Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“And I don’t want you hurting yourself. If you don’t take this chance, you’ll never know. Kevin is willing to lose everything he has to fall so he can be with you. That’s a lot for him to give up, but he’s willing to do it for a chance to see where things would go with you. If you don’t take this chance, you’ll never know where things could have gone. I won’t have all of you. Part of you will always wonder. No. I won’t accept that.”

“MMmm, that is such a good thought M’Lord. Do you want the sweet Aliya? M’Lord she tastes divine.”
Jareth turns to Mason and pulls him into a deep lingering kiss, gripping his hair slightly, then slowly pulls away, he looks at him and grins slightly "What did I do... To find someone like you..." He rubs his cheek "You're... You're sure about this... I can't talk you out of it... I love you... I do... You believe that don't you..." He was still on the fence.

Kaden chuckles slightly at her term and holds Mel closer, "I would like a taste... But do you think you can handle the Doc..." He whispers as Nicholas slowly pulls from Aliya, finally giving Mel a view.
“I do, and I love you. That’s why I’m giving you..this chance. This is your second chance at being happy. Take it and don’t let go.” He leans his forehead to his, but his eyes look over to Kevin. “Fall Kevin. Fall and take your chance with him again.” Kevin look at Jareth and nods. “Alright my love. I am coming, and I will be with you again. My name is Kevin, and I,” he smiles, “When I finish this statement, my love, I will be yours again. I am so happy. Please tell me you are as well.”

Her mouth opens wide. “Nic….holas. Oh….my. You are..a..big..boy.” She blushes at the sight of him. “M’Lord? Have you handled him or had him yet?”
Jareth looks at Mason, a few tears falling again "Of course I'm happy... In more ways then one..." He kisses Mason again "You do know... Mel will kill me for this... She'll think I'm trying to hurt you again... That I don't care about you..." He takes his hand and runs his fingers over his pinky "It's still there... Remember that..." He kisses him once more before looking at kevin, still holding Mason's hand.

Kaden smirks "Hands and mouth... Just the head..." He grins and whispers, licking her ear "And my hand didn't fit around..."
“My name is Kevin, I am the archangel Micheal, and I am making the fall.” Kevin’s chest lunged forward as if he had been punched hard from behind. He could see it well though. His angel essence being taken from him. Some would remain, as was the case with Aliya, but he was no longer an angel. His true form now locked in once more. “My love….I am back once more to be with you.” He moves closer, wrapping his arms around Jareth. Mason slips from Jareth’s hold and watches the two of them. ‘Now. The time is now.’ He moves quietly from the bed as Kevin holds Jareth tightly. ‘Now. Go now.’ Mason turns and heads in the direction of the door, weaving through the bodies of people. He was trying to put as much distance between him and Jareth before he lost control of his emotions.

“What?” The shocked tone in her voice was clear. “I hope I can take all of him. Do you think he can take all of you M’Lord?”
Jareth had gasped as he lunged forward as if in pain, then just stares as hears his heart beat, he closes his eyes and breathes deep as his scent fills his nose, he let go of Mason for a moment to hug him back, holding him tight "Kevin..." He was so caught up that he didn't notice the name Kevin had used or when Mason slipped away, "I never thought... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." He holds him closer and cries, his scent bringing back the scent off his blood that night, reminding him again of what he did. There was a soft growl in the back of his mind, but he ignored it for now, pushing his demon back.

"I don't know my love... He hasn't told me what he wants yet..." He kisses her "I won't force that..." He looks over at Aliya.
“Micheal,” Aliya whispers. “Oh look at that M’Lord. She’s delirious.” Aliya’s eye focus on Nicholas who steps back. “I guess..neither of us..are virgins..anymore,” he tells her breathless. “So,” he asks Kaden. “Perfect.”
“Do you want more,” Melanie asks him. “Beg M’Lord for it. Beg him to take you. Both of you. If you want him, you must beg him.” Aliya slowly looks to Kaden, turning her head. “Please….M’Lord? I want....more.”

Mason pushed past all the people until he reaches the door. Once outside he looks around, lost, unsure of where to go. He sees the car, but he doesn’t have the keys. Instead he shakes his head and takes off running as fast as his feet will carry him. The tears sting his eyes and begin to fall. They only make him run faster.
Jareth suddenly gasps and grabs his chest, he closes his eyes as a pain shoots through his heart, clearing his mind long enough to hear what his beast is growling. 'Michael..!' He pants slightly and looks at Kevin, "Did.. Did you say Michael..." He shifts away from him slightly "The Angel... Michael..." He shakes his head, he didn't want to believe that, Kevin was a kind man, he said he forgave him. He couldn't be the same one. He rubs his chest softly, he knew what that pain was but he kept it to himself for now.

Kaden chuckles and lets Mel go, then moves closer to Aliya, he whispers in her ear "Such a naughty little angel..." He holds her hips and pulls her to the edge of the table, he slowly teases his head against her core "Are you so tempted by the sins of the flesh..." He looks her in the eye, he could tell she was behind horny, Mel had seen to that, he keeps his teasing light, wanting her to beg more.
“Yes. Micheal. One in the same. The very same one that came for Mason when he,” he turns looking for Mason. When he doesn’t see him on the bed, he searches the crowd. “Where did he go? Did he leave? Jareth, it was my job to come for those who called for death, and Mason wanted to die. I’ll admit I did enjoy the thought of him being dead because then he wouldn’t be with you, but I did not take him. My love I have always loved you.”

Aliya moves her hips, trying to push her body closer to him. “Please M’Lord. Do not tease me. Take me. I am here. I am yours’. You may have me. Give me what I crave. I’m begging you. Please.” The hungry lust was clear in her voice. It even effect Mel, arousing her. She looked over to Nicholas, who had taken a seat, watching this display between them. The sight of Aliya so horny was making him hard again.
Jareth quickly turns to find the bed empty "Mason..." He turns back to Kevin "Why... Why didn't you tell me... And the only reason you didn't take him... Was because of Aliya..." He moves to get off the bed "Then if you love me... You'll help me find him..." He quickly gathers his clothes '...Mason.. I'm sorry..'

"Since you asked so nicely..." He holds her hips and pulls her closer, thrusting into her fully "Nnn..." He lifts her and sits on the chair "Ride it... Make me cum little Angel..." He stares at her, as if daring her to deny what she wants.
“I could have taken him right away, but I didn’t. I didn’t because of you. I knew it would hurt you. How can you ask me to help you find another man when I just gave up everything to come back to you? Jareth he made his choice, and so did you. He knows you did. That’s why he left. He is giving you this chance to be happy with me. Why are you running away?”

Mason finally comes to a stop on a bridge. ‘Funny. Here I am again, on a bridge.’ He looks at his finger thinking about the string Jareth talked about. ‘I’ll be here waiting for you when, and if , you’re ever ready Jareth.’ A car stops, headlights bright on him. “Mason? What the hell are you doing?”
“Get in the car you idiot. Get off the road.” He goes around to the passenger side and climbs inside. “I was just….I don’t wanna talk about it.” She shakes her head grinning. “Alright. I won’t push you. Look, I’m headed out of town, but you can come along for the ride if you want to. I’ve got to go to the next city over on business. You can crash in my hotel room if you want, but I gotta go. I’m not heading back home. That okay with you?”
“Yeah. That’s fine. Thanks for all your help.”
“Eh. No problem,” she tells him driving off.

Aliya groaned. Despite having been opened and stretched by the doctor, she was still tight, and Kaden forced her open again. He slipped inside her, pushing on her walls. She felt her body taking him in. Her clit was still painfully throbbing even though she had cum already. Her body craved more. He moved them, and at his command, she began to use her powerful thighs to ride him. Her body glided along his shaft at a slow and steady pace. “Thank you….M’Lord for allowing me this pleasure. I will not….let you down.”
Jareth freezes and looks back at him, he was right, but it didn't make it hurt any less, he looks back out at the dance floor, towards the exit. "I'm... I'm sorry..." He sits back down and looks up at him "I'm... Just worried... About him... He doesn't do the smartest things when upset..." He reaches out and pulls him closer, slowly running his hands over him, smiling softly "I don't deserve this... But I won't waste this chance... I just hope it doesn't kill me..." He slides his hands up into his hair and pulls him close for a deep longing kiss, he then slowly breaks it to kiss along his jaw and down his neck, he nips just slightly and starts to work his shirt open, Kevin's scent filling his nose.

"Nnn... Good girl..." He watches her and lightly rests one hand on her waist "Did my Melanie take good care of you tonight Aliya..." He leans closer and lick at her nipples, suckling them as she rocks on him.
“Jareth,” he breathes, feeling his kisses down his neck. “I have missed you so. Your touch, your scent, your body, thoughts of you have never been far from my mind. I have given my status as an angel up for you. I love you that much. I have gone to the end of time and back again for you, my love.” He relaxes under Jareth’s touch, waiting and wanting more from him. He hated to talk so freely about Mason, but his words had been the truth. He didn’t want to hurt Jareth though. That was the last thing he wanted to do.

Marissa looks over at him as they get on the interstate. “Mason, you okay? You’re not talking a whole lot.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’ve got tears in your eyes.”
“I said I’m fine.”
“Okay,” she nods. “We don’t have to talk. We can listen to music.” She turns the radio and continues to drive.

“Yes M’Lord. She did. She showed me how good….she could make….me feel. Now you’re….showing me….how good….you can make….me feel. M’Lord? Will you….keep me? Can I….stay with you?”
He moves back up, kissing him again, more so to shut him up then anything, he loved Kevin, he did, he had wished for a moment like this for so long, he didn't want to think about what else he could be losing. He kisses Kevin almost roughly and moves them on the bed, pinning Kevin beneath him, "Nnn..." He runs his hands over his shirtless chest and pulls back with a soft moan "God you haven't changed... I missed you so much..." He smiles and moves to work their pants of, he was hit with the scent of him and Mason together and falters for a moment, then relaxes, he owed it to Mason and Kevin to try, or he'd never be able to face Mason again.

Kaden was moaning softly then looks at Aliya after her question, he looks to Mel, he wasn't sure, but it seems their little group keeps getting bigger.
Jareth had him hard. Then again, Jareth always got him that way. He wrapped his tongue with his as Jareth pinned him to the bed. The sounds of their pants being taken off, heated his body even more. He had dreamed of this, wanted this, as he had watched Jareth from afar for so long. He trembled the closer Jareth came to him. The sweet anticipation of what he knew was going to happen was almost too much for him.

Melanie grinned. “So you want him to be yours’ as well? You want to call him M’Lord, and treat him with the respect he deserves?” Aliya cried out, “Yes!” “Beg him to touch you. Tell him where you want his hands, but don’t you dare stop fucking him. Do you understand me?” She comes up behind Aliya, laces her fingers into her hair, and pulls tightly, roughly. “Yes Ma’am! M’Lord. Please. Touch my breasts with your hands. I want you to keep suckling my nipples. Don’t stop. Please. I will beg you all night to keep touching me.” Melanie can’t stop grinning. Her hands rest on Aliya’s waist, and she slowly pushes her down, holding her there, making her take all of Kaden. The groans that came from her lips told how much he was impaling her with his member. “That’s right. Take it all. Feel it all. Tell M’Lord how much you love it.”
“I….love it….M’Lord. You fill….me up….so….much!”
“Well M’Lord. I think she would make a nice play thing, and I do so have fun with her.”
Jareth was treming slightly, he wasn't sure if it was from anticipation or fear, the last time he had been with Kevin, he had killed him. He undresses them completely and stares down at him, he was just as handsome as the last time he saw him alive. He reaches out slowly and runs his hand up his thigh, then ghosts his fingers over his cock, he moans softly and the feel of him and grips him lightly "Moan for me... I've missed that sweet sound..." He starts to stroke him slowly, adding a little lube to help.

"Nnn... Mel..." He looks at Mel as she takes charge of Aliya and moans, then cries out and hold her hips as he is pushed deeper into her. "Mmm..." He looks at Mel again "I don't see why not... But we live so far away..." He glances at Nicholas "Where would we stay..."
He didn’t have to ask twice. Kevin moaned for him, as if asking him to touch him more. ‘I’ve missed….your touch. I’ve missed love. Softly. Touch me softly. Slowly. We don’t be….in a rush. We’ve got..our lives..together.”

Nicholas had been watching, looking almost drunk from his own euphoria. “My place. We can stay there. I’ve got the room. More than enough. That is you want to.”
Jareth tries to growl softly but that pain in his chest returns, he again ignores it and leans down, licking at his head before slowly taking him in "Mmm..." He moans softly against him and bobs slowly, twisting his tongue around him, he even tasted the same. He keeps working him slowly until he could feel him starting to tense, he pulls off and slows his hand to a crawl, keeping him on that thin ledge. "I can feel it lover... You're right there..." He grins, showing his fangs "You always were the best to tease... I didn't forget... I know just what to push and caress to leave you whining for more..." He slowly pulls back to sit up and lifts the others leg slightly, he stares at him as he lubes them up slowly, he presses against him, then closes his eyes and thrusts in fully, a loud moan leaving his lips and he pants.

Kaden smirks and nips Aliya's nipple and glances at the Doctor "Your place... So you can keep and eye on us Doc... Why not tell Mel... Tell her about that night..." He holds her hips and thrusts up harder as she thrusts down, causing him to go deeper "Nnn... Look at me little Angel... You're gonna cum for me aren't you..."
Kevin watches him. He always thought Jareth so beautiful when they were this way with one another. The absence of his touch had on the edge quickly. He knew what was about to happen, and he remember his lover’s ways. Jareth did not disappoint. He pulls away, showing his sexy fangs, and Kevin melts for him. “Yes….my love,” he whimpers. Every action he took, every move he made, kept Kevin hard and ready for him. When Jareth entered him, he cried out. His entire body felt waves of escasty. “You are….wonderful….lover.” His breaths were quick and shallow. He gripped Jareth’s arms, on the verge of tears. “I….missed you….lover.”

Aliya squirms, her face strained. “Too….deep,” she whines. “Awwww. Take his cock sweet angel. Squeeze him. That’s it. You’re such a good girl. M’Lord rewards his good girls. Look at his face. You make him so happy. Ask him to reward you by sucking your nipple.” Aliya grunted. “M-M’Lord….would you….please….reward me….by sucking my….nipple?” Melanie loved being in control like this. Behind closed doors, she knew Kaden would be the one calling the shots, but for now, she was an equal partner with him in this. When he mentioned Nicholas telling her about that night though, her attention turned to him. She crawled up between his legs, viewing his spent cock. “MMMMM. Does the doctor have a secret he should tell me? Tell me Nicholas, or I can make pleasure quickly become pain.” She takes his length between her lips, giving him a few passes with her mouth, before allowing her teeth to graze him. Pausing she bites down watching him jump and groan. “Okay! The night that you and Kaden….went to my house….I….I was watching you….on my security cameras. I recorded you two….making love.” Her only response to speed up her efforts. Aliya eyed Kaden while this was happening. “Yes….M’Lord. I’m gonna….cum….for you.”

They had arrived at the hotel and checked in. Marissa had opened the room, put her bags down, and locked the door when Mason grabbed her from behind. He spins her around and pins her to the door. “Mason! What the hell?” He presses his lips to hers’, kissing her deeply. “You shut up,” he tells breathless after breaking the kiss. “I want your hands over your head, and you do not move them. Do you understand?” She nods, lifting her hands above her head. Marissa knew he was married to Melanie, but she also knew their marriage was over. Without warning, he rips her blouse open, exposing her chest to him. With the same force, he tears her bra from her body, throwing it to the floor. “You are mine tonight. You will do what I say, when I say, and how I say, or I will spank your ass until you can’t sit down for a week. Am I clear?” Again she nods. “Good girl. Now you just stand there like this. I’m gonna rip the rest of your clothes off and take a look at what I’m going to enjoy tonight. One sound out of you, and I will shove your own panties down your throat.”
Jareth looks down at him, seeing the tears build in his eyes "I.. I missed you too..." He reaches up and leans over him slightly, he takes his hand, locking their fingers. "I kept your picture... I never let myself forget..." He pulls back and starts to thrust slowly, staring at him "Nnn... G-God... Baby you... Feel so good..." He holds his leg and starts to thrust a bit faster, he moans again, his growls still causing him pain.

Kaden grins and looks at Aliya "Mmm... You are a good girl... Would you like to stay with us... Having fun with with Mel when you want..." He smirks at her and leans closer, licking, the suckling each nipple as she continues to ride him.
“That’s it my love. Make love to me.” Kevin loses control of his emotions, and his tears flow freely down his face. “I never..forgot about you..either. I have watched you..every day. I didn’t let you..go. I will go.” His eyes close tightly as he feels his own climax coming. “’re gonna make me..cum.”

“Yes M’Lord. Oh please. Say I can be with her….and you. M’Lady and M’Lord.” Melanie leaves the doctor wanting more as she returns to her. “I like the sound of that. Now. Cum for him.” Her fingers reach for her clit and begin to massage her. “Cum all over M’Lord’s cock. Give it to him.” Melanie’s lips drag along her shoulder before Aliya tenses and cries out as she cums hard.
"Nnn... Yeah..." He leans down and kisses him roughly, rocking into him faster and harder "Nnnn..!" He moans against his lips and then thrusts deeper, cumming, his body shuddering with the force of his orgasm. He soon collapses on top of him, panting, he kisses him, tears rolling down his face.

Kaden continues to thrust into her, moaning softly against her breasts, then thrusting hard as she finally cums "Nnnn..." He tosses his head back and moans as she squeezes him. Panting he looks at Mel "Mmm... Are you enjoying yourself baby..." He smirks at her.
Kevin wants to be wrapped up in his kiss, but the fact he’s about to cum keeps him from doing so. When he feels that finally thrust and Jareth cumming, his body gives in, and he feels his release as well. After Jareth collapses to his body, he feels more exhausted than he has felt in a long time. “No baby,” he tells him wiping away at his tears. “No tears. Unless these are tears of happiness.”

“Oh yes M’Lord. I am letting go in ways I have never done before. This feels wonderful. Are you enjoying as well M’Lord? A sweet, tight woman squeezing you so tight, riding you, cumming all over you. Does that make you happy?”
He roles them to the side slowly and looks at him, he cups his cheek and rubs it softly, a few tears still falling "Of course I'm happy... I missed you so much... I love you..." He looks down "Then why does it hurt..." He pulls him closer, kissing him again deeply, he even whines softly. "I don't want to lose you again... But..." He closes his eyes again, more tears falling "I... I also love Mason... And... I just let him walk away..." He rests their heads together "It's all happened so fast... Please understand..." He looks at him and just cups his cheek, wanting to be close.

Kaden holds Aliya close as she relaxes and calms down, he rubs her back slowly "Mmm... She is nice... Not as nice as you love, but quite nice..." He glances at Nicholas "I think you left someone hanging Sweety... That wasn't very nice..."
“I do. I understand. You….you love him. I was gone. You moved on, but baby, I’m back. I’m here now. I gave up the entire world….for you. I can’t..go back. I’m here now..on earth. I don’t hear the angels anymore. I’m not one of them anymore. Do I regret doing that I love another?” He shakes his head. “No. Because it gave last time..with you. Baby if you love him,” he closes his eyes, feeling the tears stream down his face, “then go to him. Now. Get up, get dressed, and go to him. I love you, and I don’t want to see you in pain.” Opening his eyes, he leans forward kissing Jareth’s lips gently. “I will always love you, and I’ll always be here.”
“Yes. That was mean of me, but he deserves it. After all, he did watch us. Tell me Nicholas, did you like what you saw?” He nods watching Melanie as she comes closer to him. “Do you want more?” Again he nods, with an almost blank expression on his face. She straddles him, reaching down, making sure his cock was in perfect position before sinking down on him. Nicholas groans, throwing his head back. “So….fucking….tight..and..warm.” Melanie grins looking over her shoulder at Kaden. “Do you like watching another man have me M’Lord?”
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