Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Aliya looks over at Kaden and gives him a warm smile. “Nicholas, he’ll be fine. Looks like all his vitals are returning to normal. I can keep an eye on him if you like. You look like you need to eat something.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “Mason you are going to be death of me. You know that?” He sighs. “I’ll be fine.”

She reaches up and grabs his chin forcing him to look at her. “Don’t you ever hurt him. You understand me? I still love that man, and I will not see him hurt. I’m sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion. Just….give me your word you won’t hurt him. Tell me you love him. I need to know. Trust me. It’s important.”
Kaden relaxes and waits for the Doc to leave then looks at the nurse "Alright... Are you like Jareth too?"

"Of course I love him... That's why I'm out here... We had a small fight and he wanted to run... But I told him I'd go, I was less injured..." He crosses his arms "I love him... But he's stubborn... It wasn't even a fight... He just won't listen..." He sighs and pulls back from her, he looks her over "So... You found out then..." He smiles a bit.
She shakes her head. “No. I am not male. So I am not like Jareth.” She giggles. “I am not a demon either.” Mason narrows his eyes at her. “I am a fallen angel. I took this job so that I could continue to help people. I fell to earth to be with a man I loved. Sadly he was taken from me. So I continue to help others when and however I can. You Mason,” she says pointing to him, “have to stay right here. Trust me. You will not regret it.” She gives Kaden a knowing look.

“I could have told you he was stubborn. Impossible at times.” Her expression changes as he moves back. “Yes. I found out, but there’s more to it. There’s something else. We should go inside. I want Mason to hear this to. It’s important.” She heads inside the room, giving Mason a smile. “I will leave all of you alone. Please call if you need anything.” Aliya then excuses herself quickly. “Mason, we need to talk. I went to the doctor today, and I got some rather interesting news. I’m….pregnant, but the doctor noticed an abnormality with the tests. I’m having twins, and one of the babies….isn’t Kaden’s.” He looks at her, blinking, taking in what she’s saying. He sits up in bed and begins to move to stand. “Mason! Get back in bed.”
“Are you telling me….one of the babies….is mine?” As he stands in front of her, he reaches for her shoulders. “Yeah. One of these babies….is your’s Mason. I’m having twins, and you and Kaden are both the fathers.” He grabs her and pulls her into a tight embrace. “I….love you so much Melanie.”
Kaden just looks at her and nods "Interesting..." He was about to get up when Mel walks into the room, he smiles at her.

Jareth was slow to enter the room, he was still a little upset at Mason and having to watch him find out that Mel and Kaden were expecting... He wasn't see he wanted to, but sighed and slowly followed. But he almost wished he hadn't, he came in just in time to hear one of the children was Mason's. Mason was gonna be a father... With Melanie... Where did that leave him, he just stands there and stares as Mason hugs Mel tightly.
“Mason get back in bed,” she tells him urging him towards it. He kisses her forehead before stating to push past her, but when he saw Jareth’s face, he stopped. He knew he was going to be a father, but that was with Melanie. ‘What if he doesn’t want to be a part of all this?’ He grabs Melanie’s shoulder. “Yeah. Help me back to bed.” She grabs him, letting him lean on her. “You stubborn man. Keep your behind in bed.” He nods to her. “I….I uh….don’t feel so well. I think….I’m gonna….be sick.” Melanie looks to Kaden. “Do you want us to call the nurse?” He shakes his head. “No. I just..need a minute to take this all in. It’s a lot.” He looks over to Kaden, knowing he can’t look at Jareth right now. “A baby. Daddy. Wow.” In his mind he was thinking, ‘How did things get so messed up with Jareth? I love him. It’s not suppose to be like this. This was suppose to be different. It was suppose to work out with us.'
Kaden looks over to the door and sees Jareth staring, he moves over to him and takes his hand, then pulls him into the room "It was a shock to me as well..." He says softly, but knowing that wasn't the reason for his shock. "Hey... Melanie... Let's go get a drink... Ok..." He leads Jareth to his chair by the bed, then takes Mel's hand and almost drags her from the room, closing the door "Sorry... But I think they need to talk..." He looks through the door window as Jareth slowly sits down, Kaden looks at Mel "I think... He thinks Mason will leave him now..."

Jareth continues to stare as Kaden pulls him into the room, he didn't show it but her was glad his friend understood and was there for him. He stands by the bed, slowly sitting down once they leave, he stares at Mason, still a little shocked. "You're... Gonna make a great father..." He finally looks down, not knowing what else to say at the moment, he twists his hands in his lap slightly.
‘They sure did get out of here fast.’ He forces a smile at his words. “Thanks. I hope so. My son, or daughter, deserves a great father. He, or she, will already have a great mother.” He feels like what he’s saying sound stupid. Looking over at him he gets the feeling he’s nervous. “Jareth, what’s wrong? You talk about us being honest and talking throught things. What’s wrong, and how did we end up here? We are so far away from the loving couple we were just two days ago. Are we really….not meant to be together? Did we take things too fast? Was what happened between us….just lust? Two people who had been lonely for too long found each other, and for a little while, made each other feel better? Now it’s done? Is that what happened?”

“Mason doesn’t want to leave him. I think they’re having problems, but he doesn’t want to leave him. Do you think they'll be alright?"
Jareth takes a calming breath "Please hear me out..." He looks at him and reaches out to take his hand, holding it gently and lacing their fingers. "Starting the mate bond was a mistake... But not for the reasons you keep jumping to... We haven't known each other very long... But I can honestly say I love you... And want to be with you..." He squeezes his hand "I just don't want to go too fast... We have some problems... And I'd like to work on them... Dating for humans is what leads up to marriage... Marriage for demons is what leads to mating... We need that time together... To learn about each other, grow closer... Everything you learn about someone while dating..." He smiles "You have a new baby on the way... I completely understand your worry about being abandoned again... But hearing you think I've left every time I'm out of sight... Hurts... I still want to marry you... Very much so... Do you still want the same thing..." He looks at him, hoping he'd understand this time.

"I hope so... Let's have a seat while we wait..." He leads her to a small waiting room and pulls her into his lap, holding her close.
“Jareth, you’re asking me to understand something that I don’t have a grasp on, and I can’t. I can’t understand the difference between marriage and mating. You want to marry me, but you don’t want to mate with me? You’ll have sex, kiss, suck my cock, let me suck your cock, we both cum more than I ever have in my entire life, you wear my ring, you want to marry me, you say you love me, but starting to mate with me was a mistake? For humans, dating is something that should take a long time before leading up to marriage. By our standards, my wanting to marry you is completely crazy. So us mating now would be completely crazy now. Wouldn’t it? Perhaps we should wait on getting married as well then. Maybe we should do the dating thing for a while. You say that when I think you’re gone when you’re out of sights hurts you. Right? Well you saying starting the mating process was a mistake hurts me. It makes me feel like you think being with me is a mistake. I know that’s not how you feel, but things have just moved too fast. I think,” he keeps looking at his own hands the entire time, “we should slow down. Maybe we should take a break, a few days, to just think. We both have things we need to process.”

“So, daddy, this is a lot to take in. I guess when Mason is feeling better, he and I should sign those divorce papers.”
"I say it was a mistake... Because it wasn't me doing it..." He listens to him speak and it hurts, but he doesn't let it show "A break..." He holds his hand a little tighter before letting it go and standing slowly "If that's what you want... I'll step away... I know what I want..." He smiles at him softy "You'll call me when you're ready to talk again..?"

"I'd just hold off on all that stuff for now... Until everything is cleared up... With them... Jareth looked really upset..."
“Yeah,” he tells him swallowing a lump. “I think we both..kind of need..time. I’ll call.” It felt like a break up to him. He couldn’t even look at him. “Tell them..I need..some rest.” The truth was he wanted to be alone.

“Okay. I can do that. Mason looked upset too. You know they’re gonna work this out. For whatever reason, they fell in love M’Lord. Stranger things have happened,” she snuggles up to him.
"Right... I'll... Talk to you later..." He turns and slowly leaves the room, he turns and walks down the hall, walking right past the waiting room.

"Yeah.. They have... I thin... Jareth? Jareth where are you going?" He stands, setting Mel on her feet and quickly jogs over to him "Jareth... Whe..." He had taken his arm to stop him and saw the look on his face "Wh.. What happened, where are you going..."

Jareth stops and just looks away "He... Wants time to think..." He swallows "He told me to tell you he wants to rest... Now I'm going out for some air..." He pulls away and continues down the hall before taking the stairs to the roof.

Kaden turns to Mel "What... Happened... He... He looked so lost..." He moves to Mel and pulls her close, his own heart starting to hurt.
She wraps her arms around him and hugs him tightly. “He broke up with him,” she whispers. Closing her eyes tightly tells him, “It’ll be okay M’Lord. They’ this out.”

Mason starts to cry, but only for a moment. Anger sets in, and he stands ripping off the patches reading his heart rate and taking off the gown. Reaching for his clothes in the wardrobe, he starts to get dressed. He’s shaky and sweating. Sitting down he ties his shoes. By the time he’s finished, he’s panting and white. As he opens the door, Aliya looks up to see him. “No,” she says coming from behind the desk. “Nicholas hasn’t discharged you yet. You can’t…..”
“I’m not….staying here….another minute. I’ll take..the shuttle..down the mountain.” He pushes past her and heads for the door. She shakes her head before heading towards Nicholas’ office. She sees Kaden and Melanie as she approaches the waiting room. Stopping she thinks about telling them. ‘They look so sad. I should just find Nicholas.’ She starts towards his office again leaving them in the waiting room.
Jareth makes it to the roof and moves to sit on the edge, his feet hanging off, he bites his lip until it bleeds and lets the tears fall. He takes a breath and then makes a fist, he growls darkly and stares as the blood drips from his hand "D-Dammit..." His other hand clutches at his chest "Why... Why did I have to bite him!" He sobs a moment "I lost him... A-All because I couldn't keep my fucking self under control..." He allows his claws to show and glares at his hands "For the first time in my life... I wish I was human..." He makes fists and continues to silently cry, looking down over the parking lot.
Mason heads out across the parking lot. He manages several steps before he has to stop and catch his breath. His body was weak. A gentlemen offered to help him. “No. I’m fine thanks.” Gathering all the strength he had, he pushes on towards the shuttle. He pauses at the door once more to catch his breath before climbing the steps to board. As soon as he’s seated, he rests his head against the window.

“Nicholas. Mason…..”
“Why am I being told his heart monitors have gone dead?” Aliya looks back towards the waiting room hoping they didn’t hear. “Mason left. He pulled off the heart monitor patches, got dressed, and left.”
“He did what? I haven’t released him yet.”
“I know Sir. I told him that. He was insistent on not staying.”
“Did he at least sign that he was leaving AMA?”
“No Sir. There wasn’t any time.”
“Damnit. I’m not angry with you.” He pats her shoulder. “Do his friends know?”
“No Sir. I think there were some issues going on.” Nicholas grins. “Of course there was. Melanie had some big news.”
“I don’t think that is what was going on.” He narrows his eyes at her and pushes past her. When he sees Kaden and Melanie, he stops. He can tell by the look on her face something was wrong. “What happened?”
Kaden looks up as Nicholas come out of his office "I'm... Not really sure... We told Mason the news, Jareth heard and looked shocked... So we left them to talk... A few minutes later Jareth came out... He looked so lost and empty... Said Mason wanted space... Then left to the roof... Mason said he wanted to rest..." He rubs Mel's back.
"Yeah? Well Mason left the hospital." Aliya nods. "He was still very weak, but he got dressed and left. Your friend shouldn't be on the roof. Would you like me to go talk to him and try to bring him back?"

The shuttle drove away, and Mason closed his eyes drifting off to sleep."
"He... He left!? Is that safe?" Kaden holds Mel closer "Yeah... He might listen to you more then he would me... He just looked so... Empty..."

Jareth was still on the edge of the roof, his tears had stopped, but he still didn't have the will to get up. He just stares up at the sky.
Aliya walked up quietly and sits down next to him. “It’s beautiful isn’t it? The sky. So vast. It touches all of us in some way. Mason has asked for time. You set him free. Now when he comes back to you, you will know he is yours compeletly. This time apart is not forever sweet demon. Take comfort.” She reaches over and puts her arm around him pulling him close. Aliya didn’t want to tell him the rest, but she knew Jareth would want to know. “Mason has left the hospital Jareth. Do you have any idea where he would go?”
Jareth doesn't look at her as she sits down, and doesn't answer her at first, he just leans against her as she holds him. When she tells him Mason left, he stiffens and closes his eyes "Is... Is that safe... For him... Was he... Ok to leave?" He pulls back and looks at her "I have no idea where he'd go... But I'll help find him if we need to... He.. He won't know I'm there..."
“No. It’s not safe. I haven’t even looked at his test results. Something could be wrong, and none of us know it yet.”
She moves her arm and caresses his face. Offering him a smile she tells him, “We don’t know if it’s safe for him to leave. Nicholas hasn’t looked at his test results yet. He was able to walk out though. He was tired, weak, shaky, but he left on his own. Thank you for any help you could offer us. Jareth, I can feel your pain. I am so sorry.” She leans in close, pulling him towards him, embracing him.

Nicholas leaves the two of them heading towards his office, grabbing his patient’s files. Finding Mason’s, he opens it looking at his test results. “Damn it. That idiot. He’s got broken ribs, and he’s walking around with them. If another one punctures his lung again….” He closes the file and heads back towards Kaden and Melanie. “He has three broken ribs. I can tell you he’s in a lot of pain, but it’s dangerous for him to just be up and walking around like he is. He doesn’t have to stay here, but he needs to be resting, and he needs those ribs taped up. That will help with the pain some. Do you have any idea where he would go Melanie?” She shakes her head. “All I can think of is he might go back to our home. That’s the only place I can think of. His family doesn’t live here.”

Mason groans as the shuttle moves around. Opening his eyes, he looks over a woman that is sitting beside him. “May I….borrow your….phone?” She agrees and hands over her phone. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” He slowly dails the number and waits. “Hey. Yeah..I’m fine. Can you pick me up? The mountain shuttle? Yeah. I know,” he grins. “Thanks. Thank you,” he tells her as he gives her the phone back. Marissa heads back out to her car. “Great. I just got my car back from Melanie, and now I’ve gotta go back to the same shuttle she got off of.”
Jareth listens and allows her to hug him, even hugging back slightly "He's an idiot... But I love and don't want him hurt..." He pulls back "I'll... Track him down... And call in his location... I'll stay close to keep an eye on him... Thank you... Will you tell the others..." He grins then pushes off the building, halfway down he turns in to his cat form and runs off the through the parking lot, even as a cat, he had his dogs sense of smell. "Mason... You better be ok..." Avoiding as many people as he can, he runs off after the bus.
The shuttle comes to a stop, and Mason slowly gets off. He smiles at Marissa. “Thanks….for coming.” She can tell right away he’s not fully healed. “Mason, let me take you back up the mountain. Come on. You don’t look so good.”
“I think you look hot,” he teases. “Listen Marissa. I just want….you….to take me….to your special….place.” She looks at him shocked. “Are you crazy? At this hour of the day?” He nods. “I need….to go there. Please.” She shakes her head. “Get in the car.”
Jareth gets down the mountain shortly after the shuttle, in time to see Mason and Mari talking, then gets in her car. "Where... Are you going..." He was panting slightly but manages to find an area to keep an eye on the car and follow without being seen.

Kaden takes Mel into the waiting room again and holds her close "Can you think of anyone he'd contact... Who did you contact?" He rubs her back slowly.
Melanie takes a step back. “Marissa. I called her. He’d call her.”

Marissa drives rather fast, zooming through traffic. “Mason, you’re an idiot.” He grins. “Why do you want to go here?”
“To foget,” he says getting out of her car and heading inside. “Two please, and keep ‘em coming,” he says pointing behind the man who was in front of him. The bartender turned around and grabbed two beers, opened one of them, and sat them both in front of him. “Thanks.”
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