Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

The lady stares deeply into his eyes as she tells him everything he needs to know, including giving him a key to the room. Even as one of her co-workers pulls her away to ask for her help with something, she doesn't think anything strange about the man she was just talking to, nor does she remember telling him anything. Kevin squeezes his hand. "You've still got the touch my love. Come. Let's head upstairs."

"Alright fine. You can come along." She grabs the keys before he does. "And Jareth better not be there. I've already told him to stay away."
"Yeah..." He hands the key to Kevin "I'll be heading to the roof... I can't risk Mel seeing me... Mari doesn't know you... So if you can get Mason alone..." He closes his eyes and leans down, kissing him "Please tell him... How I feel... And what Mel said... And... And not to coming looking for me until he's had a chance to talk to Mel..." They take the elevator to Mari's floor, he lets Kevin off with a kiss, then heads to the top floor then the roof, he takes a seat on the edge.

Kaden takes the keys from her "You are not driving like that... Now where are we going..."
Kevin makes his way to door with the gold numbers matching the ones the lady had told him. He knocks on the door and waits. Nothing. 'Alright. I've got a key. It's okay for me to enter.' Opening the door, he steps inside. Marissa is passed out on the floor, naked, with her phone still in hand. He steps over her and heads towards the open door leading to the balcony. There he finds Mason also naked and passed out. The room had clearly been trashed, and there was no doubt what he and Mari had been doing. "What do I tell Jareth?" He looks around before nudging Mason awake. "What the fuck are you doing here," he asks. "I came to talk to you about Jareth. He wants you to know he loves you, but Mel, well, she found out about tonight. She's threatening to keep your baby away from you if he comes near you again. He would have come to you himself and talked to you, but he knows how much you want this baby with Mel." Kevin slides down the railing until he's sitting with him. "I love Jareth. You love Jareth, and he loves us both." Mason smiles shaking his head. "You know I'm already in love with one person I gotta share with somebody else. My wife. That naked girl in there doesn't love anybody. I love Jareth. I really do, and I knew he still loved you. That's why I backed off. Now you're telling me I can have if I share him with you. I don't know," he lowers his voice, shaking his head, as he looks down. "You better get out of here before she comes to, and I'm not saying this because I don't want her to see you. I'm saying this because you won't want to see what I'm going to do to her." Kevin nods, knowing that he's not going to get anywhere with Mason. At least not tonight anyway. So he stands and heads towards the door. "Just remember Mason, he loves you. If he didn't, he wouldn't be so torn right now. Remember that."

"Fine! Take the keys! I'm perfectly capable of driving though!" He hands him the address and heads towards the car.
Jareth sat on the edge of the roof, trying to relax when he hears Mason's then Kevin's voices, "They must be out on the balcony..." He glances down but can't see anything, he looks up to the sky and listens. He smiles when he hears Mason say he loves him still, but looks down when he says he has to think about it. He didn't blame him and understood, first he lost Mel, then had to share her, then he thought he'd have him to himself, and now he's being told to share him too. "Maybe I'm the one who should just run away..." He stares out over the city.

"Really? You're pissed off Melanie... And you're pregnant... Not a good combo behind the wheel... It's like you don't even care about the babies... They are only good for use as blackmailing chips!" He stands by the car and shouts, he had never been angry with her, but this was getting out of hand, she'd actually hold a baby over Jareth's head to keep them apart. "I'm disappointed in Jareth too.. But you can't say you haven't don't close to the same thing... I left you so you could have him back... But you! You! Brought me back Melanie..." He stares at her then looks away, he opens the car and gets in, slamming his door.
Kevin moves over Marissa, and she lifts her head. “Jareth,” she tells him. “He called me Jareth. Said he loved me. He doesn’t love me. He loves Jareth.” She smiles at him, nodding before she lays her head back down on the floor. Kevin looks out towards Mason on the balcony before turning to leave. ‘Jareth is on the roof. I have to get up there.’

Mason looks out at the city as his feet. “Damn you Jareth. Why did you do it? Why?” He stands slamming his fists into the railing. “Why did you make me love you so much? I do love you. With all I have I love you, but my child….I don’t want to have to make that choice. You or my child. It’s not fair! She took love away from me and then gave me a child. Now she’s threatening to take that away. You showed me love, and now Kevin is….It’s not fair! None of it’s fair!” He looks out once more at the city. “Can you make me forget you Jareth?”

She looks over at him after he slams the door. For a few mintues, she doesn’t speak. She opens the door and climbs out of the car closing the door behind. She leans against the car. “Get out M’Lord. We’re not going.”
Kevin must have left, he looks down to where he can hear Mason talking to himself, he didn't even notice the tears falling from his eyes "He... Wants to forget..." He looks down and closes his eyes 'What have I done...' He opens his eyes and looks at his hand, at the ring on his finger "I can't forget... I refuse to..." He holds the ring tight, his eyes tinting red, "I won't give up... I can't..."

Kaden looks over as she gets out of the car, soon following her, he closes his door, still a little upset. "I'm not giving you the keys..." He crosses his arms slightly and looks at her, not sure where she is going with this.
Kevin takes the stairs to the roof. When he opens the door, he scans for Jareth. Finding him, he rushes over to him embarcing him. “My love. I’m sorry. I tried. He….he wasn’t hearing it. He don’t want to. He needs time.”

Mason looks down at all the lights below. “If it wasn’t for my child coming….I’d jump. I’d climb up on this railing and jump.”

“We’re not going for him. I’ll let him figure this out. I’m not doing this.” She turns heading back towards the house. “You can keep the keys,” she tells him before heading inside.
Jareth was hugging Kevin's arms and about to tell him he understood when he heard Mason again, he holds Kevin's arms tight and growls deep 'Don't you dare!' He was looking down, he had projected that to Mason's mind without knowing it.

Kaden stares at her, then locks the car up and moves to follow her, he pulls her close to him and just hugs her, rubbing her back softly.
The words came to him loud and clear. “Why not,” he whispers. His hands glide along the metal railing. ‘She’s going to control my life with this child. She loves Kaden. They could raise my child, and she would never have to worry about me again.’ He takes a step back from the railing biting his bottom lip. He looks over his shoulder at Mari. She seemed to still be passed out. Looking back at the lights he takes a deep breath. Thoughts of jumping fill his mind. He can nearly feel his body falling to the sidewalk.

She pushes him back. “Don’t.” Her gaze isn’t glaring. She turns and heads further into the house closing the door to the room she enters. A pool table sits in the middle of the room ready for a game.
He speaks aloud and in Mason's head so Kevin can hear, not wanting to keep anything hidden any more. "I'd worry... I'd hurt... I know how much you want that baby... And if it means me staying in the shadows... I'll do that... Yes I love Kevin... But it hurts loving him without loving you... I'll do anything to keep you close... Even if it has to be from afar..." He growls again "But if you think for one moment that I'm going to stand by and watch you kill yourself... You're dead wrong..." He brings Kevin's hand up to kiss softly "Mel was mad... She had every right to be... But the price she put out... I couldn't risk it... Maybe she'll cool down... I know Kaden wasn't happy with her..." He closes his eyes and mumbles softly then opens them, a blue rose appears before both men. "Just... Don't give up... Please..." He smiles "I still want that ring you promised me..."

Kaden sighs and goes to join Nicholas and Aliya again, he sits "Only nine months to go..." He hangs his head "I'm going to die..."
Mason nearly breaks down at the sight of the blue rose. It symbolized so much for him. He presses his lips together tight before lifting his leg over the rail. ‘Thank you Jareth. Thank you so much. This is a stressful situation for everyone involved. You’re trying to so hard, and I thank you for that.’ He slides his other leg over as well holding on tight still. He’s keeping his thoughts moving forward and away from what he’s actually doing. ‘It’s been so easy to fall in love with you Jareth. You made it so easy. I’ll always love you. Where are you?’

Nicholas smiles at him. “It’ll get better. Right now her hormones are running wild. It happens. Besides she already hurt Mason. She doesn’t want anyone else to do it. That would be my guess. We could give her medicaiton to regulate her hormones.”
"I love you to... You were the first one since Kevin died... To actually see me... For me... I don't want to lose that..." He smiles "I may could cheesy to you... But I felt complete around you... I always held Kevin in my heart, and when I found you... It just felt right... Loving you..." He glances to Kevin "The only reason I have Kevin back is because of you... And I want to spend the rest of my days thanking you for that..." He looks down "I'm... Im on the roof of the hotel... I ran all the way here... I knew I couldn't see you with Mel's threat... But I had to at least talk to you... I couldn't let you believe I just forgot about you..."

Kaden sighs "If I tell her she needs meds... I'll definitely die! You trying to kill me Doc..." He chuckles and leans back in his seat.
Mason looks up. 'You're on the roof? You came anyway knowing what she could do, but you're keeping a safe distance?' He smiles. 'I understand about feeling complete. You made all the hurt she put me through go away. I found comfort in your eyes, Jareth, in you. I love you. It happened so fast. I never planned on it. I thought that part of my life was over.'
"Mason! What are you doing?" He looks up in time to see Marissa coming towards him slowly. "Get back on this side of the railing! Don't let go! Don't jump! Give e your hand! Let me help you back over!"

"No. I'm not trying to get you killed. Seems like Mel's gonna do a good enough job on her own with that one. She'll relax. I mean unless she's the type to sneak out of that room and go after him anyway," he laughs.
Jareth was smiling softly until he hear Mari speaking, he growls softly "What railing... You better not be doing what it sounds like you are..." He holds Kevin and makes a fist, tensing up and ready to jump if he needed to.

He looks to Nicholas, then the door she walked through "I... Wouldn't put it past her..." He gets up and slowly walks towards the door.
“Mari I’m fine.”
“Get back over here. I don’t care if you’re heartbroken over this guy. You can keep having your way with me and calling me Jareth. I don’t mind. Just get back on this side of the railing. Mason if you jump, that’s it. Look how high up we are. They’ll be nothing left of you.”
“Mari, I’m ok.” She grabs his wrists trying to pull him towards her. “Mari! I said I’m fine. Stop! You can’t hold me! Just let me….Mari!” He grips the railing, knowing that if she gets his hands free, she won’t be able to hold his body weight. “I’m fine! I’ll come back just….”
“That’s right you’re coming back! He’s just a guy Mason! He’s not worth doing this!”
“Mari let go!” She manages to pull his hand free, and he slips. Reaching out, he somehow manages to grab the railing once more, but he still slides all the way down to the bottom. “Mason! Don’t let go! Help! Somebody! He’s falling!” His feet dangle just out of reach of the railing on the balcony beneath him. Swinging his body, when he things the time is right, he lets go landing on the balcony on the floor below them. “Mason! He let go! Mason!” He’s breathing deep but then starts to laugh.

Nicholas slowly stands, sneaking behind Kaden. “Does she even have the car keys?”
"Mason... Mason are you ok?!" He heard the argument and went to jump as Mari said he fell, but he heard Mason laughing. "Mason... Baby are you ok?" He looks over the edge, holding his breath "Lover?"

He stops a moment and looks at Nicholas "Of course she doesn't have them... I wouldn't let her drive..." He knocks on the door "Mel... Would you like some tea..." He listens closely.
“Yeah,” he laughs. “I’m fine, but I’m stuck on somebody’s balcony now.” He turns his head looking inside the glass doors. “It’s a girl. I see her in there. She’s gonna freak out when she finds a naked man on her balcony.’ He watches her get up and grab the blanket from the bed. Walking towards the balcony, she opens the door and throws it to him. Closing it, she heads back inside to the chair at the desk. “Never mind. I still gotta go inside though. I’m fine baby. Mari! I’m okay!”
“Damn you Mason!” Again he laughs.

Mel looks up from the pool table. Her hands grip the pool stick tightly. “If she doesn’t have the keys, then you’ve got nothing to worry about. All she had with her was her purse. Unless she’s got a spare key in there, she’s not going anywhere. Relax.”
Jareth sighs and leans back into Kevin "I'm still gonna hit you for that... You idiot..." He smiles "I'll stick around until you've had a chance to talk with Mel... Just don't tell her you spoke to me... I love you... And I want you to have your child... I can wait until she calms down..."

"I know that... I just wanna make sure she's ok..." He knocks again "Sweety... Are you ok..."
“Yeah. I probably deserve to be punished for that, but it wasn’t entirly my fault. She wouldn’t stop pulling at my wrist. Mari is a strong woman. Speaking of women,” he says looking back inside at the girl at the desk. “This is going to be awkward. I hope she’s friendly Jareth. If not, I might be jumping after all,” he teases as he opens the door. “Excuse me. Thanks for the blanket.”
“You’re welcome. I didn’t want to stare at your naked body.”
“Yeah,” he says tilting his head. “About that. It was an accident. My friend was…..”
“You don’t have to explain to me, and you don’t have to return the blanket. The door is that way,” she points without ever looking up at him.
“Can I at least know your name?”
“Why? So you can buy a drink later? Want to personally thank me? No need. Door is that way.” Mason nods. “Yeah. Gotcha. Thanks anyway,” he tells her as he opens the door and steps out into the hall. “So much for friendly baby.”

Her expression softens as he calls to her again. “I’m fine. Just….go away. I wanna be….alone.” She reaches up wiping her face. He had made her feel so bad about blackmailing Mason. She knew that’s what she was doing, but she was only trying to keep Mason safe. That meant keeping Jareth away. Of course she had hurt Mason as well. ‘Who am I to be so hard on Jareth for hurting him when I did the same thing. I’m no better than Jareth.’ She threw down the pool cue and headed towards a couch along one of the walls. Sinking down to it, she curled up into a ball. “Just….leave me alone….Kaden. I’m fine.”
Jareth listens in and chuckles softly "Her loss... You best get back to your room before anyone sees you... Me and Kevin will get a room a few floors above you... I can't make him sleep on the roof..." He smiles and rubs Kevin's cheek, closing his eyes he lets Mason feel it too.

Kaden stays by the door "If you're sure baby... I don't like you being alone... Call if you need me... I love you..." He waits a few moments before following Nicholas back, he sits and takes his drink "So... Why not tell me how you enjoyed tonight... Before all this..." He waved to the room Mel was in.
“Yeah. Mari seems pretty mad. Got a lot of work to do to calm her down.” He enters the stairs and begins up to his floor when he feels Jareth’s touch on his cheek. He stops, rubbing his face. “Baby….I....don’t know….if I can go….for too long without your touch. We may have to go behind Mel’s back. I miss you.”

She snuggles into herself and softly begins to cry after she hears him walk away. “I….enjoyed tonight far more than I thought I would. It certainly ended better than I ever thought it could.” He looks over to Aliya. “What about you?” She looks around the room before settling on him. “It was good.”
“Just good,” Nicholas laughs. “Yes,” she blushes. “It was fantastic.”
“What did you like the best?” Aliya looks over to Kaden. “Him.”
Jareth smiles "I can do a lot like this... But I don't want you falling down the stairs..." He smiles and turns to Kevin "I really can't wait to have you two together though..." He almost purrs and and leaned closer giving both of them a nice deep kiss "Mmm..."

Kaden smiles at Aliya "You were quite nice yourself... I'm glad you enjoyed yourself... It's too bad how the night ended..." He glances back at the room Mel is in "I... Can't leave her alone... Not when so much happened today..." He stands and walks over, he enters the room quietly and closes the door "Baby?..." He hears her soft cries and makes his way over to her "Melanie... Baby everything will work out..." He gently picks her up and holds her close "I'm here love... Please don't cry..." He holds her close and rubs her back.
Mason’s knees grow weak as he feels the kiss. “Forget Mari,” he whipsers as he turns and heads up towards the roof.

Aliya blushes. “Thank you Sir. That means a lot.”
“Sir,” Nicholas questions. Before she can say anything, Kaden is moving towards the room. Melanie doesn’t hear him come in. She’s not aware he’s there until he’s picking her up. Even as he holds her, she remains stiff. “It doesn’t matter….if it works out….or not. Don’t you see? I’m not better..than Jareth. I..hurt him too.”
Jareth chuckles softly and smiles "Are you sure about this lover... I could just stop..." He cups their cheeks and rubs softly "But I do miss you..."

"Oh Sweety... He still loves you..." He rubs her cheek an kisses her softly "You were upset, your pregnant... You're going to do and say a lot of things you don't mean... Please calm down... Smile for me..." He looks at her and smiles "Let me see that smile..." He wanted to cheer her up if only slightly.
“I’m sure about this,” he says as he opens the door to the roof. “Where are you baby? Let me touch you.”

“It doesn’t matter if he still loves me. I’m not talking about tonight. I’m talking about when I made the choice to be with you over him. I hurt him just like Jareth did. Jareth made the choice to be with that other man over him. That’s two people he’s lost. Don’t you think that has to hurt him?” She shakes her head at him. “Smile for you? I don’t wanna smile,” she says covering her face. “I don’t wanna be happy. I don’t deserve it. I cry.”
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