Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Once under from the medicine, Mason looks around. 'I've been here before. I know the feeling of this wood under my feet.' Turning his gaze, he sees them again. 'This isn't real. Is it?' Melanie waves to him, and there's Jareth. 'My beautiful eyes. Oh how I love you so.' He takes two steps towards him. "Nicholas, his vitals are dropping!"
"That can't be. All the tests say he's fine. Mason! Revive him! I'm finished working on his lung." The nurse does as he asks,giving him more medicine. Nothing. "Mason! Open your eyes!"
"His vitals are holding."
"Good, but he's not....waking up."

She lowers her head whimpering. "Just..a little..more. That's it. Right..there..M'Lord. I'm gonna....." She grunts, the sound coming from deep down inside her throat. Her orgasm was strong, dripping from her to the bed.
Something was wrong, he could feel it, his eyes shot open and he growls darkly, forgetting his injured paw he stands and looks around. "Something's wrong... What is it!" He ran in one direction, then shakes his head and turns around "It's too loud..." He runs another way but his injured paw slips on the wet bank and he falls, hitting head on a rock, he tries to stand again but passes out 'Mason...'

Kaden looks at Mel and moans louder as she tightens around him, but he doesn't stop, only slows down slightly. "Nnn... So tight..." He lifts her hips a bit more and soon picks up speed again as glare starts to relax slightly "Mmm... Cum for me again my little Bitch..." He smacks her ass again and rubs it.
Alone in the room with Mason, Nicholas takes out his cell. Melanie had given him her number in case he needed to contact them. “Melanie it’s Nicholas Hayden. Mason isn’t doing so well. He’s slipped into coma, and….his vitals are slowly declining. I can’t….wake him up Melanie. As soon as you get this message, you might want to come back. His friend ran off. He’s not alone. I’m with him. I hate to tell you this like this, but I knew you would want to know.” He hangs up and glances from Mason’s face to the monitors. The numbers low.

She looks over her shoulder at him. “Then make me….Master. You’re the dominate. You know what you have to do. So do it. Be a man.” Melanie knew exactly what she was doing. Kaden may not want to lose control with her again, but that was exactly the button she was pushing. “Fuck me Master. Come on. Show me who’s in charge here. Show me. Dominate. Do it.”
Jareth stayed unconscious, in his mind he would see flashes, pictures of Mason, standing on the bridge. He'd call and cry out to him, but he couldn't hear him, they weren't connected, completely. He tried to run to him, but couldn't move, but with each step he took forward, a pain would rip through his chest, brining him to his knees. "Mason stop!" He called out as loud as he could, hoping somehow he'd hear him.

Kaden glares down at her and smacks her ass a bit harder "I'm not drunk this time Melanie... You won't get what you want... Completely..." He grips her hips harder and pulls her back against him roughly. "But I am gonna fuck you real hard... Let's give this bed a workout..." He was panting as he pushed himself harder, he then pulls out and flips her over again "I wanna see your face..." He thrusts back into her and cries out, "Nnnn..." He moans loudly and pounds into her again, he was finally getting close.
The change in position coupled with how fast he was taking her was enough. A look of shock painted her face as she seemed frozen in time for a moment, just a moment, before she screamed out, as if in pain. She couldn’t believe he was making her cum again. Melanie could feel the resistance her tightening walls had put up for him, but Kaden was relentless. “I’m….cumming,” she called out, as if she needed to. She could feel a fresh cold sweat break out over her entire body, and her stomach bulged with each thrust from him. She was wet now. The sound unmistakable as it mingled with their skin still slapping together. Her sex was red from the intense, strong pounding Kaden was giving him.
He stares down at her and continues, then leans down to suckle her breasts and kisses her, he holds her hips right as she cums again and moans. "Nnnn..." His thrusts slow with how hard she grips him, he tried to hold back a bit longer but couldn't, so with one last thrust, he cums and fills her, his body shaking. "Ahhh!" He arches his back and quickly rolls them to the side so he doesn't fall on her.
She is exhausted, but Melanie loves the feeling of being filled by him. Panting, she reaches for his face. “You were..amazing. Twice. You cum..twice. I don’t think..I can move..from this spot. Can we..sleep here? Like this? Leave our cum..on the bed..for the good doctor?” There was a playful grin on her face as she caressed his face.
He chuckles slightly and turns his head to kiss her hand "Even... If I wanted to... I couldn't move..." He smirks "My legs feel like jelly... And my arms feel like lead..." He smirks as slowly leans down to kiss her softly "Maybe we'll clean it up in the morning..." He slowly pulls her closer and groans at the movement, he kisses her "Love you..."
As the morning light peered into the window, and Melanie groaned softly. Kaden was still fast asleep. She grinned at him before moving from the bed gently. She didn’t want to wake him. ‘No pancakes this morning. We can get something on the way to the hospital.’ Looking around for her clothes, she decides she’ll take a shower before getting dressed. Her phone is in her pocket, and she pulls it out seeing she has a voice message. She lets it play as she looks for her shoes. As the doctor talks, she stops. Her breathing increases, and she sinks to the floor dropping her clothes. “M’Lord.” Her voice is a whisper. “M’Lord.” A little louder. “M’Lord,” Just a bit louder. “M’Lord,” she screams as the sobs begin to take control. She holds out her phone towards him.

Nicholas is sitting beside him. He hasn’t slept all night. He’s watched his vitals slowly decline. ‘At this rate I’ll have him on a ventilator before the end of the day. It’s like he’s giving up. I have to go find him, but I won’t leave him alone. He shouldn’t be alone.’
"W-What... What's wrong..." He bolts up in bed from her screaming, he quickly moves to her and takes the phone, replaying the message as he pulls her closer, trying to comfort her, wen done he looks at the phone. "Jareth ran away... That... Doesn't sound right... Quickly, get dressed, we'll go see what happened..." He lets her go and quickly starts to dress, it wasn't like Jareth to run away, what could have happened.

At some point during the night he had pulled himself from the water, but he was still wet and cold, even as a wolf. His head was killing him and his chest was growing tight, but he couldn't move.
Melanie quickly dresses almost pushing Kaden to the car. Her mind was racing with thoughts. In the car, finally she spoke to him. “What would Jareth leave him? I trusted him. I gave him a chance, and look at what he did. He left him. When I see him, I’m going to tell him exactly what I think of him. Mason is….and he runs away!” The car pulls up, and she jumps out running in ahead of him. “Nicholas! What happened?” She startles him. “Melanie. Sit down.”
“I don’t’ wanna sit down. What happened?” He stands and moves closer to Mason. His lung collapsed last night. When I came in the room, he was in a cold sweat, and Jareth’s face was red. I could hear him telling him he was sorry in the hall. I pushed Jareth away from him, and told him that if I had to I’d walk him from the building. He ran out of the room. I don’t know where he went.” She covers her mouth. “Mason called for him as he left, but he didn’t hear him.” Melanie’s face showed her anger. “That’s not true. You know perfectly well he heard him.”
“I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt.”
“I won’t! Nicholas how is he?” He turns to face her. “His vitals are going down slowly. At this rate, he’ll need help breathing by tonight. Melanie, you’re still his wife. If it comes to that, you’ll have to give me permission to do it.”
“He’s on that bridge, and Jareth isn’t here to talk to him. That….jerk! That….demon! I’ll kill him myself.” Melanie wasn’t even aware if Kaden was in the room or not. “Calm down. Mason needs good vibes in this room right now. Now that you two are here, I’ look for Jareth.” As he moves past Melanie she tells him, “Don’t bring him back here.” He stopped looking at Kaden. “Take care of her. I’ll be back as soon as I can. I don’t even know where to start, but I’m going anyway.”
Nicholas pushes past him and heads out behind the hospital. There was a rather large stream that ran down the side of the mountain. He thought maybe if he hiked along it, he would find him. He wasn’t prepared for the wolf he found by the stream. He approaches carefully. It’s easy to see he’s hurt. “Hey there. Be calm. I’m not gonna hurt you.” Carefully he checks each of his paws. “You’re..a big boy. Never seen a wolf..your size before.” That’s when it occurs to him. His face pales. “Jareth? Is Oh my…..I can’t take you inside like this. If you can hear me, you have to..shift back into human form. I can’t take you inside and care for you when you’re like this. Please. Do you hear me?”
Kaden quickly parks the car after Melanie goes flying out, he runs into the hospital and into Mason's room in time to hear what happened. He watched Mel, she was beside herself with worry and beyond angry, but Kaden knew Jareth, if he thought Mason would go down hill, he wouldn't have left. He stops the doctor a moment "He only ran because you pushed him away... Be careful..." With that he moves to hug Mel as she looks over Mason "Mel you need to calm down... Jareth wouldn't have left without a good reason... Please, you do t know him like I do..." He reaches out and takes Mason's hand, giving it a light squeeze, letting him know he wasn't alone.

Jareth started to stir when he felt someone touching him, he cracks his eyes open and growls slightly, shifting away. "What are you... D-Ding here..." He was shivering and his head hurt so much he was seeing double. He listens to him, then looks at him again "Why would you take me back there... You wanted me out remember..." He winces and whines, the pain in his chest was getting worse.
Melanie turns to him quickly. “Maybe you don’t know him that well either. Take a look around Kaden. He left. He’s not here, and Mason….he knew he was going downhill. Nicholas was in here, the nurses were in here, he was already going downhill, and he left. He won’t get the chance to hurt him again. I’ll make sure of that.” She takes him hand and kisses the back of it. “Come on baby. Open your eyes again.”

“Why would I take you back? One, you’re hurt. Two,” he pauses. “Two, Mason probably won’t be breathing on his own by tonight. If you want to see him again, then let me help you. I’ll get you inside, and put him in the same room. Please Jareth. Let me help you. Give me a chance to make up for how I treated you last night. I was wrong. I was angry and worried about my patient. Give me a chance to make it up to you. Let me help you. Bite me if you want to. I deserve it, but just let me get you inside and give you the medical attention you need. Besides. It might be your last time to see him again.”
Kaden sighs and just holds Mel, she'd have to see to believe, he just hoped he could hold her back when Jareth got there, 'Come on Jareth...'

Jareth's eyes widen and he shifts away again "Y-You're just letting him die!" He growls darkly and starts to shift back, his clothes were ripped and he was scrapped up, the only noticable injuries was the cut to his head, it was staining his hair slowly and his wrist, it was swollen and bruised. He stumbles close to Nicholas and grabs his shirt with his good hand "He dies... I blame you! I shouldn't have left... And I'm not going to leave him again..." His eyes were red, he lets him go and turns to head to the hospital, but his vision is blurred from blood loss and hitting his head "D-Dammit!" He falls to one knee and growls low.
Nicholas went after him, putting his arm around him. "Let me help you. I'm not letting him die. He's giving up." He leads him to the hospital ordering them to get him a bed. "Put him in the same room as Mason. I can care for them both." The nurses help to a bed before taking him in the room with Mason. Melanie glares at hi as she pulls away from Kaden. "You! You left him! I want him out of this room and away from my husband! You will never be. Lose to him again!"
He allowed the doctor to help him, listening to him, 'He's giving up... Becasue he thinks I left...' He could smell Melanie's anger down the hall before he was pushed into the room, he growls low and despite his spinning head he sat up slightly. "He may be your husband... But he's my Mate... His soul is giving up because I started the bonding... Then didn't finish it...." He glares "You make me leave again... And he will die... We both will!" He slowly lays back down, turning his head to look at Mason, once the bed was close enough, he reaches up and rubs his cheek softly, then closes his eyes.

Once he opened them again he was in the field, the bridge was in the distance and Mason was almost halfway across, he took another step and Jareth clutches his chest. "D-Dammit... This will be close..." He stumbles a bit, then runs "Mason... Mason stop!" He gets to the bridge and he's panting. In the real world he starts to sweat and gasp softly, his injury not making this easy. He holds up his hand "Ma..." He looks at his hand, there was a string tied to his pinky, he smiles and looks at Mason again. "Mason... Come back to me... Please..."
“Bonding? What the hell are you talking about?” Nicholas holds up a hand to her. “Please. Let him do what he has to.” She glares at him. “He Is he not?”
“Yes. You’re not legally divorced yet.”
“Then I want that man out of this room and away from him. He is not to have any contact with my husband. Is that clear?” Nicholas looks to Kaden knowing his hands are tied. She is his wife and has all rights to his care. “Alright. Let me get him a room set up.”
“Do it fast. I know you’re stalling. I want that..that..demon away from my husband.”

Mason turns and looks at him. “You’re not real. You’re only here now to tempt me to the wrong side of the bridge. It’s okay though. I know the real Jareth over there. I love you,” he smiles before taking another step leaning against the railing of the bridge.
"Mel... Think about this... They'll die..." He holds her close to him "Can you really risk that..."

"No... It's really me! Ahh!" He grips his chest and falls to his knee as he takes another step, in the real world he arches off the bed slightly, obviously in pain. He looks at Mason again, panting "Look... Look at your hand... I... I have proof it's... It's me..." He takes a deep breath and tries to stand, but doesn't have the strength "The... The string... Who... Who does it lead to... H-Him... Or me..." The bond was only half formed so the string was faint but there, but the further he moved on the bridge, the fainter it became. Jareth watches him, he wasn't sure how much longer he could stay here, but if he didn't get him off the bridge it wouldn't matter.
“You’re stalling,” she says pushing away from Kaden. “You’re not even trying to find him a bed.” Nicholas gently pushes her back to Kaden. “I am not stalling. I am trying to make sure both of these men make it. There is a special bond they have. I know you understand it, and I’m not just talking about the demon bonding he was talking about. They are lovers Melanie, and I know you understand that. It’s just as strong as the ,’dominate me Master bond,’ you feel with Kaden.” He turns helping the nurses. “Kaden? How..did he..know about that?”

Mason looks down at the string and studies it. “Wh-What is this? Where did it..come..from?” He looks up to see him in pain and down on his knees. “Jareth! The you..on the other side of the bridge..wouldn’t feel pain! You’re hurting! You’re..real.” He turns holding on to the rail as he inches closer. “I’m..coming.” He sees Jareth begin to flash as he’s being pulled from the place they’re in. “No! Don’t leave me again!”
“Nicholas I’ve given him something to help him relax.” The nurse had observed him in pain. “You did what? I didn’t order anything. What have you done? Jareth,” he calls slapping his face. “Come on!” He slaps him hard.
Kaden just blushes slightly and holds her close "Um... I'm not sure..."

Jareth gasps softy and looks up at Mason again, his eyes wide, "A... A sedative... T-They gave me a sedative..." He forces himself up and moves closer to Mason, he could feel himself fading, he smiles at Mason "I'm... I'm not leaving..." He leans up and kisses him, "You... You leave this bridge... And I'll be right next to you... I promise..." He fades a bit more "Please... B-Before I fall asleep..." He steps back, knowing he can't pull him off the bridge, he bites his lip, drawing blood to keep himself awake, in both worlds.
“Nicholas. His vitals are getting better.” The moment Jareth’s lips touched his, Mason began to get stronger. “That’s it Jareth. Convince him to come back.” Mason reaches for him as he fades out complelty. “Jareth. You….you left me again.” He hangs his head leaning against the rail. “I leave the bridge….and you’ll be right next to me. I trust you Jareth.” He takes two large steps, and his feet are off the bridge. “Nicholas. He’s getting stronger. All vitals are improving,” the nurse beams. He leans down to Jareth and whispers in his ear, “You did it. You can rest now.” Standing upright, he begins to order a series of tests for both men. As the nurses start to take them out, he tells them, “keep them together. They belong that way. Don’t you agree Melanie?” She forces a smile and nods. “Do us all a favor,” he tells her stepping close. “Sign the divorce papers soon. That way he can marry his mate.” Again she nods. He closes his eyes looking tired. “I’m going to my office,” he tells a lingering nurse. “Come get me as soon as the tests are done.” He pats Kaden’s shoulder as he starts to leave.
As they are lead from the room Kaden smiles slightly at the doctor, then turns Mel to face him and hugs her tightly. "He's going to be ok Melanie... They both are..." He hugs her and sits them down, hold on her close.

Jareth barely heard Nicholas but smiles and faintly whispers 'Thank you...' Inside his head before finally passing out, his body going limp in sleep.
Nicholas sits in his office at his desk falling asleep. The nurse opens the door slightly. Once she sees him like that, she slowly closes the door. They take both men back into their room and leave them. The same nurse smiles at Kaden and Melanie. "Nicholas will come see you soon. He's..well..he was up all night with Mason here. So now he's actually falling asleep. I'll give him the results of the tests when he is awake, but I can already tell you that everything looks really good for both of them." Melanie thanks her. She hasn't spoken to Kaden since they took both of them for tests. "I don't care about some bonding....thing....going on between them. I don't want Jareth near him. He left him last night."
Kaden sighs and stops trying to talk her out of it, in the end he knew she'd have no say, Mason was a grown man, and once he woke up, he'd make his choice. He just hoped Mel could handle it.

Jareth was out cold, the drugs knocking out his already exhausted body, at least it allowed him to start healing, the small cuts over his body started to close.
Melanie watches him rest. “I’m sorry M’Lors. Ir’a jua….I got so worried. Jareth left him. We don’t know why or what’s going on, and then I hear about some kind of mating thing going on? I just don’t know what to think or do. I want Mason safe, and if that means keeping Jareth away then I’ll….’
“No,” he groans. “Don’t….keep….him..away..Melanie.”
“Mason,” she rushes to his bedside.
“Jareth..stays. Now..and always.”
“But he left you. Why?”’
“He left. So I should..never trust him?”
“So You left.”
“That’s different. I was taken from you.”
“But you..made the say with He had..his reasons.”
“Why? What happened last night?”
“I don’t,” he groaned, “ all.”
“Shhhhh. Just rest. We can talk more later.”
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