Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kaden was about to protest when Mason beat him to it, he moves over with Mel and smiles at him "Hey... Just take it easy... I'm sure he'll explain when he wakes up... Glad you're doing better..." He smiles and gives his hand a squeeze, he glances at Jareth's bed "I don't know what happened when he left... But he was all beat up when they brought him in..."

Jareth's wounds were slowly healing, the one on his head taking its time, his breathing was deep and even.
“None of this makes any sense,” she tells Kaden. Mason smiles. “Thanks….Kaden. He’s cut up, but is he..alright?”
“He’s fine,” Melanie snaps. “Shut up an rest.” She steps closer so only Kaden can hear. “I don’t like this demon in this room with him. I know Mason says he loves him, but the fact remains he left him last night when he needed him. I don’t like him, and I don’t trust him. I am still his wife, and I’m going out there to tell those nurses to move Jareth out of this room. That’s final.” She steps towards the door.
He smiles back at Mason then looks at Mel "Melanie this is crazy... He's awake now, he can make his own choices..." He moves to grab her arm "Do you really want to push him into banning you from this room..." He turns her to face him and cups her cheeks "True he's still your husband... But that's only on paper... Your heart have moved on..." He kisses her forhead "There must have been a reason he left... We don't know what happened... And jumping to conclusions will only get people hurt... Don't hurt Mason more by making him choose between you two... Because I don't think you'll like who he picks..." He didn't want to see Mel get hurt by her own wrong ideas, he hoped his idea of not making Mason choose would get through to her.
“Can’t you see he’s in no shape to make these choices? He nearly died. He was drinking and driving. Mason clearly has a lot on his mind. I could try to have him declared mentally unfit to make his own choices. Some therapy might do him some good. Maybe get rid of all these crazy ideas Jareth put in his head. I can’t believe you’re standing here defending him. Then again, maybe it shouldn’t be a surprise. After all, he did make you his bitch before. You still in love with him Kaden? You still want Jareth to make you his bitch again? You don’t give up control for anybody, but you let him dominate you. Maybe you miss it. Maybe you want it again.” She stood there looking at him, having folded her arms now, taking a step back from him putting distance between them.
Kaden listens to her and glares, taking his own step back "Jareth has been my friend for many years... What happened between us was just that, between us... I told you what happened, if you wanna twist it that way to make yourself feel better then fine... But I will not stand by and watch as you try to mess with things you don't understand! Demon mating is a powerful thing... It's been around a lot longer then human marriage... Jareth told me about it once... Their very souls connect... That's why Mason was dying... So if you really want Jareth removed... Go ahead... But you might as well kiss Mason goodbye... If he'll allow you near him..." He turns away from her and goes to stand by the window.
“What,” she asks, the color draining from her face. “So they can’t be separated ever? This is perement? Why on earth would Mason agree to this? A simple marriage would have done. Mason you idiot. Why would you do this?” She turns towards the door, running her fingers through her hair. “He really has moved on. He really loves him.” Without a word, she threw open the door and walked out of the room. Melanie knew Mason had told her he loved Jareth. All of this made her feel not needed anymore. He had fucked her hard on the hood of the car, and even his kiss still felt the same, but the facts were there. He loved Jareth, and he had moved on. She exits the building letting the fresh mountain air hit her face. She needed some time.
Once Melanie left Jareth groans softly "I-It's not... Permanent... Yet..." He takes a few deep breaths but doesn't move or try to get up. "It'll... Fade... Few days..." He was still so tired, but Mel's yelling had woken him slightly. Kaden moves to his bedside "Jareth... Relax... Wait until you're feeling better..." He takes a cloth and wipes the sweat from his forhead "Mel's just worried... We know there must have been a reason you left..." Jareth grabs Kaden's arm lightly "Was... Losing... Control... Would've hurt... Needed... Air... Nnn..." His hand falls and he passes out again, Kaden looks to Mason "What happened last night..."
His eyes are opened, and he’s watching the two of them. “We made love,” he says. There is no blush to his cheeks. He’s not ashamed in the slightest. “He was incredible. I didn’t feel any pain. Something stirred deep inside me, and I asked him to bite me. I asked him to draw blood. I wanted to feel that. I’ve never done that before with anybody. So he does. When he pulls away from me, I can see my blood on his lip. It was the most beautiful, most exquisite pain I’ve ever felt in my life, and I’d do it again. I want to,” he says smiling looking over at Jareth. “He didn’t hurt me at all. After we were finished, he left to go get a cloth. When he came back, he cleaned me up, but while he was gone, I shifted myself up on the bed. I felt the worst pain yet. I tried to hide it from him, but he could smell it. He got angry with me. I saw him losing control, and when Nicholas came in, he pushed him to the wall, away from me, and threatened to have him removed from the building. Jareth ran. He was already angry with me, and Nicholas pushed him over the edge I guess. Kaden he didn’t abandon me. He was afraid he would hurt me. So he put distance between us. That’s not running away. That’s love. That’s my lover, my Sir, my Jareth.” There is such a gentle smile on his face as he eyes Jareth. “I love him. I want to be with him, and I don’t want to hurt him. I wanted to spend my whole life taking care of him and keeping him from getting hurt. Now look at both of us. Kaden, am I doing the right thing? Should I leave him alone? Would that be what is best for him? That's all I want. What is best for him."
Kaden had a small blush as Mason spoke, but smiles at how happy he sounded and looked, he looks to Jareth again and sighs. "I can't really answer that... But I know if you left him now.... Before the temporary bond fades, you'll both die... And I'm sure he'd want you to live..." He frowns slightly "I know he's had a hard life... Growing up without parents, taking the wrong path with his powers... Then his first loves... One dying and the other just leaving... He stayed alone for many years after that... Then it was just casual flings now and then..." He sighs "But if you want what's best for him... Right now I honestly think that's you... Mel's just upset and feeling left out... Maybe confused about where she stands now... She'll come around.."
“Thanks Kaden. I honestly don’t see why she feels left out. She chose you. She’s with you. She can’t love me that much still. Can she? Even if she does, I’ll always be here for her. I still love her. I just love Jareth as well. It’s ridiculous for her to think I was going to stay alone and pine away for her because of my love for her. That’s not fair. I should be allowed to move on, and she is making me feel wrong for doing that. It’s almost like she’s jealous of Jareth when she doesn’t have to be. I know this situation is complicated, but it is a nice thought the four of us all getting along and spending time together. I want her to be happy just as much as I want Jareth to be happy.” His eyes move from Jareth to Kaden. “I’m sorry he’s had such a hard life, but I promise to spend the rest of my life making sure he doesn’t get hurt again.”
"I... Didn't want to tell you this until later..." He moves to sit by Mason again "But... We were talking about a baby... I wanted to give her that... Then the talk started about us all living together... And I didn't want there to be any trouble... I know Mel still loves you, that probably why she's upset right now... Thinks she has no place in your life anymore..." Kaden smiles "But I know that's not true... I started this whole fucked up situation... But it was turning out pretty good... Now this...." He sighs softly "But I'm happy for you and Jareth, I haven't seen him this happy in a long time..." He hoped Mel was alright, but he couldn't go after her yet, not after what she said to him.
“A baby?” His gaze softens even more. He wants to cry, but he only swallows his tears back in a lump in his throat. “She wanted a baby with me. I told her no. I told her our lives were already so full and busy. A baby would just make things harder. I had so many chances to keep her, to make her happy, and it looks like I blew them all. I won’t make that mistake with him. As for Mel,” he takes a deep breath, “ she can be hot headed and quick tempered. All the passion she can give, she can give just much anger when she feels the need to. Her leaving the room just now is….not a good thing. If she feels there is no place in my life for her, that’s one thing. She would go to you, but if she’s mad at you too, then she’s got nowhere else to go to. Who is she going to talk? Where is she going to go?”

Melanie reached for her cell phone outside and dialed her friend. Marissa seemed happy to hear from her, but as Melanie talked about meeting her at the club that night, Marissa had no knowledge of it. 'Jareth. He must have played with her memories.' Marissa told her to get back home. They could talk about things once she did. "Shuttles are constantly leaving this place taking people back down the mountain and further up too. So I guess I could. Can you meet me in the small town at the bottom?" Marissa agreed. "Just give me a call when you're getting on one Mel. I'll leave then to meet you."
"Okay. Ten minutes. They're boarding now."
"Alright. I'll meet you there then. Be ready to tell me everything." Melanie hung up and headed over towards the shuttle.
Kaden takes his hand and gives it a light squeeze "Don't look so down... A lot has changed... And if we do end up having a child... I'd like them to know their.... uncles..." He smile "You never know... You and Jareth could have a child too... Adopting or Mel's help... I'm sure she can come to terms with this... Look at me..." He smiles again then looks down "I've messed a lot of things up... I'd like to try an fix it..."
“You’re already on the way to doing that Kaden. Thank you. You’re really proving to me that you’re not the unbelievable monster I thought you were. I trust you with Melanie. I know you’ll take care of her. Just give her some time to cool off. She’ll come around. As for Jareth,” he looks over t him. “I imagine she’ll let him have it when he’s feeling better, but I know he can handle her.” He nearly laughs. “I have no doubt he can handle her.”

Melanie steps on the shuttle and takes a seat looking out the window at the hospital. She had already called Marissa and told her she was getting on. The driver closed the doors, and the shuttle began it’s slow drive down the side of the mountain. With winding, curvy roads, he took it slow. The hospital began to disappear behind her. Melanie always had someone in her life she could go to when things were hard. Usually it was Mason, but now things had changed. He wanted Jareth more. She didn’t fault him for that. She had left him for Kaden for after all, but now Kaden was standing up for his friend. ‘You stood up for Jareth over me. So fine. Have Jareth again. Have Mason for all I care. You three can be very happy together. I’m….going home. I’ll stay with Marissa for a while.’ She reached down and turned her cell phone off before putting it away.
Kaden smiles and laughs at that "Yeah... I bet he can... So..." He looks at him "Is it true you wanna get married..." He smirks "I heard he was wearing you ring..." Kaden leans back in his seat and relaxes "Well..."

Jareth was sleeping soundly, he could hear mumbled voices but was too tired to concentrate on them.
"Yeah. He's wearing my ring. I do want to marry him. It's crazy," he grins nearly laughing, "but I do. I want to be with him every day for the rest of my life, and I when I finally do cross over the bridge, I'll be with him in my afterlife as well. I love him that much. I just have to get divorced from Melanie first. Are you going to marry her? I assume you are since you're talking about a baby."
"That's not crazy at all... Wanting to be with the one you love..." He smiles "I'm not sure... We talke about it at one time... But not for a while... And after what she said... We need to really talk..." He sighs and glances at Jareth.
"She'll come around. She loves you. Like I said, she needs to cool off. I'm sure she'll be coming through that door any minute now ready to talk to you. I'm so sure of it, that if she doesn't, I'll be your slave for one night." He grins, laughing slightly as he reaches for Jareth. "Rest baby. You need it. I'm right here."
Kaden chuckles "I'm sure Jareth would just love that..." Then he looks at Jareth again "Yeah... He his hit his head pretty hard... I wonder what happened to him in the woods... I wonder how Doc found him so fast..." He glances at the door "Speaking of the good doctor... I do believe he was watching us last night... In his room... I noticed the camera still on..."
“What?” His eyes widened. “He was peeping on you and Melanie?” He couldn’t help but laugh. “I didn’t know the doctor was such pervert. Tell me you at least gave him a good show.”
Nicholas had fallen asleep sitting in his chair behind his desk. The nurse opened the door with the test results for Jarth and Mason. When she saw him there, she placed the files on his desk and backed out of his office quietly. She made her way to Mason and Jareth’s room and knocked on the door. “I hate to interrupt, but your test results are back. I hope you’re alright with waiting to get them though. Nicholas is….resting. He was up with you all night. Please say it’s alright.” Mason nods. “it’s fine. I understand. Besides Melanie hasn’t come back inside yet. She needs time to cool off.” The nurse gave him a strange look. “What,” he asked. “Well Sir the lady that has been here with you,” she points to Kaden, “left on the shuttle some time ago. She’ll be getting off soon though. I don’t know if she went further up the mountain or back down.” Mason lifts his head. “She did what?” He looks over to Kaden. “I can’t believe it. She left.”
Kaden pulls out his cell and tries to call her, "Straight to voicemail... She turned it off..." He hangs up and puts it away "I... Think I'm going to give her her space... She obviously wants it... She was wrong... And she needs to see that... I wasn't about to just let her condemn two people... Two friends... To death because she wasn't getting her way..."
“You sure about that,” Mason asks. “Melanie….I don’t know how to say it, but she….well, she’s a special lady. You don’t wanna turn your back on that. Oh I understand what you’re saying, and I’m glad you feel that way. I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. She doesn’t know what happened last night though. I don’t know. Maybe if she knew it would change her mind, but she’s being stubborn. Turning her phone off was really…..”He pauses. “She wouldn’t even be able to know if something else went wrong. How could she do that?”

Melanie steps off the shuttle and turns on her cell to call Marissa. ‘One missed call. No voice message. I see. Fine.’ When Marissa picks up she tells her, “Hey. I’m here now. Are you on your way? Good. No. I don’t want to talk about it, but I will say this. Mason wrecked the car last night. He was driving drunk. It’s okay though. He’s got his new lover and the man who turned him down now. Yeah! You heard me right! Mason is fucking another man now. I don’t want to get into details. Let’s just say I hope all three of them will be very happy together. You remember that tropical island vacation you were going on and on about going on? I’m willing to rethink it. Anything to get away from that….that….man!”
"Like you said... She's stubborn and upset..." He sighs again and leans back in his chair, thinking on what to do.

Jareth finally understood the voices in the room, he heard the nurse, Mason and Kaden... He also heard the Melanie left. He coughs slightly "I... Wouldn't worry... She'll be back soon enough... Once she finds out..." He shifts his head to the side and smiles softly as Mason "Hey lover..." He says softly, his eyes were still mostly closed, his head still in pain.
“Now who’s trying to hide pain,” Mason begins to sit up, groaning the entire time. She stopped, taking several short, quick breaths. “ you mean..she’ll be back..once she..finds out?” He rests sitting up on the side of the bed, panting.

Marissa arrives, and Melanie climbs in her car. “Let’s go get something to eat. Maybe you’ll feel more like talking then.” Melanie shakes her head. “I can’t believe that man.”
“Tell me all about him over something to eat.”
Kaden watches and stands "Mason... Lay back down!" Jareth watched, "I'm not... Hiding anything... It still hurts like bitch... Please... Lay down..." He was panting slightly "And I'm still fighting that damn... Sedative..." He closes his eyes and breathes a bit slower "Just... Trust me... She'll be... Back..." He was still tired. Kaden moves to Jareth's side "Here... Drink some water before you pass out again..." He gets a cup and a straw, holding it to his lips, letting him drink slowly. "Mm... Thanks..." He rests on the pillow again.
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