Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

“No you don’t,” Mason tells him entering and pulling the towel. “Tonight this is my job.” Gently he begins to rub the towel at his neck. Nudging him to raise his arms, he dries down his arms and sides. Mason doesn’t miss a single inch of his skin with the towel. His eyes carefully watching as the moisture disappears where the towel trails. Down his waist, carefully cradling his cock, and on down his legs to his feet. Looking up at him, he smiles. “Now turn around.” Mason would repeat the process once he did ending at his shoulders. “Now you’re ready to eat. Come on.” He takes his hand and leads him into the room. The candles softly lit the room casting a warm glow. The smell of Japanese cherry blossoms wafts in through the open window. A vase filled with wildflowers now sits in the room as well. He’s spread flower petals around as well, creating a path to the food. “My prince should only walk on the softest, sweetest smelling petals I could find. “ He kisses his hand and leads him to the food. “Dinner and a surprise for dessert as well,” he smiles.
Jareth was suprised at the length he was going to, he even had a slight blush as he was dried off, he smiles as he's led into the room, the soft scent of the flowers was only over powered by the food. He gently pulls him closer before they sit down and kisses him "Now who's to good for who... This looks wonderful..." He then sits where told and waits, he would defiantly have to repay his boy later, and he knew just how to do it. He watches him "So... Have you ever eaten sushi before... You never said before you left..."

A few hours later, Kaden slowly comes to and groans softly, holding his head "Fucking booze..." He says softly, they opens his eyes, thankful that the room is dark, he looks around then tries to move. "What..." He looks at the person beside him "M-Mel..." He was a little stumped, didn't she leave to go after Mason? He stares at her and he could feel where certain parts of him still were, 'What... Happened...' He couldn't remember anything.
“No,” he tells him. “I’ve actually never been a fan of anything Japanese. I think that will be changing soon. “ Mason uses his fingers to pick up the first bite of sushi he would be feeding Mason. “Open up. You first. Then I’ll give it a try.” He holds the food to his lips and watches him closely.

It was his movement she felt first, and as he spoke, Melanie began to stir. “M’Lord,” she whispers. “My man.” Her soft whispers turn to groans as she feels him still. Gasping, she reaches for her sore breasts.
Jareth smiles "As long as you're not allergic to fish..." He opens his mouth and takes the food, making sure to lick his fingers before pulling back and eating it. "You're really sweet for doing this... And my first lover to so as well..." He reaches out and picks up a piece before he can and holds it up to him "Open..."

Kaden slowly pulls away from her and looks at her "What... Happened... I thought you left..." He looks at her "Are you ok?"
Mason has an almost evil grin on his face before taking the offered sushi, taking time to make sure Jareth’s fingers were cleaned. “I can’t believe no one has done this for you before. To me, it’s a show of affection when you take care of someone like this. Would you like another cup of sake?” Mason was trying to keep Jareth’s senses dulled. That way he didn’t have to fight so hard to keep up his walls.

She groans as he slides from her sore body. “I did….but I came back. Then we….fought. I….berated you….and you showed me….how dominate you can be.” She cupped her sore breasts that still felt as though he were grabbing them. Her nipples were tender and ached. “I’m fine. Go….start the shower. I’ll be in….in a minute.”
He growls softly and smiles, enjoying his attentions "Will you be having some too..." He leans forward to take another piece from his fingers. "As for no one doing this for me... It was usually me doing it... I enjoyed making them blush... But it seems you've turned those tables..." He chuckles softly, holding another piece out to him "So... How are you liking the sushi... It's very fresh..." Every now and then he could smell the sadness coming from Mason, he was trying very hard to hide something, Jareth ignored it for now and let him enjoy his fun.

"S-Shower... I can't stand for that... How about a bath... Just sit and relax... Maybe talk about this..." He slowly stands and heads to the bathroom, turning on the light and moving to fill the tub.
“Sure,” he replies eyeing the cup carefully. He remembered he had already had two, and the effects were starting to muddle his thoughts. “Well. Things have certainly….changed. I will….spoil you….my love.” Mason sips from the cup, tasting the sake, feeling it run down his throat. “It is….fresh. I never….eat much fish….before this. Melanie isn’t really….a fan of it. She called me….tonight.” He blushes. “She still….cares,….but you know what? She’s where….she needs to be.” He lifts more sushi to Jareth’s lips. “Come on lover. Time to eat.”

“Fine. A bath..would be good.” She turns her head watching him leave. Only when he’s out of the room does she attempt to move. The soreness in her muscles makes it difficult for her to move. She slides from the bed, wincing as she does. Last night had been more than she bargained for, and yet the memories of it were still very arousing to her. She enters the bathroom watching him, leaning against the wall.
Jareth listens to him and starts to really watch him, he takes the offered food and smiles just the same "A toast then... To new found happiness..." He smiles and feeds him again, then fills their glasses and taps them before downing his like a shot. He didn't want to find out this way, but Mason was hurting and not telling him why, at least this way he wasn't digging in his mind for answers. 'I'm going to help you...' After his next bite he leans close as kisses him, refilling their cups.

Kaden hears her coming just as the tub finishes and he turns to her as he stands, intent on geting the soap and wash clothes, until he got a look at her in the light. "What... What the hell happened to you!" Forgetting his own pain, he rushes over to her and starts to look her over, she was covered in bruises.
Mason’s head began to swirl. He knew he was having too much to drink, but at that point, he figured, ‘why stop now? It’s too late.’. So he kept drinking down the liquid that once burned his throat. Now it was more of a soothing substance that was masking his pain. “New found….happiness.” The kiss catches him by surprise. He watched as Jareth pours them both another round. “Another drink….for the happy….couple. I am happy. You make me happy. You won’t….leave me. You won’t….cheat on me, and I’m….man enough for you. I won’t….be a pussy….and not fuck you.”

“You..happened to me. Last night. Don’t you..remember? I found you our bedroom, and I..berated you. I asked you wanted to do me..right then. I told you to..dominate me. I prodded you to do it. I asked if you..had lost your balls. You ripped my of me. Then we fucked. It wasn’ any time before. You said things..about we did it. You hands..over my head.” She shows him her wrists. The bluish, purple bruises outlining his hold on her. You rough. I kept..pushing you. You kept saying things. We couldn’t..stop. You over..and said..I was your bitch tonight. You ass,” she tells him turning around revealing his handprint. “I felt you..lift me up..and your hands were breasts.” Her back came to rest on the wall once more. “I was the first to cum. You did right after. Then we..passed out. Kaden I’m sorry..I pushed you, least I got to see.. what you’re really like. You didn’t hold all. You are..a dominate.” She stood trembling looking at him waiting for his reply.
Jareth watches as Mason has more to drink and becomes more emotional and talkative, he feeds him another piece of sushi and tilts his head, acting like he didn't know. "What are you talking about... I never called you a pussy..." He shifts the food to the side and gently pulls Mason to lay down, resting his head in his lap, he softly runs his fingers through his hair "I enjoy making you happy... And I want to be that happy couple with you... But you aren't happy right now..." He leans down an kisses his forhead "Let me help make you happy again... Tell me what's wrong... Please..."

Kaden takes a step back from her and looks her over as she tells a story he has no memory of, he shakes his head slightly. "No... I... I was drunk... I wouldn't have... H-Hurt you like that..." He steps back again "Yes... I'm a dominant... But I have... Had... Control..." He hugs himself slightly "That was me at my worst... When I wasn't thinking clearly... Why... Why would you push me to do this... To hurt you..."
“I am happy….with you. I love you.” He looks up at him, his eyes glossy from the sake. “More than you know. I want….to be with you. I wasn’t….ready….tonight. I can’t do it,” he shakes his head. “I can’t….try again….with him. He’s got….her….but I’m not….man enough….for him. Why do you….love me? I’m not….man enough….for him. I’m not….man enough….for you. You’ll….see it….in time. He did. She did. You will too,” he closes his eyes tightly. “No. I won’t….wait for that….to happen. I’m gonna….go….now,” he told him as he tried to sit up. “I can drive.”

“Because we were both..hurt..and angry. I wanted to see..the dominant who was..too good..for someone I still care about. I was hurt him. I wanted to see you, Kaden. I wanted to far you would go. You showed me.” She wanted to reach and hold him, but she could see how much he was struggling with this. “I’m not angry with you..for last night. You gave me..what I asked for. I you M’Lord.”
Jareth holds him, not letting him get up "None of that is true love... You didn't lose Mel because you weren't man enough... It was because Kaden made a mistake..." He helps Mason up and makes him straddle his lap, he cups his cheeks and smiles at him "As for you with Kaden... You just weren't ready..." He kisses him softly "Kaden is different from me... I know how to treat a submissive so well... Because I've been one before... Kaden... Kaden never has... Even when I was with him, he let me fuck him yes... But on his terms..." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath "I... I should have stopped you... But you were being so forceful... I thought... I thought wrong in the end... And look what it's done to you... My beautiful lover..." He kisses him again "I mean look at this room... Look what you did for us... You're plenty man enough for me... How can I make you see that.." He smiles slightly "Because I was really looking forward to that dessert you have hidden away..." He kisses his nose "I smell chocolate... And fruit... And whip cream..." He chuckles "What naughty things did you have planned for me... My love..." He wanted him to open up, but he also wanted him to feel better.

Kaden looks at her "That part of me... Was not meant for someone like you... Someone not able to handle it... So whether you asked for it or not... I'm sorry..." He moves closer to her again and cups her cheek, "Now let's get you in the tub... Take care of those wounds..." He smiles and helps her to the tub.
Mason faces him, actually starting to rest his face in his hands. “I was gonna….eat it off….your body. Do you….wanna….do that,” he grins. “I could eat….anything….off your body.” He could feel his min swirling. The ablility to hide his feelings was slipping. “I don’t get it. Why do you….love me? I know why….I love you, but you? You could have….any man you want. Why me? What did I do? Losing my wife….turn you on? Letting your former lover….kick me around….show me how much….of a spineless….jellyfish I am….get you hard? Face it Jareth. I’m….a loser. The only thing I managed….to hang on to….is my house….and my car. My car? Where’s my car? Do you have….my keys?”

“No. No bath,” she pulls away from him. Not yet. Someone like….me? What do you mean by that?”
Jareth watches him and tilts his head slightly "I could have any man I wanted... Or woman... I'd just have to use my 'gift'... They'd be my little love slaves... Is that what you think I want... What you think I should have..." He shakes his head "Apart from Kaden, everyone I've been with has been under some kind of control from me... Sure I've had people want to be with me with out my powers... But all they wanted was my looks..." He leans closer and kisses Mason, quite deeply and pulls away slowly. "But you... I haven't touched you with my gifts in the slightest..." His eyes water slightly as he looks around the room "And you did this... All this... Just to make me happy... Becasue you wanted to... You... Not some magic... And... And you still think you're not good enough for me..." His tears fall slowly but he ignores them, staring at Mason and wishing him to understand how special he is.

Kaden hugs himself again and steps back "I'm not saying you're weak... But you're female, you have a few more tender areas... Then... Well..." He rubs the back of his neck and looks away, a slight blush. The last time I was told I acted like that... I woke up next to Jareth..."
Mason shakes his head. “No. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. I can’t….stand to see you….cry. You’re too….perfect to cry. You’re too handsome….to cry. I’m sorry.” He leans in kissing his tears away. “No more….crying. You hear me. You stop it….right now. Powers or not powers….I love you. I don’t care….what you look like. It’s not your….body I love. It’s the way….you touch me. It’s how….you make me feel. Warm, loved, safe, taken care of, desired, I could keep going, but….the main reason I love you….is because you want me. Failures….and all….you want me. Out of everybody….out there….you want me. That means something, and….if it takes the rest of my life….to prove it to you….then so be it. It’s time….well spent. It’s time….I want to spend….doing something I want….to do.”

“Jareth? You acted like this….with Jareth? Did he….push you too?”
Jareth smiles and chuckles a bit as Mason kisses away his tears, he cups his cheek "That's what I've been saying about you my love..." He kisses him again and again then grins and pulls back "I think I'm ready for that dessert now..." His voice got low with a touch of a growl "You aren't the only one who wants to lick something.

"Sort of... As you know Jareth is a dominant... And so am I... He wanted to be with me... I was a little drunk... And we fought... But... Not like how you'd think..." His blush got darker.
“I’m ready….too. I am yours….to command. I want….to please you.” Mason leaned his face against his. “My entire….life. I’ve got….my entire life….to do it. It started….last night. What would you have me do….Sir?”

She tilts her head looking at him, having noticed his blush. “Alright Kaden. You are going to tell me….exactly what happened….with you and Jareth. Right now.”
Jareth smiles and kisses him "I want you to do what you had planned... You wanted to take care of me... Then do so... Then it's my turn..." He growls slightly and kisses him again, roughly, before pulling back to let him move.

Kaden looks at her "What!? Why..." He steps back and takes a seat on the toilet lid. "Why do you want to know... You know it didn't really mean anything..." He wasn't sure about telling her.
Mason is slow to move, but he slinks away from Jareth. "Alright. Make yourself comfortable." He reaches for the tray he had hidden away and pulls it into the light. It didn't amaze him that Jareth had smelled it. It was a detail he overlooked, but he did find it sweet he didn't say anything until later on. "I've always like chocolate and making peaks with whip cream. I like to bite the tips off the whip cream and work my way down to the treat below. Tonight you're my treat," he tells him.

"If it didn't mean anything, then you won't mind telling me. I already know you were with him. How much worse could it be? Are you afraid I'll get angry and leave?"
Jareth moves to lay down and watches him, he smiles "Sounds wonderful..." He growls softly "I can't wait until my turn..." He smirks at Mason with a hungry grin.

Kaden shifts on the seat and looks down, then rubs the back of his neck "Well... We 'fought' on and off for two days... Then... We tried something different... He tied me up..." He glances at her "That's what his crack about showing Mason the ropes meant..." He leans back "He made me submit..." He got back up and starts to drain the tub and refill it.
Mason begins to work. Almost like an artist, the whip cream his paints and Jareth's body his canvas, he starts high on his chest, and works his way down. He covers his member, and a soft smile plays on his lips. He drizzles the chocolate sauce before reaching for a strawberry. Tracing a path down the whip cream, he then offers it to Jareth. "A sweet for my sweet."

“Do you think,” she begins, “because you submitted to him you’re….weak? M’Lord submitting to someone else doesn’t make you weak. It makes you strong. Anyone can handle being in control, but when you care about enough to give up….everything to them, that’s real strength. You’re telling them I trust you, I love you enough, to give you all the control. I belong to you.” She steps closer to him, reaching for his face. “M’Lord. I trust you, I love you enough to submit to you. Did you get carried away last night? Yes. Did I provoke you? Yes. Did I deserve what I got? Yes. Would I do it again?” She smiled. “Yes. Now do you think I’m weak?”
He takes the fruit and smiles, sucking on his finger lightly before he pulls it away, he shifts slightly and looks down his body "Well... I'm in for a treat..." He lays his head back on the pillow and relaxes, letting him continue.

Kaden shifts away slightly but allows her to touch him "Did I enjoy what happened that night... Yes... Did willingly give up my control... No... I said he tied me up... I didn't have a choice... It's why nothing more happened between us after that... I forgave him... It was heat of the moment event... But I still..." He looks at her "I know you aren't weak baby... Far from it..." He kisses her "But how would you feel waking up to find your love covered in bruises... Only to find out you were the cause... It hurts..."
Leaning down, his eyes looking up towards Jareth’s face, he begins his path. His tongue licking, lapping up the sweetness only to touch his skin on his chest. Mason follows the trail he traced with the strawberry over to his nipple. His tongue presses to the hard bud before sucking it. Catching it between his teeth, he looks up to see his reaction as he lets it slide from his teeth. “We’re only just getting started.”

“M’Lord I….I had no idea. I’m so sorry. Jareth is….a monster for doing that to you, but’re Last night I was willing. I know it hurts you to see me like this, but M’lord I enjoyed it. In fact, you have to tell me we can do it again. I don’t want you holding back with me. Do I have to tease you about not being man enough again to get you to do this with me,” she teased. “Please M’Lord, understand that you don’t have to hurt over seeing me like this. You don’t have to hurt at all. I love you and accept you, all of you, even the dominating, pain in the ass side of you that I think can be heartless at times. I love you.”
Jareth grins and moans softly as Mason starts on him "Nnn..." He moans a bit louder at his love bite and smirks "Mmm... I can't wait lover..." He shifts one hand above his head and grips the pillow lightly.

"No no... Jareth isn't a monster.. And I don't think of myself as a monster..." He hugs her closer "It just wasn't a right match... Please don't be angry with him... It was long ago... And I can't promise we'll do that that again... Not for a while anyway... And not when I've had half a bottle of booze..." He smiles.
Mason continues to work his way down his lover’s body tasting the sweetness and watching his reactions. At his navel, he delves his tongue in, before moving lower. Taking his time, he licks the whip cream as if it were ice cream, slowly peeling away the white cover over what he truly wanted. Once he was nearly finished, he took Jareth’s member slowly into his mouth, not stopping until he had completely lodged him in his windpipe. It was then he looked up, watching him, as he swallowed, tightening his throat, around him.

“It wasn’t a right match? M’Lord, how do we know Mason is a right match for him? What if he gets him alone, and Mason decides to change his mind? Would Jareth push himself on him too?” She breaks his embrace and caresses his face. “As for what happens between you and I, I only want you. I want you being who you are. If that’s soft and gentle,” she leans forward kissing his lips lightly, “then okay, but if you want to be rough,” she kisses him roughly as he hand snakes into his hair tugging lightly, “then I’m okay with that as well. I just want you happy M’Lord”
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