Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

He chuckles softly and it turns into a low moan "Mmm... But I wouldn't have this any other way... The things I've done... Both of you should be running from me... Nnn... Not this..." He bites his lip and pushes a little harder. He kisses along Kevin's neck and scraps his fangs lightly, he allows Mason to feel the same thing, then he bites softly, not enough to break skin. He runs his claws lightly down Kevin's chest.

Kaden just looks at Mel and slips his hand under her sheets "I thought you hated me..." He didn't mind Nicholas and Aliya being there, he smiles softly at Mel "Have you been lying Melanie..." He starts to slowly tease her, rubbing her clit and pushing a few fingers into her.
"I would away from you lover. I want you. Always. Remember? The ring," Mason tells him as he feels his body beginning to tense. Jareth was so intoxicating it wouldn't take him much longer. He and Kevin both groan and move their bodies as Jareth showers them with attention. Keven tenses a bit more than Mason when he feels the bite. His old fears were still there, but he relaxed quickly when he realized Jareth was in full control. "Make him cum lover," Mason whispers in Jareth's ear. "Make him cum, and I'll fill you up."

Nicholas looks over his shoulder slightly as he hears Kaden start to speak. Aliya looks up at the ceiling. She moans for him at his touch. "Yes. I've been....lying to you Jareth. I want you. You body hot." Melanie moves with him, adjusting her hips to allow him entrance. She spreads her legs slightly.
He purrs lightly as Kevin tenses more "Please don't fear me..." He whispers softly, looking at him, hearing Mason he smiles at Kevin "Are you ready lover... Will you cum for me... For us..." He runs his claws over his chest again and speeds up slightly, feeling his own climax fast aproching. "Nnn... Together..." He was panting and whining, he was now holding back, waiting for them "Fuck!" He bites at Kevin's shoulder again, harder, but still not enough to break skin, Mason felt it to, he thrusts deep into Kevin and cum, his body shuddering.

He speeds up slightly and adds a finger "Why lie... Didn't you see it was hurting others..." He might as well try for some answers while she was like this, he takes her hand with his other one "Why not tell me... Tell Kaden..."
When Kevin feels him cum, he loses all control. His own seed shoots up his chest, some landing on Jareth as well. Mason could feel Jareth's body trembling, and he thrusts hard, groaning out, nearly howling. He feels the tremors working through his body as his climax approaches. Mason slams his body into Jareth with great force and releases.

Melanie arches her back, her arousal growing. "I was hurting people. I couldn' it. I want you so much..and all you Mason. Why him? Why not me? Why don't you I can't tell..Kaden. He'll jealous..I am." She squeezes his hand tightly. "I'm gonna cum." She writhed. "Slower. I enjoy this. I"
Jareth was panting and looking down at Kevin when Mason picks up his pace, thrusting harder, which forced him to move in Kevin again "A-Ah..." He moans louder and tries to steady himself, as Mason thrusts deep one last time, Jareth's eyes flash red and he growls as he feels Mason fill him, he also came again. Growling and eyes glowing red, his demon stares down at Kevin, then kisses him roughly, nipping at his lip, his hand moves into his hair, holding him in place. As he feels Mason relax, he pulls from the kiss slowly, eyes still glowing, he whispers "You came back... Prove you belong..." He moves his claws to his neck "Never fear me... Submit to me..."

He slows down slightly, letting her slowly build "You know I love Mason... He loves you, so does Kaden... You never showed interest in me..." He watches her "You should tell Kaden..." He uses his other hand to massage her breast slowly.
Kevin looks into the red eyes he had seen everyday since he was killed. There was a moment where he felt fear and wanted to run. It was the love he felt for Jareth that kept him still. “I….love you….my love. I submit to you. I give you all that I have.” Mason stilled, listening, almost holding his breath. He wasn’t sure exactly how he felt about this. He would wait and see how things played out.

“I..I..know, but I can’t..tell..Kaden. I just can’t. Oh please don’t stop. I need it.” Melanie was breathing fast. Nicholas could hear it. He was becoming aroused from her pleading. “You good..Jareth.” Opening her legs wider, only to close them around his hand, she could not remain still.
Jareth lightly presses his claws into his neck, not breaking skin, when he doesn't tense or smell of fear he grins "Good..." He rewards him with a kiss and slowly pulls away, he glances back at Mason and slowly pulls from Kevin, then pulls away from Mason and turns to face him. He reaches up and holds his chin "Did you enjoy it boy... Being the top dog..." He and closer and licks at his lips, then kisses him roughly, nipping his lil with his fangs and drawing blood. "Mmm... Don't expect it all the time..." He grins, then nips his nose and kisses him again, his eyes slowly returning to normal.

"Why can't you tell him... Do... You not love him anymore..." He had to ask, he had to know, was he not good enough for her anymore? He adds another finger and trusts them deeper, harder "Why can't you tell him..."
Kevin simply looking into the eyes glowing back at him. It wasn't an act. He truly didn't fear Jareth. He had already been through the worst with him, or so he thought. The worst had certainly been going on without him. Dying at his hands paled in comparison. Mason watched as he advanced. There was no way he would dare take his eyes off of him. He barely winces at he nips his lip. It shocked him more than anything. As his eyes begin to return to normal, Mason tells him, "Thank you."

"I'm so close," she declares. Nicholas shifts on his feet, trying to think about anything but the scene playing out behind him. "I love....Kaden....with all my heart....,but I love.....Mason....too. How can I....expect understand....that I want....another man....too? It' ask....of him. So....I hate you....,but Kaden....isn't here....right now. So I can....have this." Her lips quivered with each word as she teetered on the edge. It wouldn't take much more for her to climax, and in her state of mind, thinking it was Jareth, it would be a strong one.
As he returns to normal, he smiles and kisses him harder, pulling him closer "Mmm..." He pulls back and cups his cheek, he looks back at Kevin "He... Let me watch..." He kisses Mason again before leading him back to the blanket and sitting them down, he takes Kevin's hand and kisses it, pulling him up to kiss him softly "I was afraid he'd hurt you again..." He pulls them both close and looks at them "Now be honest... Please... Will this work for you... The three of us..." He cups their cheeks and looks at them, beyond happy, but still worried.

Kaden watches her and listens, he slows his actions "I'll let you cum... On one condition... You tell Kaden the truth... You tell him what you've been holding back... I know he'll understand..." He watches her and continues to slow down the long she doesn't answer him.
Kevin was quick to answer. “Yes my love. As long as I’m close to you, with you, that’s all that matters. I want you to be happy, and if both of us make you happy, then I’m alright.” He leans closer, still thinking about the fact that Jareth had been allowed to watch. Mason seems deep in thought. ‘Another share,’ he thinks. It makes him smile. ‘Why can’t I be enough for anyone?’ His smile widens. “Alright lover. If this is what it takes to make you happy, I’m okay. Maybe between the two of us we can keep you well satisfied.”

“No,” she groans. “Please! Don’t make me..tell Kaden. I..can’t. Don’t stop.” Her voice was pleading, the need clear.
He smiles and leans close, kissing them both in turn "Good..." He pulls back to look at them "But... You both deserve more then half of me... And I'm sorry I'm being selfish and making you share... So... I prepose an idea... You each get one day a week... Where it's just you and me... Unless there is an emergency, you have me all to yourself..." He glances at both, even though Mason had smiled, he still smelt the worry on him, faint, but there.

Kaden looks at her "Everyone else is open with who they want... If you can't tell Kaden... You can't have me... And I'll stop right now..." He looks at her "You're not just hurting yourself with this secret..." He was only lightly rubbing her clit at this point, knowing she was beyond close.
"I'm fine with whatever you decide my love. You know that." Kevin snuggles into him, happy. For one moment, and he wasn't sure why, Mason thought about Marissa. "Jareth, I've already told you I'm okay with whatever you decide. If this is what it takes, then I'm ok." His smile is still there as he leans in to kiss him. "But right now I need to go check on Marissa downstairs. She has no idea what happened.

"You can't do this to me," she shouts. Nicholas wants to turn around because of the volume of her voice, but he doesn't. "Please! It's not....fair! I can't!"
Jareth kisses him back and lightly nips his lip as he pulls away, "Alright... We'll get cleaned up and go book our room... I'll have a key sent to your room..." He cups his cheek "Would you rather call Mel... Or do this in person..." He was thinking they go back tomorrow and see what happened.

That hurt, that she'd be so strong about keeping this secret from him, he looked at her "I'd tell Mason... I won't keep this from him... I love him enough to trust him... You say you love Kaden... But you can't trust him with this..." He pulls his hand away from her, he was hurt.
"Oh I think it would be best to do this in person." He thought about asking them to stay with him and Marissa but didn't. Mason wanted the time to think and maybe talk to her about this. He stands up asking Jareth, "Can you....give me some clothes or the blanket? Can't be seen walking down to the room naked now can I," he smirks.

"No," she wails. "Okay! I'll tell him! I love him that much! Please!" Nicholas looks over at Aliya who was still looking at the ceiling.
Jareth chuckles and helps Kevin to stand, then picks up the blanket and shakes it off before handing it to him. "Can't have you showing off what's already taken..." He walks over to him and wraps the blanket around him as he slowly kisses him, twisting their tongues together before pulling away, running his fangs over his lip. "We'll see you later... I'll have the key sent down soon..." He smiles "Love you..." Once he was headed back inside he turns to Kevin and they start to get dressed "Think a king size bed will be big enough..." He smiles and pulls him close, kissing him too.

Kaden look so at her then glances at the others "Alright... If you keep thy promise..." He slips his hand back between her thighs and rubs her clit quickly, his other hand moving to hold her's. "Cum for me Mel..." He whispers to her, watching her quickly grow close again.
Mason wraps up in the blanket smiling. “That’s right. Can’t show other people what is already taken.” He heads back inside and down the stairs. The entire time he’s smiling and humming. When he gets to the room, he knocks, and Marissa lets him in. “What was that all about,” she asks smacking his arm. “You could have fallen to your death. You had me scared to death.” He smirked at her. “I’m okay. Relax. Don’t be so worked up.” She follows him around the hotel room. “So what all happen anyway?” He turns to face her before sitting down. “Do you really want to know?” She nods. “Alright. My two lovers are here and we three fucked on the roof.” She continues to stare at him, in shock. “Marissa I care for you, but I love him. You’ve always been a friend. He’s more.”
“What does Mel think about this?” He takes a deep breath. “We won’t tell Mel about this just yet. She knows I’m with him, but let’s keep that I was with him tonight between us right now. Okay?” She nods. “I’m going to take a shower and get dressed. I’ve got plans for tonight. You can have the shower when I done.” As he gets up and heads towards the bathroom she says, “Or I could join you.” He stops and looks over his shoulder. “Right now. I could join you right now Mason.” She moves closer to him. There are no words as she moves past him into the bathroom. He follows.

Melanie groans out, her needy, hungry body quickly approaching the edge once more. She grabs his wrist with both hands and rides her pleasure until her body gives in. She cums hard for him. Her body jerks and twitches until she finally relaxes on the bed, exhausted. Nicholas turns around and looks at her heart rate. “It’s coming down. Finally. You did it Kaden.”
After they got dressed they headed to the lobby to book a king room, he requested 3 key cards and to have one sent to Mari's room. "Would you like to shower? I know is like one... After running all day, then the fun on the roof..." He smiles at him and heads to the bathroom "I'll have to have our clothes washed... Wanna set them in the bag and call the front desk before you join me..." He smiles.

Kaden looks at him and sighs "That's good..." He holds Mel's hand and looks at her "Mel... Can you hear me?"
Kevin smiles. "Of course I'll join you. I'd join you anywhere. I came back from the dead to be with you. Jareth, I've watched over you since I've been gone. Whenever you knew you were alone, but you felt like someone was there, that was me. I've never left you, and I don't want to now."

"K-Kaden," she whispers. " I hear you." Nicholas smiles. "She's coming around."
He turns and looks at him "Didn't... Didn't you ever blame me... For... What I did..." He walks up to him slowly and softly runs his fingers over when he'd cut him. "Or were you watching that night... As I mourned your loss... Begging for it to be me instead... Then finally... Burying you... Under the willow tree..." He remembered that night, he would relive it whenever he thought he was alone "Was it you... Making me remember, or my own guilt..." If he looked close enough he could see the fine scars from his claws.

"Aww baby... How are you feeling... What do you remember..." He lifts her hand and kisses it softly "What can you tell me about tonight..." He rubs her hand softly.
He reaches up and grabs his wrist as his fingers trace over his scars. “It wasn’t I who made you remember, but I did watch you mourn and suffer in pain. It was I who was behind you comforting you, my hand to your back as I wept with you. I would never leave you alone Jareth, and I most certainly wouldn’t let you suffer alone. I never blamed you. I still do not blame you.”

“I remember….the club. We were….all together. Then it gets hazy. I remember fighting an walking down a road. It’s all hazy. What happened,” she asks looking over at Nicholas. “You and Aliya were exposed to a drug in the air. You breathed in massive doses. This is helping,” her showed her the IV. “Just remain calm. You’re gonna be fine.” He moved to check on Aliya. “A drug,” she asked Kaden. “But I,” she began, shifting her hips on the bed. “Did know?”
Jareth watches him and smiles softly, he reaches up and cups his cheek, rubbing it softly "I love you... So much... I can't thank Mason enough for forcing you back... You both... I just..." A few tears fall from his eyes, but he's smiling "I feel so... Complete with you both around... Maybe this was how it was supposed to be... All along..." He leans closer and kisses him softly but deeply, pulling him to the shower slowly.

Kaden looks at her "Did... You what? What's wrong?" He looks her over.
“Maybe. It’s possible that everything that has happened has been leading up to this. The three of us could have been on our path all along to meet. I was destined to meet him so that he could bring me back to you.” Kevin stepped closer to him once they were in the shower. He wanted to feel his body close to his. “Just hold me. Please. I’ve missed feeling your flesh pressed against my own.”

“Did I,” she blushes, “cum? I feel like I did.” She looks at him curiously before looking around the room. “Is something wrong Kaden? Is….Jareth here?"
"Mmm... I can do that..." He turns the water on and lets it heat up while he holds Kevin close, he rubs his back slowly "Everythings so different... From when we first met..." He slowly leads him into the warm water "Instead of just watching... You get to live it all..." He kisses him and smirks "If you've really been watching me... I know you've seen me use a few sex toys over the years..." He licks along his neck and nibbles softly "I can't wait to show you some of those..." He chuckles softly and starts to rub the soap over him.

Kaden chuckles softly and leans up to kiss her softly "Yes you did..." He looks at her "No he's not... You don't remember... What you said to him?"
“I did,” he blushes. “I’m curious about them. I want to know..what they feel like, and I can’t wait for you to show me, to experience everything with you lover. I want you to teach me, to show me, anything you want to. Promise me you will. Let me feel it all..with you.” He leans forward, pressing his lips to his, as he brings a hand up his neck to rest on his cheek.

Her face pales. She remembers. “Y-Yes,” she tells him. “I..remember. Where”
He grins, show is fang "I will definitely be showing you..." He leans into his hand "Is there anything else you'd like to experience... Something you've seen... I've done quite a lot in 80 years..." He rubs his soapy hands over his skin "Mmm..."

He holds her hand "I was here... What did you say to him Sweety..." He rubs her hand softly and lifts it up to kiss again.
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