Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“Wow. I must have really hit my head hard.” He closes his eyes for a moment. “You don’t have to be nice to me. Yeah I hate you for stealing Melanie. I always will, but you don’t have to be nice to me. The only good thing that came from all this is she’s happier with you, and I found Jareth. Both of us have been opened up so much to more because of the two of you. Had I been this open to being with, she wouldn’t have gone to you. Tell me though, did you ever for one second, think about the husband you stole her from? Is that why you want this? Because you feel sorry for me or want to try and make up for taking her? I don’t need your pity. I don’t want it.”

“That I have a few of my own,” he grins. “That some people believe in their existence while others don’t. The rumors of their powers that are as vast as the types of demons some say roam the earth. Why do you ask? It’s an odd topic for discussion considering the clearly interesting life you lead.” The doctor leans back in his chair, away from Jareth. He glances at his eyes once and quickly looks away. There was an intensity there he knew he couldn't handle seeing. He felt his cheeks burn slightly as his gaze fell on a picture on the wall. Anything to avoid looking in his eyes. It was a conscious thought he held. The only thought he held, in fact, as he took a deep breath.
"At first... No... I didn't care about you at all... But as time went by yes... I thought about you... I never took married women... I always played around with single women and never for as long a I had Mel... It was more of a use'em an lose'em thing..." He takes a deep breath and tries to relax "When we were alone in that room... With you coming at me... I only thought about one of the bad times with Jareth... So I stood up and pushed back on instinct... You're a sweet man... And I didn't mean to hurt you..." He chuckles a bit "You've actually made me remember the better times with Jareth... And I completely understand you wanting me under you... It's a normal thing when you've been wronged..." He smiles slightly and stands "Just... Think about it again..." He quickly leans over and give him a soft kiss before returning to his own seat away from his bed, as Mel walks back into the room.

"What did you think I was doing... When you arrived to save Mason..." He slowly lets his claws and fangs appear as he speaks. "I mean to you... It must have looked like I was just sitting with him, holding his face..." He tilts his head "What kinds of powers do you think demons could have... Would they be kind... Or monsters..." He still keeps his kind smile in place, watching the clearly excited man, as he tried to avoid lookin at him. "What about their sense of smell... What do you think they could pick up..."
“Aaaah Melanie,” he groans as he hears the door open. “Go back out.” She looks at him strangely before rushing over to him hitting his arm. “Wake up. Don’t go to sleep.” He opens his eyes slowly. “I was having a good dream. It must have been.” With her arms folded, she leans in close. “Oh yeah. Well I don’t care what the bimbo you were dreaming about having sex with was like. You’re not sleeping.” He grins. “Your man gave me a kiss on the lips.” Melanie stands upright. “You….you did? You kissed him?”

“I don’t know really. I guess on some level I just thought you were staying close to him.” Nicholas continued to study the picture. “I imagine they can be both. Just like humans. There are good and there are bad. He glances back over at Jareth, his eyes remaining on him taking note of his fangs and claws. “I don’t know really. Good for tracking I guess. Increased blood flow maybe. Sweating. Just guesses really.” He takes a deep breath. “You’re a demon. Why are you showing me this?” Nicholas shifted in his seat as his condition was growing worse.
Kaden was watching out the window, trying to ignore them when Mason ratted him out, his eyes widened and his face went red for a moment. "So what if I did..." He puts on a stern face and crosses his arms, turning to fade the window more.

Jareth smiles, showing off his fangs better before hiding them again "Yes I am... And I'm showing you because of some of my unique abilities have detected something with you..." He smiles and sits back "You see, my main abilities are mental... I can enter, control or change people's minds and thoughts... Before you ask I have not done so to any of my friends here... I was saving Mason when you came up... I was helping him decide to live... But that's not hat I wanted to talk to You about..." He reaches up and taps his nose "I'm half cat, half dog... And because of that, I have a sensitive nose... Which has picked up... On how excited you become around me and my friends..." He smiles.
“Yes. The answer is yes,” he says turning to look at Kaden. “I’ll give it one more try, but maybe with one condition.” Melanie takes a step back watching them. “My condition is that things be a little different. I’m not going to try to control you. I want it to be the other way around Kaden,”

“Well,” Nicholas finally speaks after a pause of silence. “This is certainly interesting. I have always thought demons existed. I didn’t know tonight I would come face to face with one. As for what you’re detecting with me,” he blushes, “I apologize. It’s unprofessional. If you would like another doctor, I understand. I can recommend someone.”
Kaden glances back at the two of them then out the window again "If that's how you want it... Ok..." He smiles slightly, but can't bring himself to look at Mel just yet, still a little unsure about what just happened, but glad he's finally be able to lift the weight he'd put on his shoulders.

Jareth lifts his head and waves his hands slowly "Whoa... Relax... I never said it bothered us..." He smiles again "But one of your nurses... Told us a few things... And my nose can tell me she wasn't lying... You've never been with anyone... Have you... I bet you've never been around a group like ours before... And all the different signals flying around have obviously affected you..." He looks a him "Being a doctor you must know how things work... But knowing and experiencing them... Are quite different... Aren't they Doc..."
“I’m gonna be Kaden’s bitch too,” Mason teases. “I’ll bet I can handle those bruises better than you.” She swats his arm. “Owww! You gonna hit a hurt man?” He sticks out his tongue teasing her. She can’t help but laugh. “M’Lord,” she says going over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, “don’t be gentle with him,” she whispers. “Spank his ass for me.” She kisses the side of his head before hugging him tightly.

“Indeed,” he replies, trying to remain in control of his tone. “Experiencing is always different. As a doctor, I trained, but nothing could truly prepare me for what I’ve seen. I suppose that’s the way it is with everything else. My nurse shouldn’t have told you that,” he says looking over to the picture again. “That was unprofessional of her. I’ve shared my past with a select few here. It’s not something I’m ashamed of. Timing was just never right. I’ve always had one thing or another going on.” He shifts again, feeling his manhood press against his slacks. “I’ve never met anyone like anyone in your group,” he admits. “You’re all so free and happy. No inhibitions. You have all embraced a life that not many people get to experience. Still,” he shakes his head looking away from the picture to Jareth. “I promise I’ll do my best to keep my emotions in check. This won’t be a problem again. I assure you,” he nods.
Kaden blushes slightly and chuckles at their antics, Mason wasn't such a bad guy and it was making Mel happy. "Mmm... We'll see how things turn out..." He glances at Mason with a slight smirk then hugs Mel back.

Jareth chuckles slightly "I'll be blunt Nicholas... Do you want some help with your little problem... From any of us... Besides Mason, at the moment..." He smiles "I can tell it's uncomfortable... And being alone in a room with me... Just seems to be making it... 'Worse'... You helped save Mason... Please let me help you..."
“You’re being so wonderful. I would love to find a broom closet and have my way with you M’Lord.” She kisses the side of his head once more working towards his ear and then along his jaw.

“I,” his voice cracks a little. He knew exactly what Jareth was offering. Almost everything inside him screamed yes. Almost everything. “You know I’ve never….done anything along these lines. I wouldn’t even know when to breathe or put my hands,” he teased. “I….can’t do this. There many..reasons for me to say no. None of them are you or your friends though. I assure you of that.”
Kaden cups her chin and gives her a kiss, then nips her lip "Relax..." He whispers "Maybe later at the Doc's place..."

Jareth smiles again and nods "No worries doc... But the offer still stands if you ever want to... I know what it's like to be lonely... Don't make it your life..." He stands "I better get back to my friends... Would you like me to give Kaden the keys... I'm sure you need a few minutes alone..." He smiles kindly and not in a teasing manner.
"ooooh," she protests. "We've got the car in the parking lot too."

"Yes. Of course." He opens a drawer and tosses Jareth the keys. "Thank you for your understanding and discretion in this matter. It is certainly appreciated. The nurse at the desk will give you directions to my house. She has used it as well from time to time."
Jareth smiles "It's no problem... And think on my offer... Thank you again.." He smiles and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. He takes the keys and stops by the nurses station to get the directions for Mel and Kaden. He walks back into the room and looks around "Why... Does it feel like I missed something..." Kaden turns and looks at Jareth.
Melanie notices the keys in his hands. "Keys! To the doctor's house? Yes. Give me," she says reaching for them. "Mason, Kaden and I are going to go. We've got some business to discuss."
"Oh just say it Melanie. You're horny, and you want to fuck. I was right here to whole time," he smiles. She rushes over to him kissing his forehead. "You know I love you."
"I do," he says. She gets the directions from Jareth the nurse had written down. "How is the good doctor," she asks, but before she can answer, the nurse enters. "Hi there," she tells Mason. "Nicholas just wants me to keep a close eye on your vitals. So I'm here for the usual." Mason nods. "You're looking a lot better. All of you are in fact." She looks at Jareth and grins. "So you were talking to Nicholas in his office huh? I saw you come out. He came out for a moment later. Looked stressed to say the least. He's probably taking a cold shower right now. I walked in his office once, and the door to his bathroom was open. Let me tell you, the girl who gets that man is going to be lucky." She rolled her eyes sighing. "The man is better off than any man I have ever seen, and that includes in porn," she winks at Mason. "Oh gosh. Are you telling us your boss is hung like a horse," Mason asks trying to contain his laugh. Even Melanie covers her mouth. "That's right. He thinks he's some kind of freak. Says it's better to just keep to himself. I tried to tell him that does not make him a freak. Well everything checks out. I'll let him know. Maybe I can get another glimpse." She leaves the room and Mason burst out laughing holding his chest. "Oh damn! I can't believe that woman just told us that. Jareth? What did you say to him? He looked stressed?"
Jareth watches the scene play out and give the nurse a slightly cold look "You shouldn't be talking about him like that... Those are personal matters..." He crosses his arms as the woman leaves and takes his seat. "When he was hear before... I smelt something on him... So I went to talk with him about to... I told him what I am... And we talked about other things... I offered to help him..." He looks at them "I'm sure you noticed the looks he was giving you..." He sighs "I offered to help him... That any of us would help him... But I believe he's scared..." Jareth holds the keys and directions out to Kaden, he takes them, thinking over what he said.
"Oh. That's so sad that he's afraid. People like nurse loud mouth probably don't help either. He's a nice guy." Melanie looks over to Kaden. "Are you alright M'Lord? Is something on your mind?" Mason slowly closes his eyes hearing their voices begin to fade as he starts to fall asleep.
Jareth hears his breathing slow "Oh no you don't... Come on baby, wake up..." He leans over and gives him a nice kiss "You heard the doctor... Can't sleep yet..." He smiles sadly at him "I'm sorry, I know you must be tired..." He look back to Kaden and Mel "I've got this if you wanna head out..." He smiles at them while still patting Mason's cheek. Kaden looks at Mason as Jareth starts to wake him up "You have our numbers... Get well soon Mason... Later Jareth..." He takes Mel and lifts her bridal style "Someone's hiding it, but she's tired..." He smiles at them then heads out. Jareth looks back to Mason "If you don't stay awake... I won't give you a treat before the nurse returns..." He licks his ear.
"I wasn't....sleeping. I just wanted....them to leave....but if you're gonna give me....a treat....I can wake up....for that. Keep ear. Trust me....I'm waking up." He could feel his body stirring under the blanket. "Jareth I'm hurt. I'm not hurt that bad. I want to feel you." He turns his face close to his. "I have to feel you."

Once in the car, she reaches to his thigh. "I hope we can make it there. I may not be able to wait that long." Her hand snakes up his thigh pressing against him. "I want you M'Lord. I'll admit the idea of taking you in a strange man's bed is arousing though. I want to sleep naked where I know his body has been. It's like he'll be watching us."
Once the others leave Jareth moves to get in the bed gently lifting him and shifting him so he won't hurt himself. "The most you'll get is my hands lover..." He smiles at him and slips his hand beneath the covers, his fingers slowly trail over his already hard cock. "So naughty... Wanting this here... After almost getting yourself killed..." He kisses him, slowly at first then a bit rougher, always keeping an ear on the hallway and door.

Kaden looks at her as they get into the car "What has you so worked up... Were you slipped something..." He smirks and starts the car up, he holds her hand. "These roads are winding... I can't have you doing that while I drive..." He glances at her "But I do believe there is something in the glove box... Maybe get yourself ready..." He watches her a moment then heads out, following the directions.
His lips parted, and he could hear his own breathing as Jareth’s fingers touched him. “I’ll take any part of you I can get. See the effect you have on me? I’m already like this for you. It’s all because of you. I saw you on the bridge. I came back for you Jareth. Because I love you.” With as much passion as Jareth had kissed him, Mason takes his mouth. He reaches for his arm, pulling him closer. He knows it won’t take much. So he plans to savor his touch and this moment. “Slow lover. Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”

She reaches into the glove box and smile. “You’re always prepared. A toy. Just for me. I love it.” Wasting no time, she spreads her knees wide and reclines her seat back. She’s already wet, but Melanie wants to tease him. She suckles the toy as if it were Kaden’s cock, groaning, enjoying the very act, before slipping it underneath the fabric of her dress. Resting her head on the seat, she moans and sighs in pleasure as she begins to slowly fuck her ready sex. “Yes M’Lord. This will….do….until I can have you.”
Being reminded of how close he came to losing him, Jareth kisses him deeper and a few tears fall "You better not..." His voice was thick and he looks at him, his fingers just lightly ghosting over him, teasing him softly. "W-what did they tempt you with..." He kisses him "I'll give it to you here... I'll give you anything here if you never cross that bridge..." He had seen too many friends and a few lovers over his many year cross that bridge, this was still new and didn't want to lose it yet. He smiles at him as he starts to stroke him slowly "I love you..." He kisses along his jaw to his neck, licking and nibbling gently.

Kaden smirks "Always for you..." He glances at her now and then as he continues to drive, listening to her moan, he smirks. "Tease all you want M'lady... You can't cum until it's my cock you're filled with... You got that..." He slows down a bit as the road gets narrow.
In his mind, Mason remembers what he saw on the other side of the bridge. It was Jareth and Melanie both standing there, beckoning for him to come closer. Jareth, with his half naked body, his chest, strong, smiling, waving him over, calling to his lover, and Melanie dressed in a beautiful dress with bright flowers, had a look of longing on her face. She still wanted him. “You were just you. You were waving to me, calling to me. You wanted me to come to you. You didn’t try to tempt me with anything but your body and your words.” He tenses feeling his touch. His body is so ready for him. “You said….’I love you….always. Come to me.’ It was seeing the look on your face and hearing your voice that made me turn away from that. I wanted to help you. I wanted to ease your pain. No matter which side of the bridge I chose, you were always on the other side.” He sighs as his body tenses and relaxes over and over with Jareth’s touch. “Yes. Please. That’s it,” he guides him. “Slowly. Gently. Now barely touch me.” He lifts his hips slightly as Jareth continues his slow tease and torture of him that he so desperately wants. “Don’t..stop.”

Just the words, the command, to not cum until it was his cock was enough to almost make her cum hard against the dildo she now fucked herself with, but there was also something else now very much awake inside Melanie. Instead of simply moaning, she uttered two words. “Yes Sir.” She shoved the dildo deep, feeling a dull pain as she slammed into her own cervix. It was arousing. She was seeing just a tiny glimpse of the dominate she had seen before, and she loved it. “And if I cum before it’s your cock?”
Jareth stares at him, watching him and smiles, he follows his requests and doesn't let up, he kisses his cheek. "Just remember that I'd never ask you to cross that bridge... Unless I was crossing with you..." He keeps up the slow tease, one finger slowly circles his head as the rest tickle his shaft "I've lost too many to that fate... And this is too new to end..." He kisses him softly as he pants, glancing at the door, someone was walking closer, he couldn't tell who. "We may have company lover... Are you there yet..." He smirks at him slightly, one ear still on the door.

Kaden glances at her, she had thrust it deep, he knew she had a slight thing for pain "I'd punish you of course... Spank you... Then make you use your mouth on me..." He glances at her a moment "But the real punishment would be you not getting my cock for the night..."
The only thing Mason can hear is Jareth’s voice. “I’m..close. Won’t take..much more.” His body shivers as he knows he’s at the edge. “Just..a bit..more.” He lunges forward, pressing his lips to Jareth’s to muffle his moan as he cums for him. His hips jerk as his cock explodes in his lover’s hand. Breaking the kiss, his face is red as he rests his head on the pillow. “They’ll still..know..when they,” he grins. “Let them. I don’t care.”

His words only make her groan more as her body begins to writhe in the seat. “Spank me? Like I’m a bad girl? Yes..Master. Spank me anyway! Just don’t keep your cock away from me. I want it Master. So badly.” Tears pricked her eyes as her body craved him, ached for him. She had no idea how far away they were from the house, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to last much longer with the dildo in her sex. Withdrawing it, she sucked her juices from it, pushing it as far down her throat as she could. Her finger began to work her clit, and Melanie drew her knees in close, pressing her thighs together.
Jareth returns his kiss and continues to work him until he calms down, he can feel his release on his hand but thankfully it wasn't enough to go through the sheets. He smiles "You're so naughty..." He kisses him again, slowly twisting their tongues together, his hand lightly resting on his thigh.

Kaden looks to her as he sees the house just up the hill and smirks "Only if you do your part... You can't cum by yourself..." He soon pulls up to the house and parks the car "Get out... Toy stays here..." He gets out and closes his door, standing at te hood, waiting on her.
“Me? I’m the naughty one? I think that’s your hand with my cum on it. In fact,” he shifts slightly. “Bring it up to my lips. I want to clean your fingers for you. I made the mess. I should clean it up.”
“Doctor is everything alright?” Nicholas had been standing just outside the door. His head rested on the door, and his were closed. He had been listening. Having heard everything, he had been taking deep breaths along with Mason. His excitement had grown, and when the nurse called out to him, his cheeks flushed. “Everything is fine. Thank you for asking. I’m going to be doing some fishing in the morning nurse. I won’t be available.” She grins starring at his back. “Yes Nicholas. I understand. You never catch anything in that old stream behind the hospital.” He moves, with his back still to her, ready to return to his office. “I know. It’s cathartic though. We all need some kind of release now and then.”

Melanie is anxious, just as she was at home when she pushed him. Quickly she leaves the car rushing to the join him. “Yes Master. I am here. I am yours’ M’Lord, and I am ready for you. What would you have me do to please you? I so desire to.” She was burning hot with lust, and she was his willing, ready lover.
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