Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"Mason! No... Please!" He finally allows Aliya to push him out the door, it takes everything to not break it down, then he speaks. Jareth turns slowly to face him and glares darkly "I never told him it wasn't enough... He loves me just as much as I love him..." He growls "Or is this just because I'm a demon... If that's the case... Punish me... Not him! He has a baby on the way..." He holds his arms open as if giving him a free shot, glaring at him, 'If it saves him...' He stands there, waiting.
“This is emotion, love, is such a useless waste. Even when one claims to love another, they still inflict such pain. He does not belong with you Jareth. You are a demon. He is human. You do not belong together. It can not be. I am not doing this to punish you for being what you are. This is simply a means to end what should have never been. You will understand in time. Kaden will raise the child. He will love the child as his own. Melanie has moved on. In time, so shall you. Please Jareth. Do not make this any more difficult than it must be.”
He makes a fist and ties to punch him "WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE!.." He shouts "I've known several half demons in my time... Don't you stand there and try to tell me demons and humans can't mix... And you know nothing about emotions... You heartless bastard... Mel may have someone new in her life... But she still loves him... They are having a baby!" He moves closer to him "Now I'll say it again... Let Mason live... If you really want us to end... Then.. Then take me... Let him enjoy life... Watch his child grow... Find... Find someone new..." He closes his eyes, letting a few tears fall "Please... Take me..."
“Jareth you are fighting a battle you can not win. The decision has been made. There is nothing you can do to reverse this. His soul is no longer in that body in the next room. I am sorry, but it is…..”
“ARE YOU INSANE? WHAT PART OF CLEAR DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?” Nicholas’s voice booms on the other side before the door opens. “You people are driving me crazy. I’ve got a stubborn man in there, a demon out here, a nurse that can’t follow basic protocols, and who the hell are you? Wait! Never mind! I don’t wanna know! Nope!” He looks back in the room, shakes his head, and walks away.

Micheal moves inside the room to see Aliya sitting on the floor in the corner. Her eyes are open, and she breathing slowly. “You stupid girl.” She smiles at him. He looks from her to Jareth. “You have him. Take care of him. He came at a high price. He cost her, her immortal soul. Mason has truly been touched by an angel.” Michael fades with a cloud of white smoke that quickly clears. Mason begins to cough. “Is the X-Ray done? Nicholas I gotta tell you I feel great. No pain.”
Jareth pales as he listens to him and was about to grab at him when he heard Nicholas shout, he turns to look, then moves to follow the Angel quickly. He stares at Mason, but moves to Aliya first, he kneels down and helps her look up at him "I don't have to ask why... But I do have to say thank you... Whatever I can do... To repay you... It will never be enough..." He glances over at Mason as he starts to wake up "Hold on lover..." He looks back to Aliya "Please... Tell me what I can do..."
A warm smile spreads across her face. “You can love him. That’s all I ask of you Jareth. I didn’t give him all of my immortal soul. I gave him enough to heal him. He will still die someday. So take care of him. Go,” she nudges him. “Go to him.”
“Jareth? Is something wrong? Is she alright? I feel amazing lover.” His tone conveys how well he is now. “I even feel strong. It’s wonderful!” He can’t help but grin and laugh.

Nicholas heads towards Kaden and Melanie. “He’s gonna be just fine. It was touch and go. We actually lost him, but I can’t explain it. My nurse, Aliya, put her hands on his chest right as I shocked him. It was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen anybody do. I tell you if it’s not you people making me horny, it’s my staff doing stupid stuff like that. You’re all driving me crazy.” He throws up his hands and walks away from them.
"Thank you..." He kisses her forhead before going to Mason, he looks him over then kisses him, roughly and cries softly. "I love you... God you scared me..." He kisses him over and over, then pulls back to face him. "You... You died... And... All I could do... Was watch..."

Kaden stares at Nicholas, then at Mel as he walks away "Did... Did he just say... What I think he said..." He takes Mel's hand and they head to see Mason and Jareth.
"I....I died, but I didn't see the bridge....I didn't see any of that. Jareth I'm sorry. I would never leave you." He reaches up taking his hand tightly. "I don't wanna cross that bridge. Not till we're ready to go together. Not for a long time. I wanna stay here with you, and my baby, and Melanie."

She holds his hand tightly as he leads the way. "You know, I did hear Nicholas say something, but there's no way he said what I think he did."
Jareth debates about telling him about Michael, he didn't want secrets, "There... There was an angel... Trying to take your soul... He said you called for him... I yelled and told him to leave you be... Let you live... He said we didn't belong together, that humans and demons couldn't be together and he was taking you to correct that..." He leans up and kisses him again "I begged for your life... Willing to give up mine... If he'd let you live... But he wouldn't... Said it was already decided... Then... Then she saved you..." He glances aback at Aliya and smiles "I owe her more then I could ever repay..." He turns and kisses Mason again.

Kaden looks at her "And what is it you think he said..?"
He listens to Jareth, his eyes growing wider. “An angel? Wanted to take me? I never called for anyone.”
“Yes you did. In your own way. You were seeking out your own destruction. That is a call to Micheal. He came for you. What he didn’t know was that you had a love, but even when he found out about your love, he still wanted to take you because your love is a demon. Micheal is one who calls the souls away. I told you how to repay me Jareth.”

“Well if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he said we all made him horny,” she giggles. “But he wouldn’t say that. Would he?” They enter the room where Jareth and Mason are to see them kissing. “Wow. I guess you really are feeling better.” Mason pulls away from the kiss. “Melanie! Kaden! I’m fine,” he says sitting up. “There’s no pain!” She lets go of Kaden’s hand and slowly walks over to him. “How is that….did you,” she asks Jareth.
He look at Aliya again "I know... And I will..." Back to Mason and kisses him as Kaden and Mel walk in, he smiles and looks at them "No... It... It's wasn't me.." He looks to Aliya again, he then shifts Mason and gets on the bed, holding him close and burying his nose in his neck, sniffing and soon relaxing. He holds Mason "I'm... I'm just gonna... Gonna nap..." All the excitement and danger over, it suddenly left him quite tired, still holding Mason, Jareth goes to sleep.

Kaden walks up to them "He pushed himself so hard..." He looks to Mason "How are you... You said no pain anymore... What about our good news... We'll be fathers..." He beams at him "You two are already Uncles to our child... Where will sit with yours..." He takes Mason's hand and holds it lightly.
“Fathers. It just sounds so….strange and yet wonderful. I feel amazing. There really is no pain.” He snuggles closer to Jareth. “Let him sleep. He came a long way to take care of me, and then he carried me back as he ran.” It feels strange Kaden holding his hand. “Everything is as it should be. The four of us here. I have Jareth, and he loves me. You two are happy, and we all have children on the way now. There is no way things could get any better.”
“I’m agree Mason. This is perfect.” Melanie leans down and kisses his forehead. “And if you ever drive drunk again, I’ll kick your ass myself.” He grins at her. “Yeah? Not if I tell Kaden to take care of you. Kaden will tie you up and have his way with you.” She blushes. “I hope so, but I get the feeling someone else here would enjoy some attention.”
Kaden smiles "Yeah... It's done a lot..." He glances at Mel and Mason "So... Did Jareth say anything about the babies?" He lets his hand go to go and get some chairs, he sets them by the bed and sits, "How will he fit in your baby's life Mason... Why not think about it while he's asleep..." Kaden leans over to Mel and kisses her softly. Jareth was out cold, curled up against Mason, a small smile on his lips.
“I don’t have to think about it. I want Jareth here with me and my child.” He looks to Mel. “He will be a part of my child’s life.” She starts to speak. “Before you say anything, I want you to know I’ll fight you on this one Melanie. I love him. I think he would make a great parent.” She smiles softly. “I was going to say I’m okay with that. I agree with you Mason. I think he would be wonderful as a parent.”
“What changed your mind?”
“I’ve seen how he is with you. He loves you, and he’s done a lot to care for you. I know that he would do the same for our baby. I know he would even protect Kaden’s child too.” She squeezes his hand. “I know that Kaden would trust him with our baby.”
“Alright. Well as soon as I can, I’m going to have those papers drawn up and signed. You two deserve to be able to get married. You love each other so much. I want to give that to you and you as well Kaden.” Mason pulls Jareth a little closer.
Kaden smiles "And thank you... I wish you and Jareth the same happiness..." He stands "You stay here and talk... I'm gonna go see Nicholas... I'll be back soon..." He kisses Mel once then leaves the room. Kaden walks down the hall and knocks on the doctor's door "Hey Doc... You got a few minutes...?"
“Be nice to him,” Melanie teases. “What’s that all about,” Mason asks her. “I’ll tell you all about it.”

Nicholas looks up from his desk. “Yeah.” He stands and opens the door. Returning to his seat, he smiles looking down at the papers on his desk. “I’m writing up your friend’s discharge instructions for what he should and shouldn’t do, but I know that’s a waste of time. He’s going to do whatever he pleases,” he laughs as he rips up the papers. “I’ll just sign off on his discharge, and you, Melanie, and Jareth can take him home. Is there something else I can help you with?”
Kaden walks in and closes the door behind him, silently locking it, he turns to face Nicholas "No... He wouldn't follow them... But we can't leave for a little while yet... Jareth exhausted himself and passed out next to Mason... He won't let us wake him..." He steps closer to his desk "It's not me who needs the help Doc..." He moves around his desk slowly to stand behind his chair. "You let a little something slip to Mel and me after you finished with Mason... Something I'm sure Jareth already knows all about..." Before he has the chance to get up and deny anything, Kaden holds him from behind, gently pinning his arms to the desk chair. "You see Doc... I've come to help you.." He trails one hand down his stomach slowly, stopping just above his pants.
“Well Jareth is more than welcome to rest. I certainly wouldn’t want to send him out less than 100%. He might end up back here,” he grins. He looks up when Kaden mentions how he had let something slip. Trying to remember the conversation, it quickly comes to him what he had said. “Well now,” he begins but stops as soon as he feels Kaden’s hands holding him. Nicholas swallows hard as he says he’s come to help him. “That’s alright Kaden. You don’t….have to do anything. I’m fine. I….I apologize for saying that. That was..unprofessional of me.” He can feel the stirring between his legs. The bulge in his slacks clearly visible. “Kaden I..have things I have to do. I can’t..I’ve never..I have to go..get theses Mason other..patients..have to well. I have to check..on them.” His voice conveys how nervous he is.
Kaden chuckles softly "I know you've never... And I can tell you're nervous..." He moves one hand up to turn his head to face him "So like I said... I'm here to help you..." He rubs his cheek, then kisses him, softly, then slowly licks his lip, his other hand softly rubbing over the bump in his pants. "Tell me you don't like it... And I'll stop..." He had worked his pants open and he was lightly stroking through his boxers, he doesn't let him look away. "Come on Doc... Let someone do something for you..." He smirks softly.
Nicholas looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights. Even as his lips pressed to his, his eyes were still open. The more Kaden touches him, the more aroused he becomes. He grips the chair tight. “I….of course….it feels nice. A hand….on my….of course it feels…..nice. I can’ this..though. I just can’t. I’m sorry. I…..” Looking into Kaden’s eyes he wants to keep going, protesting, but all he can do is glance down to his lips. He can feel his resolve weakening. Nicholas had never been with anyone before, and he had his own ideas as to why it had never happened for him. At a younger age, when most people were experimenting, he was the awkward, funny looking nerd that none of the girls would talk to. In his mind, he was still that teenage boy. He had grown up, his looks certainly changed for the better, but in his mind, he didn't see that. So it puzzled him why Kaden would even want to do this. His curiosity began to show through on his face.
Kaden could feel how large he was, the Doc was packing and he smirks, then he noticed his staring at his lips, so he leans in again and kisses him a bit harder this time, gripping his cock a bit tighter as well. "You have questions... I see it in your eyes... Ask..." His other hand slowly moves to unbutton his shirt, running his hand over his bare chest. "Ask anything..."
The kiss was intense. Nicholas was painfully hard. The invitation to ask questions was more than he could handle. He shook his head. “No. I have to….go. I can’t do this.” His chest heaves with his heavy breathing. Reaching towards Kaden’s hands, he pulls them away from his body. “I can’t. I just….you have Melanie. What..why…..” He stops looking towards the door. ‘Why would somebody, anybody, want to be with a freak like me?’ A memory of gym class in school flashes through his mind. The jokes, laughing, and pointing he suffered in the locker room. The names they called him. They had teased him so, and though it was only from their own jealous, Nicholas never knew that. “I have patients to attend to. Maybe another time and place we could have..but here? I have to..go.”
"Alright Doc... But there will be a next time... Hopefully with a happier ending..." He lets him go and kisses him once more "You need to start thinking about you Doc..." He stands and moves to the door "We'll let you know when Jareth wakes up... See ya Doc..." He unlocks the door and walks out, heading back to Mason's room.
Nicholas takes a deep breath looking at the closed door after Kaden was gone. He was beyond aroused. His cock throbbed in his boxers. He stood up and headed towards his shower. He had to feel a release. When Kaden entered the room, Melanie looked up to him. “Well? Does he have Mason’s release papers ready?” She tilted her head. “What did you do? I can tell you did something. You were nice to him right?”
"He'll be along shortly with them... And yes I was nice... The good doctor just wasn't ready yet..." He kisses her cheek "I told him I'd let him know when Jareth woke up..." He looks to Mason "Can we leave you two alone this time... Will you behave..." He pulls Mel up "I need to get mommy here some food..." He hugs her from behind and looks at the two on the bed.
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