Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"No... N-No... I... I can't do that... I can't lose you again..." He kisses him "You said you didn't leave me... Then you know what that did to me... True I wouldn't be alone this time... But like Mason said... He wouldn't have all of me... Just... Like I'm... Not giving you all of me..." He says softly, he sits up "No... No mater what I do... Someone will get hurt..." He pulls his knees up again "Maybe I'm the one who should run... I don't deserve either of you... I killed you... And let Mason walk away... Even my inner dog won't talk to me..." He sighs and rests his head in his knees "And when Mel finds out... I'm as good as dead..."

Kaden grins "It's not a bad view love... So... How does the good doctor feel baby?"
“Then why make a choice my love? Don’t.” Kevin moves until he’s beside him, putting his arm around him to comfort him. “You take your time to decide what you want. Mason. Me. Both of us,” he grins. “You could have both of us. I would be willing to share you. All I would ask of you is that you take some of your time and give it to me and only me. I love you enough to share you. Because even then, I’m still part of your life.”

She turns her gaze from Kaden to Nicholas. “He feels….” As she begins to speak, Nicholas thrusts upwards, forcefully, hard, slamming through her cervix. Her face freezes, her mouth hung open as she looked at him. A single tear rolled down her cheek from the sheer pain of what he had done. “You..are..mine,” he whispers to her as he cums deep inside her. “My….babies.” Her voice was low. “They’re….fine.” He grips her hips, holding her firmly in place. “M’Lord I’m getting tired.”
Jareth looks up and turns to Kevin "B-Both... Of you... You'd accept that..." He smiles just slightly and cups his cheek "You always did understand me..." He smiles a bit brighter "That's... Why I fell for Mason... He... He reminded me of you... Understood me like you did..." He leans closer and kisses him "I love you..." He sits them up, then frowns "Now... We have to find him... Which means talking to Mel..." He sighs and looks at Kevin "This... Is gonna hurt..." He kisses him once more and moves to get dressed.

Kaden looks up as Mel stops talking "Mel?" Then looks down at Aliya "Then just sleep.." He smiles at her and rubs her back.
“Of course I understand you my love.” Kevin moves to get dressed as well. He’s smiling. “You seem almost afraid of this Mel. Why is that?”

Melanie’s eyes are fixed on Nicholas. She can feel his seed spilling inside her. Finally she gasps leaning forward against his face. She takes in a deep breath of air and exhales a loud groan clearly laced with pain. Her entire body shudders against Nicholas before she falls limp against him. He’s still speared deep inside her.

Mason is resting in bed next Marissa. She doesn’t move. His fingers are still tangled in her blonde hair. Her eyes are opened, wet, starring at the wall. Both of them are panting, naked, and covered in sweat. His seed leaks from her sex. Her back is turned to him. The hotel room is destroyed. Her body is littered with red welts, scratches, and bruises. The only sound was that of their breathing until she speaks. "You....called me....Jareth." He sighs. "Yeah. I did." She turns to face him. "You love him?"
"Then why are you hurting so much? Did he leave you?"
"Kind of. I don't wanna talk about it."
"Would you rather take me again Mason?" He looks over at her. "Yeah." He pulls her out to the balcony and bends her over the railing. There were no words as he shoved his member deep inside her. She groaned out into the night air as he set a steady pace.
Jareth glances at Kevin "She's still married to him... If he gets hurt because of something she thinks I did... She'll keep me from him... Plus... She pregnant..." He looks at him "Would you fight with a pregnant woman... Yeah, didn't think so..." He stands to find his shoes.

"Melanie..? Nicholas what's wrong..." He picks Aliya up and lays her in the booth beside him, he moves over to look at her "Doc... What happened..." He turns her head and rubs his cheek.
“What? Wait. My love. You shouldn’t be afraid of her. She is in love with someone else, and she can not keep you from him. Just relax. Alright? I will go with you when you talk to her. You will not do this alone.”

She looks ups at him, feeling the warmth in his hand as he rubs her cheek. Trying to talk to him, she can only squeak out, “too….deep.” Her belly now bulges from the intrusion of his member. Nicholas grins. “You’re so tight. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.” She blinks, her expression showing everything she’s feeling. “Hurts,” she whispers before leaning down against Nicholas.
Jareth smiles at him slightly "It's complicated love... But she still loves Mason too... And I respect that... She's just looking to protect him..." He looks at Kevin "She's also carrying Mason's child... A child is very much like to help raise..." He looks down and smiles softly "And hopefully with a bit more help..." He takes his hand "Let's go find them..."

He glared at Nicholas "You're hurting her Doc! What were you thinking! She's pregnant!" He slaps his back and slowly helps pull her off him, "Baby... Are you ok..." He lays her on the table and looks her over.
“Oh,” he blushes. “You want me….to help you….and Mason….raise his child? Really? Well I’d be….honored to do that Jareth. I would love to be a part of his life and his childs’, but first….we have to find him….and get past this Mel you speak of.” He squeezes his hand as they walk through the club together.

She gasps deeply, taking in the largest amount of air she’s been able to since he impaled her on his cock. “Yes! I’m fine,” she calls out looking over to Nicholas. “You….idiot! You don’t just do something like that! It has to be worked up to, built up to! You could have hurt my babies too! If anything happens to them, I’ll…..” She stops seeing Jareth approach holding another man’s hand. “What the hell is this? Where’s Mason?"
Jareth stops a few feet from them, he squeezes Kevin's hand and steps closer "I don't exactly... Know..." He looks down "He... He left... He gave me something precious... And left..." He looks up "But I need to find him... Please... Hit me if you want to... But he needs to know how much I love him..." He looks over the scene "Are... You ok?"

Kaden just looks on, not sure what to say, he was still concerned about Mel and pissed at Nicholas.
She slides from the table and slowly makes her way towards him. “He gave you….something precious….and then left. Now you want….to tell him….how much….you love him.” Her eyes shift over to Kevin. “You? Are you the precious thing he gave him?” Kevin takes a deep breath. “I was…..”
“Micheal,” Aliya whispers. “He was Micheal. He’s really Kevin, Jareth’s former lover.” Melanie’s eyes widen, and she looks at Jareth. “You bastard! You let him walk away after telling you to be with your former boy toy? You don’t deserve him! I hope you don’t find him! I trusted you Jareth, and look at what you did to him! You….You…..” She slaps him hard across his face. “Don’t you ever, EVER go near him again. Take your boy toy and leave him alone. You hear me? M’Lord? Can we leave now? Please? I want to find him.”
Jareh listens then takes the hit, he deserved it, doesn't even rub it "Melanie... I'm sorry ok... I tried to tell him that I wanted to be with him... That I loved him..." He held Kevin's hand tighter, these were past thoughts "But..." He looks down "But he... He said if I didn't give Kevin another chance... That... That I couldn't love him fully..." He looks back at her "If someone you lost... Was brought back... Someone you loved... Wouldn't you want at least a few minutes with them!" He was upset, "Kevin was ripped away from me on what should have been the happiest day of my life..." His tears slowly fall "I... I never thought I'd see him again... And Mason... Mason gave him back... I told him I was happy with him... That he was all I needed... But he knows me..." He shrugs "In the short time we've known each other... He already understands me..." He stands up straight and looks at her "So... So you can say it all you want... But there is nothing that will stop me from finding him... And telling him how I feel... I won't have another loved one taken away..."

Kaden just stood there, mouth open and in shock, he was staying out of this one.
“How dare you. Don’t you stand there you filthy demon and tell me how you won’t have another loved one take away from you.” She pauses before straightening slightly. “You’re right. He won’t be taken away from you. He’ll walk right out of your life. I can promise you that. You find him, you go near him, and I’ll make sure he walks right away from you. If Mason has anything to do with you from now on, anything at all, I will make sure he never sees his child. Ever. So how much do you love him Jareth? Enough to give him a precious gift,” she mocked him with her last two words. “Enough to walk away so he can have a life with his child? Now it’s your turn. Give him a precious gift. It’s either his child or you.” Kevin pulled Jareth back towards him in a protective manner. “Now get out of my sight. Both of you. I never want to see you again, and you better not see Mason again. M’Lord. Let’s get out of here.” She turns her back to Jareth and heads over to Kaden. “Come on. Let’s go.”
His eyes widen and he steps back when Kevin pulls him, he glares at her but keeps his mouth shut, his other hand in a fist. He turns and takes Kevin's hand, leading him to te exit, once outside and around the corner, he holds him and jumps to the roof. He sets him down and walks over to a metal pipe, and punches it, bending it "D-Dammit!!" He leans his head against the pipe and silently cries.

"Melanie... You can't mean that... You're blackmailing him with a child!?" He looks at Nicholas and Aliya "Get up... We can't leave you here..." He hands them their clothes then looks at Mel "As soon as they are ready... We'll go..."
“Jareth.” He wants to touch him, but he can feel his pain and anger radiating from him. “She….She can’t do that. Can she? I mean she wouldn’t. She’s....angry Jareth. Let her cool down. She’ll see things differently. I’m sure of it.” Carefully he approaches and wraps his arms around him gently.

“Of course I mean it. I trusted him Kaden. I trusted him with Mason, and look at what he did. He let him walk out of here. Now he’s somewhere heart broken, and for what? So Jareth could have one last fuck with his former boy toy? He doesn’t deserve him, and I’ll make damn sure he doesn’t get him again. How can you stand there and ask me if I’m sure about this? Don’t tell me you’re taking his side. Again.” She looks at the doctor and Aliya slowly getting dressed. “You know what. You stay with them. I’m going to find Mason.” She pushes past him heading for the door.
Jareth holds his arms, then turns and holds him, "Even if she wouldn't... I can't call that bluff... He's always wanted a child... I... Can't take that from him..." He sighs and looks up to the sky "I... I can't go after him... I can't even tell him why... He'll... He'll think he wasn't good enough..." He lightly holds Kevin, she'd put up a wall he couldn't jump over.

"Mel wait! ... Meet us outside... Mel!" He turns and runs after her "Of course I'm not taking his side... But... Think about what you're doing... Would you really keep Mason from his baby... You know how much he wants a child with you..." He stops her by the door "Will you tell Mason why Jareth won't come for him..."
Kevin is angry with Melanie. He wants to say something to let Jareth know just how angry he is with her, but it’s not as important as being there for Jareth. The idea slowly creeps into him mind, and he smiles. “Jareth. She said for you to not go after him. She said you couldn’t ever see Mason again. She never said anything about me. Help me find him. I’ll tell him for you. I’ll tell him everything that is going on. Let me do this for you.”

“Tell him the truth? And what is that Kaden? That I’m protecting him from a demon that has already broken his heart and pushed him away for his former lover? Jareth should have never let him leave here tonight. I don’t care what Mason said to Jareth. If he truly loved him, then he wouldn’t have let him leave no matter what. So no. I will not tell him the truth. I will help get over that….that thing called Jareth. Now are you with me or not?”
Jareth looks at him "You'd do.. Of course you would..." He smiles at him and hugs him closer "I love you..." He kisses him softly "Let's go find him..." He taps his nose and stands them up and smirks "You ready to ride again lover..." He steps back and transforms, a large white leopard in his place, he purrs loudly and nuzzles his cheek 'Get on... And hold tight...'

"Am I with you... Yes... Am I ok with this... No..." He looks at her, then turns to wave Nicholas and Aliya over "Nicholas... We're gonna crash at your place for now... That ok?"
Kevin backs up, watching him transform. He thinks he’s strong and powerful like this. “Yes my love. I am ready.” He climbs on to the large white leopard and takes hold of him. “Alright. I’ve got a good grip, and I promise I won’t let go.”

Nicholas comes closer. “Yeah. That’s fine. You’re more than welcome to crash at my place. Melanie. I’m sorry. I just…..”
“Shut up Nicholas. I don’t wanna hear it.” She turns her back to him.

Mason and Marissa have collapsed on the balcony, naked. He holds her tight. “Give me….a minute or two….and I’ll take you again.”
“No….Mason. I need….a break.”
“No breaks.”
“You’re gonna….put me….in the hospital….from exhaustion.”
Jareth was fast but it still took a few hours to run, he had to be careful to not drop Kevin and takes breaks for him to relax. By the time they arrived at the hotel where the scent was strongest, Jareth was panting and his legs were shaking, he stopped in a nearby wooded area. 'So... Tired...' He collapses and transforms as soon as Kevin was off him.
“My love. Just relax. You don’t have to go any further until you’re ready.” He looks around eyeing a few local places. “Can you point to where his scent is the strongest?”
He was panting softly and his eyes were closed, he was sure to pass out soon "The hotel... Tall.... He's not... Alone..." He opens his eyes slightly to look at Kevin "He's hurting... So don't... Judge him..." He smiles "I'm... Just gonna... Slee.." He closes his eyes and falls asleep, he had already told Kevin to take his wallet, he had more then enough money for anything he'd need.
"He's not alone?" Kevin looked towards the hotel wondering who Mason could be with. He enters the hotel and asks the woman behind the front desk if she had seen a man matching Mason's description. She nodded telling him he had gone upstairs with another woman. 'Another woman? What is he doing?' He thanked her and left the hotel returning to Jareth after the woman told him it wasn't policy to give out room numbers. He saw his love sleeping and curled up next to him putting his arms around him. 'I'll wait. I can' stand the thought of waking him.'

Melanie grabs her phone and begins to dial every number she has. "Somebody has to know where he went. He had to call someone."
It was about an hour later when Jareth starts to stir, he groans and shifts, he opens his eyes slightly when he feels someone beside him, he smiles when he sees Kevin. 'Guess he didn't want to wake me... He always was trying to take care of me...' He shifts and gently pulls him closer, not wanting to wake him just yet, he leans closer and kisses him softly, then just watches him sleep, he never tired of watching him like this.

Kaden was sitting with Nicholas and Aliya, he made tea to help everyone relax and hopefully get Mel to calm down, it worked, for a few hours. "You know this isn't good for the babies... All this stress... Sit down and relax... Please Sweety..." He wouldn't say it out loud, but Mel pregnant was scary.
Kevin smiled, half asleep half awake, when he felt Jareth's kisses. His eyes fluttered open. "Hi," he whispers to him. "Perfect way to wake up." It all came back to him quickly about the hotel. "He's in there, but Jareth, he's....with....a woman. The lady behind the desk wouldn't give me any information. I' love."

Melanie looks up from her phone at Kaden. "Do you think this is how he felt when I was gone? Searching for me? Worried?" She looks back down to her phone and presses the green button to dial. The phone rings and rings.

Marissa jumps, startled by her phone ringing. "Shit." Her body is so tired. She crawls over to the remains of her clothes and fishes her phone from her pocket. "Hello. Mel? Whoa. Calm down. Yeah I've seen Mason. He's here in my hotel room with me. Sure." She goes on to give Mel the address and room number.

"I've got him! You stay here with them. I'm going to get him."
Jareth smiles and kisses him again softly "It's ok lover... I didn't expect them to..." He rubs his cheek "I don't want to... But I'll have to have a 'talk' with her myself..." He sighs and starts to get up, helping Kevin as well "We'll have to hurry... I know Mel will have talked to Mari by now..." He looks to Kevin "That's who he's with... A friend of his and Mel's..." He takes his hand and starts towards the hotel "Which one did you talk to?" He moves up to the woman and smiles "Hello there..." He lets his eyes glow softly "I need you to give me some information on a guest... Her name is Marissa... Please give me her room number..."

Kaden looks at her "Are you nuts! Your pregnant and angry... I'm not letting you go anywhere alone!" He gets up to follow her.
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