Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“I’m not lie down..again. I’ve been in..this bed..since last night. They might..let me go I’ll have to be up..for that. I’m okay. Like he said, it a bitch. Maybe I..should get a..sedative..too,” he jokes. “That might not be a bad idea,” a nurse tells him sounding annoyed. “You haven’t been cleared to move yet.”
“My tests are done. Right?” She nods. “So tell me what they say?”
“I can’t. The doctor has to do that.”
“But he’s sleeping. Right?” She nods again. “Here. Take this. It will help you get some sleep.”
“Sleep. First last night I couldn’t go to sleep. Now that’s all they want me to do. I wish you people would make up your minds.” He takes the pill, and she helps him lie down again.

“Melanie come on. You have to eat something.”

“I’m not hungry. I’m too angry to be hungry. Besides I feel sick.”
“That’s because you haven’t eaten all day! Eat something. Have a piece of fruit if nothing else.” She shakes her head. “You stubborn woman.”
Jareth chuckles softly "Still racking up... Those punishments I see..." He reaches over and takes his hand, smiling "Try to be a good boy so we can go home as soon as possible..." He tries to relax again "Nurse... Could I get something... For my head..?" Kaden smiles at the two and stands "I'm gonna grab some lunch... I'll be back..." He moves to the door.
"Certainly Sir. I'll be right back." She nods to them both before following behind Kaden. “What do you mean I’m still racking up punishments,” he teases. “You’re in no shape to punish anyone. So just rest in that bed like the sexy man you are.” He kisses his hand. The nurse heads to the desk to get the medicine for Jareth. “Is Nicholas still sleeping?” The other nurse sitting down nods. “He had a rough night,” she tells her. “Not only was he up all night, but have you seen his hand? He hit something, and I’m guessing it was his computer chair. He had it thrown out this morning. One side of it has all the leather ripped off the chair, and the frame is bent. He hit it. Nicholas never does anything like that.” The nurse looks away from her friend and smiles at Kaden. “I’m going to take your friend his medicine now. Would you like me to find if you anything changes?”
Jareth smiles "Not right now my love... But I have a very good memory..." He reaches over and holds his hand, he looks at the nurse when she returns with the medicine, "Can... Our beds be closer?" He smiles softly and sits up slightly to take his meds.

Kaden nods "Yeah... Thanks..." He then slowly walks around the hospital, somehow ending up in the maternity ward, he stops when he hears a baby crying. He turns to the viewing room window and stares, hands in his pockets and even smiles slightly.
“Sure,” the nurse smiles. Pressing down on a pedal on the bed, she then is able move Jareth closer. “How’s that?”
“Perfect,” Mason tells her. “Do I have to rest in this bed? I’ve been in it since last night.” She puts her hands on her hips. “Yes you do. Unless, of course, you like the idea of being here longer.”
“Enough said,” he says quickly resting back in the bed.

Melanie watches Marissa with a growing look of disgust on her face. “How can you eat all that?”
“It’s just eggs and sausage Mel. Have a bite,” she says offering her some sausage on her fork. Melanie quickly pales and races towards the bathroom. “Mel?” Marissa follows after her and hears her throwing up. “Mel? Are you..pregnant?” She flushes the toilet and comes out splashing water on her face. “No. I’ve been on birth control. Sort of. It’s impossible for me to be pregnant.”
“Are you sure? You did say sort of.”
“I haven’t....taken….anything in a while, but it remained in my system. It’s probably not out yet.”
“Again. Are you sure? Come on. Let me pay for my food, and we’ll go see a doctor.”
“Not another doctor,” she rolls her eyes. “Come on then. I can buy a test and do it at home, but a doctor can do a blood test.” Melanie nods and leaves with her.
Jareth smirks slightly "Good boy..." He smiles at the nurse "Thanks... I'm sure he'll behave now..." Jareth holds his hand and relaxes. "Please wake us when the doctor wakes up... I need to talk to him..."

Kaden was about to walk away when a nurse entered the room with a newborn, she walked up to the front of the window to lay the baby in a bed in front of him. He freezes and leans closer, looking the new life over, his smile slowly growing.
Of course I can wake you when Nicholas is awakens. It’s unlike him to sleep during the day, but,” she looks over at Mason, “he was worried about you last night. Both of you in fact. I’ll leave you alone so you can both get some rest.”

The doctor enters the room. Melanie is sitting on the examining table, and Marissa sits close by. “Well,” Melanie asks. He smiles up at her. “Congratualtions. You’re pregnant.” Melanie’s heart skips a beat. She covers her mouth, gasping. “I told you,” Marissa smiles. “You’ve gotta tell your man. Come on. We’ll plan a special night for you two, and then you can call…..”
“I said no,” Melanie says getting up from the table. “Thank you doctor. What are my options?”
“Options,” he questions.”
“Well, you have several options. You could have the baby and keep the child. You could have the baby and put the child up for adoption, or you could have an abortion.” Melanie nods. “Make the arrangements. “Mel! Are you crazy?”
“I am not having his child when I don’t have him!” She storms out of the office leaving Marissa behind. “Thank you doctor. I’ll….talk to her.”
Kaden quickly moves aside as a small group of men walk up to the the glass, the proud father showing off his chins to his friends. Kaden watched them a few moments 'I want that... I have to talk to Mel...' He pulls out his wallet and takes oh a few bills "Congratulations... You have a beautiful baby..." He smiles and steps closer to the group "And she made me realize something..." He smiles and hands the man the bills, a few hundred dollars, before pulling out his phone and jogging to the nearest exit. "Come on baby... Pick up..." He smiles as he gets outside, he dials Mel's cell and waits.
She’s sitting outside Marissa’s house when her phone rings. ‘Damn. I forgot I turned it on again. Kaden. Great.’ She answers the call with tears threatening. “Yeah?”
"Melanie! You answered... Where are you... The nurse said you left on a shuttle... Baby we need to talk..." He just couldn't get the grin off his face, she had answered, that was the first step.

Jareth watches Mason as he fights the medicine he was given, "Baby... Go to sleep... I promise I'll be here when you wake up... Your body needs the rest..." He rubs his hand gently.
“I’m not worried about that Jareth. I’m worried about that bridge. I don’t want to see it again. I’m afraid when I close my eyes, I will.” He squeezes Jareth’s hand tight.

“About what Kaden?” She wipes the tears from her eyes, trying to keep her voice calm.
Jareth smiles, understanding his fear "Your not in danger of dying... I'm right here... You shouldn't see it again... And if I can help it... You won't see it for long long time..." Feeling a bit better, he's able to roll onto his side, he cups his cheek softly "Our bond may not have formed... But that string will be there for a long time... And it's something they can't fake or tempt you with... If the me you saw on the other side... Didn't have it... You know it's a lie... And that you need to live... That way... If I'm not there to pull you back... I'm still with you... Telling you to come back... Understand? You might even have a string for Mel still... But I wouldn't be able to see that..." He smiles softly at him then laces their fingers.

"About you... About me... About us..." He sighs, not wanting to do this over the phone "I love you... You know I do... You left today... Because you felt unwanted... Like I was betraying you... Baby I was just protecting our friends... You were upset and not thinking clearly... So I let you be for a little, to calm down..." He shakes his head "But that's not what I wanted to talk about... I want to talk about us... I was talking with Mason... I told him about us trying for a baby..." He couldn't keep the joy from his voice "He was sad for a moment, that it wasn't with him... But he was happy for us... And can't wait to be an uncle..." He laughs happily "Then... Then I went for a walk after I was told you left... And I ended up in the maternity ward... This nurse brought a new baby into the viewing room... For the new father to see... I watched him showing off his baby girl to his friends.. And it hit me... I wanted that... I want that... With you... I want that feeling of being a father... Showing my baby off to everyone... Telling them what a beautiful gift my wife has given me..." He reaches up, wiping the tear from his eye "I want a baby Melanie... Our baby... Please... Come back.. Or tell me where to find you... Please..." He waits for her to say something.
“Our bond didn’t form, but Jareth,” he looks from their fingers to his eyes. “I want it to be. Tell me that when we leave this place, and we’re safe someplace else, that you will finish it, that you will do it. Make that bond with me. If you have to bite me again, do it. In fact, I want you to. It was a special moment between us. It was erotic and intense, and I want to feel it again. Please. Say you will do this to me, with me, and I’ll sleep. I promise.” He was calm. There was no sense of urgency in his voice. The only thing there was his love.

She listened to him talk. His words touched her, melting away her rage. Her face was red as the tears feel freely now. When he stopped, she spoke. Her voice was cracked. “Kaden,” was all she said before she stopped, her crying could clearly be heard on the other end of the phone.
Jareth stares at him, happy, but hesitant "That's... That's not something I can just promise like that... It's something we have to talk about... But I do want to talk about it..." He smiles brightly "I love you... Don't doubt that..." He kisses his hand "And I promise as soon as we're able to... We will talk about this... That's the best answer I can give you... I'm sorry..." He didn't want Mason to think he didn't want this, it was just very complicated.

Kaden was so happy, but when he heard her voice crack and her start crying he frowns "Mel... Baby what's wrong... Are you ok?" He almost sounded frantic "Melanie... Where are you... Answer me!" Was she hurt? Did he say something wrong "Do... Do you not want a baby..."
Mason tried to hide what he was feeling. Inside he felt his heart break. In his mind, he saw no reason why Jareth couldn’t talk about this with him now. Just last night he had started this process anyway. ‘What changed,’ he wondered as he nodded his head. “Alright.” His hand slipped from his before grabbing the blanket and pulling it up around him. “I’m think I’m gonna take that nap. Need my strength if I want to go home today,” He forced a grin before closing him eyes.

“I’m….at Marissa’s. I’m….I’m fine….Kaden. I just….a baby?” She was quiet for a moment. “Kaden….I’m pregnant. I went….to the doctor….today. He ran….the test. I’m pregnant.”
"No... No you don't..." Jareth shifts and gently pulls Mason to his bed, he cups his cheek and rubs it softly. "You can't hide that from me... What's wrong... What happened to talking to each other..." He held Mason gently next to him.

"Preg... Pregnant... Your pregnant! Melanie! That's wonderful... Isn't it... Where are you... Err... Where is Marissa's place... I'll come to you..."
Even though he’s hurt, Jareth is still stronger than Mason. He can’t stop him from pulling him to his bed. He laughs, trying to sound fine. “What’s wrong is you just scared me half to death just now by pulling me over here. Plus I’m tried,” he yawns. “Come on Jareth. Let’s just get some sleep. I couldn’t sleep last night. Then I couldn’t wake up. Now I just want to get back to sleep. I may never be on a normal sleep schedule again,” he teases. “Come on baby,” he tells him snuggling up to him. “Let’s sleep.”

“No Kaden. You stay right where you are. You made your choice. I gave that man a chance, and he hurt him. Then you stood right there and defended him. Your friend. So you stay with your friend. I’ve already made arrangements to take care of this. I’m not going to have your baby if I can’t have you. Don’t call me again.” She hangs up her phone and leaves it where she was sitting. Heading inside she asks Marissa, “Can I borrow your car?” Marissa looks at her, knowing what she’s planning. “Mel just talk to the guy.”
“I just did. Can I borrow your car?” She nods to the keys on the counter. “You’re making a mistake.”
“Maybe I already did.” She takes the keys.
Jareth holds him close and kisses his forhead "Fine... We'll sleep..." He holds Mason as he falls asleep, letting him relax before softly placing his hand on his head and entering his mind. "Alright lover... We'll sleep... While we talk..." He smiles and stands before Mason.

"What!? No... Melanie lets talk about this! Please! They were our friends! Melanie MELANIE!" He pulls the phone back and redialled "Pick up pick up! Dammit!" He calls again, turning to head back inside, maybe Mason knew where Mari lived.
Mason looks around and smiles. “No fair. This is cheating. Now who is racking up punishments?” He was trying to divert the focus from what they had been talking about. “My love, I’m alright. Trust me. I understand what you were saying. Better than you might think in fact.”

Melanie drives through town and suddenly pulls into a parking lot. ‘This is it. This is the last thing I remember of my life with Mason. I came here that day. I remember shopping, carrying my bags to my car, and then nothing. From there on my memories are so muddled, but slowly Kaden comes into my mind. He took me from Mason, and this is the spot he did it from.’ She rubs her belly. “I’m sorry little one. This isn’t your fault. You don’t deserve this. Your father and I….well….we’re just not right for each other, and I couldn’t look at you every single day, with you looking like him, and know I don’t’ have him. He’s made his choice, and so have I. I’m so sorry. I hope you get a second chance to be born to a mother and a father that are perfect for you. He’ll teach you how to ride a bike and dance. I can teach you how to cook pancakes. She. She can teach you. Not….me. I’m so sorry. She leans forward against her steering wheel.
Jareth steps back and crosses his arms "Really... You do... You know all about demon mating... What it involves... What it entails... I love you... You know that Mason... But you can't ask me to blindly promise about something so serious..." He looks at him and steps closer "And what happened to us talking about things... If you can't talk to me about what is bothering you... How can you expect me to blindly mate us... I wanted to talk about this with you when we weren't medicated or surrounded by strangers... That doesn't mean I don't want this or don't love you..."

"Dammit Melanie pick up!" He tired to keep his voice down as he ran through the hospital, rushing into Mason's room. "Mas... Crap..." Once he sees them asleep he leaves the room to find the nurse "Where's Nicolas! This is an emergency... Please!" He puts his phone down for a moment.
He reaches for his hand and pulls his ring from his finger. “I can’t ask you to blindly promise about something so serious? Do you not think I hold this ring, and all it symbolizes, in the highest regard? Don’t you think that is serious to me, and yet you wear my ring now. Is the human tradition of wearing a wedding ring, and being married, so insignificant to you? Jareth, you know I love you, but I’ve been hurt by someone who thought so little of it. I can’t do that again. I won’t. I understand if you’re not ready. Believe me I do. Melanie thought she was ready. Turns out she was wrong. I don’t want you making the same mistake she did. I wouldn’t want you to blindly mate us. Then maybe you shouldn’t just blindly marry me either.”

“Alright,” she tells him reaching out to touch his arm. “This way.” She leads him to the office and opens the door for him. Inside Nicholas is still sleeping in his chair. “Nicholas,” she calls out. “This man has an emergency.” He starts to open his eyes and leans forward. “I’m up. I’m awake. What’s….going on,” he asks as he realizes who she was talking about needing help. “Thank you nurse. You can leave us.” She’s quick to leave. “Alright Kaden. You can speak freely now. What’s going on?”
He reaches out and takes the ring back, putting it where it belongs, on his finger. "I didn't say anything about marriage... I still fully intend to marry you... And it's not me who isn't ready for this... Mating is so much more then a marriage... A marriage can be broken, undone... You can't undo a mating so easily... We'd be bound for life... My life..." He looks at him "How would you have felt if I had just tied you to me forever without telling you... Forcing you to watch all your friends and family die... While you feel frozen in place..."

Kaden barely waits until they were alone "W-Where around here... Can woman have an abortion..." He looks down "Mel... Mel's pregnant... And because of your fight... She... She..." He closes his eyes and a few tears fall "She wants to 'take care of it'..." He almost spat it, he looks at him with damp eyes "I need to stop her... I I want... I want my baby... Our baby... Please... Help me!"
He watched as Jareth took the ring back and put it on his finger. “Forced to watch all my friends and family die while I feel frozen in place? What are you talking about? If we….if we mate,..I won’t be die? Is that..what you’re telling me? If we mated, really would be..for life. Wouldn’t it?”

“Alright,” Nicholas tells him reaching for the phone on his desk. “There are only two doctors in town that do this sort of thing. Dr. Warner and Dr. Becket. I know for a fact that Dr. Warner isn’t even in his office all of this week. He’s gone out of state for his daughter’s wedding. Dr. Becket is where Mel would have to go.” As he was speaking to Kaden, he had dialed the number. “Yes this is Nicholas Hayden. I need to confirm that Alex has an appointment with a certain patient.” He gives them all the information he on Mel and waits for a moment. When the voice comes back and confirms her appointment, he nods. “Alright. Thank you very much.” Hanging up, he stands and heads out. He trusts that Kaden is following as he takes the doctor’s elevator to the roof. Once up there he heads quickly past the medical helicopter to another helicopter. Nicholas climbs inside and begins to prepare for takeoff. “This is Hayden One. I’m clearing a flight plan to the offices of Dr. Becket.” Another voice comes over his headset. If Kaden has his on he would have heard, “Damnit Nicholas! I don’t have a landing pad for a helicopter here! Don’t you dare!” He grins. “Then you better clear the parking lot Alex. I’m coming in hot.”
“Nicholas! Don’t you dare!” He mutes her voice. “Oops. I lost transmission,” he says over to Kaden winking. “You ready to go stop her? Hang on. We’ll be there in a few minutes this way.”
"No... You'd still be able to die... Being a demon didn't stop me from dying... I just have a very long life... It's not completely permanent... If we were male and female... And had children... And one of us was to die, the other would live until the children were grown... As males... It can only be broken when we die... Like if it was me dying and I wanted you to live... I'd just cut the string on the bridge..." He steps closer and cups his cheek, smiling softly "Do you see why I wanted to talk to you first... I know what it's like to watch your friends grow old and die... And don't jump to 'you'd be fine because you have me...' I had someone... And it still hurt..." He kisses him softly "I love you... And I want to marry you... But I can't rush into mating... We are still so new... Can't we just stay like this for a while... Test it out..." He kisses him again, deeper "Work on our trust issues..." He gives him a soft look.

"W-What are..." Kaden listens then quickly follows the doctor, he hesitates a few moments as he gets in a helicopter, missing the convo he was having. He quickly puts the headset on and buckles up and grins "Let's go save my family..."
He couldn’t even begin to formulate a response to him. Words escaped his mind. Even his emotions seemed to be jumbled, a mess. He only slowly nodded to him. Jareth was trying to be so soft with him. He understood that he was trying to explain this to him, but on some level, it felt like he was being let down easy. He could feel himself putting up walls and starting to distance himself from Jareth. Mason wasn’t even sure if it was on purpose. All he could do was stand there before him. His mind searching for something, anything to say could only come up with, “Can we sleep now?”

Nicholas takes off. The flight down the mountain doesn’t take long at all. Every so often Alex’s voice comes over the headsets. “Nicholas! I can’t believe you’re doing this! Damn you! Just you wait until I see you!” He would always grin from ear to ear when her voice was heard. As they neared her office, a huge space in the parking lot could be seen where it had been cleared for him. A woman with long black hair stood out there with a white lab coat on. A crowd of women had gathered behind her. Nicholas gently sits down and climbs out. “Nicholas! You ass!” She comes over to him and swats his arms hard. “Do you know the trouble you’re causing me now?” He gestures to Kaden. “He’s here to stop the woman he loves from making a mistake.” She shifts her eyes over to him. “Melanie? The woman you asked about?” Nicholas nods. “That would be her.”

Melanie pulls into the parking lot as the helicopter sits down. She’s starring at it as she climbs out of the car and heads towards the crowd that had gathered. Stopping in her tracks, she stands there as se sees Kaden. Her face pales. She stands there, to Kaden’s back, looking at him. "Kaden," she breathes softly.
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