Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“I know. I don’t think he did this, but why M’Lord? He was drunk and driving?” She looks up the hill watching them all leave. “Come on. We better go too.” She looks back at the car. “Wait a second.” She heads for the car to simply look at it. The blood still on the seat and the steering wheel. ‘He shouldn’t have been here. I put him here. If I had never left…..’ She reaches in and grabs his phone. “Alright. We can go. Tell me what he meant,” she asked heading up the hill. “He said Mason was on the bridge about to cross. What does that mean M’Lord?”

Mason groaned as they put him on the backboard. “Don’t….scratch the paint,” he teased. The EMTs comment about the smell on his breath, and how he’s lucky he didn’t kill anyone. “There was….a deer, but I didn’t hit it.” His head was pounding and swimming from the sake still. “Jareth! No more….sake.” The EMTs pause looking at Mason before looking back to Jareth. They continue their work and carry him up to the ambulance. “Sorry Sir. We’re going to be working on him. You have to sit there. I know you want to hold his hand, but we need to check him.”
“It’s okay….beautiful eyes. I’m right….here.”
“Sir where do you hurt?”
“My head….is pounding, and….my chest hurts….when I breathe. I’m so….sleepy.”
“Stay awake Sir. You might have a concussion. You can’t sleep.”
“So….tired. Can’t….keep my eyes….open.”
“Sir!” He begins to shake and rub his arm.
“I’m ok. I’m not….sleeping. Just keep….talking….to me. Be careful,” he grins. “Beautiful eyes….might get jealous….of you touching….me.” The man can’t help but grin at Mason and Jareth. “I’ll keep that in mind Sir. He must love you a lot. You’re a lucky man.”
"You bet....I am. Ask him. I make....a good....dessert." The man blushes slightly. "Okay then. I'll ask him about it once you're doing better. You just stay with us for now okay?"
Mason opens his eyes and grins. "You're....blushing."
"Yes I am. Why don't you tell me your name Sir?"
"Mason and his Jareth." He turns to Jareth. "Nice to meet you Jareth. I'm gonna take real good care of him. I promise."
Jareth nods "I understand... Used to be a doctor..." He sits out of the way and blushes as Mason talks about him and smiles at him, once they get him stable he sighs softly. Jareth turns to the one who wasn't working on him and waiting on what happened. "Well..." He blushes softly "We were celebrating... Up at the hot spring inn... We had sake and were eating... I had the keys put away in my clothes..." He looks back to Mason "He surprised me with... Umm... Dessert..." He blushes darker and laughs slightly "Fruit and chocolate sauce... We had some fun... And went to sleep... Or I thought we did... He was right next to me... Then I wake up to my phone ringing and him gone..." He takes a deep breath and sighs "If I had known... I would have hidden the keys better..." He turns to watch Mason again, smiling softly.

Kaden glances at her as they head to the car and opens his door "Jareth... Entered his mind... Mason wasn't responding... So he tried going deeper..." He waits for her to get in and continues "Jareth found him... At the bridge of fate... He told me about it once... It's where you decide to live or die... If Jareth found him there..." He looks at Mel as he starts up the car and follows the ambulance.
“Don’t beat yourself up about the keys. You love him, and clearly wouldn’t allow him to do this. You had no idea. I just hope you won’t do this again Mason.” He groans in response. The guy smiles. “As for your dessert, you better hang on if you wanna give this guy here more of that. I think he wants it.” Mason gives him another look, noticing he’s still blushing. “I think….you wouldn’t mind….dessert. You’re still….blushing.”
“Dessert huh,” he laughs. “Well it sounds like it was a good time. Next time, leave the sake out of it though. You’ll have a lot more fun. Trust me. Try,” he pauses for a moment, “leaving a piece of chocolate on his skin while you’re busy in other places. Let it melt as his body gets hotter. Then have fun with the clean up.” Mason’s eyes widen. “Really?” The guy nods. “Yeah.” They come to a stop, and he jumps out helping them take Mason inside. “Hey! This guy right here,” he says pointing to Jareth. “He stays with him the entire time. It’s been authorized.” The doctors and nurses nod. “Yes Sir.”
“Alright Mason. I’m going to tell your friend your condition, and the doctor has my chart on you. Hang around. I wanna hear how the chocolate works out for you two.” He shakes his hand and turns to Jareth. “He’s got some broken ribs. His sternum hit the steering wheel pretty hard. I’ve ordered an X-ray to see if it’s broken or bruised. Either way he’s gonna have to take it easy with those broken ribs. If he doesn’t, he could puncture his lung. I was afraid he already had with his trouble breathing, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.” He takes his badge off his shirt and pins it to Jareth’s. “This will get into any room they take him in. Nobody is gonna question it. Alright? Take care of him.” He pats Jareth’s arms and walks past him.

“Bridge of fate? Oh my. Mason had to decide to live or die, and he chose to live. That’s a good thing. Right? He chose to live for Jareth. For Jareth.” It bothered her a little that it was for another man, but she also knew she had no right to be jealous. She had left him for another man. He had every right to be happy with someone else.
Jareth was pretty red while they talked about 'dessert' ideas, but if it kept Mason awake, he was all for it, and the ideas weren't bad. He follows them out of the truck and smiles at the EMT, accepting his badge "Thank you... For everything..." He smiles "I plan to, for a very long time..." As he walks away he turns to follow Mason inside, moving closer to hold his hand, he smiles at him "I can't believe you told him that..." He squeezes his hand "I'm right here baby... I'm not going anywhere..."

Kaden glances at her "I know what you're thinking... Jareth may have been a big factor... But he still cares about you... Why else would he call you... Just relax baby... We're almost there..."
They push Mason inside telling him they’re bringing in a portable X-ray machine for his chest. “Okay.” Glancing at the badge on Jareth’s shirt, he reads it aloud. “Nicholas….Hayden.” The doctor looks over and smiles. “Yeah. He owns the hospital. Nicholas works here though. Says he’s not going to sit behind some desk. If he gave him that badge, then he’s taken an interest in you. He doesn’t just give that badge to anyone. Both of you must have made some impression on him.”

Nicholas is standing outside, and he waves the car when he sees it. Melanie jumps out and runs up to him. “Is he…..”
“He’s fine. A few broken ribs, maybe a bruised sternum. Nothing a lot of rest won’t fix.” He eyes Kaden. “So just relax Ms.. Okay? He’s going to be fine. I don’t know what the situation is here,” he grins, “but as along as everybody is happy, that’s fine. Just make sure he doesn’t drink and drive again. Sake is strong stuff. He’s a lucky man.” A nurse runs by him telling him the helicopter is coming in. “Alright. That’s my cue. I’ll check in on him later.” He nods to both of them before running past the nurse. “He’s gonne be okay,” she says smiling at Kaden. “It’s all gonna work out.”
Jareth blushes but smiles "I guess I have a lot more to thank him for then... Thanks..." He moves out of the was so they can finish checking him before they lead him into a room, once along he sits by the bed and looks at him. "What... Were you thinking... Baby you scared me to death..." He takes his hand again and kisses it.

Kaden holds her hand and leads her inside "See... I told you it'd be ok..." He turns to her before they step inside "Do you believe me now... That Jareth truly cares for him..."
"I couldn't....sleep. I thought if I....went for a I'm sorry." A nurse enters the room with a syringe. "Nicholas ordered this. He said it would it help you sober up and ease your pain." With a smile she injects him before quickly leaving. "I didn't mean to much....trouble. Oh yeah. I feel that now. Sober. Wow, and I gotta tell you. It sucks, but I deserve it. At least the pain in my chest is easing up. My head is still pounding, and I'm so sleepy." He chuckles. "NOW I'm sleepy." With his free hand, he reaches up and rubs his sore, bruised forehead. "Can I go to sleep now?"

"Of course I believe he really cares for Mason. I just want to get to the bottom of this. What happened tonight? My answers are on the other side of this door. I promise I won't yell or accuse him of anything. I'll let them both tell their side of what happened. Alright?"
He smiles and thanks the nurse then looks at Mason "Well... No more sake for you... And not just yet... Wait until the tests come back... You hit your head pretty hard..." He looks at him a moment "Do... Do you remember anything about a... Bridge..?" He watches him, some remember some don't.

Kaden nods "If he can have visitors yet... You need to calm down a bit love... You heard he's going to be fine... Relax..." He kisses her cheek and leads her inside.
“Bridge,” he asks, somewhat confused. “I don’t think I drove over any bridge. Why?” Before Jareth can answer, the door opens. He looks away as Kaden enters. “Mason,” Melanie calls rushing to the other side of the bed. “Melanie,” he smiles. “I’m glad you’re here.” She takes his other hand. “I’m glad you’re still here. What were you thinking? What happened?”
“Melanie. Calm down. When I left, Jareth took me to a special place. It’s so beautiful there. We spent some time together, and he introduced me to sake. Well, I over did it. After more fun, Jareth went to sleep. He thought I did too. I couldn’t sleep. I took my keys out of his pocket, and thought a drive might put me to sleep.”
“It almost did. For good. You know better than to drive drunk. That was so stupid Mason.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” His eyes sweep over her, and a confused look comes over his face. “Why did you change clothes?”
“Change clothes? What are you talking about?”
“You were wearing….a dress. It had flowers on it.”
“Mason. I….I didn’t have a dress on like that tonight. I don’t even own a dress like that.”
“But I saw you wearing it. I was standing on the white bridge, and I saw you. I…..” He turns to look at Jareth. “The….bridge?”
“The bridge? Get a doctor. He’s talking crazy. He’s confused. We need to find out the results of his tests.”
Jareth puts his hand up "No... It's just a memory... From the bridge of fate... I couldn't see the other side, this must be what he saw..."

Kaden takes a seat at the back of the room, waiting for Mason to talk with the others.
"Bridge of....fate?"
"You mean you were dying, and you saw me?"
"I saw you and Jareth." She kisses his hand. "Oh baby I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. If I had not left you, then none of this would have happened."
"Whoa. Wait a minute. Melanie stop. If I had not been so uptight then you wouldn't have been so ready to go to him. I made you keep part of who you are hidden. That's not love. That's being controlling." He kisses the back of her hand. "Okay?" He notices her bruises and begins to inspect her. "What the hell happened to you?" His eyes quickly dart over to Kaden. "You. You bastard." He beings to try and sit up.
Kaden quickly puts his hands up "I didn't mean it!" Jareth gently places an a hand on his arm "Woah... Don't go getting up just yet..." Once he gets him down, he moves to look at me "What did happen... Those look painful..." He glances at Kaden. Kaden pales slightly "It wasn't my fault... I thought she left... So I was drinking... But she came back..." He sighs "And she pushed me..."
“Baby, is this….what you want? To have him….hurt you?”
“I wanted to see what he was like..when he was..that way. I pushed him. Don’t be angry with him. He only gave me what I asked for.” Mason wanted to scream and threaten Kaden, but this seemed to make her happy. “As long as you’re happy. That’s all I want.” Melanie stands and hugs him only to have him groan. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“It’s ok. It just hurts….when I breathe.”
“Your ribs and your sternum. They’re going to look at your x-rays.” She looks over at Jareth. “Thank you for saving him and for being there. Really. Thank you.”
“I get along. Jareth is good for me Melanie. I love him. Melanie worries because she still cares Jareth. Why don’t you two kiss and make up," he teases.
Kaden looks at them "I never wanted to hurt her!" He glares at Mason slightly "I was drunk... You're proof stupid things happen..." He crosses his arms and looks to the side. Jareth sighs and smiles at Mel "Stubborn... To a tee... Aren't they..." He chuckles and smiles at Mel.
“Yes,” she smiles. “They are.”
“I am nothing like him,” Mason snipes.
“Oh stop it,” she tells him with a laugh.
“Well. Now that happy hour is over, I think I’ll get to telling my patient here, how he’s doing.” Nicholas had entered the room standing by the door listening to them. “Let me see if I’ve got this right. You’re my sake drinking patient,” he nods to Mason. “You’re the woman he loved,” he gestures towards Mel as his eyes sweep over her. “You’re the guy he’d like to beat up for taking her away,” he says spinning around on his heels pointing to Kaden, “And you’re the lover who he’s now fallen for,” he turns back to Jareth. “I’m a pretty good judge of character and people. Am I right?”
“Yes you are. Impressive. I’m Melanie, his wife. That’s Kaden, my soon to be husband. You already know Jareth and Mason.”
“Mason. My boy. You’re spending the night with me. I want to keep an eye on you overnight. Lover, you can stay with him. Of course.” He eyes his badge. “You won’t be needing this anymore,” he tells him as his hand touches Jareth’s chest for just moment before he takes it off his shirt. “Here’s the deal, In simple terms boys and girls. You’ve got a nasty bump on your head, bruised sternum, and two broken ribs. We’re going to set you up with some pain meds, watch your vitals, and send you out of here with our complimentary breakfast. Sound good?”
“Yes. Thank you so much Dr. Hayden.”
“Nicholas. Dr. Hayden sounds too formal. I hate that. Okay. Well then. I’m going to make sure they bring in another pillow for your lover here. I’m sure he’ll want to sleep in bed next to you. That’s fine. Just take it easy.” He lifts a gift bag and hands it to Mason. “I want to see you carrying that out of here. I’ll check in on you later. Lady and gentlemen,” he nods to them all before heading out. A nurse enters as he’s leaving with his medicine. Mason lifts the contents of the bag out. “A bag of chocolate,” he laughs before groaning. “I don’t get it,” Mel tells him. “What’s so funny about chocolate?” The nurse grins. “Nicholas is a special man.”
“Oh I can tell that.”
“No Sir,” she looks at Mason as she gives him his medicine. “You don’t understand.”
Jareth smiles and thanks the doctor, letting him take his badge back and even blushing slightly at the doctor's title for him, he nods again for wanting to stay the night. "As long as he doesn't run off again..." Kaden shifts slightly in his chair and watches out the window, letting the others worry about Mason for now. Jareth looks at the bag Nicholas gave him and blushes a bit darker after finding out what's inside "He... He didn't..." He covers his mouth and chuckles slightly, he glances at Mel "It's... A private joke..." He smiles and looks to Mason, then the nurse "What do you mean?"
"If you're gonna say he likes men, it's okay," Melanie giggles. "No. Well," the nurse lowers her head laughing. "We don't know if he does. I don't even know if he knows. Nicholas has never been with a man or a woman for that matter."
"What," Mason asks. "Yeah. In high school, Nicholas was....awkward. A nerd. So the girls didn't talk to him. The guys made fun of him. He went off to college, and poured himself into his studies. No dating. Even though his looks changed, and people started noticing him, he kept to his work. When he finished college, he worked here as a doctor. He heard the hospital was going to be sold and closed. His family has money. So Nicholas has a sizable bank account. He bought this place, and it's been open ever since. We've become one of the best hospitals in the country. He says he doesn't have time for dating. So he's know."
"Oh wow," Melanie whispers.
"I know! A man that handsome who is a virgin. Hard to believe. Well let me know if you need anything Mason. Just press the button." She nods to them all and leaves.
Jareth was a little shocked, after the way he had acted with them in the ambulance, then in the room not too long ago, he touches the spot on his chest lightly, he could have sworn he rubbed him just slightly. He looks to Mason and smiles "Well... He helped me keep my loved one... I hope he finds his someday..." He takes Mason's hand again, then sets the chocolates on the ground "Those... My sweet... Won't be used for quite a little while..." He smiles and leans in, kissing his cheek "Does it still hurt to breathe?"

Kaden stood up and moves to the door "I'm... Gonna get some coffee... Anyone want?" He needed some air.
“A little,” he says, eyeing him. “You keep those kisses….coming, and I’ll get better….faster.” Melanie grins. “No thank you M’Lord. I don’t want any,” she answers when he asks about the coffee. Mason shakes his head. Once he leaves the room, she turns to Jareth. “I’m glad you two have each other. I can see how much you love him Jareth. I’m sorry I ever thought you were anything but good for him. I hope you’ll accept my apology. I know you’re a good man.”

Nicholas was in the hall with the daughter of one of his patients. She was a cute little girl. He was at the window with her showing her the stars and telling her about the constellations. “You see that right there?”
“That’s Orion. Those three stars there are his belt.”
“Why does he have a belt?”
“To hold his pants up silly,” he tells her tickling her. She giggles wildly. He looks over as the door closed to see Kaden, and her father had stepped out of his wife’s room. He calls her over, and she runs towards him waving to the doctor. He nods, waving to her. “Good evening new guy. Kaden right?”
Jareth smiles and kisses him again, also denying the offer for coffee, he could tell Kaden wanted to be alone for a bit. He looks at Mel and frowns "Yeah... I'm sorry about what I said back there... I was scared and worried... I'd never keep you from him... I want us all to get along some day... Though I know that will be hard for Mason and Kaden... And I accept your apology... I know you just didn't want to see him hurt again..." Jareth takes his hand and laces their fingers.

Kaden looks up as he hears the doctor and watches him with the little girl, smiling slightly as he tickles her and she laughs. Would he be that good with his own child... The doctor calling him snapped him out of it and he looks up again "Yeah... And you Nicholas... Right..."
Melanie holds Mason’s other hand. He looks back and forth from Jareth to her. “This is more like it. We can all get along.” She clears her throat. “Yes. We can all get along. Mason you have to try and talk to Kaden again at some point.” He groans. “Why?”
“Because you want him, and Jareth and I both want to see you happy and enjoying everything you want.”
“Well how about a three way with you and him?” She looks over to Jareth, her cheeks burning bright. “Did he really just ask that?”

“The one and only. Although, there is another Nicholas that works on the fifth floor, but he’s not as good as me,” he teases. “Kinda hard isn’t it? Being in the same room with your lover and her former lover and his new lover. You’re the odd man, the third wheel. So tell me what you did to make you feel so bad about this whole situation, but I have one request,” he says holding up one finger. “You tell me over some coffee. Come on. I’m buying.”
Jareth just blushes slightly and smiles at Mel "Yeah... He's not really scared to say what he wants anymore..." He chuckles and leans closer, whispering to Mason "I think a threesome with someone else... Is more what you want lover..." He kisses his cheek.

Kaden rubs the back of his neck and sighs "Yeah... I'm glad he's ok, don't get me wrong... But after what I did..." He looks at the doctor and nods "Alright Doc... Lead the way..." He smiles a bit.
“Okay,” he says after Jareth kisses his cheek. “You two have to listen to me. Me and Kaden is not going to happen. Okay? Let that one go,” he shakes his head. “Why? Because you had a rough start tonight?”
“Rough start,” he asks her with a hint of a smile on his lips. “Not gonna happen Melanie.” Looking to Jareth he adds, “No. It’s not what I want.” Of course he was lying.

Nicholas leads him to the cafeteria and buys two cups of coffee. “The view of the mountains is great from here. After what you did? What did you do?”
Kaden takes his coffee and thanks him, then goes to sit down, away from most of the people. "Well... I took Melanie... Stole her one night..." He looks out the window "She was with me for a few months..." He smiles slightly "I wanted her... But I never expected to love her..." He sips his coffee and looks down "But I also hurt Mason... And trying to atone for that... Has been difficult..."

Jareth smiles and kisses Mason "Baby boy... You can lie to me... Remember..." He taps his nose and sits back again.
“I agree with Jareth. You can’t lie Mason. We both know you still want it. You just have to overcome what happened to night.” He looks between the two of them. “You two are something else. My wife and my lover are both trying to get me laid,” he laughs before grabbing his chest in agony. “Don’t laugh you idiot,” she teases him. “What are we gonna do with this one? Maybe we could feed him some chocolate,” she asks hoping they’ll let her in on the joke.

“Ah. You took her. Well,” he says sipping his coffee. “Looks like it’s working out. Atoning can be hard. Don’t lose sight of what is important. You took her and fell in love. That love is what’s important. Any other mistakes you’ve made, can be fixed. If she can forgive you for what you did, then everything should be easy to take care of. I’ve got some cream in my office she can have for those bruises.”
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