Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Mason felt as though he would cum with each thrust from Jareth. His resolve was strong. He already had an idea of what he what he wanted and cumming inside Kevin wasn’t it. As his claws sank into his flesh and left marks where they had been, drawing blood in places, his urge to release grew stronger. His hand continued to work Kevin, who by now had grown hard again. Kevin groaned, but tried to keep his voice low. He knew what was happening with Jareth, and he wanted to hear every word. When Jareth asks, he replies with a deep moan. “ love. I know you.” Mason slaps Kevin’s ass just slightly. “I’m not him, and I do love those claws. I love those claws, your fangs, and your growls. Come on! Growl for me!” He pushes into Kevin, trying to match Jareth’s pace.

“Kaden, I…..” He picks her up before she can continue, and it’s just as well. She feels weak, and it’s actually a relief when he takes her in his arms. Once inside the car she tells him, “I will go….for my children.” She leans against him, trying not to pass out. Nicholas drives as fast as he can and still be able to handle the roads. Once he knows the curvy roads are behind him, he floors it. He’s not sure what they’ll do for Melanie and Aliya. ‘If the drugs had been ingested, then charcoal would work. This is in the blood stream. Perhaps all they can do is monitor them until it’s out of their system. Certain medications can counter the effects. I just hope Melanie can take them since she’s pregnant. She has to be able to. I’m sure of it.’
Jareth chuckles lightly "You'd still call him that... After what I did..." He thrusts harder, pushing Mason into him more. At Mason's words he reaches up and pulls his hair, turning his head to look at him "You test me boy..." He doesn't let up on his thrusts, holding him in place "I could kill you..." He growls, baring his fangs.

"Hold on baby... Just stay awake ok..." He tips her chin up an smiles at her "Hey..." He rubs her cheek "I'm sorry we fought... I knew something was wrong... I just didn't think... This..." He laces their fingers together and leans closer, kissing her softly.
Kevin shivers. While he’s enjoying Mason’s attentions, the tone in Jareth’s voice scares him. It reminds him of that night. Deep inside he wants to tell Mason to back off, but he can’t even speak. Mason stares into his eyes as he speaks. He remembers telling Jareth that he blacked out at times. Mason was sure this was one of those times. “You could,” He grins. “But you won’t. You want me to test you. You want me to tame you. Dnon’’t you? You want me to push him off of me and take you. Don’t you?”

“Kaden,” she whispers to him breathlessly after his kiss ends. “I want you. Right here. Right now. Make love to me.” She shifts her body on his lap. Her hands reach for his chest. “Take me M’Lord.”
He growls louder and moves his hand to his throat "I'm not one to be tamed!" He squeezes a few moments then let's go, he pulls out and backs away, growling, "You both belong to me... Not the other way around... You're only human..." He growls and bares his fangs, staring at Mason.

"M-Mel... Woah..." He kisses her again softly but holds her back "I would love to baby... But not now... You're sick..." He looks up "How much longer Doc? Hey!" He looks at her and pulls her hand away from him "As soon as you're well... I promise baby..." He tries to keep her off him.
Kevin dares not to look. What he hears is enough for him. Mason’s face reddens slightly as Jareth holds his throat. He never takes his eyes from Jareth’s. When he releases and steps back, he listens to everything he has to say. “I may be only human, but you desire it. You want me to tame you. It doesn’t matter what I am. All that matters is what you want. Now admit it! Stop hiding! You want me to turn you around, bend you over, and take you.” He pulls from Kevin, leaving in a panting body, and heads towards Jareth. “Don’t you dare bare those fangs at me! I’m not afraid of you Jareth. I want you as much as you want me.” He reaches towards his face, his fingertips just touching his cheek.

“No far,” Nicholas yells. “A few more blocks!” Melanie snuggles her nose into his neck before kissing him. “I want it M’Lord. I want it real bad. Please. Don’t make me wait. Just take your cock out, and I can lower my pussy on it. Please baby.” Her tongue licks along his neck to his ear where she nibbles. Nicholas blushes at her words. “Wow,” he whispers before speeding up.
He glares at him and reaches up, gripping his wrist, his voice low "You'd fight for him... Even though I could kill you..." He stares at him and leans closer, baring his fangs once again, as if daring him.

"Mmm... You make saying no so hard... Among other things..." He kisses her and snakes his hand under her top to massage her breast, hoping to keep her calm enough until they got there.
“You bet I would,” he says stepping closer to Jareth. “I told you don’t show me those fangs.” With his free hand, he reaches around grabbing Jareth’s hair. He pulls hard, forcing him to look up, and leans in to his throat. Mason can almost feel Jareth’s heartbeat as his lips are so close to his throat. He opens his mouth wide and nearly bites into Jareth’s neck. It was sign of his dominance over him. Holding there, he waits for him to make his move. Kevin remains still the entire time.

“Yes M’Lord. Touch my body.” She begins to grind her hips into him. “Come on baby. Please. I want you inside me so bad. My body aches for it. Give it to me!” Nicholas swerves at her words. He can see the signs pointing to the hospital. “Almost there.”
Jareth growls louder as he grabs his hair, then stops as he bites at his neck, he stills a moment then growls again, softer "You're learning... But that doesn't mean I'd submit..." He looks down at him, his hand flexing on his wrist "You'd no sooner kill me... Then I would you..." He continues to growl low but stays still.

"S-Sorry Doc..." He takes a deep breath and looks at Mel, he grips her chin "Enough..." He kisses her roughly and squeezes her breast, pinchin get nipple, again trying to distract her until they get here.
Mason knows he’s right. He would never kill Jareth. Still he found himself biting down slightly into his skin. The warmth coming from him was intense. He was afraid his teeth would puncture his skin at any moment. Jareth’s heartbeat was strong, and Mason was incredibly hard. It became quiet. He could hear Kevin’s breathing. Mason tugged harder on his hair, as if pleading with him to submit.

She moans into his kiss and squirms on his lap. Her hands grasp his wrists. Pulling away from the kiss, she pleads with him. “More. Don’t stop. I want it. Why won’t you fuck me?”
Jareth continues to growl softly "You arwnt my better boy..." But he relaxes slightly and tips his head back a bit more, a reluctant truce, he still keeps a light hold on his wrist.

He sighs and kisses her again, looking at her "Becasue you're sick love... You were drugged at the club... This is the drug talking, not you..." He cups her cheek and rubs it softly "You know I would normally... Jump at the chance..."
Mason feels him move. It felt like his body relaxed for him. Slowly he pulls away from his throat. “I don’t want to be better than you. I….just want to take you.” Kevin turns, looking at both of them. “Take him. Take your lover. I want my lover.”

“If you don’t want me….then maybe Aliya would help me. Aliya?” She looks down at her. The girl’s eyes had closed. “Aliya? Wake up.” Nicholas looks up in the rearview to see her sleeping. He slams on the breaks, opens the door, and blows the horn on the car. “Hey! Over here!” Leaving his door open, he opens the back door and picks Aliya up. “Come on Kaden! Let’s move!” After he gets her out, he starts to carry her towards the nurses that had started to come to them. “Do we have a cocktail mixed for the club patients?” A nurse answers him, telling him they do. “Get both these women on it then. Now!”
“But Sir, this is Aliya.”
“Brilliant observation. This is Melanie. Now you know them both. Get them on the IV now.” He places her on a stretcher and begins to push her towards her room. “Bring Melanie this way too! I want them in the same room.”
He blinks and when his eyes open again they are green once more, he looks at Mason, then Kevin, he could smell the fear in him. "What..." He looks at Mason as noticed the small cuts "It... Happened again... Didn't it..." He looks at his hand "What did I do..." He looks at Kevin "You're scared... What... I didn't try... Not again?!" He was looking between the two and slowly trying to step back.

Kaden quickly carries her out and does as told, staying close to her "What about the babies... Will it harm them?!" He stays close holding Mel's hand.
“No you don’t,” Mason tell him as he reaches for him. “It’s okay. Yes it happened again, but you didn’t do anything I didn’t want. You left Kevin alone. You didn’t try anything with him. I promise. I’m being honest with you. Remember? You wanted us to be honest with each other. So trust me when I say I’m being honest with you now Jareth. Okay?” He steps close to him and softly kisses his lips. “It’s alright lover. It’s alright.” Another soft kiss. “I want you so bad. I want to make love to you.”

Once they’re inside the room, a nurse appears with two IV bags and everything needed to start them. Nicholas takes one. He hasn’t answered Kaden, and that has been on purpose. “Aliya,” he whispers to the nurse. She quickly takes the bag and begins to get her started on it. He moves to the other side of Mel and begins to do the same thing. In his mind, he’s going through the list of medications they told her were in the cocktail, trying to make sure they would be safe for a pregnant woman. Finally he looks up at Kaden, just as he holds the needle to her skin. A quick nod, and he looks back down pushing the needle into her skin. Nicholas turns to the machine and starts the IV. “There. They’re both going to be fine.” Of course he meant Aliya and Melanie.
He was still as he listened, he looks down at Mason and relaxes some, he returns his kiss after the second one, pulling him into a tight hug. He looks at Kevin "You're ok... Really?" He needed to hear Kevin, needed to hear he was alright, he knew Mason could handle himself. He held Mason a bit closer and rubs his back, he had seen that fire in his eyes again and knew he wasn't looking for bottom this time.

Jaden could only stand by and watch as they got the girls ready and on the medication, he was scared, he wasn't going to deny that, not only was Mel in danger, but his and Mason's children. He looks to the Doc, waiting for an answer, believing he was talking about the children he sighs and moves to sit next to Mel. He watches her closely and holds her hand, rubbing it softly, he'd call Jareth when they were doing better.
Mason wanted to kiss his neck, but he knew Jareth needed to be put at ease with Kevin. All of this had to be familiar to both of them, and they needed to work this out. “I’m….okay,” Kevin says finally looking back at Jareth. “I’m okay.” Mason could hear the tone in his words, and as much as he wanted Jareth right now, he wanted to give him time to take care of his lover. “Go to him,” he whispers in his ear. “Take care of him.”

Nicholas moves to Aliya and checks her heart rate. He smiles. “It’s coming down a little. That’s a good sign.” Aliya opens her eyes. “Hey there. You gave me a scare you know. Don’t do that again.” She smiles. He leans down and kisses her nose and rests his forehead to hers’. “You’re too good at your job for me to replace,” he teases. Melanie reaches down and begins to rub herself through her clothes. The nurse is shocked and grabs her wrist and forcefully pulls her hand to bed rail. “Do I need to restrain you,” she asks her.
Jareth smiles, then looks back to him "With you right behind me... Right..." He kisses him softly, then moves over to Kevin, he kneels down and helps him sit up, he cups his cheek. "I'm sorry..." He rests his forehead on his and looks at him "Let me make it up to you..." He lays him back down gently, on his back, he moves over him, then glances behind him to Mason before kissing Kevin. He trails his hand down his side slowly before teasing his fingers over his cock, then back up his it his chest. He whispers "These claws... Should only bring you pleasure..." He lightly runs them over his chest.

Kaden blushes slightly "Yeah... She was doing that in the car..." He takes her hands and looks at her, leaning closer "Baby... How are you feeling..."
Mason doesn’t speak to answer him. He simply moves, following him. “It’s okay,” Kevin whispers. He was already feeling relieved and comforted by his lover. He glides back, resting on his back. Looking up at Jareth, warmth spreads through his body. As the kiss breaks, he gasps at the touch from Jareth. So soft, so tender, and full of love. Kevin begins to squirm beneath him. “They do my love. They do,” he pants. Mason remains behind Jareth watching. He would know when the time was right, and right now he wanted to give them time.

“I wanna be fucked,” she screams, pulling away from both of them. “That’s enough,” the nurse yells, every bit of patience gone from her voice. There is no kindness, no caring nature in her actions as she takes Melanie wrist and slams it into the railing. She reaches for the cuff and begins restrain her. Tightening it a bit too much, Melanie groans in pain. “Do I have to do the other one too, or are you doing to behave?”
Jareth grins slightly and trails his claws to his cock, running them along it gently "Mmm... That's a much better scent..." He stares at him "Pure arousal..." He growls softly "You're shuddering lover... Are you ready for me now..." He grips him gently and strokes a few times, then shifts him to start pressing in "Nnn... Always so tight..." He leans down and kisses him as he pushes in deeper.

"Hey!" Kaden yells as she grabs her wrist again, then when Mel groans in pain he snaps "Get away from her!" He back hands her and glares, one hand in a fist "She was drugged! She can't help it... She's also pregnant! So back off!" If he was a demon he'd be growling right now, he works the cuff open and checks her wrist, not caring in the least about the stupid nurse.
Kevin is consumed by his lover. As he enters him, his body moves uncontrollably. Each time he exhales, his body trembles. His hands begin to caress Jareth’s face. “My love,” he whispers, his lust showing in his voice. Mason moves a bit closer behind Jareth. He leans down and kisses his shoulder.

The nurse backs away, cupping her cheek. When Kaden says that Melanie is pregnant, she looks to Nicholas. “Pregnant? Those drugs could….”
“Shut up,” Nicholas yells at her. “Get out of here. Now, and clock out. You’re fired.” She moves her hand from her face and leaves the room without another word. “I’m sorry Kaden. That never should have happened.” Melanie looks up at Kaden. Her eyes were hazed over. “Jareth,” she whispers. “Make love to me.”
Jareth smiles and moves slowly for now, he leans down and kisses him "Mmm..." He shivers slightly as Mason kisses his shoulder and presses back against him slightly, he kisses along Kevin's jaw to his neck. "Brace yourself..." He whispers softly, knowing Mason would be entering him soon, he kept his slow rhythm up, waiting.

Kaden looks at Nicholas once he dismisses the nurse "Yeah... Doc... What was she saying..." He stops his question and looks back at Mel, "But... She hates Jareth..." He glances at Nicholas "Or... So she said..."
The words made him tremble with a nervous excitement. Mason moved, lining himself up with Jareth. There was a moment where he paused, taking in what he was about to do. If someone had told him the day he married Melanie, that he would be in love with a man, he would have called them a liar. Now, here he was, on the roof of a hotel, about to make love to man he was madly in love with, and he was madly in love with Jareth. He presses towards him, feeling a tightness he had never felt before. Mason almost pulled back, thinking there was no was no way he was going to be able to do this, but just as he was about to, he felt his member sink inside Jareth. His forehead touched his back, and he groaned. “You’re so..tight..and warm. He waited a moment, getting accustomed to the feeling, before pushing in a bit further. “Jareth,” he whispers before kissing his shoulder. “I love you. You feel so good.” He pushed slowly, until he was fully inside him, before coming to a rest. His lips were hot against Jareth’s skin. Hungry as he kissed up to his earlobe, where he took it between his teeth.

Nicholas takes a closer look at Melanie. Holding her eyes open slightly, he shines a small light there. “Her pupils are dilated. I’ve never seen a haze like this before. The medicine should have started working now. I don’t know what it’s going to take to clear this from her. I’ve never seen anything like this.” Again he was avoiding his half asked question. ‘Maybe she needs another medication. No. I can’t risk giving her anything else. This cocktail is already strong.’ He studies Melanie and looks at her monitor. “Her heart rate is still up. Her body temperature is still up. It’s like the cocktail isn’t even having any effect on her. I don’t understand. The drugs should have started to clear from her system! Come on Melanie! What do you need to get better?” She grins at Kaden. “Fuck me Jareth.” Nicholas turns his gaze to Kaden. “Or so she said. Looks like she’s got some feelings to work out with Jareth. Why does she want sex so badly? The drugs can have that effect on people, but not this badly.” He rubs his forehead.
He can feel Mason behind him as he continues to move with Kevin, he pauses a moment to give him an opening, trying to stay relaxed by watching Kevin. He tensed a moment when he first felt Mason try, it had bin a long time since he had bin taken, he wasn't used to it, but he kissed Kevin and relaxed, allowing him to enter. He was panting as he looks down at Kevin after breaking the kiss, he glances back slightly "You feel wonderful love..." He lets out a deep moan as he enters him fully, his arms shake as he holds himself up over Kevin, "F-Fuck..." He rests his forehead on Kevin's shoulder and pants, he hadn't felt like this in a long time, "Complete..." He says it softly and waits for Mason to start moving.

Kaden watches as Nicholas tries to find out what's wrong, then he pales as he says the drugs have little affect, then blushes as he says she's over affected by the drugs. "... Crap..." He face plants into the bed and groans, this was his fault, and if he didn't do something soon "H-Hey Doc... Think... You could close the door for a few minutes... She... She might get a little loud..." He looks at Nicholas with a red face.
He pulls back, slowly, enjoying the feeling of Jareth encasing him. Soft moans escape his lips that are barely touching his shoulder. Mason takes a deep breath before pushing back inside him. As he sets a slow pace, he’s sure he’ll never tire of how his lover feels. “So” He knows Jareth is buried inside Kevin. He begins to nip along his shoulder as his rhythm becomes easier. One thought begins to scream in his mind. ‘I wanna fill him up.’

Nicholas narrows his eyes at him, but he doesn’t question him. He moves to close the door and lock it. “Alright Kaden. I trust you with this. What are you going to do? Why will she get loud?” Melanie squirms looking at him. “Come on Jareth. Please. M’Lord can’t find out. I want you so bad. Please.” She reaches for him, tangling her fingers in his shirt.
Jareth moans softly and kisses Kevin a bit rougher as they find the right pace. "Nnn... You two are amazing..." He growls softly and slowly picks up the pace, he cups his cheek and smiles "I bet... You never thought... We'd end up like this... Huh love..." He glances back at Mason too.

Kaden looks at Mel, then back to Nicholas "Well... You see..." He rubs his neck "I gave Mel sexual stimulants when we met... Ones that didn't leave the blood... Until... Well... She came a few times..." He was beat red and looking at Melanie when he was finished. "So... I thought... She's acting the same... Why not... Try... That..."
Mason moves in the same rhythm as Jareth. When he drives himself into Jareth, he feels Jareth, in turn, doing the same to Kevin. I only fueled his lust more. He was focused as he took in all the pleasure he was getting from Jareth. It was all so different this way, and he liked it. “You’re the amazing one Jareth.” Kevin groaned, showing how much he agreed with Mason. He could feel the strength of both men. “No my love. I never..thought..I’d have all. I certainly..didn’t think..I’d be like this.”

Nicholas looks from Melanie to Kaden. “Are you serious? You want….to make her orgasm? Here? Right now? Are you insane?” He shakes his head taking a deep breath. “I don’t even want to know why you gave her those kinds of drugs in the first place. I don’t even want to know where or how you got them. Just….do it.” He looks at the door, feeling as though he should give them some sort of privacy. “Jareth,” she whines. “Please. Fuck me. Help me. I need it. I want it. Please,” she pleads still holding the material of his shirt.
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