Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

His lips were warm, and his breath scorched his skin as he whipsered. Mason couldn’t hear, and frnakly the touch of his body was sending him higher and higher regardless. His body belonged to Jareth, and he had decided when Jareth was ready, he would take whatever he was willing to give him. “When I got on the bus….I felt someone watching me. I hoped….it was you. I wanted it to be you. I wanted you to rush out and stop me, hold me, make me stay. I hoped, but I wouldn’t make you do that, even if I could. I wanted you to do it on your own. You did. You came for me.” He gasps as he kisses his hand. “You make me feel like nobody else ever has before lover.” Mason has to resist the urge to simply ask him to take him. He wants Jareth to lead. He’s already proven he would go too fast if given the chance. There was nobody else in the world right now. “You are my end. My end to searching for the love I want.” He moves his legs apart slightly knowing how ready he is for him. He wanted him to take him, right then and there, and Mason knew he would. “My body is yours’ Jareth. My body and my heart. I can’t help that I fell in love so fast, and I’m not sorry. I’m only sorry I hurt you. Can you forgive me?”
He kisses him gently "Never be sorry for falling in love... No one can help when or how that happens..." He smiles at him as he runs his hand down his side to lift his hips. "Would I be here... Like this... If I hadn't forgiven you...." He starts with his fingers, gently teasing his entrance, pressing a few fingers in him. "Everyone reacts to change differently... Everything... Just went a little too fast for us to control..." He pumps them slowly for a few minutes before removing them and pressing against him "But we caught the reins and are going to work things out..." He starts to push into him and groans, resting his forehead to his, staring at him "God you feel good..." He enters him slowly, he wanted nothing fast about this encounter, he wanted to love and cherish him, before they had to go back to the real world.
He could hear his words, but more than that, he felt his touch. Jareth lifted him with ease. He felt like he weightless. Mason shivers at his touch down his side. It hadn’t been so long since they were together, but each touch, each kiss, it was like the first time all over again. That was the effect Jareth had on him. He gasps, leaning against him, wanting him to see his reactions in his eyes. He nods, biting his bottom lip. “Yeah. It went too fast, but we….we got it now.” Jareth slips inside him, slowly, tenderly, and he feels his body nearly shatter as they become one. “Finally,” he says before kissing his lips gently. “Perfect again.” Mason wraps his arms around him as he sinks down to Jareth’s body. Every inch of him that joins with his body makes him feel even more complete. His forehead rests on his lovers’. “Say it. Say you love me. I want to hear it. The words, from your lips, burn through me, warming me. I love you Jareth. I can’t stop saying it. I don’t want to.”
Jareth smiles and kisses him again, moving slowly now "I love you..." He kisses him "I love every inch of you... Your scent..." He kisses him "Your taste..." He speeds up slightly and grins at him "Your stubbornness..." He reaches up and rubs his cheek softly "And I never want you to stop saying it... Mmm... I love you Mason..." He buries his face in his neck and holds him a bit tighter, pushing deeper into him "Nnn... God you feel so good..." He angles his hips slightly so each thrust also allows Mason's cock to rub between their bodies, he pulls back slightly. "I... I want to go slow..." He rests their foreheads together and stares at him, he kisses him roughly.
Jareth’s cock was slicing into him at a tantalizing pace. Each thrust forced a moan from his throat. His heart was pounding in his chest. He could hear his heartbeat throbbing in his ears. “You are what my life had been preparing me for. Without it, my life, I wouldn’t have been ready for you. I’ll never be worthy of you Jareth, but I’m glad you still want me.” He moves, without even thinking about it. Their bodies naturally work together. He laces his fingers into his hair as their lustful kiss consumes them both. “Slow is good. Your touch, your smell, the way you make me ache wanting more of you even when I have you, I want to savor you Jareth.” He looks up, throwing his head back, groaning as he pushes his body down, meeting Jareth’s.
Jareth arches his back "Nnn... Fuck baby... T-Tense up again... Nnn..." He moans louder with a low growl as he bucks slightly, he looks down at him his eyes glowing and smiles "You like them like this... Don't you baby boy..." He growls low and shows a fang "Nnn... A-Anyone else... Would r-run..." He moans as his scent spikes and grins down at him "But not you..." He shudders and speed up slightly.
As he looks down, he sees his eyes, his fangs, and his cock twitches, growing harder. “Yes. I love it all. Your eyes, your fangs, they….excite me. They make me….want you more. More lover. Give me more,” he tells him gripping his shoulders. “That’s it,” his face and body tense up. Mason rotates his hips, grinding into him. “Make me cum. I need to. Jareth,” he breathes his name, his lips so close to his. “Fuck me….like the demon you are. Take me. Take what you want. I am yours’.”
He growls louder and smirks "That's dangerous lover..." But unlike last time, Jareth was in control, and he quite enjoyed the effects his demon nature had on Mason, he holds his hips to prevent his upper body from moving to much. "You asked for this lover..." He pulls out almost completely before thrusting back into him fully, he repeats this a few more times before setting a steady pace, always careful to not give him more then his human body could handle. "F-Fuck..." He growls and looks at him "You're right... You are mine... J-Just as much... As I'm yours..." He was getting close and could see Mason was too "Cum with me baby..."
Mason lunges forward with the first hard thrust from Jareth. Literally the air had been pushed from his lungs, and he gasped, taking in a deep breath. Each time their bodies meet, he was being pushe further, closer to his climax. Mason could feel his fingernails digging into his skin. “Yes. We belong….to each other.” There wasn’t a dry piece of skin on his body. The heat, their actions, both combined to have him panting and dripping with sweat. Each time he exhaled, his entire upper body trembles. “Oh fuck….I’m….cumming….I….can’t,” he buries his fingernails in deep as his face turns red.
"A-Almost... Fuck... Ahh!" He cries out, turning into a loud growl as he finally cums, filling Mason and thrusting slowly as he finishes, his grip loosens and he slides his hands up his sides. "Nnn... That..." He kisses him, panting slightly "Was heaven..." He gently rolls them over again, holding Mason close to avoid pulling out yet. "You... Are a stubborn fool... Leaving that hospital..." He kisses him "But then we wouldn't be making up like this..." He cups his cheek "You know... Before I was told you left... I was wishing I was human... So I could offer you a normal life..." He watches him, rubbing his cheek slowly.
Mason cried out as Jareth came, and everything was as it should be in his mind. The two had joined once more and shared of their bodies with each other. “Yeah,” he whispers. “Perfect.” He gives him a curious look. “Why should you be….human? Why not….me becoming a demon? Is that even possible?” His hand slides to rest over his taped ribs. Mason’s breathing was short and quick through parted lips.
"I've... Not heard of any successful attempts... But... Why would you want to change..." He looks at him "You ok..." He looks him over and listens to his breathing "Maybe we should head back... Let Nicholas check you over..." He holds his chin softly, looking at him "Tell me how it feels..."
“There could be….a first time. We’re proof….of that,” he smiles. “Why would I….want to change? For you….of course.” Looking at Jareth, he didn’t want to tell him the truth. The pain felt like a knife stabbing into his body. The single tear that escaped his eye told the truth before his lips had a chance. “It….hurts. Badly….Jareth.”
He kisses him softly and gently gets up, laying him on his back "Ok... Just relax and breath slowly... I'll get you to the hospital..." He stands and quickly puts his pants on, he mutters again and a blanket appears, he covers Mason and lifts him as gently as possible "Just tell me if it gets worse... Ok baby..." He holds him close and takes off, despite how fast he was running, he made it as smooth as possible, he kept a a close eye on his breathing and his heart. "How ya doing... We're almost there..." He can see the hospital already, his demon speed allowing him to move faster then any car.
Everything around him was a blur, moving so fast, and all he focused on was his lover carrying him. He closes his eyes simply taking in the warmth of his body. “I’m….okay….Jareth.” He was still in pain, but he took comfort in his arms. He knew he would get him there as fast as possible.

Aliya looks up from the nurse’s desk. Standing she makes her way towards Nicholas’ office. Passing Kaden and Melaine, she smiles. “He’s coming back.” Melanie looks to Kaden. “How does she know that?”
“Nicholas! Mason and Jareth are on their way back. They’re almost here.” He looks up from his desk. “Excellent. Prepare a room. I’m going to look over him before he gets the bright idea to leave again.” She nods. “Right away.”
He gets to the parking lot before he slows down and walks inside "I need a stretcher! He's got broken ribs... And having trouble breathing..." He leans down and kisses him before laying him on the bed, he takes his hand and stays with him as they move him, still only wearing his jeans.

Kaden holds Mel close, kissing her cheek "She's... Special..." He didn't want to say anything out in the open, he holds her hand "I'll explain later..."
Nicholas enters the room they’ve taken Mason to. “Hello you stubborn…..” His voice trails as he sees Jareth. “Man.” He looks back to Mason. “You don’t look so good. I wonder why.” He was trying to talk to hide the fact that he was aroused. Aliya notices and blushes. She turns towards Jareth with a shy smile. A shy smile that quickly fades. In the corner of the room, she sees him. “M-Micheal,” she whispers. His eyes are fixed on Mason. “Nicholas. I think we really need to check him out really well and fast.” She’s clearly shaken. “I agree Aliya. Relax. Alright?” She nods before looking back to Micheal. She knows he is there to take Mason’s soul. “Mason. You hang on. Alright.” He slowly nods. “Get me an X-Ray machine in here now.”
“No. I think we need to take him there. Now. Please. Nicholas.” He is stunned by her reaction. “Alright. Everyone sorry, but this party is only for him. You will all have to wait here. Jareth, you can find a shirt in my office if you like. It should fit. Mason, lets get this blanket,” he says starting to unwrap him only to find him naked. “Whoa! Nevermind. The blanket stays on!” This does nothing to help him further hide his arousal. He shakes his head. “Alright.We’re rolling out.Aliya, hold the door open.” He pushes the bed. “Wave bye to them Mason.” Aliya looks back in the corner at Micheal before heading out of the door. “Wh-What in the world did you two do,”Melanie asks, her own cheeks burning red.
Jareth heard Aliya whisper a name, then her scent and heart rate spiked, he looks at her, she was staring at empty wall. He steps back as they start to move him, not wanting to be in the way, as Mason was wheeled from the room he felt it. The room was cold, there was a shiver up his spine, 'What could an angel see that I...' He growls low and looks around the empty room "I may not be able to see or smell you... But I know you're there..." His eyes flash "He's mine... Do you hear me... I waited too long for him!" He spoke it all low with a growl, not wanting others to hear, his one fist balled so tight it bled.
“Jareth! You’re bleeding!” Melanie grabs some tissues from the counter and heads over to him. “Mason is going to be alright. Relax. Okay? Don’t hurt yourself.” Micheal moves closer, standing inches in front of Jareth. He moves towards the door vanishing through it. Melanie shivers. “Wow. Is it just me or is it cold in here?”

Nicholas inspects the X-Rays as Mason waits in the next room. “Well,” Aliya asks. “His lungs are….bruised.” She nods. “There’s a lot of swelling....around his lungs It’s why he can’t breathe.”
She just stares at him. “But he’s going to be fine. Right?”
“Aliya, if I can’t get the swelling under control, it’s only going to get harder for him to breathe. With air, the lung tissue dies. If too much tissue dies,” he looks at her. “No. Don’t you dare say that. Don’t you dare….” She sees Micheal standing at the door of the room they are in. “Don’t you dare!” She leaves closing the door behind her. “He has someone that loves him. Don’t you dare take him from him.” Micheal turns and heads into Mason’s room. He stands next to his bed. His fingers hover inches above his arm, but he does not touch him.
Jareth ignore her until she shivered, and the feeling of the eyes on him left, his face pales 'No....' He races around and past Melanie, leaving he room and following his nose to find Mason. He enters the room and can feel the chill right away "You leave him alone... You hear me!" He glances around the room, seeing nothing, but his eyes land on a few sterile needles, then glances at his hand. "Oh no you don't!" He grabs a needle and opens it, then takes blood from his own arm, he steps over to Mason and makes sure there is no bubbles before emptying the needle into Mason, near the broken ribs. 'Come on...' His blood should speed up his healing, enough to allow him to breathe. "Come on baby... Hang on..." He holds his hand an stares at him, hoping he got to him in time.
Micheal watches Jareth closely. He shows no emotion as the demon gives his blood to him. ‘It will take more than your blood to save him. Why do you fight so for this mortal?’ Aliya stands in the door way watching the three. Micheal leans down taking Mason’s other hand. “No,” she whispers. “Don’t take him Micheal. Jareth loves him. Please. I beg you.” Micheal leans across Mason, closer to Jareth. He stand every bit as tall as Jareth. His cold, icy eyes stare at the demon. “Tell him Jareth,” she whispers. “He’s looking right at you.”
Jareth holds Mason's hand and looks up, seeing Aliya, he growls again and bares his now visible fangs "I love him... He belongs with me..." He narrows his eyes "Was it you tempting him across the bridge... Telling him those lies..." He glares "What right do you have to end his happiness..."
Aliya speaks, telling him what Micheal was saying. “It was I. He came to me when he got behind the wheel drunk. He called to me again, and now I’m here. He was drinking. Again. He wants sweet peace, and I can give him that. That is not a lie, and you know this Jareth. You watched another cross the bridge. It was I who called him to me then, and I call Mason to me now. What if he is not the one? What if there is another you could love even more than him?” He puts his free hand over Mason's chest, and he struggles to breathe as the swelling increases.
"Bastard! You're making him suffer because of me!" He bares his fangs "Or is it because I'm demon... Yes he was hurt... Becasue he didn't understand! But we finally talked..." Jareth turns to look at Mason "We worked it out..." His anger fades to fear "I just got him back... Please don't take him from me... How will I know if he's the one or not if I don't get a chance with him..." He cups his cheek and rubs it gently "I love him... Why isn't that enough..."
“He asked that same question demon. I love him. Why isn’t that enough? Close your eyes. Look on the bridge. He is not there.” Nicholas comes in, pushing Aliya out of the way. “He flat lining! Get the paddles!” She moves quickly. “You gotta get out of here Jareth! Now! You can’t be in here!” He takes the paddles from Aliya, rubs them together, and presses them to his chest. “Clear!” Aliya grabs Jareth. “You have to go. I’m sorry. Let Nicholas work." It takes all her angelic strength to push him out into the hall and close the door. The voice was strong behind him, slicing into the air. "Demon."
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