Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth was moaning softly and taking deep breaths to help keep himself as calm as possible, he was watching Mason with a smile on his face. "Mmm... What... F-Fuck..." He grips the pillow and arches his back slightly "D-Damn baby... More!" He relaxes enough to look down at him and grins, a growl starting.

"Melanie... Jareth would never hurt him... Of that I can be sure... The way he was when you made Mason run..." He cups her cheek "I'm almost positive he loves him..." He kisses her back "I love you too... And I guess we can rough every once in a while... After you heal..."
Mason was feeding off his reactions as much as he was the whip cream. Watching Jareth arch his back, made his own cock begin to swell, and when his sexy voice asked for more, he was more than happy to give in. He began to fuck his own mouth, pushing him deep in his throat with every thrust. Mason had to time when he could take a deep breath he was shoving Jareth’s cock so far down his throat. His gag reflex seemed nonexistent. He gripped his thighs pushing them apart, digging his fingernails in slightly.

“Alright. I accept your answer, and I’m okay with waiting until I heal. Besides, I don’t think I could take you like that again right now,” she smirks. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to sit while you fill the bath again.” She didn’t mention Mason and Jareth on purpose. Though Kaden had said he wouldn’t hurt him, she was still worried, and she didn’t want Kaden to know.
Jareth had his head presses back into the pillow and his claws were digging into the futon, his legs were bent up on either side of Mason. He moans and growls louder the faster and harder he moves, it seemed Mason had gotten over his gagging problem. "G-God..." He arches his back again as Mason grips his thighs and growls, he was panting heavily "C-Can't... Last... Nnn FUCK!" He bucks his hips up as he hits his peak, filling his throat for a second time.

Kaden nods and moves to continue filling the tub, he glances at her "Would.. You like a pain killer?" He stands again when the tub is full.
Jareth’s cock speared into his throat, and Mason took it all. He wanted to. It was such an intimate experience, so sexually charged, he almost reached down to stroke his own member. The taste was something he never grew tired of. It was addicting to him. He continued to work him, slowly, gently, knowing how sensitive Jareth would be, until he finally pulled away from him completely. He was panting as well, and his body felt exhausted. Mason knew he had had one too many cups of sake, and he could feel it.

“No,” she said. A soft smile was on her face as her hands began to caress her body, gliding over her bruises. “Don’t you dare deny me this sweet pain.”
Jareth was panting heavily and slowly sank back against the futon, his eyes shut and and a large smile on his face. "You... You are... Amazing..." He chuckles through his panting "C-Come... Here..." Twice in one night, Jareth felt drained and tired, but beyond happy, he holds his arm up for him to come close, even it was shaking. Once close enough he weakly pulls him closer and kisses him as deeply as he could, gripping his hair and holding him close. "I'm sorry... I can't return... They favour yet" he whispers against his lips, he smirks and kisses him again "You're just too good at that..."

Kaden looks at Mel and tilts his head "Sweet... Pain..." He walks over to her and helps her up, kissing her softly, "I love you..." He helps them into the tub and sighs softy as the water helps to calm his muscles.
There was a smile on his face as he rested next to Jareth. “You….you sleep. I can wait. I’m a….patient man.” Though he was a bit more than a little drunk, Mason wasn’t tired. He could feel how exhausted Jareth was. “Do you want..another pillow..for you head? I can the desk and get one.”

Everything about Kaden right now was the man she had fallen in love. As he touched her, spoke to her, kissed her, she knew there was this whole other side to him though just beneath the surface. Sitting in the relaxing water, she traced some of her bruises on her wrist. “Yes. Sweet. Pain. M’Lord you have introduced me to so much. Did you not think I would enjoy it?”
Jareth smiles and pulls him closer, relaxing "I'm fine... Besides... You need to sleep off a little of the sake..." He leans over and kisses him again "We'll finish dessert later..." He rubs his cheek then yawns "Mmm... You did wear me out... Now sleep..." He shifts and curls up closer, one arm draped over his as he slowly fell asleep.

Kaden smiles and pulls her close "I don't know... Pain wasn't really my thing... So how would I know you liked it..." He gets the soap and cloth and starts to wash her slowly "Then after meeting you... A lot of my tastes changed... Along with some of my wants..." He rubs his hand over her belly..." He kisses her neck "I just hope... That Mason can forgive me... I know it's a lot to ask of him... But I'd like us to remain friends..."
Mason leans in close watching him sleep. “Sleep,” he whispers. “I don’t wanna….sleep. My mind is so….awake, and I can’t stop thinking….about how much I love….you. That’s crazy. Right?” He looks up at Jareth’s closed eyes. “Jareth? Sir? You in there?”

“My tastes have certainly changed,” she smirks. “You’ve opened me up to so much, and I can never thank you enough for that.” Melanie winces as he washes her even though he’s being careful. “Well M’Lord, you are asking him to forgive you for a lot of things. You took his wife, and then you made her fall in love with you. Now we’re planning on having a baby.” Her hand rests on top of his on her belly. “Then there’s what happened tonight. I know Mason can be a forgiving man, but every person has their limits. If this is too much, please understand that.”
Jareth breathes deeply and doesn't move, sleeping soundly.

Kaden nods and holds her close as gently as he can "I know... I did a lot of things I never wanted to do... But... I know he'll be happy with Jareth... He's a good man..." He kisses her again "You'll see... If he never forgives me... He'll still be happy..."
Mason grins at him. “Sleep lover. I can’t sleep. Maybe if I….went for a drive,” he tells him. Struggling to his feet, Mason heads grabs his clothes, pulling them on. “Yeah. A nice drive in the….mountains should help. Maybe I’ll sleep….under the stars.” He makes sure he has his phone before looking through Jareth’s pants for his car keys. “Shhhhh. Jareth is sleeping,” he teases himself. “Good night lover. I’ll be….back.” He closes the door softly and heads for his car. “I don’t remember….parking this close. Jareth did….a good job.” He climbs in and heads out. Once on the road, he begins to swerve. “Damn. This road is….curvy.” The tress, the road, all seem to blur. He reaches up rubbing his eyes, and when he lowers his hand, he sees the turn. Making the turn far too fast, he runs the car off the road and slams into a tree. His head smashes into the steering wheel and steam pours from the hood. Mason wipes away the blood. “Oh shit. I’m….bleeding, and I haven’t even paid the car off yet.” He reaches for his cell phone and dials Jareth’s phone. “Baby I hurt the car. Call the insurance money people. I need a Band-Aid for the….damn steering wheel. Oh shit. There’s a deer out here!”.” Hanging up, he’s frustrated. He quickly diasl Melanie. “Melanie! Baby I hit the hurt car and now there’s no money on the blood. Shit.” He leans his head back on the seat watching the deer slightly lit up by the headlights as he hangs up the phone.

“Yeah. He’ll be happy. That’s the main thing. I just want him happy. I did enough damage to him already.” She leans against him happy and content. When her phone rings in the next room, she turns her head towards it. “Who would be calling me this late….Mason. Oh M’Lord I’m sure it’s him.” She wanted to go an answer it, but she didn’t want to hurt his feelings either. “He’ll be fine. I’m sure of it. He’s with Jareth, and Jareth will take care of him.”
Jareth was slow to wake up, he heard his phone buzzing and tied to ignore it, shifting closer to Mason, his eyes shot open, Mason wasn't there. He sits up "Baby... Baby are you there..." He sniffed the air and his scent was still in the room, but fading, he'd left. "He... Couldn't be running again, not after tonight..." He quickly got up and reached for his pants, they had been moved, he finds them tossed to the side "What could he want in... Shit!" He grabs his pants and his phone falls out, flashing that he ha a missed call and a message, he opens the phone and listens to it, it was from Mason. His face went pale and he start to quickly get dressed, he tries to call Mason back as he's running from the inn.

Kaden holds her close and kisses her neck again "We're almost done... You can call him back..." He smiles "You still care about him, I know that's not good to change... And I wouldn't want it to..."
He watched the deer with smile slowly growing. ‘Beautiful. He’s not even….afraid.’ The deer lifted his head and looked right at Mason. He felt the cool breeze, and turned his head. The window had been shattered. ‘There use to be….a window there. His trembling hand reaches for the side of his head. ‘Blood. Oh shit. I got blood….on the car. Is it….on my shirt?’ His hands reach for his shirt, pulling it away from his body. His shirt has blood on it from various cuts on his hands and his chest. ‘Awwww. I liked….this shirt. I hope it comes out. Melanie can….she’s with him. Jareth might….Jareth?’ Looking up his eyes scan through the cracked windshield. “Jareth,” he calls just before his phone begins to rings. He lifts it up, but his vision is too blurred to see who it is. “Jareth,” he calls once more, but he hasn’t answered his phone. “Jareth. Jar…..” His body falls limp and he drops the phone. ‘Don’t….pass….out.’ The thought passes through his mind before darkness claims him.

“Yeah. I will always care about him. I was his first you know,” she grins. “It was so sweet. He was a virgin, and he loved me so much. I was the only person he had ever slept with before he met Jareth.” She cups her hand gathering water to pour over her body. “Thank you M’Lord for being so understanding. You really are a wonderful man.”
"Dammit!" He shoves his phone in his pocket and quickly changes into his wolf form, he howls and starts to run, nose to the ground. "Hang on baby... Please..." He finally catches his scent and races down the road, he was about to run around the bend when he saw the skid marks and broken guard rail. "Mason! Mason are you ok?!" He runs down the hill and quickly changes back as he reaches the car, he quickly rips the door off. "Mason? ... Mason... Baby..." He gently turns his head and checks him over, looking him over for serious injuries.

A short time later Kaden helps them out of the tub and into the bedroom, he hands her a nightgown and slips on some boxers. "You better check your phone... Before it's too late..." He smiles and moves to get into bed.
He can hear Jareth’s voice as his head is turned. ‘Jareth. I’m….here.’

She smirks at him sitting on the edge of the bed as she presses the button play her voice messages. Her smile slowly fades the more she hears from him. “Mason,” she screams, despite knowing he can’t hear her. “M’Lord! Something is wrong. I don’t….I don’t know what,” she says handing him the phone. “Listen to it. He said he broke the car! Call Jareth. Please.” She is on the verge of tears as her hand holds out the phone to him.
Jareth's eyes widen as he hears the soft voice in his head 'I'm here baby... Open you eyes... Can you look at me...' He gently rubs his cheek and listens close to see if there is internal bleeding.

Kaden looks at her as she screams, then takes the phone, he listens before handing it back and grabbing his own and calling Jareth "Come on... Pick up..."

Jareth was interrupted as his phone started ringing, he grabs it and answers it without checking "Hello? Kaden... N-No... He isn't ok... He was drunk... And took the car..." He looks back at Mason "We're at the hot spring inn... I'm gonna call for and ambulance... Yeah... He, doesn't smell too hurt... But he's unconscious... Yeah, bye.." Jareth hangs up and calls 911.

Kaden hangs up "Get dressed... Mason was in an accident... Jareth found him and is calling 911... We have to hurry..." He starts to get dressed.
‘Jareth.’ He repeats the name over and over. He’s holding on to him. ‘Don’t….leave me.’

She doesn’t speak. Melanie gets dressed quickly rushing to the door waiting for Kaden. Holding back her tears, she doesn’t want him to see her upset. ‘What if he doesn’t make it? I didn’t even tell him goodbye when he left.’ Opening the front door, she grabs the keys as she sees him coming. “Here. Drive. Hurry, but be careful.”
Jareth gives directions and stays on the phone, he holds Mason's hand and smiles at him the bed he can 'I'm not going anywhere... Come on... Open those eyes... Please baby...' He continues to speak to him softly in his mind 'Mel and Kaden are on their way... Mel is so worried... So am I...' He leans part and kisses his cheek, waiting for the paramedics to arrive.

Kaden looks at her as they get into the car, he starts it "He's important to you Mel... I can see your eyes watering..." He pulls out and heads out of town "You crying for a loved one won't hurt me..." Once on the highway towards the inn, he reaches over and holds her hand "Jareth said it didn't smell serious... That he was just knocked out from a hit to the head... And don't you worry... Jareth won't let him die... Ok..."
In his mind, he’s in a beautiful field. Green grass, colorful flowers, a blue sky. ‘It’s beautiful here. Think I’ll….stay a while.’

“Just drive. Please. He has to be alright. Jareth don’t you let him….why was he driving without Jareth? Did they fight? Jareth is you hurt him, I will never forgive you.”
'No! Come back to me baby... If... If you stay there... You'll leave me alone...' Jareth bites his lip and reaches up, touching his head and concentrates, soon appearing in Jareth's mind. He looks around and call out "Mason! Mason!" He starts running and calling his name, he soon finds him standing at a bridge. "Baby stop... Please... Come back to me... You... You cross that... There's no coming back..." Tears were running down his face.

"Don't jump to anything Mel... Please... Just relax and think about Mason..." He continues to drive, taking the exit for the mountain roads.
‘What are you….doing here?’ He smiles at him. ‘This really is….the most perfect place.’ Looking over his shoulder, he can see what’s beyond the bridge. ‘Amazing. Do you see it?’ He looks back at Jareth, and his smile widens. 'Beautiful....eyes.'

“I am thinking about Mason! I’m sorry! Oh M’Lord I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I’m just so worried.” She watches the scenery change as they get closer.
Jareth closes his eyes a moment then looks back at him "A-All I see... Is my love... About to walk away from me... Please Mason... Step off the bridge and come to me... Please... I don't want you to die before we get to live... Please..." He falls to his knees and holds out his hands.

Kaden quickly pulls to the side of the road as an ambulance comes up behind them, letting it pass, he then speeds up to follow it. "I know you're worried baby... I am too..."
‘Die? I’m not….gonna die. I see….I see you….over there too. How are you….in two places….at once? I see….Melanie….over there. It’s a beautiful….house. Don’t you….see any of it?’

“We’re close. We have to be.” She squeezes his hand tight. “Don’t lose that ambulance.” Looking over to him, she smiles. “You’re worried too?”
"All I see is blackness baby... That's the bridge of fate... It shows what you want.. To make you feel at peace... But you'll be alone... You won't see any of us again... Please!" He glances behind him, hearing the sirens, he didn't have much time, he made a fist and looks back at Mason "If... If you cross over... I'm going with you... Do you hear me... You'd let me die to stay with you... Would that make you happy..." He was reaching, but he had to hurry, if the paramedics pulled him away, he'd lose his connection and Mason just might cross over.

Kaden drives up and quickly parks behind the ambulance, he can see the car, and Jareth, holding Mason "Shit..." He jumps from the car and runs after the EMTs. "DON'T TOUCH THEM! Stop!" He slides down the hill and gets there just as they do and grabs their arm as they move to check the two. "Stop! You... You can't touch them... He's trying to save him... Please!" Kaden was frantic and looking at Jareth.
Melanie follows as closely as she can behind Kaden. She can hear Kaden talking as the scene comes into view. “Yes! Listen to him! He’s not crazy! Back away!” The looks on the faces of the paramedics was one of confusion, but they stepped back giving them their space. “Mason don’t you fucking do this!”

‘No….my love. I don’t want….you to die. They say….you’re not real. They say you’re….the wrong way to go. How do I know….which way to go?’ Starring into his eyes, his face lights up with his smile. He moves towards Jareth. ‘Beautiful eyes. That’s the direction to go.’ Stepping from the bridge, he grabs Jareth and embraces him. In the car, his eyes open, and he takes a deep breath. The first thing he sees is Jareth. “Beautiful….eyes. I broke….the car. I’m sorry.”
Jareth gasps as they are pulled back to the real world and looks at Mason, he laughs slightly and leans closer, kissing him "I could care less about the car... These men are going to help you now... I'll be close by ok..." He kisses him again before backing away, slowly letting his hand go. The EMTs move in quickly and start looking him over and extracting him from the car. Jareth watches on, tears in his eyes and his hands in fists. Kaden walks up to him "Jareth... Jareth... He'll be ok..." He glances at Mel then back to him "Why... Not tell us what happened..." Jareth looks angry a moment "Why... Does she think I did this... Just got him drunk and handed him the keys! That I just wanted to watch him die!" His expression changes to almost broken "He almost did... He... He was on the bridge... He was going to cross..." He slowly falls to his knees, the EMTs getting him on a backboard and start up the hill "I... I have to go with him..." He turns to Kaden quickly "You can follow, but if she for one moment tries to say I did this... You can both leave!" He growls and heads up the hill, holding his hand and getting in the ambulance before it drives off. Kaden turns to Mel "He's hurt... Don't listen to him..."
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