Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth takes Kevin's hand and they walk over to the stairwell, he sees him and smiles, he lets Kevin go and walks up to him "Right here..." He pulls him into a tight hug then pulls him back to kiss him, deeply "Nnn..." He pulls back and chuckles softly "Bin having a little 'fun' with Mari..." He licks his lips "I can taste her... And smell her all over you..." He nips his nose slightly "What have you been up to..." He slowly leads Mason back to Kevin.

He cups her cheek and makes her look at him "Sweety... If you were actually listening to Jareth tonight... You would have heard he's not leaving him... Mason is the one who ran... Becasue of something he chose... The only reason Jareth 'gave up' tonight was because of your... Warning... Relationships aren't without heartache... Jareth knows that better then anyone..." He holds her close and kisses her forehead "Would you like to know who that man was... That Jareth was with..."
Mason blushes as Jareth lets him know he can smell Mari. “Yeah. A little fun. I was….frustrated. I took her, Jareth, and I called your name out the entire time. I held her down, and more than once, I ravaged her body, trying to satisfy my need, my hunger, my lust, but all I did was exhaust myself, and her. I’m still….hungry.” Kevin just watches, and strangely enough, to him, he’s aroused hearing Mason talk to Jareth.

“No. I don’t wanna know. It won’t earse what has happened. It’s already done. I hurt him, and I know he’s hurt now. Even if Mason walked away from him, he’s still hurt….because he’s not with Jareth….and he loves Jareth.” She pauses for a moment, clearly realizing something. “He….loves Jareth.”
Jareth listens as they head back to Kevin, he can smell their arousal, even in the open air it was thick around them. Once near Kevin he turns back to Mason and pulls him into a rough hungry kiss, nipping his lip, his eyes glow in his own lust. "The three of us... Now..." He moves to nip along his jaw and neck, growling softly, "Me taking Kevin..." He kisses up to his ear and licks it, then looks him in the eyes "You... Taking me..."

Kaden was running his fingers through her hair as she spoke and was going to say something when she finally understood. He hugs her a bit tighter "Yes... He does..." He tips her chin up "How would you feel if I kept you from Mason again... Told you he wasn't going to see his child... Or gave him his child and kept you from ever seeing them... How would feel baby..." He rubs her cheek softly and looks at her, letting his words sink in.
Mason drops the blanket he’s been covered in, revealing to them how aroused he was. His member standing erect, aching for attention. “Baby I’ve….I’ve never taken you before.” He shifts his eyes over to Kevin. “I want him. Please baby. Tell me it’s okay to pin him down and pound him. Tell me you will do the same to me. Please,” he begs him, pulling him into a kiss.

“I can’t..get over..the fact..that I..hurt I want to believe..Jareth did. Jareth isn’t..the monster. I am.” She snuggles into him.
"Nnnn..." Jareth kisses him back and pulls back slowly "Mmm... That's up to Kevin..." He smirks and leans in to whisper to him "Nip his neck and scratch his chest lightly... He likes that..." He kisses him again and trails his hand down his body, he lightly runs his claws over his cock "Mmm... I think he'll enjoy you..." He lets him go and moves behind him, letting Kevin get a look before gently pushing him closer.

"No... You're not a monster baby... I'm sure Jareth understands... And Mason will too... Mistakes happen... Please don't be so hard on yourself... Everything will be fine... Have you talked to him yet? You said you found him... Who was he with?" He smiles slightly at her and kisses her softly, he wanted her to calm down.
Kevin takes in the sight of Mason standing there naked, and though he would hate to admit it, his arousal grew. This was not his lover stirring these feelings within him, and yet his lover was alright with him carrying out the very thoughts running through his mind. Kevin steps closer, sandwhiching Mason between him and Jareth. “You are an impressive man. I can see your….need.” He reaches down, taking him gently into his hand. Mason groans at his touch. He leans forward, remembering Jareth’s advice, and nips his neck gently. His fingernails graze down his chest, and he feels the man shiver. “Show me how impressive you are,” Mason tells him. Kevin nods, and looks over Mason’s shoulder at Jareth. “Alright. My love is alright with all of this. So I am as well.” His eyes glance from Jareth, to Mason, and back to Jareth. “Undress me my love. I want to feel your hands revealing my body.”

“He’s with Marissa. She’s got him at a hotel in the next town over. I can’t believe her! I can’t believe him! He loves Jareth so much, but he’s probably over there fucking her brains out! How could he do that? You tell me that! How do men love someone and fuck another person?” She covers her face. “I know how! The same way I did it! The same way I love Mason, but I fucked you! The same way I fucked him, but I still love you! It’s so confusing! Does he hate me? I hate Jareth! Does he hate me like that? Do you hate me?" Moving he hands, she looks into his eyes. "It doesn't matter. I hate myself enough. I hurt Mason, made you angry, and I used my own babies to blackmail Mason. If that's not a monster, tell me what is."
Jareth smiles and kisses Mason's cheek, then moves behind Kevin, he works from behind to slowly unbutton his shirt and slide it off him "I'm sure you'll enjoy him love... And he hasn't been at it long... But he has quite the talented mouth..." He licks along his neck and runs his claws over his arms slowly "He wore me out with it..." He nips his ear and starts to unzip his pants, he looks at Mason "He's quite the overachiever... So willing to please... You'll treat him good, won't you boy..." He pushes his pants down slowly, staring at Mason as he slowly reveals Kevin's skin to him.

Kaden makes her look at him "Melanie... My love... I think we have moved well past the concept of love between only two people..." He kisses her softly "We are much more open to love... Look what you did with Aliya tonight... And Nicholas... We are an open relationship group... Don't you think... Are you going to tell me you don't enjoy being with people other then me or Mason... What happened to living together in a big house..." He kisses her "Out little group of lovers just seems to keep growing... Are you going to turn them away..." He smiles at her softly.
Watching Jareth undress him only seemed to push Mason further. He wanted to step out, to touch him, to do something, but he remained in place, letting Jareth slowly unwrap the treasure he would soon have. When he was finally revealed to him, Mason’s breathing hitched. “Yes lover. I’ll be….so good to him.” Mason moves forward and slowly sinks down in front of Kevin. “I hope I can….live up to the reputation that Jareth has given me.” His mouth wraps around his tip as his eyes look up to Kevin. The man groans but keeps his attention on Mason. Slowly he takes in as much of him as he can, showing off his skill as he swallows him down his throat. Mason takes his hand and presses it to his throat, showing Kevin the bulge he is making. “Fuck,” he whispers. “You do have..a talented..mouth.”

“I….I don’t know. I just….don’t know Kaden. I’ve never done anything like this. You were my first taste at this sort of thing. Now I’m….overwhelmed. I just don’t know. I feel so bad for hurting him. My babies aren’t even here yet, and already I’m failing as a mother. I’m using them. What kind of sick parent uses her children as leverage? No matter what you say about our open group relationship, it still doesn’t take away the fact that I used my own children like that.” She moves to stand from his lap, starring out the window into the night.
Jareth smirks and licks along Kevin's neck, "Would I lie..." He runs his claws over his chest and pinches his nipple, "He can even take me in fully..." He softly runs his fangs over his shoulder "Will you cum for him lover... Can he make you cry out his name..." He continues to run his claws over his body, knowing how much he loved them.

He gets up and follows her to the window "It's really new to all of us... Please baby... You're not a bad mother... You'll be a wonderful mother... People say things they don't mean when they are mad... And with your hormones going crazy... Look at me..." He turns her around and kisses her, softly, then a bit deeper, running his fingers through her hair "I still love you... Very much... You'll be an amazing mommy... And our friends will be there to help..." He holds her hands "I think you need to know about that man... I was shocked to see him myself..." He leads her back to the couch and pulls her into his lap, "Jareth carries a photo in his wallet... Of him and a former love... Now they didn't break up... Jareth was going to mate him... They had been together for years and were very much in love..." He kisses her softly "He told me this after a few drinks... Something went wrong... And he ended up killing Kevin... He was with him over 80 years ago... I don't know how Mason did it... But Kevin is alive again... That was the gift Jareth was talking about..." He holds her and looks to the window "He got back the 'love of his life'... And he still wants to be with Mason... What does that tell you..." He spoke softly as just rubs her back slowly.
“Yes my love.” His voice quivers as he speaks, and his body trembles under Jareth’s touch. He keeps his eyes on Mason, looking into his deep, mesmerizing gaze. “Take it all. That’s it.” Deep sighs mixed with his panting grew louder. “My love, he is….wonderful.” Kevin turns his head, looking at Jareth. “Kiss me my love. Kiss me….while I….cum for him.” Mason heard every word and prepared to swallow every drop.

“What?” Her face showed all of her surprise. “He….He….and then Mason….but Mason wanted….and now he….NO!” She pushes off his lap. “Kaden I can’t let Mason be around a killer. I may have hurt him, but I didn’t kill him. What if it happens again? Mason wants to mate with Jareth. What if it happens again? No. I can not allow them to be together. He’s not going to kill him. He can take Kevin and go, but he will not kill Mason. Don’t you dare tell me he wouldn’t do that because he loves him. Jareth loves Kevin too, but he still killed him. I’m sorry, but I draw the line at this. I won’t allow it. I don’t care if he’s your friend or not. No Kaden. Now you can either help me or stay out of the way."
"Of course..." He smiles at him and glances down at Mason before kissing him, twisting their tongues together and moaning softly, he hugs Kevin to help keep him us as Mason continues to work him over. "Mmm.." He moans softly and nips his lip.

Kaden stands "Mel you weren't listening... It was an accident... It tore Jareth apart... He won't risk trying it again... What does he have to do to prove how much he loves him..." He stands and crosses his arms "I really think you need to calm down and think this all over... You're tired, upset and hormonal... Please..."
Kevin’s body is tight as he releases, groaning against Jareth’s lips. His legs were weak as he gave in to the man with his mouth around his member. Mason swallows and continues his efforts, cleaning Kevin. “He’ my love. Hold me.”

“Don’t say I’m hormonal. Don’t you dare say that again. I don’t care if it was an accident. I can’t let anything happen to him. I would do the same for you. What does he have to do to prove his love for him? Stay away. If he loves him, he will let him go. That’s what I’m asking him to do.” The thought occurred to Mel though that Jareth might not agree to this. He could fight her, wanting to be with Mason and help his raise his child. ‘What do I do if he does? I won’t fight Mason on this. I can’t.’ She looks up to him. “You know what? I’m going for a walk. You’re right I do need to calm down, and you know taking walks is something I enjoy. The walks we took to the park always made me feel good.”
He smiles at Kevin "Always..." He holds him up and kisses his neck and we aren't even finished yet lover... This is only the beginning..." He helps Kevin to kneel once Mason was finished, he picks up te dropped blanket "Play nice a moment boys..." He smiles and moves to lay the blanket out, then stands before them and slowly starts to undress himself, giving them a show.

Kaden sighs "I'll allow you to go on one condition... Please take someone with you... Aliya... If you don't want me... But please don't go alone..."
The two men rest on the blanket looking up at him with a growing hunger. They wanted him. Though his member had just been spent, Kevin felt a longing, a familiar ache, starting to creep across his body. Mason was already ready. “He did say, play nice.” His sly grin on his face as he glanced over to Kevin told him all he needed to know. Mason moved closer to him, keeping his eyes on Jareth. “That’s right lover. Take if off slow. Let us enjoy this.” Wrapping his arm around Kevin, he felt the man start to kiss his neck. “I’m gonna have so much fun with you.” He reached down taking his flaccid cock in hand, and slowly began to stroke him. Mason remembered Jareth’s words once more, and he light scratched Kevin’s chest. Kevin was becoming lost in Mason, and Mason never took his eyes off Jareth.

“Fine. I’ll take Aliya with me, but let me ask you something Kaden. Is this how it’s going to be from now on? Will I need a babysitter, or will you ever trust me alone again?” She walks towards the door before he can answer and opens it. “Because if it is, then maybe….I don’t know.” She heads through to door and towards the room where Nicholas and Aliya were. “Aliya. You’re with me. We’re going for a walk.”
“Alright,” she replies, looking around the room. “We’ll be back guys,” Aliya tells them. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of her.”
Jareth smiles as he watches them play together, he could see that dominant fire in Mason's eyes again and it only made him hotter. "Mmm... Having fun baby boy... You almost have him ready again..." He lets his shirt fall to the ground, the slowly removes his shoes and socks, he opens his jeans and grins "How did I ever get this lucky..." He lets them fall, leaving him in his boxers, he steps closer and slowly pushes them down.

Kaden watches her go, he moves to follow her "Mel..." He watched them leave and hung his head "I'm just worried... Why is that so bad..." He moves to sit with Nicholas "So... I've dug my hole... I just need the coffin and tombstone..." He falls over on the couch.
Mason continues watch Jareth, his hand gripping Kevin tighter. “On your stomach boy,” he tells him. Kevin is quick to comply. Though he doesn’t want to, Mason looks away from Jareth and moves to hover over Kevin. He leans down kissing his back, watching the skin quiver, and listening to him moan. Looking over his shoulder he whispers to Jareth, “lube. I don’t wanna hurt him.”

Nicholas laughs before standing and heading over to his computer. “It will all work out. I’m sure she’s not going to be this way the entire time. I told you I could give her some medication. Let me know when you’re ready for that.” He begins looking through the latest news stories that have posted online. “Bound. That’s the name of the club we were at tonight. Kaden? I think we need to find Melanie.” He stands going to grab his keys. “The club tonight was hazy inside. Right? That wasn’t a haze. There were trace amount of amphetamines in the air. Crystal is a powder form of methamphetamines. It can be consumed orally, injected, or inhaled.” He stops, looking at him. “Like in a fog. That wasn’t just smoke. It’s all over the news. People are pouring into the hospital suffering from the effects of it. Now to most people, it’s harmless, but Melanie is pregnant Kaden. Add to the drugs her hormones being effected by her pregnancy, and we have….her. Come on. I’ve gotta grab Aliya and head towards the hospital. We need to check Melanie out and give her something to counter the effects.” He heads towards the door knowing he’s following. “Are you feeling alright?”

The further they get from the house, the more enraged Melanie becomes. “You know, I’m trying to keep Mason safe, but NOOOOO! Kaden has to stick his nose in. Why? Because Jareth is his friend? I despise that demon. With all that I have, I despise that demon. I’m going to find a way to the next town over, and don’t you dare try to stop me Aliya.”
“Melanie you should…..”
“Shut it! I’m going to get Mason!” Aliya follows her, knowing Melanie can’t really mean this.
Jareth watches him, then smiles "Sure..." He snaps his fingers and soon hands a tube to Mason, keeping one for himself "Wonderful invention this..." He smirks "It wasn't around when I was first with Kevin..." He lets his boxers fall and moves closer "Mmm... Does he want it fast or slow lover... I know what you want..." He runs his claws down his back.

"Yeah... I'll think about it..." He lays on the couch and tries relax, then bolts up at Nicholas' words "What!? The... The babies!" He quickly follows him "Dose Aliya have a cell?" He gets in the car, he looks at him "Y-Yeah... Other then scared... I feel fine..." He looks out the window "I... I knew she was acting strange..."
Mason takes the tube from him. He uses it generously with Kevin. Tossing it to the side, he grips Kevin’s hip with one hand, and he takes his member in the other hand. “I don’t know lover. I don’t care. He’ll take what I give him, and he’ll like it. Isn’t that right Kevin?” Before he could answer, Mason pushes in gently, letting Kevin grip him. “So..tight. Has he always been so tight lover?”

Nicholas jumps in the car. “Relax. The babies will be fine. She’s only had one hit of the stuff. She’s not a habitual user. So that’s in her favor. I’ll run some tests though just to make sure.” The truth was he didn’t know if the babies would be fine or not, but he wanted to reassure Kaden. “We’re fine as well. We were all at the back of the club for most of the night. The haze wasn’t as thick back there. It must have been produced and pumped into the air near the front. Some of the effects of the drug can be Altered sexual behaviors, release of social inhibitions, high body temperature, hostility or paranoia,” he chuckles as the words leave his lips,”irregular or increased heart rate.” He reaches for Kaden’s wrist, feeling his pulse. “Nothing to worry about. You’re fine. Dilated pupils. “He leans closer to his eyes. “Again, you’re fine. Increased respiration. I think we’re both okay. Do you feel nauseous or have a headache?”

Melanie stops and doubles over at the waist. Her heart was racing. Aliya wasn’t feeling much better. “Melanie! Can we please….go back? Something is wrong!”
“You just want me to stop! I won’t stop! I will keep Jareth away….from Mason!”
Jareth kneels behind him and starts to lube them up, teasing Mason with a few fingers "Mmm... Isn't he wonderful... But he's your first male... Is he not baby?" He licks up his back and moves to help guide him in "Relax... And don't go to fast... Listen to him..." He kisses along his shoulder, teaching and guiding him, it wasn't Kevin's firs time by a long shot, but it was Mason's first time in that role, he smiles. He moves Mason's free hand to slowly stroke Kevin "Feel him relaxing..." He lets go and moves behind Mason again, letting him take over, he lightly holds his hips and starts to rock against him.

"You're sure... They'll be ok..." He glances at the Doc, still worried, then out the window to look for Mel and Aliya down the mountain paths. "Do you have Aliya's cell number? Does she have one?"
“Yes. He is….simply delicious. He’s like….a vice around me.” Mason can feel his resistence, and it’s intoxicating to him. “That’s right. Give in to me.” Jareth’s hand slips around his and guides him. His hand is warm and gentle. “Your fangs….on my shoulder. Please. Do it. I want….to feel them.” He can feel him so close to him. The combination of Kevin and Jareth’s body are feeding his lust. He thrusts further into Kevin and hears him moan and his body tremble. “You are mine.” His tone is forceful. The dominate side was growing inside him.

“I’ll run some tests when we get them both to the hospital.” He couldn’t tell Kaden he didn’t really know. Nicholas pressed a button. “Call Aliya.” The phone dialing and ringing could be heard. She jumps, feeling her phone buzz. Aliya takes her phone from her pocket. “Hello,” she answers out of breath and leaning against a tree. “Aliya. It’s Nicholas. Where’s Melanie?” She lifts her eyes watching her stumble down the road. “She’s not far from me. Nicholas, I don’t feel well. I can’t catch my breath.” He looks over to Kaden quickly. “You two have been drugged. Get her to sit down and rest with you. Are there any signs around you?” She scans the area. “We’re at the Calloway Curve.” He nods. “I’m almost there. Get her and sit down.” He hangs up. “We’re about ten minutes from there.”
Jareth growls low and starts to push into him, he leans over them and nips at Mason's shoulder "Ours..." He growls a bit louder and presses in more "Nnn... You're so hot..." He moans and holds him as he starts to move. He could feel Mason becoming more confident and it made him shiver, he nips at his neck again.

Kaden looks at him, listening to Aliya "We... I.. Need to call Jareth... And Mason..." He watches the trail markers "I'll do it from the hospital..." When he see the mentioned tail, he barely allows the car to stop before he's out and running "Aliya?! Melanie!!""
Mason looks over to his shoulder, eyeing Jareth, as he pushes all the way inside Kevin. Ignoring the man’s groans of pleasure, he tells Jareth, “You are mine. I will share you with him, but you..are..mine.” The tone was even more defined as he spoke to him. “He is our play thing, here for our enjoyment, and we shall enjoy him indeed. I will not cum inside him. No. I save that for you.” He reaches up and takes Jareth’s hair, pulling hard. “Do you understand?”

Nicholas doesn’t even turn the car off. He jumps out, leaving his door open, and runs to Aliya just behind Kaden. “Aliya! Where is she?” Aliya looks up at Nicholas. She’s pale and sweating. He grabs her wrist to check her pulse. “Your heart is racing. Does your head hurt? Do you feel nauseous?” She nods. “Where’s Melanie?” Aliya lifts her arm, pointing down the road. “I couldn’t...catch her. I couldn’t..stop her.” He looks down the road. “Go Kaden. I’ll put her in the car and drive down the road.” He leans down and picks Aliya up and carries her towards the car.
Jareth's eyes flash red and he growls low, he thrusts into Mason fully and moans slightly then looks at him as he holds his hair "Try it boy..." He pulls away from him after a moment and grips his hips "He couldn't handle me... What makes you think you can..." He glances down at Kevin and pulls out almost completely, only to thrust back in harder, he runs his claws down his back, hard enough to leave a few drops of blood and a red trail. "I'll have you begging me..." He sets a hard pace, thrusting in as Mason would pull out.

Once he got the direction she was in Kaden took off, not even hearing that they'd follow in the car "Melanie... Baby where are you... Melanie!?" He sees her a little further up the road, he takes off.
Mason groans out louder than Kevin was. As Jareth would push into him, it forced him to take Kevin almost as hard as Jareth was taking him. Kevin took the full force of both men. His eyes widened as he heard Jareth speaking. He knew that tone all too well. He had heard it that night. “I’m not him!” Mason’s tone was still as dominate as ever. He tightens as he feels his claws raking down his back. “Begging you? You will beg me my lover. Make no mistake I will have you begging me not to stop, to give you all I have, to make you cum!” He pushes back with more force as he pulls out of Kevin, wanting Jareth to slam his body forward as he continued to work his body. “Come on demon! Show me what you got!”

Aliya looks up at Nicholas. “What do you mean..drugged?” He buckles her in. “At the party, in the fog, the haze, it was laced with something. You were breathing it in.” He closes her door and climbs in driving towards Kaden.

Melanie has stopped leaning against a tree. Looking up at Kaden, she waves her hand. “Stop right there! I’m going….to find him. I have to….get him! Leave me alone Kaden! You’re a monster! You’re only standing up….for him….because he’s your friend….that you fucked before! Well you can….fuck him….after I get Mason away….from him. You and Kevin both! I hate that demon! I will….kill him….if I have to!”
Jareth growls louder and holds his hips, thrusting into him harder then he had before, he was speeding up to, he was determined to make Mason cum. "You asked for it..." He started to thrust harder and deeper, running his claws along his side and hip, leaving small cuts. He felt Mason shudder when he used his claws, he grins, "You like these claws... Do you know what they've done... Who's blood is on them..." He growls a little louder "You know me... Don't you boy..." He chuckles lightly with a growl, glancing down at Kevin.

Kaden catches up to her "Melanie stop!" He holds her shoulders and looks at her "You... You're not thinking clearly... It was on the news... The club, they drugged the guests... We have to go to the hospital... If not for you... Think of the babies..." He risks her swings and picks her up, he gets in the back with her, holding her "Drive!" He shuts the door.
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