Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"Yeah. I'm just gonna let him sleep. He's so cute this way anyway," he winks. Melanie can't help but smile at the two of them. "Yeah. Food does sound like a good idea. I want some spaghetti and chocolate. Think we can get that at the cafeteria?"

Aliya walks into Nicholas' office. "Do you have the papers ready for room 408 and 510? Nicholas?" He comes from the bedroom, closing the door behind himself as he buttons his shirt up. "Did you take a shower?"
"Yeah. What's so odd about that?"
"Nothing. I was just asking. Listen I heard something about this really interesting dance club. I was wondering if you wanted to go. It's called Bound. You up for it?" He smiles. "Sure. Why not? I'll pick you up an hour after we leave." She smiles. "Great. I need to have some fun." After she leaves, he picks up the rest of the papers. "Me too."
Kaden looks at Melanie "I'm sure we can find... Something... Wow, right off the bat weird food... This should be an interesting 9 months..." He kisses her cheek "Alright... Now you promised... Behave..." He looks at Mason then leads Mel from the room and towards the cafeteria. Jareth sighs and shifts closer to Mason, he hadn't been this tired in a good long while, and he planned to take advantage of that, his body being dead to the world.
As they get closer to the cafeteria, Melanie covers her mouth. “Oh wow. The smell is making me sick. I think I’m gonna….throw up. Crackers might be all I want M’Lord.”

Mason smiles as he feels Jareth snuggle up closer to him. It was the chill in the room that made him look up. “Hi. Are you another doctor?” The man shook his head. “I am Micheal Mason. I have come to offer you something. Jareth here is a demon, and you are not. He has the ability to enter someone’s mind and erase memories. I can do the same for him. I can erase you from his memory. If you love him, you will set him free. A demon does not belong with a human. He will only leave you broken hearted. It is his way. His demon side is wild, untamed. He will grow tired of being caged in a relationship with you, and his heart will crave the freedom once more. Let me keep you both from that pain. You can keep your memories if you so desire, but let me take you from his mind and his heart.”
“You’re him. Aren’t you? You’re the angel that came to me and nearly took me. There may come a day, as you say, where he will leave me. Until then, I want every second with him I can get. I don’t want forget one minute of my time with him, and certainly don’t want him erased from my mind. Even a memory is worth all the pain in the world. If I didn’t love him, and if he didn’t love me, then the thought of being apart wouldn’t hurt so bad, but you’ve already seen how much it hurt him to think of life without me. I’m telling you life without him would be agony. So the answer is no. You will not take me from his mind or me from his. Demon and human doesn’t matter. Jareth and Mason does, and Jareth and Mason belong together.” He pulls Jareth close to him tight. Micheal nods before leaving once more. Mason kisses Jareth’s head.
Kaden looks at her as he stops "Hmm..." He glances around "There's a sitting area outside... You o wait there and I'll get you something... And crackers..." He kisses her forhead "I'll be out soon..." He watches her go, making sure she's ok, he smirks as she sat nearest to the outdoor bathroom, then goes to order. He soon comes outside with a tray full of containers "Here we go... I got you a little of everything... Plain pasta... Tomato sauce... Chocolate sauce... Crackers... Water... And some pickles..." He chuckles a bit "The lady behind the counter helped... They cater to a lot of expecting mothers..." He smiles and pulls one container away for himself, beef chili.

About half an hour after Mason's little chat, Jareth begins to stir, first shifting a little, then slowly opening his eyes. "Mm... Did I... Fall asleep..." He rubs one eye then looks at Mason and smiles "Hey lover..." He leans closer and kisses him softly, then pulls him closer "I could get used to waking up like this..."
Melanie smells the containers one by one. Finally she decides on the pasta, but she cuts up the pickle to mix with it. “Perfect.” She catches his gaze and grins. “I’ll have to tell her thank you. This looks good.”

“Yeah. You did.” He runs his hand along his body softly. “Honesty. You remember that? You want us to be honest with each other. Micheal was here again. He talked to me. He wanted me to allow him to take me from your mind. I told him no. He said you would hurt me someday. He said it was your way. Jareth I'll take a thousand years of heartache for just one night of you in my arms."
Kaden looks at her and shakes his head "Yeah... And interesting 9 months... But glad you like it... I'll have to keep that in mind..." He smiles and starts to eat his own.

Jareth wasn't totally awake until Mason mentions being honest with him, he looks at him and growls slightly at the mention of that bastard. Then calms down and stares at him, he reaches up and cups his cheek "I can not say there won't be times I hurt you... Or you hurt me... Love isn't always sunshine and rainbows..." He smirks slightly "It was once, in my nature as he put it... To hurt those around me... But that was hundreds of years ago... And as I said, I want to be honest..." He looks down a moment "Love can change a person... If Michael had the faintest idea about love... He'd know that..." He looks back at Mason, "When you lose a loved one... You learn to hold on that much tighter and love that much more..." He kisses him softly "So I can't promise it'll be perfect... But I'll make our time together the best it can be... No matter how long it lasts..." He holds him closer.
"You know what I want? I want some cotton candy. Yeah. And a glass of ice, cold milk." She closes her eyes slowly at the thought.

"I know love isn't perfect. I don't ask that it be. I just ask that you share it with me. The bad stuff is part of it all. You can't appreciate the good if you don't have the bad. We've seen some bad already, and yet we found each other again. I won't let go. I promise." Aliya opens the door and comes in with his papers. "Hi guys. I just came to see if you were up for signing these. I see you're awake Jareth. Mason all you have to do is sign your name here, and you are free to go." He notices how happy she looks. "You're good mood is contagious. You know that? I'm smiling more just from you being in the room. Why are you so happy?" She takes the papers back from him. "I'm going out tonight to have some fun. Going to a dance club with a friend. I love to dance. It's a place we've never been to before. I hope it's going to be a lot of fun."
kaden just stares at her "Umm... I'll see what I can do once I'm finished... Wanna go back to the boys first?" He continues to eat.

Jareth sits up and stretches and smiles as well, glad to be gettin out of this place "Really... There's a in around here? Maybe we'll check it out before we go..." He looks at Mason "But no drinking..." He kisses his cheek and stand up, feeling much better.
"Nope. I wanna stay and watch you eat. You know that chili smells really good too."

"Of course no drinking," he laughs. "Well. Water maybe, but that's only because you make me so hot."
"Okay," Aliya interrupts. "Before you two get too into....each other again, yes. There is an in around here. The place is called Bound. I hear it's really a hot spot to go to. There's a lot of talk, but most of it is whispers. They say you have to go to really get a feel for the place. So I asked somebody here at the hospital if they wanted to check it out. He said yes. So we're going to unwind. Maybe we'll see you guys there?"
He had eaten about half when she starts eying his food, he smirks and hands it over "I'll just get used to not eating a full meal now..." He chuckles "Once you're finished, we'll go check on them... Maybe Jareth is awake..." He sips his own water.

Jareth smiles "It sounds great... And I'd love to get this boy on a dance floor..." He nods "Maybe we will see you there... We'll talk to the others... So... Is he free to go now? Any instructions he needs me to make him follow..?"
She grins looking up as she shovels a spoonful of his chili into her mouth. "Funny thing is I never liked this stuff before. It just smells so good."

"Yeah. He's free to go, and," she grins, "Make him move on the dance floor tonight. If we do see you guys there, I want to see him dance. I want to see you dance." She holds the door open for them. "See you two tonight," she tells them as she waits on them to leave. Mason looks to Jareth with a grin. "I think she forgot I'm naked under here."
Kaden smiles "Well... They say tastes change with pregnancy..."

Jareth watches her, then glances at Mason as he whispers to him, he chuckles "You know Aliya... I'm sure you would like to see him moving and dancing... But I think I'd like to keep a few part to myself for now..." He smirks "Or did you forget how I brought him in here..."
Crumbling up her crackers into the chili, she looks around the table wondering what else she can put in the chili. “Any ideas for any extra add ins to this?”

Aliya closes the door, her eyes wide. “Oh my! I’m so sorry. I did forget. You naughty boy,” she teases. “I’ll go get you some scrubs that you can wear out of here.” Her face is red as she opens the cabinet in the room pulling out some green scrubs for him to put on. “They’re not flashy, but they’ll keep you covered up. I’ll be outside. Now don’t go messing around once I’m gone though.”
He looks at her a "No... Is... Isn't it fine like that?" He just hoped she wouldn't make him sick, he glances at the container of chocolate sauce and shudders.

Jareth laughs softly and watches "I promise Aliya..." He steps by the bed as he gets up to dress "Well... Looks like I'll have to take you shopping before tonight..." He steps closer and hugs him from behind as he finishes dressing "Maybe something a bit more form fitting..." He just holds him close.
She giggles looking at him. "You almost look green. I'll stop. This is fine. Really. In fact, I think I'm done. Thank you M'Lord. This was wonderful, and you so sweet to take care of me like you do." She leans across and kisses his cheek.

"I know something that already fits me like a glove," he grins putting his hands over Jareth's. "We can go pick out something that will make you hot. That way you'll be ready to fuck my brains out by the time we get to the car to leave the dance club."
Kaden kisses her back as smiles "It's my duty to care for you... Well... Let's go check on those two..." He moves round to help her up, and hugs her close, "I love you... So much... Please don't forget that..." He cups her cheek and kisses her softly.

"Nnn... You're gonna make me break my promise lover..." He nips his neck softly then let's him go slowly, taking his hand. "Let's go find the others... We still need to go to the inn and get our stuff... Unless you want to spend the night there... Like we should have..." He leads him from the room, hand in hand.
“I promise. I won’t.” She takes his hand as they head towards the room. “There they are. Are you ready to go?” Mason nods. “Yeah. I’ve got some new stylish clothes. I’d like to go by and thank Nicholas before we leave.”
“He’s in the pediatric ward right now. Story time, and he puts on a magic show for the kids there.” She shrugs. “He likes kids and has a soft spot for those here. I can show you if you all really want to say thank you.”
Kaden smiles "There's something I'd like to see..." Jareth nods "Yes... It doesn't suprise me at all that he likes kids... Seems to fit him..." He looks to Mel and Kaden "So... Are you up for a little dancing tonight... Aliya told us about a place in town..." They start to follow Aliya down the hall.
"Dancing? Sure! Sounds like fun! Hope to see you there Aliya."

Aliya takes up them up to the pediatric ward. A group of children were sitting there watching him. "Now where did it go? Can someone please tell me where it went? That shiny coin will go to the child who can tell me where it is." A little girl with thin long blonde hair raises her hand. "It's in your hand doctor." He grins walking up to her. "Oooooooh no it's not." After showing her his hands were empty, he seems to pull the coin from her ear. She gasps. "So you were hiding my coin?" She shakes her head quickly. "No doctor. I promise." He grins at her. "What have I told you about calling me doctor?"
"But you're earing the coat." He takes the coat off and kneels in front of her putting it on her. "Now you're the doctor." She looks down. "What's wrong?"
"I can't be a doctor. Look at me."
"I do look at you, and you know what? I see a beautiful little girl who can be whatever she wants." He picks her up, kisses her cheek, and she hugs him tight. When he turns talking to the other children, part of her face can be seen. The little girl has suffered burns on her face and down her neck. She waved shyly at the four of them. Nicholas had told the others the show was over, and they were starting to head back to their rooms. "Look Nicholas. People." Her turns, with her still in his arms. "Oh. Hi there. What can the doctor and I do for you?"
"I just came to say thanks. We're heading out, and I wanted to thank you."
"My pleasure Mason. This here is Lucy. She's my doctor in training. Does he look well enough to go home Lucy?" She grins nodding. "Yeah, and he's cute. All of them are cute. Cept the lady. She's pretty."
Jareth was touched to see him playing with the children, it was something he missed about being a doctor. He steps up and smiles at te little girl "Why thank you... But I think you're much prettier... But don't tell my friend..." He smiles "I can do a little magic too... And I think I have a gift for you..." He twists his hand in front of him and mutters softly, a beautiful flower appears. "Here you go sweetheart..." He smiles and hands her the flower "Something just as pretty as you are..."

Kaden just smiles and hugs Mel, wrapping his arms around her waist, he knew Jareth didn't use magic often.
Melanie wipes away a tear. Mason swallows a lump in his throat. She gasps, her eyes opening wide. “Wow! Nicholas can only make coins appear. That’s so pretty. Thank you mister.”
“Jareth. His name is Jareth Lucy. That’s Mason, Melanie, and Kaden. Melanie is going to be a mommy.” She smiles at her. “You’re gonna have pretty babies.”
“How did you know she’s having more than one baby Lucy?”
“I don’t know. I just do. Just remember one thing when your babies are bigger. Don’t let them near the stove when you’re cooking.” She leans her head back on Nicholas and yawns. “Okay. I think someone is getting a little tired.”
“Nicholas can you put my flower in water please?”
“Sure baby. I’ll put it in water and next to your bed. Okay?”
“Thank you.” He looks back to them. “I’m gonna go put her to bed. You’re welcome to see her room. Lucy is quite the little artist.”
Jareth smiles at her "I'd love to see her work... That is if she'd like to show us... Is that ok with you miss Lucy..." He smiles at her again and moves to follow Nicholas.

Kaden kisses Mel's cheek and uses a cloth to wipe her eyes "He's quite good with children... Isn't he..." He leads her to follow them "He used to be a doctor you know... Jareth..."
"I didn't know that about him," she tells him. Nicholas carries Lucy into her room and puts her in her bed. “These are all pictures she drew, colored, painted. Her home, her dog, flowers, and her family. They come to visit her when they can.”
“Daddy works a lot.” Nicholas looks at her. “Eyes closed. We’re leaving. See you tomorrow.”
“You’re leaving?”
“I am,” he tells her kissing her forehead. “I’ll be here tomorrow.”
“Pinkie promise.”
“Oh you bet.” She gets comfortable and closes her eyes as he leads them back out in the hall. “There’s no need to thank me. I was doing my job Mason, but you’re welcome. You’re all welcome. Take care mommy.” Melanie hugs him. “That was a little weird how she knew I was having twins.”
“That’s Lucy. She seems to always know things like that.” Mason shakes his hand. He reaches for Kaden’s hand, and his eyes lock with his. Memories of his office flash through his mind, and he blushes.
Jareth watches the little girl and smiles "Goodnight Sweety..." He follows them out of the room and stands with Mason. "She has a unique gift..." He holds his hand again and waits with the others.

Kaden takes his hand and shakes it, smirking slightly at his blush "Thanks Doc... Until we meet again..." He smiles and moves to follow Jareth out of the building. "So... Dancing... Guess we better hit the mall..."

Jareth smiles "Yeah... And a car lot... We need some new wheels..." He holds Mason's hand.
“You guys can ride with us. Kaden isn’t that bad of a driver,” she teases. “I hope not. He’s driving you and our children around.” Mason grabs Jareth’s hand and squeezes. “A mall with my lover and the mother of my children. Perfect way to lead into dancing and some nice water to drink.”
“Darn right you’re only drinking water. No beer for you tonight.”
“You either! Wait. Why can’t I have a beer? I’m fine, and I won’t be driving.”
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