
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